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noyes@Job:1:21 @ and said, Naked came I forth from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither. Jehovah gave, and Jehovah hath taken away; blessed be the name of Jehovah!

noyes@Job:6:18 @ The caravans turn aside to them on their way; They go up into the desert, and perish.

noyes@Job:6:29 @ Return, I pray, and let there be no unfairness; Yea, return; ––still is my cause righteous.

noyes@Job:7:10 @ No more shall he return to his house, And his dwelling–place shall know him no more.

noyes@Job:9:5 @ He removeth the mountains, and they know it not; He overturneth them in his anger.

noyes@Job:9:13 @ God will not turn away his anger; The proud helpers are brought low before him.

noyes@Job:10:21 @ Before I go–– whence I shall not return––To the land of darkness and death–shade,

noyes@Job:14:6 @ O turn thine eyes from him, and let him rest, That he may enjoy, as a hireling, his day!

noyes@Job:15:13 @ For against God hast thou turned thy spirit, And uttered such words from thy mouth.

noyes@Job:16:22 @ For when a few years shall have passed, I shall go the way whence I shall not return.

noyes@Job:17:10 @ But as for you all, return, I pray! I find not yet among you one wise man.

noyes@Job:19:19 @ All my bosom friends abhor me, And they whom I loved are turned against me.

noyes@Job:22:21 @ Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: Thus shall prosperity return to thee.

noyes@Job:22:23 @ If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up; If thou put away iniquity from thy tent.

noyes@Job:23:11 @ My feet have trodden in his steps; His way I have kept, and have not turned aside from it.

noyes@Job:23:13 @ But he is of one mind, and who can turn him? And what he desireth, that he doeth.

noyes@Job:28:9 @ Man layeth his hand upon the rock; He upturneth mountains from their roots;

noyes@Job:30:15 @ Terrors are turned against me; They pursue my prosperity like the wind, And my welfare passeth away like a cloud.

noyes@Job:30:31 @ My harp also is turned to mourning, And my pipe to notes of grief.

noyes@Job:31:7 @ If my steps have turned aside from the way, And my heart gone after mine eyes, Or if any stain hath cleaved to my hand,

noyes@Job:33:17 @ That he may turn man from his purpose, And hide pride from man.

noyes@Job:33:25 @ His flesh shall became fresher than a child’s; He shall return to the days of his youth.

noyes@Job:34:15 @ Then would all flesh expire together; Yea, man would return to the dust.

noyes@Job:34:27 @ Because they turned away from him, And had no regard to his ways,

noyes@Job:36:10 @ He also openeth their ears to admonition, And commandeth them to return from iniquity.

noyes@Job:36:21 @ Take heed, turn not thine eyes to iniquity! For this hast thou chosen rather than affliction.

noyes@Job:39:4 @ Their young ones are strong; they grow up in the fields; They go away, and return not to them.

noyes@Job:39:22 @ He laugheth at fear; he trembleth not, And turneth not back from the sword.

noyes@Job:42:10 @ And Jehovah turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends, and Jehovah gave him twice as much as he had before.

noyes@Psalms:6:4 @ Return, O LORD! and deliver me; Oh, save me according to thy mercy!

noyes@Psalms:6:10 @ All my enemies shall be ashamed and utterly confounded; They shall be turned back, and put to shame suddenly.

noyes@Psalms:7:7 @ Let the assembly of the nations compass thee about, And on their account return to the height!

noyes@Psalms:7:16 @ His mischief returneth upon his own head, And his violence cometh down upon his own skull.

noyes@Psalms:9:3 @ All my enemies are turned back; They fall and perish at thy presence.

noyes@Psalms:18:37 @ I pursued my enemies and overtook them, And turned not back till I had destroyed them.

noyes@Psalms:18:40 @ Thou didst cause my enemies to turn their backs, So that I destroyed them that hated me.

noyes@Psalms:21:12 @ Therefore thou wilt cause them to turn their backs; Thou wilt make ready thine arrows upon the strings against them.

noyes@Psalms:22:27 @ All the ends of the earth shall remember, and turn to Jehovah; All the families of the nations shall worship before thee!

noyes@Psalms:30:11 @ Thou didst turn my mourning into dancing; Thou didst loose my sackcloth, and gird me with gladness.

noyes@Psalms:35:4 @ May they be confounded and put to shame, who seek my life; May they be turned back with disgrace, who devise my hurt!

noyes@Psalms:35:13 @ And yet I, during their sickness, clothed myself with sackcloth, And afflicted myself with fasting; And my prayer was turned to my bosom.

noyes@Psalms:44:10 @ Thou makest us turn back from the enemy, And they who hate us make our goods their prey.

noyes@Psalms:56:9 @ When I cry to thee, my enemies shall turn back; This I know, that God is for me.

noyes@Psalms:59:6 @ Let them return at evening, Let them howl like dogs, And go round about the city!

noyes@Psalms:59:14 @ Let them return at evening, Let them howl like dogs, And go round about the city!

noyes@Psalms:66:6 @ He turned the sea into dry land; They went through the deep on foot; Then we rejoiced in him.

noyes@Psalms:70:3 @ May they be turned back with shame Who cry out to me, "Aha! aha!"

noyes@Psalms:78:9 @ The children of Ephraim were like armed bowmen, Who turn their backs in the day of battle.

noyes@Psalms:78:34 @ When he slew them, they sought him; They returned, and sought earnestly for God;

noyes@Psalms:78:44 @ He turned their rivers into blood, So that they could not drink of their streams.

noyes@Psalms:78:57 @ Like their fathers they were faithless, and turned back; They turned aside, like a deceitful bow.

noyes@Psalms:79:12 @ And return sevenfold into our neighbors’ bosoms The reproach with which they have reproached thee, O Lord!

noyes@Psalms:80:14 @ O God of hosts! return, we beseech thee, Look down from heaven, and behold, And have regard to this vine!

noyes@Psalms:80:18 @ So will we no more turn back from thee: Revive us, and upon thy name alone will we call!

noyes@Psalms:81:14 @ Soon would I have brought low their enemies, And turned my hand against their adversaries.

noyes@Psalms:85:8 @ I will hear what God the LORD will speak: Truly he will speak peace to his people, and to his servants; Only let them not turn again to folly!

noyes@Psalms:89:43 @ Yea, thou hast turned the edge of his sword, And made him unable to stand in battle.

noyes@Psalms:90:3 @ But man thou turnest again to dust, And sayst, "Return, ye children of men!"

noyes@Psalms:94:15 @ For judgment shall return to justice, And all the upright in heart shall follow it.

noyes@Psalms:104:9 @ Thou hast established a bound which the waters may not pass, That they may not return, and cover the earth.

noyes@Psalms:104:29 @ Thou hidest thy face, they are confounded; Thou takest away their breath, they die, And return to the dust.

noyes@Psalms:105:25 @ He turned their hearts to hate his people, And form devices against his servants.

noyes@Psalms:105:29 @ He turned their waters into blood, And caused their fish to die.

noyes@Psalms:106:23 @ Then he said that he would destroy them; Had not Moses, his chosen, stood before him in the breach, To turn away his wrath, that he might not destroy them.

noyes@Psalms:107:29 @ He turneth the storm into a calm, And the waves are hushed;

noyes@Psalms:107:33 @ He turneth rivers into a desert, And springs of water into dry ground;

noyes@Psalms:107:35 @ He turneth the desert into a lake of water, And dry ground into springs of water;

noyes@Psalms:114:3 @ The sea beheld, and fled; The Jordan turned back.

noyes@Psalms:114:8 @ Who turned the rock into a standing lake, And the flint into a fountain of water!

noyes@Psalms:116:7 @ Return, O my soul! to thy rest! For the LORD hath dealt kindly with thee.

noyes@Psalms:119:37 @ Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity, And quicken me in thy law!

noyes@Psalms:119:39 @ Turn away the reproach which I fear; For thy judgments are good.

noyes@Psalms:119:59 @ I think on my ways, And turn my feet to thy statutes;

noyes@Psalms:119:79 @ Let those who fear thee turn unto me, And they that know thine ordinances!

noyes@Psalms:125:5 @ But such as turn aside to their crooked ways,–May the LORD destroy them with the evil–doers! Peace be to Israel!

noyes@Psalms:146:4 @ His breath goeth forth; he returneth to the dust; In that very day his plans perish.

noyes@Proverbs:1:23 @ Turn ye at my reproof! Behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make known my words to you!

noyes@Proverbs:1:32 @ Yea, the turning away of the simple shall slay them, And the carelessness of fools shall destroy them.

noyes@Proverbs:2:19 @ None that go to her return again; They will not attain the paths of life.

noyes@Proverbs:4:15 @ Avoid it, pass not upon it, Turn from it, and go away.

noyes@Proverbs:4:27 @ Turn not to the right hand or to the left; Remove thy foot from evil.

noyes@Proverbs:5:7 @ Hear me now, therefore, O children! And turn not away from the words of my mouth!

noyes@Proverbs:7:20 @ He hath taken a purse of money with him; At the day of the full moon he will return."

noyes@Proverbs:7:25 @ Let not thy heart turn aside to her ways; Go not astray in her paths!

noyes@Proverbs:9:4 @ "Whoever is simple, let him turn in hither!" To him that is void of understanding she saith,

noyes@Proverbs:9:16 @ "Whoever is simple, let him turn in hither!" And to him that is void of understanding she saith,

noyes@Proverbs:15:1 @ A soft answer turneth away wrath; But harsh words stir up anger.

noyes@Proverbs:15:24 @ The path of life is upward for the wise, So that he turneth away from the underworld beneath.

noyes@Proverbs:17:8 @ A gift is a precious stone in the eyes of him who taketh it; Whithersoever it turneth it hath success.

noyes@Proverbs:17:13 @ Whoso returneth evil for good, Evil shall not depart from his house.

noyes@Proverbs:17:20 @ He that is of a deceitful heart shall find no good; And he that turneth about with his tongue shall fall into mischief.

noyes@Proverbs:21:1 @ As streams of water, So is the heart of the king in the hand of the LORD; He turneth it whithersoever he will.

noyes@Proverbs:24:18 @ Lest the LORD see, and it displease him, And he turn away his anger from him.

noyes@Proverbs:26:11 @ As a dog returneth to that which he hath vomited, So a fool repeateth his folly.

noyes@Proverbs:26:14 @ As a door turneth upon its hinges, So doth the sluggard upon his bed.

noyes@Proverbs:26:27 @ He that diggeth a pit shall fall therein; And he that rolleth a stone, it shall return upon him.

noyes@Proverbs:28:9 @ He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer shall be an abomination.

noyes@Proverbs:30:30 @ The lion, the hero among beasts, Which turneth not back for any;

noyes@Ecclesiastes:1:6 @ The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about to the north; round and round goeth the wind, and returneth to its circuits.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:1:7 @ All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place whence the rivers come, thither they return.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:2:12 @ Then I turned myself to behold wisdom and senselessness and folly. For what can the man do that cometh after the king? even that which hath been already done.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:2:20 @ Therefore I turned to give up my heart to despair in regard to all the labor with which I had wearied myself under the sun.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:3:20 @ All go to one place; all are from the dust, and all turn to dust again.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:4:1 @ Then I turned and saw all the oppressions which take place under the sun; and, behold, there were the tears of the oppressed, and they had no comforter; and from the hand of their oppressors there was violence, and they had no comforter.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:4:7 @ Then I turned and saw other vanity under the sun.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I turned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor yet bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favor to men of knowledge; but time and chance happen to them all.

noyes@Ecclesiastes:12:2 @ before the sun, and the light, and the moon, and the stars become dark, and the clouds return after the rain;

noyes@Ecclesiastes:12:7 @ and the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit return to God who gave it.

noyes@Songs:6:5 @ Turn away thine eyes from me! They overpower me! Thy locks are like a flock of goats, Which lie down upon Gilead.

noyes@Songs:6:13 @ Return, return, O Shulamite! Return, return, that we may look upon thee! Why should ye look upon the Shulamite, As upon a dance of the hosts?

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