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OT-LAW.filter - dourh Jacob:

dourh@Genesis:25:25 @ He that came forth first was red, and hairy like a skin: and his name was called Esau. Immediately the other coming forth, held his brother's foot in his hand, and therefore he was called Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:25:27 @ And when they were grown up, Esau became a skillful hunter, and a husbandman, but Jacob a plain man dwelt in tents.

dourh@Genesis:25:28 @ Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of his hunting: and Rebecca loved Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:25:29 @ And Jacob boiled Pottage: to whom Esau, coming faint out of the field,

dourh@Genesis:25:31 @ And Jacob said to him: Sell me thy first birthright.

dourh@Genesis:25:33 @ Jacob said: Swear therefore to me. Esau swore to him, and sold his first birthright.

dourh@Genesis:27:6 @ She said to her son Jacob: I heard thy father talking with Esau thy brother, and saying to him:

dourh@Genesis:27:19 @ And Jacob said: I am Esau thy firstborn: I have done as thou didst command me: arise, sit, and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me.

dourh@Genesis:27:22 @ He came near to his father, and when he had felt him, Isaac said: The voice indeed is the voice of Jacob; but the hands are the hands of Esau.

dourh@Genesis:27:30 @ Isaac had scarce ended his words, when Jacob being now gone out abroad, Esau came,

dourh@Genesis:27:36 @ But he said again: Rightly is his name called Jacob; for he hath supplanted me lo this second time: my first birthright he took away before, and now this second time he hath stolen away my blessing. And again he said to his father: Hast thou not reserved me also a blessing?

dourh@Genesis:27:41 @ Esau therefore always hated Jacob for the blessing wherewith his father had blessed him: and he said in his heart: The days will come of the mourning of my father, and I will kill my brother Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:27:42 @ These things were told to Rebecca: and she sent and called Jacob her son, and said to him: Behold Esau thy brother threateneth to kill thee.

dourh@Genesis:27:46 @ And Rebecca said to Isaac: I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the stock of this land, I choose not to live.

dourh@Genesis:28:1 @ And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, saying: Take not a wife of the stock of Chanaan:

dourh@Genesis:28:6 @ And Esau seeing that his father had blessed Jacob, and had sent him into Mesopotamia of Syria, to marry a wife thence; and that after the blessing he had charged him, saying: Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Chanaan:

dourh@Genesis:28:7 @ And that Jacob obeying his parents was gone into Syria:

dourh@Genesis:28:10 @ But Jacob being departed from Bersabee, went on to Haran.

dourh@Genesis:28:16 @ And when Jacob awaked out of sleep, he said: Indeed the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.

dourh@Genesis:28:18 @ And Jacob, arising in the morning, took the stone, which he had laid under his head, and set it up for a title, pouring oil upon the top of it.

dourh@Genesis:29:1 @ Then Jacob went on in his journey, and came into the east country.

dourh@Genesis:29:7 @ And Jacob said: There is yet much day remaining, neither is it time to bring the flocks into the folds again: first give the sheep drink, and so lead them back to feed.

dourh@Genesis:29:10 @ And when Jacob saw her, and knew her to be his cousin-german, and that they were the sheep of Laban, his uncle: he removed the stone wherewith the well was closed.

dourh@Genesis:29:13 @ Who, when he heard that Jacob his sister's son was come, ran forth to meet him; and embracing him, and heartily kissing him, brought him into his house. And when he had heard the causes of his journey,

dourh@Genesis:29:18 @ And Jacob being in love with her, said: I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.

dourh@Genesis:29:20 @ So Jacob served seven years for Rachel: and they seemed but a few days, because of the greatness of his love.

dourh@Genesis:29:24 @ Giving his daughter a handmaid, named Zalpha. Now when Jacob had gone in to her according to custom when morning was come he saw it was Lia:

dourh@Genesis:30:2 @ And Jacob being angry with her, answered: Am I as God, who hath deprived thee of the fruit of thy womb?

dourh@Genesis:30:16 @ And when Jacob returned at even from the field, Lia went out to meet him, and said: Thou shalt come in unto me, because I have hired thee for my son's mandrakes. And he slept with her that night.

dourh@Genesis:30:25 @ And when Joseph was born, Jacob said to his father in law: Send me away that I may return into my country, and to my land.

dourh@Genesis:30:37 @ And Jacob took green robs of poplar, and of almond, and of place trees, and pilled them in part: so when the bark was taken off, in the parts that were pilled, there appeared whiteness: but the parts that were whole remained green: and by this means the colour was divers.

dourh@Genesis:30:40 @ And Jacob separated the flock, and put the rods in the troughs before the eyes of the rams: and all the white and the black were Laban's: and the rest were Jacob's, when the flocks were separated one from the other.

dourh@Genesis:30:41 @ So when the ewes went first to ram, Jacob put the rods in the roughs of water before the eyes of the rams, and of the ewes, that they might conceive while they were looking upon them:

dourh@Genesis:30:42 @ But when the latter coming was, and the last conceiving, he did not put them. And those that were late ward, become Laban's: and they of the first time, Jacob's.

dourh@Genesis:31:1 @ But after that he heard the words of the sons of Laban, saying: Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's, and being enriched by his substance is become great:

dourh@Genesis:31:11 @ And the angel of God said to me in my sleep: Jacob? And I answered: Here I am.

dourh@Genesis:31:17 @ Then Jacob rose up, and having set his children and wives upon camels, went his way.

dourh@Genesis:31:20 @ And Jacob would not confess to his father in law that he was flying away.

dourh@Genesis:31:22 @ It was told Laban on the third day that Jacob fled.

dourh@Genesis:31:24 @ And he saw in a dream God saying to him: Take heed thou speak not any thing harshly against Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:31:25 @ Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain: and when he with his brethren had overtaken him, he pitched his tent in the same mount of Galaad.

dourh@Genesis:31:26 @ And he said to Jacob: Why hast thou done thus, to carry away, without my knowledge, my daughters, as captives taken with the sword.

dourh@Genesis:31:29 @ It is in my power to return thee evil: but the God of your father said to me yesterday: Take heed thou speak not any things harshly against Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:31:31 @ Jacob answered: That I departed unknown to thee, it was for fear lest thou wouldst take away thy daughters by force.

dourh@Genesis:31:33 @ So Laban went into the tent of Jacob, and of Lia, and of both the handmaids, and found them not. And when he was entered into Rachel's tent,

dourh@Genesis:31:36 @ And jacob being angry, said in a chiding manner: For what fault of mine, and for what offense on my part hast thou so hotly pursued me,

dourh@Genesis:31:45 @ And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a title:

dourh@Genesis:31:47 @ And Laban called it The witness heap: and Jacob, The hillock of testimony: each of them according to the propriety of his language.

dourh@Genesis:31:51 @ And he said again to Jacob: Behold, this heap, and the stone which I have set up between me and thee,

dourh@Genesis:31:53 @ The God of Abraham, and the God of Nachor, the God of their father, judge between us. And jacob swore by the fear of his father Isaac.

dourh@Genesis:32:1 @ Jacob also went on the journey he had begun: and the angels of God met him.

dourh@Genesis:32:4 @ And he commanded them, saying: Thus shall ye speak to my lord Esau: Thus saith thy brother Jacob: I have sojourned with Laban, and have been with him until this day.

dourh@Genesis:32:6 @ And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying: We came to Esau thy brother, and behold he cometh with speed to meet thee with four hundred men.

dourh@Genesis:32:7 @ Then Jacob was greatly afraid; and in his fear divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and the sheep, and the oxen, and the camels, into two companies,

dourh@Genesis:32:9 @ And Jacob said: O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, O Lord, who saidst to me: Return to thy land and to the place of thy birth, and I will do well for thee,

dourh@Genesis:32:18 @ Thou shalt answer: Thy servant Jacob's: he hath sent them as a present to my lord Esau: and he cometh after us.

dourh@Genesis:32:20 @ And ye shall add: thy servant Jacob himself also followeth after us: for he said: I will appease him with the presents that go before, and afterwards I will see him, perhaps he will be gracious to me.

dourh@Genesis:32:27 @ And he said: What is thy name? He answered: Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:32:28 @ But he said: Thy name shall not be called Jacob, but Israel: for if thou hast been strong against God, how much more shalt thou prevail against men?

dourh@Genesis:32:29 @ Jacob asked him, Tell me by what name art thou called? He answered: Why dost thou ask my name? And he blessed him in the same place.

dourh@Genesis:32:30 @ And Jacob called the name of the place Phanuel, saying: I have seen God face to face, and my soul has been saved.

dourh@Genesis:32:32 @ Therefore the children of Israel, unto this day, eat not the sinew, that shrank in Jacob's thigh: because he touched the sinew of his thigh and it shrank.

dourh@Genesis:33:1 @ And Jacob lifting up his eyes, saw Esau coming, and with him four hundred men: and he divided the children of Lia, and of Rachel, and of the two handmaids:

dourh@Genesis:33:10 @ And Jacob said: Do not so I beseech thee, but if I have found favor in thy eyes, receive a little present at my hands: for I have seen thy face, as if I should have seen the countenance of God: be gracious to me,

dourh@Genesis:33:13 @ And Jacob said: My lord, thou knowest that I have with me tender children, and sheep, and kine with young: which if I should cause to be overdriven, in one day all the flocks will die.

dourh@Genesis:33:17 @ And Jacob came to Socoth: where having built a house, and pitched tents, he called the name of the place Socoth, that is, Tents.

dourh@Genesis:34:5 @ But when Jacob had heard this, his sons being absent, and employed in feeding the cattle, he held his peace till they came back.

dourh@Genesis:34:6 @ And when Hemor the father of Sichem was come out to speak to Jacob,

dourh@Genesis:34:7 @ Behold his sons came from the field: and hearing what had passed, they were exceeding angry, because he had done a foul thing in Israel, and committed an unlawful act, in ravishing Jacob's daughter,

dourh@Genesis:34:13 @ The sons of Jacob answered Sichem and his father deceitfully, being enraged at the deflowering of their sister:

dourh@Genesis:34:25 @ And behold the third day, when the pain of the wound was greatest, two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, the brothers of Dina, taking their swords, entered boldly into the city, and slew all the men:

dourh@Genesis:34:27 @ And when they were gone out, the other sons of Jacob came upon the slain; and plundered the city in revenge of the rape.

dourh@Genesis:34:30 @ And when they had boldly perpetrated these things, Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: You have troubled me, and made me hateful to the Chanaanites and Pherezites, the inhabitants of this land: we are few: they will gather themselves together and kill me; and both I, and my house, shall be destroyed.

dourh@Genesis:35:1 @ In the meantime God said to Jacob: Arise, and go up to Bethel, and dwell there, and make there an altar to God, who appeared to thee when thou didst flee from Esau thy brother.

dourh@Genesis:35:2 @ And Jacob having called together all his household, said: Cast away the strange gods that are among you, and be cleansed and change your garments.

dourh@Genesis:35:6 @ And Jacob came to Luza, which is in the land of Chanaan, surnamed Bethel: he and all the people that were with him.

dourh@Genesis:35:9 @ And God appeared again to Jacob, after he returned from Mesopotamia of Syria, and he blessed him,

dourh@Genesis:35:10 @ Saying: Thou shalt not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name. And he called him Israel.

dourh@Genesis:35:20 @ And Jacob erected a pillar over her sepulcher: this is the pillar of Rachel's monument, to this day.

dourh@Genesis:35:22 @ And when he dwelt in that country, Ruben went, and slept with Bala, the concubine of his father: which he was not ignorant of. Now the sons of Jacob were twelve.

dourh@Genesis:35:26 @ The sons of Zelpha, Lia's handmaid: Gad and Aser: these are the sons of Jacob, that were born to him in Mesopotamia of Syria.

dourh@Genesis:35:29 @ And being spent with age he died, and was gathered to his people, being old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

dourh@Genesis:36:6 @ And Esau took his wives and his sons and daughters, and every soul of his house, and his substance, and cattle, and all that he was able to acquire in the land of Chanaan: and went into another country, and departed from his brother Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:37:1 @ And Jacob dwelt in the land of Chanaan wherein his father sojourned.

dourh@Genesis:42:1 @ And Jacob hearing that food was sold in Egypt, said to his sons: Why are ye careless?

dourh@Genesis:42:4 @ Whilst Benjamin was kept at home by Jacob, who said to his brethren: Lest perhaps he take any harm in the journey.

dourh@Genesis:42:29 @ And they came to Jacob their father in the land of Chanaan, and they told him all things that had befallen them, saying:

dourh@Genesis:42:36 @ Their father Jacob said: You have made me to be without children: Joseph is not living, Simeon is kept in bonds, and Benjamin you will take away: all these evils are fallen upon me.

dourh@Genesis:43:2 @ And when they had eaten up all the corn, which they had brought out of Egypt, Jacob said to his sons: Go again and buy us a little food.

dourh@Genesis:45:25 @ And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Chanaan to their father Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:45:26 @ And they told him, saying: Joseph thy son is living: and he is ruler in all the land of Egypt. Which when Jacob heard, he awaked as it were out of a deep sleep, yet did not believe them.

dourh@Genesis:46:2 @ He heard him by a vision in the night calling him, and saying to him: Jacob, Jacob. And he answered him: Lo, here I am.

dourh@Genesis:46:5 @ And Jacob rose up from the well of the oath: and his sons took him up, with their children and wives in the wagons, which Pharao had sent to carry the old man,

dourh@Genesis:46:18 @ These are the sons of Zelpha, whom Laban gave to Lia his daughter. And these she bore to Jacob, sixteen souls.

dourh@Genesis:46:19 @ The sons of Rachel Jacob's wife: Joseph and Benjamin.

dourh@Genesis:46:22 @ These are the sons of Rachel, whom she bore to Jacob: all the souls, four- teen.

dourh@Genesis:46:25 @ These are the sons of Bala, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter: and these she bore to Jacob: all the souls, seven.

dourh@Genesis:46:26 @ All the souls that went with Jacob into Egypt, and that came out of his thigh, besides his sons' wives, sixty-six.

dourh@Genesis:46:27 @ And the sons of Joseph, that were born to him in the land of Egypt, two souls. All the souls of the house of Jacob, that entered into Egypt, were seventy.

dourh@Genesis:48:15 @ And Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, and said: God, in whose sight my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, God that feedeth me from my youth until this day;

dourh@Genesis:49:1 @ And Jacob called his sons, and said to them: Gather yourselves together that I may tell you the things that shall befall you in the last days.

dourh@Genesis:49:2 @ Gather yourselves together, and hear, O ye sons of Jacob, hearken to Israel your father:

dourh@Genesis:49:7 @ Cursed be their fury, because it was stubborn: and their wrath because it was cruel: I Will divide them in Jacob, and will scatter them in Israel.

dourh@Genesis:49:26 @ His bow rested upon the strong, and the bands of his arms and his hands were loosed, by the hands of the mighty one of Jacob: thence he came forth a pastor, the stone of Israel.

dourh@Genesis:50:12 @ So the sons of Jacob did as he had commanded them.

dourh@Genesis:50:23 @ After which he told his brethren: God will visit you after my death, and will make you go up out of this land, to the land which he swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

dourh@Exodus:1:1 @ These are the names of the children of Israel, that went into Egypt with Jacob: they went in, every man with his household:

dourh@Exodus:1:5 @ And all the souls that came out of Jacob's thigh, were seventy: but Joseph was in Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:2:24 @ And he heard their groaning, and remembered the covenant which he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

dourh@Exodus:3:6 @ And he said: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses hid his face: for he durst not look at God.

dourh@Exodus:3:15 @ And God said again to Moses: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me to you: This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

dourh@Exodus:3:16 @ Go, gather together the ancients of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared to me, saying: Visiting I have visited you: and I have seen all that hath befallen you in Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:4:5 @ That they may believe, saith he, that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared to thee.

dourh@Exodus:6:3 @ That appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, by the name of God Almighty; and my name ADONAI I did not shew them.

dourh@Exodus:6:8 @ And brought you into the land, concerning which I lifted up my hand to give it to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and I will give it you to possess, I am the Lord.

dourh@Exodus:19:3 @ And Moses went up to God: and the Lord called unto him from the mountain, and said: Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:

dourh@Exodus:33:1 @ And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: God, get thee up from this place, thou and thy people which thou has brought out of the land of Egypt, into the land concerning which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying: To thy seed I will give it.

dourh@Leviticus:26:42 @ And I will remember my covenant, that I made with Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham. I will remember also the land:

dourh@Numbers:23:7 @ And taking up his parable, he said: Balac king of the Moabites hath brought me from Aram, from the mountains of the east: Come, said he, and curse Jacob: make haste and detest Israel.

dourh@Numbers:23:10 @ Who can count the dust of Jacob, and know the number of the stock of Israel? Let my soul die the death of the just, and my last end be like to them.

dourh@Numbers:23:21 @ There is no idol in Jacob, neither is there an image god to be seen in Israel. The Lord his God is with him, and the sound of the victory of the king in him.

dourh@Numbers:23:23 @ There is no soothsaying in Jacob, nor divination in Israel. In their times it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel what God hath wrought.

dourh@Numbers:24:5 @ How beautiful are thy tabernacles, O Jacob, and thy tents, O Israel!

dourh@Numbers:24:17 @ I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near. A STAR SHALL RISE out of Jacob and a sceptre shall spring up from Israel: and shall strike the chiefs of Moab, and shall waste all the children of Seth.

dourh@Numbers:24:19 @ Out of Jacob shall he come that shall rule, and shall destroy the remains of the city.

dourh@Numbers:32:11 @ If these men, that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land, which I promised with an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: because they would not follow me,

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:10 @ Behold, said he, I have delivered it to you: go in and possess it, concerning which the Lord swore to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that he would give it to them, and to their seed after them.

dourh@Deuteronomy:6:10 @ And when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land, for which he swore to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: and shall have given thee great and goodly cities, which thou didst not build,

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:5 @ For it is not for thy justices, and the uprightness of thy heart that thou shalt go in to possess their lands: but because they have done wickedly, they are destroyed at thy coming in: and that the Lord might accomplish his word, which he promised by oath to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:27 @ Remember thy servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: look not on the stubbornness of this people, nor on their wickedness and sin:

dourh@Deuteronomy:29:13 @ That he may raise thee up a people to himself, and he may be thy God as he hath spoken to thee, and as he swore to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:20 @ And that thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and obey his voice, and adhere to him (for he is thy life, and the length of thy days,) that thou mayst dwell in the land, for which the Lord swore to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that he would give it them.

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:9 @ But the Lord's portion is his people: Jacob the lot of his inheritance.

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:4 @ Moses commanded us a law, the inheritance of the multitude of Jacob.

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:10 @ Thy judgments, O Jacob, and thy law, O Israel: they shall put incense in thy wrath and holocaust upon thy altar.

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:28 @ Israel shall dwell in safety, and alone. The eye of Jacob in a land of corn and wine, and the heavens shall be misty with dew.

dourh@Deuteronomy:34:4 @ And the Lord said to him: This is the land, for which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying: I will give it to thy seed. Thou hast seen it with thy eyes, and shalt not pass over to it.

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