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OT-LAW.filter - web Did:

web@Genesis:4:5 @ but he didn't respect Cain and his offering. Cain was very angry, and the expression on his face fell.

web@Genesis:6:22 @ Thus Noah did. According to all that God commanded him, so he did.

web@Genesis:7:5 @ Noah did everything that Yahweh commanded him.

web@Genesis:8:12 @ He stayed yet another seven days, and sent out the dove; and she didn't return to him any more.

web@Genesis:9:23 @ Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it on both their shoulders, went in backwards, and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were backwards, and they didn't see their father's nakedness.

web@Genesis:12:18 @ Pharaoh called Abram and said, "What is this that you have done to me? Why didn't you tell me that she was your wife?

web@Genesis:12:19 @ Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I took her to be my wife? Now therefore, see your wife, take her, and go your way."

web@Genesis:15:10 @ He brought him all of these, and divided them in the middle, and laid each half opposite the other; but he didn't divide the birds.

web@Genesis:16:8 @ He said, "Hagar, Sarai's handmaid, where did you come from? Where are you going?" She said, "I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sarai."

web@Genesis:18:13 @ Yahweh said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'Will I really bear a child, yet I am old?'

web@Genesis:18:15 @ Then Sarah denied, saying, "I didn't laugh," for she was afraid. He said, "No, but you did laugh."

web@Genesis:19:33 @ They made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father. He didn't know when she lay down, nor when she arose.

web@Genesis:19:35 @ They made their father drink wine that night also. The younger went and lay with him. He didn't know when she lay down, nor when she got up.

web@Genesis:20:5 @ Didn't he tell me, 'She is my sister?' She, even she herself, said, 'He is my brother.' In the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands have I done this."

web@Genesis:20:6 @ God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also withheld you from sinning against me. Therefore I didn't allow you to touch her.

web@Genesis:20:10 @ Abimelech said to Abraham, "What did you see, that you have done this thing?"

web@Genesis:21:1 @ Yahweh visited Sarah as he had said, and Yahweh did to Sarah as he had spoken.

web@Genesis:21:26 @ Abimelech said, "I don't know who has done this thing. You didn't tell me, neither did I hear of it, until today."

web@Genesis:26:9 @ Abimelech called Isaac, and said, "Behold, surely she is your wife. Why did you say, 'She is my sister?'" Isaac said to him, "Because I said, 'Lest I die because of her.'"

web@Genesis:26:22 @ He left that place, and dug another well. They didn't argue over that one. He called it Rehoboth. He said, "For now Yahweh has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land."

web@Genesis:27:23 @ He didn't recognize him, because his hands were hairy, like his brother, Esau's hands. So he blessed him.

web@Genesis:28:8 @ Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan didn't please Isaac, his father.

web@Genesis:28:16 @ Jacob awakened out of his sleep, and he said, "Surely Yahweh is in this place, and I didn't know it."

web@Genesis:29:25 @ It happened in the morning that, behold, it was Leah. He said to Laban, "What is this you have done to me? Didn't I serve with you for Rachel? Why then have you deceived me?"

web@Genesis:29:28 @ Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week. He gave him Rachel his daughter as wife.

web@Genesis:30:40 @ Jacob separated the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the streaked and all the black in the flock of Laban: and he put his own droves apart, and didn't put them into Laban's flock.

web@Genesis:30:42 @ but when the flock were feeble, he didn't put them in. So the feebler were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's.

web@Genesis:31:7 @ Your father has deceived me, and changed my wages ten times, but God didn't allow him to hurt me.

web@Genesis:31:20 @ Jacob deceived Laban the Syrian, in that he didn't tell him that he was running away.

web@Genesis:31:27 @ Why did you flee secretly, and deceive me, and didn't tell me, that I might have sent you away with mirth and with songs, with tambourine and with harp;

web@Genesis:31:28 @ and didn't allow me to kiss my sons and my daughters? Now have you done foolishly.

web@Genesis:31:32 @ Anyone you find your gods with shall not live. Before our relatives, discern what is yours with me, and take it." For Jacob didn't know that Rachel had stolen them.

web@Genesis:31:33 @ Laban went into Jacob's tent, into Leah's tent, and into the tent of the two female servants; but he didn't find them. He went out of Leah's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent.

web@Genesis:31:34 @ Now Rachel had taken the teraphim, put them in the camel's saddle, and sat on them. Laban felt about all the tent, but didn't find them.

web@Genesis:31:35 @ She said to her father, "Don't let my lord be angry that I can't rise up before you; for I'm having my period." He searched, but didn't find the teraphim.

web@Genesis:31:39 @ That which was torn of animals, I didn't bring to you. I bore its loss. Of my hand you required it, whether stolen by day or stolen by night.

web@Genesis:32:25 @ When he saw that he didn't prevail against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was strained, as he wrestled.

web@Genesis:34:19 @ The young man didn't wait to do this thing, because he had delight in Jacob's daughter, and he was honored above all the house of his father.

web@Genesis:35:5 @ They traveled, and a terror of God was on the cities that were around them, and they didn't pursue the sons of Jacob.

web@Genesis:38:10 @ The thing which he did was evil in the sight of Yahweh, and he killed him also.

web@Genesis:38:16 @ He turned to her by the way, and said, "Please come, let me come in to you," for he didn't know that she was his daughter-in-law. She said, "What will you give me, that you may come in to me?"

web@Genesis:38:20 @ Judah sent the young goat by the hand of his friend, the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman's hand, but he didn't find her.

web@Genesis:38:26 @ Judah acknowledged them, and said, "She is more righteous than I, because I didn't give her to Shelah, my son." He knew her again no more.

web@Genesis:39:3 @ His master saw that Yahweh was with him, and that Yahweh made all that he did prosper in his hand.

web@Genesis:39:6 @ He left all that he had in Joseph's hand. He didn't concern himself with anything, except for the food which he ate. Joseph was well-built and handsome.

web@Genesis:39:10 @ As she spoke to Joseph day by day, he didn't listen to her, to lie by her, or to be with her.

web@Genesis:39:19 @ It happened, when his master heard the words of his wife, which she spoke to him, saying, "This is what your servant did to me," that his wrath was kindled.

web@Genesis:39:22 @ The keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all the prisoners who were in the prison. Whatever they did there, he was responsible for it.

web@Genesis:39:23 @ The keeper of the prison didn't look after anything that was under his hand, because Yahweh was with him; and that which he did, Yahweh made it prosper.

web@Genesis:40:13 @ Within three more days, Pharaoh will lift up your head, and restore you to your office. You will give Pharaoh's cup into his hand, the way you did when you were his cupbearer.

web@Genesis:40:23 @ Yet the chief cupbearer didn't remember Joseph, but forgot him.

web@Genesis:42:4 @ But Jacob didn't send Benjamin, Joseph's brother, with his brothers; for he said, "Lest perhaps harm happen to him."

web@Genesis:42:7 @ Joseph saw his brothers, and he recognized them, but acted like a stranger to them, and spoke roughly with them. He said to them, "Where did you come from?" They said, "From the land of Canaan to buy food."

web@Genesis:42:8 @ Joseph recognized his brothers, but they didn't recognize him.

web@Genesis:42:20 @ Bring your youngest brother to me; so will your words be verified, and you won't die." They did so.

web@Genesis:42:22 @ Reuben answered them, saying, "Didn't I tell you, saying, 'Don't sin against the child,' and you wouldn't listen? Therefore also, behold, his blood is required."

web@Genesis:42:23 @ They didn't know that Joseph understood them; for there was an interpreter between them.

web@Genesis:43:6 @ Israel said, "Why did you treat me so badly, telling the man that you had another brother?"

web@Genesis:43:17 @ The man did as Joseph commanded, and the man brought the men to Joseph's house.

web@Genesis:44:2 @ Put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's mouth of the youngest, with his grain money." He did according to the word that Joseph had spoken.

web@Genesis:45:21 @ The sons of Israel did so. Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.

web@Genesis:45:26 @ They told him, saying, "Joseph is still alive, and he is ruler over all the land of Egypt." His heart fainted, for he didn't believe them.

web@Genesis:47:22 @ Only he didn't buy the land of the priests, for the priests had a portion from Pharaoh, and ate their portion which Pharaoh gave them. That is why they didn't sell their land.

web@Genesis:47:26 @ Joseph made it a statute concerning the land of Egypt to this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth. Only the land of the priests alone didn't become Pharaoh's.

web@Genesis:48:11 @ Israel said to Joseph, "I didn't think I would see your face, and behold, God has let me see your seed also."

web@Genesis:50:12 @ His sons did to him just as he commanded them,

web@Genesis:50:15 @ When Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, "It may be that Joseph will hate us, and will fully pay us back for all of the evil which we did to him."

web@Genesis:50:17 @ 'You shall tell Joseph, "Now please forgive the disobedience of your brothers, and their sin, because they did evil to you."' Now, please forgive the disobedience of the servants of the God of your father." Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

web@Exodus:1:6 @ Joseph died, as did all his brothers, and all that generation.

web@Exodus:1:8 @ Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who didn't know Joseph.

web@Exodus:1:17 @ But the midwives feared God, {The Hebrew word rendered "God" is "Elohim."} and didn't do what the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the baby boys alive.

web@Exodus:2:13 @ He went out the second day, and behold, two men of the Hebrews were fighting with each other. He said to him who did the wrong, "Why do you strike your fellow?"

web@Exodus:4:30 @ Aaron spoke all the words which Yahweh had spoken to Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people.

web@Exodus:6:9 @ Moses spoke so to the children of Israel, but they didn't listen to Moses for anguish of spirit, and for cruel bondage.

web@Exodus:7:6 @ Moses and Aaron did so. As Yahweh commanded them, so they did.

web@Exodus:7:10 @ Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and they did so, as Yahweh had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

web@Exodus:7:11 @ Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers. They also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same thing with their enchantments.

web@Exodus:7:13 @ Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he didn't listen to them; as Yahweh had spoken.

web@Exodus:7:20 @ Moses and Aaron did so, as Yahweh commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and struck the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.

web@Exodus:7:22 @ The magicians of Egypt did the same thing with their enchantments; and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he didn't listen to them; as Yahweh had spoken.

web@Exodus:7:23 @ Pharaoh turned and went into his house, and he didn't even take this to heart.

web@Exodus:8:7 @ The magicians did the same thing with their enchantments, and brought up frogs on the land of Egypt.

web@Exodus:8:13 @ Yahweh did according to the word of Moses, and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the courts, and out of the fields.

web@Exodus:8:15 @ But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart, and didn't listen to them, as Yahweh had spoken.

web@Exodus:8:17 @ They did so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and struck the dust of the earth, and there were lice on man, and on animal; all the dust of the earth became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.

web@Exodus:8:19 @ Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God:" and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he didn't listen to them; as Yahweh had spoken.

web@Exodus:8:24 @ Yahweh did so; and there came grievous swarms of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants' houses: and in all the land of Egypt the land was corrupted by reason of the swarms of flies.

web@Exodus:8:31 @ Yahweh did according to the word of Moses, and he removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people. There remained not one.

web@Exodus:8:32 @ Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and he didn't let the people go.

web@Exodus:9:6 @ Yahweh did that thing on the next day; and all the livestock of Egypt died, but of the livestock of the children of Israel, not one died.

web@Exodus:9:7 @ Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not so much as one of the livestock of the Israelites dead. But the heart of Pharaoh was stubborn, and he didn't let the people go.

web@Exodus:9:12 @ Yahweh hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he didn't listen to them, as Yahweh had spoken to Moses.

web@Exodus:9:21 @ Whoever didn't respect the word of Yahweh left his servants and his livestock in the field.

web@Exodus:9:35 @ The heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he didn't let the children of Israel go, just as Yahweh had spoken through Moses.

web@Exodus:10:20 @ But Yahweh hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he didn't let the children of Israel go.

web@Exodus:10:23 @ They didn't see one another, neither did anyone rise from his place for three days; but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.

web@Exodus:11:10 @ Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh, and Yahweh hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he didn't let the children of Israel go out of his land.

web@Exodus:12:28 @ The children of Israel went and did so; as Yahweh had commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did.

web@Exodus:12:35 @ The children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and clothing.

web@Exodus:12:50 @ All the children of Israel did so. As Yahweh commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did.

web@Exodus:13:8 @ You shall tell your son in that day, saying, 'It is because of that which Yahweh did for me when I came out of Egypt.'

web@Exodus:13:17 @ It happened, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God didn't lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, "Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and they return to Egypt";

web@Exodus:13:22 @ the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night, didn't depart from before the people.

web@Exodus:14:4 @ I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will follow after them; and I will get honor over Pharaoh, and over all his armies; and the Egyptians shall know that I am Yahweh." They did so.

web@Exodus:14:20 @ It came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel; and there was the cloud and the darkness, yet gave it light by night: and the one didn't come near the other all the night.

web@Exodus:14:31 @ Israel saw the great work which Yahweh did to the Egyptians, and the people feared Yahweh; and they believed in Yahweh, and in his servant Moses.

web@Exodus:16:15 @ When the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, "What is it?" For they didn't know what it was. Moses said to them, "It is the bread which Yahweh has given you to eat."

web@Exodus:16:17 @ The children of Israel did so, and gathered some more, some less.

web@Exodus:16:20 @ Notwithstanding they didn't listen to Moses, but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and became foul: and Moses was angry with them.

web@Exodus:16:24 @ They laid it up until the morning, as Moses asked, and it didn't become foul, neither was there any worm in it.

web@Exodus:17:6 @ Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb. You shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink." Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

web@Exodus:17:10 @ So Joshua did as Moses had told him, and fought with Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.

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