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OT-HISTORY.filter - geneva seruants:

geneva@Leviticus:25:44 @ Thy bond seruant also, & thy bond maid, which thou shalt haue, shalbe of the heathen that are rounde about you: of them shall ye bye seruants and maydes.

geneva@Leviticus:25:55 @ For vnto me the children of Israel are seruants: they are my seruants, who I haue brought out of the land of Egypt: I am ye Lord your God.

geneva@Numbers:22:18 @ And Balaam answered, and sayde vnto the seruants of Balak, If Balak woulde giue me his house full of siluer and golde, I can not goe beyonde the worde of the Lorde my God, to doe lesse or more.

geneva@Numbers:31:49 @ And saide to Moses, Thy seruants haue taken the summe of the men of warre which are vnder our authoritie, and there lacketh not one man of vs.

geneva@Numbers:32:4 @ Which countrey the Lorde smote before the Congregation of Israel, is a lande meete for cattell, and thy seruants haue cattell:

geneva@Numbers:32:5 @ Wherefore, said they, if we haue foud grace in thy sight, let this lande be giuen vnto thy seruants for a possession, & bring vs not ouer Iorde.

geneva@Numbers:32:27 @ But thy seruants will goe euery one armed to warre before the Lorde for to fight, as my lorde saith.

geneva@Joshua:9:8 @ And they said vnto Ioshua, We are thy seruants. Then Ioshua saide vnto them, Who are ye? And whence come ye?

geneva@Joshua:9:11 @ Wherefore our elders, and all the inhabitants of our countrey spake to vs, saying, Take vitailes with you for the iourney, and go to meete them, and say vnto them, Wee are your seruants: now therefore make ye a league with vs.

geneva@Joshua:9:24 @ And they answered Ioshua, and sayd, Because it was tolde thy seruants, that the Lord thy God had commanded his seruant Moses to giue you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land out of your sight, therefore we were exceeding sore afraid for our liues at the presence of you, and haue done this thing:

geneva@Joshua:10:6 @ And the men of Gibeon sent vnto Ioshua, euen to the hoste to Gilgal, saying, Withdrawe not thine hand from thy seruants: come vp to vs quickly, and saue vs, & helpe vs: for all the Kings of the Amorites which dwell in the mountaines, are gathered together against vs.

geneva@Judges:6:27 @ Then Gideon tooke tenne men of his seruants, and did as ye Lord bade him: but because he feared to doe it by day for his fathers housholde, and the men of the citie, he did it by night.

geneva@Ruth:2:15 @ And when she arose to gleane, Boaz commanded his seruants, saying, Let her gather among the sheaues, and doe not rebuke her.

geneva@Ruth:2:21 @ And Ruth the Moabitesse said, He said also certainely vnto mee, Thou shalt be with my seruants, vntill they haue ended all mine haruest.

geneva@1Samuel:4:9 @ Be strong and play the men, O Philistims, that ye be not seruants vnto the Ebrewes, as they haue serued you: be valiant therefore, and fight.

geneva@1Samuel:8:14 @ And he will take your fieldes, & your vineyardes, and your best Oliue trees, and giue them to his seruants.

geneva@1Samuel:8:15 @ And he will take the tenth of your seede, and of your vineyards, & giue it to his Eunuches, and to his seruants.

geneva@1Samuel:8:16 @ And he will take your men seruants, and your maide seruants, and the chiefe of your yong men, and your asses, and put them to his worke.

geneva@1Samuel:8:17 @ He will take the tenth of your sheepe, and ye shall be his seruants.

geneva@1Samuel:16:15 @ And Sauls seruants said vnto him, Beholde nowe, the euill spirite of God vexeth thee.

geneva@1Samuel:16:16 @ Let our Lord therefore command thy seruants, that are before thee, to seeke a man that is a cunning plaier vpon the harpe: that when the euil spirit of God commeth vpon thee, hee may play with his hand, and thou maiest be eased.

geneva@1Samuel:17:9 @ If he be able to fight with me, and kill me, then wil we be your seruants: but if I ouercome him, and kill him, then shal yee be our seruants, and serue vs.

geneva@1Samuel:18:22 @ And Saul commanded his seruants, Speake with Dauid secretly, & say, Behold, ye King hath a fauour to thee, and all his seruants loue thee: be now therefore the Kings sonne in law.

geneva@1Samuel:21:11 @ And the seruants of Achish said vnto him, Is not this Dauid the King of the land? did they not sing vnto him in daunces, saying, Saul hath slayne his thousand, and Dauid his ten thousande?

geneva@1Samuel:21:14 @ Then said Achish vnto his seruants, Lo, ye see the man is beside him selfe, wherefore haue ye brought him to me?

geneva@1Samuel:22:9 @ Then answered Doeg the Edomite (who was appoynted ouer the seruants of Saul) & sayd, I saw the sonne of Ishai when he came to Nob, to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub,

geneva@1Samuel:22:14 @ And Ahimelech answered the King, and sayde, Who is so faithfull among all thy seruants as Dauid, being also the Kings sonne in lawe, and goeth at thy commandement, and is honourable in thine house?

geneva@1Samuel:24:7 @ {\cf2 (24:8)} So Dauid ouercame his seruants with these words, & suffered them not to arise against Saul: so Saul rose vp out of the caue and went away.

geneva@1Samuel:25:12 @ So Dauids seruants turned their way, and went againe, and came, and tolde him all those things.

geneva@1Samuel:25:40 @ And whe the seruants of Dauid were come to Abigail to Carmel, they spake vnto her, saying, Dauid sent vs to thee, to take thee to his wife.

geneva@1Samuel:25:41 @ And she arose, and bowed her selfe on her face to the earth, and said, Behold, let thine handmayde be a seruant to wash the feete of the seruants of my lord.

geneva@1Samuel:28:7 @ Then saide Saul vnto his seruants, Seeke me a woman that hath a familiar spirite, that I may goe to her, and aske of her; his seruants said to him, Beholde, there is a woman at En-dor that hath a familiar spirit.

geneva@1Samuel:28:23 @ But he refused, and said, I will not eate: but his seruants and the woman together compelled him, and he obeyed their voyce: so he arose from the earth, and sate on the bed.

geneva@1Samuel:28:25 @ Then she brought them before Saul, and before his seruants: and when they had eaten, they stoode, and went away the same night.

geneva@2Samuel:2:13 @ And Ioab the sonne of Zeruiah, and the seruants of Dauid went out and met one another by the poole of Gibeon: and they sate downe, the one on the one side of the poole, and the other on the otherside of the poole.

geneva@2Samuel:2:15 @ Then there arose and went ouer twelue of Beniamin by number, which perteined to Ish-bosheth the sonne of Saul, and twelue of the seruants of Dauid.

geneva@2Samuel:2:30 @ Ioab also returned backe from Abner: and when he had gathered all the people together, there lacked of Dauids seruants nineteene men and Asahel.

geneva@2Samuel:3:38 @ And the King said vnto his seruants, Know ye not, that there is a prince & a great man falle this day in Israel?

geneva@2Samuel:6:22 @ And will yet be more vile then thus, and will be low in mine owne sight, and of the verie same maidseruants, which thou hast spoken of, shal I be had in honour.

geneva@2Samuel:8:14 @ And he put a garison in Edom: throughout all Edom put he souldiers, and all they of Edom became Dauids seruants: and the Lord kept Dauid whithersoeuer he went.

geneva@2Samuel:9:12 @ Mephibosheth also had a yong sonne named Micha, and all that dwelled in the house of Ziba, were seruants vnto Mephibosheth.

geneva@2Samuel:10:4 @ Wherefore Hanun tooke Dauids seruants, and shaued off the halfe of their beard, & cut off their garments in the middle, euen to their buttockes, and sent them away.

geneva@2Samuel:10:19 @ And when all the Kings, that were seruants to Hadarezer, saw that they fell before Israel, they made peace with Israel, and serued them; the Aramites feared to helpe the children of Ammon any more.

geneva@2Samuel:11:9 @ But Vriah slept at the doore of the Kings palace with all the seruants of his lord, and went not downe to his house.

geneva@2Samuel:11:17 @ And the men of the citie came out, and fought with Ioab: and there fell of the people of the seruants of Dauid, and Vriah the Hittite also dyed.

geneva@2Samuel:11:24 @ But the shooters shot from ye wall against thy seruants, and some of the Kings seruants be dead: & thy seruant Vriah the Hittite is also dead.

geneva@2Samuel:12:18 @ So on the seuenth day the child dyed: and the seruants of Dauid feared to tell him that the childe was dead: for they sayde, Beholde, while the childe was aliue, we spake vnto him, and he woulde not hearken vnto our voyce: how then shall we say vnto him, The childe is dead, to vexe him more?

geneva@2Samuel:12:19 @ But when Dauid sawe that his seruantes whispered, Dauid perceiued that the childe was dead: therefore Dauid sayde vnto his seruants, Is the childe dead? And they sayd, He is dead.

geneva@2Samuel:13:24 @ And Absalom came to the King and sayd, Beholde now, thy seruant hath sheepesherers: I pray thee, that the King with his seruants would goe with thy seruant.

geneva@2Samuel:13:36 @ And assoone as hee had left speaking, behold, the Kings sonnes came, & lift vp their voyces, and wept: and the King also and all his seruants wept exceedingly sore.

geneva@2Samuel:14:31 @ Then Ioab arose, & came to Absalom vnto his house, & sayd vnto him, Wherefore haue thy seruants burnt my field with fire?

geneva@2Samuel:15:15 @ And the Kings seruants sayd vnto him, Behold, thy seruants are ready to do according to all that my lord the King shal appoynt.

geneva@2Samuel:16:11 @ And Dauid sayd to Abishai, and to all his seruants, Beholde, my sonne which came out of mine owne bowels, seeketh my life: then howe much more now may this sonne of Iemini? Suffer him to curse: for the Lord hath bidden him.

geneva@2Samuel:18:7 @ Where the people of Israel were slaine before the seruants of Dauid: so there was a great slaughter that day, euen of twentie thousande.

geneva@2Samuel:18:9 @ Nowe Absalom met the seruants of Dauid, and Absalom rode vpon a mule, and the mule came vnder a great thicke oke: and his head caught holde of the oke, and he was taken vp betweene the heauen and the earth: and the mule that was vnder him went away.

geneva@2Samuel:18:15 @ And tenne seruants that bare Ioabs armour, compassed about and smote Absalom, and slewe him.

geneva@2Samuel:19:6 @ In that thou louest thine enemies, and hatest thy friendes: for thou hast declared this day, that thou regardest neither thy princes nor seruants: therefore this day I perceiue, that if Absalom had liued, and we all had dyed this day, that then it would haue pleased thee well.

geneva@2Samuel:19:7 @ Nowe therefore vp, come out, and speake comfortably vnto thy seruants: for I sweare by the Lorde, except thou come out, there will not tarie one man with thee this night: and that wil be worse vnto thee, then all the euill that fell on thee from thy youth hitherto.

geneva@2Samuel:19:14 @ So he bowed the heartes of all the men of Iudah, as of one man: therefore they sent to the King, saying, Returne thou with all thy seruants.

geneva@2Samuel:19:17 @ And a thousande men of Beniamin with him, and Ziba the seruant of the house of Saul, and his fifteene sonnes and twentie seruants with him: and they went ouer Iorden before ye king.

geneva@2Samuel:21:15 @ Againe the Philistims had warre with Israel: and Dauid went downe, and his seruants with him, and they fought against the Philistims, and Dauid fainted.

geneva@2Samuel:21:22 @ These foure were borne to Haraphah in Gath, and died by the hande of Dauid and by the hands of his seruants.

geneva@2Samuel:24:20 @ And Araunah looked, and sawe the King and his seruants comming towarde him, and Araunah went out, and bowed himselfe before the King on his face to the ground,

geneva@1Kings:1:2 @ Wherefore his seruants saide vnto him, Let there be sought for my lord ye King a yong virgin, and let her stand before the King, and cherish him: and let her lie in thy bosome, that my lord the King may get heate.

geneva@1Kings:1:9 @ Then Adoniiah sacrificed sheepe and oxen, and fat cattel by the stone of Zoheleth, which is by En-rogel, and called all his brethren the kings sonnes, & al the men of Iudah ye Kings seruants,

geneva@1Kings:5:1 @ And Hiram King of Tyrus sent his seruants vnto Salomon, (for he had heard, that they had anoynted him King in the roume of his father) because Hiram had euer loued Dauid.

geneva@1Kings:8:36 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and pardon the sinne of thy seruants and of thy people Israel (when thou hast taught the the good way wherein they may walke) and giue raine vpon the land that thou hast giuen to thy people to inherite.

geneva@1Kings:9:22 @ But of the children of Israel did Salomon make no bondmen: but they were men of warre and his seruants, and his princes, & his captaines, and rulers of his charets and his horsemen.

geneva@1Kings:9:27 @ And Hiram sent with the nauie his seruats, that were mariners, and had knowledge of the sea, with the seruants of Salomon.

geneva@1Kings:11:34 @ But I will not take the whole kingdome out of his hande: for I will make him prince all his life long for Dauid my seruants sake, whome I haue chosen, and who kept my commandements and my statutes.

geneva@1Kings:20:12 @ And when he heard that tidings, as he was with the Kings drinking in the pauilions, he sayd vnto his seruants, Bring forth your engines, and they set them against the citie.

geneva@1Kings:20:14 @ And Ahab sayd, By whome? And he sayde, Thus sayth the Lord, By the seruants of the princes of the prouinces. He sayde againe, Who shall order the battel? And he answered, Thou.

geneva@1Kings:20:19 @ So they came out of the citie, to wit, the seruants of the princes of the prouinces, and the hoste which followed them.

geneva@1Kings:22:49 @ Then sayde Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab vnto Iehoshaphat, Let my seruants goe with thy seruants in the ships, But Iehoshaphat would not.

geneva@2Kings:5:23 @ And Naaman saide, Yea, take two talents: and he compelled him, and bound two talents of siluer in two bagges, with two change of garments, and gaue them vnto two of his seruants, that they might beare them before him.

geneva@2Kings:6:3 @ And one said, Vouchsafe, I pray thee, to go with thy seruants, and he answered, I will goe.

geneva@2Kings:6:11 @ And the heart of the King of Aram was troubled for this thing: therefore he called his seruants and saide vnto them, Will ye not shewe me, which of vs bewrayeth our counsel to the king of Israel?

geneva@2Kings:8:19 @ Yet the Lord would not destroy Iudah, for Dauid his seruants sake, as he had promised him to giue him a light, and to his children for euer.

geneva@2Kings:9:7 @ And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may auenge the blood of my seruants the Prophets, and the blood of al the seruants of the Lord of the hand of Iezebel.

geneva@2Kings:9:28 @ And his seruants caried him in a charet to Ierusalem, and buried him in his sepulchre with his fathers in the citie of Dauid.

geneva@2Kings:10:5 @ And he that was gouernour of Ahabs house, and he that ruled the citie, and the Elders, & the bringers vp of the children sent to Iehu, saying, We are thy seruants, and will doe all that thou shalt bid vs: we will make no King: do what seemeth good to thee.

geneva@2Kings:10:19 @ Now therefore call vnto me all ye prophets of Baal, all his seruants, & all his priests, & let not a man be lacking: for I haue a great sacrifice for Baal: whosoeuer is lacking, he shal not liue. But Iehu did it by a subtiltie to destroy ye seruats of Baal.

geneva@2Kings:10:21 @ So Iehu sent vnto all Israel, and all the seruants of Baal came, and there was not a man left that came not; they came into the house of Baal, and the house of Baal was full from ende to ende.

geneva@2Kings:10:22 @ Then he said vnto him that had the charge of the vestrie, Bring forth vestments for al the seruants of Baal; he brought the out vestments.

geneva@2Kings:12:21 @ Euen Iozachar the sonne of Shimeath, and Iehozabad the sonne of Shomer his seruants smote him, and he dyed: & they buried him with his fathers in the citie of Dauid; Amaziah his sonne reigned in his stead.

geneva@2Kings:14:5 @ And when the kingdome was confirmed in his hand, he slewe his seruants which had killed the King his father.

geneva@2Kings:17:13 @ Notwithstanding the Lord testified to Israel, and to Iudah by all the Prophets, & by all the Seers, saying, Turne from your euill wayes, and keepe my commandements & my statutes, according to all the Lawe, which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my seruants the Prophets.

geneva@2Kings:17:23 @ Vntill the Lord put Israel away out of his sight, as he had said by all his seruants the Prophets, and caryed Israel away out of their land to Asshur vnto this day.

geneva@2Kings:18:24 @ For how canst thou despise any captaine of the least of my masters seruants, and put thy trust on Egypt for charets and horsemen?

geneva@2Kings:18:26 @ Then Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiah, and Shebnah, and Ioah said vnto Rabshakeh, Speake I pray thee, to thy seruants in the Aramites language, for we vnderstand it, and talke not with vs in the Iewes tongue, in the audience of the people that are on the wall.

geneva@2Kings:19:5 @ So the seruants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah.

geneva@2Kings:19:6 @ And Isaiah said vnto them, So shall ye say to your master, Thus sayeth the Lorde, Be not afraide of the words which thou hast heard, wherewith the seruants of the king of Asshur haue blasphemed me.

geneva@2Kings:19:34 @ For I will defende this citie to saue it for mine owne sake, and for Dauid my seruants sake.

geneva@2Kings:21:10 @ Therefore the Lorde spake by his seruants the Prophets, saying,

geneva@2Kings:22:9 @ So Shaphan the chanceller came to ye King, and brought him word againe, and saide, Thy seruants haue gathered the money, that was found in the house, and haue deliuered it vnto the hands of them that doe the worke, and haue the ouersight of the house of the Lord.

geneva@2Kings:23:30 @ Then his seruants caryed him dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Ierusalem, and buried him in his owne sepulchre; the people of the lande tooke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosiah, and anointed him, and made him King in his fathers steade.

geneva@2Kings:24:2 @ And the Lorde sent against him bandes of the Caldees, and bands of the Aramites, & bands of the Moabites, and bandes of the Ammonites, and he sent them against Iudah to destroy it, according to the worde of the Lord, which he spake by his seruants the Prophets.

geneva@2Kings:24:10 @ In that time came the seruants of Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel vp against Ierusalem: so the citie was besieged.

geneva@2Kings:24:11 @ And Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel came against the citie, and his seruants did besiege it.

geneva@1Chronicles:18:2 @ And he smote Moab, and the Moabites became Dauids seruants, and brought giftes.

geneva@1Chronicles:18:7 @ And Dauid tooke the shieldes of gold that were of the seruants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Ierusalem.

geneva@1Chronicles:19:19 @ And when the seruants of Hadarezer sawe that they fell before Israel, they made peace with Dauid, and serued him; the Aramites would no more succour the children of Ammon.

geneva@1Chronicles:20:8 @ These were borne vnto Haraphah at Gath, and fell by the hand of Dauid: and by the hands of his seruants.

geneva@2Chronicles:2:15 @ Now therefore the wheate and the barley, the oyle and the wine, which my lorde hath spoken of, let him send vnto his seruants.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:14 @ And sayd, O Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in heauen nor in earth, which keepest couenant, and mercie vnto thy seruants, that walke before thee with all their heart.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:27 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and pardon the sinne of thy seruants, and of thy people Israel (when thou hast taught them the good way wherein they may walke) and giue rayne vpon thy lande, which thou hast giuen vnto thy people for an inheritance.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:4 @ And the meate of his table, and the sitting of his seruants, and the order of his wayters, and their apparel, and his butlers, and their apparel, & his burnt offrings which he offred in the house of the Lorde, and she was greatly astonied.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:7 @ Happie are thy men, and happie are these thy seruants, which stande before thee alway, and heare thy wisedome.

geneva@2Chronicles:10:7 @ And they spake vnto him, saying, If thou be kinde to this people, and please them, and speake louing words to them, they will be thy seruants for euer.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:3 @ And when the kingdome was established vnto him, he slewe his seruants, that had slaine the King his father.

geneva@2Chronicles:33:24 @ And his seruants conspired against him, & slewe him in his owne house.

geneva@2Chronicles:35:23 @ And the shooters shot at king Iosiah: then the King saide to his seruants, Cary me away, for I am very sicke.

geneva@Ezra:2:58 @ All the Nethinims, and the sonnes of Salomons seruants were three hundreth ninetie & two.

geneva@Ezra:2:65 @ Beside their seruants and their maydes: of whome were seuen thousande, three hundreth & seuen and thirtie: and among them were two hundreth singing men and singing women.

geneva@Ezra:9:11 @ Which thou hast commanded by thy seruants the Prophets, saying, The land whereunto ye go to possesse it, is an vncleane land, because of the filthines of the people of the lands, which by their abominations, & by their vncleannes haue filled it from corner to corner.

geneva@Nehemiah:1:10 @ Now these are thy seruants and thy people, whome thou hast redeemed by thy great power, and by thy mightie hand.

geneva@Nehemiah:5:10 @ For euen I, my brethren, and my seruants doe lende them money and corne: I pray you, let vs leaue off this burden.

geneva@Nehemiah:5:15 @ For the former gouernours that were before me, had bene chargeable vnto the people, and had taken of them bread and wine, besides fourtie shekels of siluer: yea, and their seruants bare rule ouer the people: but so did not I, because of the feare of God.

geneva@Nehemiah:5:16 @ But rather I fortified a portio in the worke of this wall, and we bought no lande, and all my seruants came thither together vnto the worke.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:10 @ And shewed tokens & wonders vpon Pharaoh, and on all his seruants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudely against them: therefore thou madest thee a Name, as appeareth this day.

geneva@Nehemiah:11:3 @ These now are the chiefe of the prouince, that dwelt in Ierusalem, but in the cities of Iudah, euery one dwelt in his owne possession in their cities of Israel, the Priestes and the Leuites, and the Nethinims, and the sonnes of Salomons seruants.

geneva@Esther:1:3 @ In the third yeere of his reigne, he made a feast vnto all his princes and his seruants, euen the power of Persia and Media, and to the captaines and gouernours of the prouinces which were before him,

geneva@Esther:2:2 @ And the Kings seruants that ministred vnto him, sayd, Let them seeke for the King beautifull yong virgins,

geneva@Esther:3:3 @ Then the Kings seruants which were at the Kings gate, said vnto Mordecai, Why transgressest thou the Kings commandement?

geneva@Esther:4:11 @ All the Kings seruants and the people of the Kings prouinces doe knowe, that whosoeuer, man or woman, that commeth to the King into the inner court, which is not called, there is a law of his, that he shall dye, except him to whom the King holdeth out the golden rodde, that he may liue. Now I haue not bene called to come vnto the King these thirtie dayes.

geneva@Esther:6:5 @ And the Kings seruants said vnto him, Behold, Haman standeth in the court; the King sayd, Let him come in.

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