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OT-HISTORY.filter - mkjv seeing:

mkjv@Judges:9:36 @ And when Gaal saw the people, he said to Zebul, Behold, people are coming down from the top of the mountains. And Zebul said to him, You are seeing the shadow of the mountains like men.

mkjv@1Kings:1:48 @ And also the king said, Blessed [is] the LORD God of Israel, who has given one to sit on my throne today, my eyes even seeing [it].

mkjv@1Kings:11:28 @ And the man Jeroboam [was] a mighty man of war. And Solomon, seeing that the young man was doing work, he made him ruler over all the charge of the house of Joseph.

mkjv@2Kings:12:11 @ And they gave the silver which was counted into the hands of those who did the work, those overseeing the house of the LORD. And they laid it out to the carpenters and builders who worked on the house of the LORD,

mkjv@Matthew:2:10 @ And seeing the star, they rejoiced [with] exceedingly great joy.

mkjv@Matthew:3:7 @ But seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, O generation of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

mkjv@Matthew:5:1 @ And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain. And when He had sat down, His disciples came to Him.

mkjv@Matthew:8:18 @ And seeing great crowds, Jesus gave orders to depart to the other side.

mkjv@Matthew:9:2 @ And behold, they brought to Him a paralytic, lying on a bed. And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, Child, be of good cheer. Your sins are forgiven you.

mkjv@Matthew:9:22 @ But turning and seeing her, Jesus said, Daughter, be comforted; your faith has saved you. And the woman was saved from that hour.

mkjv@Matthew:9:36 @ But seeing the crowds, He was moved with compassion on them, because they were tired and scattered like sheep having no shepherd.

mkjv@Matthew:13:13 @ Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not; nor do they understand.

mkjv@Matthew:13:14 @ And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which said, By hearing you shall hear and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive;

mkjv@Matthew:14:30 @ But seeing that the wind was strong, he was afraid. And beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me!

mkjv@Matthew:21:19 @ And seeing a fig tree in the way, He came [to] it and found nothing on it except leaves only. And He said to it, let no fruit grow on you forever. And immediately the fig tree withered away.

mkjv@Matthew:27:3 @ Then he who had betrayed Him, seeing that He was condemned, sorrowing, Judas returned the thirty pieces of silver again to the chief priests and elders,

mkjv@Matthew:27:54 @ But the centurion and those guarding Jesus, seeing the earthquake, and the things that took place, [they] feared greatly, saying, Truly this One was Son of God.

mkjv@Mark:2:5 @ And seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, Child, your sins are forgiven to you.

mkjv@Mark:4:12 @ so that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and [their] sins should be forgiven them.

mkjv@Mark:9:15 @ And immediately all the crowd, seeing Him, were greatly amazed, and they were running to [Him] to greet Him.

mkjv@Mark:9:25 @ And seeing that a crowd is running together, Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to him, Dumb and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter no more into him!

mkjv@Mark:11:13 @ And seeing a fig-tree with leaves afar off, He went [to it], if perhaps He might find anything on it. And when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not [the] season of figs.

mkjv@Mark:12:34 @ And seeing that he had answered intelligently, Jesus said to him, You are not far from the kingdom of God. And no one dared to question Him any more.

mkjv@Luke:1:12 @ And seeing [this], Zacharias was troubled, and fear fell on him.

mkjv@Luke:2:17 @ And seeing, they publicly told about the word spoken to them concerning this Child.

mkjv@Luke:2:48 @ And seeing Him, they were amazed. And His mother said to Him, Child, why have you done so to us? Behold, your father and I have looked for you, greatly distressed.

mkjv@Luke:5:8 @ And seeing, Simon Peter fell at the knees of Jesus, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord.

mkjv@Luke:5:12 @ And it happened, as He was in a certain city, behold, a man full of leprosy! And seeing Jesus, he fell on [his] face and begged Him, saying, Lord, if You will, You can cleanse me.

mkjv@Luke:5:20 @ And seeing their faith, He said to him, Man, your sins are forgiven you.

mkjv@Luke:7:39 @ But seeing this, the Pharisee who had invited Him, spoke within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what kind of woman [this is] who touches him, for she is a sinner.

mkjv@Luke:8:10 @ And He said, To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But to others I speak in parables, so that seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand.

mkjv@Luke:8:28 @ And seeing Jesus, he cried out and fell down before Him and said with a loud voice, What is to me and to You, Jesus, Son of God the Most High? I beseech You, Do not torment me!

mkjv@Luke:8:34 @ And those feeding [the pigs], and seeing the thing, fled. And leaving, [they] reported to the city and to the farms.

mkjv@Luke:8:47 @ And seeing that she was not hidden, the woman came trembling. And falling down before Him, she declared to Him before all the people why she had touched Him, and how she was instantly healed.

mkjv@Luke:9:47 @ And seeing the argument of their heart, Jesus took a child and set him beside Him.

mkjv@Luke:9:54 @ And seeing, His disciples James and John said, Lord, do You desire [that] we command fire to come down from Heaven and consume them, even as Elijah did?

mkjv@Luke:10:31 @ And by coincidence a certain priest came down that way and seeing him, he passed by on the opposite [side].

mkjv@Luke:10:32 @ And in the same way a Levite, also being at the place, coming and seeing [him], he passed on the opposite [side].

mkjv@Luke:10:33 @ But a certain traveling Samaritan came upon him, and seeing him, he was filled with pity.

mkjv@Luke:14:29 @ lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him,

mkjv@Luke:17:14 @ And seeing [them], He said to them, Go show yourselves to the priests. And it happened, as they went, that they were cleansed.

mkjv@Luke:19:7 @ And seeing, they all murmured, saying, He has gone in to stay with a sinful man.

mkjv@Luke:21:30 @ Now when they sprout leaves, seeing [it] you will know that summer is now near.

mkjv@Luke:22:49 @ And those around Him seeing what was about to occur, [they] said to him, Lord, shall we strike with the sword?

mkjv@Luke:23:8 @ And seeing Jesus, Herod greatly rejoiced, for he had desired to see Him [for] a long [time], because he had heard many things about Him. And he hoped to see some miracle done by Him.

mkjv@Luke:23:49 @ And all those known to Him stood at a distance; and [the] women, those accompanying Him from Galilee, [were] seeing these things.

mkjv@John:6:14 @ Then seeing the miracle that Jesus did, those men said, This is truly the Prophet, the [One] coming into the world.

mkjv@John:8:10 @ And bending back up, and seeing no one but the woman, Jesus said to her, Woman, where are the ones who accused you? Did not one give judgment against you?

mkjv@John:9:7 @ And He said to him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which translated is Sent). Therefore he went and washed and came seeing.

mkjv@John:11:32 @ Then when Mary had come where Jesus was, seeing Him, Mary fell down at His feet, saying to Him, Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.

mkjv@John:21:21 @ Seeing him, Peter said to Jesus, Lord, and what [of] this one?

mkjv@Acts:2:31 @ seeing this beforehand, he spoke of the resurrection of Christ, that His soul was not left in Hades, nor would His flesh see corruption,

mkjv@Acts:3:3 @ Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked [to receive] alms.

mkjv@Acts:3:12 @ And seeing [this], Peter answered the people, Men, Israelites, why do you marvel at this? Or why do you stare at us, as [though] we had made this man to walk by our own power or holiness?

mkjv@Acts:4:13 @ But seeing the boldness of Peter and John, and perceiving that they were unlearned and uneducated men, they marveled. And they recognized them, that they had been with Jesus.

mkjv@Acts:7:14 @ And seeing, Joseph called his father Jacob, and all his kindred, seventy-five souls.

mkjv@Acts:7:24 @ And seeing one being wronged, he defended [him]. and avenged him who was oppressed and struck the Egyptian.

mkjv@Acts:7:31 @ And seeing [it], Moses marveled at the sight. And as he drew near to see, the voice of [the] Lord came to him:

mkjv@Acts:8:6 @ And the people with one accord gave heed to those things which Philip spoke, hearing and seeing the many miracles which he did.

mkjv@Acts:8:13 @ Then Simon himself believed also, and being baptized, he continued with Philip. And seeing miracles and mighty works happening, he was amazed.

mkjv@Acts:9:7 @ And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, indeed hearing a voice but seeing no one.

mkjv@Acts:9:9 @ And he was three days not seeing, and did not eat or drink.

mkjv@Acts:13:11 @ And now, behold, [the] hand of the Lord [is] on you. And you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a while. And immediately a mist and a darkness fell on him, and he went about seeking [some to] lead him by the hand.

mkjv@Acts:13:12 @ Then, seeing the thing happening, the proconsul believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord.

mkjv@Acts:14:9 @ This one heard Paul speaking; [and Paul], looking intently at him, and seeing that he had faith to be healed,

mkjv@Acts:14:11 @ And seeing what Paul did, the crowd lifted up their voice, saying in Lycaonian, The gods have come down to us, becoming like men.

mkjv@Acts:16:27 @ And being awakened, and seeing the doors of the prison being open, drawing a sword, the jailer was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped.

mkjv@Acts:16:40 @ And going out from the prison, [they] entered into [the house of] Lydia. And seeing the brothers, they comforted them and departed.

mkjv@Acts:17:16 @ But awaiting them in Athens, Paul's spirit was pained within him, seeing the city full of idols.

mkjv@Acts:21:32 @ [He] immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down to them. And seeing the chiliarch and the soldiers, they quit beating Paul.

mkjv@Acts:28:6 @ But they expected him to be about to become inflamed, or to fall down dead suddenly, But over much [time] expecting and seeing nothing amiss happening to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.

mkjv@Acts:28:15 @ And the brothers from there hearing of us, [they] came to meet us as far as [the] market-place of Appius, and Three Taverns. Seeing them, thanking God, Paul took courage.

mkjv@Acts:28:26 @ saying, Go to this people and say: Hearing you shall hear and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and not perceive.

mkjv@Romans:11:8 @ even as it is written, God gave to them a spirit of slumber, eyes not seeing, and ears not hearing until this day.

mkjv@Galatians:2:7 @ But on the contrary, seeing that I have been entrusted [with] the gospel of the uncircumcision, as Peter to the circumcision;

mkjv@Galatians:3:8 @ And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the nations through faith, preached the gospel before to Abraham, [saying], In you shall all nations be blessed.

mkjv@Hebrews:11:27 @ By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king, for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible.

mkjv@1Peter:1:8 @ whom having not seen, you love; in whom not yet seeing, but believing in Him you exult with unspeakable joy, and having been glorified,

mkjv@1Peter:2:12 @ having your conduct honest among the nations, in that which they speak against you as evildoers, they may glorify God in a day of [His] visitation, seeing [your] good works.

mkjv@2Peter:2:8 @ For that righteous one living among them, in seeing and hearing, [his] righteous soul [was] tormented from day to day with [their] unlawful deeds.

mkjv@Revelation:11:11 @ And after three days and a half, a spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood on their feet. And great fear fell on those seeing them.

mkjv@Revelation:18:18 @ And they cried out, seeing the smoke of her burning, saying, What [is] like the great city?

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