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OT-POET.filter - tsk cattle:

tsk@Genesis:1:25 @ *1 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. strkjv@Genesis:2:19-20; strkjv@Job:12:8-10; strkjv@Job:26:13

tsk@Genesis:7:21 @ *1 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: strkjv@Genesis:7:4; strkjv@1:6:6-7 strkjv@Genesis:6:13,17; strkjv@Job:22:15-17; strkjv@Isaiah:24:6 strkjv@Isaiah:24:19 strkjv@Jeremiah:4:22-27; strkjv@Jeremiah:12:3-4; strkjv@Hosea:4:3; strkjv@Joel:1:17-20; strkjv@Joel:2:3; strkjv@Zephaniah:1:3; strkjv@Matthew:24:39; strkjv@Luke:17:27; strkjv@Romans:8:20-22; strkjv@2Peter:2:5

tsk@Genesis:8:1 @ *2 God remembered strkjv@Genesis:19:29; strkjv@Genesis:30:22; strkjv@Exodus:2:24; strkjv@1Samuel:1:19; strkjv@1:13:14 strkjv@Nehemiah:13:22,29-31; strkjv@Job:14:13; strkjv@Psalms:106:4; strkjv@Psalms:132:1; strkjv@Psalms:136:23; strkjv@Psalms:137:7; strkjv@Amos:8:7; strkjv@Habakkuk:3:2; strkjv@Revelation:16:19; strkjv@Revelation:18:5 *3 the cattle strkjv@Numbers:22:32; strkjv@Psalms:36:6; strkjv@Jonah:4:11; strkjv@Romans:8:20-22 *4 a wind strkjv@Exodus:14:21; strkjv@Psalms:104:7-9; strkjv@Proverbs:25:23

tsk@Genesis:9:10 @ *1 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. strkjv@Genesis:9:15-16; strkjv@Genesis:8:1; strkjv@Job:38:1-41; strkjv@Job:41:1-34; strkjv@Psalms:36:5-6; strkjv@Psalms:145:9; strkjv@Jonah:4:11

tsk@Genesis:13:2 @ *1 And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. strkjv@Genesis:24:35; strkjv@Genesis:26:12-13; strkjv@Deuteronomy:8:18; strkjv@1Samuel:2:7; strkjv@Job:1:3 strkjv@Job:1:10 strkjv@Job:22:21-25; strkjv@Psalms:112:1-3; strkjv@Proverbs:3:9-10; strkjv@Proverbs:10:22; strkjv@Matthew:6:33; strkjv@1Timothy:4:8

tsk@Genesis:31:8 @ *1 If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy wages; then all the cattle bare speckled: and if he said thus, The ringstraked shall be thy hire; then bare all the cattle ringstraked. strkjv@Genesis:30:32

tsk@Genesis:31:9 @ *1 Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me. strkjv@Genesis:31:1 strkjv@Genesis:31:16 strkjv@Esther:8:1-2; strkjv@Psalms:50:10; strkjv@Proverbs:13:22; strkjv@Matthew:20:15

tsk@Genesis:34:23 @ *1 Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours? only let us consent unto them, and they will dwell with us. strkjv@Proverbs:1:12-13; strkjv@Proverbs:23:4-5; strkjv@Proverbs:28:20; strkjv@John:2:16; strkjv@John:6:26-27; strkjv@Acts:19:24-26; strkjv@1Timothy:6:6-10

tsk@Genesis:47:18 @ *1 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands: strkjv@2Kings:6:26; strkjv@Jeremiah:38:9

tsk@Exodus:9:6 @ *1 And the LORD did that thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt died: but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one. strkjv@Exodus:9:19 strkjv@Exodus:9:25 strkjv@Psalms:78:48-50

tsk@Exodus:9:20 @ *1 He that feared the word of the LORD among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses: strkjv@Proverbs:16:16; strkjv@Proverbs:22:3 strkjv@Proverbs:22:23 strkjv@Jonah:3:5-6; strkjv@Mark:13:14-16; strkjv@Hebrews:11:7

tsk@Leviticus:19:19 @ *1 thy cattle gender strkjv@Genesis:36:24; strkjv@2Samuel:13:29; strkjv@2Samuel:18:9; strkjv@1Kings:1:33; strkjv@Ezra:2:66 *2 mingled strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:9-11; strkjv@Matthew:9:16-17; strkjv@Romans:11:6; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:14-17; strkjv@Galatians:3:9-11

tsk@Numbers:32:16 @ *1 And they came near unto him, and said, We will build sheepfolds here for our cattle, and cities for our little ones: strkjv@Numbers:34:22; strkjv@Genesis:33:17

tsk@Joshua:8:27 @ *1 the cattle strkjv@Joshua:8:2; strkjv@Joshua:11:4; strkjv@Numbers:31:22 strkjv@Numbers:31:26 strkjv@Psalms:50:10; strkjv@Matthew:20:15

tsk@Job:36:33 @ *1 noise strkjv@Job:36:29; strkjv@Job:37:2; strkjv@2Samuel:22:14; strkjv@1Kings:18:41-45 *2 the cattle strkjv@Jeremiah:14:4-6; strkjv@Joel:1:18; strkjv@Joel:2:22

tsk@Psalms:50:10 @ *1 every strkjv@Psalms:8:6-8; strkjv@Psalms:104:24-25; strkjv@Genesis:1:24-25; strkjv@Genesis:2:19; strkjv@Genesis:8:17; strkjv@Genesis:9:2-3; strkjv@1Chronicles:29:14-16; strkjv@Job:40:15-24; strkjv@Jeremiah:27:5-6; strkjv@Daniel:2:38 *2 cattle strkjv@Psalms:104:14; strkjv@Genesis:31:9; strkjv@Jonah:4:11

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