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OT-HISTORY.filter - rotherham Saul:

rotherham@1Samuel:9:2 @ and, he, had a son, whose name, was Saul, a choice young man and of noble appearance, and there was not a man of the sons of Israel, more noble than he, from his shoulders and upwards, was he taller than any of the people.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:3 @ Now there had gone astray asses belonging to Kish, Sauls father, so Kish said unto Saul his son I pray thee, take with thee one of the young men, and arisego, seek the asses.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:5 @ They, had come into the land of Zuph when, Saul, said to his young man who was with him, Come! and let us return; lest my father leave off for the asses, and be concerned for us.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:7 @ Then said Saul to his young man: Behold, if we go, what shall we bring the man, for, the bread, hath failed from our sacks, and, present, there is none to bring to the man of God, what is there with us?

rotherham@1Samuel:9:8 @ And the young man again answered Saul, and said Lo! there is found in my hand, the fourth part of a shekel of silver, which thou canst give to the man of God, and he will tell us our way.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:10 @ And Saul said unto his young man, Good, is thy word, come! let us go! So they went unto the city, where the man of God was.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:15 @ Now, Yahweh, had unveiled the ear of Samuel, one day before Saul came, saying:

rotherham@1Samuel:9:17 @ And, when, Samuel, beheld Saul, Yahweh, answered him, Lo! the man, of whom I said unto thee, Here, is one shall control my people.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:18 @ And Saul drew near unto Samuel, in the midst of the gate, and said I pray thee, do tell me, where is the house of the seer?

rotherham@1Samuel:9:19 @ And Samuel answered Saul, and said I, am, the seer! Go up before me, to the high place, so shall ye eat with me, to-day, and I will let thee go in the morning, and, all that is in thy heart, will I tell thee.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:21 @ Then answered Saul, and said Am not I, a man of Benjamin, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and, my family, the poorest of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Wherefore, then, hast thou spoken unto me of such a thing as this?

rotherham@1Samuel:9:22 @ And Samuel took Saul and his young man, and brought them into the guest-chamber, and gave them a place at the head of them who were bidden, they being about thirty persons.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:24 @ And the cook took up the shoulder, and that which was upon it, and placed it before Saul, and said Lo! the part reserved! Set it before thee eat, for, unto the time appointed, hath it been kept for thee, since the time that I said, The people, have I bidden. So Saul did eat with Samuel, on that day.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:25 @ And, when they had come down from the high place into the city, he spread a couch for Saul upon the house-top, and he lay down.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:26 @ And it came to pass, at the uprisings of the dawn, that Samuel called unto Saul on the house-top, saying, Arise! that I may send thee away. So Saul arose, and they two, he and Samuel, went forth abroad.

rotherham@1Samuel:9:27 @ As they were going down the end of the city, Samuel, said unto Saul Bid the young man, that he pass on before us, (and he passed on) but, thou, stand still where thou art, that I may let time hear the word of God.

rotherham@1Samuel:10:11 @ And it came to pass, that, all who knew him aforetime, looked, and lo! with the prophets, he did prophesy. So the people said, one to another What, now, hath befallen the son of Kish? Is, even Saul, among the prophets?

rotherham@1Samuel:10:12 @ Then responded one of that place, and said, But who is, their father? For this cause, it became a proverb, Is, even Saul, among the prophets?

rotherham@1Samuel:10:14 @ Then said Sauls uncle unto him, and unto his young man Whither have ye been? And he said, To seek the asses, and, when they were nowhere, to be seen, we came unto Samuel.

rotherham@1Samuel:10:15 @ And Sauls uncle said, Do tell me, I pray thee, what Samuel said to you.

rotherham@1Samuel:10:16 @ And Saul said unto his uncle, He, told, us that the asses were found, but, as to the matter of the kingdom, he told him not what Samuel had said.

rotherham@1Samuel:10:21 @ And, when he had brought near the tribe of Benjamin, by their families, then was taken the family of Matri, and, when he had brought near the family of Matri, man by man, then was taken Saul the son of Kish; so they sought him, but he was not to be found.

rotherham@1Samuel:10:26 @ Yea, even Saul, went to his own house, at Gibeah, and the valiant men whose heart God had moved went with him.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:4 @ And, when the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul, and spake the words in the ears of the people, all the people lifted up their voice, and wept.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:5 @ But lo! Saul, came in, following the oxen, out of the field, and Saul said, What aileth the people, that they should weep? Then were recounted to him the words of the men of Jabesh.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:6 @ And the Spirit of God came suddenly upon Saul, when he heard these words, and his anger raged furiously.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:7 @ So he took a yoke of oxen, and cut them in pieces, and sent throughout all the bounds of Israel by the hand of messengerssaying, Whosoever cometh not forth after Saul, and after Samuel, so, shall it be done unto his oxen. Then felt the dread of Yahweh, upon the people, and they came forth, as one man.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:11 @ And it came to pass on the morrow, that Saul set the people in three companies, and they entered into the midst of the host, during the morning watch, and smote Ammon until the day was hot. And it came to pass that, they who were left, were scattered, so that there were not left among them, two together.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:12 @ Then said the people unto Samuel, Who is he that was saying, Shall, Saul, reign over us? Give up the men, that we may put them to death.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:13 @ But Saul said, There shall not be put to death a man, this day, for, to-day, hath Yahweh wrought deliverance in Israel.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:15 @ So all the people went to Gilgal, and made Saul king there, before Yahweh, in Gilgal, and offered there sacrifices of peace-offerings before Yahweh, and Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced there, exceedingly.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:1 @ Saul was years old when he began to reign; and, when he had reigned two years over Israel,

rotherham@1Samuel:13:2 @ Saul chose him three thousand men out of Israel, of whom there were with Saul, two thousand in Michmash and in the hill-country of Bethel, and, a thousand, were with Jonathan, in Gibeah of Benjamin, but, the rest of the people, he let go, every man to his own home.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:3 @ Then did Jonathan smite the garrison of Philistines that was in Geba, and the Philistines heard of it, and, Saul, blew with a horn throughout all the land saying, Let the Hebrews hear!

rotherham@1Samuel:13:4 @ And, all Israel, heard say Saul hath smitten the garrison of the Philistines, Moreover, also, Israel have made themselves odious among the Philistines, so the people were called together to follow Saul, to Gilgal.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:7 @ And, Hebrews, had passed over the Jordan, to the land of Gad, and Gilead, but, Saul, was yet in Gilgal, and all the people, trembled after him.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:9 @ Then said Saul, Bring near unto me, the ascending-sacrifice and the peace-offerings. And he offered up the ascending-sacrifice.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:10 @ And it came to pass, as he had made an end of offering up the ascending-sacrifice, lo! Samuel, had come, and Saul went out to meet him, that he might bless him.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:11 @ Then said Samuel What hast thou done? And Saul said Because I saw that the people had been scattered from me, and, thou, hadst not come within the appointed days, and, the Philistines, had gathered themselves together to Michmash,

rotherham@1Samuel:13:13 @ And Samuel said unto Saul Thou hast shewn thyself foolish, thou hast not kept the commandment of Yahweh thy God, which he commanded thee, for, now, would Yahweh have established thy kingdom unto Israel until times age-abiding;

rotherham@1Samuel:13:15 @ And Samuel arose, and ascended from Gilgal unto Gibeah of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the people who were found with him, about six hundred men.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:16 @ Now, Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the people that were found with him, were abiding in Geba of Benjamin, but, the Philistines, had encamped in Michmash.

rotherham@1Samuel:13:22 @ Thus would it come to pass, in the day of battle, that there was foundneither sword nor spear, in the hand of any of the people, that were with Saul and Jonathan, but such were found belonging to Saul and to Jonathan his son.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:1 @ And it came about, on a certain day, that Jonathan son of Saul said unto the young man bearing his armour: Come! and let us pass over unto the garrison of the Philistines, that is on the other side, yonder! but, to his father, he told it not.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:2 @ Now, Saul, was tarrying in the uttermost part of Gibeah, under the pomegranate tree that is in Migron, and, the people that were with him, were about six hundred men;

rotherham@1Samuel:14:16 @ And the scouts of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin looked, and lo! the camp, melted away, hither and thither.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:17 @ Then said Saul unto the people who were with him: Number, I pray you, and see who hath departed from us. So they numbered; and lo! Jonathan and his armour-bearer were missing.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:18 @ Then said Saul unto Ahijah, Bring near the ark of God; for the ark of God was, on that day, in the midst of the sons of Israel.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:19 @ And it came to pass, as soon as Saul had spoken unto the priest, that, the tumultuous noise that was in the camp of the Philistines, went on and on, increasing. Then said Saul unto the priest, Withdraw thy hand.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:20 @ And Saul and all the people that were with him gathered themselves together, and came as far as the host, and lo! the sword of every man was against his fellow, an exceeding great confusion.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:21 @ And, the Hebrews who had aforetime belonged to the Philistines, who had come up with them in the host, even they, turned round so as to be with Israel who were with Saul and Jonathan.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:24 @ Now, the men of Israel, were tired out on that day, yet had Saul bound the people by an oath, saying Cursed, be the man that eateth food until the evening, and I be avenged upon mine enemies. So none of the people had tasted food.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:33 @ And they told Saul, saying, Lo! the people, are sinning against Yahweh, by eating with the blood. And he said Ye have dealt treacherously, roll unto me, here, a great stone.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:34 @ And Saul said Disperse yourselves among the people, and say unto them Bring near unto me every man his ox,, and every man his lamb, and slay them here, and then eat, so shall ye not sin against Yahweh, by eating with the blood. And all the people brought nearevery man that which was in his hand, that night, and they slew them there.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:35 @ And Saul built an altar unto Yahweh, the same, was the first altar that he built unto Yahweh.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:36 @ Then said Saul Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and make of them a prey until the morning light, and let us not leave of them, a man. And they said, All that is good in thine eyes, do! Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither unto God.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:37 @ So Saul asked of God, Shall I go down after the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into the hand of Israel? But he answered him not, that day.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:38 @ Then said Saul, Come near hither, all ye chiefs of the people, and get to know and see, wherein, hath been this sin, to-day.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:40 @ Then said he unto all Israel Ye, shall be on one side, and, I and Jonathan my son, will be on the other side. And the people said unto Saul, What is good in thine eyes, do!

rotherham@1Samuel:14:41 @ And Saul said unto Yahweh O God of Israel! now set forth the truth. Then were, Jonathan and Saul, taken, and, the people, escaped.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:42 @ And Saul said, Cast lots between me, and Jonathan my son. Then was, Jonathan, taken.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:43 @ And Saul said unto Jonathan, Come tell me, what thou hast done. So Jonathan told him, and said, I, just tasted, with the end of the staff that was in my hand, a little honey, here I am I must die!

rotherham@1Samuel:14:44 @ Then said Saul: So, may God do, and, so, may he add, surely thou must, die, Jonathan!

rotherham@1Samuel:14:45 @ But the people said unto Saul Shall, Jonathan, die, who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel? Far be it! By the life of Yahweh, there shall not fall a hair of his head to the ground, for, with God, hath he wrought this day. So the people delivered Jonathan, that he died not.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:46 @ Then Saul went up from following the Philistines, and, the Philistines, departed unto their own place.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:47 @ And, Saul, took possession of the kingdom over Israel, and made war round about against all his enemiesagainst Moab, and against the sons of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines, and, whomsoever he turned against, he was victorious.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:49 @ And the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishvi, and Malchishua, and, the names of his two daughters, were, the name of the firstborn, Merab, and, the name of the younger, Michal,

rotherham@1Samuel:14:50 @ and, the name of Sauls wife, was Ahinoam, daughter of Ahimaaz, and the name of the prince of his host, Abner, son of Ner, Sauls uncle.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:51 @ And, Kish, was Sauls father, and, Ner, Abners father, was son of Abiel.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:52 @ And the war was severe against the Philistines all the days of Saul, and, whensoever Saul saw any mighty man, or any son of valour, he drew him unto himself.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:1 @ And Samuel said unto Saul, It was, me, Yahweh sent to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel, now, therefore, hearken thou to the voice of Yahwehs words.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:4 @ So then Saul called together the people, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:5 @ And Saul came as far as the city of Amalek, and stirred up strife in the ravine.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:6 @ Then said Saul unto the Kenites Go, depart, get you down out of the midst of the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them, yet, ye, dealt in lovingkindness, with all the sons of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites departed out of the midst of the Amalekites.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:7 @ And Saul smote Amalek, from Havilah, till thou enterest Shur, which is over against Egypt.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:9 @ But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep and the oxen and the lambs, also the fatlings, and all that was good, and would not devote them to destruction, but, all the cattle that was contemptible and diseased, that, devoted they to destruction.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:11 @ I am grieved that I made Saul to be king, for he hath turned back from following me, and, my words, hath he not established. And it was vexing to Samuel, so that he made outcry unto Yahweh, all the night.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:12 @ And Samuel rose early to meet Saul, in the morning, and it was told Samuel, saying Saul having come to Carmel, and lo! having set him up a sign, hath gone round, and passed over, and descended to Gilgal.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:13 @ And Samuel came unto Saul, and Saul said unto him Blessed, be thou by Yahweh: I have established the word of Yahweh.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:15 @ Then said Saul From the Amalekites, have they brought them in; in that the people spared the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto Yahweh thy God, but, the rest, have we devoted to destruction.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:16 @ Then said Samuel unto Saul, Stay, and let me tell thee, that which Yahweh hath spoken unto me, this night. And he said to him Speak.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:20 @ And Saul said unto Samuel As indeed I have hearkened unto the voice of Yahweh, and have been on the journey on which Yahweh sent me, and have brought in Agag, king of Amalek, and, the Amalekites, have I devoted to destruction.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:24 @ Then said Saul unto Samuel I have sinned; for I have transgressed the bidding of Yahweh, and thy words, for I feared the people, and hearkened unto their voice.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:26 @ And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not turn again with thee, Because thou hast rejected the word of Yahweh, therefore hath Yahweh rejected thee from being king over Israel.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:31 @ So then Samuel turned again, after Sauland Saul bowed down unto Yahweh.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:34 @ Then Samuel departed unto Ramah, but, Saul, went up unto his own house, at Gibeah of Saul.

rotherham@1Samuel:15:35 @ And Samuel did no more see Saul, until the day of his death, for Samuel pined for Saul, but, Yahweh, was grieved that he had made Saul king over Israel.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:1 @ And Yahweh said unto Samuel How long, art thou going to pine for Saul, seeing that, I, have rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill thy horn with oil, and come! let me send thee unto Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have provided me, among his sons, a king.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:2 @ And Samuel said, How can I go? As soon as Saul heareth, he will slay me. Then said Yahweh, A heifer, take thou with thee, and say, To sacrifice unto Yahweh, am I come.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:14 @ But, the spirit of Yahweh, departed from Saul, and there terrified him a sad spirit, from Yahweh.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:15 @ Then said the servants of Saul unto him, Lo! we pray thee, a sad superhuman spirit, doth terrify thee:

rotherham@1Samuel:16:17 @ And Saul said unto his servants, I pray you, look out for me a man that excelleth in playing, and bring him in unto me.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:19 @ So Saul sent messengers unto Jesse, and said, Send, unto me David thy son, who is with the sheep.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:20 @ Then took Jesse an ass laden with bread, and a skin of wine, and one kid, and sent by the hand of David his son, unto Saul.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:21 @ And David came in unto Saul, and stood before him, and he loved him greatly, and he became his armour-bearer.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:22 @ And Saul sent unto Jesse, saying, I pray thee, let David stand before me, for he hath found favour in mine eyes.

rotherham@1Samuel:16:23 @ And so it used to be, when a superhuman spirit came unto Saul, then would David take the lyre, and play with his hand, and Saul would be refreshed, and be joyful, and, the sad spirit, would depart from him.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:2 @ and, Saul and the men of Israel, gathered themselves together, and encamped in the vale of Elah, and set the army in array against the Philistines.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:8 @ And he took his stand, and cried unto the ranks of Israel, and said unto them, Wherefore should ye come out, to set in array for battle? Am not, I, a Philistine, while, ye, are servants unto Saul? Choose you a man, and let him come down unto me:

rotherham@1Samuel:17:11 @ When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and feared exceedingly.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:12 @ Now, David, was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem-judah, whose, name, was Jesse, and, who, had eight sons, and, the man, in the days of Saul was old, advanced in years.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:13 @ And the three eldest sons of Jesse had followed Saul to the battle, and, the names of his three sons who went into the battle, were Eliab the firstborn, and, the next to him, Abinadab, and, the third, Shammah.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:14 @ But, as for David, he, was the youngest, and, the three eldest, followed Saul;

rotherham@1Samuel:17:15 @ whereas, David, kept going and returning from Saul, to tend his fathers sheep at Bethlehem.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:19 @ Now, Saul, and they, and all the men of Israel, were in the vale of Elah, ready to fight with the Philistines.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:31 @ And the words which David spake were overheard, and, when they told them before Saul, he summoned him.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:32 @ And David said unto Saul, Let not the heart of my lord fail, because of him, thy servant, will go, and fight with this Philistine.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:33 @ And Saul said unto David Thou art not able to go against this Philistine, to fight with him, for, a youth, art, thou, but, he, a man of war, from his youth.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:34 @ Then said David unto Saul, Thy servant used to tend his fathers sheep, and there would come a lion, or a bear, and carry off a lamb out of the flock;

rotherham@1Samuel:17:37 @ And David said, Yahweh, who hath rescued me out of the power of the lion, and out of the power of the bear, he, will rescue us out of the hand of this Philistine. Then said Saul unto David Go! and, Yahweh, will be with thee.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:38 @ And Saul clad David with his own military coat, and set a helmet of bronze upon his head, and clad him with a coat of mail.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:39 @ And David girded his sword above his military coat, but was reluctant to go, for he had not proved them, so David said unto Saul I cannot go in these, for I have not proved them. And David put them off him.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:55 @ And, when Saul saw David going forth to meet the Philistine, he said unto Abner, prince of the host, Whose son is the young man, Abner? And Abner said, By the life of thy soul, O king! I know not.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:57 @ And, when David returned from smiting the Philistine, Abner took him, and brought him before Saul, with the head of the Philistine in his hand.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:58 @ And Saul said unto him, Whose son art, thou, O young man? And David said, Son of thy servant Jesse, the Bethlehemite.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:1 @ And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that, the soul of Jonathan, was knit with, the soul of David, so that Jonathan loved him, as his own soul.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:2 @ And Saul took him, that day, and suffered him not to return unto the house of his father.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:5 @ And David went forthwhithersoever Saul sent him, he behaved himself prudently, so Saul set him over the men of war, and he became a favourite in the eyes of all the people, yea even in the eyes of the servants of Saul.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:6 @ But so it was, when they came in on the return of David from the smiting of the Philistine, that the women went forth out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet Saul the king, with timbrels, with rejoicing, and with instruments of three strings.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:7 @ And the women that made merry responded to each other in song, and said, Saul, hath smitten, his thousands, but, David, his, tens of thousands.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:8 @ Then was Saul exceeding angry, and this saying was offensive in his eyes, and he said, They have ascribed, to David, ten thousands, but, to me, have they ascribed thousands, What, more, then, can he have but, the kingdom?

rotherham@1Samuel:18:9 @ And Saul was eyeing David from that day forward.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:10 @ And, when it came to pass, on the morrow, that a superhuman spirit of sadness came suddenly upon Saul, and he was moved to raving in the midst of the house, and, David, began playing with his hand, as he had done day by day, that a spear being in Sauls hand,

rotherham@1Samuel:18:11 @ Saul hurled the spear, and said to himself I will smite David, even to the wall! But David moved round from before him, twice.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:12 @ And Saul feared because of David, for Yahweh was with him, whereas, from Saul, he had departed.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:13 @ So Saul removed him from him, and appointed him to be for him the captain of a thousand, and he went out and came in before the people.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:15 @ And, when Saul saw that, he, was acting very prudently, he was afraid of him.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:17 @ So then Saul said unto David Lo! my elder daughter Merab, her, will I give thee to wife, only, approve thyself unto me as a son of valour and fight the battles of Yahweh. Saul, however, had said to himself Let not, my own hand, be upon him, but let, the hand of the Philistines, be upon him.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:18 @ And David said unto Saul Who am, I, or who are my kinsfolk, the family of my father, in Israel, that I should become son-in-law, to the king?

rotherham@1Samuel:18:19 @ But it came to pass, within the time for giving Merab daughter of Saul to David, that, she, was given to Adriel the Meholathite, to wife.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:20 @ Then did Michal, Sauls daughter, love David, and it was told Saul, and the thing was right in his eyes.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:21 @ And Saul said to himself I will give her unto him, that she may prove to him a snare, and that, the hand of the Philistines, may be upon him. So then Saul said unto David, A second time, mayest thou become my son-in-law to-day.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:22 @ And Saul commanded his servants Speak ye unto David quietly saying, Lo! the king delighteth in thee, and, all his servants, love thee, now, therefore, become thou son-in-law to the king.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:23 @ And the servants of Saul spake, in the ears of David, these words. And David said Seemeth it a light thing, in your eyes, to become son-in-law to the king, seeing that, I, am a poor man and lightly esteemed?

rotherham@1Samuel:18:24 @ So the servants of Saul told him, saying, According to these words, spake David,

rotherham@1Samuel:18:25 @ Then said Saul Thus, shall ye say unto David The king hath no delight in purchase-price, but rather in a hundred foreskins of Philistines, by avenging himself on the enemies of the king. But, Saul, thought to let David fall by the hand of the Philistines.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:27 @ Wherefore David arose, and wenthe and his men, and smote among the Philistines two hundred men, and David brought in their foreskins, and gave them in full tale unto the king, that he might become son-in-law unto the king, and Saul gave him Michal his daughter, to wife.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:28 @ And Saul saw and knew that, Yahweh, was with David, and that, all Israel, loved him.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:29 @ So then Saul went on to fear because of David, yet more, and it came to pass that Saul was hostile to David, all the days.

rotherham@1Samuel:18:30 @ And, when the princes of the Philistines came forth, so it was, that, as often as they came forth, David was more circumspect than any of the servants of Saul, so that his name was, precious exceedingly.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:1 @ Then spake Saul unto Jonathan his son, and unto all his servants, that they should put David to death;

rotherham@1Samuel:19:2 @ but, Jonathan, Sauls son, delighted in David, exceedingly, so Jonathan told David, saying, Saul, my father, is seeking to put thee to death, now, therefore, take heed to thyself I pray thee, in the morning, and abide thou in concealment, and hide thyself;

rotherham@1Samuel:19:4 @ So then Jonathan spake of David things that were good, unto Saul his father, and said unto him May the king not sin against his servantagainst David; for he hath not sinned against, thee, nay, indeed, his doings have been good to theeward exceedingly.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:6 @ And Saul hearkened unto the voice of Jonathan, and Saul sware, By the life of Yahweh, he shall not be put to death!

rotherham@1Samuel:19:7 @ And Jonathan called for David, and Jonathan told him all these things, and Jonathan brought in David unto Saul, and so he was in his presence, as aforetime.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:9 @ then came there a sad spirit of Yahweh unto Saul, he being in his house, seated, with his spear in his hand, while, David, played with his hand,

rotherham@1Samuel:19:10 @ Saul sought to smite David with the spear, even to the wall, but he slipped away from before Saul, who smote the spear into the wall, whereas, David, fled and escaped, that night.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:11 @ And Saul sent messengers unto Davids house, to watch him, and to put him to death, in the morning! And Michal his wife told David, saying, If thou do not deliver thyself to-night, to-morrow, art thou to be put to death.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:14 @ And, when Saul sent messengers to take David, she said He is, sick.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:15 @ So Saul sent messengers to see David, saying, Bring him up in the bed unto me, that I may put him to death.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:17 @ And Saul said unto Michal Wherefore, in this way, hast thou deceived me, and let go mine enemy, that he hath escaped? Then said Michal unto Saul, He, himself, said unto me Let me go, wherefore should I put thee to death?

rotherham@1Samuel:19:18 @ So, David, fled, and escaped, and came in unto Samuel in Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him, and he and Samuel departed, and dwelt in Naioth.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:19 @ And it was told Saul, saying, Lo! David, is in Naioth, in Ramah.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:20 @ So Saul sent messengers to take David, but, when they saw the assembly of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as head over them, then came the Spirit of God upon the messengers of Saul, and, they also, were, moved to prophesy.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:21 @ And, when they told Saul, and he sent other messengers, then were, they also, moved to prophesy. And, when Saul again sent messengers a third time, then were, they also, moved to prophesy.

rotherham@1Samuel:19:24 @ And, even he, stripped off his upper garments, and, even he, was moved to prophesy before Samuel, and lay prostrate, disrobed, all that day, and all the night. For this cause, do they say, Is, even Saul, among the prophets?

rotherham@1Samuel:20:25 @ yea the king sat down on his seat, as at other times, by the seat against the wall, and, when Jonathan arose, Abner seated himself by the side of Saul, but Davids place was empty.

rotherham@1Samuel:20:26 @ Saul, however, spake nothing that day, for he said to himself It is, an accident, he is, not clean, because he hath not been cleansed.

rotherham@1Samuel:20:27 @ And it came to pass, on the morrow, the second of the month, that Davids place was empty, and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore hath not the son of Jesse come in, either yesterday or to-day, to meat?

rotherham@1Samuel:20:28 @ And Jonathan answered Saul, David, asked leave, of me, as far as Bethlehem;

rotherham@1Samuel:20:30 @ Then was Sauls anger kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, Thou son of rebellious perversity! do I not know that thou art, confederate, with the son of Jesse to thine own confusion, and to the confusion of the shame of thy mother?

rotherham@1Samuel:20:32 @ And Jonathan responded to Saul his father, and said unto him Wherefore must he be put to death, What hath he done?

rotherham@1Samuel:20:33 @ And Saul hurled his spear at him, to smite him. So Jonathan knew that it was, determined, of his father, to put David to death.

rotherham@1Samuel:21:7 @ Now, in that very place, was a man of the servants of Saul, on that day, detained before Yahweh, whose name, was Doeg the Edomite, chief of the shepherds that belonged unto Saul.

rotherham@1Samuel:21:10 @ Then arose David, and fled, that day, from the face of Saul, and came in unto Achish, king of Gath.

rotherham@1Samuel:21:11 @ And the servants of Achish said unto him, Is not, this, David, king of the land? Was it not, of this man, that they kept responding in the dances, saying, Saul, hath smitten his, thousands, but, David, his, tens of thousands?

rotherham@1Samuel:22:6 @ And, when Saul heard that David was discovered, and the men that were with him Saul, being seated in Gibeah under the tamarisk-tree in Ramah, with his spear in his hand, and all his servants stationed by him,

rotherham@1Samuel:22:7 @ then said Saul unto his servants who were stationed by him Hear, I pray you, ye Benjamites! What! even to all of you, will the son of Jesse give fields and vineyards? All of you, will he appoint to be princes of thousands, and princes of hundreds?

rotherham@1Samuel:22:9 @ Then answered Doeg the Edomitehe, being stationed near the servants of Sauland said, I saw the son of Jesse coming into Nob, unto Ahimelech son of Ahitub;

rotherham@1Samuel:22:12 @ And Saul said, Hear, I pray thee, thou son of Ahitub! And he said Behold me! my lord.

rotherham@1Samuel:22:13 @ And Saul said unto him, Wherefore have ye conspired against me, thou, and the son of Jesse, in that thou gavest him bread and a sword, and didst enquire for him of God, that he might rise up against me, that he might lie in wait, as at this day?

rotherham@1Samuel:22:21 @ So Abiathar told David, that Saul had slain the priests of Yahweh.

rotherham@1Samuel:22:22 @ Then said David to Abiathar I knew, that day, when Doeg the Edomite was, there, that he would, surely tell, Saul. I, am chargeable with all the lives of the house of thy father.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:7 @ And, when it was told Saul that David had entered Keilah, Saul said God hath given him over into my hand, for he hath shut himself in by entering into a city with folding doors and bar.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:8 @ So Saul summoned all the people to war, to go down to Keilah, to besiege David, and his men.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:9 @ And David ascertained that, against him, Saul was contriving mischief, so he said unto Abiathar the priest, Bring hither the ephod.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:10 @ Then said David: O Yahweh, God of Israel, thy servant, hath heard, that Saul is seeking to come unto Keilah, to destroy the city, for my sake:

rotherham@1Samuel:23:11 @ Will the owners of Keilah surrender me into his hand? Will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard? O Yahweh, God of Israel, I pray thee, tell thy servant. And Yahweh said He will come down.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:12 @ Then said David, Will the owners of Keilah surrender me and my men, into the hand of Saul? And Yahweh said They will surrender.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:13 @ Then arose David and his men, about six hundred, and went forth out of Keilah, and went to and fro, whithersoever they could, and, unto Saul, it was told that David had escaped out of Keilah, so he forbare to go forth.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:14 @ Then David abode in the wilderness, in the fortresses, and he abode in the hill country, in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul sought him continually, but God delivered him not into his hand.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:15 @ Then David saw that Saul had come out to seek his life, David, being in the wilderness of Ziph, in the thicket.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:16 @ So Jonathan, Sauls son, arose and went unto David in the thicket, and strengthened his hand in God;

rotherham@1Samuel:23:17 @ and said unto him, Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find thee, but, thou, shalt become king over Israel, and, I, shall be, next, unto thee, yea and, Saul my father, knoweth this.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:19 @ Then came up the Ziphites unto Saul in Gibeah, saying, Is not David hiding himself with us, in the strongholds in the thicket, in the hill of Hachilah, which is on the right of Jeshimon?

rotherham@1Samuel:23:21 @ Then said Saul, Blessed, be ye, of Yahweh, because ye have taken pity upon me.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:24 @ So they arose and departed to Ziph, before Saul, but, David and his men, were in the wilderness of Maon, in the Arabah, to the right of Jeshimon.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:25 @ Then Saul and his men departed, to seek; but it had been told David, and he had gone down the cliff, and taken up his abode in the wilderness of Maon, and when Saul had, heard it, he pursued David in the wilderness of Maon.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:26 @ And Saul went on this side of the mountain, and, David and his men, on that side of the mountain, wherefore David became hurried, to get away from the presence of Saul, but, Saul and his men, were surrounding David and his men, to capture then:

rotherham@1Samuel:23:27 @ when, a messenger, came unto Saul, saying, Haste thee and come! for the Philistines have spread over the land.

rotherham@1Samuel:23:28 @ Then returned Saul from pursuing David, and departed to meet the Philistines, for which cause, they called that place Sela-hammahlekoth "the Cliff of Separation".

rotherham@1Samuel:24:1 @ And it came to pass, when Saul had returned from following the Philistines, that it was told him, saying: Lo! David is in the wilderness of En-gedi.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:2 @ Then Saul took three thousand chosen men, out of all Israel, and went to seek David and his men, over the face of the rocks of the mountain-goats.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:3 @ And he came into the sheep-folds by the way, there, being a cave, which Saul entered, to cover his feet, David and his men, in the hinder part of the cave, having taken up their abode.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:4 @ So Davids men said unto him Lo! the day of which Yahweh said unto thee Lo! I am about to deliver up thine enemy, into thy hand: therefore shall thou do unto him, as shall be good in thine eyes. And David arose, and cut off the corner of the robe which belonged to Saul, by stealth.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:5 @ And it came to pass afterwards that Davids heart smote him, because he had cut off the corner which belonged to Saul.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:7 @ So David did chide his men with the words, and did not suffer them to rise up against Saul. And, Saul, rose up out of the cave, and went on his way.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:8 @ Then David rose up, afterwards, and went forth out of the cave, and cried out after Saul, saying My lord, O king! And, when Saul looked about behind him, David inclined his face to the earth, and bowed himself down.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:9 @ Then said David to Saul, Wherefore shouldst thou hearken unto the words of the sons of earth, saying, Lo! David is seeking thy hurt?

rotherham@1Samuel:24:16 @ And it came to pass, when David had made an end of speaking these words unto Saul, that Saul said, Thy voice, is this, my son David? And Saul lifted up his voice, and wept.

rotherham@1Samuel:24:22 @ So David sware unto Saul, and Saul departed unto his own house, but, David and his men, went up on the stronghold.

rotherham@1Samuel:25:44 @ Saul, indeed, had given his daughter Michal, Davids wife, to Palti, sun of Laish, who was of Gallim.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:1 @ And the Ziphites came unto Saul in Gibeah, saying, Is not David hiding himself in the hill of Hachilah, overlooking Jeshimon?

rotherham@1Samuel:26:2 @ Then Saul arose, and went down into the wilderness of Ziph, and, with him, three thousand chosen men of Israel, to seek David in the wilderness of Zip.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:3 @ And Saul encamped in the hill of Hachilah, which overlooketh Jeshimon, by the way, but, David, was staying in the wilderness, so he saw that Saul was coming after him into the wilderness.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:4 @ David therefore sent runners, and took knowledge that Saul had come, for a certainty.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:5 @ So then David arose, and came to the place where Saul had encamped, and David saw the place where Saul was lying, with Abner, son of Ner, prince of his host, and, Saul, was lying within the circular trench, with, the people, encamped round about him.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:6 @ And David responded, and said unto Ahimelech the Hittite, and unto Abishai son of Zeruiah, brother of Joab, saying, Who will go down with me unto Saul, within the camp? And Abishai said, I, will go down with thee.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:7 @ So David came, with Abishai, unto the people by night, and lo! Saul lying asleep, within the trench, and his spear stuck in the ground, at his head, and Abner and the people lying round about him.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:12 @ So David took the spear, and the cruse of water, from near the head of Saul, and they went their way, and no man saw, and no man knew, and no man awoke, for all of them were sleeping, for, a deep sleep from Yahweh, had fallen upon them.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:17 @ And Saul knew the voice of David, and said Thy voice, is this, my son David? And David said, My voice, my lord O king!

rotherham@1Samuel:26:21 @ Then said Saul I have sinned, Return, my son David, for I will harm thee no more, because my life was precious in thine eyes, this day, lo! I have acted foolishly and, greatly, erred.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:25 @ Then said Saul unto David Blessed, be thou, my son David, thou shalt both, do, and shalt, prevail. And David went on his way, but, Saul, returned unto his own place.

rotherham@1Samuel:27:1 @ And David said, unto his own heart, Now, shall I be swept off, in a single day, by the hand of Saul, there is nothing for me better than that I, escape, into the land of the Philistines, so shall Saul give up seeking for me any more, in any of the bounds of Israel, so shall I escape out of his hand.

rotherham@1Samuel:27:4 @ And, when it was told Saul, that David had fled to Gath, he added no more, to seek him.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:3 @ Now, Samuel, was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city, Saul, moreover had put away them who had familiar spirits and them who were oracles, out of the land.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:4 @ So then the Philistines gathered themselves together, and came in, and encamped in Shunem, and Saul gathered together all Israel, and they encamped in Gilboa.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:5 @ And, when Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart trembled exceedingly.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:6 @ Then Saul enquired of Yahweh, but Yahweh answered him not, neither by Dreams, nor by the Lights, nor by prophets.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:7 @ Then said Saul unto his servants Seek me out a woman that owneth a familiar spirit, that I may even go unto her, and enquire of her. And his servants said unto him, Lo! there is a woman that owneth a familiar spirit in En-dor.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:8 @ Saul therefore disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and departedhe and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night, and he said Divine for me, I pray thee, by the familiar spirit, and bring up for mewhomsoever I shall name unto thee.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:9 @ And the woman said unto him Lo! thou, knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off them who have familiar spirits and him who is an oracle, out of the land, wherefore, then, art thou striking at my life, to put me to death?

rotherham@1Samuel:28:10 @ So then Saul sware unto her by Yahweh, saying, By the life of Yahweh, there shall no punishment befall thee for this thing.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:12 @ And, when the woman saw Samuel, she made outcry with a loud voice, and the woman spake unto Saul, saying Wherefore hast thou deceived me, thou thyself being Saul?

rotherham@1Samuel:28:13 @ And the king said unto her Be not afraid, but what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, A god, saw I, coming up out of the earth.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:14 @ And he said to her What was his form? And she said An old man, coming up, he being wrapped about with a robe. Then Saul knew, that it was, Samuel, so he inclined his face to the earth, and bowed himself down.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:15 @ And Samuel said unto Saul, Wherefore hast thou disquieted me, by bringing me up? And Saul said I am in sore distress, for, the Philistines, are making war against me, and, God, hath turned away from me, and answereth me no moreeither by means of the prophets, or by dreams, therefore have I even called for thee, to let me know, what I am to do.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:20 @ Then Saul hastened, and fell prostratethe whole length of himto the earth, and was sore afraid, at the words of Samuel, and indeed, no, strength, was left in him, for he had not eaten food all the day and all the night.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:21 @ And the woman came unto Saul, and, when she saw that he was greatly terrified, she said unto him Lo! thy handmaid hearkened unto thy voice, and I put my life into my hand, and heard thy words which thou didst speak unto me.

rotherham@1Samuel:28:25 @ and brought near before Saul and before his servants, and they did eat. Then rose they up and departed, the same night.

rotherham@1Samuel:29:3 @ Then said the princes of the Philistines, What are these Hebrews? And Achish said unto the princes of the Philistines Is not this David, servant of Saul king of Israel, who hath been with me this year, or two, and I have found in him nothing, from the day of his coming over unto me unto this day?

rotherham@1Samuel:29:5 @ Is not this David, of whom they made responses in the dances, saying, Saul, hath smitten, his thousands, But, David, his, tens of thousands?

rotherham@1Samuel:31:2 @ And the Philistines followed hard after Saul, and after his sons, and the Philistines smote Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchishua, sons of Saul.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:3 @ And the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers discovered him, and he was terrified at the archers.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:4 @ Then said Saul to his armour-bearer Draw thy sword and pierce me through therewith, lest these uncircumcised come, and pierce me through, and abuse me. But his armour-bearer was not willing, for he was sore afraid. So Saul took his sword and fell thereon.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:5 @ And, when his armour-bearer saw that Saul was dead, he also, fell upon his sword, and died with him.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:6 @ Thus died Saul, and his three sons, and his armour-bearer, yea all his men, on that day, together.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:7 @ And, when the men of Israel who were across the vale, and who were across the Jordan, saw that the men of Israel had fled, and that Saul and his sons were dead, they forsook the cities, and fled, and the Philistines entered, and took up their abode therein.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:8 @ And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found Saul, and his three sons, lying prostrate in Mount Gilboa.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:11 @ And, when the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead heard concerning him, what the Philistines had done unto Saul,

rotherham@1Samuel:31:12 @ then arose all the men of valour, and journeyed all the night, and took the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, from the wall of Beth-shan, and came to Jabesh, and burned them there;

rotherham@2Samuel:1:1 @ And so it was, after the death of Saul, when David had returned from the smiting of the Amalekites, and David had abode in Ziklag two days,

rotherham@2Samuel:1:2 @ yea so it was, on the third day, that lo! a man came out of the camp, from Saul, with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head, and so it was, when he came in unto David, that he fell to the earth, and did homage.

rotherham@2Samuel:1:4 @ And David said unto him How turned out the matter? tell me, I pray thee. And he said The people have fled from the battle, yea moreover, many, of the people have fallen, and died, Yea moreover, Saul, and Jonathan his son, are dead.

rotherham@2Samuel:1:5 @ Then said David unto the young man who was telling him, How knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his son are dead?

rotherham@2Samuel:1:6 @ And the young man who was telling him said, It, so happened, that I was on Mount Gilboa, when lo! Saul, leaning upon his spear, and lo! the chariots and horsemen, hotly pursued him;

rotherham@2Samuel:1:12 @ And they lamented aloud, and wept, and fasted until the evening, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of Yahweh, and for the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.

rotherham@2Samuel:1:17 @ Then chanted David this dirge, over Saul and over Jonathan his son;

rotherham@2Samuel:1:21 @ Ye mountains in Gilboa! Be there neither dew nor rain upon you, nor fields of offerings, for, there, were cast away, the shields of the mighty, The shield of Saul, unanointed with oil.

rotherham@2Samuel:1:22 @ From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan neer drew back, and, the sword of Saul, neer returned, empty.

rotherham@2Samuel:1:23 @ Saul and Jonathan, delightfully loving in their lives, even, in their death, were not divided, Beyond eagles, were they swift, beyond lions, were they strong!

rotherham@2Samuel:1:24 @ Ye daughters of Israel! For Saul, weep ye, who clothed you in crimson, with lovely things, who hung ornaments of gold on your apparel!

rotherham@2Samuel:2:4 @ Then came the men of Judah, and anointed David there, to be king over the house of Judah. And they told David, saying, Men of Jabesh-gilead, were they who buried Saul.

rotherham@2Samuel:2:5 @ So David sent messengers unto the men of Jabesh-gilead, and said unto them Blessed, be ye of Yahweh, that ye did this lovingkindness unto your lord, unto Saul, and buried him.

rotherham@2Samuel:2:7 @ Now, therefore, let your hands be made firm, and become ye sons of valour, for your lord Saul is dead, and, me, moreover have the house of Judah anointed, to be king over them.

rotherham@2Samuel:2:8 @ But, Abner son of Ner, prince of the host that pertained unto Saul, took Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, and brought him over to Mahanaim;

rotherham@2Samuel:2:10 @ Forty years old, was Ish-bosheth son of Saul, when he began to reign over Israel, and, two years, reigned he, but, the house of Judah, followed David.

rotherham@2Samuel:2:12 @ And Abner son of Ner, and the servants of Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, came out from Mahanaim to Gibeon.

rotherham@2Samuel:2:15 @ Then there arose, and went over by number, twelve of Benjamin, pertaining to Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, and twelve, of the servants of David.

rotherham@2Samuel:3:1 @ And the war between the house of Saul and the house of David was prolonged, and, David, waxed stronger and stronger, and, the house of Saul, became weaker and weaker.

rotherham@2Samuel:3:6 @ And it came to pass, while the war continued between the house of Saul and the house of David, that, Abner, shewed himself courageous for the house of Saul.

rotherham@2Samuel:3:7 @ Now, Saul, had a concubine, whose name, was Rizpah daughter of Aiah, and said unto Abner, Why, wentest thou in, unto my fathers concubine?

rotherham@2Samuel:3:8 @ And it provoked Abner greatly, on account of the words of Ish-bosheth, and he said Am I, the head of the dogs, that pertain unto Judah? To-day, would I deal in lovingkindness with the house of Saul thy father, towards his brethren, and towards his friends, and have not delivered thee into the hand of David, and yet thou hast charged upon me the transgression of the woman, today.

rotherham@2Samuel:3:10 @ by turning over the kingdom from the house of Saul, and establishing the throne of David, over Israel and over Judah, from Dan, even unto Beer-sheba.

rotherham@2Samuel:3:13 @ And he said Good! I, will solemnise with thee a covenant, but, one thing, must I ask of thee, saying Thou shalt not see my face, except thou have brought in Michal, Sauls daughter, when thou comest to see my face.

rotherham@2Samuel:3:14 @ And David sent messengers unto Ish-bosheth son of Saul, saying, Give up my wife, Michal, whom I espoused to myself, for a hundred foreskins of Philistines.

rotherham@2Samuel:4:1 @ Now, when Ish-bosheth son of Saul heard that Abner had died in Hebron, his hands became feeble, and, all Israel, were dismayed.

rotherham@2Samuel:4:2 @ And two men, captains of bands, pertained to Ish-bosheth son of Saulthe name of the one, was Baanah, and, the name of the other, Rechabsons of Rimmon the Beerothite, of the sons of Benjamin, for, even Beeroth, used to be reckoned unto Benjamin;

rotherham@2Samuel:4:4 @ And, Jonathan, son of Saul, had a son, lame of his feet, five years old, was he, when tidings came in of Saul and Jonathan from Jezreel, so his nurse took him up, and fled, and it came to pass, when she started up to flee, that he fell and was lamed, and, his name, was, Mephibosheth.

rotherham@2Samuel:4:8 @ and brought in the head of Ish-bosheth unto David, at Hebron, and said unto the king, Lo! the head of Ish-bosheth son of Saul, thine enemy, who sought thy life: so hath Yahweh given to my lord the king, avengement this day, on Saul and on his seed.

rotherham@2Samuel:4:10 @ when he that brought tidings to me, saying, Lo! Saul is dead, though, he, was as one that bringeth good tidings, in his own eyes, yet I seized him, and slew him in Ziklag, which was how I gave him reward for his tidings:

rotherham@2Samuel:5:2 @ Also, in time past, when Saul was king over us, thou, wast he that led out and brought in, Israel, and Yahweh said to thee Thou, shalt be shepherd unto my people, Israel, and, thou, shalt become leader over Israel.

rotherham@2Samuel:6:16 @ Now it so came about that, when the ark of Yahweh entered the city of David, Michal Sauls daughter, looked out through the window, and saw King David, leaping and dancing before Yahweh, and she despised him, in her heart.

rotherham@2Samuel:6:20 @ and David returned, to bless his household. Then came forth Michal Sauls daughter to meet David, and said How honoured, to-day, was the king of Israel in disrobing himself to-day, in the sight of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the low people, might disrobe himself?

rotherham@2Samuel:6:23 @ Therefore, Michal Sauls daughter, had no child, unto the day of her death.

rotherham@2Samuel:7:15 @ But, my lovingkindness, shall not depart from him, as I caused it to depart from Saul, whom I caused to depart from before thee.

rotherham@2Samuel:9:1 @ And David said, Is there yet one left unto the house of Saul, that I may show him lovingkindness, for the sake of, Jonathan?

rotherham@2Samuel:9:2 @ Now, unto the house of Saul, belonged a servant, whose name, was Ziba, and, when they had called him unto David, the king said unto him Art, thou, Ziba? And he said Thy servant!

rotherham@2Samuel:9:3 @ Then said the king Is there never a man remaining unto the house of Saul, that I may show him the lovingkindness of God? And Ziba said unto the king, There remaineth a son unto Jonathan, lame in his feet.

rotherham@2Samuel:9:6 @ Now, when Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came in unto David, he fell on his face and did homage. And David said, Mephibosheth? And he said, Lo! thy servant.

rotherham@2Samuel:9:7 @ And David said to him Do not fear, for I will, indeed shew, thee lovingkindness, for the sake of Jonathan thy father, and will restore unto thee all the land of Saul thy father, but, thou thyself, shall eat bread at my table, continually.

rotherham@2Samuel:9:9 @ Then the king called for Ziba, Sauls servant, and said unto him, All that pertained unto Saul and unto all his house, have I given unto the son of thy lord:

rotherham@2Samuel:12:7 @ Then said Nathan unto David: Thou, art the man! Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel I, anointed thee to be king over Israel, and, I, delivered thee out of the hand of Saul;

rotherham@2Samuel:16:5 @ And, when King David had come as far as Bahurim, lo! from thence a man coming out, of the family of the house of Saul, whose name, was Shimei son of Gera, coming out and cursing as he came.

rotherham@2Samuel:16:8 @ Yahweh, hath brought back upon thee, all the shed-blood of the house of Saul, in whose stead thou hast reigned, and Yahweh hath delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absolom thy son, and, here thou art, in thy ruin, for that, a man of bloodshed, thou art.

rotherham@2Samuel:19:17 @ And, a thousand men, were with him, out of Benjamin, Ziba also, servant of the house of Saul, and his fifteen sons and twenty servants, with him, and they went through the Jordan, before the king.

rotherham@2Samuel:19:24 @ And, Mephibosheth, son of Saul, came down to meet the king, he had neither dressed his feet, nor trimmed his beard, nor, his clothes, had he washed, from the day the king departed, until the day that he entered in peace.

rotherham@2Samuel:21:1 @ And there came to be a famine, in the days of David, for three years, year after year, so then David sought the face of Yahweh, and Yahweh said It respecteth Saul and his house, as to bloodshed, in that he put to death the Gibeonites.

rotherham@2Samuel:21:2 @ The king therefore called the Gibeonites, and said unto them (now, the Gibeonites, were, not of the sons of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites, with whom, the sons of Israel, had entered into an oath, and Saul had sought to smite them, in his jealousy for the sons of Israel and Judah)

rotherham@2Samuel:21:4 @ And the Gibeonites said unto him It is not a matter with us of silver or gold, with Saul or with his house, neither would we have a man put to death in Israel. And he said, What do ye say I should do for you?

rotherham@2Samuel:21:6 @ let there be delivered up to usseven men of his sons, and we will crucify them unto Yahweh in Gibeah of Saul, the chosen of Yahweh. And the king said, I, will deliver them up.

rotherham@2Samuel:21:7 @ But the king had pity upon Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, Sauls son, because of the oath of Yahweh that was between them, between David and Jonathan, Sauls son.

rotherham@2Samuel:21:8 @ So the king took the two sons of Rizpah daughter of Aiah, whom she had borne to Saul, even Armoni and Mephibosheth, and the five sons of Michal daughter of Saul, whom she had borne to Adriel son of Barzillai, the Meholathite;

rotherham@2Samuel:21:11 @ And it was told David, what Rizpah daughter of Aiah, Sauls concubine, had done.

rotherham@2Samuel:21:12 @ So David went and fetched the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son, from the owners of Jabesh-gilead, who stole them from the broadway of Beth-shan, where the Philistines had hanged them, on the day when the Philistines had smitten Saul in Gilboa;

rotherham@2Samuel:21:13 @ and he brought up from thence the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son, and they gathered together the bones of them who had been crucified;

rotherham@2Samuel:21:14 @ so they buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the land of Benjamin, in Zelah, in the grave of Kish his father, thus did they all that the king commanded, and God suffered himself to be entreated for the land, after this.

rotherham@2Samuel:22:1 @ And David spake unto Yahweh, the words of this song, in the day when Yahweh had rescued him, out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul;

rotherham@1Chronicles:5:10 @ and, in the days of Saul, they made war with the Hagrites, who fell by their hand, so they dwelt in their tents, over all the face of the land east of Gilead.

rotherham@1Chronicles:8:33 @ So then, Ner, begat Kish, and, Kish, begat Saul, and, Saul, begat Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal.

rotherham@1Chronicles:9:39 @ And, Ner, begat Kith, and, Kish, begat Saul, and, Saul, begat Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal;

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:2 @ And the Philistines followed hard after Saul, and after his sons, and the Philistines smote Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, sons of Saul.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:3 @ And the battle, went sore, against Saul, and the archers discovered him with the bow, and he was terrified because of the archers.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:4 @ Therefore said Saul unto his armour-bearer, Draw out thy sword and thrust me through therewith, lest these uncircumcised come and abuse me. But his armour-bearer would not, for he feared greatly, so then Saul took the sword, and fell upon it.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:5 @ And, when his armour-bearer saw that Saul was dead, then, he also, fell upon the sword, and died.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:6 @ So Saul died, and his three sons, and, all his house, together, died.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:7 @ And, when all the men of Israel that were in the vale saw, that they had fled, and that Saul and his sons were dead, then forsook they their cities, and fled, and the Philistines came and dwelt in them.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:8 @ And it came to pass, on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found Saul, and his sons, lying prostrate in Mount Gilboa.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:11 @ And, when all Jabesh-Gilead heard all that the Philistines had done to Saul,

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:12 @ then rose up all the men of valour, and took away the corpse of Saul, and the corpses of his sons, and brought them to Jabesh, and buried their bodies under the terebinth, in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

rotherham@1Chronicles:10:13 @ Thus died Saul, for his unfaithfulness wherewith he dealt unfaithfully against Yahweh, over the word of Yahweh, which he kept not, and, also, in asking by necromancy when he desired to enquire;

rotherham@1Chronicles:11:2 @ Moreover also, in time past even when Saul was king, thou, wast he that led out and brought in Israel, and Yahweh thy God said unto thee, Thou, shalt shepherd my people Israel, Yea, thou, shalt be chief ruler, over my people Israel.

rotherham@1Chronicles:12:1 @ Now these, are they who came unto David, to Ziklag, he yet being shut up, because of Saul son of Kish, and, they, were among the heroes, helpers in the war;

rotherham@1Chronicles:12:2 @ armed with the bow, using right hand or left with stones, and with arrows in the bow, of the brethren of Saul, out of Benjamin:

rotherham@1Chronicles:12:19 @ And, of Manasseh, there fell away unto David, when he came with the Philistines against Saul to battle, but they helped them not, for the lords of the Philistines advisedly sent him away, saying, At the price of our heads, he might fall away to his master, Saul.

rotherham@1Chronicles:12:23 @ And, these, are the numbers of the chiefs armed for war, they came unto David, to Hebron, to turn round the kingdom of Saul unto him, according to the bidding of Yahweh:

rotherham@1Chronicles:12:29 @ And, of the sons of Benjamin, brethren of Saul, three thousand, and, hitherto, the greater part of them, had been keeping the charge of the house of Saul.

rotherham@1Chronicles:13:3 @ and let us bring round the ark of our God, unto us, For they sought it not, in the days of Saul.

rotherham@1Chronicles:15:29 @ And so it was that, when the ark of the covenant of Yahweh came in as far as the city of David, and Michal daughter of Saul looked forth through the window, and saw King David, dancing and playing, that she despised him in her heart.

rotherham@1Chronicles:26:28 @ And, all that Samuel the seer, and Saul son of Kish, and Abner son of Ner, and Joab son of Zeruiah, had hallowed, whosoever had hallowed anything, it was under the direction of Shelomoth, and his brethren.

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