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OT-LAW.filter - jub before:

jub@Genesis:2:5 @ and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and all the grass of the field before it grew, for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and neither [was there] a man to till the ground.

jub@Genesis:6:11 @ The earth corrupted itself before God, and the earth filled itself with violence.

jub@Genesis:6:13 @ And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

jub@Genesis:7:1 @ And the LORD said unto Noah, Enter thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

jub@Genesis:10:9 @ He was a powerful hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, Even as Nimrod, the powerful hunter before the LORD.

jub@Genesis:11:28 @ And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nature, in Ur of the Chaldees.

jub@Genesis:12:15 @ The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh, and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

jub@Genesis:13:9 @ [Is] not the whole land before thee? Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me; if [thou wilt take] the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if [thou depart] to the right hand, then I will go to the left.

jub@Genesis:13:10 @ And Lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plain of the Jordan that it [was] well watered everywhere, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, [even] as [a] garden of the LORD like the land of Egypt as thou comest unto Zoar.

jub@Genesis:13:13 @ But the men of Sodom [were] wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

jub@Genesis:17:1 @ And when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said unto him, I [am] the Almighty God; walk before me and be thou perfect.

jub@Genesis:17:18 @ And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee!

jub@Genesis:18:8 @ And he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set [it] before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they ate.

jub@Genesis:18:22 @ And the men turned their faces from there and went toward Sodom; but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.

jub@Genesis:19:4 @ But before they lay down, the men of the city, [even] the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter;

jub@Genesis:19:13 @ For we will destroy this place because the cry of them is waxed great before the face of the LORD, and the LORD has sent us to destroy it.

jub@Genesis:19:27 @ And Abraham rose up early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the LORD.

jub@Genesis:20:15 @ And Abimelech said, Behold, my land [is] before thee; dwell where it pleases thee.

jub@Genesis:23:3 @ And Abraham stood up from before his dead and spoke unto the sons of Heth, saying,

jub@Genesis:23:12 @ And Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land.

jub@Genesis:23:17 @ And the field of Ephron, which [was] in Machpelah, which [was] before Mamre, the field and the cave which [was] therein, and all the trees that [were] in the field that [were] in all the borders round about were made sure

jub@Genesis:23:18 @ unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the sons of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city.

jub@Genesis:23:19 @ And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah before Mamre; the same [is] Hebron in the land of Canaan.

jub@Genesis:24:7 @ The LORD God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my kindred and who spoke unto me and swore unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from there.

jub@Genesis:24:15 @ And it came to pass before he had done speaking that, behold, Rebekah came out (who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother) with her pitcher upon her shoulder.

jub@Genesis:24:33 @ And they set [food] before him to eat, but he said, I will not eat until I have told my errand. And [he] said unto him, Speak on.

jub@Genesis:24:40 @ And he said unto me, The LORD, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my lineage and of my father's house;

jub@Genesis:24:45 @ And before I had finished speaking in my heart, behold, Rebekah came forth with her pitcher on her shoulder, and she went down unto the fountain and drew [water], and I said unto her, Let me drink, I pray thee.

jub@Genesis:24:51 @ Behold, Rebekah [is] before thee; take [her] and go and let her be thy master's son's wife, as the LORD has spoken.

jub@Genesis:25:18 @ And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that [is] before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria; [and] he fell in the presence of all his brethren.

jub@Genesis:27:4 @ and make me savoury food, such as I love, and bring [it] to me that I may eat, that my soul may bless thee before I die.

jub@Genesis:27:7 @ Bring me venison and make me savoury food that I may eat and bless thee before the LORD before my death.

jub@Genesis:27:10 @ and thou shalt bring [it] to thy father that he may eat and that he may bless thee before his death.

jub@Genesis:27:33 @ Then Isaac trembled very exceedingly and said, Who [is] he that has taken venison and brought [it to] me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest? I have blessed him and he shall be blessed.

jub@Genesis:29:26 @ And Laban said, It must not be so done in our country to give the younger before the firstborn.

jub@Genesis:30:30 @ For [it was] little which thou hadst before I [came], and it is [now] increased unto a multitude, and the LORD has blessed thee since my coming; and now when shall I provide for my own house also?

jub@Genesis:30:33 @ So shall my righteousness answer for me tomorrow, when my hire shall come before thy face; each one that [is] not speckled and spotted among [my] goats and brown among [my] sheep shall be counted stolen with me.

jub@Genesis:30:38 @ And he set the rods which he had peeled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink that they should conceive when they came to drink.

jub@Genesis:30:39 @ And the flocks conceived before the rods and brought forth ringstraked, speckled, and spotted sheep.

jub@Genesis:30:41 @ And it came to pass, whenever the stronger sheep conceived, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the sheep in the gutters that they might conceive among the rods.

jub@Genesis:31:2 @ And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, behold, it [was] not toward him as before.

jub@Genesis:31:5 @ and said unto them, I see your father's countenance, that it [is] not toward me as before; but the God of my father has been with me.

jub@Genesis:31:32 @ With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, let them not live; before our brethren discern what [is] thine with me and take [it] to thee. For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.

jub@Genesis:31:35 @ And she said to her father, Let it not displease my lord that I cannot rise up before thee; for the custom of women [is] upon me. And he searched, but did not find the images.

jub@Genesis:31:37 @ Whereas thou hast searched all my stuff, what hast thou found of all thy household stuff? Set [it] here before my brethren and thy brethren that they may judge between us both.

jub@Genesis:32:3 @ And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom.

jub@Genesis:32:16 @ And he delivered [them] into the hand of his servants, every drove by themselves and said unto his servants, Pass before me and put a space between drove and drove.

jub@Genesis:32:17 @ And he commanded the foremost, saying, When Esau, my brother, meets thee and asks thee, saying, Whose [art] thou? And where goest thou? And for whom [are] these before thee?

jub@Genesis:32:20 @ And ye shall also say, Behold, thy servant Jacob [is] behind us. For he said, I will reconcile his wrath with the present that goes before me, and afterward I will see his face; peradventure he will accept me.

jub@Genesis:32:21 @ So the present went over before him, and he lodged that night in the company.

jub@Genesis:33:12 @ And he said, Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go before thee.

jub@Genesis:33:14 @ Let my lord, I pray thee, pass before his servant; and I will lead on softly, according as the property that goes before me and the children are able to endure until I come unto my lord unto Seir.

jub@Genesis:33:18 @ And Jacob came safe and sound to the city of Shechem, which [is] in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padanaram, and pitched his tent before the city.

jub@Genesis:34:10 @ And ye shall dwell with us, and the land shall be before you; dwell and trade ye therein and take you possessions therein.

jub@Genesis:36:31 @ And these [are] the kings that reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the sons of Israel.

jub@Genesis:37:18 @ And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him.

jub@Genesis:40:9 @ Then the chief butler told his dream to Joseph and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine [was] before me,

jub@Genesis:41:43 @ and he made him to ride in his second chariot; and they cried before him, Abrech [Tender Father-honour this one as a precious father]; and he made him [ruler] over all the land of Egypt.

jub@Genesis:41:46 @ And Joseph [was] thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh and went throughout all the land of Egypt.

jub@Genesis:41:50 @ And unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of famine came, which Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah, prince of On, bore unto him.

jub@Genesis:42:6 @ And Joseph [was] the lord over the land, [and] he [it was] that sold [the wheat] to all the people of the land; and Joseph's brethren came and bowed down themselves before him [with] their faces to the earth.

jub@Genesis:42:24 @ And he turned himself about from them and wept and returned to them again and spoke with them and took Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes.

jub@Genesis:43:9 @ I will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou require him; if I do not bring him unto thee and set him before thee, then let me bear the sin for ever;

jub@Genesis:43:14 @ And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may let your other brother go, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved [of my sons], I am bereaved.

jub@Genesis:43:15 @ Then the men took the present, and they took double money in their hand, and Benjamin, and rose up and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph.

jub@Genesis:43:33 @ And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright and the youngest according to his youth; and the men marvelled one at another.

jub@Genesis:43:34 @ And he took [and sent] portions unto them from before him; but Benjamin's portion was five times as much as any of theirs. And they drank, and were drunk with him.:

jub@Genesis:44:14 @ And Judah and his brethren came to Joseph's house, for he [was] yet there; and they fell before him on the ground.

jub@Genesis:44:32 @ For thy servant became surety for the lad unto my father, saying, If I bring him not unto thee, then I shall bear the sin before my father for ever.

jub@Genesis:45:1 @ Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all those that stood by him, and he cried, Cause everyone to go out from me. And no one stood with him while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.

jub@Genesis:45:5 @ Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves that ye sold me here, for God sent me before you for life.

jub@Genesis:45:7 @ And God sent me before you that you might remain in the earth and that you might be given life by great liberty.

jub@Genesis:45:28 @ Then Israel said, [It is] enough; Joseph my son [is] yet alive; I will go and see him before I die.:

jub@Genesis:46:28 @ And he sent Judah before him unto Joseph, to direct his face unto Goshen; and they came into the land of Goshen.

jub@Genesis:47:6 @ the land of Egypt [is] before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell; and if thou knowest [any] men of valour among them, then make them rulers over my livestock.

jub@Genesis:47:7 @ And Joseph brought in Jacob his father and set him before Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.

jub@Genesis:47:10 @ And Jacob blessed Pharaoh and went out from before Pharaoh.

jub@Genesis:47:19 @ Why shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh, and give [us] seed that we may live, and not die, that the land not be desolate.

jub@Genesis:48:5 @ And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who were born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, [are] mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine.

jub@Genesis:48:15 @ And he blessed Joseph and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has fed me all my life long unto this day,

jub@Genesis:48:20 @ And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh. And he set Ephraim before Manasseh.

jub@Genesis:49:8 @ Judah, thou [art he] whom thy brethren shall praise; thy hand [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; thy father's sons shall bow down before thee.

jub@Genesis:49:30 @ in the cave that [is] in the field of Machpelah, which [is] before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron, the Hittite for a possession of a buryingplace.

jub@Genesis:50:13 @ for his sons carried him into the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace from Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

jub@Genesis:50:16 @ And they sent a messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy father did command before he died, saying,

jub@Genesis:50:18 @ And his brethren also went and fell down before his face, and they said, Behold, we [are] thy servants.

jub@Exodus:1:19 @ And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women [are] not as the Egyptian women, for they [are] lively and are delivered before the midwives come in unto them.

jub@Exodus:3:9 @ Therefore, behold, the cry of the sons of Israel has now come before me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them.

jub@Exodus:4:3 @ And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent, and Moses fled from before it.

jub@Exodus:4:21 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand; but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.

jub@Exodus:4:30 @ And Aaron spoke all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses and did the signs before the eyes of the people.

jub@Exodus:5:8 @ And the tally of the bricks which they made before, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish any of it; for they [are] idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go [and] sacrifice to our God.

jub@Exodus:5:21 @ and they said unto them, The LORD look upon you and judge because ye have made our savour to be a stench before Pharaoh and his servants, putting a sword in their hands to slay us.

jub@Exodus:6:12 @ And Moses answered before the LORD, saying, Behold, the sons of Israel do not hearken unto me; how then shall Pharaoh hear me, seeing I [am] of uncircumcised lips?

jub@Exodus:6:30 @ And Moses said before the LORD, Behold, I [am] of uncircumcised lips, and how shall Pharaoh hearken unto me?:

jub@Exodus:7:9 @ If Pharaoh shall answer you, saying, Show a miracle, then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod and cast [it] before Pharaoh, that it shall become a dragon.

jub@Exodus:7:10 @ So Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did as the LORD had commanded; and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a dragon.

jub@Exodus:7:15 @ Go unto Pharaoh in the morning; behold, he goes out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink before him and take in thy hand the rod which was turned to a serpent

jub@Exodus:8:20 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh; behold, he goes forth to the water and say unto him, The LORD hath said thus, Let my people go that they may serve me.

jub@Exodus:8:26 @ And Moses replied, It is not convenient to do so; for we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians to the LORD our God. Behold, if we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not stone us?

jub@Exodus:9:10 @ And they took the soot of the furnace and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and boils breaking forth [with] blisters came upon man and upon beast

jub@Exodus:9:11 @ [until] the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils; for the boils were upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians.

jub@Exodus:9:13 @ Then the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go that they may serve me.

jub@Exodus:9:30 @ But I know thee and thy servants from before ye began to fear the presence of the LORD God.

jub@Exodus:10:3 @ Then Moses and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh and said unto him, Thus hath the LORD God of the Hebrews said, How long wilt thou refuse to humble thyself before me? Let my people go that they may serve me.

jub@Exodus:10:10 @ And he said unto them, Even if the LORD be with you, how can I let you go with your little ones; look at the malice which is before your face.

jub@Exodus:10:14 @ And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt and landed in all the borders of Egypt. Very grievous [were they]; before them there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall [there] be such.

jub@Exodus:11:10 @ And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: but the LORD had hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the sons of Israel go out of his land.:

jub@Exodus:12:34 @ And the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneadingtroughs being bound up in their clothes upon their shoulders.

jub@Exodus:13:9 @ And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thy hand and for a memorial before thine eyes, that the LORD'S law may be in thy mouth; for with a strong hand the LORD has brought thee out of Egypt.

jub@Exodus:13:16 @ And it shall be for a token upon thy hand, and for a memorial before thine eyes: That the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand.

jub@Exodus:13:21 @ And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them in the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light that they might walk by day and by night.

jub@Exodus:13:22 @ He never took away the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night [from] before the people.:

jub@Exodus:14:2 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel that they turn and set up their camp before Pihahiroth between Migdol and the sea over against Baalzephon; before it shall ye set up camp by the sea.

jub@Exodus:14:9 @ The Egyptians, nevertheless, pursued after them with all the horses [and] chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen, and all his army, and overtook them setting up camp by the sea beside Pihahiroth before Baalzephon.

jub@Exodus:14:19 @ And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and likewise the pillar of cloud went from before their face and stood behind them.

jub@Exodus:16:9 @ And Moses spoke unto Aaron, Say unto all the congregation of the sons of Israel, Come near before the LORD, for he has heard your murmurings.

jub@Exodus:16:33 @ And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot and put an omer full of manna in it and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your descendants.

jub@Exodus:16:34 @ As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

jub@Exodus:17:5 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Go on before the people and take with thee of the elders of Israel and thy rod, with which thou didst smite the river take in thine hand and go.

jub@Exodus:17:6 @ Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb, and thou shalt smite the rock, and water shall come out of it that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

jub@Exodus:18:12 @ And Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, took burnt offerings and sacrifices for God; and Aaron came, and all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with Moses' father-in-law before God.

jub@Exodus:18:13 @ And it came to pass another day that Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood before Moses from the morning unto the evening.

jub@Exodus:18:14 @ And when Moses' father-in-law saw all that he did to the people, he said, What [is] this that thou doest to the people? Why sittest thou thyself alone and all the people stand before thee from morning unto evening?

jub@Exodus:18:19 @ Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee: Be thou for the people before God that thou may submit the causes unto God.

jub@Exodus:19:2 @ For they had departed from Rephidim and were come [to] the desert of Sinai and had pitched in the wilderness, and there Israel camped before the mount.

jub@Exodus:19:7 @ Then Moses came and called for the elders of the people and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him.

jub@Exodus:20:3 @ Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

jub@Exodus:20:20 @ Then Moses said unto the people, Fear not, for God is come to prove you and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.

jub@Exodus:21:1 @ Now these [are] the rights which thou shalt set before them.

jub@Exodus:22:9 @ For all manner of fraud, [whether it be] for [an] ox, for [an] ass, for [a] sheep, for raiment, [or] for any manner of lost thing, which [another] challenges to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; [and] whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbour.

jub@Exodus:22:26 @ If thou at all take thy neighbour's clothing as a pledge, thou shalt deliver it unto him before the sun goes down;

jub@Exodus:23:15 @ Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread (thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib, for in it thou didst come out from Egypt; and none shall appear before me empty),

jub@Exodus:23:17 @ Three times in the year all thy males shall appear before the Lord GOD.

jub@Exodus:23:20 @ Behold, I send the Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.

jub@Exodus:23:21 @ Keep thyself before him and hear his voice, grieve him not; for he will not pardon your rebellion, for my name [is] in him.

jub@Exodus:23:23 @ For my Angel shall go before thee and bring thee in unto [the land of] the Amorite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Canaanite the Hivite and the Jebusite; and I will cut them off.

jub@Exodus:23:27 @ I will send my fear before thee and will trouble all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.

jub@Exodus:23:28 @ And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite from before thee.

jub@Exodus:23:29 @ I will not drive them out from before thee in one year lest the land become desolate and the beasts of the field multiply against thee.

jub@Exodus:23:30 @ Little by little I will drive them out from before thee until thou be multiplied and take the land by inheritance.

jub@Exodus:23:31 @ And I will set thy borders from the Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines and from the desert unto the river; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and [thou] shalt drive them out before thee.

jub@Exodus:25:30 @ And thou shalt set the showbread upon the table before me always.

jub@Exodus:27:21 @ In the tabernacle of the testimony outside the veil, which [shall be] before [the ark of] the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall order them from evening to morning before the LORD; [it shall be] a perpetual statute of the sons of Israel for their generations.:

jub@Exodus:28:12 @ And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod [for] stones of memorial unto the sons of Israel, and Aaron shall bear their names before the LORD upon his two shoulders for a memorial.

jub@Exodus:28:29 @ And Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the pectoral of judgment upon his heart when he goes in unto the sanctuary for a memorial before the LORD continually.

jub@Exodus:28:30 @ And thou shalt put in the pectoral of judgment Urim and Thummim, that they shall be upon Aaron's heart when he goes in before the LORD; and Aaron shall always bear the judgment of the sons of Israel upon his heart before the LORD.

jub@Exodus:28:35 @ And it shall be upon Aaron to minister, and his sound shall be heard when he goes in unto the sanctuary before the LORD and when he comes out, that he not die.

jub@Exodus:28:38 @ And it shall be upon Aaron's forehead that Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things, which the sons of Israel shall sanctify in all their holy gifts; and it shall be always upon his forehead that they may find grace before the LORD.

jub@Exodus:29:10 @ And thou shalt cause the bullock to be brought before the tabernacle of the testimony, and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the head of the bullock.

jub@Exodus:29:11 @ And thou shalt kill the bullock before the LORD [by] the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Exodus:29:23 @ Also one [large] loaf of bread and one cake of oiled bread and one wafer out of the basket of the unleavened bread that [is] before the LORD;

jub@Exodus:29:24 @ and thou shalt put all [this] in the hands of Aaron and in the hands of his sons and shalt lift them up and wave them before the LORD.

jub@Exodus:29:25 @ Then thou shalt take them from their hands and burn [them] upon the altar upon the burnt offering, for a sweet savour before the LORD. It [is] an offering on fire unto the LORD.

jub@Exodus:29:26 @ And thou shalt take the breast of the ram of the consecrations, which is of Aaron and wave it [for] a waved [offering] before the LORD; and it shall be thy part.

jub@Exodus:29:42 @ This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your ages at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony before the LORD, where I will concert with you, to speak there unto you.

jub@Exodus:30:6 @ And thou shalt put it before the veil that [is] by the ark of the testimony, before the seat of reconciliation that [is] over the testimony, where I will testify unto thee of myself.

jub@Exodus:30:8 @ And when Aaron lights the lamps at evening, he shall burn incense upon it continually before the LORD throughout your ages.

jub@Exodus:30:16 @ And thou shalt take the reconciliation money of the sons of Israel and shalt appoint it for the service of the tabernacle of the testimony, and it shall be a memorial unto the sons of Israel before the LORD to reconcile your souls.

jub@Exodus:30:36 @ and thou shalt beat [some] of it very small and put of it before the testimony in the tabernacle of the testimony, where I will testify unto thee of myself. It shall be most holy unto you.

jub@Exodus:32:1 @ And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron and said unto him, Rise up, make us gods which shall go before us; for [as for] this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is become of him.

jub@Exodus:32:5 @ And seeing this, Aaron built an altar before the [calf]; and Aaron made [a] proclamation and said, Tomorrow [shall be] a feast unto the LORD.

jub@Exodus:32:11 @ Then Moses grieved before the LORD his God and said, LORD, why shall thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand?

jub@Exodus:32:23 @ For they said unto me, Make us gods, which shall go before us, for [as for] this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what is become of him.

jub@Exodus:32:34 @ Therefore go now, lead the people unto [the place] of which I have spoken unto thee; behold, my Angel shall go before thee; nevertheless in the day of my visitation [I] will visit their sin in them.

jub@Exodus:33:2 @ (And I will send an angel before thee; and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite.)

jub@Exodus:33:15 @ And he said unto him, If thy presence is not to go before [us], do not bring us out of here.

jub@Exodus:33:19 @ And he replied, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name that I AM before thee; and I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and will show clemency on whom I will show clemency.

jub@Exodus:34:3 @ And no man shall come up with thee; neither let anyone be seen throughout all the mount; neither let the sheep nor the cows feed before the mount.

jub@Exodus:34:6 @ And as the LORD passed by before him, he proclaimed, I AM, I AM strong, merciful, and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in mercy and truth,

jub@Exodus:34:10 @ And he said, Behold, I make a covenant before all thy people: I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom thou [art] shall see the work of the LORD; for it [shall be] a terrible thing that I will do with thee.

jub@Exodus:34:11 @ Keep that which I command thee this day; behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite.

jub@Exodus:34:20 @ But the firstborn of an ass thou shalt ransom with a lamb, and if thou ransom [him] not, then shalt thou cut off his head. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt ransom, and none shall appear before me empty.

jub@Exodus:34:23 @ Three times in the year shall all your males appear before the GOD [who is] Lord of all, the God of Israel.

jub@Exodus:34:24 @ For I will cast the Gentiles out of thy presence and enlarge thy borders; neither shall anyone covet thy land when thou shalt go up to be seen before the LORD thy God three times a year.

jub@Exodus:34:34 @ But when Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him, he would take the veil off until he came out. And as he came out, he would speak unto the sons of Israel [that] which he was commanded.

jub@Exodus:40:5 @ And thou shalt set the altar of gold for the incense before the ark of the testimony and put the hanging of the door to the tabernacle.

jub@Exodus:40:6 @ Then thou shalt set the altar of the burnt offering before the door of the tabernacle, of the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Exodus:40:23 @ And he set the bread in order upon it before the LORD, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

jub@Exodus:40:25 @ And he lighted the lamps before the LORD, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

jub@Exodus:40:26 @ He also put the golden altar in the tabernacle of the testimony before the veil.

jub@Leviticus:1:3 @ If his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish; he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:1:5 @ Then he shall kill the bullock before the LORD; and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall offer the blood and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is [by] the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Leviticus:1:11 @ And he must kill it on the side of the altar, to the Aquilon before the LORD; and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle its blood round about upon the altar.

jub@Leviticus:3:1 @ And if his offering is a sacrifice of peace, if he offers [it] of the [bovine] cattle, whether [it is] male or female, he shall offer it without blemish before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:3:7 @ If he offers a lamb for his offering, he shall offer it before the LORD;

jub@Leviticus:3:8 @ and he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering and then kill it before the tabernacle of the testimony; and Aaron's sons shall sprinkle its blood round about upon the altar.

jub@Leviticus:3:12 @ And if his offering [is] a goat, then he shall offer it before the LORD;

jub@Leviticus:3:13 @ and he shall lay his hand upon the head of it and kill it before the tabernacle of the testimony; and the sons of Aaron shall sprinkle its blood upon the altar round about.

jub@Leviticus:4:4 @ And he shall bring the bullock unto the door of the tabernacle of the testimony before the LORD and shall lay his hand upon the bullock's head and kill the bullock before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:4:6 @ and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle of the blood seven times before the LORD, before the veil of the sanctuary.

jub@Leviticus:4:7 @ And the priest shall put [some] of the blood upon the horns of the altar of aromatic incense before the LORD, which [is] in the tabernacle of the testimony, and shall pour all the blood of the bullock at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering, which [is at] the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Leviticus:4:14 @ when the sin, which they have committed, is understood, then the congregation shall offer a young bullock as the sin and bring it before the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Leviticus:4:15 @ And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands upon the head of the bullock before the LORD, and the bullock shall be killed before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:4:17 @ And the priest shall dip his finger [in some] of the blood and sprinkle [it] seven times before the LORD, [even] before the veil.

jub@Leviticus:4:18 @ And he shall put [some] of the blood upon the horns of the altar which [is] before the LORD, that [is] in the tabernacle of the testimony and shall pour out all the blood at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering, which [is at] the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Leviticus:4:24 @ And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the he goat and kill it in the place where they kill the burnt offering before the LORD; it is sin.

jub@Leviticus:6:7 @ and the priest shall reconcile him before the LORD, and he shall have forgiveness for any of all of the things in which he is guilty.

jub@Leviticus:6:14 @ And this [is] the law of the present: the sons of Aaron shall offer it before the LORD, before the altar.

jub@Leviticus:6:25 @ Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, saying, This [shall be] the law of sin: In the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the [atonement as] sin be killed before the LORD; for it [is] most holy.

jub@Leviticus:7:30 @ his own hands shall bring the offerings [which must be burned] unto the LORD; he shall bring the fat with the breast that the breast may be waved [for] a wave offering before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:8:26 @ and out of the basket of unleavened bread that [was] before the LORD he took one unleavened cake and a cake of oiled bread and one wafer and put [them] with the fat and with the right shoulder;

jub@Leviticus:8:27 @ and he put all of it in Aaron's hands and in his sons' hands and caused them to be waved [for] a wave offering before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:8:29 @ And Moses took the breast and waved it [for a wave offering before the LORD; [for] of the ram of the consecrations this was Moses' part, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

jub@Leviticus:9:2 @ and he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf as the sin and a ram as a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer [them] before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:9:4 @ likewise a bullock and a ram for a [sacrifice of] peace, to kill before the LORD; and a present mingled with oil; for today the LORD will appear unto you.

jub@Leviticus:9:5 @ And they brought [that] which Moses commanded before the tabernacle of the testimony, and all the congregation drew near and stood before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:9:21 @ But the breasts, with the right shoulder, Aaron waved, waving them before the LORD, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

jub@Leviticus:9:24 @ And there came a fire out from before the LORD and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat, [which] when all the people saw, they praised and fell on their faces.:

jub@Leviticus:10:1 @ And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took each of them his censer and put fire therein and put incense thereon and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he had never commanded them.

jub@Leviticus:10:2 @ And there went out fire from the LORD and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:10:3 @ Then Moses said unto Aaron, This [is] what the LORD spoke, saying, I will be sanctified in those that come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron was silent.

jub@Leviticus:10:4 @ And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp.

jub@Leviticus:10:15 @ With the offerings of the fat which are to be lit on fire, they shall bring the shoulder which is to be elevated and the breast which shall be waved as a wave [offering] before the LORD; and it shall be thine and thy sons' with thee by a perpetual statute, as the LORD has commanded.

jub@Leviticus:10:17 @ Why have ye not eaten of the [atonement for] sin in the holy place? For it [is] most holy, and [God] has given it to you to bear the iniquity of the congregation, that they may be reconciled before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:10:19 @ And Aaron replied unto Moses, Behold, today they have offered their sin and their burnt offering before the LORD; with all this, these things have befallen me; therefore [if] I had eaten of the [atonement for] sin today, would it have been accepted in the sight of the LORD?

jub@Leviticus:12:7 @ who shall offer it before the LORD and reconcile her, and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood. This [is] the law for her that has given birth to a male or a female.

jub@Leviticus:14:11 @ And the priest that purifies him shall present the one that is to be made clean with those things, before the LORD at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony;

jub@Leviticus:14:12 @ and the priest shall take one he lamb and offer him for [expiation of] the guilt, with the log of oil, and wave them [for] a waved offering before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:14:16 @ and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that [is] in his left hand and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:14:18 @ and that which is left of the oil that [is] in the priest's hand, he shall pour upon the head of the one that is to be purified; and thus shall the priest reconcile him before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:14:23 @ And he shall bring these things on the eighth day of his purification unto the priest, unto the door of the tabernacle of the testimony, before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:14:24 @ And the priest shall take the lamb of [the expiation of] the guilt, and the log of oil, and the priest shall wave them [for] a waved [offering] before the LORD;

jub@Leviticus:14:27 @ and the priest shall sprinkle with his right finger some of the oil that is in his left hand seven times before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:14:29 @ And what is left of the oil that [is] in the priest's hand he shall put upon the head of the one that is to be purified, to reconcile him before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:14:31 @ one of such as he is able to get as sin, and the other [for] a burnt offering, with the present; and [thus] shall the priest reconcile the one that is to be purified before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:14:36 @ Then the priest shall command that they empty the house before the priest goes [into it] to see the plague so that all that [is] in the house is not contaminated; and afterward the priest shall go in to recognize the house.

jub@Leviticus:15:14 @ And on the eighth day he shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons and come before the LORD unto the door of the tabernacle of the testimony and give them unto the priest;

jub@Leviticus:15:15 @ and the priest shall offer the one as sin and the other as a burnt offering; and the priest shall reconcile him from his issue before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:15:30 @ and the priest shall offer the one as sin and the other as a burnt offering; and the priest shall reconcile her before the LORD of the issue of her uncleanness.

jub@Leviticus:16:1 @ And the LORD spoke unto Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they came near before the LORD and died;

jub@Leviticus:16:2 @ and the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron, thy brother, that he not enter at all times into the sanctuary inside the veil before the seat of reconciliation, which [is] upon the ark, that he not die; for I will appear in the cloud above the seat of reconciliation.

jub@Leviticus:16:7 @ After that, he shall take the two goats and present them before the LORD [at] the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Leviticus:16:10 @ But the he goat on which the lot fell for Azazel shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make the reconciliation upon him [and] to send him to Azazel into the wilderness.

jub@Leviticus:16:12 @ After that he shall take the censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the LORD and his hands full of aromatic incense beaten small and bring [it] inside the veil.

jub@Leviticus:16:13 @ And he shall put the incense upon the fire before the LORD, and the cloud of the incense shall cover the seat of reconciliation that [is] upon the testimony, and he shall not die.

jub@Leviticus:16:15 @ After that, he shall kill the goat of the sin of the people and bring its blood inside the veil and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bullock and sprinkle it upon the seat of reconciliation and before the seat of reconciliation;

jub@Leviticus:16:18 @ And he shall go out unto the altar that [is] before the LORD and reconcile it and shall take of the blood of the bullock and of the blood of the he goat and put [it] upon the horns of the altar round about.

jub@Leviticus:16:30 @ for on that day he shall reconcile you to cleanse you [that] ye may be clean from all your sins before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:17:4 @ and does not bring it unto the door of the tabernacle of the testimony to offer an offering unto the LORD before the tabernacle of the LORD, blood shall be imputed unto that man; he has shed blood, and that man shall be cut off from among his people:

jub@Leviticus:18:23 @ Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith; neither shall any woman stand before a beast to join herself with it; it [is] mixture.

jub@Leviticus:18:24 @ Do not defile yourselves in any of these things; for in all these things the Gentiles which I cast out before you have defiled themselves;

jub@Leviticus:18:27 @ (For all these abominations were done by the men of the land who [were] before you, and the land was contaminated.)

jub@Leviticus:18:28 @ And will the land not vomit you out also for having contaminated it, as it vomited out the Gentiles that were before you?

jub@Leviticus:18:30 @ Keep, therefore, my ordinance that [ye] commit not [any one] of these abominable laws which were committed before you, and do not defile yourselves in them; I [am] the LORD your God.:

jub@Leviticus:19:14 @ Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God. I [am] the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:19:22 @ And the priest shall reconcile him with the ram of the guilt before the LORD for his sin which he has committed, and the sin which he has committed shall be forgiven him.

jub@Leviticus:19:32 @ Thou shalt rise up before grey hair and honour the face of the elder and fear thy God. I [am] the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:20:23 @ And ye shall not walk in the practices of the Gentiles which I shall cast out before you; for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them.

jub@Leviticus:23:11 @ and he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD that ye shall be accepted; on the day after the sabbath the priest shall wave it.

jub@Leviticus:23:20 @ And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits [for] a wave offering before the LORD, with the two lambs; they shall be holiness of the LORD for the priest.

jub@Leviticus:23:28 @ And ye shall do no work in this same day; for it [is] a day of reconciliations, to reconcile you before the LORD your God.

jub@Leviticus:23:40 @ And on the first day ye shall take [branches] with fruit of a beautiful tree, palm branches and the boughs of thick trees and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days.

jub@Leviticus:24:3 @ Outside the veil of the testimony, in the tabernacle of the testimony, shall Aaron order it from the evening unto the morning before the LORD continually; [it shall be] a perpetual statute for [all] your ages.

jub@Leviticus:24:4 @ He shall order the lamps upon the pure candlestick before the LORD continually.

jub@Leviticus:24:6 @ And thou shalt set them in two orders, six [in each] order, upon the clean table before the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:24:8 @ Every sabbath he shall set it in order before the LORD continually: everlasting covenant of the sons of Israel.

jub@Leviticus:26:7 @ And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword.

jub@Leviticus:26:8 @ And five of you shall chase one hundred, and one hundred of you shall put ten thousands to flight; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

jub@Leviticus:26:17 @ And I will place my wrath upon you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies; those that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when no one pursues you.

jub@Leviticus:26:37 @ And they shall fall one upon another, as it were before a sword, when none pursue; and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies.

jub@Leviticus:27:8 @ But if he is poorer than thy estimation, then he shall present himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to the ability of the one that vowed shall the priest value him.

jub@Leviticus:27:11 @ And if it [is] an unclean animal, which cannot be offered as a sacrifice unto the LORD, then he shall present the animal before the priest;

jub@Numbers:3:4 @ But Nadab and Abihu died before the LORD, when they offered strange fire before the LORD, in the wilderness of Sinai, and they had no sons; and Eleazar and Ithamar exercised the priesthood in the sight of Aaron, their father.

jub@Numbers:3:6 @ Bring the tribe of Levi near and present them before Aaron, the priest, that they may minister unto him.

jub@Numbers:3:7 @ And they shall keep his commandment and the commandment of the whole congregation before the tabernacle of the testimony, to minister in the service of the tabernacle.

jub@Numbers:3:38 @ And those that encamp before the tabernacle toward the east, before the tabernacle of the testimony towards the sunrise, [shall be] Moses and Aaron and his sons, keeping the charge of the sanctuary for the charge of the sons of Israel; and the stranger that comes near shall be put to death.

jub@Numbers:5:16 @ And the priest shall bring her near and set her before the LORD.

jub@Numbers:5:18 @ And the priest shall cause the woman to stand before the LORD and shall uncover the woman's head and put the present of remembrance in her hands, which [is] the present of jealousy; and the priest shall have in his hand the bitter water that brings the curse.

jub@Numbers:5:25 @ [Then] the priest shall take the present of jealousy out of the woman's hand and shall wave the offering before the LORD and offer it before the altar.

jub@Numbers:5:30 @ or of the husband upon whom a spirit of jealousy comes, and he is jealous over his wife; he shall [then] present the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute in her all this law.

jub@Numbers:6:12 @ And they shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of their Nazariteship and shall bring a lamb of the first year for their guilt; but the days that were before shall be lost because their Nazariteship was defiled.

jub@Numbers:6:16 @ And the priest shall bring [them] before the LORD and shall offer his sin and his burnt offering;

jub@Numbers:6:20 @ and the priest shall wave them [for] a wave [offering] before the LORD, which shall be a holy thing of the priest, with the wave breast and heave shoulder; and after that the Nazarite shall drink wine.

jub@Numbers:7:3 @ and they brought their offerings before the LORD, six covered wagons and twelve oxen: a wagon for each two of the princes and for each one an ox, which they offered before the tabernacle.

jub@Numbers:7:10 @ And the princes offered at the dedication of the altar the day that it was anointed; even the princes offered their offering before the altar.

jub@Numbers:8:9 @ And thou shalt offer the Levites before the tabernacle of the testimony, and thou shalt gather the whole congregation of the sons of Israel together;

jub@Numbers:8:10 @ and thou shalt bring the Levites before the LORD, and the sons of Israel shall put their hands upon the Levites;

jub@Numbers:8:11 @ and Aaron shall offer the Levites before the LORD [for] a wave offering of the sons of Israel, and they shall serve in the ministry of the LORD.

jub@Numbers:8:13 @ And thou shalt cause the Levites to present themselves before Aaron, and before his sons, and offer them [for] an offering unto the LORD.

jub@Numbers:8:21 @ And the sin was removed from the Levites, and they washed their clothes; and Aaron offered them [for] a wave offering before the LORD; and Aaron reconciled them to cleanse them.

jub@Numbers:8:22 @ And thus went the Levites in to serve in their ministry in the tabernacle of the testimony before Aaron and before his sons; in the manner that the LORD had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they unto them.

jub@Numbers:9:6 @ And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead body of a man, that they could not keep the passover on that day; and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day;

jub@Numbers:10:9 @ And when ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresses you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.

jub@Numbers:10:10 @ Also in the day of your gladness and in your solemn days and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace, that they may be to you for a memorial before your God; I AM your God.

jub@Numbers:10:33 @ Thus they departed from the mount of the LORD three days' journey, and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them [in the] three days' journey, searching out a resting place for them.

jub@Numbers:10:35 @ And it came to pass, when the ark was moved, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered, and let those that hate thee flee before thee.

jub@Numbers:11:6 @ but now our soul is dried away; [there is] nothing at all besides this manna [before] our eyes.

jub@Numbers:11:20 @ [But] even a whole month, until it comes out of your nostrils and it becomes loathsome unto you, because ye have despised the LORD who [is] among you and have wept before him, saying, Why have we come forth out of Egypt?

jub@Numbers:11:33 @ And while the flesh [was] yet between their teeth, before it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD smote the people with a very great plague.

jub@Numbers:13:22 @ And they ascended by the Negev and came unto Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the sons of Anak, [were]. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.)

jub@Numbers:13:30 @ Then Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.

jub@Numbers:14:5 @ Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the sons of Israel.

jub@Numbers:14:10 @ Then all the multitude spoke of stoning them with stones. But the glory of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle of the testimony before all the sons of Israel.

jub@Numbers:14:11 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? How long will it be before they believe me, with all the signs which I have done among them?

jub@Numbers:14:14 @ and the inhabitants of this land will say, [for] they have already heard that thou, oh LORD, [wast] among this people, that thou, O LORD, art seen face to face, and [that] thy cloud was over them, and [that] thou didst go before them by day time in a pillar of a cloud and in a pillar of fire by night;

jub@Numbers:14:37 @ even those men that brought an evil report of the land, died by the plague before the LORD.

jub@Numbers:14:42 @ Do not go up, for the LORD [is] not among you; do be not smitten before your enemies.

jub@Numbers:14:43 @ For the Amalekite and the Canaanite [are] there before you, and ye shall fall by the sword; because ye are turned away from following the LORD, therefore, the LORD will not be with you.

jub@Numbers:15:15 @ One statute [shall be both] for you of the congregation and also for the stranger that sojourns [with you], a perpetual statute, for your ages; as ye [are], so shall the stranger be before the LORD.

jub@Numbers:15:25 @ And the priest shall reconcile all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and it shall be forgiven them, for it [is] ignorance; and they shall bring their offering, an offering on fire unto the LORD and their sins before the LORD [which they committed] in their ignorance.

jub@Numbers:15:28 @ And the priest shall reconcile the soul that errs ignorantly, when he sins by ignorance before the LORD, he shall be reconciled; and it shall be forgiven him.

jub@Numbers:16:7 @ and put fire in them and put incense in them before the LORD tomorrow; and it shall be [that] the man whom the LORD chooses, he [shall] be holy; this shall be enough for you, ye sons of Levi.

jub@Numbers:16:9 @ [Does it seem it but] a small thing unto you that the God of Israel has separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to himself [to] minister in the service of the tabernacle of the LORD and to stand before the congregation to minister unto them?

jub@Numbers:16:16 @ And Moses said unto Korah, Be thou and all thy company before the LORD, thou and they and Aaron, tomorrow;

jub@Numbers:16:17 @ and let each man take his censer and put incense in them and let each man bring his censer before the LORD, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also and Aaron, each [of you] with his censer.

jub@Numbers:16:38 @ the censers of these sinners are sanctified against their own souls, and broad plates shall be made of them [for] a covering of the altar, for they offered with them before the LORD; therefore, they are sanctified, and they shall be a sign unto the sons of Israel.

jub@Numbers:16:40 @ [to be] a memorial unto the sons of Israel, that no stranger who [is] not of the seed of Aaron come near to offer incense before the LORD, that he not be as Korah and as his company, as the LORD said to him by the hand of Moses.

jub@Numbers:16:43 @ And Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Numbers:16:46 @ And Moses said unto Aaron, Take the censer and put fire in it from off the altar and put incense upon it and go quickly unto the congregation and reconcile them; for the wrath has gone out from before the face of the LORD; the plague is begun.

jub@Numbers:17:4 @ And thou shalt lay them up in the tabernacle of the testimony before the testimony, where I will meet with you.

jub@Numbers:17:7 @ And Moses laid up the rods before the LORD in the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Numbers:17:9 @ Then Moses brought out all the rods from before the LORD unto all the sons of Israel; and they looked, and each one took his rod.

jub@Numbers:17:10 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Return Aaron's rod before the testimony to be kept for a sign unto the rebellious sons; and thou shalt cause their complaints to cease from upon me, that they not die.

jub@Numbers:18:2 @ And thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father, bring thou with thee, that they may be joined unto thee and serve thee; but thou and thy sons with thee [shall serve] before the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Numbers:18:19 @ All the [heave] offerings of the holy things, which the sons of Israel offer unto the LORD, I have given for thee and for thy sons and for thy daughters with thee, by a perpetual statute; it is a covenant of salt for ever before the LORD for thee and for thy seed with thee.

jub@Numbers:19:4 @ And Eleazar, the priest, shall take of her blood with his finger and sprinkle of her blood directly before the tabernacle of the testimony seven times;

jub@Numbers:20:3 @ And the people contended with Moses and spoke, saying, Oh, that we had died when our brethren died before the LORD!

jub@Numbers:20:8 @ Take the rod and gather the congregation together, thou and Aaron, thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes, and it shall give forth its water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock; so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

jub@Numbers:20:9 @ Then Moses took the rod from before the LORD as he commanded him.

jub@Numbers:20:10 @ And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?

jub@Numbers:21:11 @ And they journeyed from Oboth and pitched at Ijeabarim, in the wilderness which [is] before Moab, toward the rising of the sun.

jub@Numbers:22:32 @ And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? Behold, I went out as thine adversary, because [thy] way is perverse before me.

jub@Numbers:25:4 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the princes of the people and disjoint them before the LORD [hanging them from a tree] against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.

jub@Numbers:25:6 @ Then, behold, one of the sons of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianite woman in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, who [were] weeping [before] the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.

jub@Numbers:26:61 @ And Nadab and Abihu died when they offered strange fire before the LORD.

jub@Numbers:27:2 @ And they stood before Moses and before Eleazar, the priest, and before the princes and all the congregation, [by] the door of the tabernacle of the testimony, saying,

jub@Numbers:27:5 @ And Moses brought their cause before the LORD.

jub@Numbers:27:14 @ For ye were rebels to my word in the desert of Zin, in the strife of the congregation, to sanctify me in the waters before their eyes. These [are] the waters of Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin.

jub@Numbers:27:17 @ who may go out before them, and who may go in before them, and who may lead them out and who may bring them in that the congregation of the LORD not be as sheep without a shepherd.

jub@Numbers:27:19 @ and set him before Eleazar, the priest, and before all the congregation and give him a charge in their presence.

jub@Numbers:27:21 @ And he shall stand before Eleazar, the priest, whom he shall consult in the judgment of the Urim before the LORD; at his word shall they go out, and at his word they shall come in, [both] he and all the sons of Israel with him, even all the congregation.

jub@Numbers:27:22 @ And Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and he took Joshua and set him before Eleazar, the priest, and before all the congregation,

jub@Numbers:31:50 @ We have therefore brought an offering for the LORD, each man of what he has found, of vessels of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, earrings, and tablets, to reconcile our souls before the LORD.

jub@Numbers:31:54 @ And Moses and Eleazar, the priest, took the gold from the captains of thousands and of hundreds and brought it into the tabernacle of the testimony, [for] a memorial of the sons of Israel before the LORD.:

jub@Numbers:32:4 @ the country which the LORD smote before the congregation of Israel, [is] a land for livestock, and thy servants have livestock.

jub@Numbers:32:17 @ but we ourselves will go arm ourselves and go with diligence before the sons of Israel until we have brought them unto their place, and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

jub@Numbers:32:20 @ Then Moses said unto them, If ye will do this thing, if ye will prepare yourselves to go before the LORD to the war

jub@Numbers:32:21 @ and will all pass the Jordan armed before the LORD until he has driven out his enemies from before him

jub@Numbers:32:22 @ and the land is subdued before the LORD, then afterward ye shall return and be guiltless before the LORD and before Israel, and this land shall be your possession before the LORD.

jub@Numbers:32:27 @ but thy servants, each one armed for war, will pass before the LORD to battle, as our lord saith.

jub@Numbers:32:29 @ And Moses said unto them, If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben will pass the Jordan with you, each one armed to battle, before the LORD, after the land shall be subdued before you, then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession.

jub@Numbers:32:32 @ We will pass over armed before the LORD into the land of Canaan, and the possession of our inheritance on this side of the Jordan [shall be] ours.

jub@Numbers:33:7 @ And they removed from Etham and turned again unto Pihahiroth, which [is] before Baalzephon, and they pitched before Migdol.

jub@Numbers:33:8 @ And they departed from before Pihahiroth and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness and went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham and pitched in Marah.

jub@Numbers:33:47 @ And they removed from Almondiblathaim and pitched in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo.

jub@Numbers:33:52 @ then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you and abolish all their paintings and abolish all their molten images and destroy all their high places,

jub@Numbers:33:55 @ But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come to pass that those whom ye let remain of them [shall be] pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides and shall afflict you in the land in which ye dwell.

jub@Numbers:35:12 @ And they shall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger that the murderer not die until he stands before the congregation in judgment.

jub@Numbers:36:1 @ And the princes of the fathers of the families of the sons of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near and spoke before Moses and before the princes, the heads of the fathers of the sons of Israel,

jub@Deuteronomy:1:21 @ Behold, the LORD thy God has given the land before thee; go up [and] possess [it], as the LORD God of thy fathers has said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged.

jub@Deuteronomy:1:22 @ And ye came near unto me every one of you and said, We will send men before us, and they shall spy us out the land and bring us word again by what way we must go up and into what cities we shall come.

jub@Deuteronomy:1:30 @ The LORD your God who goes before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did with you in Egypt before your eyes;

jub@Deuteronomy:1:33 @ who went in the way before you to search you out a place to pitch your tents, with fire by night, to show you by what way ye should go, and with a cloud by day.

jub@Deuteronomy:1:38 @ [But] Joshua, the son of Nun, who stands before thee, he shall go in there; encourage him; for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.

jub@Deuteronomy:1:42 @ And the LORD said unto me, Say unto them, Do not go up or fight, for I [am] not among you, lest ye be smitten before your enemies.

jub@Deuteronomy:1:45 @ And ye returned and wept before the LORD, but the LORD would not hearken to your voice, nor give ear unto you.

jub@Deuteronomy:2:12 @ The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime, but the sons of Esau inherited from them, and they destroyed them from before them and dwelt in their stead as Israel did in the land of his possession, which the LORD gave unto them.)

jub@Deuteronomy:2:21 @ a people great and many and tall as the Anakims; whom the LORD destroyed before the Ammonites; and they inherited from them and dwelt in their stead,

jub@Deuteronomy:2:22 @ as he did to the sons of Esau who dwelt in Seir when he destroyed the Horims from before them; and they inherited from them and dwelt in their stead even unto this day.

jub@Deuteronomy:2:31 @ And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have begun to give Sihon and his land before thee; begin, take possession that thou may inherit his land.

jub@Deuteronomy:2:33 @ But the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him and his sons and all his people.

jub@Deuteronomy:2:36 @ From Aroer, which [is] by the brink of the river of Arnon, and [from] the city that is by the river even unto Gilead, there was not one city escaped us; the LORD our God delivered all of them before us.

jub@Deuteronomy:3:18 @ And I commanded you at that time, saying, The LORD your God has given you this land to possess it; ye shall pass armed before your brethren, the sons of Israel, all [that are] valiant.

jub@Deuteronomy:3:28 @ But charge Joshua and encourage him and comfort him, for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see.

jub@Deuteronomy:4:8 @ And what nation [is there] so great that has statutes and rights [so] just as all this law, which I set before you this day?

jub@Deuteronomy:4:10 @ The day that thou didst stand before the LORD thy God in Horeb, when the LORD said unto me, Gather the people together unto me, and I will make them hear my words that they may learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth and [that] they may teach their sons.

jub@Deuteronomy:4:32 @ Ask, therefore, now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth and [ask] from the one side of heaven unto the other whether there has been [any such thing] as this great thing [is], or has [any] other been heard like it?

jub@Deuteronomy:4:34 @ Or has God assayed to go [and] take him a nation from the midst of [another] nation, by trials, by signs and by wonders and by war and by a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?

jub@Deuteronomy:4:38 @ to drive out Gentiles from before thee greater and mightier than thou [art], to bring thee in, to give thee their land [for] an inheritance, as [it is] this day.

jub@Deuteronomy:4:44 @ And this [is] the law which Moses set before the sons of Israel.

jub@Deuteronomy:5:7 @ Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

jub@Deuteronomy:6:19 @ so that he will cast out all thine enemies from before thy presence, as the LORD has spoken.

jub@Deuteronomy:6:22 @ and the LORD showed signs and wonders, great and sore, in Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his household, before our eyes;

jub@Deuteronomy:6:25 @ And we shall have justice when we keep ourselves [by] doing all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he has commanded us.:

jub@Deuteronomy:7:1 @ When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land into which thou must enter to inherit it and has cast out many Gentiles before thee, the Hittite and the Girgashite and the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;

jub@Deuteronomy:7:2 @ and when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee, thou shalt smite them [and] utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them nor show mercy unto them.

jub@Deuteronomy:7:21 @ Thou shalt not faint before them; for the LORD thy God is among you, a great and terrible God.

jub@Deuteronomy:7:22 @ And the LORD thy God will put out those Gentiles before thee little by little; thou may not consume them at once lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:7:23 @ But the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction until they are destroyed.

jub@Deuteronomy:7:24 @ And he shall deliver their kings into thy hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven; no one shall be able to stand before thee until thou hast destroyed them.

jub@Deuteronomy:8:20 @ As the Gentiles which the LORD shall destroy before your face, so shall ye perish because ye would not attend to the voice of the LORD your God.:

jub@Deuteronomy:9:2 @ A people, great and tall, sons of the Anakims, whom thou knowest and [of whom] thou hast heard [say], Who can stand before the sons of Anak!

jub@Deuteronomy:9:3 @ Understand, therefore, this day that the LORD thy God is he who passes before thee; [as] a consuming fire he shall destroy them and and humble them before thee, and thou shalt drive them out and destroy them quickly, as the LORD has said unto thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:9:4 @ Think not in thine heart, after the LORD thy God has cast them out from before thee, saying, Because of my righteousness the LORD has brought me in to inherit this land; rather for the wickedness of these Gentiles the LORD drives them out from before thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:9:5 @ Not for thy righteousness or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou enter in to inherit their land; but for the wickedness of these Gentiles, the LORD thy God drives them out from before thee and that he may confirm the word which the LORD swore unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

jub@Deuteronomy:9:17 @ Then I took the two tables and cast them out of my two hands and broke them before your eyes.

jub@Deuteronomy:9:18 @ And I fell down before the LORD, as at the first, forty days and forty nights; I neither ate bread nor drank water because of all your sins in which ye sinned in doing wickedly in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

jub@Deuteronomy:9:25 @ Thus I fell down before the LORD forty days and forty nights, as I fell down [at the first], because the LORD had said he would destroy you.

jub@Deuteronomy:10:8 @ At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister unto him, and to bless in his name, unto this day.

jub@Deuteronomy:10:11 @ And the LORD said unto me, Arise, take [thy] journey before the people that they may enter in and inherit the land, which I swore unto their fathers to give unto them.

jub@Deuteronomy:11:23 @ then the LORD will drive out all these Gentiles from before you, and ye shall possess nations greater and mightier than yourselves.

jub@Deuteronomy:11:25 @ No one shall be able to stand before you; [for] the LORD your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he has said unto you.

jub@Deuteronomy:11:26 @ Behold, I set before you this day the blessing and the curse:

jub@Deuteronomy:11:32 @ Keep yourselves, therefore, to do all the statutes and rights which I set before you this day.:

jub@Deuteronomy:12:7 @ and there ye shall eat before the LORD your God, and ye and your households shall rejoice in every work of your hands in which the LORD thy God has blessed thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:12:12 @ and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God, ye and your sons and your daughters and your menservants and your maidservants and the Levite that [is] within your gates because he has no part nor inheritance with you.

jub@Deuteronomy:12:18 @ But thou must eat them before the LORD thy God in the place which the LORD thy God shall have chosen, thou and thy son and thy daughter and thy manservant and thy maidservant and the Levite that [is] within thy gates; and thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God in all the work of thy hands.

jub@Deuteronomy:12:29 @ When the LORD thy God shall have cut off the Gentiles from before thee, in the place where thou goest to inherit [of] them, and thou dost inherit [of] them and dost dwell in their land,

jub@Deuteronomy:12:30 @ keep thyself from being snared by following them, after they are destroyed from before thee; enquire not after their gods, saying, After the manner that these Gentiles served their gods, even so will I do likewise.

jub@Deuteronomy:14:23 @ And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose for his name to dwell, the tithe of thy grain, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstborn of thy cows and of thy sheep, that thou may learn to fear the LORD thy God always.

jub@Deuteronomy:14:26 @ and thou shalt give that money for whatever thy soul desires, for cows or for sheep or for wine or for strong drink or for whatever thy soul desires; and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou and thine household.

jub@Deuteronomy:15:20 @ Thou shalt eat [it] before the LORD thy God each year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household.

jub@Deuteronomy:16:11 @ And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, thou and thy son and thy daughter and thy manservant and thy maidservant and the Levite that [is] within thy gates and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow, that [are] among you, in the place which the LORD thy God has chosen to place his name there.

jub@Deuteronomy:16:16 @ Three times each year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose: in the solemn feast of unleavened bread and in the solemn feast of weeks and in the solemn feast of the tabernacles. And they shall not appear before the LORD empty,

jub@Deuteronomy:17:12 @ And the man that will act presumptuously and will not hearken unto the priest that stands to minister there before the LORD thy God, or unto the judge, even that man shall die; and thou shalt put away the evil from Israel.

jub@Deuteronomy:18:7 @ then he shall minister unto the name of the LORD his God, as all his brethren the Levites [do] who stand there before the LORD.

jub@Deuteronomy:18:12 @ For anyone that does these things [is] an abomination unto the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD thy God drove them out from before thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:19:17 @ then both the men, between whom the controversy [is], shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, who shall be in those days;

jub@Deuteronomy:20:9 @ And it shall be when the officers have finished speaking unto the people that the captains of the armies shall lead before the people.

jub@Deuteronomy:22:6 @ If a bird's nest is encountered before thee in the way in any tree or on the ground, [with] young ones or eggs, and the mother sitting upon the young or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the mother with the young.

jub@Deuteronomy:22:17 @ and, behold, he has given occasions of speech [against her], saying, I found not thy daughter a virgin; and yet these [are the tokens of] my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city.

jub@Deuteronomy:23:14 @ for the LORD thy God walks in the midst of thy camp to deliver thee and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore, shall thy camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in thee and turn away from thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:24:4 @ her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after she is defiled, for that [is] abomination before the LORD; and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God gives thee [for] an inheritance.

jub@Deuteronomy:24:13 @ Without fail thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun goes down that he may sleep in his own clothing and bless thee, and it shall be righteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God.

jub@Deuteronomy:25:3 @ Forty stripes he may give him [and] not exceed lest [if] he should exceed and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother should be despised before thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:26:4 @ And the priest shall take the basket out of thine hand and set it down before the altar of the LORD thy God.

jub@Deuteronomy:26:5 @ Then thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, My father, the Syrian, perishing [of hunger] went down into Egypt and sojourned there with a few and became there a nation, great, mighty, and many;

jub@Deuteronomy:26:10 @ And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land which thou, O LORD, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God and worship before the LORD thy God.

jub@Deuteronomy:26:13 @ then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God, I have brought the consecrated things out of [my] house and also have given them unto the Levite and unto the stranger to the fatherless and to the widow, according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me; I have not transgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten [them].

jub@Deuteronomy:27:7 @ and thou shalt offer peace offerings and shalt eat there and rejoice before the LORD thy God.

jub@Deuteronomy:28:7 @ The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face; they shall come out against thee one way and flee before thee seven ways.

jub@Deuteronomy:28:25 @ The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies; thou shalt go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them and shalt be an object of trembling unto all the kingdoms of the earth.

jub@Deuteronomy:28:31 @ Thine ox [shall be] slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof; thine ass [shall be] violently taken away from before thy face and shall not be restored to thee; thy sheep [shall be] given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have no one to rescue [them].

jub@Deuteronomy:28:66 @ and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night and shalt have no assurance of thy life.

jub@Deuteronomy:29:2 @ Moses, therefore, called unto all Israel and said unto them, Ye have seen all that the LORD did before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto Pharaoh and unto all his servants and unto all his land,

jub@Deuteronomy:29:10 @ Ye stand today, all of you, before the LORD your God, your princes of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, [with] all the men of Israel,

jub@Deuteronomy:29:15 @ but with those that stand here with us today before the LORD our God and also with those that are not here with us today.

jub@Deuteronomy:30:1 @ And it shall come to pass when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse which I have set before thee, and thou shalt return unto thy heart [among] all the Gentiles, where the LORD thy God shall have driven thee,

jub@Deuteronomy:30:15 @ See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;

jub@Deuteronomy:30:19 @ I call the heavens and the earth to witness today against you [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, choose life that both thou and thy seed may live,

jub@Deuteronomy:31:3 @ The LORD thy God, he will pass in front of thee, [and] he will destroy these Gentiles from before thee, and thou shalt inherit them; Joshua shall be the one who shall pass before thee, as the LORD has said.

jub@Deuteronomy:31:5 @ And the LORD shall give them up before your face that ye may do unto them according unto all the commandments which I have commanded you.

jub@Deuteronomy:31:8 @ And the LORD is he that doth go before thee; he will be with thee; he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee; fear not, neither be dismayed.

jub@Deuteronomy:31:11 @ when all Israel is come to appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing.

jub@Deuteronomy:31:21 @ And it shall come to pass when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall reply to them in their face as a witness, for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed; for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I swore.

jub@Deuteronomy:32:52 @ Yet thou shalt see the land before [thee], but thou shalt not enter there to the land which I give the sons of Israel.:

jub@Deuteronomy:33:1 @ And this [is] the blessing, with which Moses the man of God blessed the sons of Israel before his death.

jub@Deuteronomy:33:10 @ They shall teach Jacob thy judgments and Israel thy law; they shall put incense before thy nostrils and a perfect [sacrifice] upon thine altar.

jub@Deuteronomy:33:27 @ The habitation of God is eternal, and underneath the everlasting arms; he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee and shall say, Destroy [them].

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