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OT-HISTORY.filter - geneva hare:

geneva@Leviticus:11:6 @ Also the hare, because he cheweth the cud, and deuideth not the hoofe, he shalbe vncleane to you.

geneva@Numbers:7:6 @ So Moses tooke the charets and the oxen, and gaue them vnto the Leuites:

geneva@Numbers:7:8 @ And foure charets and eight oxen hee gaue to the sonnes of Merari according vnto their office, vnder the hand of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the Priest.

geneva@Numbers:26:20 @ So were the sonnes of Iudah after their families: of Shelah came the familie of ye Shelanites: of Pharez, the familie of the Pharzites, of Zerah, the familie of the Zarhites.

geneva@Numbers:26:21 @ And the sonnes of Pharez were: of Hesron, the familie of the Hesronites: of Hamul, the familie of the Hamulites.

geneva@Deuteronomy:11:4 @ And what he did vnto the hoste of the Egyptians, vnto their horses, and to their charets, when he caused the waters of the red Sea to ouerflowe them, as they pursued after you, and the Lord destroied them vnto this day:

geneva@Deuteronomy:14:7 @ But these ye shall not eate, of them that chew the cud, and of them that deuide and cleaue the hoofe onely: ye camell, nor the hare, nor the cony: for they chewe the cudde, but deuide not ye hoofe: therefore they shall be vncleane vnto you:

geneva@Joshua:11:4 @ And they came out & all their hostes with them, many people as the sande that is on the sea shore for multitude, with horses and charets exceeding many.

geneva@Joshua:11:9 @ And Ioshua did vnto them as the Lorde bade him: he houghed their horses, & burnt their charets with fire.

geneva@Joshua:17:16 @ Then the children of Ioseph saide, The mountaine will not be ynough for vs: and all the Canaanites that dwell in the lowe countrey haue charets of yron, aswell they in Beth-shean, and in the townes of the same, as they in the valley of Izreel.

geneva@Joshua:24:6 @ So I brought your fathers out of Egypt, and ye came vnto the Sea, and the Egyptians pursued after your fathers with charets and horsemen vnto the red sea.

geneva@Judges:4:3 @ Then the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord: (for he had nine hundreth charets of yron, and twentie yeeres he had vexed the children of Israel very sore)

geneva@Judges:4:7 @ And I wil drawe vnto thee to the riuer Kishon Sisera, the captaine of Iabins armie with his charets, and his multitude, and wil deliuer him into thine hand.

geneva@Judges:4:13 @ And Sisera called for all his charets, euen nine hundreth charets of yron, and all the people that were with him from Harosheth of the Gentiles, vnto the riuer Kishon.

geneva@Judges:4:15 @ And the Lorde destroyed Sisera and all his charets, & al his hoste with the edge of the sword before Barak, so that Sisera lighted downe off his charet, and fled away on his feete.

geneva@Judges:4:16 @ But Barak pursued after the charets, and after the hoste vnto Harosheth of the Gentiles: and all the hoste of Sisera fel vpon the edge of the sworde: there was not a man left.

geneva@Judges:5:28 @ The mother of Sisera looked out at a windowe, and cryed thorowe the lattesse, Why is his charet so long a comming? why tary the wheeles of his charets?

geneva@Ruth:4:12 @ And that thine house be like the house of Pharez ( whom Thamar bare vnto Iudah) of the seede which the Lord shall giue thee of this yong woman.

geneva@Ruth:4:18 @ Now these [are] the generations of (note:)This genealogy is brought in to prove that David by succession came from the house of Judah.(:note) Pharez: Pharez begat Hezron,

geneva@1Samuel:8:12 @ Also he will make them his captaines ouer thousands, and captaines ouer fifties, and to eare his ground, and to reape his haruest, and to make instruments of warre, and the thinges that serue for his charets.

geneva@1Samuel:13:20 @ Wherefore all ye Israelites went downe to the Philistims, to sharpen euery man his share, his mattocke, and his axe, and his weeding hooke.

geneva@1Samuel:13:21 @ Yet they had a file for the shares, and for the mattockes, and for the picke forkes, and for the axes, and for to sharpen the goades.

geneva@1Samuel:22:5 @ And the Prophet Gad sayde vnto Dauid, Abide not in the holde, but depart and goe into the land of Iudah. Then Dauid departed & came into the forest of Hareth.

geneva@2Samuel:8:4 @ And Dauid tooke of them a thousand and seuen hundreth horsemen, and twenty thousande footemen, and Dauid destroyed all the charets, but he reserued an hundreth charets of them.

geneva@2Samuel:24:22 @ Then Araunah saide vnto Dauid, Let my lord the King take and offer what seemeth him good in his eyes: beholde the oxen for the burnt offring, and charets, and the instruments of the oxen for wood.

geneva@1Kings:4:26 @ And Salomon had fourtie thousande stalles of horses for his charets, and twelue thousand horsemen.

geneva@1Kings:7:33 @ And the facion of the wheeles was like the facion of a charet wheele, their axeltrees, and their naues and their felloes, and their spokes were all molten.

geneva@1Kings:9:22 @ But of the children of Israel did Salomon make no bondmen: but they were men of warre and his seruants, and his princes, & his captaines, and rulers of his charets and his horsemen.

geneva@1Kings:10:26 @ Then Salomon gathered together charrets and horsemen: and he had a thousand and foure hundreth charets, and twelue thousande horsemen, whome hee placed in the charet cities, and with the King at Ierusalem.

geneva@1Kings:10:29 @ There came vp & went out of Egypt some charet, worth sixe hundreth shekels of siluer: that is, one horse, an hundreth and fiftie and thus they brought horses to all the Kings of the Hittites and to the Kings of Aram by their meanes.

geneva@1Kings:12:18 @ Nowe the King Rehoboam sent Adoram the receiuer of the tribute, and all Israel stoned him to death: then King Rehoboam made speede to get him vp to his charet, to flee to Ierusalem.

geneva@1Kings:18:44 @ And at the seuenth time he sayd, Behold, there ariseth a litle cloude out of the sea like a mans hand. Then he sayd, Vp, and say vnto Ahab, Make readie thy charet, and get thee downe, that the raine stay thee not.

geneva@1Kings:20:21 @ And the King of Israel went out, & smote the horses and charets, and with a great slaughter slew he the Aramites.

geneva@1Kings:20:25 @ And nomber thy selfe an armie, like the armie that thou hast lost, with such horses, & such charets, & we wil fight against them in the plaine, and doubtlesse we shall ouercome them: and he hearkened vnto their voyce, and did so.

geneva@1Kings:22:31 @ And the King of Aram commaunded his two and thirtie captaines ouer his charets, saying, Fight neither with small, nor great, saue onely against the King of Israel.

geneva@1Kings:22:33 @ And when the captaines of the charets saw that he was not the King of Israel, they turned backe from him.

geneva@1Kings:22:34 @ Then a certaine man drewe a bow mightily and smote the King of Israel betweene the ioyntes of his brigandine. Wherefore he sayde vnto his charet man, Turne thine hand and cary me out of the hoste: for I am hurt.

geneva@1Kings:22:38 @ And one washed the charet in the poole of Samaria, and the dogs licked vp his blood (and they washed his armour) according vnto the word of the Lord which he spake.

geneva@2Kings:2:12 @ And Elisha saw it, and he cryed, My father, my father, the charet of Israel, and the horsemen thereof: and he sawe him no more: and he tooke his owne clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

geneva@2Kings:5:9 @ Then Naaman came with his horses, and with his charets, and stoode at the doore of the house of Elisha.

geneva@2Kings:6:15 @ And when the seruant of the man of God arose earely to goe out, beholde, an hoste compassed the citie with horses and charets. Then his seruant sayde vnto him, Alas master, howe shall we doe?

geneva@2Kings:7:14 @ So they tooke two charets of horses, and the King sent after the hoste of the Aramites, saying, Goe and see.

geneva@2Kings:8:21 @ Therefore Ioram went to Zair, and all his charets with him, and he arose by night, & smote the Edomites which were about him with the captains of the charets, and the people fled into their tents.

geneva@2Kings:9:21 @ Then Iehoram sayd, Make ready: and his charet was made ready; Iehoram King of Israel and Ahaziah King of Iudah went out eyther of them in his charet against Iehu, and met him in the fielde of Naboth the Izreelite.

geneva@2Kings:9:24 @ But Iehu tooke a bowe in his hande, and smote Iehoram betweene the shoulders, that the arowe went through his heart: and he fell downe in his charet.

geneva@2Kings:9:28 @ And his seruants caried him in a charet to Ierusalem, and buried him in his sepulchre with his fathers in the citie of Dauid.

geneva@2Kings:10:2 @ Nowe when this letter commeth to you, (for ye haue with you your masters sonnes, yee haue with you both charets and horses, and a defenced citie, and armour)

geneva@2Kings:10:16 @ And he sayde, Come with me, and see the zeale that I haue for the Lord: so they made him ride in his charet.

geneva@2Kings:18:24 @ For how canst thou despise any captaine of the least of my masters seruants, and put thy trust on Egypt for charets and horsemen?

geneva@2Kings:19:37 @ And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons (note:)This was the just judgment of God for his blasphemy, that he would be slain before the idol that he preferred to the living God, and by those who should by nature have needed his defence.(:note) smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

geneva@1Chronicles:2:4 @ And Thamar his daughter in law bare him Pharez, and Zerah: so al the sonnes of Iudah were fiue.

geneva@1Chronicles:2:5 @ The sonnes of Pharez, Hezron & Hamul.

geneva@1Chronicles:2:51 @ Salma the father of Beth-lehem, and Hareph the father of Beth-gader.

geneva@1Chronicles:4:1 @ The (note:)Meaning, they came from Judah, as nephews and kinsmen: for only Pharez was his natural son.(:note) sons of Judah; Pharez, Hezron, and Carmi, and Hur, and Shobal.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:4 @ Vthai the sonne of Amihud the sonne of Omri, the sonne of Imri, the sonne of Bani: of the children of Pharez, the sonne of Iudah.

geneva@1Chronicles:18:4 @ And Dauid tooke from him a thousand charets, and seuen thousand horsemen, and twentie thousand footemen, and destroyed all the charets, but he reserued of them an hundreth charets.

geneva@1Chronicles:25:2 @ Of the sonnes of Asaph, Zaccur, and Ioseph, and Nethaniah, and Asharelah the sonnes of Asaph were vnder the hand of Asaph, which sang prophesies by the commission of the King.

geneva@1Chronicles:25:14 @ The seuenth, to Iesharelah, he, his sonnes and his brethren twelue.

geneva@2Chronicles:1:17 @ They came vp also and brought out of Egypt some charet, worth sixe hundreth shekels of siluer, that is an horse for an hundreth and fiftie: and thus they brought horses to all the Kings of the Hittites, and to the Kings of Aram by their meanes.

geneva@2Chronicles:8:6 @ Also Baalath, and al the cities of store that Salomon had, and all the charet cities, and the cities of the horsemen, and euery pleasaunt place that Salomon had a minde to builde in Ierusalem, and in Lebanon, and throughout all the lande of his dominion.

geneva@2Chronicles:8:9 @ But of the children of Israel did Salomon make no seruantes for his worke: for they were men of warre, and his chiefe princes, and the captaines of his charets and of his horsemen.

geneva@2Chronicles:10:18 @ Then King Rehoboam sent Hadoram that was ouer the tribute, and the children of Israel stoned him with stones, that he died: then King Rehoboham made speede to get him vp to his charet, to flee to Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:16:8 @ The Ethiopians and the Lubims, were they not a great hoste with charets & horsemen, exceeding many? Yet because thou diddest rest vpon the Lord, he deliuered them into thine had.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:30 @ And the King of Aram had commaunded the captaines of the charets that were with him, saying, Fight you not with small, nor great, but against the King of Israel onely.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:32 @ For when the captaines of the charets saw that hee was not the King of Israel, they turned backe from him.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:33 @ Then a certaine man drewe a bowe mightily, and smote the King of Israel betweene the ioyntes of his brigandine: Therefore he saide to his charetman, Turne thine hand, and carie mee out of the host: for I am hurt.

geneva@2Chronicles:21:9 @ And Iehoram went forth with his princes, and all his charets with him: and hee rose vp by night, & smote Edom, which had compassed him in, and the captaines of the charets.

geneva@2Chronicles:32:21 @ And the LORD sent an angel, which cut off all the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and (note:)To the number of 185,000 as in (2Ki_19:35-36).(:note) captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came forth of his Meaning, Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons. own bowels slew him there with the sword.

geneva@Nehemiah:7:61 @ And these came vp from Tel-melah, Tel-haresha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer: but they could not shewe their fathers house, nor their seede, or if they were of Israel.

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