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dourh@Genesis:1:29 @ And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own kind, to be your meat:

dourh@Genesis:2:9 @ And the Lord God brought forth of the ground all manner of trees, fair to behold, and pleasant to eat of: the tree of life also in the midst of paradise: and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

dourh@Genesis:2:11 @ The name of the one is Phison: that is it which compasseth all the land of Hevilath, where gold groweth.

dourh@Genesis:2:12 @ And the gold of that land is very good: there is found bdellium, and the onyx stone.

dourh@Genesis:3:6 @ And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold: and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband who did eat.

dourh@Genesis:3:11 @ And he said to him: And who hath told thee that thou wast naked, but that thou hast eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat?

dourh@Genesis:3:22 @ And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.

dourh@Genesis:4:14 @ Behold thou dost cast me out this day from the face of the earth, and I shall be hidden from thy face, and I shall be a vagabond and a fugitive on the earth: everyone, therefore, that findeth me, shall kill me.

dourh@Genesis:4:15 @ And the Lord said to him: No, it shall not be so: but whosoever shall kill Cain, shall be punished sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, that whosoever found him should not kill him.

dourh@Genesis:4:24 @ Sevenfold vengeance shall be taken for Cain: but for Lamech seventy times sevenfold.

dourh@Genesis:5:31 @ And all the days of Lamech came to seven hundred and seventy-seven years, and he died. And Noe, when he was five hundred years old, begot Sem, Cham, and Japheth.

dourh@Genesis:6:4 @ Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown.

dourh@Genesis:6:17 @ Behold I will bring the waters of a great flood upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, under heaven. All things that are in the earth shall be consumed.

dourh@Genesis:7:6 @ And he was six hundred years old, when the waters of the flood overflowed the earth.

dourh@Genesis:8:22 @ All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, shall not cease.

dourh@Genesis:9:9 @ Behold I will establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you:

dourh@Genesis:9:22 @ Which when Cham the father of Chaanan had seen, to wit, that his father's nakedness was uncovered, he told it to his two brethren without.

dourh@Genesis:11:6 @ And he said: Behold, it is one people, and all have one tongue: and they have begun to do this, neither will they leave off from their designs, till they accomplish them in deed.

dourh@Genesis:11:10 @ These are the generations of Sem: Sem was a hundred years old when he begot Arphaxad, two years old when he begot Arphaxad, two years after the flood.

dourh@Genesis:12:4 @ So Abram went out as the Lord had commanded him, and Lot went with him: Abram was seventy-five years old when he went forth from Haran.

dourh@Genesis:12:15 @ And the princes told Pharao, and praised her before him: and the woman was taken into the house of Pharao.

dourh@Genesis:13:2 @ And he was very rich in possession of gold and silver.

dourh@Genesis:13:9 @ Behold the whole land is before thee: depart from me I pray thee: if thou wilt go to the left hand, I will take the right: if thou choose the right hand, I will pass to the left.

dourh@Genesis:14:13 @ And behold one that had escaped told Abram the Hebrew, who dwelt in the vale of Mambre the Amorrhite, the brother of Escol, and the brother of Aner: for these had made league with Abram.

dourh@Genesis:15:9 @ And the Lord answered, and said: Take me a cow of three years old, and a she goat of three years, and a ram of three years, a turtle also, and a pigeon.

dourh@Genesis:15:15 @ And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace, and be buried in a good old age.

dourh@Genesis:16:2 @ She said to her husband: Behold, the Lord hath restrained me from bearing: go in unto my handmaid, it may be I may have children of her at least. And when he agreed to her request,

dourh@Genesis:16:6 @ And Abram made answer, and said to her: Behold thy handmaid is in thy own hand, use her its it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai afflicted her, she ran away.

dourh@Genesis:16:11 @ And again: Behold, said he, thou art with child, and thou shalt bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Ismael, because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

dourh@Genesis:16:16 @ Abram was fourscore and six years old when Agar brought him forth Ismael.

dourh@Genesis:17:1 @ And after he began to be ninety and nine years old, the Lord appeared to him: and said unto him: I am the Almighty God: walk before me, and be perfect.

dourh@Genesis:17:12 @ An infant of eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations: he that is born in the house, as well as the bought servant shall be circumcised, and whosoever is not of your stock:

dourh@Genesis:17:17 @ Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, saying in his heart: Shall a son, thinkest thou, be born to him that is a hundred years old? and shall Sara that is ninety years old bring forth?

dourh@Genesis:17:20 @ And as for Ismael I have also heard thee. Behold, I will bless him, and increase, and multiply him exceedingly: he shall beget twelve chiefs, and I will make him a great nation.

dourh@Genesis:17:24 @ Abraham was ninety and nine years old, when he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin.

dourh@Genesis:17:25 @ And Ismael his son was full thirteen years old at the time of his circumcision.

dourh@Genesis:18:12 @ Now they were both old, and far advanced in years, and it had ceased to be with Sara after the manner of women.

dourh@Genesis:18:13 @ And she laughed secretly, saying: After I am grown old

dourh@Genesis:18:14 @ And the Lord said to Abraham: Why did Sera laugh, saying: Shall I who am an old woman bear a child indeed?

dourh@Genesis:18:20 @ For I know that he will command his children, and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord, and do judgment and justice: that for Abraham's sake the Lord may bring to effect all the things he hath spoken unto him.

dourh@Genesis:19:4 @ But before they went to bed, the men of the city beset the house both young and old, all the people together.

dourh@Genesis:19:10 @ And behold the men put out their hand, and drew in Lot unto them, and shut the door:

dourh@Genesis:19:21 @ And he said to him: Behold also in this, I have heard thy prayers, not to destroy the city for which thou hast spoken.

dourh@Genesis:19:31 @ And the elder said to the younger Our father is old, and there is no man left on the earth, to come in unto us after the manner of the whole earth.

dourh@Genesis:19:34 @ And the next day the elder said to the younger: Behold I lay last night with my father, let us make him drink wine also to night, and thou shalt lie with him, that we may save seed of our father.

dourh@Genesis:21:2 @ And she conceived and bore a son in her old age, at the time that God had foretold her.

dourh@Genesis:21:5 @ When he was a hundred years old: for at this age of his father was Isaac born.

dourh@Genesis:21:7 @ And again she said: Who would believe that Abraham should hear that Sara gave suck to a son, whom she bore to him in his old age.

dourh@Genesis:21:18 @ Arise, take up the boy, and hold him by the hand: for I will make him a great nation.

dourh@Genesis:22:7 @ Isaac said to his father: My father. And he answered: What wilt thou, son? Behold, saith he, fire and wood: where is the victim for the holocaust?

dourh@Genesis:22:11 @ And behold an angel of the Lord from heaven called to him, saying: Abraham, Abraham. And he answered: Here I am.

dourh@Genesis:22:20 @ After these things, it was told Abraham that Melcha also had borne children to Nachor his brother.

dourh@Genesis:24:1 @ Now Abraham was old; and advanced in age: and the Lord had blessed him in all things.

dourh@Genesis:24:13 @ Behold I stand nigh the spring of water, and the daughters of the inhabitants of this city will come out to draw water.

dourh@Genesis:24:15 @ he had not yet ended these words within himself, and behold Rebecca came out, the daughter of Bathuel, son of Melcha, wife to Nachor the brother of Abraham, having a pitcher on her shoulder:

dourh@Genesis:24:22 @ And after that the camels had drunk, the man took out golden earrings, weighing two sicles: and as many bracelets of ten sicles weight.

dourh@Genesis:24:28 @ Then the maid ran, and told in her mother's house, all that she had heard.

dourh@Genesis:24:35 @ And the Lord hath blessed my master wonderfully, and he is become great: and he hath given him sheep and oxen, silver and gold, menservants and womenservants, camels and asses.

dourh@Genesis:24:36 @ And Sara my master's wife hath borne my master a son in her old age, and he hath given him all that he had.

dourh@Genesis:24:43 @ Behold I stand by the well of water, and the virgin, that shall come out to draw water, who shall hear me say: Give me a little water to drink of thy pitcher:

dourh@Genesis:24:51 @ Behold Rebecca is before thee, take her and go thy way, and let her be the wife of thy master's son, as the Lord hath spoken.

dourh@Genesis:24:53 @ And bringing forth vessels of silver and gold, and garments, he gave them to Rebecca for a present. He offered gifts also to her brothers, and to her mother.

dourh@Genesis:24:66 @ And the servant told Isaac all that he had done.

dourh@Genesis:25:8 @ And decaying he died in a good old age, and having lived a long time, and being full of days: and was gathered to his people.

dourh@Genesis:25:20 @ Who when he was forty years old, took to wife Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel the Syrian of Mesopotamia, sister to Laban.

dourh@Genesis:25:24 @ And when her time was come to be delivered, behold twins were found in her womb.

dourh@Genesis:25:26 @ Isaac was threescore years old when the children were born unto him.

dourh@Genesis:25:33 @ Jacob said: Swear therefore to me. Esau swore to him, and sold his first birthright.

dourh@Genesis:25:34 @ And so taking bread and the pottage of lentils, he ate, and drank, and went his way; making little account of having sold his first birthright.

dourh@Genesis:26:12 @ And Isaac sowed in that land, and he found that same year a hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him.

dourh@Genesis:26:18 @ And he digged again other wells, which the servants of his father Abraham had digged, and which, after his death, the Palestines had of old stopped up: and he called them by the same names by which his father before had called them.

dourh@Genesis:26:26 @ To which place when Abimelech, and Ochozath his friend, and Phicol chief captain of his soldiers came from Gerara,

dourh@Genesis:26:32 @ And behold the same day the servants of Isaac came, telling him of a well which they had digged, and saying: We have found water.

dourh@Genesis:26:34 @ And Esau being forty years old, married wives, Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hethite, and Basemath the daughter of Elon of the same place.

dourh@Genesis:27:1 @ Now Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, and he could not see: and he called Esau, his elder son, and said to him: My son? And he answered: Here I am.

dourh@Genesis:27:2 @ And his father said to him: Thou seest that I am old, and know not the day of my death.

dourh@Genesis:27:27 @ He came near, and kissed him. And immediately as he smelled the fragrant smell of his garments, blessing him, he said: Behold the smell of my son is as the smell of a plentiful field, which Lord hath blessed.

dourh@Genesis:27:42 @ These things were told to Rebecca: and she sent and called Jacob her son, and said to him: Behold Esau thy brother threateneth to kill thee.

dourh@Genesis:29:6 @ He said: Is he in health? He is in health, say they: and behold Rachel his daughter cometh with his flock.

dourh@Genesis:29:7 @ And Jacob said: There is yet much day remaining, neither is it time to bring the flocks into the folds again: first give the sheep drink, and so lead them back to feed.

dourh@Genesis:29:9 @ They were yet speaking, and behold Rachel came with her father's sheep: for she fed the flock.

dourh@Genesis:29:12 @ And he told her that he was her father's brother, and the son of Rebecca: but she went in haste and told her father.

dourh@Genesis:31:15 @ Hath he not counted us as strangers and sold us, and eaten up the price of us?

dourh@Genesis:31:22 @ It was told Laban on the third day that Jacob fled.

dourh@Genesis:31:37 @ And searched all my household stuff? What hast thou found of all the substance of thy house? lay it here before my brethren, and thy brethren, and let them judge between me and thee.

dourh@Genesis:31:49 @ The Lord behold and judge between us when we shall be gone one from the other.

dourh@Genesis:31:50 @ If thou afflict my daughters, and if thou bring in other wives over them: none is witness of our speech but God, who is present and beholdeth.

dourh@Genesis:31:51 @ And he said again to Jacob: Behold, this heap, and the stone which I have set up between me and thee,

dourh@Genesis:32:6 @ And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying: We came to Esau thy brother, and behold he cometh with speed to meet thee with four hundred men.

dourh@Genesis:32:24 @ He remained alone: and behold a man wrestled with him till morning.

dourh@Genesis:34:7 @ Behold his sons came from the field: and hearing what had passed, they were exceeding angry, because he had done a foul thing in Israel, and committed an unlawful act, in ravishing Jacob's daughter,

dourh@Genesis:34:25 @ And behold the third day, when the pain of the wound was greatest, two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, the brothers of Dina, taking their swords, entered boldly into the city, and slew all the men:

dourh@Genesis:34:30 @ And when they had boldly perpetrated these things, Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: You have troubled me, and made me hateful to the Chanaanites and Pherezites, the inhabitants of this land: we are few: they will gather themselves together and kill me; and both I, and my house, shall be destroyed.

dourh@Genesis:35:2 @ And Jacob having called together all his household, said: Cast away the strange gods that are among you, and be cleansed and change your garments.

dourh@Genesis:35:29 @ And being spent with age he died, and was gathered to his people, being old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

dourh@Genesis:37:2 @ And these are his generations: Joseph, when he was sixteen years old, was feeding the dock with his brethren, being but a boy: and he was with the sons of and of Zelpha his father's wives: and he accused his brethren to his father of a most wicked crime.

dourh@Genesis:37:3 @ Now Israel loved Joseph above all his sons, because he had him in his old age: and he made him a coat of divers colours.

dourh@Genesis:37:5 @ Now it fell out also that he told his brethren a dream, that he had dreamed: which occasioned them to hate him the more.

dourh@Genesis:37:9 @ He dreamed also another dream, which he told his brethren, saying: I saw in a dream, as it were the sun, and the moon, and eleven stars worshipping me.

dourh@Genesis:37:10 @ And when he had told this to his father and brethren, his father rebuked him, and said: What meaneth this dream that thou hast dreamed? shall I and thy mother, and thy brethren worship thee upon the earth?

dourh@Genesis:37:19 @ And said one to another: Behold the dreamer cometh.

dourh@Genesis:37:20 @ Come, let us kill him, and cast him into some old pit: and we will say: Some evil beast hath devoured him: and then it shall appear what his dreams avail him:

dourh@Genesis:37:24 @ And cast him into an old pit, where there was no water.

dourh@Genesis:37:27 @ It is better that he be sold to the Ismaelites, and that our hands be not defiled: for he is our brother and our flesh. His brethren agreed to his words.

dourh@Genesis:37:28 @ And when the Madianite merchants passed by, they drew him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ismaelites, for twenty pieces of silver: and they led him into Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:37:36 @ The Madianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Putiphar, an eunuch of Pharao, captain of the soldiers.

dourh@Genesis:38:13 @ And it was told Thamar that her father in law was come up to Thamnas to shear his sheep.

dourh@Genesis:38:19 @ Juda said: What wilt thou have for a pledge? She answered: Thy ring and bracelet, and the staff which thou holdest in thy hand. The woman therefore at one copulation conceived.

dourh@Genesis:38:25 @ And behold after three months they told a lie, saying: Thamar, thy daughter in law hath played the harlot, and she appeareth to have a big belly. And Juda said: Bring her out that she may be burnt.

dourh@Genesis:39:8 @ Neither knew he any other thing, but the bread which he ate. And Joseph was of a beautiful countenance, and comely to behold.

dourh@Genesis:39:10 @ But he, in no wise consenting to that wicked act, said to her: Behold, my master hath delivered all things to me, and knoweth not what he hath in his own house:

dourh@Genesis:40:3 @ He sent them to the prison of the commander of the soldiers, in which Joseph also was prisoner,

dourh@Genesis:40:8 @ They answered: We have dreamed a dream, and there is nobody to interpret it to us. And Joseph said to them: Both not interpretation belong to God? Tell me what you have dreamed. g The chief butler first told his dream: I saw before me a vine,

dourh@Genesis:41:10 @ And when morning was come, being struck with fear, he sent to all the interpreters of Egypt, and to all the wise men: and they being called for, he told them his dream, and there was not any one that could interpret it.

dourh@Genesis:41:12 @ The king being angry with his servants, commanded me and the chief baker to be cast into the prison of the captain of the soldiers:

dourh@Genesis:41:14 @ There was there a young man a Hebrew, servant to the same captain of the soldiers: to whom we told our dreams,

dourh@Genesis:41:19 @ So Pharao told what he had dreamed: Methought I stood upon the bank of the river,

dourh@Genesis:41:21 @ And behold, there followed these, other seven kine, so very ill favoured and lean, that I never saw the like in the land of Egypt:

dourh@Genesis:41:26 @ And they devoured the beauty of the former: I told this dream to the conjecturers, and there is no man that can expound it.

dourh@Genesis:41:31 @ Behold, there shall come seven years of great plenty in the whole land of Egypt:

dourh@Genesis:41:43 @ And again Pharao said to Joseph: Behold, I have appointed thee over the whole land of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:41:44 @ And he took his ring from his own hand, and gave it into his hand: and he put upon him a robe of silk, and put a chain of gold about his neck.

dourh@Genesis:41:48 @ (Now he was thirty years old when he stood before king Pharao) and he went round all the countries of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:41:56 @ The seven years of scarcity, which Joseph had foretold, began to come: and the famine prevailed in the whole world, but there was bread in all the land of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:41:58 @ And the famine increased daily in all the land: and Joseph opened all the barns, and sold to the Egyptians: for the famine had oppressed them also.

dourh@Genesis:42:1 @ And Jacob hearing that food was sold in Egypt, said to his sons: Why are ye careless?

dourh@Genesis:42:2 @ I have heard that wheat is sold in Egypt: go ye down, and buy us necessaries, that we may live, and not be consumed with want.

dourh@Genesis:42:6 @ And Joseph was governor in the land of Egypt, and corn was sold by his direction to the people. And when his brethren had bowed down to him,

dourh@Genesis:42:22 @ And Ruben one of them, said: Did not I say to you: Do not sin against the boy: and you would not hear me? Behold his blood is required.

dourh@Genesis:42:28 @ And said to his brethren: My money is given me again, hehold it is in the sack. And thye were astonished, and troubled, and said to one another: What is this that God hath done unto us?

dourh@Genesis:42:29 @ And they came to Jacob their father in the land of Chanaan, and they told him all things that had befallen them, saying:

dourh@Genesis:42:35 @ When they had told this, they poured out their corn and every man found his money tied in the mouth of his sack: and all being astonished together,

dourh@Genesis:43:6 @ Israel said to them: You have done this for my misery in that you told him you had also another brother.

dourh@Genesis:43:26 @ Then Joseph came into his house, and they offered him the presents holding them in their hands, and they bowed down with their face to the ground.

dourh@Genesis:43:27 @ But he, courteously saluting them again, asked them, saying: Is the old man your father in health, of whom uou told me? Is he yet living?

dourh@Genesis:43:29 @ And Joseph lifting up his eyes, saw Benjamin his brother, by the same mother, and said: Is this your young brother, of whom you told me? And he said: God be gracious to thee, my son.

dourh@Genesis:44:1 @ And Joseph commanded the steward of his house, saying: Fill their sacks with corn, as much as they can hold: and put the money of every one in the top of his sack.

dourh@Genesis:44:8 @ The money, that we found in the top of our sacks, we brought back to thee from the land of Chanaan: how then should it be that we should steal out of thy lord's house, gold or silver?\

dourh@Genesis:44:16 @ And Juda said to him: What shall we answer my lord? or what shall we say, or be able justly to allege? God hath found out the iniquity of thy servants: behold, we are all bondmen to my lord, both we, and he with whom the cup was found.

dourh@Genesis:44:18 @ Then Juda coming hearer, said boldly: I beseech thee, my lord, let thy servant speak a word in thy ears,and be not angry with thy servant: for after Pharao thou art,

dourh@Genesis:44:20 @ And we answered thee, my lord: We have a father an old man, and a young boy, that was born in his old age; whose brother by the mother is dead: and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him tenderly.

dourh@Genesis:44:24 @ Therefore when we were gone up to thy servant our father, we told him all that my lord had said.

dourh@Genesis:45:4 @ And he said mildly to them: Come nearer to me. And when they were come near him, he said: I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:45:5 @ Be not afraid, and let it not seem to you a hard case that you sold me into these countries: for God sent me before you into Egypt for your preservation.

dourh@Genesis:45:8 @ Not by your counsel was I sent hither, but by the will of God: who hath made me as it were a father to Pharao, and lord of his whold house, and governor in all the land of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:45:12 @ Behold, your eyes, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin see that it is my mouth that speaketh to you.

dourh@Genesis:45:15 @ And Joseph kissed all his brethren, and wept upon every one of them: after which they were emboldened to,peak to him.

dourh@Genesis:45:20 @ And leave nothing of your house- hold stuff: for all the riches of Egypt shall be yours.

dourh@Genesis:45:26 @ And they told him, saying: Joseph thy son is living: and he is ruler in all the land of Egypt. Which when Jacob heard, he awaked as it were out of a deep sleep, yet did not believe them.

dourh@Genesis:45:27 @ They, on the other side, told the whole order of the thing. And when he saw the wagons and all that he had sent his spirit revived,

dourh@Genesis:46:5 @ And Jacob rose up from the well of the oath: and his sons took him up, with their children and wives in the wagons, which Pharao had sent to carry the old man,

dourh@Genesis:47:1 @ Then Joseph went in and told Pharao, saying: My father and brethren, their sheep and their herds, and all that they possess, are come out of the land of Chanaan: and behold they stay in the land of Gessen.

dourh@Genesis:47:23 @ Then Joseph said to the people: Be- hold as you see, both you and your lands belong to Pharao: take seed and sow the fields,

dourh@Genesis:48:1 @ After these things, it was told Joseph that his father was sick: and he set out to go to him, taking his two sons Manasses and Ephraim.

dourh@Genesis:48:2 @ And it was told the old man: Behold I thy son Joseph cometh to thee. And being strengthened he sat on his bed.

dourh@Genesis:48:21 @ And he said to Joseph his son: Be- hold I die, and God will be with you, and will bring you back into the land of your fathers.

dourh@Genesis:49:24 @ Joseph is a growing son, a growing son and comely to behold; the daughters run to and fro upon the wall.

dourh@Genesis:50:5 @ For my father made me swear to him, saying: Behold I die: thou shalt bury me in my sepulchre which I have digged for myself in the land of Chanaan. So I will go up and bury my father, and return.

dourh@Genesis:50:23 @ After which he told his brethren: God will visit you after my death, and will make you go up out of this land, to the land which he swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

dourh@Genesis:50:25 @ And he died being a hundred and ten years old. And being embalmed he was laid in a coffin in Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:1:1 @ These are the names of the children of Israel, that went into Egypt with Jacob: they went in, every man with his household:

dourh@Exodus:1:9 @ And he said to his people: Behold the people of the children of Israel are numerous and stronger than we.

dourh@Exodus:2:5 @ And behold the daughter of Pharao came down to wash herself in the river: and her maids walked by the river's brink. And when she saw the basket in the sedges, she sent one of her maids for it: and when it was brought,

dourh@Exodus:3:22 @ But every woman shall ask of her neighbour, and of her that is in her house, vessels of silver and of gold, and raiment: and you shall put them on your sons and daughters, and shall spoil Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:4:2 @ Then he said to him: What is that thou holdest in thy hand? He answered: A rod.

dourh@Exodus:4:4 @ And the Lord said: Put out thy hand and take it by the tail. He put forth his hand, and took hold of it, and it was turned into a rod.

dourh@Exodus:4:14 @ The Lord being angry at Moses, said Aaron the Levite is thy brother, I know that he is eloquent: behold he cometh forth to meet thee, and seeing thee shall be glad at heart.

dourh@Exodus:4:23 @ I have said to thee: Let my son go, that he may serve me, and thou wouldst not let him go: behold I will kill thy son, thy firstborn.

dourh@Exodus:4:28 @ And Moses told Aaron all the words of the Lord, by which he had sent him, and the signs that he had commanded.

dourh@Exodus:5:16 @ Straw is not given us, and bricks are required of us as before: behold we thy servants are beaten with whips, and thy people is unjustly dealt withal.

dourh@Exodus:6:9 @ And Moses told all this to the children of Israel: but they did not hearken to him, for anguish of spirit, and most painful work.

dourh@Exodus:6:12 @ Moses answered before the Lord Behold the children of Israel do no hearken to me; and how will Pharao hear me, especially as I am of uncircumcised lips?

dourh@Exodus:7:1 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Behold I have appointed thee the God of Pharao: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.

dourh@Exodus:7:7 @ And Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to Pharao.

dourh@Exodus:7:15 @ Go to him in the morning, behold he will go out to the waters: and thou shalt stand to meet him on the bank of the river: and thou shalt take in thy hand the rod that was turned into a serpent.

dourh@Exodus:7:17 @ Thus therefore saith the Lord: In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord: behold I will strike with the rods that is in my hand, the water of the river, and it shall be turned into blood.

dourh@Exodus:8:2 @ But if thou wilt not let them go behold I will strike all thy coasts with frogs.

dourh@Exodus:8:17 @ And they did so. And Aaron stretched forth his hand, holding the rod: and he struck the dust of the earth, and there came sciniphs on men and on beasts: all the dust of the earth was turned into sciniphs through all the land of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:8:21 @ But if thou wilt not let them go, behold I will send in upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy houses all kind of flies: and the houses of the Egyptians shall be filled with flies of divers kinds, and the whole land wherein they shall be.

dourh@Exodus:9:2 @ But if thou refuse, and withhold them still:

dourh@Exodus:9:3 @ Behold my hand shall be upon thy fields: and a very grievous murrain upon thy horses, and asses, and camels, and oxen, and sheep.

dourh@Exodus:9:17 @ Dost thou yet hold back my people: and wilt thou not let them go?

dourh@Exodus:9:18 @ Behold I will cause it to rain to morrow at this same hour, an exceeding great hail: such as hath not been in Egypt from the day that it was founded, until this present time.

dourh@Exodus:10:4 @ But if thou resist, and wilt not let them go, behold I will bring in to morrow the locust into thy coasts:

dourh@Exodus:10:9 @ Moses said: We will go with our young and old, with our sons and daughters, with our sheep and herds: for it is the solemnity of the Lord our God.

dourh@Exodus:11:2 @ Therefore thou shalt tell all the people that every man ask of his friend, and every woman of her neighbour, vessels of silver, and of gold.

dourh@Exodus:12:11 @ And thus you shall eat it: you shall gird your reins, and you shall have shoes on your feet, holding staves in your hands, and you shall eat in haste: for it is the Phase (that is the Passage) of the Lord.

dourh@Exodus:12:35 @ And the children of Israel did as Moses had commanded: and they asked of the Egyptians vessels of silver and gold, and very much raiment.

dourh@Exodus:14:5 @ And it was told the king of the Egyptians that the people was fled: and the heart of Pharao and of his servants was changed with regard to the people, and they said: What meant we to do, that we let Israel go from serving us?

dourh@Exodus:14:14 @ The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.

dourh@Exodus:14:24 @ And now the morning watch was come, and behold the Lord looking upon the Egyptian army through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, slew their host.

dourh@Exodus:15:14 @ Nations rose up, and were angry: sorrows took hold on the inhabitants of Philisthiim.

dourh@Exodus:16:4 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you: let the people go forth, and gather what is sufficient for every day: that I may prove them whether they will walk in my law, or not.

dourh@Exodus:16:10 @ And when Aaron spoke to all the assembly of the children of Israel, they looked towards the wilderness: and behold the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud.

dourh@Exodus:16:22 @ But on the sixth day they gathered twice as much, that is, two gomors every man: and all the rulers of the multitude came, and told Moses.

dourh@Exodus:16:33 @ And Moses said to Aaron: Take a vessel, and put manna into it, as much as a gomor can hold: and lay it up before the Lord to keep unto your generations,

dourh@Exodus:17:6 @ Behold I will stand there before thee, upon the rock Horeb: and thou shalt strike the rock, and water shall come out of it that the people may drink. Moses did so before the ancients of Israel:

dourh@Exodus:18:8 @ Moses told his kinsman all that the Lord had done to Pharao, and the Egyptians, in favour of Israel: and all the labour which had befallen them in the journey, and that the Lord had delivered them.

dourh@Exodus:19:9 @ The Lord said to him: Lo, now will I come to thee in the darkness of a cloud, that the people may hear me speaking to thee, and may believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people to the Lord.

dourh@Exodus:19:16 @ And now the third day was come, and the morning appeared: and behold thunders began to be heard, and lightning to flash, and a very thick cloud to cover the mount, and the noise of the trumpet sounded exceeding loud, and the people that was in the camp, feared.

dourh@Exodus:19:25 @ And Moses went down to the people and told them all.

dourh@Exodus:20:7 @ Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain.

dourh@Exodus:20:23 @ You shall not make gods of silver, nor shall you make to yourselves gods of gold.

dourh@Exodus:22:3 @ But if he did this when the sun is risen, he hath committed murder, and he shall die. If he have not wherewith to make restitution for the theft, he shall be sold.

dourh@Exodus:23:20 @ Behold I will send my angel, who shall go before thee, and keep thee in thy journey, and bring thee into the place that I have prepared.

dourh@Exodus:24:3 @ So Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord, and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice: We will do all the words of the Lord, which he hath spoken.

dourh@Exodus:25:3 @ And these are the things you must take: gold, and silver, and brass,

dourh@Exodus:25:11 @ And thou shalt overlay it with the purest gold within and without: and over it thou shalt make a golden crown round about:

dourh@Exodus:25:12 @ And four golden rings, which thou shall put at the four corners of the ark: let two rings be on the one side, and two on the other.

dourh@Exodus:25:13 @ Thou shalt make bars also of setim wood, and shalt overlay them with gold.

dourh@Exodus:25:17 @ Thou shalt make also a propitiatory of the purest gold: the length thereof shall be two cubits and a half, and the breadth a cubit and a half.

dourh@Exodus:25:18 @ Thou shalt make also two cherubims of beaten gold, on the two sides of the oracle.

dourh@Exodus:25:24 @ And thou shalt overlay it with the purest gold: and thou shalt make to it a golden ledge round about.

dourh@Exodus:25:25 @ And to the ledge itself a polished crown, four inches high: and over the same another little golden crown.

dourh@Exodus:25:26 @ Thou shalt prepare also four golden rings, and shalt put them in the four corners of the same table over each foot.

dourh@Exodus:25:27 @ Under the crown shall the golden rings be, that the bars may be put through them, and the table may be carried.

dourh@Exodus:25:28 @ The bars also themselves thou shalt make of setim wood, and shalt overlay them with gold to bear up the table.

dourh@Exodus:25:29 @ Thou shalt prepare also dishes, and bowls, censers, and cups, wherein the libations are to be offered of the purest gold.

dourh@Exodus:25:31 @ Thou shalt make also a candlestick of beaten work of the finest gold, the shaft thereof, and the branches, the cups, and the bowls, and the lilies going forth from it.

dourh@Exodus:25:36 @ And both the bowls and the branches shall be of the same beaten work of the purest gold.

dourh@Exodus:25:38 @ The snuffers also and where the snuffings shall be put out, shall be made of the purest gold.

dourh@Exodus:25:39 @ The whole weight of the candlestick with all the furniture thereof shall be a talent of the purest gold.

dourh@Exodus:26:6 @ Thou shalt make also fifty rings of gold wherewith the veils of the curtains are to be joined, that it may be made one tabernacle.

dourh@Exodus:26:24 @ And they shall be joined together from beneath unto the top, and one joint shall hold them all. The like joining shall be observed for the two boards also that are to be put in the corners.

dourh@Exodus:26:26 @ Thou shalt make also five bars of setim wood, to hold together the boards on one side of the tabernacle.

dourh@Exodus:26:29 @ The boards also themselves thou shalt overlay with gold, and shall cast rings of gold to be set upon them, for places for the bars to hold together boardwork: which bars thou shalt cover with plates of gold.

dourh@Exodus:26:32 @ And thou shalt hang it up before four pillars of setim wood, which themselves also shall be overlaid with gold, and shall have heads of gold, but sockets of silver.

dourh@Exodus:26:37 @ And thou shalt overlay with gold five pillars of setim wood, before which the hanging shall be drawn: their heads shall be of gold, and the sockets of brass.

dourh@Exodus:28:5 @ And they shall take gold, and violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine linen.

dourh@Exodus:28:6 @ And they shall make the ephod of gold, and violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen, embroidered with divers colours.

dourh@Exodus:28:8 @ The very workmanship also and all the variety of the work shall be of gold, and violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen.

dourh@Exodus:28:11 @ With the work of an engraver and the graving of a jeweller, thou shalt engrave them with the names of the children of Israel, set in gold and compassed about:

dourh@Exodus:28:13 @ Thou shalt make also hooks of gold.

dourh@Exodus:28:14 @ And two little chains of the purest gold linked one to another, which thou shalt put into the hooks.

dourh@Exodus:28:15 @ And thou shalt make the rational of judgment with embroidered work of divers colours, according to the workmanship of the ephod, of gold, violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen.

dourh@Exodus:28:20 @ In the fourth a chrysolite, an onyx, and a beryl. They shall be set in gold by their rows.

dourh@Exodus:28:22 @ And thou shalt make on the rational chains linked one to another of the purest gold:

dourh@Exodus:28:23 @ And two rings of gold, which thou shalt put in the two ends at the top of the rational.

dourh@Exodus:28:24 @ And the golden chains thou shalt join to the rings, that are in the ends thereof:

dourh@Exodus:28:26 @ Thou shalt make also two rings of gold which thou shalt put in the top parts of the rational, in the borders that are over against the ephod, and look towards the back parts thereof.

dourh@Exodus:28:27 @ Moreover also other two rings of gold, which are to be set on each side of the ephod beneath, that looketh towards the nether joining, that the rational may be fitted with the ephod,

dourh@Exodus:28:34 @ So that there shall be a golden bell and a pomegranate, and again another golden bell and a pomegranate.

dourh@Exodus:28:36 @ Thou shalt make also a plate of the purest gold: wherein thou shalt grave with engraver's work, Holy to the Lord.

dourh@Exodus:29:38 @ This is what thou shalt sacrifice upon the altar: Two lambs of a year old every day continually.

dourh@Exodus:30:3 @ And thou shalt overlay it with the purest gold, as well as the grate thereof, as the walls round about and the horns. And thou shalt make to it a crown of gold round about,

dourh@Exodus:30:4 @ And two golden rings under the crown on either side, that the bars may be put into them, and the altar be carried.

dourh@Exodus:30:5 @ And thou shalt make the bars also of setim wood, and shalt overlay them with gold.

dourh@Exodus:31:2 @ Behold, I have called by name Beseleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Juda,

dourh@Exodus:31:4 @ To devise whatsoever may be artificially made of gold, and silver, and brass,

dourh@Exodus:32:2 @ And Aaron said to them: Take the golden earrings from the ears of your wives, and your sons and daughters, and bring them to me.

dourh@Exodus:32:20 @ And laying hold of the calf which they had made, he burnt it, and beat it to powder, which he strowed into water, and gave thereof to the children of Israel to drink.

dourh@Exodus:32:24 @ And I said to them: Which of you hath any gold? and they took and brought it to me: and I cast it into the fire, and this calf came out.

dourh@Exodus:32:31 @ And returning to the Lord, he said: I beseech thee: this people hath sinned a heinous sin, and they have made to themselves gods of gold: either forgive them this trespass,

dourh@Exodus:32:34 @ But go thou, and lead this people whither I have told thee: my angel shall go before thee. And I in the day of revenge will visit this sin also of theirs.

dourh@Exodus:33:21 @ And again he said: Behold there is a place with me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock.

dourh@Exodus:35:5 @ Set aside with you firstfuits to the Lord. Let every one that is willing and hath a ready heart, offer them to the Lord: gold, and silver, and brass,

dourh@Exodus:35:22 @ Both men and women gave bracelets and earrings, rings and tablets: every vessel of gold was set aside to be offered to the Lord.

dourh@Exodus:35:30 @ And Moses said to the children of Israel: Behold the Lord hath called by name Beseleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Juda.

dourh@Exodus:35:32 @ To devise and to work in gold and silver and brass,

dourh@Exodus:36:13 @ Whereupon also he cast fifty rings of gold, that might catch the loops of the curtains, and they might be made one tabernacle.

dourh@Exodus:36:31 @ He made also bars of setim wood, five to hold together the boards of one side of the tabernacle,

dourh@Exodus:36:34 @ And the board works themselves he overlaid with gold, casting for them sockets of silver. And their rings he made of gold, through which the bars might be drawn: and he covered the bars themselves with plates of gold.

dourh@Exodus:36:36 @ And four pillars of setim wood, which with their heads be overlaid with gold, casting for them sockets of silver.

dourh@Exodus:36:38 @ And five pillars with their heads, which he covered with gold, and their sockets he cast of brass.

dourh@Exodus:37:1 @ And Beseleel made also the ark of setim wood: it was two cubits and a half in length, and a cubit and a half in breadth, and the height was of one cubit and a half: and he overlaid it with the purest gold within and without.

dourh@Exodus:37:2 @ And he made to it a crown of gold round about,

dourh@Exodus:37:3 @ Casting four rings of gold at the four corners thereof: two rings in one side, and two in the other.

dourh@Exodus:37:4 @ And he made bars of setim wood, which he overlaid with gold,

dourh@Exodus:37:6 @ He made also the propitiatory, that is, the oracle, of the purest gold, two cubits and a half in length, and a cubit and a half in breadth.

dourh@Exodus:37:7 @ Two cherubims also of beaten gold, which he set on the two sides of the propitiatory:

dourh@Exodus:37:11 @ And he overlaid it with the finest gold, and he made to it a golden ledge round about.

dourh@Exodus:37:12 @ And to the ledge itself he made a polished crown of gold, of four fingers' breadth, and upon the same another golden crown.

dourh@Exodus:37:13 @ And he cast four rings of gold, which he put in the four corners at each foot of the table,

dourh@Exodus:37:15 @ And the bars also themselves he made of setim wood, and overlaid them with gold,

dourh@Exodus:37:16 @ And the vessels for the divers uses of the table, dishes, bowls, and cups, and censers of pure gold, wherein the libations are to be offered.

dourh@Exodus:37:17 @ He made also the candlestick of beaten work of the finest gold. From the shaft whereof its branches, its cups, and bowls, and lilies came out:

dourh@Exodus:37:22 @ So both the bowls, and the branches were of the same, all beaten work of the purest gold.

dourh@Exodus:37:23 @ He made also the seven lamps with their snuffers, and the vessels where the snuffings were to be put out, of the purest gold.

dourh@Exodus:37:24 @ The candlestick with all the vessels thereof weighed a talent of gold.

dourh@Exodus:37:26 @ And he overlaid it with the purest gold, with its grate and the sides, and the horns.

dourh@Exodus:37:27 @ And he made to it a crown of gold round about, and two golden rings under the crown at each side, that the bars might be put into them, and the altar be carried.

dourh@Exodus:37:28 @ And the bars themselves he made also of setim wood, and overlaid them with plates of gold.

dourh@Exodus:38:24 @ All the gold that was spent in the work of the sanctuary, and that was offered in gifts was nine and twenty talents, and seven hundred and thirty sicles according to the standard of the sanctuary.

dourh@Exodus:38:25 @ And it was offered by them that went to be numbered, from twenty years old and upwards, of six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty men able to bear arms.

dourh@Exodus:39:2 @ So he made an ephod of gold, violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen.

dourh@Exodus:39:3 @ With embroidered work: and he cut thin plates of gold, and drew them small into threads, that they might be twisted with the woof of the aforesaid colours,

dourh@Exodus:39:6 @ He prepared also two onyx stones, fast set and closed in gold, and graven by the art of a lapidary, with the names of the children of Israel:

dourh@Exodus:39:8 @ He made also a rational with embroidered work, according to the work of the ephod, of gold, violet, purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen,

dourh@Exodus:39:13 @ In the fourth, a chrysolite, an onyx, and a beryl, set and enclosed in gold by their rows.

dourh@Exodus:39:15 @ They made also in the rational little chains linked one to another of the purest gold,

dourh@Exodus:39:16 @ And two hooks, and as many rings of gold. And they set the rings on either side of the rational,

dourh@Exodus:39:17 @ On which rings the two golden chains should hang, which they put into the hooks that stood out in the corners of the ephod.

dourh@Exodus:39:23 @ And little bells of the purest gold, which they put between the pomegranates at the bottom of the tunick round about:

dourh@Exodus:39:24 @ To wit, a bell of gold, and a pomegranate, wherewith the high priest went adorned, when he discharged his ministry, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

dourh@Exodus:39:29 @ They made also the plate of sacred veneration of the purest gold, and they wrote on it with the engraving of a lapidary, The Holy of the Lord:

dourh@Exodus:39:37 @ The altar of gold, and the ointment, and the incense of spices:

dourh@Exodus:40:5 @ And the altar of gold whereon the incense is burnt, before the ark of the testimony. Thou shalt put the hanging in the entry of the tabernacle,

dourh@Exodus:40:24 @ He set also the altar of gold under the roof of the testimony over against the veil,

dourh@Leviticus:7:30 @ He shall hold in his hands the fat of the victim, and the breast: and when he hath offered and consecrated both to the Lord, he shall deliver them to the priest,

dourh@Leviticus:8:9 @ He put also the mitre upon his head: and upon the mitre over the forehead, he put the plate of gold, consecrated with sanctification, as the Lord had commanded him.

dourh@Leviticus:9:3 @ And to the children of Israel thou shalt say: Take ye a he goat for sin, and a calf, and a lamb, both of a year old, and without blemish for a holocaust,

dourh@Leviticus:9:24 @ And behold a fire, coming forth from the Lord, devoured the holocaust, and the fat that was upon the altar: which when the multitude saw, they praised the Lord, falling on their faces.

dourh@Leviticus:12:6 @ And when the days of her purification are expired, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring to the door of the tabernacle of the testimony, a lamb of a year old for a holocaust, and a young pigeon or a turtle for sin, and shall deliver them to the priest:

dourh@Leviticus:13:55 @ And when he shall see that the former colour is not returned, nor yet the leprosy spread, he shall judge it unclean, and shall burn it with fire, for the leprosy has taken hold of the outside of the garment, or through the whole.

dourh@Leviticus:14:10 @ On the eighth day he shall take two lambs without blemish, and an ewe of a year old without blemish, and three tenths of flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice, and a sextary of oil apart.

dourh@Leviticus:20:17 @ If any man take his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother, and see her nakedness, and she behold her brother's shame: they have committed a crime: they shall be slain, in the sight of their people, because they have discovered one another's nakedness, and they shall bear their iniquity.

dourh@Leviticus:24:10 @ And behold there went out the son of a woman of Israel, whom she had of an Egyptian, among the children of Israel, and fell at words in the camp with a man of Israel.

dourh@Leviticus:25:22 @ And the eighth year you shall sow, and shall eat of the old fruits, until the ninth year: till new grow up, you shall eat the old store.

dourh@Leviticus:25:23 @ The land also shall not be sold for ever: because it is mine, and you are strangers and sojourners with me.

dourh@Leviticus:25:25 @ If thy brother being impoverished sell his little possession, and his kinsman will, he may redeem what he had sold.

dourh@Leviticus:25:27 @ The value of the fruits shall be counted from that time when he sold it: and the overplus he shall restore to the buyer, and so shall receive his possession again.

dourh@Leviticus:25:28 @ But if his hands find not the means to repay the price, the buyer shall have what he bought, until the year of the jubilee. For in that year all that is sold shall return to the owner, and to the ancient possessor.

dourh@Leviticus:25:31 @ But if the house be in a village, that hath no walls, it shall be sold according to the same law as the fields: if it be not redeemed before, in the jubilee it shall return to the owner.

dourh@Leviticus:25:34 @ But let not their suburbs be sold, because it is a perpetual possession.

dourh@Leviticus:25:42 @ For they are my servants, and I brought them out of the land of Egypt: let them not be sold as bondmen:

dourh@Leviticus:25:50 @ Counting only the years from the time of his selling unto the year of the jubilee: and counting the money that he was sold for, according to the number of the years and the reckoning of a hired servant,

dourh@Leviticus:26:10 @ You shall eat the oldest of the old store, and, new coming on, you shall cast away the old.

dourh@Leviticus:27:3 @ If it be a man from twenty years old unto sixty years old, he shall give fifty sides of silver, after the weight of the sanctuary:

dourh@Leviticus:27:7 @ A man that is sixty years old or upward, shall give fifteen aisles: a woman ten.

dourh@Leviticus:27:14 @ If a man shall vow his house, and sanctify it to the Lord, the priest shall consider it, whether it be good or bad, and it shall be sold according to the price, which he shall appoint.

dourh@Leviticus:27:16 @ And if he vow the field of his possession, and consecrate it to the Lord, the price shall be rated according to the measure of the seed. If the ground be sowed with thirty bushels of barley, let it be sold for fifty sides of silver.

dourh@Leviticus:27:20 @ And if he will not redeem it, but it be sold to any other man, he that vowed it, may not redeem it any more:

dourh@Leviticus:27:24 @ But in the jubilee, it shall return to the former owner, who had sold it, and had it in the lot of his possession.

dourh@Leviticus:27:27 @ And if it be an unclean beast, he that offereth it shall redeem it, according to thy estimation, and shall add the fifth part of the price. If he will not redeem it, it shall be sold to another for how much soever it was estimated by thee.

dourh@Leviticus:27:28 @ Any thing that is devoted to the Lord, whether it be man, or beast, or field, shall not be sold, neither may it be redeemed. Whatsoever is once consecrated shall be holy of holies to the Lord.

dourh@Numbers:1:3 @ From twenty years old and upwards, of all the men of Israel fit for war, and you shall number them by their troops, thou and Aaron.

dourh@Numbers:1:18 @ And assembled them on the first day of the second month, reckoning them up by the kindreds, and houses, and families, and heads, and names of every one from twenty years old and upward,

dourh@Numbers:1:20 @ Of Ruben the eldest son of Israel, by their generations and families and houses and names of every head, all that were of the male sex, from twenty years old and upward, that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:22 @ Of the sons of Simeon by their generations and families, and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names and heads of every one, all that were of the male sex, from twenty years old and upward, that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:24 @ Of the sons of Gad, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:26 @ Of the sons of Juda, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds, by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:28 @ Of the sons of Issachar, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds, by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that could go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:30 @ Of the sons of Zabulon, by the generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:32 @ Of the sons of Joseph, namely, of the sons of Ephraim, by the generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:34 @ Moreover of the sons of Manasses, by the generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that could go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:36 @ Of the sons of Benjamin, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:38 @ Of the sons of Dan, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:40 @ Of the sons of Aser, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:42 @ Of the sons of Nephtali, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,

dourh@Numbers:1:45 @ And the whole number of the children of Israel by their houses and families, from twenty years old and upward, that were able to go to war,

dourh@Numbers:4:3 @ From thirty years old and upward, to fifty years old, of all that go in to stand and to minister in the tabernacle of the covenant.

dourh@Numbers:4:11 @ And they shall wrap up the golden altar also in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a cover of violet skins, and put in the bars.

dourh@Numbers:4:23 @ From thirty Sears old and upward, unto fifty years old. Number them all that go in and minister in the tabernacle of the covenant.

dourh@Numbers:4:30 @ From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to the office of their ministry, and to the service of the covenant of the testimony.

dourh@Numbers:4:35 @ From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to the ministry of the tabernacle of the covenant:

dourh@Numbers:4:39 @ From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to minister in the tabernacle of the covenant:

dourh@Numbers:4:43 @ From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to fulfil the rites of the tabernacle of the covenant:

dourh@Numbers:4:47 @ From thirty years old and upward, until fifty years old, that go into the ministry of the tabernacle, and to carry the burdens,

dourh@Numbers:5:18 @ And when the woman shall stand before the Lord, he shall uncover her head, and shall, put on her hands the sacrifice of remembrance, and the oblation of jealousy: and he himself shall hold the most bitter waters, whereon he hath heaped curses with execration.

dourh@Numbers:6:14 @ And shall offer his oblation to the Lord: one he lamb of a year old without blemish for a holocaust, and one awe lamb of a year old without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for a victim of peace offering,

dourh@Numbers:7:17 @ A little mortar of ten sides of gold full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:18 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:20 @ And for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Nahasson the son of Aminadab.

dourh@Numbers:7:23 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:24 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:26 @ And for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Nathanael the son of Suar.

dourh@Numbers:7:29 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:30 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:32 @ And for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This is the oblation of Eliab the son of Helon.

dourh@Numbers:7:35 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:36 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old, for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:38 @ And for victims of peace offerings two oxen, five rams, five buck goats. five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Elisur the son of Sedeur.

dourh@Numbers:7:41 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:42 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:44 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Salamiel the son of Surisaddai.

dourh@Numbers:7:47 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:48 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:50 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Eliasaph the son of Duel.

dourh@Numbers:7:53 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:54 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:56 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Elisama the son of Ammiud.

dourh@Numbers:7:59 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sicles full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:60 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:62 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Gamaliel the son of Phadassur.

dourh@Numbers:7:65 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:66 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a, holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:68 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Abidan the son of Gedeon.

dourh@Numbers:7:71 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:72 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:74 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammisaddai.

dourh@Numbers:7:77 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:78 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:80 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Phegiel the son of Ochran.

dourh@Numbers:7:83 @ A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides full of incense:

dourh@Numbers:7:84 @ An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:7:86 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five lambs of a year old. This was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan.

dourh@Numbers:7:87 @ These were the offerings made by the princes of Israel in the dedication of the altar, in the day wherein it was consecrated. Twelve dishes of silver: twelve silver bowls: twelve little mortars of gold:

dourh@Numbers:7:89 @ Twelve little mortars of gold full of incense, weighing ten sides apiece, by the weight of the sanctuary: that is, in all a hundred and twenty sides of gold.

dourh@Numbers:7:90 @ Twelve oxen out of the herd for a holocaust, twelve rams, twelve lambs of a year old, and their libations: twelve buck goats for sin.

dourh@Numbers:7:91 @ And for sacrifices of peace offerings, oxen twenty-four, rams sixty, buck goats sixty, lambs of a year old sixty. These things were offered in the dedication of the altar, when it was anointed.

dourh@Numbers:8:4 @ Now this was the work of the candlestick, it was of beaten gold, both the shaft in the middle, and all that came out of both sides of the branches: according to the pattern which the Lord had shewn to Moses, so he made the candlestick.

dourh@Numbers:8:24 @ This is the law of the Levites: From twenty-five years old and upwards, they shall go in to minister in the tabernacle of the covenant.

dourh@Numbers:9:6 @ But behold some who were unclean by occasion of the soul of a men, who could not make the phase on that day, coming to Moses and Aaron,

dourh@Numbers:11:6 @ Our soul is dry, our eyes behold nothing else but manna.

dourh@Numbers:11:24 @ Moses therefore came, and told the people the words of the Lord, and assembled seventy men of the ancients of Israel, and made them to stand about the tabernacle.

dourh@Numbers:11:27 @ And when they prophesied in the camp, there ran a young man, and told Moses, saying: Eldad and Medad prophesy in the camp.

dourh@Numbers:11:33 @ As yet the flesh was between their teeth, neither had that kind of meat failed: when behold the wrath of the Lord being provoked against the people, struck them with an exceeding great plague.

dourh@Numbers:12:10 @ The cloud also that was over the tabernacle departed: and behold Mary appeared white as snow with a leprosy. And when Aaron had looked on her, and saw her all covered with leprosy,

dourh@Numbers:14:23 @ Shall not see the land for which I aware to their fathers, neither shall any one of them that hath detracted me behold it.

dourh@Numbers:14:29 @ fin the wilderness shall your carcasses lie. All you that were numbered from twenty years old and upward, and have murmured against me,

dourh@Numbers:14:40 @ And behold rising up very early in the morning, they went up to the top of the mountain, and said: We are ready to go up to the place, of which the Lord hath spoken: for we have sinned.

dourh@Numbers:15:27 @ But if one soul shall sin ignorantly, he shall offer a she goat of a year old for his sin.

dourh@Numbers:16:1 @ And behold Core the son of Isaar, the son of Caath, the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab, and Hon the son of Pheleth of the children of Ruben,

dourh@Numbers:16:17 @ Take every one of you censers, and put incense upon them, offering to the Lord two hundred and fifty censers: let Aaron also hold his censer.

dourh@Numbers:17:12 @ And the children of Israel said to Moses: Behold we are consumed, we all perish.

dourh@Numbers:18:8 @ And the Lord said to Aaron: Behold I have given thee the charge of my firstfruits. All things that are sanctified by the children of Israel, I have delivered to thee and to thy sons for the priestly office, by everlasting ordinances.

dourh@Numbers:22:5 @ He sent therefore messengers to Balaam the son of Beer, a soothsayer, who dwelt by the river of the land of the children of Ammon, to call him, and to say: Behold a people is come out of Egypt, that hath covered the face of the earth, sitting over against me.

dourh@Numbers:22:7 @ And the ancients of Moab, and the elders of Madian, went with the price of divination in their hands. And when they were come to Balaam, and had told him all the words of Balac:

dourh@Numbers:22:11 @ Saying: Behold a people that is come out of Egypt, hath covered the face of the land: come and curse them, if by any means I may fight with them and drive them away.

dourh@Numbers:22:18 @ Balaam answered: If Balac would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot alter the word of the Lord my God, to speak either more or less.

dourh@Numbers:23:23 @ There is no soothsaying in Jacob, nor divination in Israel. In their times it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel what God hath wrought.

dourh@Numbers:23:24 @ Behold the people shall rise up as a lioness, and shall lift itself up as a lion: it shall not lie down till it devour the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.

dourh@Numbers:24:13 @ If Balac would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God, to utter any thing of my own head either good or evil: but whatsoever the Lord shall say, that I will speak?

dourh@Numbers:24:17 @ I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near. A STAR SHALL RISE out of Jacob and a sceptre shall spring up from Israel: and shall strike the chiefs of Moab, and shall waste all the children of Seth.

dourh@Numbers:25:6 @ And behold one of the children of Israel went in before his brethren to a harlot of Madian, in the sight of Moses, and of all the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle.

dourh@Numbers:25:12 @ Therefore say to him: Behold I give him the peace of my covenant,

dourh@Numbers:26:2 @ Number the whole sum of the children of Israel from twenty years old and upward, by their houses and kindreds, all that are able to go forth to war.

dourh@Numbers:26:4 @ From twenty years old and upward, as the Lord had commanded: and this is the number of them:

dourh@Numbers:26:62 @ And all that were numbered, were twenty-three thousand males from one month old and upward: for they were not reckoned up among the children of Israel, neither was a possession given to them with the rest.

dourh@Numbers:26:65 @ For the Lord had foretold that they should die in the wilderness. And none remained of them, but Caleb the son of Jephone, and Josue the son of Nun.

dourh@Numbers:28:3 @ These are the sacrifices which you shall offer: Two lambs of a year old without blemish every day for the perpetual holocaust:

dourh@Numbers:28:9 @ And on the sabbath day you shall offer two lambs of a year old without blemish, and two tenths of flour tempered with oil in sacrifice, and the libations,

dourh@Numbers:28:11 @ And on the first day of the month you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord, two calves of the herd, one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish,

dourh@Numbers:28:19 @ And you shall offer a burnt sacrifice a holocaust to the Lord, two calves of the herd, one ram, seven lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:28:27 @ And you shall offer a holocaust for a most sweet odour to the Lord, two calves of the herd, one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:2 @ And you shall offer a holocaust for a most sweet odour to the Lord, one calf of the herd, one ram and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish.

dourh@Numbers:29:8 @ And you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord for a most sweet odour, one calf of the herd, one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:13 @ And you shall offer a holocaust for a most sweet odour to the Lord, thirteen calves of the herd, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:17 @ On the second day you shall offer twelve calves of the herd, two rams and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:20 @ The third day you shall offer eleven calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:23 @ The fourth day you shall offer tell calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:26 @ The fifth day you shall offer nine calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:29 @ The sixth day you shall offer eight calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:32 @ The seventh day you shall offer seven calves and two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:29:36 @ But you shall offer a holocaust for a most sweet odour to the Lord, one calf, one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish:

dourh@Numbers:30:1 @ And Moses told the children of Israel all that the Lord had commanded him:

dourh@Numbers:30:12 @ If her husband hear, and hold his peace, and doth not disallow the promise, she shall accomplish whatsoever she had promised.

dourh@Numbers:30:15 @ But if the husband hearing it hold his peace, and defer the declaring his mind till another day: whatsoever she had vowed and promised, she shall fulfil: because immediately as he heard it, he held his peace.

dourh@Numbers:31:22 @ Gold, and silver, and brass, and iron, and lend, and tin,

dourh@Numbers:31:50 @ Therefore we offer as gifts to the Lord what gold every one of us could find in the booty, in garters and tablets, rings and bracelets, and chains, that thou mayst pray to the Lord for us.

dourh@Numbers:31:51 @ And Moses and Eleazar the priest received all the gold in divers kinds,

dourh@Numbers:32:11 @ If these men, that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land, which I promised with an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: because they would not follow me,

dourh@Numbers:32:14 @ And behold, said he, you are risen up instead of your fathers, the increase and offspring of sinful men, to augment the fury of the Lord against Israel.

dourh@Numbers:32:16 @ But they coming near, said: We will make sheepfolds, and stalls for our cattle, and strong cities for our children:

dourh@Numbers:32:24 @ Build therefore cities for your children, and folds and stalls for your sheep and beasts, and accomplish what you have promised.

dourh@Numbers:32:36 @ And Bethnemra, and Betharan, fenced cities, and folds for their cattle.

dourh@Numbers:33:39 @ When he was a hundred and twenty-three years old.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:1 @ These are the words, which Moses spoke to all Israel beyond the Jordan, in the plain wilderness, over against the Red Sea, between Pharan and Thophel and Laban and Haseroth, where there is very much gold:

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:10 @ Behold, said he, I have delivered it to you: go in and possess it, concerning which the Lord swore to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that he would give it to them, and to their seed after them.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:24 @ Arise ye, and pass the torrent Arnon: Behold I have delivered into thy hand Sehon king of Hesebon the Amorrhite, and begin thou to possess his land and make war against him.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:31 @ And the Lord said to me: Behold I have begun to deliver unto thee Sehon and his land, begin to possess it.

dourh@Deuteronomy:3:27 @ Go up to the top of Phasga, and cast thy eyes round about to the west, and to the north, and to the south, and to the east, and behold it, for thou shalt not pass this Jordan.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:6 @ And you shall observe, and fulfil them in practice. For this is your wisdom, and understanding in the sight of nations, that hearing all these precepts, they may say: Behold a wise and understanding people, a great nation.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:22 @ Behold I die in this land, I shall not pass over the Jordan: you shall pass, and possess the goodly land.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:32 @ Ask of the days of old, that have been before thy time from the day that God created man upon the earth, from one end of heaven to the other end thereof, if ever there was done the like thing, or it hath been known at any time,

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:24 @ Behold the Lord our God hath shewn us his majesty and his greatness, we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire, and have proved this day that God speaking with man, man hath lived.

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:25 @ Their graven things thou shalt burn with fire: thou shalt not covet the silver and gold of which they are made, neither shalt thou take to thee any thing thereof, lest thou offend, because it is an abomination to the Lord thy God.

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:13 @ And shalt have herds of oxen and flocks of sheep, and plenty of gold and of silver, and of all things,

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:19 @ But if thou forget the Lord thy God, and follow strange gods, and serve and adore them: behold now I foretell thee that thou shalt utterly perish.

dourh@Deuteronomy:10:14 @ Behold heaven is the Lord's thy God, and the heaven of heaven, the earth and all things that are therein.

dourh@Deuteronomy:10:22 @ In seventy souls thy fathers went down into Egypt: and behold now the Lord thy God hath multiplied thee as the stars of heaven.

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:6 @ And to Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab, who was the son of Ruben: whom the earth, opening her mouth swallowed up with their households and tents, and all their substance, which they had in the midst of Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:27 @ Behold I set forth in your sight this day a blessing and a curse:

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:16 @ And all the household goods that are there, thou shalt gather together in the midst of the streets thereof, and shalt burn them with the city itself, so as to consume all for the Lord thy God, and that it be a heap for ever: it shall be built no more.

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:12 @ When thy brother a Hebrew man, or Hebrew woman is sold to thee, and hath served thee six years, in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free:

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:4 @ And this is told thee, and hearing it thou hast inquired diligently, and found it to be true, and that the abomination is committed in Israel:

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:17 @ He shall not have many wives, that may allure his mind, nor immense sums of silver and gold.

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:18 @ And when after most diligent inquisition, they shall find that the false witness hath told a lie against his brother:

dourh@Deuteronomy:20:9 @ And when the captains of the army shall hold their peace, and have made an end of speaking, every man shall prepare their bands to fight.

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:17 @ He layeth to her charge a very ill name, so as to say: I found not thy daughter a virgin: and behold these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the ancients of the city:

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:25 @ But if a man find a damsel that is betrothed, in the field, and taking hold of her, lie with her, he alone shall die:

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:4 @ Blessed shall be the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the droves of thy herds, and the folds of thy sheep.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:22 @ May the Lord afflict thee with miser- able want, with the fever and with cold, with burning and with heat, and with corrupted air and with blasting, and pursue thee till thou perish.

dourh@Deuteronomy:29:17 @ You have seen their abominations and filth, that is to say, their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which they worshipped.

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:2 @ And he said to them: I am this day a hundred and twenty years old, I can no longer go out and come in, especially as the Lord also hath said to me: O Thou shalt not pass over this Jordan.

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:14 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Behold the days of thy death are nigh: call Josue, and stand ye in the tabernacle of the testimony, that I may give him a charge. So Moses and Josue went and stood in the tabernacle of the testimony:

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:16 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Behold thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, and this people rising up will go a fornicating after strange gods in the land, to which it goeth in to dwell: there will they forsake me, and will make void the covenant, which I have made with them,

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:7 @ Remember the days of old, think upon every generation: ask thy father, and he will declare to thee: thy elders and they will tell thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:30 @ How should one pursue after a thousand, and two chase ten thousand? Was it not, because their God had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up?

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:41 @ If I shall whet my sword as the lightning, and my hand take hold on judgment: I will render vengeance to my enemies, and repay them that hate me.

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:25 @ His shoe shall be iron and brass. As the days of thy youth, so also shall thy old age be.

dourh@Deuteronomy:34:7 @ Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, neither were his teeth moved.

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