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drb@Genesis:2:3 @And he blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

drb@Genesis:2:23 @And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.

drb@Genesis:3:10 @And he said: I heard thy voice in paradise; and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself

drb@Genesis:3:14 @And the Lord God said to the serpent: Because thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed among all cattle, and the beasts of the earth: upon thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.

drb@Genesis:3:17 @And to Adam he said: Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy work; with labour and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thy life.

drb@Genesis:3:20 @And Adam called the name of his wife Eve: because she was the mother of all the living.

drb@Genesis:5:24 @And he walked with God, and was seen no more: because God took him.

drb@Genesis:6:3 @And God said: My spirit shall not remain in man for ever, because he is flesh, and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.

drb@Genesis:7:7 @And Noe went in and his sons, his wife and the wives of his sons with him into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.

drb@Genesis:10:25 @And to Heber were born two sons: the name of the one was Phaleg, because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother's name Jectan.

drb@Genesis:11:9 @And therefore the name thereof was called Babel, because there the language of the whole earth was confounded: and from thence the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of all countries.

drb@Genesis:16:11 @And again: Behold, said he, thou art with child, and thou shalt bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Ismael, because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

drb@Genesis:17:5 @Neither shall thy name be called any more Abram: but thou shalt be called Abraham: because I have made thee a father of many nations.

drb@Genesis:17:14 @The male, whose dash of his foreskin shall not be circumcised, that soul shall be destroyed out of his people: because he hath broken my covenant.

drb@Genesis:19:8 @I have two daughters who as yet have not known man: I will bring them out to you, and abuse you them as it shall please you, so that you do no evil to these men, because they are come in under the shadow of my roof.

drb@Genesis:19:13 @For we will destroy this place, because their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them.

drb@Genesis:19:14 @So Lot went out, and spoke to his sons in law that were to have his daughters, and said: Arise: get you out of this place, because the Lord will destroy this city. And he seemed to them to speak as it were in jest.

drb@Genesis:19:16 @And as he lingered, they took his hand, and the hand of his wife, and of his two daughters, because the Lord spared him.

drb@Genesis:19:19 @Because thy servant hath found grace before thee, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewn to me, in saving my life, and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil seize me, and I die:

drb@Genesis:19:22 @Make haste and be saved there, because I cannot do any thing till thou go in thither. Therefore the name of that city was called Segor.

drb@Genesis:21:13 @But I will make the son also of the bondwoman a great nation, because he is thy seed.

drb@Genesis:21:31 @Therefore that place was called Bersabee: because both of them did swear.

drb@Genesis:22:16 @By my own self have I sworn, saith the Lord: because thou hast done this thing, and hast not spared thy only begotten son for my sake:

drb@Genesis:22:18 @And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice.

drb@Genesis:24:56 @Stay me not, said he, because the Lord hath prospered my way: send me away, that I may go to my master.

drb@Genesis:25:21 @And Isaac besought the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and he heard him, and made Rebecca to conceive.

drb@Genesis:25:28 @Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of his hunting: and Rebecca loved Jacob.

drb@Genesis:26:5 @Because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my precepts and commandments, and observed my ceremonies and laws.

drb@Genesis:26:7 @And when he was asked by the men of that place, concerning his wife, he answered: She is my sister; for he was afraid to confess that she was his wife, thinking lest perhaps they would like him because of her beauty.

drb@Genesis:27:45 @And Rebecca said to Isaac: I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the stock of this land, I choose not to live.

drb@Genesis:29:15 @He said to him: Because thou art my brother, shalt thou serve me without wages? Tell me what wages thou wilt have.

drb@Genesis:29:20 @So Jacob served seven years for Rachel: and they seemed but a few days, because of the greatness of his love.

drb@Genesis:29:33 @And again she conceived and bore a son, and said: Because the Lord heard that I was despised, he hath given this also to me: and she called his name Simeon.

drb@Genesis:29:34 @And she conceived the third time, and bore another son: and said: Now also my husband will be joined to me, because I have borne him three sons: and therefore she called hi sname Levi.

drb@Genesis:30:16 @And when Jacob returned at even from the field, Lia went out to meet him, and said: Thou shalt come in unto me, because I have hired thee for my son's mandrakes. And he slept with her that night.

drb@Genesis:30:18 @And said: God hath given me a reward, because I gave my handmaid to my husband. And she called his name Issachar.

drb@Genesis:30:20 @And said: God hath endowed me with a good dowry: this turn also my husband will be with me, because I have borne him six sons: and therefore she called his name Zabulon.

drb@Genesis:31:35 @She said: Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise up before thee, because it has now happened to me, according to the custom of women, So his careful search was in vain.

drb@Genesis:32:32 @Therefore the children of Israel, unto this day, eat not the sinew, that shrank in Jacob's thigh: because he touched the sinew of his thigh and it shrank.

drb@Genesis:34:7 @Behold his sons came from the field: and hearing what had passed, they were exceeding angry, because he had done a foul thing in Israel, and committed an unlawful act, in ravishing Jacob's daughter,

drb@Genesis:37:3 @Now Israel loved Joseph above all his sons, because he had him in his old age: and he made him a coat of divers colours.

drb@Genesis:38:14 @And she put off the garments of her widowhood, and took a veil: and changing her dress, sat in the cross way, that leadeth to Thamnas: because Sela was grown up, and she had not been married to him.

drb@Genesis:38:26 @But he acknowledging the gifts, said: She is juster than I: because I did not give her to Sela, my son. However, he knew her no more.

drb@Genesis:42:21 @And they talked one to another: We deserve to suffer these things, because we have sinned against our brother, seeing the anguished of his soul, when he besought us, and we would not hear: therefore is this affliction come upon us.

drb@Genesis:42:23 @And they knew not that Joseph understood, because he spoke to them by an interpreter.

drb@Genesis:43:16 @And when he had seen them, and Benjamin with them, he commanded the steward of his house, saying: Bring in the men into the house, and kill victims, and prepare a feast: because they shall eat with me at noon.

drb@Genesis:43:18 @And they being much afraid, said there one to another: Because of the money, which we carried back the first time in our sacks, we are brought in: that he may bring upon us a false accusation, and by violence make slaves of us and our asses.

drb@Genesis:46:30 @And the father said to Joseph: Now shall I die with joy, because I have seen thy face, and leave thee alive.

drb@Genesis:46:34 @You shall answer: We thy servants are shepherds, from our infancy until now, both we and our fathers. And this you shall say, that you may dwell in the land of Gessen, because the Egyptians have all shepherds in abomination.

drb@Genesis:47:4 @We are come to sojourn in thy land, because there is no grass for the flocks of thy servants, the famine being very grievous in the land of Chanaan: and we pray thee to give orders that we thy servants may be in the land of Gessen.

drb@Genesis:47:20 @So Joseph bought all the land of Egypt, every man selling his possessions, because of the greatness of the famine. And he brought it into Pharao's hands:

drb@Genesis:49:4 @Thou art poured out as water, grow thou not: because thou wentest up to thy father's bed, and didst defile his couch.

drb@Genesis:49:7 @Cursed be their fury, because it was stubborn: and their wrath because it was cruel: I Will divide them in Jacob, and will scatter them in Israel.

drb@Exodus:1:21 @And because the midwives feared God, he built them houses.

drb@Exodus:2:10 @And she adopted him for a son, and called him Moses, saying: Because I took him out of the water.

drb@Exodus:2:23 @Now after a long time the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel groaning, cried out because of the works: and their cry went up unto God from the works.

drb@Exodus:3:7 @And the Lord said to him: I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt, and I have heard their cry because of the rigour of them that are over the works:

drb@Exodus:4:26 @And he let him go after she had said A bloody spouse art thou to me, because of the circumcision.

drb@Exodus:5:19 @And the officers of the children of Israel saw that they were in evil case, because it was said to them: There shall not a whit be diminished of the bricks for every day.

drb@Exodus:5:21 @And they said to them: The Lord see and judge, because you have made our savour to stink before Pharao and his servants, and you have given him a sword to kill us.

drb@Exodus:9:30 @The flax therefore and the barley were hurt, because the barley was green, and the flax was now boiled:

drb@Exodus:9:31 @But the wheat, and other winter corn were not hurt, because they were lateward.

drb@Exodus:13:16 @And it shall be as a sign in thy hand, and as a thing hung between thy eyes, for a remembrance: because the Lord hath brought us forth out of Egypt by a strong hand.

drb@Exodus:13:19 @And Moses took Joseph's bones with him: because he had adjured the children of Israel, saying: God shall visit you, carry out my bones from hence with you.

drb@Exodus:15:23 @And they came into Mara, and they could not drink the waters of Mara, because they were bitter: whereupon he gave a name also agreeable to the place, calling it Mara, that is, bitterness.

drb@Exodus:16:25 @And Moses said: Eat it to day, because it is the sabbath of the Lord: to day it shall not be found in the field.

drb@Exodus:17:7 @And he called the name of that place Temptation, because the chiding of the children of Israel, and for that they tempted the Lord, saying: Is the Lord amongst us or not?

drb@Exodus:17:16 @Because the hand of the throne of the Lord, and the war of the Lord shall be against Amalec, from generation to generation.

drb@Exodus:18:9 @And Jethro rejoiced for all the good things that the Lord had done to Israel, because he had delivered them out of the hands of the Egyptians.

drb@Exodus:18:11 @Now I know that the Lord is great above all gods: because they dealt proudly against them.

drb@Exodus:19:18 @And all mount Sinai was on a smoke: because the Lord was come down upon it in fire, and the smoke arose from it as out of a furnace: and all the mount was terrible.

drb@Exodus:21:21 @But if the party remain alive a day or two, he shall not be subject to the punishment, because it is his money.

drb@Exodus:22:27 @For that same is the only thing wherewith he is covered, the clothing of his body, neither hath he any other to sleep in: if he cry to me, I will hear him, because I am compassionate.

drb@Exodus:23:7 @Thou shalt fly lying. The innocent and just person thou shalt not put to death: because I abhor the wicked.

drb@Exodus:29:14 @But the flesh of the calf and the hide and the dung, thou shalt burn abroad, without the camp, because it is for sin.

drb@Exodus:29:22 @Thou shalt take the fat of the ram, and the rump, and the fat that covereth the lungs, and the caul of the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and the right shoulder, because it is the ram of consecration.

drb@Exodus:29:25 @And thou shalt take all from their hands, and shalt burn them upon the altar for a holocaust, a most sweet savour in the sight of the Lord, because it is his oblation.

drb@Exodus:29:28 @Wherewith Aaron was consecrated and his sons, and they shall fall to Aarons share and his sons' by a perpetual right from the children of Israel: because they are the choicest and the beginnings of their peace victims which they offer to the Lord.

drb@Exodus:29:33 @That it may be an atoning sacrifice, and the hands of the offerers may be sanctified. A stranger shall not eat of them, because they are holy.

drb@Exodus:29:34 @And if there remain of the consecrated flash, or of the bread till the morning, thou shalt burn the remainder with fire: they shall not be eaten, because they are sanctified.

drb@Exodus:30:32 @The flesh of man shall not be anointed therewith, and you shall make none other of the same composition, because it is sanctified, and shall be holy unto you.

drb@Exodus:30:37 @You shall not make such a composition for your own uses, because it is holy to the Lord.

drb@Exodus:31:13 @Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: See that thou keep my sabbath: because it is a sign between me and you in your generations: that you may know that I am the Lord, who sanctify you.

drb@Exodus:33:3 @That thou mayst enter into the land that floweth with milk and honey. For I will not go up with thee, because thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I destroy thee in the way.

drb@Exodus:36:7 @Because the things that were offered did suffice, and were too much.

drb@Leviticus:2:15 @Pouring oil upon it and putting on frankincense, because it is the oblation of the Lord.

drb@Leviticus:4:21 @But the calf itself he shall carry forth without the camp, and shall burn it as he did the former calf: because it is for the sin of the multitude.

drb@Leviticus:4:24 @And he shall put his hand upon the head thereof: and when he hath immolated it in the place where the holocaust is wont to be slain before the Lord, because it is for sin,

drb@Leviticus:5:1 @If any one sin, and hear the voice of one swearing, and is a witness either because he himself hath seen, or is privy to it: if he do not utter it, he shall bear his iniquity.

drb@Leviticus:5:9 @And of its blood he shall sprinkle the side of the altar, and whatsoever is left, he shall let it drop at the bottom thereof, because it is for sin.

drb@Leviticus:5:11 @And if his hand be not able to offer two turtles, or two young pigeons, he shall offer for his sin the tenth part of an ephi of flour. He shall not put oil upon it, nor put any frankincense thereon, because it is for sin:

drb@Leviticus:5:18 @He shall offer of the hocks a ram without blemish to the priest, according to the measure and estimation of the sin: and the priest shall pray for him, because he did it ignorantly: and it shall be forgiven him,

drb@Leviticus:5:19 @Because by mistake he trespassed against the Lord.

drb@Leviticus:6:17 @And therefore it shall not be leavened, because part thereof is offered for the burnt sacrifice of the Lord. It shall be most holy, as that which is offered for sin and for trespass.

drb@Leviticus:6:29 @Every male of the priestly race shall eat of the flesh thereof, because it is holy of holies.

drb@Leviticus:7:6 @Every male of the priestly race, shall eat this flesh in a holy place, because it is most holy.

drb@Leviticus:8:21 @Having first washed the entrails, and the feet, and the whole ram together he burnt upon the altar, because it was a holocaust of most sweet odour to the Lord, as he had commanded him.

drb@Leviticus:8:28 @He took them again from their hands, and burnt them upon the altar of holocaust, because it was the oblation of consecration, for a sweet odour of sacrifice to the Lord.

drb@Leviticus:10:9 @You shall not drink wine nor any thing that may make drunk, thou nor thy sons, when you enter into the tabernacle of the testimony, lest you die: because it is an everlasting precept through your generations:

drb@Leviticus:10:12 @And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons that were left: Take the sacrifice that is remaining of the oblation of the Lord, and eat it without leaven beside the altar, because it is holy of holies.

drb@Leviticus:10:15 @Because they have elevated before the Lord the shoulder and the breast, and the fat that is burnt on the altar, and they belong to thee and to thy sons by a perpetual law, as the Lord hath commanded.

drb@Leviticus:11:8 @The flesh of these you shall not eat, nor shall you touch their carcasses, because they are unclean to you.

drb@Leviticus:11:28 @And he that shall carry such carcasses, shall wash his clothes, and shall be unclean until evening: because all these things are unclean to you.

drb@Leviticus:11:42 @Whatsoever goeth upon the breast on four feet, or hath many feet, or traileth on the earth, you shall not eat, because it is abominable.

drb@Leviticus:11:44 @For I am the Lord your God: be holy because I am holy. Defile not your souls by any creeping thing, that moveth upon the earth.

drb@Leviticus:11:46 @You shall be holy, because I am holy. This is the law of beasts and fowls, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, and creepeth on the earth:

drb@Leviticus:13:6 @And on the seventh day, he shall look on him: if the leprosy be somewhat obscure, and not spread in the skin, he shall declare him clean, because it is but a scab: and the man shall wash his clothes, and shall be clean.

drb@Leviticus:13:11 @It shall be judged an inveterate leprosy, and grown into the skin. The priest therefore shall declare him unclean, and shall not shut him up, because he is evidently unclean.

drb@Leviticus:13:13 @The priest shall view him, and shall judge that the leprosy which he has is very clean: because it is all turned into whiteness, and therefore the man shall be clean.

drb@Leviticus:13:25 @The priest shall view it, and if he see it turned white, and the place thereof is lower than the other skin: he shall declare him unclean, because the evil of leprosy is broken out in the scar.

drb@Leviticus:13:28 @But if the whiteness stay in its place, and be not very clear, it is the sore of a burning, and therefore he shall be cleansed, because it is only the scar of a burning.

drb@Leviticus:13:30 @And if the place be lower than the other flesh, and the hair yellow, and thinner than usual: he shall declare them unclean, because it is the leprosy of the head and the beard;

drb@Leviticus:13:36 @He shall seek no more whether the hair be turned yellow, because he is evidently unclean.

drb@Leviticus:17:11 @Because the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you, that you may make atonement with it upon the altar for your souls, and the blood may be for an expiation of the soul.

drb@Leviticus:17:14 @For the life of all flesh is in the blood: therefore I said to the children of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of any flesh at all, because the life of the flesh is in the blood, and whosoever eateth it, shall be cut off.

drb@Leviticus:18:10 @Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy son's daughter, or thy daughter's daughter: because it is thy own nakedness

drb@Leviticus:18:12 @Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister: because she is the flesh of thy father.

drb@Leviticus:18:13 @Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister: because she is thy mother's flesh.

drb@Leviticus:18:15 @Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: because she is thy son's wife, neither shalt thou discover her shame.

drb@Leviticus:18:16 @Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: because it is the nakedness of thy brother.

drb@Leviticus:18:17 @Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy wife and her daughter. Thou shalt not take her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter, to discover her shame: because they are her flesh, and such copulation is incest.

drb@Leviticus:18:22 @Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination.

drb@Leviticus:18:23 @Thou shalt not copulate with any beast, neither shalt thou be defiled with it. A woman shall not lie down to a beast, nor copulate with it: because it is a heinous crime.

drb@Leviticus:19:2 @Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: Be ye holy, because I the Lord your God am holy.

drb@Leviticus:19:8 @And shall bear his iniquity, because he hath defiled the holy thing of the Lord, and that soul shall perish from among his people.

drb@Leviticus:19:14 @Thou shalt not speak evil of the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind: but thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, because I am the Lord.

drb@Leviticus:19:20 @If a man carnally lie with a woman that is a bondservant and marriageable, and yet not redeemed with a price, nor made free: they both shall be scourged, and they shall not be put to death, because she was not a free woman.

drb@Leviticus:20:3 @And I will set my face against him: and I will cut him off from the midst of his people, because he hath given of his seed to Moloch, and hath defiled my sanctuary, and profaned my holy name.

drb@Leviticus:20:7 @Sanctify yourselves, and be ye holy because I am the Lord your God.

drb@Leviticus:20:12 @If any man lie with his daughter in law, let both die, because they have done a heinous crime: their blood be upon them

drb@Leviticus:20:17 @If any man take his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother, and see her nakedness, and she behold her brother's shame: they have committed a crime: they shall be slain, in the sight of their people, because they have discovered one another's nakedness, and they shall bear their iniquity.

drb@Leviticus:20:26 @You shall be holy unto me, because I the Lord am holy, and I have separated you from other people, that you should be mine.

drb@Leviticus:21:7 @They shall not take to wife a harlot or a vile prostitute, nor one that has been put away from her husband: because they are consecrated to their God,

drb@Leviticus:21:8 @And offer the leaves of proposition. Let them therefore be holy, because I also am holy, the Lord, who sanctify them.

drb@Leviticus:21:12 @Neither shall he go out of the holy places, lest he defile the sanctuary of the Lord, because the oil of the holy unction of his God is upon him. I am the Lord.

drb@Leviticus:21:23 @Yet so that he enter not within the veil, nor approach to the altar, because he hath a blemish, and he must not defile my sanctuary. I am the Lord who sanctify them.

drb@Leviticus:22:7 @And the sun is down, then being purified, he shall eat of the sanctified things, because it is his meat.

drb@Leviticus:22:25 @You shall not offer bread to your God, from the hand of a stranger, nor any other thing that he would give: because they are all corrupted, and defiled: you shall not receive them.

drb@Leviticus:23:3 @Six days shall ye do work: the seventh day, because it is the rest of the sabbath, shall be called holy. You shall do no work on that day: it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your habitations.

drb@Leviticus:23:28 @You shall do no servile work in the time of this day: because it is a day of propitiation, that the Lord your God may be merciful unto you.

drb@Leviticus:24:9 @And they shall be Aaron's and his sons', that they may eat them in the holy place: because it is most holy of the sacrifices of the Lord by a perpetual right.

drb@Leviticus:24:22 @Let there be equal judgment among you, whether he be a stranger, or a native that offends: because I am the Lord your God.

drb@Leviticus:25:11 @Because it is the jubilee and the fiftieth year. You shall not sow, nor reap the things that grow in the field of their own accord, neither shall you gather the firstfruits of the vines,

drb@Leviticus:25:12 @Because of the sanctification of the jubilee: but as they grow you shall presently eat them.

drb@Leviticus:25:17 @Do not afflict your countrymen, but let every one fear his God: because I am the Lord your God.

drb@Leviticus:25:23 @The land also shall not be sold for ever: because it is mine, and you are strangers and sojourners with me.

drb@Leviticus:25:33 @If they be not redeemed, in the jubilee they shall all return to the owners, because the houses of the cities of the Levites are for their possessions among the children of Israel.

drb@Leviticus:25:34 @But let not their suburbs be sold, because it is a perpetual possession.

drb@Leviticus:26:35 @In the enemy's land, she shall keep a sabbath, and rest in the sabbaths of her desolation, because she did not rest in your sabbaths when you dwelt therein.

drb@Leviticus:26:43 @Which when she shall be left by them, shall enjoy her sabbaths, being desolate for them. But they shall pray for their sins, because they rejected my judgments, and despised my laws.

drb@Numbers:5:13 @Shall have slept with another man, and her husband cannot discover it, but the adultery is secret, and cannot be proved by witnesses, because she was not found in the adultery:

drb@Numbers:5:15 @He shall bring her to the priest, and shall offer an oblation for her, the tenth part of a measure of barley meal: he shall not pour oil thereon, nor put frank- incense upon it: because it is a sacrifice of jealousy, and an oblation searching out adultery.

drb@Numbers:6:7 @Neither shall he make himself unclean, even for his father, or for his mother, or for his brother, or for his sister, when they die, because the consecration of his God is upon his head.

drb@Numbers:6:12 @And shall consecrate to the Lord the days of his separation, offering a lamb of one year for sin: yet so that the former days be made void, because his sanctification was profaned.

drb@Numbers:7:11 @But to the sons of Caath he gave no wagons or oxen: because they serve in the sanctuary and carry their burdens upon their own shoulders.

drb@Numbers:9:13 @But if any man is clean, and was not on a journey, and did not make the phase, that soul shall be cut off from among his people, because he offered not sacrifice to the Lord in due season: he shall bear his sin.

drb@Numbers:11:14 @I am not able alone to bear all this people, because it is too heavy for me.

drb@Numbers:11:20 @But even for a month of days, till it come out at your nostrils, and become loathsome to you, because you have cast off the Lord, who is in the midst of you, and have wept before him, saying: Why came we out of Egypt?

drb@Numbers:12:1 @And Mary and Aaron spoke against Moses, because of his wife the Ethiopian,

drb@Numbers:13:25 @Which was called Nehelescol, that is to say, the torrent of the cluster of grapes, because from thence the children of Israel had carried a cluster of grapes.

drb@Numbers:13:32 @But the others, that had been with him, said: No, we are not able to go up to this people, because they are stronger than we.

drb@Numbers:14:43 @The Amalecite and the Chanaanite are before you, and by their sword you shall fall, because you would not consent to the Lord, neither will the Lord be with you.

drb@Numbers:15:25 @And the priest shall pray for all the multitude of the children of Israel: and it shall be forgiven them, because they sinned ignorantly, offering notwithstanding a burnt offering to the Lord for themselves and for their sin and their ignorance:

drb@Numbers:15:26 @And it shall be forgiven all the people of the children of Israel: and the strangers that sojourn among them: because it is the fault of all the people through ignorance.

drb@Numbers:15:28 @And the priest shall pray for him, because he sinned ignorantly before the Lord: and he shall obtain his pardon, and it shall be forgiven him.

drb@Numbers:15:30 @But the soul that committeth any thing through pride, whether he be born in the land or a stranger (because he hath been rebellious against the Lord) shall be cut off from among his people:

drb@Numbers:16:37 @Command Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest to take up the censers that lie in the burning, and to scatter the fire of one side and the other: because they are sanctified

drb@Numbers:16:38 @In the deaths of the sinners: and let him beat them into plates, and fasten them to the altar, because incense hath been offered in them to the Lord, and they are sanctified, that the children of Israel may see them for a sign and a memorial.

drb@Numbers:18:10 @Thou shalt eat it in the sanctuary: the males only shall eat thereof, because it is a consecrated thing to thee

drb@Numbers:18:17 @But the firstling of a cow and of a sheep and of a goat thou shalt not cause to be redeemed, because they are sanctified to the Lord. Their blood only thou shalt pour upon the altar, and their fat thou shalt burn for a most sweet odour to the Lord.

drb@Numbers:18:31 @And you shall eat them in all your places, both you and your families: because it is your reward for the ministry, wherewith you serve in the tabernacle of the testimony.

drb@Numbers:19:9 @And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the cow, and shall pour them forth without the camp in a most clean place, that they may be reserved for the multitude of the children of Israel, and for a water of aspersion: because the cow was burnt for sin.

drb@Numbers:19:13 @Every one that toucheth the corpse of a man, and is not sprinkled with mixture, shall profane the tabernacle of the Lord, and shall perish out of Israel: because he was not sprinkled with the water of expiation, he shall be unclean, and his uncleanness shall remain upon him.

drb@Numbers:19:20 @If any man be not expiated after this rite, his soul shall perish out of the midst of the church: because he hath profaned the sanctuary of the Lord, and was not sprinkled with the water of purification.

drb@Numbers:20:12 @And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: Because you have not believed me, to sanctify me before the children of Israel, you shall not bring these people into the land, which I will give them

drb@Numbers:20:24 @Let Aaron, saith he, go to his people: for he shall not go into the land which I have given the children of Israel, because he was incredulous to my words, at the waters of contradiction.

drb@Numbers:21:7 @Upon which they came to Moses, and said: We have sinned, because we have spoken against the Lord and thee: pray that he may take away these serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

drb@Numbers:22:6 @Come therefore, and curse this people, because it is mightier than I: if by any means I may beat them and drive them out of my land: for I know that he whom thou shalt bless is blessed, and he whom thou shalt curse is cursed.

drb@Numbers:22:12 @And God said to Balaam: Thou shalt not go with them, nor shalt thou curse the people: because it is blessed.

drb@Numbers:22:13 @And he rose in the morning and said to the princes: Go into your country, because the Lord hath forbid me to come with you.

drb@Numbers:22:29 @Balaam answered: Because thou hast deserved it, and hast served me ill: I would I had a sword that I might kill thee.

drb@Numbers:22:32 @And the angel said to him: Why beatest thou thy ass these three times? I am come to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse, and contrary to me:

drb@Numbers:22:37 @And he said to Balaam: I sent messengers to call thee, why didst thou not come immediately to me? was it because I am not able to reward thy coming?

drb@Numbers:25:11 @Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned away my wrath from the children of Israel: because he was moved with my zeal against them, that I myself might not destroy the children of Israel in my zeal.

drb@Numbers:25:13 @And the covenant of the priesthood for ever shall be both to him and his seed, because he hath been zealous for his God, and hath made atonement for the wickedness of the children of Israel.

drb@Numbers:25:18 @Because they also have acted like enemies against you, and have guilefully deceived you by the idol Phogor, and Cozbi their sister, a daughter of a prince of Madian, who was slain in the day the plague for the sacrilege of Phogor.

drb@Numbers:27:3 @Our father died in the desert, and was not in the sedition, that was raised against the Lord under Core, but he died in his own sin: and he had no male children. Why is his name taken away out of his family, because he had no son? Give us a possession among the kinsmen of our father.

drb@Numbers:27:14 @Because you offended me in the desert of Sin in the contradiction of the multitude, neither would you sanctify me before them at the waters. These are the waters of contradiction in Cades of the desert of Sin.

drb@Numbers:29:1 @The first day also of the seventh month shall be venerable and holy unto you; you shall do no servile work therein, because it is the day of the sounding and of trumpets.

drb@Numbers:30:6 @But if her father, immediately as soon as he heard it, gainsaid it, both her vows and her oaths shall be void, neither shall she be bound to what she promised, because her father hath gainsaid it.

drb@Numbers:30:13 @But if forthwith he gainsay it, she shall not be bound by the promise: because her husband gainsaid it, and the Lord will be merciful to her.

drb@Numbers:30:15 @But if the husband hearing it hold his peace, and defer the declaring his mind till another day: whatsoever she had vowed and promised, she shall fulfil: because immediately as he heard it, he held his peace.

drb@Numbers:31:29 @And thou shalt give it to Eleazar the priest, because they are the firstfruits of the Lord.

drb@Numbers:32:11 @If these men, that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land, which I promised with an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: because they would not follow me,

drb@Numbers:32:19 @Neither will we seek any thing beyond the Jordan, because we have already our possession on the east side thereof,

drb@Deuteronomy:1:18 @There shall be no difference of persons, you shall hear the little as well as the great: neither shall you respect any man's person, because it is the judgment of God. And if any thing seem hard to you, refer it to me, and I will hear it.

drb@Deuteronomy:1:24 @And because the saying pleased me, I sent of you twelve men, one of every tribe:

drb@Deuteronomy:1:37 @Except Caleb the son of Jephone: for he shall see it, and to him I will give the land that he hath trodden upon, and to his children, because he hath followed the Lord.

drb@Deuteronomy:2:5 @Take ye then good heed that you stir not against them. For I will not give you of their land so much as the step of one foot can tread upon, because I have given mount Seir to Esau, for a possession.

drb@Deuteronomy:2:9 @And the Lord said to me: Fight not against the Moabites, neither go to battle against them: for I will not give thee any of their land, because I have given Ar to the children of Lot in possession.

drb@Deuteronomy:2:19 @And when thou comest nigh the frontiers of the children of Ammon, take heed thou fight not against them, nor once move to battle: for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon, because I have given it to the children of Lot for a possession.

drb@Deuteronomy:2:30 @And Sehon the king of Hesebon would not let us pass: because the Lord thy God had hardened his spirit, and fixed his heart, that he might be delivered into thy hands, as now thou seest.

drb@Deuteronomy:3:2 @And the Lord said to me: Fear him not: because he is delivered into thy hand, with all his people and his land: and thou shalt do to him as thou hast done to Sehon king of the Amorrhites, that dwelt in Hesebon.

drb@Deuteronomy:4:24 @Because the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

drb@Deuteronomy:4:31 @Because the Lord thy God is a merciful God: he will not leave thee, nor altogether destroy thee, nor forget the covenant, by which he swore to thy fathers.

drb@Deuteronomy:4:37 @Because he loved thy fathers, and chose their seed after them. And he brought thee out of Egypt, going before thee with his great power,

drb@Deuteronomy:6:15 @Because the Lord thy God is a jealous God in the midst of thee: lest at any time the wrath of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and take thee away from the face of the earth.

drb@Deuteronomy:7:6 @Because thou art a holy people to the Lord thy God. The Lord thy God hath chosen thee, to be his peculiar people of all peoples that are upon the earth.

drb@Deuteronomy:7:7 @Not because you surpass all nations in number, is the Lord joined unto you, and hath chosen you, for you are the fewest of any people:

drb@Deuteronomy:7:8 @But because the Lord hath loved you, and hath kept his oath, which he swore to your fathers: and hath brought you out with a strong hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, out of the hand of Pharao the king of Egypt.

drb@Deuteronomy:7:21 @Thou shalt not fear them, because the Lord thy God is in the midst of thee, a God mighty and terrible:

drb@Deuteronomy:7:25 @Their graven things thou shalt burn with fire: thou shalt not covet the silver and gold of which they are made, neither shalt thou take to thee any thing thereof, lest thou offend, because it is an abomination to the Lord thy God.

drb@Deuteronomy:7:26 @Neither shalt thou bring any thing of the idol into thy house, lest thou become an anathema, like it. Thou shalt detest it as dung, and shalt utterly abhor it as uncleanness and filth, because it is an anathema.

drb@Deuteronomy:9:5 @For it is not for thy justices, and the uprightness of thy heart that thou shalt go in to possess their lands: but because they have done wickedly, they are destroyed at thy coming in: and that the Lord might accomplish his word, which he promised by oath to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

drb@Deuteronomy:10:9 @Wherefore Levi hath no part nor possession with his brethren: because the Lord himself is his possession, as the Lord thy God promised him

drb@Deuteronomy:10:17 @Because the Lord your God he is the God of gods, and the Lord of lords, a great God and mighty and terrible, a who accepteth no person nor taketh bribes.

drb@Deuteronomy:10:19 @And do you therefore love strangers, because you also were strangers in the land of Egypt.

drb@Deuteronomy:13:5 @And that prophet or forger of dreams shall be slain: because he spoke to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you from the house of bondage: to make thee go out of the way, which the Lord thy God commanded thee: and thou shalt take away the evil out of the midst of thee.

drb@Deuteronomy:13:10 @With stones shall he be stoned to death: because he would have withdrawn thee from the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage:

drb@Deuteronomy:14:2 @Because thou art a holy people to the Lord thy God: and he chose thee to be his peculiar people of all nations that are upon the earth.

drb@Deuteronomy:14:7 @But of them that chew the cud, but divide not the hoof, you shall not eat, such as the camel, the hare, and the cherogril: because they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof, they shall be unclean to you.

drb@Deuteronomy:14:8 @The swine also, because it divideth the hoof, but cheweth not the cud, shall be unclean, their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch.

drb@Deuteronomy:14:10 @Such as are without fins and scales, you shall not eat, because they are unclean.

drb@Deuteronomy:14:21 @But whatsoever is dead of itself, eat not thereof. Give it to the stranger, that is within thy gates, to eat, or sell it to him: because thou art the holy people of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not boil a kid in the milk of his dam.

drb@Deuteronomy:14:27 @And the Levite that is within thy gates, beware thou forsake him not, because he hath no other part in thy possession.

drb@Deuteronomy:15:2 @Which shall be celebrated in this order. He to whom any thing is owing from his friend or neighbour or brother, cannot demand it again, because it is the year of remission of the Lord,

drb@Deuteronomy:15:16 @But if he say: I will not depart: because he loveth thee, and thy house, and findeth that he is well with thee:

drb@Deuteronomy:15:18 @Turn not away thy eyes from them when thou makest them tree: because he hath served thee six years according to the wages of a hireling: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the works that thou dost.

drb@Deuteronomy:16:1 @Observe the month of new corn, which is the first of the spring, that thou mayst celebrate the phase to the Lord thy God: because in this month the Lord thy God brought thee out of Egypt by night.

drb@Deuteronomy:16:3 @Thou shalt not eat with it leavened bread: seven days shalt thou eat without leaven, the bread of affliction, because thou camest out of Egypt in fear: that thou mayst remember the day of thy coming out of Egypt, all the days of thy life.

drb@Deuteronomy:16:8 @Six days shalt thou eat unleavened bread: and on the seventh day, because it is the assembly of the Lord thy God, thou shalt do no work.

drb@Deuteronomy:18:1 @The priests and Levites, and all that are of the same tribe, shall have no part nor inheritance with the rest of Israel, because they shall eat the sacrifices of the Lord, and his oblations,

drb@Deuteronomy:19:6 @Lest perhaps the next kinsman of him whose blood was shed, pushed on by his grief should pursue, and apprehend him. if the way be too long, and take away the life of him who is not guilty of death, because he is proved to have had no hatred before against him that was slain.

drb@Deuteronomy:20:1 @If thou go out to war against thy enemies, and see horsemen and chariots, and the numbers of the enemy's army greater than thine, thou shalt not fear them: because the Lord thy God is with thee, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt.

drb@Deuteronomy:20:4 @Because the Lord your God is in the midst of you, and will fight for you against your enemies, to deliver you from danger.

drb@Deuteronomy:21:14 @Rut if afterwards she please thee not, thou shalt let her go free, but thou mayst not sell her for money nor oppress her by might because thou hast humbled her

drb@Deuteronomy:22:16 @And the father shall say: I gave my daughter unto this man to wife: and because he hateth her,

drb@Deuteronomy:22:19 @Condemning him besides in a hundred sides of silver, which he shall give to the damsel's father, because he hath defamed by a very ill name a virgin of Israel: and he shall have her to wife, and may not put her away all the days of his life.

drb@Deuteronomy:22:21 @They shall cast her out of the doors of her father's house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death, and she shall die: because she hath done a wicked thing in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: and thou shalt take away the evil out of the midst of thee.

drb@Deuteronomy:22:24 @Thou shalt bring them both out to the gate of that city, and they shall be stoned: the damsel, because she cried not out, being in the city: the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife. And thou shalt take away the evil from the midst of thee.

drb@Deuteronomy:22:29 @He that lay with her shall give to the father of the maid fifty sides of silver, and shall have her to wife, because he hath humbled her: he may not put her away all the days of his life.

drb@Deuteronomy:23:4 @Because they would not meet you with bread and water in the way, when you came out of Egypt: hand because they hired against thee Balaam, the son of Beer, from Mesopotamia in Syria, to curse thee.

drb@Deuteronomy:23:5 @And the Lord thy God would not hear Balaam, and he turned his cursing into thy blessing, because he loved thee.

drb@Deuteronomy:23:7 @Thou shalt not abhor the Edomite, because he is thy brother: nor the Egyptian, because thou wast a stranger in his land.

drb@Deuteronomy:23:18 @Thou shalt not offer the hire of a strumpet, nor the price of a dog, in the house of the Lord thy God, whatsoever it be that thou hast vowed: because both these are an abomination to the Lord thy God

drb@Deuteronomy:23:21 @When thou hast made a vow to the Lord thy God, thou shalt not delay to pay it: because the Lord thy God will require it. And if thou delay, it shall be imputed to thee for a sin.

drb@Deuteronomy:24:4 @The former husband cannot take her again to wife: because she is defiled, and is become abominable before the Lord: lest thou cause thy land to sin, which the Lord thy God shall give thee to possess.

drb@Deuteronomy:24:15 @But thou shalt pay him the price of his labour the same day, before the going down of the sun, because he is poor, and with it maintaineth his life: lest he cry against thee to the Lord, and it be reputed to thee for a sin.

drb@Deuteronomy:28:38 @Thou shalt cast much seed into the ground, and gather little: because the locusts shall consume all.

drb@Deuteronomy:28:39 @Thou shalt plant a vineyard, and dig it, and shalt not drink the wine, nor gather any thing thereof: because it shall be wasted with worms.

drb@Deuteronomy:28:41 @Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, and shalt not enjoy them: because they shall be led into captivity.

drb@Deuteronomy:28:45 @And all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue and overtake thee, till thou perish: because thou heardst not the voice of the Lord thy God, and didst not keep his commandments and ceremonies which he commanded thee.

drb@Deuteronomy:28:47 @Because thou didst not serve the Lord thy God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things:

drb@Deuteronomy:28:55 @So that he will not give them of the flesh of his children, which he shall eat: because he hath nothing else in the siege and the want, wherewith thy enemies shall distress thee within all thy gates.

drb@Deuteronomy:28:62 @And you shall remain few in number, who before were as the stars of heaven for multitude, because thou heardst not the voice of the Lord thy God.

drb@Deuteronomy:29:25 @And they shall answer: Because they forsook the covenant of the Lord, which he made with their fathers, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt:

drb@Deuteronomy:31:17 @And my wrath shall be kindled against them in that day: and I will forsake them, and will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured: all evils and afflictions shall find them, so that they shall say in that day: In truth it is because God is not with me, that these evils have found me.

drb@Deuteronomy:31:18 @But I will hide, and cover my face in that day, for all the evils which they have done, because they have followed strange gods..

drb@Deuteronomy:32:3 @Because I will invoke the name of the Lord: give ye magnificence to our God.

drb@Deuteronomy:32:19 @The Lord saw, and was moved to wrath: because his own sons and daughters provoked him.

drb@Deuteronomy:32:30 @How should one pursue after a thousand, and two chase ten thousand? Was it not, because their God had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up?

drb@Deuteronomy:32:51 @Because you trespassed against me in the midst of the children of Israel, at the waters of contradiction in Cades of the desert of Sin: and you did not sanctify me among the children of Israel.

drb@Deuteronomy:34:9 @And Josue the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, because Moses had laid his hands upon him. And the children of Israel obeyed him, and did as the Lord commanded Moses.

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