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OT-HISTORY.filter - dourh appear:

dourh@Judges:6:13 @ The angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said: The Lord is with thee, O most valiant of men.

dourh@Judges:6:32 @ He answered them: Are you the avengers of Baal, that you fight for him? he that is his adversary, let him die before to morrow light appear: if he be a god, let him revenge himself on him that hath cast down his altar.

dourh@Judges:13:3 @ And an angel of the Lord appeared to her, and said: Thou art barren and without children: but thou shalt conceive and bear a son.

dourh@Judges:13:9 @ And the Lord heard the prayer of Manue, and the angel of the Lord appeared again to his wife as she was sitting in the field. But Manue her husband was not with her. And when she saw the angel,

dourh@Judges:13:10 @ She made haste and ran to her husband: and told him saying: Behold the man hath appeared to me whom I saw before.

dourh@Judges:13:21 @ And the angel of the Lord appeared to them no more. And forthwith Manue understood that it was an angel of the Lord,

dourh@1Samuel:1:22 @ But Anna went not up: for she said to her husband: I will not go till the child be weaned, and till I may carry him, that he may appear before the Lord, and may abide always there.

dourh@1Samuel:2:27 @ And there came a man of God to Heli, and said to him: Thus saith the Lord: Did I not plainly appear to thy father's house, when they were in Egypt in the house of Pharao?

dourh@1Samuel:3:21 @ And the Lord again appeared in Silo, for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Silo, according to the word of the Lord. And the word of Samuel came to pass to all Israel.

dourh@1Samuel:9:2 @ And he had a son whose name was Saul, a choice and goodly man, and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he appeared above all the people.

dourh@1Samuel:16:7 @ And the Lord said to Samuel: Look not on his countenance, nor on the height of his stature: because I have rejected him, nor do I judge according to the look of man: for man seeth those things that appear, but the Lord beholdeth the heart.

dourh@1Samuel:20:25 @ And when the king sat down upon his chair (according to custom) which was beside the wall, Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul's side, and David's place appeared empty.

dourh@1Samuel:20:27 @ And when the second day after the new moon was come, David's place appeared empty again. And Saul said to Jonathan his son: Why cometh not the son of Isai to meat neither yesterday nor to day?

dourh@1Samuel:26:21 @ And Saul said: I have sinned, return, my son David, for I will no more do thee harm, because my life hath been precious in thy eyes this day: for it appeareth that I have done foolishly, and have been ignorant in very many things.

dourh@2Samuel:1:2 @ And on the third day, there appeared a man who came out of Saul's camp, with his garments rent, and dust strewed on his head: and when he came to David, he fell upon his face, and adored.

dourh@2Samuel:6:22 @ I will both play and make myself meaner than I have done: and I will be little in my own eyes: and with the handmaid of whom thou speakest, I shall appear more glorious.

dourh@2Samuel:13:36 @ And when he made an end of speaking, the king's sons also appeared: and coming in they lifted up their voice, and wept: and the king also and all his servants wept very much.

dourh@2Samuel:18:31 @ And when he bad passed, and stood still, Chusai appeared: and coming up he said: I bring good tidings, my lord, the king, for the Lord hath judged for thee this day from the hand of all that have risen up against thee.

dourh@2Samuel:22:16 @ And the overflowings of the sea appeared, and the foundations of the world were laid open at the rebuke of the Lord, at the blast of the spirit of his wrath.

dourh@1Kings:3:5 @ And the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, saying: Ask what thou wilt that I should give thee.

dourh@1Kings:7:31 @ The mouth also of the laver within, was in the top of the chapiter: and that which appeared without, was of one cubit all round, and together it was one cubit and a half: and in the corners of the pillars were divers engravings: and the spaces between the pillars were square, not round.

dourh@1Kings:9:2 @ That the Lord appeared to him the second time, as he had appeared to him in Gabaon.

dourh@1Kings:11:9 @ And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his mind was turned away from the Lord the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice,

dourh@2Kings:6:33 @ While he was yet speaking to them, the messenger appeared who was coming to him. And he said: Behold, so great an evil is from the Lord: what shall I look for more from the Lord?

dourh@2Kings:8:5 @ And when he was telling the king how he had raised one dead to life, the woman appeared, whose son he had restored to life, crying to the king for her house, and her lands. And Giezi said: My lord O king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Eliseus raised to life.

dourh@2Chronicles:1:7 @ And behold that night God appeared to him, saying: Ask what thou wilt that I should give thee.

dourh@2Chronicles:7:12 @ And the Lord appeared to him by night, and said: I have heard thy prayer, and I have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice.

dourh@Nehemiah:2:2 @ And the king said to me: Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou dost not appear to be sick? this is not without cause, but some evil, I know not what, is in thy heart. And I was seized with an exceeding great fear:

dourh@Nehemiah:4:21 @ And let us do the work: and let one half of us hold our spears from the rising of the morning, till the stars appear.

dourh@Esther:2:15 @ And as the time came orderly about, the day was at hand, when Esther, the daughter of Abihail the brother of Mardochai, whom he had adopted for his daughter, was to go in to the king. But she sought not women's ornaments, but whatsoever Egeus the eunuch the keeper of the virgins had a mind, he gave her to adorn her. For she was exceeding fair, and her incredible beauty made her appear agreeable and amiable in the eyes of all.

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