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nasb@Genesis:4:2 @Again, she gave birth to his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

nasb@Genesis:4:8 @Cain told Abel his brother. And it came about when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.

nasb@Genesis:4:25 @Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, "God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him."

nasb@Genesis:7:10 @So he waited yet another seven days; and again he sent out the dove from the ark.

nasb@Genesis:7:12 @Then he waited yet another seven days, and sent out the dove; but she did not return to him again.

nasb@Genesis:7:21 @The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.

nasb@Genesis:7:11" @I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth."

nasb@Genesis:7:15 @and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.

nasb@Genesis:11:13 @Now the men of Sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the LORD.

nasb@Genesis:12:8 @And the king of Sodom and the king of Gomorrah and the king of Admah and the king of Zeboiim and the king of Bela (that is, Zoar) came out; and they arrayed for battle against them in the valley of Siddim,

nasb@Genesis:12:9 @against Chedorlaomer king of Elam and Tidal king of Goiim and Amraphel king of Shinar and Arioch king of Ellasar--four kings against five.

nasb@Genesis:12:15 @He divided his forces against them by night, he and his servants, and defeated them, and pursued them as far as Hobah, which is north of Damascus.

nasb@Genesis:14:12" @He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be against everyone, And everyone's hand will be against him; And he will live to the east of all his brothers."

nasb@Genesis:15:29 @He spoke to Him yet again and said, "Suppose forty are found there?" And He said, "I will not do it on account of the forty."

nasb@Genesis:16:9 @But they said, "Stand aside." Furthermore, they said, "This one came in as an alien, and already he is acting like a judge; now we will treat you worse than them." So they pressed hard against Lot and came near to break the door.

nasb@Genesis:17:6 @Then God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also kept you from sinning against Me; therefore I did not let you touch her.

nasb@Genesis:17:9 @Then Abimelech called Abraham and said to him, "What have you done to us? And how have I sinned against you, that you have brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? You have done to me things that ought not to be done."

nasb@Genesis:19:12 @He said, "Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me."

nasb@Genesis:21:25 @Again she said to him, "We have plenty of both straw and feed, and room to lodge in."

nasb@Genesis:23:18 @Then Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been dug in the days of his father Abraham, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham; and he gave them the same names which his father had given them.

nasb@Genesis:24:41 @So Esau bore a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him; and Esau said to himself, " The days of mourning for my father are near; then I will kill my brother Jacob."

nasb@Genesis:24:45 @until your brother's anger against you subsides and he forgets what you did to him. Then I will send and get you from there. Why should I be bereaved of you both in one day?"

nasb@Genesis:25:33 @Then she conceived again and bore a son and said, " Because the LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has therefore given me this son also." So she named him Simeon.

nasb@Genesis:25:34 @She conceived again and bore a son and said, "Now this time my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons." Therefore he was named Levi.

nasb@Genesis:25:35 @And she conceived again and bore a son and said, "This time I will praise the LORD." Therefore she named him Judah. Then she stopped bearing.

nasb@Genesis:26:2 @Then Jacob's anger burned against Rachel, and he said, "Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?"

nasb@Genesis:26:7 @Rachel's maid Bilhah conceived again and bore Jacob a second son.

nasb@Genesis:26:19 @Leah conceived again and bore a sixth son to Jacob.

nasb@Genesis:26:31 @So he said, "What shall I give you?" And Jacob said, "You shall not give me anything. If you will do this one thing for me, I will again pasture and keep your flock-

nasb@Genesis:28:25 @When he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he touched the socket of his thigh; so the socket of Jacob's thigh was dislocated while he wrestled with him.

nasb@Genesis:30:30 @Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, "You have brought trouble on me by making me odious among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites; and my men being few in number, they will gather together against me and attack me and I will be destroyed, I and my household."

nasb@Genesis:31:9 @Then God appeared to Jacob again when he came from Paddan-aram, and He blessed him.

nasb@Genesis:33:18 @When they saw him from a distance and before he came close to them, they plotted against him to put him to death.

nasb@Genesis:34:4 @Then she conceived again and bore a son and named him Onan.

nasb@Genesis:34:26 @Judah recognized them, and said, " She is more righteous than I, inasmuch as I did not give her to my son Shelah." And he did not have relations with her again.

nasb@Genesis:35:9" @ There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?"

nasb@Genesis:38:22 @Reuben answered them, saying, " Did I not tell you, 'Do not sin against the boy'; and you would not listen? Now comes the reckoning for his blood."

nasb@Genesis:38:36 @Their father Jacob said to them, "You have bereaved me of my children- Joseph is no more, and Simeon is no more, and you would take Benjamin; all these things are against me."

nasb@Genesis:39:18 @Now the men were afraid, because they were brought to Joseph's house; and they said, "It is because of the money that was returned in our sacks the first time that we are being brought in, that he may seek occasion against us and fall upon us, and take us for slaves with our donkeys."

nasb@Genesis:39:23" @You said to your servants, however, ' Unless your youngest brother comes down with you, you will not see my face again.'

nasb@Genesis:41:4" @ I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again; and Joseph will close your eyes."

nasb@Genesis:44:15 @When Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, " What if Joseph bears a grudge against us and pays us back in full for all the wrong which we did to him!"

nasb@Genesis:44:20" @As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.

nasb@Exodus:1:10" @Come, let us deal wisely with them, or else they will multiply and in the event of war, they will also join themselves to those who hate us, and fight against us and depart from the land."

nasb@Exodus:4:7 @Then He said, "Put your hand into your bosom again." So he put his hand into his bosom again, and when he took it out of his bosom, behold, it was restored like the rest of his flesh.

nasb@Exodus:4:14 @Then the anger of the LORD burned against Moses, and He said, "Is there not your brother Aaron the Levite? I know that he speaks fluently. And moreover, behold, he is coming out to meet you; when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.

nasb@Exodus:5:5 @Again Pharaoh said, "Look, the people of the land are now many, and you would have them cease from their labors!"

nasb@Exodus:6:29 @Then Moses said, "Behold, I am going out from you, and I shall make supplication to the LORD that the swarms of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people tomorrow; only do not let Pharaoh deal deceitfully again in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the LORD."

nasb@Exodus:6:17" @Still you exalt yourself against My people by not letting them go.

nasb@Exodus:6:34 @But when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunder had ceased, he sinned again and hardened his heart, he and his servants.

nasb@Exodus:7:14 @The locusts came up over all the land of Egypt and settled in all the territory of Egypt; they were very numerous. There had never been so many locusts, nor would there be so many again.

nasb@Exodus:7:16 @Then Pharaoh hurriedly called for Moses and Aaron, and he said, " I have sinned against the LORD your God and against you.

nasb@Exodus:7:28 @Then Pharaoh said to him, " Get away from me! Beware, do not see my face again, for in the day you see my face you shall die!"

nasb@Exodus:7:29 @Moses said, "You are right; I shall never see your face again!"

nasb@Exodus:7:6 @'Moreover, there shall be a great cry in all the land of Egypt, such as there has not been before and such as shall never be again.

nasb@Exodus:7:7 @' But against any of the sons of Israel a dog will not even bark, whether against man or beast, that you may understand how the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.'

nasb@Exodus:7:12 @'For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments-- I am the LORD.

nasb@Exodus:7:13 @But Moses said to the people, " Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.

nasb@Exodus:7:25 @He caused their chariot wheels to swerve, and He made them drive with difficulty; so the Egyptians said, "Let us flee from Israel, for the LORD is fighting for them against the Egyptians."

nasb@Exodus:7:31 @When Israel saw the great power which the LORD had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in His servant Moses.

nasb@Exodus:7:7" @And in the greatness of Your excellence You overthrow those who rise up against You; You send forth Your burning anger, and it consumes them as chaff.

nasb@Exodus:7:9" @ The enemy said, 'I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; My desire shall be gratified against them; I will draw out my sword, my hand will destroy them.'

nasb@Exodus:8:2 @The whole congregation of the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.

nasb@Exodus:8:7 @and in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD, for He hears your grumblings against the LORD; and what are we, that you grumble against us?"

nasb@Exodus:8:8 @Moses said, "This will happen when the LORD gives you meat to eat in the evening, and bread to the full in the morning; for the LORD hears your grumblings which you grumble against Him. And what are we? Your grumblings are not against us but against the LORD."

nasb@Exodus:9:3 @But the people thirsted there for water; and they grumbled against Moses and said, "Why, now, have you brought us up from Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?"

nasb@Exodus:9:8 @Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim.

nasb@Exodus:9:9 @So Moses said to Joshua, "Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand."

nasb@Exodus:9:10 @Joshua did as Moses told him, and fought against Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.

nasb@Exodus:9:16 @and he said, " The LORD has sworn; the LORD will have war against Amalek from generation to generation."

nasb@Exodus:10:11" @Now I know that the LORD is greater than all the gods; indeed, it was proven when they dealt proudly against the people."

nasb@Exodus:11:22" @Also let the priests who come near to the LORD consecrate themselves, or else the LORD will break out against them."

nasb@Exodus:11:24 @Then the LORD said to him, "Go down and come up again, you and Aaron with you; but do not let the priests and the people break through to come up to the LORD, or He will break forth upon them."

nasb@Exodus:11:16" @ You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

nasb@Exodus:11:33" @ They shall not live in your land, because they will make you sin against Me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you."

nasb@Exodus:11:11 @Yet He did not stretch out His hand against the nobles of the sons of Israel; and they saw God, and they ate and drank.

nasb@Exodus:13:10" @Now then let Me alone, that My anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them; and I will make of you a great nation."

nasb@Exodus:13:11 @Then Moses entreated the LORD his God, and said, "O LORD, why does Your anger burn against Your people whom You have brought out from the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand?

nasb@Exodus:13:29 @Then Moses said, "Dedicate yourselves today to the LORD--for every man has been against his son and against his brother--in order that He may bestow a blessing upon you today."

nasb@Exodus:13:33 @The LORD said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.

nasb@Leviticus:3:15" @ If a person acts unfaithfully and sins unintentionally against the LORD'S holy things, then he shall bring his guilt offering to the LORD- a ram without defect from the flock, according to your valuation in silver by shekels, in terms of the shekel of the sanctuary, for a guilt offering.

nasb@Leviticus:3:16" @ He shall make restitution for that which he has sinned against the holy thing, and shall add to it a fifth part of it and give it to the priest. The priest shall then make atonement for him with the ram of the guilt offering, and it will be forgiven him.

nasb@Leviticus:3:2" @ When a person sins and acts unfaithfully against the LORD, and deceives his companion in regard to a deposit or a security entrusted to him, or through robbery, or if he has extorted from his companion,

nasb@Leviticus:6:6 @Then Moses said to Aaron and to his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, " Do not uncover your heads nor tear your clothes, so that you will not die and that He will not become wrathful against all the congregation. But your kinsmen, the whole house of Israel, shall bewail the burning which the LORD has brought about.

nasb@Leviticus:6:11 @The LORD spoke again to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them,

nasb@Leviticus:6:6" @The priest shall look at him again on the seventh day, and if the infection has faded and the mark has not spread on the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean; it is only a scab. And he shall wash his clothes and be clean.

nasb@Leviticus:6:7" @But if the scab spreads farther on the skin after he has shown himself to the priest for his cleansing, he shall appear again to the priest.

nasb@Leviticus:6:16" @Or if the raw flesh turns again and is changed to white, then he shall come to the priest,

nasb@Leviticus:6:55" @After the article with the mark has been washed, the priest shall again look, and if the mark has not changed its appearance, even though the mark has not spread, it is unclean; you shall burn it in the fire, whether an eating away has produced bareness on the top or on the front of it.

nasb@Leviticus:6:57 @and if it appears again in the garment, whether in the warp or in the woof, or in any article of leather, it is an outbreak; the article with the mark shall be burned in the fire.

nasb@Leviticus:6:43" @If, however, the mark breaks out again in the house after he has torn out the stones and scraped the house, and after it has been replastered,

nasb@Leviticus:7:10 @' And any man from the house of Israel, or from the aliens who sojourn among them, who eats any blood, I will set My face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from among his people.

nasb@Leviticus:7:16 @'You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people, and you are not to act against the life of your neighbor; I am the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:7:18 @' You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:7:3 @'I will also set My face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his offspring to Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary and to profane My holy name.

nasb@Leviticus:7:5 @then I Myself will set My face against that man and against his family, and I will cut off from among their people both him and all those who play the harlot after him, by playing the harlot after Molech.

nasb@Leviticus:7:6 @'As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people.

nasb@Leviticus:8:23 @The LORD spoke again to Moses, saying,

nasb@Leviticus:8:23 @Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

nasb@Leviticus:8:33 @Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

nasb@Leviticus:9:17 @'I will set My face against you so that you will be struck down before your enemies; and those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee when no one is pursuing you.

nasb@Leviticus:9:21 @'If then, you act with hostility against Me and are unwilling to obey Me, I will increase the plague on you seven times according to your sins.

nasb@Leviticus:9:23 @' And if by these things you are not turned to Me, but act with hostility against Me,

nasb@Leviticus:9:24 @then I will act with hostility against you; and I, even I, will strike you seven times for your sins.

nasb@Leviticus:9:27 @'Yet if in spite of this you do not obey Me, but act with hostility against Me,

nasb@Leviticus:9:28 @then I will act with wrathful hostility against you, and I, even I, will punish you seven times for your sins.

nasb@Leviticus:9:40 @' If they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their forefathers, in their unfaithfulness which they committed against Me, and also in their acting with hostility against Me--

nasb@Leviticus:9:41 @I also was acting with hostility against them, to bring them into the land of their enemies-- or if their uncircumcised heart becomes humbled so that they then make amends for their iniquity,

nasb@Leviticus:9:27 @Again, the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

nasb@Leviticus:9:16 @'Again, if a man consecrates to the LORD part of the fields of his own property, then your valuation shall be proportionate to the seed needed for it- a homer of barley seed at fifty shekels of silver.

nasb@Numbers:2:11 @Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

nasb@Numbers:2:6" @Speak to the sons of Israel, ' When a man or woman commits any of the sins of mankind, acting unfaithfully against the LORD, and that person is guilty,

nasb@Numbers:2:13 @and a man has intercourse with her and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband and she is undetected, although she has defiled herself, and there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act,

nasb@Numbers:2:6 @Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

nasb@Numbers:3:5 @Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

nasb@Numbers:3:9" @When you go to war in your land against the adversary who attacks you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, that you may be remembered before the LORD your God, and be saved from your enemies.

nasb@Numbers:4:4 @The rabble who were among them had greedy desires; and also the sons of Israel wept again and said, " Who will give us meat to eat?

nasb@Numbers:4:25 @Then the LORD came down in the cloud and spoke to him; and He took of the Spirit who was upon him and placed Him upon the seventy elders. And when the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied. But they did not do it again.

nasb@Numbers:4:33 @While the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the anger of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD struck the people with a very severe plague.

nasb@Numbers:5:1 @Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman);

nasb@Numbers:5:8 @With him I speak mouth to mouth, Even openly, and not in dark sayings, And he beholds the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid To speak against My servant, against Moses?"

nasb@Numbers:5:9 @So the anger of the LORD burned against them and He departed.

nasb@Numbers:5:14 @But the LORD said to Moses, "If her father had but spit in her face, would she not bear her shame for seven days? Let her be shut up for seven days outside the camp, and afterward she may be received again."

nasb@Numbers:5:15 @So Miriam was shut up outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on until Miriam was received again.

nasb@Numbers:5:31 @But the men who had gone up with him said, " We are not able to go up against the people, for they are too strong for us."

nasb@Numbers:6:2 @All the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron; and the whole congregation said to them, " Would that we had died in the land of Egypt! Or would that we had died in this wilderness!

nasb@Numbers:6:9" @Only do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people of the land, for they will be our prey. Their protection has been removed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them."

nasb@Numbers:6:27" @How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who are grumbling against Me? I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel, which they are making against Me.

nasb@Numbers:6:29 @your corpses will fall in this wilderness, even all your numbered men, according to your complete number from twenty years old and upward, who have grumbled against Me.

nasb@Numbers:6:35 @' I, the LORD, have spoken, surely this I will do to all this evil congregation who are gathered together against Me. In this wilderness they shall be destroyed, and there they will die.'"

nasb@Numbers:6:36 @As for the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land and who returned and made all the congregation grumble against him by bringing out a bad report concerning the land,

nasb@Numbers:7:3 @They assembled together against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, " You have gone far enough, for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is in their midst; so why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?"

nasb@Numbers:7:11" @Therefore you and all your company are gathered together against the LORD; but as for Aaron, who is he that you grumble against him?"

nasb@Numbers:7:19 @Thus Korah assembled all the congregation against them at the doorway of the tent of meeting. And the glory of the LORD appeared to all the congregation.

nasb@Numbers:7:41 @But on the next day all the congregation of the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron, saying, "You are the ones who have caused the death of the LORD'S people."

nasb@Numbers:7:42 @It came about, however, when the congregation had assembled against Moses and Aaron, that they turned toward the tent of meeting, and behold, the cloud covered it and the glory of the LORD appeared.

nasb@Numbers:7:5" @It will come about that the rod of the man whom I choose will sprout. Thus I will lessen from upon Myself the grumblings of the sons of Israel, who are grumbling against you."

nasb@Numbers:7:10 @But the LORD said to Moses, "Put back the rod of Aaron before the testimony to be kept as a sign against the rebels, that you may put an end to their grumblings against Me, so that they will not die."

nasb@Numbers:7:22" @ The sons of Israel shall not come near the tent of meeting again, or they will bear sin and die.

nasb@Numbers:8:2 @There was no water for the congregation, and they assembled themselves against Moses and Aaron.

nasb@Numbers:8:18 @Edom, however, said to him, "You shall not pass through us, or I will come out with the sword against you."

nasb@Numbers:8:19 @Again, the sons of Israel said to him, "We will go up by the highway, and if I and my livestock do drink any of your water, then I will pay its price. Let me only pass through on my feet, nothing else."

nasb@Numbers:8:20 @But he said, " You shall not pass through." And Edom came out against him with a heavy force and with a strong hand.

nasb@Numbers:8:24" @Aaron will be gathered to his people; for he shall not enter the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because you rebelled against My command at the waters of Meribah.

nasb@Numbers:9:1 @When the Canaanite, the king of Arad, who lived in the Negev, heard that Israel was coming by the way of Atharim, then he fought against Israel and took some of them captive.

nasb@Numbers:9:5 @The people spoke against God and Moses, " Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this miserable food."

nasb@Numbers:9:7 @So the people came to Moses and said, "We have sinned, because we have spoken against the LORD and you; intercede with the LORD, that He may remove the serpents from us." And Moses interceded for the people.

nasb@Numbers:9:23 @But Sihon would not permit Israel to pass through his border. So Sihon gathered all his people and went out against Israel in the wilderness, and came to Jahaz and fought against Israel.

nasb@Numbers:9:26 @For Heshbon was the city of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab and had taken all his land out of his hand, as far as the Arnon.

nasb@Numbers:10:11 @'Behold, there is a people who came out of Egypt and they cover the surface of the land; now come, curse them for me; perhaps I may be able to fight against them and drive them out.'"

nasb@Numbers:10:15 @Then Balak again sent leaders, more numerous and more distinguished than the former.

nasb@Numbers:10:22 @But God was angry because he was going, and the angel of the LORD took his stand in the way as an adversary against him. Now he was riding on his donkey and his two servants were with him.

nasb@Numbers:10:25 @When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she pressed herself to the wall and pressed Balaam's foot against the wall, so he struck her again.

nasb@Numbers:10:34 @Balaam said to the angel of the LORD, " I have sinned, for I did not know that you were standing in the way against me. Now then, if it is displeasing to you, I will turn back."

nasb@Numbers:11:23" @ For there is no omen against Jacob, Nor is there any divination against Israel; At the proper time it shall be said to Jacob And to Israel, what God has done!

nasb@Numbers:12:10 @Then Balak's anger burned against Balaam, and he struck his hands together; and Balak said to Balaam, "I called you to curse my enemies, but behold, you have persisted in blessing them these three times!

nasb@Numbers:13:3 @So Israel joined themselves to Baal of Peor, and the LORD was angry against Israel.

nasb@Numbers:13:9 @The sons of Eliab- Nemuel and Dathan and Abiram. These are the Dathan and Abiram who were called by the congregation, who contended against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they contended against the LORD,

nasb@Numbers:14:3" @Our father died in the wilderness, yet he was not among the company of those who gathered themselves together against the LORD in the company of Korah; but he died in his own sin, and he had no sons.

nasb@Numbers:14:14 @for in the wilderness of Zin, during the strife of the congregation, you rebelled against My command to treat Me as holy before their eyes at the water." (These are the waters of Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin.)

nasb@Numbers:15:9" @But the vow of a widow or of a divorced woman, everything by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her.

nasb@Numbers:15:3 @Moses spoke to the people, saying, "Arm men from among you for the war, that they may go against Midian to execute the LORD'S vengeance on Midian.

nasb@Numbers:15:7 @So they made war against Midian, just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed every male.

nasb@Numbers:15:16" @ Behold, these caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, so the plague was among the congregation of the LORD.

nasb@Numbers:16:13" @ So the LORD'S anger burned against Israel, and He made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until the entire generation of those who had done evil in the sight of the LORD was destroyed.

nasb@Numbers:16:14" @Now behold, you have risen up in your fathers' place, a brood of sinful men, to add still more to the burning anger of the LORD against Israel.

nasb@Numbers:16:23" @But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:26" @ Yet you were not willing to go up, but rebelled against the command of the LORD your God;

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:41" @ Then you said to me, 'We have sinned against the LORD; we will indeed go up and fight, just as the LORD our God commanded us.' And every man of you girded on his weapons of war, and regarded it as easy to go up into the hill country.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:43" @So I spoke to you, but you would not listen. Instead you rebelled against the command of the LORD, and acted presumptuously and went up into the hill country.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:44" @ The Amorites who lived in that hill country came out against you and chased you as bees do, and crushed you from Seir to Hormah.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:15" @ Moreover the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them from within the camp until they all perished.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:23" @So watch yourselves, that you do not forget the covenant of the LORD your God which He made with you, and make for yourselves a graven image in the form of anything against which the LORD your God has commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:26 @I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that you will surely perish quickly from the land where you are going over the Jordan to possess it. You shall not live long on it, but will be utterly destroyed.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:20 @' You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:15 @for the LORD your God in the midst of you is a jealous God; otherwise the anger of the LORD your God will be kindled against you, and He will wipe you off the face of the earth.

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:22 @'Moreover, the LORD showed great and distressing signs and wonders before our eyes against Egypt, Pharaoh and all his household;

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:4" @For they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods; then the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you and He will quickly destroy you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:20" @Moreover, the LORD your God will send the hornet against them, until those who are left and hide themselves from you perish.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:19" @It shall come about if you ever forget the LORD your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:7" @Remember, do not forget how you provoked the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness; from the day that you left the land of Egypt until you arrived at this place, you have been rebellious against the LORD.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:16" @And I saw that you had indeed sinned against the LORD your God. You had made for yourselves a molten calf; you had turned aside quickly from the way which the LORD had commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:19" @For I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure with which the LORD was wrathful against you in order to destroy you, but the LORD listened to me that time also.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:22" @Again at Taberah and at Massah and at Kibroth-hattaavah you provoked the LORD to wrath.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:23" @When the LORD sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, ' Go up and possess the land which I have given you,' then you rebelled against the command of the LORD your God; you neither believed Him nor listened to His voice.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:24" @ You have been rebellious against the LORD from the day I knew you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:17" @Or the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you, and He will shut up the heavens so that there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its fruit; and you will perish quickly from the good land which the LORD is giving you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:5" @But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has counseled rebellion against the LORD your God who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, to seduce you from the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from among you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:9" @ But you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:11" @Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such a wicked thing among you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:9" @Beware that there is no base thought in your heart, saying, ' The seventh year, the year of remission, is near,' and your eye is hostile toward your poor brother, and you give him nothing; then he may cry to the LORD against you, and it will be a sin in you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:7" @ The hand of the witnesses shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:13" @Then all the people will hear and be afraid, and will not act presumptuously again.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:16" @ Moreover, he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor shall he cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, since the LORD has said to you, 'You shall never again return that way.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:16" @This is according to all that you asked of the LORD your God in Horeb on the day of the assembly, saying, 'Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, let me not see this great fire anymore, or I will die.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:11" @But if there is a man who hates his neighbor and lies in wait for him and rises up against him and strikes him so that he dies, and he flees to one of these cities,

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:15" @ A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:16" @ If a malicious witness rises up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing,

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:20" @ The rest will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such an evil thing among you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:20" @When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:3" @He shall say to them, 'Hear, O Israel, you are approaching the battle against your enemies today. Do not be fainthearted. Do not be afraid, or panic, or tremble before them,

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:4 @for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:10" @When you approach a city to fight against it, you shall offer it terms of peace.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:12" @However, if it does not make peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:18 @so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the LORD your God.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:19" @When you besiege a city a long time, to make war against it in order to capture it, you shall not destroy its trees by swinging an axe against them; for you may eat from them, and you shall not cut them down. For is the tree of the field a man, that it should be besieged by you?

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:20" @Only the trees which you know are not fruit trees you shall destroy and cut down, that you may construct siegeworks against the city that is making war with you until it falls.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:10" @When you go out to battle against your enemies, and the LORD your God delivers them into your hands and you take them away captive,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:13" @ If any man takes a wife and goes in to her and then turns against her,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:16" @The girl's father shall say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter to this man for a wife, but he turned against her;

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:26" @But you shall do nothing to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, so is this case.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:4 @because they did not meet you with food and water on the way when you came out of Egypt, and because they hired against you Balaam the son of Beor from Pethor of Mesopotamia, to curse you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:9" @When you go out as an army against your enemies, you shall keep yourself from every evil thing.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:3 @and if the latter husband turns against her and writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her to be his wife,

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:4 @then her former husband who sent her away is not allowed to take her again to be his wife, since she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the LORD, and you shall not bring sin on the land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:8" @ Be careful against an infection of leprosy, that you diligently observe and do according to all that the Levitical priests teach you; as I have commanded them, so you shall be careful to do.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:15" @ You shall give him his wages on his day before the sun sets, for he is poor and sets his heart on it; so that he will not cry against you to the LORD and it become sin in you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:20" @ When you beat your olive tree, you shall not go over the boughs again; it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:21" @When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, you shall not go over it again; it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:7" @The LORD shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:25" @ The LORD shall cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you will go out one way against them, but you will flee seven ways before them, and you will be an example of terror to all the kingdoms of the earth.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:48 @therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the LORD will send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in the lack of all things; and He will put an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:49" @ The LORD will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you shall not understand,

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:68" @The LORD will bring you back to Egypt in ships, by the way about which I spoke to you, 'You will never see it again!' And there you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but there will be no buyer."

nasb@Deuteronomy:12:20" @The LORD shall never be willing to forgive him, but rather the anger of the LORD and His jealousy will burn against that man, and every curse which is written in this book will rest on him, and the LORD will blot out his name from under heaven.

nasb@Deuteronomy:12:27 @'Therefore, the anger of the LORD burned against that land, to bring upon it every curse which is written in this book;

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:3 @then the LORD your God will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and will gather you again from all the peoples where the LORD your God has scattered you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:8" @And you shall again obey the LORD, and observe all His commandments which I command you today.

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:9" @ Then the LORD your God will prosper you abundantly in all the work of your hand, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your cattle and in the produce of your ground, for the LORD will again rejoice over you for good, just as He rejoiced over your fathers;

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:19" @ I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:17" @ Then My anger will be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them and hide My face from them, and they will be consumed, and many evils and troubles will come upon them; so that they will say in that day, ' Is it not because our God is not among us that these evils have come upon us?'

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:19" @Now therefore, write this song for yourselves, and teach it to the sons of Israel; put it on their lips, so that this song may be a witness for Me against the sons of Israel.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:26" @Take this book of the law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may remain there as a witness against you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:27" @For I know your rebellion and your stubbornness; behold, while I am still alive with you today, you have been rebellious against the LORD; how much more, then, after my death?

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:28" @Assemble to me all the elders of your tribes and your officers, that I may speak these words in their hearing and call the heavens and the earth to witness against them.

nasb@Deuteronomy:15:7 @And this regarding Judah; so he said, "Hear, O LORD, the voice of Judah, And bring him to his people. With his hands he contended for them, And may You be a help against his adversaries."

nasb@Deuteronomy:15:11" @O LORD, bless his substance, And accept the work of his hands; Shatter the loins of those who rise up against him, And those who hate him, so that they will not rise again."

nasb@Deuteronomy:16:11 @for all the signs and wonders which the LORD sent him to perform in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh, all his servants, and all his land,

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