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web@Exodus:18:13 @ It happened on the next day, that Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood around Moses from the morning to the evening.

web@Exodus:18:14 @ When Moses' father-in-law saw all that he did to the people, he said, "What is this thing that you do for the people? Why do you sit alone, and all the people stand around you from morning to evening?"

web@Exodus:20:10 @ but the seventh day is a Sabbath to Yahweh your God. You shall not do any work in it, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates;

web@Exodus:20:11 @ for in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore Yahweh blessed the Sabbath day, and made it holy.

web@Exodus:21:2 @ "If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years and in the seventh he shall go out free without paying anything.

web@Exodus:22:30 @ You shall do likewise with your cattle and with your sheep. Seven days it shall be with its mother, then on the eighth day you shall give it to me.

web@Exodus:23:11 @ but the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, that the poor of your people may eat; and what they leave the animal of the field shall eat. In the same way, you shall deal with your vineyard and with your olive grove.

web@Exodus:23:12 @ "Six days you shall do your work, and on the seventh day you shall rest, that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and the son of your handmaid, and the alien may be refreshed.

web@Exodus:23:15 @ You shall observe the feast of unleavened bread. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the time appointed in the month Abib (for in it you came out from Egypt), and no one shall appear before me empty.

web@Exodus:23:31 @ I will set your border from the Red Sea {or, Sea of Reeds} even to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you shall drive them out before you.

web@Exodus:24:1 @ He said to Moses, "Come up to Yahweh, you, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel; and worship from a distance.

web@Exodus:24:9 @ Then Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel went up.

web@Exodus:24:16 @ The glory of Yahweh settled on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. The seventh day he called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.

web@Exodus:25:9 @ According to all that I show you, the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all of its furniture, even so you shall make it.

web@Exodus:25:31 @ "You shall make a lampstand of pure gold. Of hammered work shall the lampstand be made, even its base, its shaft, its cups, its buds, and its flowers, shall be of one piece with it.

web@Exodus:25:37 @ You shall make its lamps seven, and they shall light its lamps to give light to the space in front of it.

web@Exodus:26:7 @ "You shall make curtains of goats' hair for a covering over the tabernacle. You shall make them eleven curtains.

web@Exodus:26:8 @ The length of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of each curtain four cubits: the eleven curtains shall have one measure.

web@Exodus:27:21 @ In the Tent of Meeting, outside the veil which is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall keep it in order from evening to morning before Yahweh: it shall be a statute forever throughout their generations on the behalf of the children of Israel.

web@Exodus:28:1 @ "Bring Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, near to you from among the children of Israel, that he may minister to me in the priest's office, even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons.

web@Exodus:28:42 @ You shall make them linen breeches to cover the flesh of their nakedness; from the waist even to the thighs they shall reach:

web@Exodus:29:27 @ You shall sanctify the breast of the wave offering, and the thigh of the wave offering, which is waved, and which is heaved up, of the ram of consecration, even of that which is for Aaron, and of that which is for his sons:

web@Exodus:29:28 @ and it shall be for Aaron and his sons as their portion forever from the children of Israel; for it is a wave offering: and it shall be a wave offering from the children of Israel of the sacrifices of their peace offerings, even their wave offering to Yahweh.

web@Exodus:29:30 @ Seven days shall the son who is priest in his place put them on, when he comes into the Tent of Meeting to minister in the holy place.

web@Exodus:29:35 @ "You shall do so to Aaron, and to his sons, according to all that I have commanded you. You shall consecrate them seven days.

web@Exodus:29:37 @ Seven days you shall make atonement for the altar, and sanctify it: and the altar shall be most holy; whatever touches the altar shall be holy.

web@Exodus:29:39 @ The one lamb you shall offer in the morning; and the other lamb you shall offer at evening:

web@Exodus:29:41 @ The other lamb you shall offer at evening, and shall do to it according to the meal offering of the morning, and according to its drink offering, for a pleasant aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

web@Exodus:30:8 @ When Aaron lights the lamps at evening, he shall burn it, a perpetual incense before Yahweh throughout your generations.

web@Exodus:30:21 @ So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they not die: and it shall be a statute forever to them, even to him and to his descendants throughout their generations."

web@Exodus:30:23 @ "Also take fine spices: of liquid myrrh, five hundred shekels; and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, even two hundred and fifty; and of fragrant cane, two hundred and fifty;

web@Exodus:31:15 @ Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to Yahweh. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall surely be put to death.

web@Exodus:31:17 @ It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.'"

web@Exodus:34:18 @ "You shall keep the feast of unleavened bread. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the time appointed in the month Abib; for in the month Abib you came out from Egypt.

web@Exodus:34:21 @ "Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest: in plowing time and in harvest you shall rest.

web@Exodus:35:2 @ 'Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be a holy day for you, a Sabbath of solemn rest to Yahweh: whoever does any work in it shall be put to death.

web@Exodus:35:22 @ They came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought brooches, earrings, signet rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man who offered an offering of gold to Yahweh.

web@Exodus:35:35 @ He has filled them with wisdom of heart, to work all kinds of workmanship, of the engraver, of the skillful workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of those who do any workmanship, and of those who make skillful works.

web@Exodus:36:2 @ Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab, and every wise-hearted man, in whose heart Yahweh had put wisdom, even everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to the work to do it:

web@Exodus:36:14 @ He made curtains of goats' hair for a covering over the tabernacle. He made them eleven curtains.

web@Exodus:36:15 @ The length of each curtain was thirty cubits, and four cubits the breadth of each curtain. The eleven curtains had one measure.

web@Exodus:37:3 @ He cast four rings of gold for it, in its four feet; even two rings on its one side, and two rings on its other side.

web@Exodus:37:23 @ He made its seven lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuff dishes, of pure gold.

web@Exodus:38:21 @ This is the amount of material used for the tabernacle, even the Tabernacle of the Testimony, as they were counted, according to the commandment of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest.

web@Exodus:38:24 @ All the gold that was used for the work in all the work of the sanctuary, even the gold of the offering, was twenty-nine talents, and seven hundred thirty shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary.

web@Exodus:38:25 @ The silver of those who were numbered of the congregation was one hundred talents, and one thousand seven hundred seventy-five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary:

web@Exodus:38:28 @ Of the one thousand seven hundred seventy-five shekels he made hooks for the pillars, overlaid their capitals, and made fillets for them.

web@Exodus:38:29 @ The brass of the offering was seventy talents, and two thousand four hundred shekels.

web@Exodus:39:37 @ the pure lampstand, its lamps, even the lamps to be set in order, all its vessels, the oil for the light,

web@Exodus:39:43 @ Moses saw all the work, and behold, they had done it as Yahweh had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them.

web@Leviticus:4:6 @ The priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle some of the blood seven times before Yahweh, before the veil of the sanctuary.

web@Leviticus:4:12 @ even the whole bull shall he carry forth outside the camp to a clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn it on wood with fire. Where the ashes are poured out it shall be burned.

web@Leviticus:4:17 @ and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle it seven times before Yahweh, before the veil.

web@Leviticus:6:5 @ or any thing about which he has sworn falsely; he shall restore it even in full, and shall add a fifth part more to it. To him to whom it belongs he shall give it, in the day of his being found guilty.

web@Leviticus:6:20 @ "This is the offering of Aaron and of his sons, which they shall offer to Yahweh in the day when he is anointed: the tenth part of an ephah {1 ephah is about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel} of fine flour for a meal offering perpetually, half of it in the morning, and half of it in the evening.

web@Leviticus:7:8 @ The priest who offers any man's burnt offering, even the priest shall have for himself the skin of the burnt offering which he has offered.

web@Leviticus:7:25 @ For whoever eats the fat of the animal, of which men offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh, even the soul who eats it shall be cut off from his people.

web@Leviticus:8:11 @ He sprinkled it on the altar seven times, and anointed the altar and all its vessels, and the basin and its base, to sanctify them.

web@Leviticus:8:33 @ You shall not go out from the door of the Tent of Meeting seven days, until the days of your consecration are fulfilled: for he shall consecrate you seven days.

web@Leviticus:8:35 @ You shall stay at the door of the Tent of Meeting day and night seven days, and keep Yahweh's command, that you don't die: for so I am commanded."

web@Leviticus:11:22 @ Even of these you may eat: any kind of locust, any kind of katydid, any kind of cricket, and any kind of grasshopper.

web@Leviticus:11:24 @ "'By these you will become unclean: whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:25 @ Whoever carries any part of their carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:27 @ Whatever goes on its paws, among all animals that go on all fours, they are unclean to you. Whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:28 @ He who carries their carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. They are unclean to you.

web@Leviticus:11:31 @ These are they which are unclean to you among all that creep. Whoever touches them when they are dead, shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:32 @ On whatever any of them falls when they are dead, it shall be unclean; whether it is any vessel of wood, or clothing, or skin, or sack, whatever vessel it is, with which any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the evening; then it will be clean.

web@Leviticus:11:39 @ "'If any animal, of which you may eat, dies; he who touches its carcass shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:40 @ He who eats of its carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. He also who carries its carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:42 @ Whatever goes on its belly, and whatever goes on all fours, or whatever has many feet, even all creeping things that creep on the earth, them you shall not eat; for they are an abomination.

web@Leviticus:12:2 @ "Speak to the children of Israel, saying, 'If a woman conceives, and bears a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of her monthly period she shall be unclean.

web@Leviticus:13:4 @ If the bright spot is white in the skin of his body, and its appearance isn't deeper than the skin, and its hair hasn't turned white, then the priest shall isolate the infected person for seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:5 @ The priest shall examine him on the seventh day, and, behold, if in his eyes the plague is arrested, and the plague hasn't spread in the skin, then the priest shall isolate him for seven more days.

web@Leviticus:13:6 @ The priest shall examine him again on the seventh day; and behold, if the plague has faded, and the plague hasn't spread in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean. It is a scab. He shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

web@Leviticus:13:12 @ "If the leprosy breaks out all over the skin, and the leprosy covers all the skin of the infected person from his head even to his feet, as far as it appears to the priest;

web@Leviticus:13:21 @ But if the priest examines it, and behold, there are no white hairs in it, and it isn't deeper than the skin, but is dim, then the priest shall isolate him seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:26 @ But if the priest examines it, and behold, there is no white hair in the bright spot, and it isn't lower than the skin, but is faded; then the priest shall isolate him seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:27 @ The priest shall examine him on the seventh day. If it has spread in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is the plague of leprosy.

web@Leviticus:13:31 @ If the priest examines the plague of itching, and behold, its appearance isn't deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, then the priest shall isolate him the person infected with itching seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:32 @ On the seventh day the priest shall examine the plague; and behold, if the itch hasn't spread, and there is no yellow hair in it, and the appearance of the itch isn't deeper than the skin,

web@Leviticus:13:33 @ then he shall be shaved, but he shall not shave the itch; and the priest shall shut him up who has the itch seven more days.

web@Leviticus:13:34 @ On the seventh day, the priest shall examine the itch; and behold, if the itch hasn't spread in the skin, and its appearance isn't deeper than the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean. He shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

web@Leviticus:13:38 @ "When a man or a woman has bright spots in the skin of the body, even white bright spots;

web@Leviticus:13:50 @ The priest shall examine the plague, and isolate the plague seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:51 @ He shall examine the plague on the seventh day. If the plague has spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in the skin, whatever use the skin is used for, the plague is a destructive mildew. It is unclean.

web@Leviticus:13:54 @ then the priest shall command that they wash the thing in which the plague is, and he shall isolate it seven more days.

web@Leviticus:14:7 @ He shall sprinkle on him who is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird go into the open field.

web@Leviticus:14:8 @ "He who is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, and bathe himself in water; and he shall be clean. After that he shall come into the camp, but shall dwell outside his tent seven days.

web@Leviticus:14:9 @ It shall be on the seventh day, that he shall shave all his hair off his head and his beard and his eyebrows, even all his hair he shall shave off. He shall wash his clothes, and he shall bathe his body in water, then he shall be clean.

web@Leviticus:14:16 @ The priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle some of the oil with his finger seven times before Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:14:27 @ and the priest shall sprinkle with his right finger some of the oil that is in his left hand seven times before Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:14:31 @ even such as he is able to afford, the one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering, with the meal offering. The priest shall make atonement for him who is to be cleansed before Yahweh."

web@Leviticus:14:38 @ then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house, and shut up the house seven days.

web@Leviticus:14:39 @ The priest shall come again on the seventh day, and look. If the plague has spread in the walls of the house,

web@Leviticus:14:46 @ "Moreover he who goes into the house while it is shut up shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:14:51 @ He shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times.

web@Leviticus:15:5 @ Whoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:6 @ He who sits on anything whereon the man who has the discharge sat shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:7 @ "'He who touches the body of him who has the discharge shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:8 @ "'If he who has the discharge spits on him who is clean, then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:10 @ Whoever touches anything that was under him shall be unclean until the evening. He who carries those things shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:11 @ "'Whoever he who has the discharge touches, without having rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:13 @ "'When he who has a discharge is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall count to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes; and he shall bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

web@Leviticus:15:16 @ "'If any man has an emission of semen, then he shall bathe all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:17 @ Every garment, and every skin, whereon the semen is, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:18 @ If a man lies with a woman and there is an emission of semen, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:19 @ "'If a woman has a discharge, and her discharge in her flesh is blood, she shall be in her impurity seven days: and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:21 @ Whoever touches her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:22 @ Whoever touches anything that she sits on shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:23 @ If it is on the bed, or on anything whereon she sits, when he touches it, he shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:24 @ "'If any man lies with her, and her monthly flow is on him, he shall be unclean seven days; and every bed whereon he lies shall be unclean.

web@Leviticus:15:27 @ Whoever touches these things shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:28 @ "'But if she is cleansed of her discharge, then she shall count to herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean.

web@Leviticus:16:14 @ He shall take some of the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east; and before the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.

web@Leviticus:16:16 @ and he shall make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions, even all their sins; and so he shall do for the Tent of Meeting, that dwells with them in the midst of their uncleanness.

web@Leviticus:16:19 @ He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and make it holy from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.

web@Leviticus:16:21 @ Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, even all their sins; and he shall put them on the head of the goat, and shall send him away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is in readiness.

web@Leviticus:16:29 @ "It shall be a statute to you forever: in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and shall do no kind of work, the native-born, or the stranger who lives as a foreigner among you:

web@Leviticus:16:32 @ The priest, who is anointed and who is consecrated to be priest in his father's place, shall make the atonement, and shall put on the linen garments, even the holy garments.

web@Leviticus:17:15 @ "'Every person that eats what dies of itself, or that which is torn by animals, whether he is native-born or a foreigner, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening: then he shall be clean.

web@Leviticus:18:10 @ "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your son's daughter, or of your daughter's daughter, even their nakedness: for theirs is your own nakedness.

web@Leviticus:18:29 @ "'For whoever shall do any of these abominations, even the souls that do them shall be cut off from among their people.

web@Leviticus:19:21 @ He shall bring his trespass offering to Yahweh, to the door of the Tent of Meeting, even a ram for a trespass offering.

web@Leviticus:20:6 @ "'The person that turns to those who are mediums, and to the wizards, to play the prostitute after them, I will even set my face against that person, and will cut him off from among his people.

web@Leviticus:20:10 @ "'The man who commits adultery with another man's wife, even he who commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

web@Leviticus:22:6 @ the person that touches any such shall be unclean until the evening, and shall not eat of the holy things, unless he bathe his body in water.

web@Leviticus:22:27 @ "When a bull, or a sheep, or a goat, is born, then it shall remain seven days with its mother; and from the eighth day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for the offering of an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:23:2 @ "Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them, 'The set feasts of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my set feasts.

web@Leviticus:23:3 @ "'Six days shall work be done: but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation; you shall do no kind of work. It is a Sabbath to Yahweh in all your dwellings.

web@Leviticus:23:4 @ "'These are the set feasts of Yahweh, even holy convocations, which you shall proclaim in their appointed season.

web@Leviticus:23:5 @ In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening, is Yahweh's Passover.

web@Leviticus:23:6 @ On the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread to Yahweh. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.

web@Leviticus:23:8 @ But you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh seven days. In the seventh day is a holy convocation: you shall do no regular work.'"

web@Leviticus:23:15 @ "'You shall count from the next day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall be completed:

web@Leviticus:23:16 @ even to the next day after the seventh Sabbath you shall number fifty days; and you shall offer a new meal offering to Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:23:18 @ You shall present with the bread seven lambs without blemish a year old, one young bull, and two rams. They shall be a burnt offering to Yahweh, with their meal offering, and their drink offerings, even an offering made by fire, of a sweet aroma to Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:23:24 @ "Speak to the children of Israel, saying, 'In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest to you, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.

web@Leviticus:23:27 @ "However on the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement: it shall be a holy convocation to you, and you shall afflict yourselves; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:23:32 @ It shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for you, and you shall deny yourselves. In the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall keep your Sabbath."

web@Leviticus:23:34 @ "Speak to the children of Israel, and say, 'On the fifteenth day of this seventh month is the feast of tents for seven days to Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:23:36 @ Seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh. On the eighth day shall be a holy convocation to you; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh. It is a solemn assembly; you shall do no regular work.

web@Leviticus:23:39 @ "'So on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruits of the land, you shall keep the feast of Yahweh seven days: on the first day shall be a solemn rest, and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest.

web@Leviticus:23:40 @ You shall take on the first day the fruit of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before Yahweh your God seven days.

web@Leviticus:23:41 @ You shall keep it a feast to Yahweh seven days in the year: it is a statute forever throughout your generations; you shall keep it in the seventh month.

web@Leviticus:23:42 @ You shall dwell in booths seven days. All who are native-born in Israel shall dwell in booths,

web@Leviticus:24:3 @ Outside of the veil of the Testimony, in the Tent of Meeting, shall Aaron keep it in order from evening to morning before Yahweh continually: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations.

web@Leviticus:24:7 @ You shall put pure frankincense on each row, that it may be to the bread for a memorial, even an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

web@Leviticus:25:4 @ but in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a Sabbath to Yahweh. You shall not sow your field or prune your vineyard.

web@Leviticus:25:8 @ "'You shall count off seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years; and there shall be to you the days of seven Sabbaths of years, even forty-nine years.

web@Leviticus:25:9 @ Then you shall sound the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall sound the trumpet throughout all your land.

web@Leviticus:25:20 @ If you said, "What shall we eat the seventh year? Behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase";

web@Leviticus:26:16 @ I also will do this to you: I will appoint terror over you, even consumption and fever, that shall consume the eyes, and make the soul to pine away; and you will sow your seed in vain, for your enemies will eat it.

web@Leviticus:26:18 @ "'If you in spite of these things will not listen to me, then I will chastise you seven times more for your sins.

web@Leviticus:26:21 @ "'If you walk contrary to me, and won't listen to me, then I will bring seven times more plagues on you according to your sins.

web@Leviticus:26:24 @ then I will also walk contrary to you; and I will strike you, even I, seven times for your sins.

web@Leviticus:26:28 @ then I will walk contrary to you in wrath; and I also will chastise you seven times for your sins.

web@Leviticus:26:34 @ Then the land will enjoy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and you are in your enemies' land. Even then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths.

web@Leviticus:26:35 @ As long as it lies desolate it shall have rest, even the rest which it didn't have in your sabbaths, when you lived on it.

web@Leviticus:26:43 @ The land also will be left by them, and will enjoy its sabbaths while it lies desolate without them: and they will accept the punishment of their iniquity; because, even because they rejected my ordinances, and their soul abhorred my statutes.

web@Leviticus:27:3 @ Your valuation shall be of a male from twenty years old even to sixty years old, even your valuation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary.

web@Leviticus:27:5 @ If the person is from five years old even to twenty years old, then your valuation shall be for a male twenty shekels, and for a female ten shekels.

web@Leviticus:27:6 @ If the person is from a month old even to five years old, then your valuation shall be for a male five shekels of silver, and for a female your valuation shall be three shekels of silver.

web@Leviticus:27:24 @ In the Year of Jubilee the field shall return to him from whom it was bought, even to him to whom the possession of the land belongs.

web@Numbers:1:31 @ those who were numbered of them, of the tribe of Zebulun, were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.

web@Numbers:1:39 @ those who were numbered of them, of the tribe of Dan, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.

web@Numbers:1:46 @ even all those who were numbered were six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty.

web@Numbers:2:4 @ His division, and those who were numbered of them, were seventy-four thousand six hundred.

web@Numbers:2:8 @ His division, and those who were numbered of it, were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.

web@Numbers:2:26 @ His division, and those who were numbered of them, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.

web@Numbers:2:31 @ "All who were numbered of the camp of Dan were one hundred fifty-seven thousand six hundred. They shall set out last by their standards."

web@Numbers:3:22 @ Those who were numbered of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, even those who were numbered of them were seven thousand five hundred.

web@Numbers:3:43 @ All the firstborn males according to the number of names, from a month old and upward, of those who were numbered of them, were twenty-two thousand two hundred seventy-three.

web@Numbers:3:46 @ For the redemption of the two hundred seventy-three of the firstborn of the children of Israel, who exceed the number of the Levites,

web@Numbers:4:3 @ from thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old, all who enter into the service, to do the work in the Tent of Meeting.

web@Numbers:4:20 @ but they shall not go in to see the sanctuary even for a moment, lest they die."

web@Numbers:4:30 @ you shall count them from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone who enters on the service, to do the work of the Tent of Meeting.

web@Numbers:4:35 @ from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone who entered into the service, for work in the Tent of Meeting.

web@Numbers:4:36 @ Those who were numbered of them by their families were two thousand seven hundred fifty.

web@Numbers:4:39 @ from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone who entered into the service, for work in the Tent of Meeting,

web@Numbers:4:40 @ even those who were numbered of them, by their families, by their fathers' houses, were two thousand six hundred thirty.

web@Numbers:4:43 @ from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone who entered into the service, for work in the Tent of Meeting,

web@Numbers:4:44 @ even those who were numbered of them by their families, were three thousand two hundred.

web@Numbers:4:47 @ from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone who entered in to do the work of service, and the work of bearing burdens in the Tent of Meeting,

web@Numbers:4:48 @ even those who were numbered of them, were eight thousand five hundred eighty.

web@Numbers:6:4 @ All the days of his separation he shall eat nothing that is made of the grapevine, from the seeds even to the skins.

web@Numbers:6:9 @ "'If any man dies very suddenly beside him, and he defiles the head of his separation; then he shall shave his head in the day of his cleansing. On the seventh day he shall shave it.

web@Numbers:7:10 @ The princes gave offerings for the dedication of the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes gave their offerings before the altar.

web@Numbers:7:13 @ and his offering was: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:19 @ He offered for his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:25 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:31 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:37 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:43 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:48 @ On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim

web@Numbers:7:49 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:55 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:61 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:67 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:72 @ On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ochran, prince of the children of Asher

web@Numbers:7:73 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:79 @ gave his offering: one silver platter, the weight of which was one hundred thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a meal offering;

web@Numbers:7:85 @ each silver platter weighing one hundred thirty shekels, and each bowl seventy; all the silver of the vessels two thousand four hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary;

web@Numbers:8:2 @ "Speak to Aaron, and tell him, 'When you light the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light in front of the lampstand.'"

web@Numbers:8:16 @ For they are wholly given to me from among the children of Israel; instead of all who open the womb, even the firstborn of all the children of Israel, I have taken them to me.

web@Numbers:9:3 @ On the fourteenth day of this month, at evening, you shall keep it in its appointed season--according to all its statutes, and according to all its ordinances, you shall keep it."

web@Numbers:9:5 @ They kept the Passover in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, in the wilderness of Sinai. According to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so the children of Israel did.

web@Numbers:9:11 @ In the second month, on the fourteenth day at evening they shall keep it; they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

web@Numbers:9:15 @ On the day that the tabernacle was raised up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, even the Tent of the Testimony: and at evening it was over the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until morning.

web@Numbers:9:21 @ Sometimes the cloud was from evening until morning; and when the cloud was taken up in the morning, they traveled: or by day and by night, when the cloud was taken up, they traveled.

web@Numbers:11:16 @ Yahweh said to Moses, "Gather to me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them to the Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there with you.

web@Numbers:11:24 @ Moses went out, and told the people the words of Yahweh; and he gathered seventy men of the elders of the people, and set them around the Tent.

web@Numbers:11:25 @ Yahweh came down in the cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was on him, and put it on the seventy elders: and it happened that when the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but they did so no more.

web@Numbers:12:8 @ With him I will speak mouth to mouth, even plainly, and not in riddles; and he shall see Yahweh's form. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant, against Moses?"

web@Numbers:12:14 @ Yahweh said to Moses, "If her father had but spit in her face, shouldn't she be ashamed seven days? Let her be shut up outside of the camp seven days, and after that she shall be brought in again."

web@Numbers:12:15 @ Miriam was shut up outside of the camp seven days, and the people didn't travel until Miriam was brought in again.

web@Numbers:13:22 @ They went up by the South, and came to Hebron; and Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were there. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.)

web@Numbers:14:19 @ Please pardon the iniquity of this people according to the greatness of your loving kindness, and according as you have forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now."

web@Numbers:14:34 @ After the number of the days in which you spied out the land, even forty days, for every day a year, you will bear your iniquities, even forty years, and you will know my alienation.'

web@Numbers:14:37 @ even those men who brought up an evil report of the land, died by the plague before Yahweh.

web@Numbers:14:45 @ Then the Amalekite came down, and the Canaanite who lived in that mountain, and struck them and beat them down, even to Hormah.

web@Numbers:15:23 @ even all that Yahweh has commanded you by Moses, from the day that Yahweh gave commandment, and onward throughout your generations;

web@Numbers:16:5 @ and he spoke to Korah and to all his company, saying, "In the morning Yahweh will show who are his, and who is holy, and will cause him to come near to him: even him whom he shall choose he will cause to come near to him.

web@Numbers:16:38 @ even the censers of these sinners against their own lives; and let them be made beaten plates for a covering of the altar: for they offered them before Yahweh; therefore they are holy; and they shall be a sign to the children of Israel."

web@Numbers:16:49 @ Now those who died by the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, besides those who died about the matter of Korah.

web@Numbers:17:6 @ Moses spoke to the children of Israel; and all their princes gave him rods, for each prince one, according to their fathers' houses, even twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron was among their rods.

web@Numbers:18:8 @ Yahweh spoke to Aaron, "I, behold, I have given you the command of my wave offerings, even all the holy things of the children of Israel; to you have I given them by reason of the anointing, and to your sons, as a portion forever.

web@Numbers:18:9 @ This shall be yours of the most holy things from the fire: every offering of theirs, even every meal offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render to me, shall be most holy for you and for your sons.

web@Numbers:18:11 @ "This is yours, too: the wave offering of their gift, even all the wave offerings of the children of Israel. I have given them to you, and to your sons and to your daughters with you, as a portion forever. Everyone who is clean in your house shall eat of it.

web@Numbers:18:21 @ "To the children of Levi, behold, I have given all the tithe in Israel for an inheritance, in return for their service which they serve, even the service of the Tent of Meeting.

web@Numbers:18:29 @ Out of all your gifts you shall offer every wave offering of Yahweh, of all its best, even the holy part of it out of it.'

web@Numbers:19:4 @ and Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger, and sprinkle her blood toward the front of the Tent of Meeting seven times.

web@Numbers:19:7 @ Then the priest shall wash his clothes, and he shall bathe his flesh in water, and afterward he shall come into the camp, and the priest shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Numbers:19:8 @ He who burns her shall wash his clothes in water, and bathe his flesh in water, and shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Numbers:19:10 @ He who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening: and it shall be to the children of Israel, and to the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them, for a statute forever.

web@Numbers:19:11 @ "He who touches the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days:

web@Numbers:19:12 @ the same shall purify himself with water on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean: but if he doesn't purify himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean.

web@Numbers:19:14 @ "This is the law when a man dies in a tent: everyone who comes into the tent, and everyone who is in the tent, shall be unclean seven days.

web@Numbers:19:16 @ "Whoever in the open field touches one who is slain with a sword, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.

web@Numbers:19:19 @ and the clean person shall sprinkle on the unclean on the third day, and on the seventh day: and on the seventh day he shall purify him; and he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shall be clean at evening.

web@Numbers:19:21 @ It shall be a perpetual statute to them: and he who sprinkles the water for impurity shall wash his clothes, and he who touches the water for impurity shall be unclean until evening.

web@Numbers:19:22 @ "Whatever the unclean person touches shall be unclean; and the soul that touches it shall be unclean until evening."

web@Numbers:20:1 @ The children of Israel, even the whole congregation, came into the wilderness of Zin in the first month: and the people stayed in Kadesh; and Miriam died there, and was buried there.

web@Numbers:20:22 @ They traveled from Kadesh: and the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, came to Mount Hor.

web@Numbers:20:29 @ When all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead, they wept for Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel.

web@Numbers:21:24 @ Israel struck him with the edge of the sword, and possessed his land from the Arnon to the Jabbok, even to the children of Ammon; for the border of the children of Ammon was strong.

web@Numbers:21:26 @ For Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, even to the Arnon.

web@Numbers:21:30 @ We have shot at them. Heshbon has perished even to Dibon. We have laid waste even to Nophah, Which reaches to Medeba."

web@Numbers:23:1 @ Balaam said to Balak, "Build me here seven altars, and prepare me here seven bulls and seven rams."

web@Numbers:23:4 @ God met Balaam: and he said to him, "I have prepared the seven altars, and I have offered up a bull and a ram on every altar."

web@Numbers:23:14 @ He took him into the field of Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, and built seven altars, and offered up a bull and a ram on every altar.

web@Numbers:23:29 @ Balaam said to Balak, "Build me here seven altars, and prepare me here seven bulls and seven rams."

web@Numbers:26:7 @ These are the families of the Reubenites; and those who were numbered of them were forty-three thousand seven hundred thirty.

web@Numbers:26:22 @ These are the families of Judah according to those who were numbered of them, seventy-six thousand five hundred.

web@Numbers:26:34 @ These are the families of Manasseh; and those who were numbered of them were fifty-two thousand seven hundred.

web@Numbers:26:51 @ These are those who were numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred one thousand seven hundred thirty.

web@Numbers:27:21 @ He shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall inquire for him by the judgment of the Urim before Yahweh: at his word shall they go out, and at his word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of Israel with him, even all the congregation."

web@Numbers:28:4 @ You shall offer the one lamb in the morning, and you shall offer the other lamb at evening;

web@Numbers:28:8 @ The other lamb you shall offer at evening: as the meal offering of the morning, and as the drink offering of it, you shall offer it, an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to Yahweh.

web@Numbers:28:11 @ "'In the beginnings of your months you shall offer a burnt offering to Yahweh: two young bulls, and one ram, seven male lambs a year old without blemish;

web@Numbers:28:17 @ On the fifteenth day of this month shall be a feast: seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten.

web@Numbers:28:19 @ but you shall offer an offering made by fire, a burnt offering to Yahweh: two young bulls, and one ram, and seven male lambs a year old; they shall be to you without blemish;

web@Numbers:28:21 @ You shall offer a tenth part for every lamb of the seven lambs;

web@Numbers:28:24 @ In this way you shall offer daily, for seven days, the food of the offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to Yahweh: it shall be offered besides the continual burnt offering, and the drink offering of it.

web@Numbers:28:25 @ On the seventh day you shall have a holy convocation: you shall do no servile work.

web@Numbers:28:27 @ but you shall offer a burnt offering for a pleasant aroma to Yahweh: two young bulls, one ram, seven male lambs a year old;

web@Numbers:28:29 @ a tenth part for every lamb of the seven lambs;

web@Numbers:29:1 @ "'In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no servile work: it is a day of blowing of trumpets to you.

web@Numbers:29:2 @ You shall offer a burnt offering for a pleasant aroma to Yahweh: one young bull, one ram, seven male lambs a year old without blemish;

web@Numbers:29:4 @ and one tenth part for every lamb of the seven lambs;

web@Numbers:29:7 @ "'On the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation; and you shall afflict your souls: you shall do no kind of work;

web@Numbers:29:8 @ but you shall offer a burnt offering to Yahweh for a pleasant aroma: one young bull, one ram, seven male lambs a year old; they shall be to you without blemish;

web@Numbers:29:10 @ a tenth part for every lamb of the seven lambs:

web@Numbers:29:12 @ "'On the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no servile work, and you shall keep a feast to Yahweh seven days:

web@Numbers:29:20 @ "'On the third day eleven bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old without blemish;

web@Numbers:29:32 @ "'On the seventh day seven bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old without blemish;

web@Numbers:29:36 @ but you shall offer a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to Yahweh: one bull, one ram, seven male lambs a year old without blemish;

web@Numbers:31:19 @ "Encamp outside of the camp seven days: whoever has killed any person, and whoever has touched any slain, purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day, you and your captives.

web@Numbers:31:24 @ You shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and you shall be clean; and afterward you shall come into the camp."

web@Numbers:31:32 @ Now the prey, over and above the booty which the men of war took, was six hundred seventy-five thousand sheep,

web@Numbers:31:33 @ and seventy-two thousand head of cattle,

web@Numbers:31:36 @ The half, which was the portion of those who went out to war, was in number three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep:

web@Numbers:31:37 @ and Yahweh's tribute of the sheep was six hundred seventy-five.

web@Numbers:31:38 @ The cattle were thirty-six thousand; of which Yahweh's tribute was seventy-two.

web@Numbers:31:43 @ (now the congregation's half was three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep,

web@Numbers:31:47 @ even of the children of Israel's half, Moses took one drawn out of every fifty, both of man and of animal, and gave them to the Levites, who performed the duty of the tabernacle of Yahweh; as Yahweh commanded Moses.

web@Numbers:31:51 @ Moses and Eleazar the priest took their gold, even all worked jewels.

web@Numbers:31:52 @ All the gold of the wave offering that they offered up to Yahweh, of the captains of thousands, and of the captains of hundreds, was sixteen thousand seven hundred fifty shekels.

web@Numbers:32:33 @ Moses gave to them, even to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and to the half-tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land, according to its cities and borders, even the cities of the surrounding land.

web@Numbers:33:9 @ They traveled from Marah, and came to Elim: and in Elim were twelve springs of water, and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there.

web@Numbers:33:49 @ They encamped by the Jordan, from Beth Jeshimoth even to Abel Shittim in the plains of Moab.

web@Numbers:34:2 @ "Command the children of Israel, and tell them, 'When you come into the land of Canaan (this is the land that shall fall to you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan according to its borders),

web@Deuteronomy:1:2 @ It is eleven days' journey from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh Barnea.

web@Deuteronomy:1:3 @ It happened in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses spoke to the children of Israel, according to all that Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} had given him in commandment to them;

web@Deuteronomy:1:44 @ The Amorites, who lived in that hill country, came out against you, and chased you, as bees do, and beat you down in Seir, even to Hormah.

web@Deuteronomy:2:22 @ as he did for the children of Esau, who dwell in Seir, when he destroyed the Horites from before them; and they succeeded them, and lived in their place even to this day:

web@Deuteronomy:2:36 @ From Aroer, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, and the city that is in the valley, even to Gilead, there was not a city too high for us; Yahweh our God delivered up all before us:

web@Deuteronomy:3:13 @ and the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, the kingdom of Og, gave I to the half-tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, even all Bashan. (The same is called the land of Rephaim.

web@Deuteronomy:3:14 @ Jair the son of Manasseh took all the region of Argob, to the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and called them, even Bashan, after his own name, Havvoth Jair, to this day.)

web@Deuteronomy:3:16 @ To the Reubenites and to the Gadites I gave from Gilead even to the valley of the Arnon, the middle of the valley, and its border, even to the river Jabbok, which is the border of the children of Ammon;

web@Deuteronomy:3:17 @ the Arabah also, and the Jordan and its border, from Chinnereth even to the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, under the slopes of Pisgah eastward.

web@Deuteronomy:4:5 @ Behold, I have taught you statutes and ordinances, even as Yahweh my God commanded me, that you should do so in the midst of the land where you go in to possess it.

web@Deuteronomy:4:13 @ He declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even the ten commandments; and he wrote them on two tables of stone.

web@Deuteronomy:4:19 @ and lest you lift up your eyes to the sky, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, even all the army of the sky, you are drawn away and worship them, and serve them, which Yahweh your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole sky.

web@Deuteronomy:4:48 @ from Aroer, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, even to Mount Sion (the same is Hermon),

web@Deuteronomy:4:49 @ and all the Arabah beyond the Jordan eastward, even to the sea of the Arabah, under the slopes of Pisgah.

web@Deuteronomy:5:3 @ Yahweh didn't make this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.

web@Deuteronomy:5:14 @ but the seventh day is a Sabbath to Yahweh your God, in which you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates; that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you.

web@Deuteronomy:5:23 @ It happened, when you heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, while the mountain was burning with fire, that you came near to me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

web@Deuteronomy:7:1 @ When Yahweh your God shall bring you into the land where you go to possess it, and shall cast out many nations before you, the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than you;

web@Deuteronomy:9:9 @ When I was gone up onto the mountain to receive the tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant which Yahweh made with you, then I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights; I neither ate bread nor drank water.

web@Deuteronomy:9:11 @ It came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights, that Yahweh gave me the two tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant.

web@Deuteronomy:10:15 @ Only Yahweh had a delight in your fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above all peoples, as at this day.

web@Deuteronomy:10:22 @ Your fathers went down into Egypt with seventy persons; and now Yahweh your God has made you as the stars of the sky for multitude.

web@Deuteronomy:11:12 @ a land which Yahweh your God cares for: the eyes of Yahweh your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year even to the end of the year.

web@Deuteronomy:11:24 @ Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even to the hinder sea shall be your border.

web@Deuteronomy:12:5 @ But to the place which Yahweh your God shall choose out of all your tribes, to put his name there, even to his habitation you shall seek, and there you shall come;

web@Deuteronomy:12:22 @ Even as the gazelle and as the hart is eaten, so you shall eat of it: the unclean and the clean may eat of it alike.

web@Deuteronomy:12:31 @ You shall not do so to Yahweh your God: for every abomination to Yahweh, which he hates, have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods.

web@Deuteronomy:13:7 @ of the gods of the peoples who are around you, near to you, or far off from you, from the one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth;

web@Deuteronomy:15:1 @ At the end of every seven years you shall make a release.

web@Deuteronomy:15:9 @ Beware that there not be a base thought in your heart, saying, "The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand"; and your eye be evil against your poor brother, and you give him nothing; and he cry to Yahweh against you, and it be sin to you.

web@Deuteronomy:15:12 @ If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you, and serves you six years; then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you.

web@Deuteronomy:16:3 @ You shall eat no leavened bread with it. You shall eat unleavened bread with it seven days, even the bread of affliction; for you came forth out of the land of Egypt in haste: that you may remember the day when you came forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life.

web@Deuteronomy:16:4 @ No yeast shall be seen with you in all your borders seven days; neither shall any of the flesh, which you sacrifice the first day at evening, remain all night until the morning.

web@Deuteronomy:16:6 @ but at the place which Yahweh your God shall choose, to cause his name to dwell in, there you shall sacrifice the Passover at evening, at the going down of the sun, at the season that you came forth out of Egypt.

web@Deuteronomy:16:8 @ Six days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to Yahweh your God; you shall do no work.

web@Deuteronomy:16:9 @ You shall count for yourselves seven weeks: from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain you shall begin to number seven weeks.

web@Deuteronomy:16:13 @ You shall keep the feast of tents seven days, after that you have gathered in from your threshing floor and from your winepress:

web@Deuteronomy:16:15 @ You shall keep a feast to Yahweh your God seven days in the place which Yahweh shall choose; because Yahweh your God will bless you in all your increase, and in all the work of your hands, and you shall be altogether joyful.

web@Deuteronomy:17:5 @ then you shall bring forth that man or that woman, who has done this evil thing, to your gates, even the man or the woman; and you shall stone them to death with stones.

web@Deuteronomy:17:12 @ The man who does presumptuously, in not listening to the priest who stands to minister there before Yahweh your God, or to the judge, even that man shall die: and you shall put away the evil from Israel.

web@Deuteronomy:20:14 @ but the women, and the little ones, and the livestock, and all that is in the city, even all its spoil, you shall take for a prey to yourself; and you shall eat the spoil of your enemies, which Yahweh your God has given you.

web@Deuteronomy:21:3 @ and it shall be, that the city which is nearest to the slain man, even the elders of that city shall take a heifer of the herd, which hasn't been worked with, and which has not drawn in the yoke;

web@Deuteronomy:22:26 @ but to the lady you shall do nothing; there is in the lady no sin worthy of death: for as when a man rises against his neighbor, and kills him, even so is this matter;

web@Deuteronomy:23:2 @ A bastard shall not enter into the assembly of Yahweh; even to the tenth generation shall none of his enter into the assembly of Yahweh.

web@Deuteronomy:23:3 @ An Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter into the assembly of Yahweh; even to the tenth generation shall none belonging to them enter into the assembly of Yahweh forever:

web@Deuteronomy:23:11 @ but it shall be, when evening comes on, he shall bathe himself in water; and when the sun is down, he shall come within the camp.

web@Deuteronomy:23:18 @ You shall not bring the hire of a prostitute, or the wages of a dog, into the house of Yahweh your God for any vow: for even both these are an abomination to Yahweh your God.

web@Deuteronomy:28:7 @ Yahweh will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be struck before you. They will come out against you one way, and will flee before you seven ways.

web@Deuteronomy:28:25 @ Yahweh will cause you to be struck before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them, and shall flee seven ways before them: and you shall be tossed back and forth among all the kingdoms of the earth.

web@Deuteronomy:28:59 @ then Yahweh will make your plagues wonderful, and the plagues of your seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and severe sicknesses, and of long continuance.

web@Deuteronomy:28:64 @ Yahweh will scatter you among all peoples, from the one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth; and there you shall serve other gods, which you have not known, you nor your fathers, even wood and stone.

web@Deuteronomy:28:67 @ In the morning you shall say, "I wish it were evening!" and at evening you shall say, "I wish it were morning!" for the fear of your heart which you shall fear, and for the sight of your eyes which you shall see.

web@Deuteronomy:29:10 @ You stand this day all of you before Yahweh your God; your heads, your tribes, your elders, and your officers, even all the men of Israel,

web@Deuteronomy:29:24 @ even all the nations shall say, "Why has Yahweh done thus to this land? What does the heat of this great anger mean?"

web@Deuteronomy:31:10 @ Moses commanded them, saying, "At the end of every seven years, in the set time of the year of release, in the feast of tents,

web@Deuteronomy:32:31 @ For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.

web@Deuteronomy:32:39 @ "See now that I, even I, am he, There is no god with me. I kill, and I make alive. I wound, and I heal. There is no one who can deliver out of my hand.

web@Joshua:1:2 @ "Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you, and all this people, to the land which I give to them, even to the children of Israel.

web@Joshua:1:4 @ From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border.

web@Joshua:3:13 @ It shall come to pass, when the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of Yahweh, the Lord of all the earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan will be cut off, even the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand in one heap."

web@Joshua:3:16 @ that the waters which came down from above stood, and rose up in one heap, a great way off, at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan; and those that went down toward the sea of the Arabah, even the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off. Then the people passed over right against Jericho.

web@Joshua:5:4 @ This is the reason Joshua circumcised: all the people who came out of Egypt, who were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

web@Joshua:5:6 @ For the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, until all the nation, even the men of war who came out of Egypt, were consumed, because they didn't listen to the voice of Yahweh. Yahweh swore to them that he wouldn't let them see the land which Yahweh swore to their fathers that he would give us, a land flowing with milk and honey.

web@Joshua:5:10 @ The children of Israel encamped in Gilgal. They kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at evening in the plains of Jericho.

web@Joshua:6:4 @ Seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark. On the seventh day, you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets.

web@Joshua:6:6 @ Joshua the son of Nun called the priests, and said to them, "Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of Yahweh."

web@Joshua:6:8 @ It was so, that when Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams' horns before Yahweh advanced, and blew the trumpets; and the ark of the covenant of Yahweh followed them.

web@Joshua:6:13 @ The seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of Yahweh went on continually, and blew the trumpets: and the armed men went before them. The rear guard came after the ark of Yahweh. The trumpets sounded as they went.

web@Joshua:6:15 @ It happened on the seventh day, that they rose early at the dawning of the day, and marched around the city in the same way seven times. Only on this day they marched around the city seven times.

web@Joshua:6:16 @ It happened at the seventh time, when the priests blew the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, "Shout, for Yahweh has given you the city!

web@Joshua:6:17 @ The city shall be devoted, even it and all that is in it, to Yahweh. Only Rahab the prostitute shall live, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent.

web@Joshua:7:5 @ The men of Ai struck about thirty-six men of them, and they chased them from before the gate even to Shebarim, and struck them at the descent. The hearts of the people melted, and became like water.

web@Joshua:7:6 @ Joshua tore his clothes, and fell to the earth on his face before the ark of Yahweh until the evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads.

web@Joshua:7:11 @ Israel has sinned. Yes, they have even transgressed my covenant which I commanded them. Yes, they have even taken of the devoted things, and have also stolen, and also deceived. They have even put it among their own stuff.

web@Joshua:8:11 @ All the people, even the men of war who were with him, went up, and drew near, and came before the city, and encamped on the north side of Ai. Now there was a valley between him and Ai.

web@Joshua:8:13 @ So they set the people, even all the army who was on the north of the city, and their ambush on the west of the city; and Joshua went that night into the midst of the valley.

web@Joshua:8:25 @ All that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.

web@Joshua:8:28 @ So Joshua burnt Ai, and made it a heap forever, even a desolation, to this day.

web@Joshua:8:29 @ He hanged the king of Ai on a tree until the evening, and at the sundown Joshua commanded, and they took his body down from the tree, and threw it at the entrance of the gate of the city, and raised a great heap of stones on it that remains to this day.

web@Joshua:10:26 @ Afterward Joshua struck them, put them to death, and hanged them on five trees. They were hanging on the trees until the evening.

web@Joshua:10:41 @ Joshua struck them from Kadesh Barnea even to Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even to Gibeon.

web@Joshua:11:4 @ They went out, they and all their armies with them, many people, even as the sand that is on the seashore in multitude, with very many horses and chariots.

web@Joshua:11:17 @ from Mount Halak, that goes up to Seir, even to Baal Gad in the valley of Lebanon under Mount Hermon. He took all their kings, struck them, and put them to death.

web@Joshua:12:2 @ Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon, and ruled from Aroer, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, and the middle of the valley, and half Gilead, even to the river Jabbok, the border of the children of Ammon;

web@Joshua:12:3 @ and the Arabah to the sea of Chinneroth, eastward, and to the sea of the Arabah, even the Salt Sea, eastward, the way to Beth Jeshimoth; and on the south, under the slopes of Pisgah:

web@Joshua:12:7 @ These are the kings of the land whom Joshua and the children of Israel struck beyond the Jordan westward, from Baal Gad in the valley of Lebanon even to Mount Halak, that goes up to Seir. Joshua gave it to the tribes of Israel for a possession according to their divisions;

web@Joshua:13:3 @ from the Shihor, which is before Egypt, even to the border of Ekron northward, which is counted as Canaanite; the five lords of the Philistines; the Gazites, and the Ashdodites, the Ashkelonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avvim,

web@Joshua:13:6 @ all the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, even all the Sidonians; them will I drive out from before the children of Israel: only allocate it to Israel for an inheritance, as I have commanded you.

web@Joshua:13:8 @ With him the Reubenites and the Gadites received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond the Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of Yahweh gave them:

web@Joshua:13:31 @ Half Gilead, Ashtaroth, and Edrei, the cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan, were for the children of Machir the son of Manasseh, even for the half of the children of Machir according to their families.

web@Joshua:14:11 @ As yet I am as strong today as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now for war, to go out and to come in.

web@Joshua:15:1 @ The lot for the tribe of the children of Judah according to their families was to the border of Edom, even to the wilderness of Zin southward, at the uttermost part of the south.

web@Joshua:15:5 @ The east border was the Salt Sea, even to the end of the Jordan. The border of the north quarter was from the bay of the sea at the end of the Jordan.

web@Joshua:15:13 @ To Caleb the son of Jephunneh he gave a portion among the children of Judah, according to the commandment of Yahweh to Joshua, even Kiriath Arba, named after the father of Anak (the same is Hebron).

web@Joshua:15:46 @ from Ekron even to the sea, all that were by the side of Ashdod, with their villages.

web@Joshua:15:51 @ Goshen, Holon, and Giloh; eleven cities with their villages.

web@Joshua:16:1 @ The lot came out for the children of Joseph from the Jordan at Jericho, at the waters of Jericho on the east, even the wilderness, going up from Jericho through the hill country to Bethel.

web@Joshua:16:3 @ and it went down westward to the border of the Japhletites, to the border of Beth Horon the lower, even to Gezer; and ended at the sea.

web@Joshua:17:17 @ Joshua spoke to the house of Joseph, even to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, "You are a great people, and have great power. You shall not have one lot only;

web@Joshua:18:2 @ Seven tribes remained among the children of Israel, which had not yet divided their inheritance.

web@Joshua:18:5 @ They shall divide it into seven portions. Judah shall live in his borders on the south, and the house of Joseph shall live in their borders on the north.

web@Joshua:18:6 @ You shall survey the land into seven parts, and bring the description here to me; and I will cast lots for you here before Yahweh our God.

web@Joshua:18:9 @ The men went and passed through the land, and surveyed it by cities into seven portions in a book. They came to Joshua to the camp at Shiloh.

web@Joshua:19:1 @ The second lot came out for Simeon, even for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families. Their inheritance was in the midst of the inheritance of the children of Judah.

web@Joshua:19:11 @ Their border went up westward, even to Maralah, and reached to Dabbesheth. It reached to the brook that is before Jokneam.

web@Joshua:19:17 @ The fourth lot came out for Issachar, even for the children of Issachar according to their families.

web@Joshua:19:28 @ and Ebron, Rehob, Hammon, and Kanah, even to great Sidon.

web@Joshua:19:32 @ The sixth lot came out for the children of Naphtali, even for the children of Naphtali according to their families.

web@Joshua:19:40 @ The seventh lot came out for the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families.

web@Joshua:19:50 @ According to the commandment of Yahweh, they gave him the city which he asked, even Timnathserah in the hill country of Ephraim; and he built the city, and lived there.

web@Joshua:21:20 @ The families of the children of Kohath, the Levites, even the rest of the children of Kohath, had the cities of their lot out of the tribe of Ephraim.

web@Joshua:21:40 @ All these were the cities of the children of Merari according to their families, even the rest of the families of the Levites. Their lot was twelve cities.

web@Joshua:22:30 @ When Phinehas the priest, and the princes of the congregation, even the heads of the thousands of Israel that were with him, heard the words that the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the children of Manasseh spoke, it pleased them well.

web@Joshua:23:4 @ Behold, I have allotted to you these nations that remain, to be an inheritance for your tribes, from the Jordan, with all the nations that I have cut off, even to the great sea toward the going down of the sun.

web@Joshua:23:12 @ "But if you do at all go back, and hold fast to the remnant of these nations, even these who remain among you, and make marriages with them, and go in to them, and they to you;

web@Joshua:24:2 @ Joshua said to all the people, "Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, 'Your fathers lived of old time beyond the River, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nahor: and they served other gods.

web@Joshua:24:12 @ I sent the hornet before you, which drove them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; not with your sword, nor with your bow.

web@Joshua:24:18 @ Yahweh drove out from before us all the peoples, even the Amorites who lived in the land. Therefore we also will serve Yahweh; for he is our God."

web@Judges:1:7 @ Adoni-Bezek said, "Seventy kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, scavenged under my table: as I have done, so God {The Hebrew word rendered "God" is "Elohim."} has requited me." They brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.

web@Judges:3:1 @ Now these are the nations which Yahweh left, to prove Israel by them, even as many as had not known all the wars of Canaan;

web@Judges:3:9 @ When the children of Israel cried to Yahweh, Yahweh raised up a savior to the children of Israel, who saved them, even Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother.

web@Judges:4:11 @ Now Heber the Kenite had separated himself from the Kenites, even from the children of Hobab the brother-in-law of Moses, and had pitched his tent as far as the oak in Zaanannim, which is by Kedesh.

web@Judges:4:13 @ Sisera gathered together all his chariots, even nine hundred chariots of iron, and all the people who were with him, from Harosheth of the Gentiles, to the river Kishon.

web@Judges:5:3 @ "Hear, you kings! Give ear, you princes! I, even I, will sing to Yahweh. I will sing praise to Yahweh, the God of Israel.

web@Judges:5:5 @ The mountains quaked at the presence of Yahweh, even Sinai, at the presence of Yahweh, the God of Israel.

web@Judges:6:1 @ The children of Israel did that which was evil in the sight of Yahweh: and Yahweh delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.

web@Judges:6:25 @ It happened the same night, that Yahweh said to him, "Take your father's bull, even the second bull seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the Asherah that is by it;

web@Judges:7:24 @ Gideon sent messengers throughout all the hill country of Ephraim, saying, "Come down against Midian, and take before them the waters, as far as Beth Barah, even the Jordan!" So all the men of Ephraim were gathered together, and took the waters as far as Beth Barah, even the Jordan.

web@Judges:8:14 @ He caught a young man of the men of Succoth, and inquired of him: and he described for him the princes of Succoth, and its elders, seventy-seven men.

web@Judges:8:26 @ The weight of the golden earrings that he requested was one thousand and seven hundred shekels of gold, besides the crescents, and the pendants, and the purple clothing that was on the kings of Midian, and besides the chains that were about their camels' necks.

web@Judges:8:27 @ Gideon made an ephod of it, and put it in his city, even in Ophrah: and all Israel played the prostitute after it there; and it became a snare to Gideon, and to his house.

web@Judges:8:30 @ Gideon had seventy sons conceived from his body; for he had many wives.

web@Judges:9:2 @ "Please speak in the ears of all the men of Shechem, 'Is it better for you that all the sons of Jerubbaal, who are seventy persons, rule over you, or that one rule over you?' Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh."

web@Judges:9:4 @ They gave him seventy pieces of silver out of the house of Baal Berith, with which Abimelech hired vain and light fellows, who followed him.

web@Judges:9:5 @ He went to his father's house at Ophrah, and killed his brothers the sons of Jerubbaal, being seventy persons, on one stone: but Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

web@Judges:9:18 @ and you have risen up against my father's house this day, and have slain his sons, seventy persons, on one stone, and have made Abimelech, the son of his female servant, king over the men of Shechem, because he is your brother);

web@Judges:9:24 @ that the violence done to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come, and that their blood might be laid on Abimelech their brother, who killed them, and on the men of Shechem, who strengthened his hands to kill his brothers.

web@Judges:9:40 @ Abimelech chased him, and he fled before him, and many fell wounded, even to the entrance of the gate.

web@Judges:9:56 @ Thus God requited the wickedness of Abimelech, which he did to his father, in killing his seventy brothers;

web@Judges:10:10 @ The children of Israel cried to Yahweh, saying, "We have sinned against you, even because we have forsaken our God, and have served the Baals."

web@Judges:11:13 @ The king of the children of Ammon answered to the messengers of Jephthah, "Because Israel took away my land, when he came up out of Egypt, from the Arnon even to the Jabbok, and to the Jordan: now therefore restore that territory again peaceably."

web@Judges:11:22 @ They possessed all the border of the Amorites, from the Arnon even to the Jabbok, and from the wilderness even to the Jordan.

web@Judges:11:33 @ He struck them from Aroer until you come to Minnith, even twenty cities, and to Abelcheramim, with a very great slaughter. So the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel.

web@Judges:11:36 @ She said to him, "My father, you have opened your mouth to Yahweh; do to me according to that which has proceeded out of your mouth, because Yahweh has taken vengeance for you on your enemies, even on the children of Ammon."

web@Judges:12:9 @ He had thirty sons; and thirty daughters he sent abroad, and thirty daughters he brought in from abroad for his sons. He judged Israel seven years.

web@Judges:12:14 @ He had forty sons and thirty sons' sons, who rode on seventy donkey colts: and he judged Israel eight years.

web@Judges:14:12 @ Samson said to them, "Let me tell you a riddle now. If you can declare it to me within the seven days of the feast, and find it out, then I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty changes of clothing;

web@Judges:14:15 @ It happened on the seventh day, that they said to Samson's wife, "Entice your husband, that he may declare to us the riddle, lest we burn you and your father's house with fire. Have you called us to impoverish us? Is it not so?"

web@Judges:14:17 @ She wept before him the seven days, while their feast lasted: and it happened on the seventh day, that he told her, because she pressed him severely; and she told the riddle to the children of her people.

web@Judges:14:18 @ The men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down, "What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?" He said to them, "If you hadn't plowed with my heifer, you wouldn't have found out my riddle."

web@Judges:16:5 @ The lords of the Philistines came up to her, and said to her, "Entice him, and see in which his great strength lies, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him; and we will each give you eleven hundred pieces of silver."

web@Judges:16:7 @ Samson said to her, "If they bind me with seven green cords that were never dried, then shall I become weak, and be as another man."

web@Judges:16:8 @ Then the lords of the Philistines brought up to her seven green cords which had not been dried, and she bound him with them.

web@Judges:16:13 @ Delilah said to Samson, "Until now, you have mocked me and told me lies. Tell me with what you might be bound." He said to her, "If you weave the seven locks of my head with the web."

web@Judges:16:19 @ She made him sleep on her knees; and she called for a man, and shaved off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.

web@Judges:17:2 @ He said to his mother, "The eleven hundred pieces of silver that were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse, and also spoke it in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it." His mother said, "Blessed be my son of Yahweh."

web@Judges:17:3 @ He restored the eleven hundred pieces of silver to his mother; and his mother said, "I most certainly dedicate the silver to Yahweh from my hand for my son, to make an engraved image and a molten image. Now therefore I will restore it to you."

web@Judges:18:15 @ They turned aside there, and came to the house of the young man the Levite, even to the house of Micah, and asked him of his welfare.

web@Judges:19:9 @ When the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father-in-law, the young lady's father, said to him, "Behold, now the day draws toward evening, please stay all night: behold, the day grows to an end, lodge here, that your heart may be merry; and tomorrow go on your way early, that you may go home."

web@Judges:19:16 @ Behold, there came an old man from his work out of the field at evening: now the man was of the hill country of Ephraim, and he lived in Gibeah; but the men of the place were Benjamites.

web@Judges:20:1 @ Then all the children of Israel went out, and the congregation was assembled as one man, from Dan even to Beersheba, with the land of Gilead, to Yahweh at Mizpah.

web@Judges:20:2 @ The chiefs of all the people, even of all the tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand footmen who drew sword.

web@Judges:20:15 @ The children of Benjamin were numbered on that day out of the cities twenty-six thousand men who drew the sword, besides the inhabitants of Gibeah, who were numbered seven hundred chosen men.

web@Judges:20:16 @ Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men left-handed; everyone could sling stones at a hair-breadth, and not miss.

web@Judges:20:23 @ The children of Israel went up and wept before Yahweh until evening; and they asked of Yahweh, saying, "Shall I again draw near to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother?" Yahweh said, "Go up against him."

web@Judges:20:26 @ Then all the children of Israel, and all the people, went up, and came to Bethel, and wept, and sat there before Yahweh, and fasted that day until evening; and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before Yahweh.

web@Judges:20:33 @ All the men of Israel rose up out of their place, and set themselves in array at Baal Tamar: and the ambushers of Israel broke forth out of their place, even out of Maareh Geba.

web@Judges:21:2 @ The people came to Bethel, and sat there until evening before God, and lifted up their voices, and wept severely.

web@Ruth:1:12 @ Go back, my daughters, go your way; for I am too old to have a husband. If I should say, 'I have hope,' if I should even have a husband tonight, and should also bear sons;

web@Ruth:2:7 @ She said, 'Please let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves.' So she came, and has continued even from the morning until now, except that she stayed a little in the house."

web@Ruth:2:15 @ When she had risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, "Let her glean even among the sheaves, and don't reproach her.

web@Ruth:2:17 @ So she gleaned in the field until evening; and she beat out that which she had gleaned, and it was about an ephah {1 ephah is about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel} of barley.

web@Ruth:4:15 @ He shall be to you a restorer of life, and sustain you in your old age, for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him."

web@1Samuel:2:5 @Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread. Those who were hungry are satisfied. Yes, the barren has borne seven. She who has many children languishes.

web@1Samuel:3:12 @In that day I will perform against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house, from the beginning even to the end.

web@1Samuel:3:20 @All Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of Yahweh.

web@1Samuel:5:6 @But the hand of Yahweh was heavy on them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and struck them with tumors, even Ashdod and its borders.

web@1Samuel:6:1 @The ark of Yahweh was in the country of the Philistines seven months.

web@1Samuel:6:18 @and the golden mice, according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords, both of fortified cities and of country villages, even to the great stone, whereon they set down the ark of Yahweh. That stone remains to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh.

web@1Samuel:6:19 @He struck of the men of Beth Shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of Yahweh, he struck of the people fifty thousand seventy men; and the people mourned, because Yahweh had struck the people with a great slaughter.

web@1Samuel:7:14 @The cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel were restored to Israel, from Ekron even to Gath; and Israel recovered its border out of the hand of the Philistines. There was peace between Israel and the Amorites.

web@1Samuel:8:8 @According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, in that they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also to you.

web@1Samuel:8:14 @He will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your olive groves, even their best, and give them to his servants.

web@1Samuel:10:8 @"You shall go down before me to Gilgal; and behold, I will come down to you, to offer burnt offerings, and to sacrifice sacrifices of peace offerings: you shall wait seven days, until I come to you, and show you what you shall do."

web@1Samuel:11:3 @The elders of Jabesh said to him, "Give us seven day, that we may send messengers to all the borders of Israel; and then, if there is no one to save us, we will come out to you."

web@1Samuel:13:8 @He stayed seven days, according to the time set by Samuel: but Samuel didn't come to Gilgal; and the people were scattered from him.

web@1Samuel:14:21 @Now the Hebrews who were with the Philistines as before, and who went up with them into the camp, from all around, even they also turned to be with the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan.

web@1Samuel:14:22 @Likewise all the men of Israel who had hidden themselves in the hill country of Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, even they also followed hard after them in the battle.

web@1Samuel:14:24 @The men of Israel were distressed that day; for Saul had adjured the people, saying, "Cursed is the man who eats any food until it is evening, and I am avenged of my enemies." So none of the people tasted food.

web@1Samuel:16:10 @Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. Samuel said to Jesse, "Yahweh has not chosen these."

web@1Samuel:17:16 @The Philistine drew near morning and evening, and presented himself forty days.

web@1Samuel:17:40 @He took his staff in his hand, and chose for himself five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in the shepherd's bag which he had, even in his wallet. His sling was in his hand; and he drew near to the Philistine.

web@1Samuel:17:52 @The men of Israel and of Judah arose, and shouted, and pursued the Philistines, until you come to Gai, and to the gates of Ekron. The wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim, even to Gath, and to Ekron.

web@1Samuel:18:4 @Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him, and gave it to David, and his clothing, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his sash.

web@1Samuel:18:11 @and Saul threw the spear; for he said, "I will pin David even to the wall!" David escaped from his presence twice.

web@1Samuel:19:10 @Saul sought to pin David even to the wall with the spear; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he stuck the spear into the wall. David fled, and escaped that night.

web@1Samuel:20:4 @Then Jonathan said to David, "Whatever your soul desires, I will even do it for you."

web@1Samuel:20:5 @David said to Jonathan, "Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to dine with the king; but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field to the third day at evening.

web@1Samuel:20:25 @The king sat on his seat, as at other times, even on the seat by the wall; and Jonathan stood up, and Abner sat by Saul's side: but David's place was empty.

web@1Samuel:25:25 @Please don't let my lord regard this worthless fellow, even Nabal; for as his name is, so is he. Nabal is his name, and folly is with him; but I, your handmaid, didn't see the young men of my lord, whom you sent.

web@1Samuel:27:3 @David lived with Achish at Gath, he and his men, every man with his household, even David with his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the Carmelitess, Nabal's wife.

web@1Samuel:27:8 @David and his men went up, and made a raid on the Geshurites, and the Girzites, and the Amalekites; for those were the inhabitants of the land, who were of old, as you go to Shur, even to the land of Egypt.

web@1Samuel:28:3 @Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city. Saul had put away those who had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land.

web@1Samuel:28:17 @Yahweh has done to you as he spoke by me. Yahweh has torn the kingdom out of your hand, and given it to your neighbor, even to David.

web@1Samuel:30:17 @David struck them from the twilight even to the evening of the next day. Not a man of them escaped from there, except four hundred young men, who rode on camels and fled.

web@1Samuel:30:26 @When David came to Ziklag, he sent of the spoil to the elders of Judah, even to his friends, saying, "Behold, a present for you of the spoil of the enemies of Yahweh."

web@1Samuel:31:13 @They took their bones, and buried them under the tamarisk tree in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

web@2Samuel:1:12 @They mourned, and wept, and fasted until evening, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of Yahweh, {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} and for the house of Israel; because they were fallen by the sword.

web@2Samuel:2:5 @David sent messengers to the men of Jabesh Gilead, and said to them, "Blessed are you by Yahweh, that you have shown this kindness to your lord, even to Saul, and have buried him.

web@2Samuel:2:11 @The time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months.

web@2Samuel:3:9 @God do so to Abner, and more also, if, as Yahweh has sworn to David, I don't do even so to him;

web@2Samuel:3:10 @to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul, and to set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba."

web@2Samuel:3:15 @Ishbosheth sent, and took her from her husband, even from Paltiel the son of Laish.

web@2Samuel:5:5 @In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months; and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three years over all Israel and Judah.

web@2Samuel:6:2 @David arose, and went with all the people who were with him, from Baale Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the Name, even the name of Yahweh of Armies who sits above the cherubim.

web@2Samuel:6:19 @He gave to all the people, even among the whole multitude of Israel, both to men and women, to everyone a portion of bread, dates, and raisins. So all the people departed everyone to his house.

web@2Samuel:7:6 @For I have not lived in a house since the day that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt, even to this day, but have moved around in a tent and in a tabernacle.

web@2Samuel:7:23 @What one nation in the earth is like your people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem to himself for a people, and to make himself a name, and to do great things for you, and awesome things for your land, before your people, whom you redeem to yourself out of Egypt, from the nations and their gods?

web@2Samuel:8:4 @David took from him one thousand seven hundred horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: and David hamstrung all the chariot horses, but reserved of them for one hundred chariots.

web@2Samuel:8:13 @David earned a reputation when he returned from smiting the Syrians in the Valley of Salt, even eighteen thousand men.

web@2Samuel:10:4 @So Hanun took David's servants, and shaved off the one half of their beards, and cut off their garments in the middle, even to their buttocks, and sent them away.

web@2Samuel:10:18 @The Syrians fled before Israel; and David killed of the Syrians seven hundred charioteers, and forty thousand horsemen, and struck Shobach the captain of their army, so that he died there.

web@2Samuel:11:2 @It happened at evening, that David arose from off his bed, and walked on the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful to look on.

web@2Samuel:11:13 @When David had called him, he ate and drink before him; and he made him drunk. At evening, he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord, but didn't go down to his house.

web@2Samuel:11:17 @The men of the city went out, and fought with Joab. Some of the people fell, even of the servants of David; and Uriah the Hittite died also.

web@2Samuel:11:23 @The messenger said to David, "The men prevailed against us, and came out to us into the field, and we were on them even to the entrance of the gate.

web@2Samuel:12:18 @It happened on the seventh day, that the child died. The servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead; for they said, "Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spoke to him, and he didn't listen to our voice. How will he then harm himself, if we tell him that the child is dead?"

web@2Samuel:14:25 @Now in all Israel there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty: from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him.

web@2Samuel:15:12 @Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counselor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he was offering the sacrifices. The conspiracy was strong; for the people increased continually with Absalom.

web@2Samuel:15:21 @Ittai answered the king, and said, "As Yahweh lives, and as my lord the king lives, surely in what place my lord the king shall is, whether for death or for life, even there also will your servant be."

web@2Samuel:17:10 @Even he who is valiant, whose heart is as the heart of a lion, will utterly melt; for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man, and those who are with him are valiant men.

web@2Samuel:17:11 @But I counsel that all Israel be gathered together to you, from Dan even to Beersheba, as the sand that is by the sea for multitude; and that you go to battle in your own person.

web@2Samuel:18:5 @The king commanded Joab and Abishai and Ittai, saying, "Deal gently for my sake with the young man, even with Absalom." All the people heard when the king commanded all the captains concerning Absalom.

web@2Samuel:18:29 @The king said, "Is it well with the young man Absalom?" Ahimaaz answered, "When Joab sent the king's servant, even me your servant, I saw a great tumult, but I don't know what it was."

web@2Samuel:19:14 @He bowed the heart of all the men of Judah, even as one man; so that they sent to the king, saying, "Return, you and all your servants."

web@2Samuel:19:32 @Now Barzillai was a very aged man, even eighty years old: and he had provided the king with sustenance while he lay at Mahanaim; for he was a very great man.

web@2Samuel:20:2 @So all the men of Israel went up from following David, and followed Sheba the son of Bichri; but the men of Judah joined with their king, from the Jordan even to Jerusalem.

web@2Samuel:20:21 @The matter is not so. But a man of the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, has lifted up his hand against the king, even against David. Deliver him only, and I will depart from the city." The woman said to Joab, "Behold, his head shall be thrown to you over the wall."

web@2Samuel:21:6 @let seven men of his sons be delivered to us, and we will hang them up to Yahweh in Gibeah of Saul, the chosen of Yahweh." The king said, "I will give them."

web@2Samuel:21:9 @He delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the mountain before Yahweh, and all seven of them fell together. They were put to death in the days of harvest, in the first days, at the beginning of barley harvest.

web@2Samuel:22:2 @and he said, "Yahweh is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, even mine;

web@2Samuel:22:42 @They looked, but there was none to save; even to Yahweh, but he didn't answer them.

web@2Samuel:22:48 @even the God who executes vengeance for me, who brings down peoples under me,

web@2Samuel:23:39 @Uriah the Hittite: thirty-seven in all.

web@2Samuel:24:2 @The king said to Joab the captain of the army, who was with him, "Now go back and forth through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan even to Beersheba, and number the people, that I may know the sum of the people."

web@2Samuel:24:13 @So Gad came to David, and told him, and said to him, "Shall seven years of famine come to you in your land? Or will you flee three months before your foes while they pursue you? Or shall there be three days' pestilence in your land? Now answer, and consider what answer I shall return to him who sent me."

web@2Samuel:24:15 @So Yahweh sent a pestilence on Israel from the morning even to the appointed time; and there died of the people from Dan even to Beersheba seventy thousand men.

web@1Kings:1:26 @But he hasn't called me, even me your servant, and Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and your servant Solomon.

web@1Kings:1:37 @As Yahweh has been with my lord the king, even so may he be with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord king David."

web@1Kings:1:48 @Also thus said the king, 'Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, who has given one to sit on my throne this day, my eyes even seeing it.'"

web@1Kings:2:5 @"Moreover you know also what Joab the son of Zeruiah did to me, even what he did to the two captains of the armies of Israel, to Abner the son of Ner, and to Amasa the son of Jether, whom he killed, and shed the blood of war in peace, and put the blood of war on his sash that was about his waist, and in his shoes that were on his feet.

web@1Kings:2:11 @The days that David reigned over Israel were forty years; he reigned seven years in Hebron, and he reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem.

web@1Kings:2:22 @King Solomon answered his mother, "Why do you ask Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah? Ask for him the kingdom also; for he is my elder brother; even for him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab the son of Zeruiah."

web@1Kings:4:24 @For he had dominion over all on this side the River, from Tiphsah even to Gaza, over all the kings on this side the River: and he had peace on all sides around him.

web@1Kings:4:25 @Judah and Israel lived safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.

web@1Kings:4:29 @God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and very great understanding, even as the sand that is on the seashore.

web@1Kings:4:33 @He spoke of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of animals, and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fish.

web@1Kings:5:15 @Solomon had seventy thousand who bore burdens, and eighty thousand who were stone cutters in the mountains;

web@1Kings:6:6 @The nethermost story was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad; for on the outside he made offsets in the wall of the house all around, that the beams should not have hold in the walls of the house.

web@1Kings:6:16 @He built twenty cubits on the hinder part of the house with boards of cedar from the floor to the ceiling: he built them for it within, for an oracle, even for the most holy place.

web@1Kings:6:38 @In the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, was the house finished throughout all its parts, and according to all its fashion. So was he seven years in building it.

web@1Kings:7:7 @He made the porch of the throne where he was to judge, even the porch of judgment: and it was covered with cedar from floor to floor.

web@1Kings:7:9 @All these were of costly stones, even of cut stone, according to measure, sawed with saws, inside and outside, even from the foundation to the coping, and so on the outside to the great court.

web@1Kings:7:10 @The foundation was of costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits.

web@1Kings:7:11 @Above were costly stones, even cut stone, according to measure, and cedar wood.

web@1Kings:7:17 @There were nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the capitals which were on the top of the pillars; seven for the one capital, and seven for the other capital.

web@1Kings:7:45 @and the pots, and the shovels, and the basins: even all these vessels, which Hiram made for king Solomon, in the house of Yahweh, were of burnished brass.

web@1Kings:8:2 @All the men of Israel assembled themselves to king Solomon at the feast, in the month Ethanim, which is the seventh month.

web@1Kings:8:4 @They brought up the ark of Yahweh, and the Tent of Meeting, and all the holy vessels that were in the Tent; even these the priests and the Levites brought up.

web@1Kings:8:6 @The priests brought in the ark of the covenant of Yahweh to its place, into the oracle of the house, to the most holy place, even under the wings of the cherubim.

web@1Kings:8:29 @that your eyes may be open toward this house night and day, even toward the place of which you have said, 'My name shall be there;' to listen to the prayer which your servant shall pray toward this place.

web@1Kings:8:39 @then hear in heaven, your dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and render to every man according to all his ways, whose heart you know; (for you, even you only, know the hearts of all the children of men;)

web@1Kings:8:65 @So Solomon held the feast at that time, and all Israel with him, a great assembly, from the entrance of Hamath to the brook of Egypt, before Yahweh our God, seven days and seven days, even fourteen days.

web@1Kings:11:3 @He had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart.

web@1Kings:11:35 @but I will take the kingdom out of his son's hand, and will give it to you, even ten tribes.

web@1Kings:12:27 @If this people goes up to offer sacrifices in the house of Yahweh at Jerusalem, then the heart of this people will turn again to their lord, even to Rehoboam king of Judah; and they will kill me, and return to Rehoboam king of Judah."

web@1Kings:12:30 @This thing became a sin; for the people went to worship before the one, even to Dan.

web@1Kings:12:33 @He went up to the altar which he had made in Bethel on the fifteenth day in the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart: and he ordained a feast for the children of Israel, and went up to the altar, to burn incense.

web@1Kings:13:8 @The man of God said to the king, "Even if you gave me half of your house, I would not go in with you, neither would I eat bread nor drink water in this place;

web@1Kings:13:34 @This thing became sin to the house of Jeroboam, even to cut it off, and to destroy it from off the surface of the earth.

web@1Kings:14:14 @Moreover Yahweh will raise him up a king over Israel, who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam. This is day! What? Even now.

web@1Kings:14:21 @Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehoboam was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which Yahweh had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there: and his mother's name was Naamah the Ammonitess.

web@1Kings:14:26 @and he took away the treasures of the house of Yahweh, and the treasures of the king's house; he even took away all: and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made.

web@1Kings:15:28 @Even in the third year of Asa king of Judah, Baasha killed him, and reigned in his place.

web@1Kings:16:10 @and Zimri went in and struck him, and killed him, in the twenty-seventh year of Asa king of Judah, and reigned in his place.

web@1Kings:16:15 @In the twenty-seventh year of Asa king of Judah, Zimri reigned seven days in Tirzah. Now the people were encamped against Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistines.

web@1Kings:17:6 @The ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.

web@1Kings:18:22 @Then Elijah said to the people, "I, even I only, am left a prophet of Yahweh; but Baal's prophets are four hundred fifty men.

web@1Kings:18:26 @They took the bull which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any who answered. They leaped about the altar which was made.

web@1Kings:18:43 @He said to his servant, "Go up now, look toward the sea." He went up, and looked, and said, "There is nothing." He said, "Go again" seven times.

web@1Kings:18:44 @It happened at the seventh time, that he said, "Behold, a small cloud, like a man's hand, is rising out of the sea." He said, "Go up, tell Ahab, 'Get ready and go down, so that the rain doesn't stop you.'"

web@1Kings:19:10 @He said, "I have been very jealous for Yahweh, the God of Armies; for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and slain your prophets with the sword. I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

web@1Kings:19:14 @He said, "I have been very jealous for Yahweh, the God of Armies; for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and slain your prophets with the sword. I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

web@1Kings:19:18 @Yet will I leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth which has not kissed him."

web@1Kings:20:3 @'Your silver and your gold is mine. Your wives also and your children, even the best, are mine.'"

web@1Kings:20:15 @Then he mustered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty-two. After them, he mustered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

web@1Kings:20:29 @They encamped one over against the other seven days. So it was, that in the seventh day the battle was joined; and the children of Israel killed one hundred thousand footmen of the Syrians in one day.

web@1Kings:20:30 @But the rest fled to Aphek, into the city; and the wall fell on twenty-seven thousand men who were left. Ben Hadad fled, and came into the city, into an inner room.

web@1Kings:21:11 @The men of his city, even the elders and the nobles who lived in his city, did as Jezebel had sent to them, according as it was written in the letters which she had sent to them.

web@1Kings:21:13 @The two men, the base fellows, came in and sat before him. The base fellows testified against him, even against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, "Naboth cursed God and the king!" Then they carried him out of the city, and stoned him to death with stones.

web@1Kings:21:19 @You shall speak to him, saying, 'Thus says Yahweh, "Have you killed and also taken possession?"' You shall speak to him, saying, 'Thus says Yahweh, "In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, dogs will lick your blood, even yours."'"

web@1Kings:22:35 @The battle increased that day. The king was propped up in his chariot facing the Syrians, and died at evening. The blood ran out of the wound into the bottom of the chariot.

web@1Kings:22:51 @Ahaziah the son of Ahab began to reign over Israel in Samaria in the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and he reigned two years over Israel.

web@2Kings:3:9 @So the king of Israel went, and the king of Judah, and the king of Edom; and they made a circuit of seven days' journey. There was no water for the army, nor for the animals that followed them.

web@2Kings:3:26 @When the king of Moab saw that the battle was too severe for him, he took with him seven hundred men who drew sword, to break through to the king of Edom; but they could not.

web@2Kings:4:3 @Then he said, "Go, borrow containers from of all your neighbors, even empty containers. Don't borrow just a few.

web@2Kings:4:35 @Then he returned, and walked in the house once back and forth; and went up, and stretched himself on him. Then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

web@2Kings:5:10 @Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, "Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall come again to you, and you shall be clean."

web@2Kings:5:14 @Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

web@2Kings:5:22 @He said, "All is well. My master has sent me, saying, 'Behold, even now two young men of the sons of the prophets have come to me from the hill country of Ephraim. Please give them a talent of silver and two changes of clothing.'"

web@2Kings:7:6 @For the Lord {The word translated "Lord" is "Adonai."} had made the army of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great army: and they said one to another, Behold, the king of Israel has hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come on us.

web@2Kings:7:7 @Therefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horses, and their donkeys, even the camp as it was, and fled for their life.

web@2Kings:8:1 @Now Elisha had spoken to the woman, whose son he had restored to life, saying, "Arise, and go, you and your household, and stay for a while wherever you can; for Yahweh has called for a famine. It shall also come on the land seven years."

web@2Kings:8:2 @The woman arose, and did according to the word of the man of God. She went with her household, and lived in the land of the Philistines seven years.

web@2Kings:8:3 @It happened at the seven years' end, that the woman returned out of the land of the Philistines. Then she went forth to cry to the king for her house and for her land.

web@2Kings:8:6 @When the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed to her a certain officer, saying, "Restore all that was hers, and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land, even until now."

web@2Kings:8:9 @So Hazael went to meet him, and took a present with him, even of every good thing of Damascus, forty camels' burden, and came and stood before him, and said, "Your son Benhadad king of Syria has sent me to you, saying, 'Will I recover from this sickness?'"

web@2Kings:9:4 @So the young man, even the young man the prophet, went to Ramoth Gilead.

web@2Kings:9:6 @He arose, and went into the house. Then he poured the oil on his head, and said to him, "Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, 'I have anointed you king over the people of Yahweh, even over Israel.

web@2Kings:9:29 @In the eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab began Ahaziah to reign over Judah.

web@2Kings:10:1 @Now Ahab had seventy sons in Samaria. Jehu wrote letters, and sent to Samaria, to the rulers of Jezreel, even the elders, and to those who brought up the sons of Ahab, saying,

web@2Kings:10:6 @Then he wrote a letter the second time to them, saying, "If you are on my side, and if you will listen to my voice, take the heads of the men your master's sons, and come to me to Jezreel by tomorrow this time." Now the king's sons, being seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, who brought them up.

web@2Kings:10:7 @It happened, when the letter came to them, that they took the king's sons, and killed them, even seventy persons, and put their heads in baskets, and sent them to him to Jezreel.

web@2Kings:10:14 @He said, "Take them alive!" They took them alive, and killed them at the pit of the shearing house, even forty-two men. He didn't leave any of them.

web@2Kings:10:33 @from the Jordan eastward, all the land of Gilead, the Gadites, and the Reubenites, and the Manassites, from Aroer, which is by the valley of the Arnon, even Gilead and Bashan.

web@2Kings:11:2 @But Jehosheba, the daughter of king Joram, sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him away from among the king's sons who were slain, even him and his nurse, and put them in the bedroom; and they hid him from Athaliah, so that he was not slain;

web@2Kings:11:4 @In the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the captains over hundreds of the Carites and of the guard, and brought them to him into the house of Yahweh; and he made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of Yahweh, and showed them the king's son.

web@2Kings:11:7 @The two companies of you, even all who go out on the Sabbath, shall keep the watch of the house of Yahweh around the king.

web@2Kings:11:21 @Jehoash was seven years old when he began to reign.

web@2Kings:12:1 @In the seventh year of Jehu began Jehoash to reign; and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Zibiah of Beersheba.

web@2Kings:13:1 @In the three and twentieth year of Joash the son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in Samaria for seventeen years.

web@2Kings:13:10 @In the thirty-seventh year of Joash king of Judah, Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz began to reign over Israel in Samaria for sixteen years.

web@2Kings:13:17 @He said, "Open the window eastward"; and he opened it. Then Elisha said, "Shoot!" and he shot. He said, "Yahweh's arrow of victory, even the arrow of victory over Syria; for you shall strike the Syrians in Aphek, until you have consumed them."

web@2Kings:14:10 @You have indeed struck Edom, and your heart has lifted you up. Enjoy the glory of it, and stay at home; for why should you meddle to your harm, that you should fall, even you, and Judah with you?'"

web@2Kings:14:29 @Jeroboam slept with his fathers, even with the kings of Israel; and Zechariah his son reigned in his place.

web@2Kings:15:1 @In the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign.

web@2Kings:15:20 @Menahem exacted the money of Israel, even of all the mighty men of wealth, of each man fifty shekels of silver, to give to the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria turned back, and didn't stay there in the land.

web@2Kings:16:1 @In the seventeenth year of Pekah the son of Remaliah Ahaz the son of Jotham king of Judah began to reign.

web@2Kings:16:15 @King Ahaz commanded Urijah the priest, saying, "On the great altar burn the morning burnt offering, and the evening meal offering, and the king's burnt offering, and his meal offering, with the burnt offering of all the people of the land, and their meal offering, and their drink offerings; and sprinkle on it all the blood of the burnt offering, and all the blood of the sacrifice; but the bronze altar shall be for me to inquire by."

web@2Kings:17:16 @They forsook all the commandments of Yahweh their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made an Asherah, and worshiped all the army of the sky, and served Baal.

web@2Kings:18:9 @It happened in the fourth year of king Hezekiah, which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, that Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against Samaria, and besieged it.

web@2Kings:18:12 @because they didn't obey the voice of Yahweh their God, but transgressed his covenant, even all that Moses the servant of Yahweh commanded, and would not hear it, nor do it.

web@2Kings:18:21 @Now, behold, you trust in the staff of this bruised reed, even in Egypt. If a man leans on it, it will go into his hand, and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust on him.

web@2Kings:19:15 @Hezekiah prayed before Yahweh, and said, "Yahweh, the God of Israel, who sit above the cherubim, you are the God, even you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.

web@2Kings:20:14 @Then Isaiah the prophet came to king Hezekiah, and said to him, "What did these men say? From where did they come to you?" Hezekiah said, "They have come from a far country, even from Babylon."

web@2Kings:21:15 @because they have done that which is evil in my sight, and have provoked me to anger, since the day their fathers came forth out of Egypt, even to this day.'"

web@2Kings:22:16 @"Thus says Yahweh, 'Behold, I will bring evil on this place, and on its inhabitants, even all the words of the book which the king of Judah has read.

web@2Kings:23:15 @Moreover the altar that was at Bethel, and the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, had made, even that altar and the high place he broke down; and he burned the high place and beat it to dust, and burned the Asherah.

web@2Kings:23:27 @Yahweh said, "I will remove Judah also out of my sight, as I have removed Israel, and I will cast off this city which I have chosen, even Jerusalem, and the house of which I said, 'My name shall be there.'"

web@2Kings:23:36 @Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah.

web@2Kings:24:14 @He carried away all Jerusalem, and all the princes, and all the mighty men of valor, even ten thousand captives, and all the craftsmen and the smiths; none remained, except the poorest sort of the people of the land.

web@2Kings:24:16 @All the men of might, even seven thousand, and the craftsmen and the smiths one thousand, all of them strong and apt for war, even them the king of Babylon brought captive to Babylon.

web@2Kings:24:18 @Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.

web@2Kings:25:2 @So the city was besieged to the eleventh year of king Zedekiah.

web@2Kings:25:8 @Now in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, to Jerusalem.

web@2Kings:25:9 @He burnt the house of Yahweh, and the king's house; and all the houses of Jerusalem, even every great house, burnt he with fire.

web@2Kings:25:22 @As for the people who were left in the land of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had left, even over them he made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, governor.

web@2Kings:25:23 @Now when all the captains of the forces, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governor, they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Jaazaniah the son of the Maacathite, they and their men.

web@2Kings:25:25 @But it happened in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the royal seed came, and ten men with him, and struck Gedaliah, so that he died, and the Jews and the Chaldeans that were with him at Mizpah.

web@2Kings:25:27 @It happened in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon, in the year that he began to reign, lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prison;

web@1Chronicles:2:15 @Ozem the sixth, David the seventh;

web@1Chronicles:2:23 @Geshur and Aram took the towns of Jair from them, with Kenath, and its villages, even sixty cities. All these were the sons of Machir the father of Gilead.

web@1Chronicles:3:4 @six were born to him in Hebron; and there he reigned seven years and six months. In Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three years;

web@1Chronicles:3:24 @The sons of Elioenai: Hodaviah, and Eliashib, and Pelaiah, and Akkub, and Johanan, and Delaiah, and Anani, seven.

web@1Chronicles:4:39 @They went to the entrance of Gedor, even to the east side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks.

web@1Chronicles:4:42 @Some of them, even of the sons of Simeon, five hundred men, went to Mount Seir, having for their captains Pelatiah, and Neariah, and Rephaiah, and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi.

web@1Chronicles:5:8 @and Bela the son of Azaz, the son of Shema, the son of Joel, who lived in Aroer, even to Nebo and Baal Meon:

web@1Chronicles:5:9 @and eastward he lived even to the entrance of the wilderness from the river Euphrates, because their livestock were multiplied in the land of Gilead.

web@1Chronicles:5:13 @Their brothers of their fathers' houses: Michael, and Meshullam, and Sheba, and Jorai, and Jacan, and Zia, and Eber, seven.

web@1Chronicles:5:18 @The sons of Reuben, and the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, of valiant men, men able to bear buckler and sword, and to shoot with bow, and skillful in war, were forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty, that were able to go forth to war.

web@1Chronicles:5:24 @These were the heads of their fathers' houses: even Epher, and Ishi, and Eliel, and Azriel, and Jeremiah, and Hodaviah, and Jahdiel, mighty men of valor, famous men, heads of their fathers' houses.

web@1Chronicles:5:26 @The God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgath Pilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, and brought them to Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river of Gozan, to this day.

web@1Chronicles:6:39 @His brother Asaph, who stood on his right hand, even Asaph the son of Berechiah, the son of Shimea,

web@1Chronicles:7:5 @Their brothers among all the families of Issachar, mighty men of valor, reckoned in all by genealogy, were eighty-seven thousand.

web@1Chronicles:7:11 @All these were sons of Jediael, according to the heads of their fathers' households, mighty men of valor, seventeen thousand and two hundred, who were able to go forth in the army for war.

web@1Chronicles:9:13 @and their brothers, heads of their fathers' houses, one thousand seven hundred sixty; very able men for the work of the service of God's house.

web@1Chronicles:9:23 @So they and their children had the oversight of the gates of the house of Yahweh, even the house of the tent, by wards.

web@1Chronicles:9:25 @Their brothers, in their villages, were to come in every seven days from time to time to be with them:

web@1Chronicles:10:12 @all the valiant men arose, and took away the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, and brought them to Jabesh, and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

web@1Chronicles:11:2 @In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. Yahweh your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over my people Israel.'"

web@1Chronicles:11:8 @He built the city all around, from Millo even around; and Joab repaired the rest of the city.

web@1Chronicles:12:11 @Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh,

web@1Chronicles:12:13 @Jeremiah the tenth, Machbannai the eleventh.

web@1Chronicles:12:25 @Of the children of Simeon, mighty men of valor for the war, seven thousand and one hundred.

web@1Chronicles:12:27 @Jehoiada was the leader of the household of Aaron; and with him were three thousand and seven hundred,

web@1Chronicles:12:34 @Of Naphtali one thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty-seven thousand.

web@1Chronicles:13:1 @David consulted with the captains of thousands and of hundreds, even with every leader.

web@1Chronicles:13:5 @So David assembled all Israel together, from the Shihor the brook of Egypt even to the entrance of Hamath, to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim.

web@1Chronicles:13:8 @David and all Israel played before God with all their might, even with songs, and with harps, and with stringed instruments, and with tambourines, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.

web@1Chronicles:14:16 @David did as God commanded him: and they struck the army of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gezer.

web@1Chronicles:15:26 @It happened, when God helped the Levites who bore the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, that they sacrificed seven bulls and seven rams.

web@1Chronicles:16:36 @Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting. All the people said, "Amen," and praised Yahweh.

web@1Chronicles:16:40 @to offer burnt offerings to Yahweh on the altar of burnt offering continually morning and evening, even according to all that is written in the law of Yahweh, which he commanded to Israel;

web@1Chronicles:17:24 @Let your name be established and magnified forever, saying, 'Yahweh of Armies is the God of Israel, even a God to Israel. The house of David your servant is established before you.'

web@1Chronicles:18:4 @David took from him one thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen; and David hamstrung all the chariot horses, but reserved of them for one hundred chariots.

web@1Chronicles:19:4 @So Hanun took David's servants, and shaved them, and cut off their garments in the middle, even to their buttocks, and sent them away.

web@1Chronicles:19:18 @The Syrians fled before Israel; and David killed of the Syrians the men of seven thousand chariots, and forty thousand footmen, and killed Shophach the captain of the army.

web@1Chronicles:21:2 @David said to Joab and to the princes of the people, "Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan; and bring me word, that I may know the sum of them."

web@1Chronicles:21:5 @Joab gave up the sum of the numbering of the people to David. All those of Israel were one million one hundred thousand men who drew sword: and in Judah were four hundred seventy thousand men who drew sword.

web@1Chronicles:21:12 @either three years of famine; or three months to be consumed before your foes, while the sword of your enemies overtakes you; or else three days the sword of Yahweh, even pestilence in the land, and the angel of Yahweh destroying throughout all the borders of Israel. Now therefore consider what answer I shall return to him who sent me.'"

web@1Chronicles:21:14 @So Yahweh sent a pestilence on Israel; and seventy thousand men of Israel fell.

web@1Chronicles:21:17 @David said to God, "Isn't it I who commanded the people to be numbered? It is even I who have sinned and done very wickedly; but these sheep, what have they done? Please let your hand, O Yahweh my God, be against me, and against my father's house; but not against your people, that they should be plagued."

web@1Chronicles:23:24 @These were the sons of Levi after their fathers' houses, even the heads of the fathers' houses of those who were counted individually, in the number of names by their polls, who did the work for the service of the house of Yahweh, from twenty years old and upward.

web@1Chronicles:23:28 @For their office was to wait on the sons of Aaron for the service of the house of Yahweh, in the courts, and in the rooms, and in the purifying of all holy things, even the work of the service of God's house;

web@1Chronicles:23:30 @and to stand every morning to thank and praise Yahweh, and likewise in the evening;

web@1Chronicles:24:10 @the seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijah,

web@1Chronicles:24:12 @the eleventh to Eliashib, the twelfth to Jakim,

web@1Chronicles:24:15 @the seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to Happizzez,

web@1Chronicles:24:31 @These likewise cast lots even as their brothers the sons of Aaron in the presence of David the king, and Zadok, and Ahimelech, and the heads of the fathers' households of the priests and of the Levites; the fathers' households of the chief even as those of his younger brother.

web@1Chronicles:25:7 @The number of them, with their brothers who were instructed in singing to Yahweh, even all who were skillful, was two hundred eighty-eight.

web@1Chronicles:25:14 @the seventh to Jesharelah, his sons and his brothers, twelve:

web@1Chronicles:25:18 @the eleventh to Azarel, his sons and his brothers, twelve:

web@1Chronicles:25:24 @for the seventeenth to Joshbekashah, his sons and his brothers, twelve:

web@1Chronicles:26:3 @Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Eliehoenai the seventh.

web@1Chronicles:26:5 @Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, Peullethai the eighth; for God blessed him.

web@1Chronicles:26:12 @Of these were the divisions of the doorkeepers, even of the chief men, having offices like their brothers, to minister in the house of Yahweh.

web@1Chronicles:26:30 @Of the Hebronites, Hashabiah and his brothers, men of valor, one thousand seven hundred, had the oversight of Israel beyond the Jordan westward, for all the business of Yahweh, and for the service of the king.

web@1Chronicles:26:31 @Of the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even of the Hebronites, according to their generations by fathers' households. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.

web@1Chronicles:26:32 @His brothers, men of valor, were two thousand seven hundred, heads of fathers' households, whom king David made overseers over the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half-tribe of the Manassites, for every matter pertaining to God, and for the affairs of the king.

web@1Chronicles:27:10 @The seventh captain for the seventh month was Helez the Pelonite, of the children of Ephraim: and in his division were twenty-four thousand.

web@1Chronicles:27:14 @The eleventh captain for the eleventh month was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the children of Ephraim: and in his division were twenty-four thousand.

web@1Chronicles:28:1 @David assembled all the princes of Israel, the princes of the tribes, and the captains of the companies who served the king by division, and the captains of thousands, and the captains of hundreds, and the rulers over all the substance and possessions of the king and of his sons, with the officers, and the mighty men, even all the mighty men of valor, to Jerusalem.

web@1Chronicles:28:19 @"All this," said David, "I have been made to understand in writing from the hand of Yahweh, even all the works of this pattern."

web@1Chronicles:28:20 @David said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do it. Don't be afraid, nor be dismayed; for Yahweh God, even my God, is with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of Yahweh is finished.

web@1Chronicles:29:4 @even three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, with which to overlay the walls of the houses;

web@1Chronicles:29:21 @They sacrificed sacrifices to Yahweh, and offered burnt offerings to Yahweh, on the next day after that day, even one thousand bulls, one thousand rams, and one thousand lambs, with their drink offerings, and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel,

web@1Chronicles:29:27 @The time that he reigned over Israel was forty years; he reigned seven years in Hebron, and he reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem.

web@2Chronicles:2:2 @Solomon counted out seventy thousand men to bear burdens, and eighty thousand men who were stone cutters in the mountains, and three thousand and six hundred to oversee them.

web@2Chronicles:2:4 @Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of Yahweh my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him incense of sweet spices, and for the continual show bread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the Sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the set feasts of Yahweh our God. This is an ordinance forever to Israel.

web@2Chronicles:2:9 @even to prepare me timber in abundance; for the house which I am about to build shall be great and wonderful.

web@2Chronicles:2:18 @He set seventy thousand of them to bear burdens, and eighty thousand who were stone cutters in the mountains, and three thousand six hundred overseers to set the people at work.

web@2Chronicles:5:1 @Thus all the work that Solomon did for the house of Yahweh was finished. Solomon brought in the things that David his father had dedicated, even the silver, and the gold, and all the vessels, and put them in the treasuries of the house of God.

web@2Chronicles:5:3 @And all the men of Israel assembled themselves to the king at the feast, which was in the seventh month.

web@2Chronicles:5:7 @The priests brought in the ark of the covenant of Yahweh to its place, into the oracle of the house, to the most holy place, even under the wings of the cherubim.

web@2Chronicles:5:12 @also the Levites who were the singers, all of them, even Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and their brothers, arrayed in fine linen, with cymbals and stringed instruments and harps, stood at the east end of the altar, and with them one hundred twenty priests sounding with trumpets;)

web@2Chronicles:5:13 @it happened, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Yahweh; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised Yahweh, saying, "For he is good; for his loving kindness endures forever!" that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of Yahweh,

web@2Chronicles:6:20 @that your eyes may be open toward this house day and night, even toward the place where you have said that you would put your name; to listen to the prayer which your servant shall pray toward this place.

web@2Chronicles:6:21 @Listen to the petitions of your servant, and of your people Israel, when they shall pray toward this place: yes, hear from your dwelling place, even from heaven; and when you hear, forgive.

web@2Chronicles:6:30 @then hear from heaven, your dwelling place and forgive, and render to every man according to all his ways, whose heart you know; (for you, even you only, know the hearts of the children of men;)

web@2Chronicles:6:33 @then hear from heaven, even from your dwelling place, and do according to all that the foreigner calls to you for; that all the peoples of the earth may know your name, and fear you, as does your people Israel, and that they may know that this house which I have built is called by your name.

web@2Chronicles:6:39 @then hear from heaven, even from your dwelling place, their prayer and their petitions, and maintain their cause, and forgive your people who have sinned against you.

web@2Chronicles:7:8 @So Solomon held the feast at that time seven days, and all Israel with him, a very great assembly, from the entrance of Hamath to the brook of Egypt.

web@2Chronicles:7:9 @On the eighth day they held a solemn assembly: for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days, and the feast seven days.

web@2Chronicles:7:10 @On the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people away to their tents, joyful and glad of heart for the goodness that Yahweh had shown to David, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people.

web@2Chronicles:8:10 @These were the chief officers of king Solomon, even two-hundred fifty, who ruled over the people.

web@2Chronicles:8:13 @even as the duty of every day required, offering according to the commandment of Moses, on the Sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the set feasts, three times in the year, in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tents.

web@2Chronicles:9:26 @He ruled over all the kings from the River even to the land of the Philistines, and to the border of Egypt.

web@2Chronicles:12:13 @So king Rehoboam strengthened himself in Jerusalem, and reigned: for Rehoboam was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which Yahweh had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there: and his mother's name was Naamah the Ammonitess.

web@2Chronicles:13:3 @Abijah joined battle with an army of valiant men of war, even four hundred thousand chosen men: and Jeroboam set the battle in array against him with eight hundred thousand chosen men, who were mighty men of valor.

web@2Chronicles:13:5 @Ought you not to know that Yahweh, the God of Israel, gave the kingdom over Israel to David forever, even to him and to his sons by a covenant of salt?

web@2Chronicles:13:9 @Haven't you driven out the priests of Yahweh, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and made priests for yourselves after the ways of the peoples of other lands? so that whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull and seven rams, the same may be a priest of those who are no gods.

web@2Chronicles:13:11 @and they burn to Yahweh every morning and every evening burnt offerings and sweet incense. They also set the show bread in order on the pure table; and the lampstand of gold with its lamps, to burn every evening: for we keep the instruction of Yahweh our God; but you have forsaken him.

web@2Chronicles:15:11 @They sacrificed to Yahweh in that day, of the spoil which they had brought, seven hundred head of cattle and seven thousand sheep.

web@2Chronicles:17:7 @Also in the third year of his reign he sent his princes, even Ben Hail, and Obadiah, and Zechariah, and Nethanel, and Micaiah, to teach in the cities of Judah;

web@2Chronicles:17:8 @and with them the Levites, even Shemaiah, and Nethaniah, and Zebadiah, and Asahel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehonathan, and Adonijah, and Tobijah, and Tobadonijah, the Levites; and with them Elishama and Jehoram, the priests.

web@2Chronicles:17:11 @Some of the Philistines brought Jehoshaphat presents, and silver for tribute; the Arabians also brought him flocks, seven thousand and seven hundred rams, and seven thousand and seven hundred male goats.

web@2Chronicles:18:34 @The battle increased that day. However the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot against the Syrians until the evening; and about the time of the going down of the sun, he died.

web@2Chronicles:23:1 @In the seventh year Jehoiada strengthened himself, and took the captains of hundreds, Azariah the son of Jeroham, and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, and Azariah the son of Obed, and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the son of Zichri, into covenant with him.

web@2Chronicles:24:1 @Joash was seven years old when he began to reign; and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Zibiah, of Beersheba.

web@2Chronicles:24:14 @When they had made an end, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada, of which were made vessels for the house of Yahweh, even vessels with which to minister and to offer, and spoons, and vessels of gold and silver. They offered burnt offerings in the house of Yahweh continually all the days of Jehoiada.

web@2Chronicles:25:5 @Moreover Amaziah gathered Judah together, and ordered them according to their fathers' houses, under captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, even all Judah and Benjamin: and he numbered them from twenty years old and upward, and found them three hundred thousand chosen men, able to go forth to war, who could handle spear and shield.

web@2Chronicles:25:13 @But the men of the army whom Amaziah sent back, that they should not go with him to battle, fell on the cities of Judah, from Samaria even to Beth Horon, and struck of them three thousand, and took much spoil.

web@2Chronicles:25:19 @You say to yourself that you have struck Edom; and your heart lifts you up to boast. Now stay at home. Why should you meddle with trouble, that you should fall, even you, and Judah with you?'"

web@2Chronicles:26:8 @The Ammonites gave tribute to Uzziah: and his name spread abroad even to the entrance of Egypt; for he grew exceeding strong.

web@2Chronicles:26:12 @The whole number of the heads of fathers' households, even the mighty men of valor, was two thousand and six hundred.

web@2Chronicles:26:13 @Under their hand was an army, three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred, who made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy.

web@2Chronicles:26:14 @Uzziah prepared for them, even for all the army, shields, and spears, and helmets, and coats of mail, and bows, and stones for slinging.

web@2Chronicles:28:10 @Now you purpose to keep under the children of Judah and Jerusalem for bondservants and bondmaids for yourselves. Aren't there even with you trespasses of your own against Yahweh your God?

web@2Chronicles:28:27 @Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city, even in Jerusalem; for they didn't bring him into the tombs of the kings of Israel: and Hezekiah his son reigned in his place.

web@2Chronicles:29:21 @They brought seven bulls, and seven rams, and seven lambs, and seven male goats, for a sin offering for the kingdom and for the sanctuary and for Judah. He commanded the priests the sons of Aaron to offer them on the altar of Yahweh.

web@2Chronicles:29:32 @The number of the burnt offerings which the assembly brought was seventy bulls, one hundred rams, and two hundred lambs: all these were for a burnt offering to Yahweh.

web@2Chronicles:30:5 @So they established a decree to make proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, that they should come to keep the Passover to Yahweh, the God of Israel, at Jerusalem: for they had not kept it in great numbers in such sort as it is written.

web@2Chronicles:30:10 @So the couriers passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, even to Zebulun: but they ridiculed them, and mocked them.

web@2Chronicles:30:18 @For a multitude of the people, even many of Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves, yet they ate the Passover otherwise than it is written. For Hezekiah had prayed for them, saying, "May the good Yahweh pardon everyone

web@2Chronicles:30:19 @who sets his heart to seek God, Yahweh, the God of his fathers, even if they aren't clean according to the purification of the sanctuary."

web@2Chronicles:30:21 @The children of Israel who were present at Jerusalem kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great gladness; and the Levites and the priests praised Yahweh day by day, singing with loud instruments to Yahweh.

web@2Chronicles:30:22 @Hezekiah spoke comfortably to all the Levites who had good understanding in the service of Yahweh. So they ate throughout the feast for the seven days, offering sacrifices of peace offerings, and making confession to Yahweh, the God of their fathers.

web@2Chronicles:30:23 @The whole assembly took counsel to keep other seven days; and they kept another seven days with gladness.

web@2Chronicles:30:24 @For Hezekiah king of Judah gave to the assembly for offerings one thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep; and the princes gave to the assembly a thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep: and a great number of priests sanctified themselves.

web@2Chronicles:30:27 @Then the priests the Levites arose and blessed the people: and their voice was heard, and their prayer came up to his holy habitation, even to heaven.

web@2Chronicles:31:3 @He appointed also the king's portion of his substance for the burnt offerings, for the morning and evening burnt offerings, and the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths, and for the new moons, and for the set feasts, as it is written in the law of Yahweh.

web@2Chronicles:31:7 @In the third month they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished them in the seventh month.

web@2Chronicles:31:16 @besides those who were reckoned by genealogy of males, from three years old and upward, even everyone who entered into the house of Yahweh, as the duty of every day required, for their service in their offices according to their divisions;

web@2Chronicles:32:24 @In those days Hezekiah was sick even to death: and he prayed to Yahweh; and he spoke to him, and gave him a sign.

web@2Chronicles:33:8 @neither will I any more remove the foot of Israel from off the land which I have appointed for your fathers, if only they will observe to do all that I have commanded them, even all the law and the statutes and the ordinances given by Moses."

web@2Chronicles:33:14 @Now after this he built an outer wall to the city of David, on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the entrance at the fish gate; and he encircled Ophel with it, and raised it up to a very great height: and he put valiant captains in all the fortified cities of Judah.

web@2Chronicles:34:6 @He did this in the cities of Manasseh and Ephraim and Simeon, even to Naphtali, around in their ruins.

web@2Chronicles:34:11 @even to the carpenters and to the builders gave they it, to buy cut stone, and timber for couplings, and to make beams for the houses which the kings of Judah had destroyed.

web@2Chronicles:34:24 @"Thus says Yahweh, 'Behold, I will bring evil on this place, and on its inhabitants, even all the curses that are written in the book which they have read before the king of Judah.

web@2Chronicles:34:33 @Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all who were found in Israel to serve, even to serve Yahweh their God. All his days they didn't depart from following Yahweh, the God of their fathers.

web@2Chronicles:35:17 @The children of Israel who were present kept the Passover at that time, and the feast of unleavened bread seven days.

web@2Chronicles:36:5 @Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of Yahweh his God.

web@2Chronicles:36:11 @Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem:

web@2Chronicles:36:21 @to fulfill the word of Yahweh by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed its Sabbaths. As long as it lay desolate it kept Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years.

web@Ezra:1:5 @ Then the heads of fathers' households of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, even all whose spirit God had stirred to go up rose up to build the house of Yahweh which is in Jerusalem.

web@Ezra:1:8 @ even those, Cyrus king of Persia brought out by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer, and numbered them to Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah.

web@Ezra:2:3 @ The children of Parosh, two thousand one hundred seventy-two.

web@Ezra:2:4 @ The children of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy-two.

web@Ezra:2:5 @ The children of Arah, seven hundred seventy-five.

web@Ezra:2:9 @ The children of Zaccai, seven hundred sixty.

web@Ezra:2:25 @ The children of Kiriath Arim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred forty-three.

web@Ezra:2:33 @ The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred twenty-five.

web@Ezra:2:36 @ The priests: the children of Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy-three.

web@Ezra:2:38 @ The children of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred forty-seven.

web@Ezra:2:39 @ The children of Harim, one thousand seventeen.

web@Ezra:2:40 @ The Levites: the children of Jeshua and Kadmiel, of the children of Hodaviah, seventy-four.

web@Ezra:2:65 @ besides their male servants and their female servants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven: and they had two hundred singing men and singing women.

web@Ezra:2:66 @ Their horses were seven hundred thirty-six; their mules, two hundred forty-five;

web@Ezra:2:67 @ their camels, four hundred thirty-five; their donkeys, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.

web@Ezra:3:1 @ When the seventh month had come, and the children of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered themselves together as one man to Jerusalem.

web@Ezra:3:3 @ In spite of their fear because of the peoples of the surrounding lands, they set the altar on its base; and they offered burnt offerings on it to Yahweh, even burnt offerings morning and evening.

web@Ezra:3:6 @ From the first day of the seventh month, they began to offer burnt offerings to Yahweh; but the foundation of Yahweh's temple was not yet laid.

web@Ezra:4:5 @ and hired counselors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia.

web@Ezra:5:16 @ Then the same Sheshbazzar came, and laid the foundations of God's house which is in Jerusalem: and since that time even until now has it been in building, and yet it is not completed.

web@Ezra:6:8 @ Moreover I make a decree what you shall do to these elders of the Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the River, expenses be given with all diligence to these men, that they be not hindered.

web@Ezra:6:22 @ and kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy: for Yahweh had made them joyful, and had turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of God's house, the God of Israel.

web@Ezra:7:7 @ There went up some of the children of Israel, and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinim, to Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king.

web@Ezra:7:8 @ He came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which was in the seventh year of the king.

web@Ezra:7:11 @ Now this is the copy of the letter that the king Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priest, the scribe, even the scribe of the words of the commandments of Yahweh, and of his statutes to Israel:

web@Ezra:7:14 @ Because you are sent of the king and his seven counselors, to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of your God which is in your hand,

web@Ezra:7:21 @ I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers who are beyond the River, that whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall require of you, it be done with all diligence,

web@Ezra:8:7 @ Of the sons of Elam, Jeshaiah the son of Athaliah; and with him seventy males.

web@Ezra:8:14 @ Of the sons of Bigvai, Uthai and Zabbud; and with them seventy males.

web@Ezra:8:24 @ Then I set apart twelve of the chiefs of the priests, even Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their brothers with them,

web@Ezra:8:25 @ and weighed to them the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, even the offering for the house of our God, which the king, and his counselors, and his princes, and all Israel there present, had offered:

web@Ezra:8:35 @ The children of the captivity, who had come out of exile, offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel, twelve bulls for all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and twelve male goats for a sin offering: all this was a burnt offering to Yahweh.

web@Ezra:9:1 @ Now when these things were done, the princes drew near to me, saying, "The people of Israel, and the priests and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands, following their abominations, even those of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

web@Ezra:9:4 @ Then were assembled to me everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of their trespass of the captivity; and I sat confounded until the evening offering.

web@Ezra:9:5 @ At the evening offering I arose up from my humiliation, even with my garment and my robe torn; and I fell on my knees, and spread out my hands to Yahweh my God;

web@Nehemiah:2:13 @ I went out by night by the valley gate, even toward the jackal's well, and to the dung gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and its gates were consumed with fire.

web@Nehemiah:3:1 @ Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brothers the priests, and they built the sheep gate; they sanctified it, and set up its doors; even to the tower of Hammeah they sanctified it, to the tower of Hananel.

web@Nehemiah:3:8 @ Next to him, Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, goldsmiths, made repairs. Next to him, Hananiah one of the perfumers made repairs, and they fortified Jerusalem even to the broad wall.

web@Nehemiah:3:15 @ Shallun the son of Colhozeh, the ruler of the district of Mizpah repaired the spring gate. He built it, and covered it, and set up its doors, its bolts, and its bars, and the wall of the pool of Shelah by the king's garden, even to the stairs that go down from the city of David.

web@Nehemiah:3:21 @ After him, Meremoth the son of Uriah the son of Hakkoz repaired another portion, from the door of the house of Eliashib even to the end of the house of Eliashib.

web@Nehemiah:5:8 @ I said to them, "We, after our ability, have redeemed our brothers the Jews that were sold to the nations; and would you even sell your brothers, and should they be sold to us?" Then they held their peace, and found never a word.

web@Nehemiah:5:11 @ Please restore to them, even this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive groves, and their houses, also the hundredth part of the money, and of the grain, the new wine, and the oil, that you are charging them."

web@Nehemiah:5:12 @ Then they said, "We will restore them, and will require nothing of them; so will we do, even as you say." Then I called the priests, and took an oath of them, that they would do according to this promise.

web@Nehemiah:5:13 @ Also I shook out my lap, and said, "So may God shake out every man from his house, and from his labor, that doesn't perform this promise; even thus be he shaken out, and emptied." All the assembly said, "Amen," and praised Yahweh. The people did according to this promise.

web@Nehemiah:5:14 @ Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be their governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brothers have not eaten the bread of the governor.

web@Nehemiah:5:15 @ But the former governors who were before me were supported by the people, and took bread and wine from them, besides forty shekels of silver; yes, even their servants ruled over the people: but I didn't do so, because of the fear of God.

web@Nehemiah:6:1 @ Now it happened, when it was reported to Sanballat and Tobiah, and to Geshem the Arabian, and to the rest of our enemies, that I had built the wall, and that there was no breach left therein; (though even to that time I had not set up the doors in the gates;)

web@Nehemiah:7:8 @ The children of Parosh, two thousand one hundred seventy-two.

web@Nehemiah:7:9 @ The children of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy-two.

web@Nehemiah:7:14 @ The children of Zaccai, seven hundred sixty.

web@Nehemiah:7:18 @ The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty-seven.

web@Nehemiah:7:19 @ The children of Bigvai, two thousand sixty-seven.

web@Nehemiah:7:29 @ The men of Kiriath Jearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred forty-three.

web@Nehemiah:7:37 @ The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred twenty-one.

web@Nehemiah:7:39 @ The priests: The children of Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy-three.

web@Nehemiah:7:41 @ The children of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred forty-seven.

web@Nehemiah:7:42 @ The children of Harim, one thousand seventeen.

web@Nehemiah:7:43 @ The Levites: the children of Jeshua, of Kadmiel, of the children of Hodevah, seventy-four.

web@Nehemiah:7:67 @ besides their male servants and their female servants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven: and they had two hundred forty-five singing men and singing women.

web@Nehemiah:7:68 @ Their horses were seven hundred thirty-six; their mules, two hundred forty-five;

web@Nehemiah:7:69 @ their camels, four hundred thirty-five; their donkeys, six thousand seven hundred twenty.

web@Nehemiah:7:72 @ That which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand darics of gold, and two thousand minas of silver, and sixty-seven priests' garments.

web@Nehemiah:7:73 @ So the priests, and the Levites, and the porters, and the singers, and some of the people, and the Nethinim, and all Israel, lived in their cities. When the seventh month had come, the children of Israel were in their cities.

web@Nehemiah:8:2 @ Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly, both men and women, and all who could hear with understanding, on the first day of the seventh month.

web@Nehemiah:8:13 @ On the second day were gathered together the heads of fathers' households of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, to Ezra the scribe, even to give attention to the words of the law.

web@Nehemiah:8:14 @ They found written in the law, how that Yahweh had commanded by Moses, that the children of Israel should dwell in booths in the feast of the seventh month;

web@Nehemiah:8:18 @ Also day by day, from the first day to the last day, he read in the book of the law of God. They kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day was a solemn assembly, according to the ordinance.

web@Nehemiah:9:6 @ You are Yahweh, even you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their army, the earth and all things that are on it, the seas and all that is in them, and you preserve them all. The army of heaven worships you.

web@Nehemiah:9:22 @ Moreover you gave them kingdoms and peoples, which you allotted according to their portions. So they possessed the land of Sihon, even the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og king of Bashan.

web@Nehemiah:10:31 @ and if the peoples of the land bring wares or any grain on the Sabbath day to sell, that we would not buy of them on the Sabbath, or on a holy day; and that we would forego the seventh year, and the exaction of every debt.

web@Nehemiah:11:19 @ Moreover the porters, Akkub, Talmon, and their brothers, who kept watch at the gates, were one hundred seventy-two.

web@Nehemiah:12:23 @ The sons of Levi, heads of fathers' households, were written in the book of the chronicles, even until the days of Johanan the son of Eliashib.

web@Nehemiah:12:37 @ By the spring gate, and straight before them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, even to the water gate eastward.

web@Nehemiah:12:38 @ The other company of those who gave thanks went to meet them, and I after them, with the half of the people, on the wall, above the tower of the furnaces, even to the broad wall,

web@Nehemiah:12:39 @ and above the gate of Ephraim, and by the old gate, and by the fish gate, and the tower of Hananel, and the tower of Hammeah, even to the sheep gate: and they stood still in the gate of the guard.

web@Nehemiah:12:43 @ They offered great sacrifices that day, and rejoiced; for God had made them rejoice with great joy; and the women also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.

web@Nehemiah:13:26 @ Didn't Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? Yet among many nations was there no king like him, and he was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel. Nevertheless foreign women caused even him to sin.

web@Ester:1:1 @ Now it happened in the days of Ahasuerus (this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India even to Ethiopia, over one hundred twenty-seven provinces),

web@Ester:1:4 @ He displayed the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honor of his excellent majesty many days, even one hundred eighty days.

web@Ester:1:5 @ When these days were fulfilled, the king made a seven day feast for all the people who were present in Shushan the palace, both great and small, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

web@Ester:1:10 @ On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcass, the seven eunuchs who served in the presence of Ahasuerus the king,

web@Ester:1:14 @ and the next to him were Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven princes of Persia and Media, who saw the king's face, and sat first in the kingdom),

web@Ester:2:9 @ The maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness from him. He quickly gave her cosmetics and her portions of food, and the seven choice maidens who were to be given her out of the king's house. He moved her and her maidens to the best place in the women's house.

web@Ester:2:14 @ In the evening she went, and on the next day she returned into the second women's house, to the custody of Shaashgaz, the king's eunuch, who kept the concubines. She came in to the king no more, unless the king delighted in her, and she was called by name.

web@Ester:2:16 @ So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus into his royal house in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.

web@Ester:2:18 @ Then the king made a great feast for all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he proclaimed a holiday in the provinces, and gave gifts according to the king's bounty.

web@Ester:3:6 @ But he scorned the thought of laying hands on Mordecai alone, for they had made known to him Mordecai's people. Therefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even Mordecai's people.

web@Ester:3:13 @ Letters were sent by couriers into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, even on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to plunder their possessions.

web@Ester:4:2 @ He came even before the king's gate, for no one is allowed inside the king's gate clothed with sackcloth.

web@Ester:5:3 @ Then the king asked her, "What would you like, queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you even to the half of the kingdom."

web@Ester:5:6 @ The king said to Esther at the banquet of wine, "What is your petition? It shall be granted you. What is your request? Even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed."

web@Ester:7:2 @ The king said again to Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, "What is your petition, queen Esther? It shall be granted you. What is your request? Even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed."

web@Ester:7:6 @ Esther said, "An adversary and an enemy, even this wicked Haman!" Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen.

web@Ester:7:8 @ Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman had fallen on the couch where Esther was. Then the king said, "Will he even assault the queen in front of me in the house?" As the word went out of the king's mouth, they covered Haman's face.

web@Ester:8:9 @ Then the king's scribes were called at that time, in the third month Sivan, on the twenty-third day of the month; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews, and to the satraps, and the governors and princes of the provinces which are from India to Ethiopia, one hundred twenty-seven provinces, to every province according to its writing, and to every people in their language, and to the Jews in their writing, and in their language.

web@Ester:9:16 @ The other Jews who were in the king's provinces gathered themselves together, defended their lives, had rest from their enemies, and killed seventy-five thousand of those who hated them; but they didn't lay their hand on the plunder.

web@Ester:9:30 @ He sent letters to all the Jews, to the hundred twenty-seven provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, with words of peace and truth,

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