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OT-LAW.filter - dourh bath:

dourh@Genesis:10:7 @ And the sons of Chus: Saba and Hevila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sons of Regma: Saba and Dadan.

dourh@Genesis:22:23 @ And Bathuel, of whom was born Rebecca: These eight did Melcha bear to Nachor Abraham's brother.

dourh@Genesis:24:15 @ he had not yet ended these words within himself, and behold Rebecca came out, the daughter of Bathuel, son of Melcha, wife to Nachor the brother of Abraham, having a pitcher on her shoulder:

dourh@Genesis:24:24 @ And she answered: I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Melcha, whom she bore to Nachor.

dourh@Genesis:24:47 @ And I asked her, and said: Whose daughter art thou? And she answered: I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Nachor, whom Melcha bore to him. So I put earrings on her to adorn her face, and I put bracelets on her hands.

dourh@Genesis:24:50 @ And Laban and Bathuel answered: The word hath proceeded from the Lord, we cannot speak any other thing to thee but his pleasure.

dourh@Genesis:25:20 @ Who when he was forty years old, took to wife Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel the Syrian of Mesopotamia, sister to Laban.

dourh@Genesis:28:2 @ But go, and take a journey to Mesopotamia of Syria, to the house of Bathuel thy mother's father, and take thee a wife thence of the daughters of Laban thy uncle.

dourh@Genesis:28:5 @ And when Isaac had sent him away, he took his journey and went to Mesopotamia of Syria to Laban the son of Bathuel the Syrian, brother to Rebecca his mother.

dourh@Exodus:16:23 @ And he said to them: This is what the Lord hath spoken: To morrow is the rest of the sabbath sanctified to the Lord. Whatsoever work is to be done, do it: and the meats that are to be dressed, dress them: and whatsoever shall remain, lay it up until the morning.

dourh@Exodus:16:25 @ And Moses said: Eat it to day, because it is the sabbath of the Lord: to day it shall not be found in the field.

dourh@Exodus:16:26 @ Gather it six days: but on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord, therefore it shall not be found.

dourh@Exodus:16:29 @ See that the Lord hath given you the sabbath, and for this reason on the sixth day he giveth you a double provision: let each man stay at home, and let none go forth out of his place the seventh day.

dourh@Exodus:16:30 @ And the people kept the sabbath on the seventh day.

dourh@Exodus:20:8 @ Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day.

dourh@Exodus:20:10 @ But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger that is within thy gates.

dourh@Exodus:31:13 @ Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: See that thou keep my sabbath: because it is a sign between me and you in your generations: that you may know that I am the Lord, who sanctify you.

dourh@Exodus:31:14 @ Keep you my sabbath: for it is holy unto you: he that shall profane it, shall be put to death: he that shall do my work in it, his soul shall perish out of the midst of his people.

dourh@Exodus:31:15 @ Six days shall you do work: in the seventh day is the sabbath, the rest holy to the Lord. Every one that shall do any work on this day, shall die.

dourh@Exodus:31:16 @ Let the children of Israel keep the sabbath, and celebrate it in their generations. It is an everlasting covenant

dourh@Exodus:35:2 @ Six days you shall do work: the seventh day shall be holy unto you, the sabbath, and the rest of the Lord: he that shall do any work on it, shall be put to death.

dourh@Exodus:35:3 @ You shall kindle no fire in any of your habitations on the sabbath day.

dourh@Leviticus:16:31 @ For it is a sabbath of rest, and you shall afflict your souls by a perpetual religion.

dourh@Leviticus:19:3 @ Let every one fear his father, and his mother. Keep my sabbaths. I am the Lord your God.

dourh@Leviticus:19:30 @ Keep ye my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary. I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:23:3 @ Six days shall ye do work: the seventh day, because it is the rest of the sabbath, shall be called holy. You shall do no work on that day: it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your habitations.

dourh@Leviticus:23:11 @ Who shall lift up the shed before the Lord, the next day after the sabbath, that it may be acceptable for you, and shall sanctify it.

dourh@Leviticus:23:15 @ You shall count therefore from the morrow after the sabbath, wherein you offered the sheaf of the firstfruits, seven full weeks.

dourh@Leviticus:23:24 @ Say to the children of Israel: The seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall keep a sabbath, a memorial, with she sound of trumpets, and it shall be called holy.

dourh@Leviticus:23:32 @ It is a sabbath of rest, and you shell afflict your souls beginning on the ninth day of the month: from evening until evening you shall celebrate your sabbaths.

dourh@Leviticus:23:38 @ Besides the sabbaths of the Lord, and your gifts, and those things that you offer by vow, or which you shall give to the Lord voluntarily.

dourh@Leviticus:23:39 @ So from the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you shall have gathered in all the fruits of your land, you shall celebrate the feast of the Lord seven days: on the first day and the eighth shall be a sabbath, that is a day of rest.

dourh@Leviticus:24:8 @ Every sabbath they shall be changed before the Lord, being received of the children of Israel by an everlasting covenant:

dourh@Leviticus:25:2 @ Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: When you shall have entered into the land which I will give you, observe the rest of the sabbath to the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:25:4 @ But in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath to the land, of the resting of the Lord: thou shalt not sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.

dourh@Leviticus:26:2 @ Keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:26:34 @ Then shell the land enjoy her sabbaths all the days of her desolation: when you shall be

dourh@Leviticus:26:35 @ In the enemy's land, she shall keep a sabbath, and rest in the sabbaths of her desolation, because she did not rest in your sabbaths when you dwelt therein.

dourh@Leviticus:26:43 @ Which when she shall be left by them, shall enjoy her sabbaths, being desolate for them. But they shall pray for their sins, because they rejected my judgments, and despised my laws.

dourh@Numbers:15:32 @ And it came to pass, when the children of Israel were in the wilderness, and had found a man gathering sticks on the sabbath day,

dourh@Numbers:28:9 @ And on the sabbath day you shall offer two lambs of a year old without blemish, and two tenths of flour tempered with oil in sacrifice, and the libations,

dourh@Numbers:28:10 @ Which regularly are poured out every sabbath for the perpetual holocaust.

dourh@Numbers:33:33 @ From thence they went and camped in Jetebatha.

dourh@Numbers:33:34 @ And from Jetebatha they came to Hebrona.

dourh@Deuteronomy:3:11 @ For only Og king of Basan remained of the race of the giants. His bed of iron is shewn, which is in Rabbath of the children of Ammon, being nine cubits long, and four broad after the measure of the cubit of a man's hand.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:12 @ Observe the day of the sabbath, to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:14 @ The seventh is the day of the sabbath, that is, the rest of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not do any work therein, thou nor thy son nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant nor thy maidservant, nor thy ox, nor thy ass, nor any of thy beasts, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest, even as thyself.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:15 @ Remember that thou also didst serve in Egypt, and the Lord thy God brought thee out from thence with a strong hand, and a stretched out arm. Therefore hath he commanded thee that thou shouldst observe the sabbath day.

dourh@Deuteronomy:10:7 @ From thence they came to Gadgad, from which place they departed, and camped in Jetebatha, in a land of waters and torrents.

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