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drb@Joshua:3:5 @And Josue said to the people: Be ye sanctified: for to morrow the Lord will do wonders among you.

drb@Joshua:4:6 @That it may be a sign among you end when your children shall ask you to morrow, saying: What mean these stones?

drb@Joshua:7:11 @Israel hath sinned, and transgressed my covenant: and they have taken of the anathema, and have stolen and lied, and have hidden it among their goods.

drb@Joshua:7:21 @For I saw among the spoils a scarlet garment exceeding good, and two hundred sides of silver, and a golden rule of fifty sides: and I coveted them, and I took them away, and hid them in the ground is the midst of my tent, and the silver I covered with the earth that I dug up.

drb@Joshua:8:27 @And the children of Israel divided among them the cattle and the prey of the city, as the Lord had commanded Josue.

drb@Joshua:8:33 @And all the people, and the ancients, and the princes and judges stood on both sides of the ark, before the priests that carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, both the stranger and he that was born among them, half of them by mount Garizim, and half by mount Hebal, as Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded. And first he blessed the people of Israel.

drb@Joshua:8:35 @He left out nothing of those things which Moses had commanded, but he repeated all before all the people of Israel, with the women and children and strangers that dwelt among them.

drb@Joshua:9:16 @Now three days after the league was made, they heard that they dwelt nigh, and they should be among them.

drb@Joshua:11:14 @And the children of Israel divided among themselves all the spoil of these cities and the cattle, killing all the men.

drb@Joshua:13:3 @From the troubled river, that watereth Egypt, unto the borders of Accaron northward: the land of Chanaan, which is divided among the lords of the Philistines, the Gazites, the Azotians, the Ascalonites, the Gethites, and the Accronites.

drb@Joshua:13:22 @Balaam also the son of Beer the soothsayer, the children of Israel slew with the sword among the rest that were slain.

drb@Joshua:14:3 @For to two tribes and a half Moses had given possession beyond the Jordan: besides the Levites, who received no land among their brethren:

drb@Joshua:14:15 @The name of Hebron before was called Cariath-Arbe: Adam the greatest among the Enacims was laid there: and the land rested from wars.

drb@Joshua:17:4 @And they came in the presence of Eleazar the priest and of Josue the son of Nun, and of the princes, saying: The Lord commanded by the hand of Moses, that a possession should be given us in the midst of our brethren. And he gave them according to the commandment of the Lord a possession amongst the brethren of their father.

drb@Joshua:18:8 @For the Levites have no part among you, but the priesthood of the Lord is their inheritance. And Gad and Ruben, and the half tribe of Manasses have already received their possessions beyond the Jordan eastward: which Moses the servant of the Lord gave them.

drb@Joshua:20:9 @These cities were appointed for all the children of Israel, and for the strangers, that dwelt among them: that whosoever had killed a person unawares might flee to them, and not die by the hand of the kinsman, coveting to revenge the blood that was shed, until he should stand before the people to lay open his cause.

drb@Joshua:22:7 @Now to half the tribe of Manasses, Moses had given a possession in Basan: and therefore to the half that remained, Josue gave a lot among the rest of their brethren beyond the Jordan to the west. And when he sent them away to their dwellings and had blessed them,

drb@Joshua:22:19 @But if you think the land of your possession to be unclean, pass over to the land wherein is the tabernacle of the Lord, and dwell among us: only depart not from the Lord, and from our society, by building an altar beside the altar of the Lord our God.

drb@Joshua:23:7 @Lest after that you are come in among the Gentiles, who will remain among you, you should swear by the name of their gods, and serve them, and adore them:

drb@Joshua:23:12 @But if you will embrace the errors of these nations that dwell among you, and make marriages with them, and join friendships:

drb@Joshua:24:17 @The Lord our God he brought us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage: and did very great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way by which we journeyed, and among all the people through whom we passed.

drb@Joshua:24:23 @Now therefore, said he, put away strange gods from among you, and incline your hearts to the Lord the God of Israel.

drb@Judges:1:30 @Zabulon destroyed not the inhabitants of Cetron, and Naalol: but the Chanaanite dwelt among them, and became their tributaries.

drb@Judges:5:8 @The Lord chose new wars, and he himself overthrew the gates of the enemies: a shield and spear was not seen among forty thousand of Israel.

drb@Judges:5:13 @The remnants of the people are saved, the Lord hath fought among the valiant ones.

drb@Judges:5:24 @Blessed among women be Jahel the wife of Haber the Cinite, and blessed be she in her tent.

drb@Judges:6:5 @And pitching their tents among them, wasted all things as they were in the blade even to the entrance of Gaza: and they left nothing at all in Israel for sustenance of life, nor sheep, nor oxen, nor asses.

drb@Judges:9:9 @And it answered: Can I leave my fatness, which both gods and men make use of, to come to be promoted among the trees?

drb@Judges:9:11 @And it answered them: Can I leave my sweetness, and my delicious fruits, and go to be promoted among the other trees?

drb@Judges:9:13 @And it answered them: Can I forsake my wine, that cheereth God and men, and be promoted among the other trees?

drb@Judges:14:3 @And his father and mother said to him: Is there no woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou wilt take a wife of the Philistines, who are uncircumcised? And Samson said to his father: Take this woman for me, for she hath pleased my eyes.

drb@Judges:16:2 @And when the Philistines had beard this, and it was noised about among them, that Samson was come into the city, they surrounded him, setting guards at the gate of the city, and watching there all the night in silence, that in the morning they might kill him as he went out.

drb@Judges:18:1 @In those days there was no king in Israel, and the tribe of Dan sought them an inheritance to dwell in: for unto that day they had not received their lot among the other tribes.

drb@Judges:20:12 @And they sent messengers to all the tribe of Benjamin to say to them: Why hath so great an abomination been found among you?

drb@Judges:21:3 @O Lord God of Israel, why is so great an evil come to pass in thy people, that this day one tribe should be taken away from among us?

drb@Judges:21:5 @Who is there among all the tribes of Israel that came not up with the army of the Lord? for they had bound themselves with a great oath, when they were in Maspha, that whosoever were wanting should be slain.

drb@Judges:21:21 @And when you shall see the daughters of Silo come out, as the custom is, to dance, come ye on a sudden out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife among them, and go into the land of Benjamin.

drb@Ruth:1:19 @So they went together and came to Bethlehem. And when they were come into the city, the report was quickly spread among all: and the women said: This is that Noemi.

drb@Ruth:4:10 @And have taken to wife Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of Mahalon, to raise up the name of the deceased in his inheritance lest his name be cut off, from among his family and his brethren and his people

drb@1Samuel:7:3 @And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying: If you turn to the Lord with all your heart, put away the strange gods from among you, Baalim and Astaroth: and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.

drb@1Samuel:9:2 @And he had a son whose name was Saul, a choice and goodly man, and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he appeared above all the people.

drb@1Samuel:9:21 @And Saul answering, said: Am not I a son of Jemini of the least tribe of Israel, and my kindred the last among all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Why then hast thou spoken this word to me?

drb@1Samuel:10:11 @And all that had known him yesterday and the day before, seeing that he was with the prophets, and prophesied, said to each other: What is this that hath happened to the son of Cis? Is Saul also among the prophets?

drb@1Samuel:10:12 @And one answered another, saying: And who is their father? therefore it became a proverb: Is Saul also among the prophets?

drb@1Samuel:10:24 @And Samuel said to all the people: Surely you see him whom the Lord hath chosen, that there is none like him among all the people. And all the people cried and said: God save the king.

drb@1Samuel:12:24 @Therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in truth and with your whole heart, for you have seen the great works which he hath done among you.

drb@1Samuel:14:30 @How much more if the people had eaten of the prey of their enemies, which they found? had there not been made a greater slaughter among the Philistines?

drb@1Samuel:14:34 @And Saul said: Disperse yourselves among the people, and tell them to bring me every man his ox and his ram, and slay them upon this stone, and eat, and you shall not sin against the Lord in eating with the blood. So all the people brought every man his ox with him till the night: and slew them there.

drb@1Samuel:15:33 @And Samuel said: As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed him in pieces before the Lord in Galgal.

drb@1Samuel:16:1 @And the Lord said to Samuel. How It long wilt thou mourn for Saul, whom I have rejected from reigning over Israel? fill thy horn with oil, and come, that I may send thee to Isai the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.

drb@1Samuel:17:12 @Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem Juda before mentioned, whose name was Isai, who had eight sons, and was an old man in the days of Saul, and of great age among men.

drb@1Samuel:19:24 @And he stripped himself also of his garments, and prophesied with the rest before Samuel, and lay down naked all that day and night. This gave occasion to a proverb: What! is Saul too among the prophets?

drb@1Samuel:22:9 @And Doeg the Edomite who stood by, and was the chief among the servants of Saul, answering, said: I saw the son of Isai, in Nobe with Achimelech the son of Achitob the priest.

drb@1Samuel:22:14 @And Achimelech answering the king, said: And who amongst all thy servants is so faithful as David, who is the king's son in law, and goeth forth at thy bidding, and is honourable in thy house?

drb@1Samuel:31:9 @And they cut off Saul's head, and stripped him of his armour, and sent into the land of the Philistines round about, to publish it in the temples of their idols, and among their people.

drb@2Samuel:17:9 @Perhaps he now lieth hid in pits, or in some other place where he list: and when any one shall fall at the first, every one that heareth it shall say: There is a slaughter among the people that followed Absalom.

drb@2Samuel:19:28 @For all of my father's house were no better than worthy of death before my lord the king; and thou hast set me thy servant among the guests of thy table: what just complaint therefore have I? or what right to cry any more to the king?

drb@2Samuel:22:50 @Therefore will I give thanks to thee. O Lord, among the Gentiles, and will sing to thy name.

drb@2Samuel:23:8 @These are the names of the valiant men of David. Jesbaham sitting in the chair was the wisest chief among the three, he was like the most tender little worm of the wood, who killed eight hundred men at one onset.

drb@2Samuel:23:13 @Moreover also before this the three who were princes among the thirty, went down and came to David in the harvest time into the cave of Odollam: and the camp of the Philistines was in the valley of the giants.

drb@2Samuel:23:18 @Abisai also the brother of Joab, the son of Sarvia, was chief among three: and he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he slew, and he was renowned among the three,

drb@2Samuel:23:23 @And he was renowned among the three valiant men, who were the most honourable among the thirty: but he attained riot to the first three: and David made him of his privy council.

drb@2Samuel:24:1 @And the anger of the Lord was again kindled against Israel, and stirred up David among them, saying: Go, number Israel and Juda.

drb@2Samuel:24:21 @An going out he worshipped the king, bowing with his face to the earth, and said: Wherefore is my lord the king come to his servant? Arid David said to him: To buy the thrashingfloor of thee, and build an altar to the Lord, that the plague, which rageth among the people, may cease.

drb@1Kings:3:13 @Yea and the things also which thou didst not ask, I have given thee: to wit riches and glory, as that no one hath been like thee among the kings in all days heretofore.

drb@1Kings:5:6 @Give orders therefore that thy servants cut me down cedar trees out of Libanus, and let my servants be with thy servants: and I will give thee the hire of thy servants whatsoever thou wilt ask, for thou knowest how there is not among my people a man that has skill to hew wood like to the Sidonians.

drb@1Kings:8:53 @For thou hast separated them to thyself for an inheritance from among all the people of the earth, as thou hast spoken by Moses thy servant, when thou broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord God.

drb@1Kings:9:7 @I will take away Israel from the face of the land which I have given them; and the temple which I have sanctified to my name, I will cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb, and a byword among all people.

drb@1Kings:11:20 @And the sister of Taphnes bore him his son Genubath, and Taphnes brought him up in the house of Pharao: and Genubath dwelt with Pharao among his children.

drb@1Kings:14:7 @Go, and tell Jeroboam: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Forasmuch as I exalted thee from among the people, and made thee prince over my people Israel:

drb@1Kings:21:9 @And this was the tenor of the letters: Proclaim a fast, and make Naboth sit among the chief of the people,

drb@1Kings:21:12 @They proclaimed a fast, and made Naboth sit among the chief of the people.

drb@2Kings:3:23 @And they said: It is the blood of the sword: the kings have fought among themselves, and they have killed one another: go now, Moab, to the spoils.

drb@2Kings:9:2 @And when thou art come thither, thou shalt see Jehu the son of Josaphat the son of Namsi: and going in thou shalt make him rise up from amongst his brethren, and carry him into an inner chamber.

drb@2Kings:11:2 @But Josaba the daughter of king Joram, sister of Ochozias, took Joas the son of Ochozias, and stole him from among the king's sons that were slain, out of the bedchamber with his nurse: and hid him from the face of Athalia, so that he was not slain.

drb@2Kings:12:20 @And his servants arose, and conspired among themselves, and slew Joas in the house of Mello in the descent of Sella.

drb@2Kings:17:25 @And when they began to dwell there, they feared not the Lord: and the Lord sent lions among them, which killed them.

drb@2Kings:17:26 @And it was told the king of the Assyrians, and it was said: The nations which thou hast removed, and made to dwell in the cities of Samaria, know not the ordinances of the God of the land: and the Lord hath sent lions among them: and behold they kill them, because they know not the manner of the God of the land.

drb@2Kings:18:5 @He trusted in the Lord the God of Israel: so that after him there was none like him among all the kings of Juda, nor any of them that were before him:

drb@2Kings:18:35 @Who are they among all the gods of the nations, that have delivered their country out of my hand, that the Lord may deliver Jerusalem out of my hand?

drb@2Kings:20:15 @And he said: What did they see in thy house? Ezechias said: They saw all the things that are in my house: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewn them.

drb@2Kings:23:9 @However the priests of the high places came not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem: but only ate of the unleavened bread among their brethren.

drb@1Chronicles:5:2 @But of the race of Juda, who was the strongest among his brethren, came the princes: but the first birthright was accounted to Joseph.)

drb@1Chronicles:11:11 @And this is the number of the heroes of David: Jesbaam the son of Hachamoni the chief among the thirty: he lifted up his spear against three hundred wounded by him at one time

drb@1Chronicles:11:20 @And Abisai the brother of Joab, he was chief of three, and he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he slew, and he was renowned among the three,

drb@1Chronicles:11:21 @And illustrious among the second three, and their captain: but yet he attained not to the first three.

drb@1Chronicles:11:24 @These things did Banaias the son of Joiada, who was renowned among the three valiant ones,

drb@1Chronicles:11:25 @And the first among the thirty, but yet to the three he attained not: and David made him of his council.

drb@1Chronicles:12:4 @And Samaias of Gabaon, the stoutest amongst the thirty and over the thirty; Jeremias, and Jeheziel, and Johanan, and Jezabad of Gaderoth;

drb@1Chronicles:12:18 @But the spirit came upon Amasai the chief among thirty, and he said: We are thine, O David, and for thee, O son of Isai: peace, peace be to thee, and peace to thy helpers. For thy God helpeth thee. So David received them, and made them captains of the band.

drb@1Chronicles:15:27 @And David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, and all the Levites that carried the ark, and the singing men, and Chonenias the ruler of the prophecy among the singers: and David also had on him an ephod of linen.

drb@1Chronicles:16:8 @Praise ye the Lord, and call upon his name: make known his doings among the nations.

drb@1Chronicles:16:24 @Declare his glory among the Gentiles: his wonders among all people.

drb@1Chronicles:16:31 @Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be glad: and let them say among the nations: The Lord hath reigned.

drb@1Chronicles:18:14 @So David reigned over all Israel, and executed judgment and justice among all his people.

drb@1Chronicles:24:4 @And there were found many more of the sons of Eleazar among the principal men, than of the sons of Ithamar. And he divided them so, that there were of the sons of Eleazar, sixteen chief men by their families: and of the sons of Ithamar eight by their families and houses.

drb@1Chronicles:26:12 @Among these were the divisions of the porters, so that the chiefs of the wards, as well as their brethren, always ministered in the house of the Lord.

drb@1Chronicles:27:6 @This is that Banaias the most valiant among the thirty, and above the thirty. And Amizabad his son commanded his company.

drb@1Chronicles:28:4 @But the Lord God of Israel chose me of all the house of my father, to be king over Israel for ever: for of Juda he chose the princes: and of the house of Juda, my father's house: and among the sons of my father, it pleased him to choose me king over all Israel.

drb@1Chronicles:28:5 @And among my sons (for the Lord hath given me many sons) he hath chosen Solomon my son, to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel.

drb@2Chronicles:5:1 @Then Solomon brought in all the things that David his father had vowed, the silver, and the gold, and all the vessels he put among the treasures of the house of God.

drb@2Chronicles:5:11 @Now when the priests were come out of the sanctuary, (for all the priests that could be found there, mere sanctified: and as yet at that time the courses and orders of the ministries were not divided among them,)

drb@2Chronicles:6:5 @From the day that I brought my people out of the land of Egypt, I chose no city among all the tribes of Israel, for a house to be built in it to my name: neither chose I any other man, to be the ruler of my people Israel.

drb@2Chronicles:7:13 @If I shut up heaven, and there fall no rain, or if I give orders, and command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people:

drb@2Chronicles:7:20 @I will pluck you up by the root out of my land which I have given you: and this house which I have sanctified to my name, I will cast away from before my face, and will make it a byword, and an example among all nations.

drb@2Chronicles:15:5 @At that time there shall be no peace to him that goeth out and cometh in, but terrors on every side among all the inhabitants of the earth.

drb@2Chronicles:20:25 @Then Josaphat came, and all the people with him to take away the spoils of the dead, and they found among the dead bodies, stuff of various kinds, and garments, and most precious vessels: and they took them for themselves, insomuch that they could not carry all, nor in three days take away the spoils, the booty was so great.

drb@2Chronicles:22:11 @But Josabeth the king's daughter took Joas the son of Ochozias, and stole him from among the king's sons that were slain. And she hid him with his nurse in a bedchamber: now Josabeth that hid him, was daughter of king Joram, wife of Joiada the high priest, and sister of Ochozias, and therefore Athalia did not kill him.

drb@2Chronicles:24:16 @And they buried him in the city of David among the kings, because he had done good to Israel, and to his house.

drb@2Chronicles:25:13 @But that army which Amasias had sent back, that they should not go with him to battle, spread themselves among the cities of Juda, from Samaria to Beth-horon, and having killed three thousand took away much spoil.

drb@2Chronicles:26:6 @Moreover he went forth and fought against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Geth, and the wall of Jabnia, and the wall of Azotus: and he built towns in Azotus, and among the Philistines.

drb@2Chronicles:28:18 @The Philistines also spread themselves among the cities of the plains, and to the south of Juda: and they took Bethsames, and Aialon, and Gaderoth, and Socho, and Thamnan, and Gamzo, with their villages, and they dwelt in them.

drb@2Chronicles:31:19 @Also of the sons of Aaron who were in the fields and in the suburbs of each city, there were men appointed, to distribute portions to all the males, among the priests and the Levites.

drb@2Chronicles:32:14 @Who is there among all the gods of the nations, which my fathers have destroyed, that could deliver his people out of my hand, that your God should be able to deliver you out of this hand?

drb@2Chronicles:35:13 @And they roasted the phase with fire, according to that which is written in the law: but the victims of peace offerings they boiled in caldrons, and kettles, and pots, and they distributed them speedily among all the people.

drb@2Chronicles:36:23 @Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians: All the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord the God of heaven given to me, and he hath charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea: who is there among you of all his people? The Lord his God be with him, and let him go up.

drb@Ezra:1:3 @Who is there among you of all his people? His God be with him. Let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Jndert, and build the house of the Lord the God of Israel: he is the God that is in Jerusalem.

drb@Ezra:2:65 @Besides their menservants, and womenservants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred and thirty-seven: and among them singing men, and singing women two hundred.

drb@Ezra:5:10 @We asked also of them their names, that we might give thee notice: and we have written the names of the men that are the chief among them.

drb@Ezra:8:15 @And I gathered them together to the river, which runneth down to Ahava, and we stayed there three days: and I sought among the people and among the priests for the sons of Levi, and found none there.

drb@Ezra:10:18 @And there were found among the sons of the priests that had taken strange wives: Of the sons of Josue the son of Josedec, and his brethren, Maasia, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Godolia.

drb@Ezra:10:44 @All these had taken strange wives, and there were among them women that had borne children.

drb@Nehemiah:1:8 @Remember the word that thou commandedst to Moses thy servant, saying: If you shall transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations:

drb@Nehemiah:5:17 @The Jews also and the magistrates to the number of one hundred and fifty men, were at my table, besides them that came to us from among the nations that were round about us.

drb@Nehemiah:6:6 @It is reported amongst the Gentiles, and Gossem hath said it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel, and therefore thou buildest the wall, and hast a mind to set thyself king over them: for which end

drb@Nehemiah:7:67 @Beside their menservants and womenservants, who were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven: and among them singing men, and singing women, two hundred forty-five.

drb@Nehemiah:8:7 @Now Josue, and Bani, and Serebia, Jamin, Accub, Sephtai, Odia, Maasia, Celtia, Azarias, Jozabed, Hanan, Phalaia, the Levites, made silence among the people to hear the law: end the people stood in their place.

drb@Nehemiah:9:34 @Our kings, our princes, our priests, and our fathers have not kept thy law, and have not minded thy commandments, and thy testimonies which thou hast testified among them.

drb@Nehemiah:10:34 @And we cast lots among the priests, and the Levites, and the people for the offering of wood, that it might be brought into the house of our God by the houses of our fathers at set times, from year to year: to burn upon the altar of the Lord our God, as it is written in the law of Moses:

drb@Nehemiah:11:23 @For the king's commandment was concerning them, and an order among the singing men day by day.

drb@Nehemiah:13:26 @Did not Solomon king of Israel sin in this kind of thing? and surely among many nations, there was not a king like him, and he was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: m and yet women of other countries brought even him to sin.

drb@Esther:2:4 @And whosoever among them all shall please the king's eyes, let her be queen instead of Vasthi. The word pleased the king: and he commanded it should be done as they had suggested.

drb@Esther:2:8 @And when the king's ordinance was noised abroad, and according to his commandment many beautiful virgins were brought to Susan, and were delivered to Egeus the eunuch: Esther also among the rest of the maidens was delivered to him to be kept in the number of the women.

drb@Esther:4:3 @And in all provinces, towns, and places, to which the king's cruel edict was come, there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting, wailing, and weeping, many using sackcloth and ashes for their bed.

drb@Esther:10:3 @And how Mardochai of the race of the Jews, was next after king Assuerus: and great among the Jews, and acceptable to the people of his brethren, seeking the good of his people, and speaking those things which were for the welfare of his seed.

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