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OT-POET.filter - acv forth:

acv@Job:1:11 @ But put forth thy hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will renounce thee to thy face.

acv@Job:1:12 @ And LORD said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in thy power, only upon himself do not put forth thy hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of LORD.

acv@Job:2:5 @ But put forth thy hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will renounce thee to thy face.

acv@Job:2:7 @ So Satan went forth from the presence of LORD, and smote Job with severe boils from the sole of his foot to his crown.

acv@Job:5:6 @ For affliction does not come forth from the dust, nor does trouble spring out of the ground,

acv@Job:8:16 @ He is green before the sun, and his shoots go forth over his garden.

acv@Job:10:18 @ Why then have thou brought me forth out of the womb? I would have given up the spirit, and no eye had seen me.

acv@Job:14:2 @ He comes forth like a flower, and is cut down. He too flees as a shadow, and does not continue.

acv@Job:14:9 @ yet through the scent of water it will bud, and put forth boughs like a plant.

acv@Job:15:7 @ Are thou the first man who was born? Or were thou brought forth before the hills?

acv@Job:15:35 @ They conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity, and their heart prepares deceit.

acv@Job:20:25 @ He draws it forth, and it comes out of his body, yea, the glittering point comes out of his gall. Terrors are upon him.

acv@Job:21:10 @ Their bull breeds, and does not fail. Their cow brings forth safely, and does not miscarry.

acv@Job:21:11 @ They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance.

acv@Job:21:30 @ that the evil man is reserved to the day of calamity? That they are led forth to the day of wrath?

acv@Job:23:10 @ But he knows the way that I take. When he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

acv@Job:24:5 @ Behold, as wild donkeys in the desert, they go forth to their work, seeking diligently for food. The wilderness [yields] them bread for their sons.

acv@Job:26:4 @ To whom have thou uttered words? And whose spirit came forth from thee?

acv@Job:28:9 @ He puts forth his hand upon the flinty rock. He overturns the mountains by the roots.

acv@Job:28:11 @ He binds the streams that they not trickle. And the thing that is hid he brings forth to light.

acv@Job:29:7 @ when I went forth to the gate to the city, when I prepared my seat in the street.

acv@Job:30:5 @ They are driven forth from the midst [of men]. They cry out after them as after a thief,

acv@Job:33:5 @ If thou can, answer thou me. Set [thy words] in order before me. Stand forth.

acv@Job:37:3 @ He sends it forth under the whole heaven, and his lightning to the ends of the earth.

acv@Job:38:8 @ Or [who] shut up the sea with doors when it broke forth, [like] it had issued out of the womb,

acv@Job:38:14 @ It is changed as clay under the seal, and [all things] stand forth as a garment.

acv@Job:38:27 @ to satisfy the waste and desolate [ground], and to cause the tender grass to spring forth?

acv@Job:38:32 @ Can thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season? Or can thou guide the Bear with her train?

acv@Job:38:35 @ Can thou send forth lightnings, that they may go, and say to thee, Here we are?

acv@Job:39:1 @ Do thou know the time when the wild goats of the rock bring forth? [Or] can thou mark when the hinds do calve?

acv@Job:39:2 @ Can thou number the months that they fulfill? Or do thou know the time when they bring forth?

acv@Job:39:3 @ They bow themselves. They bring forth their young. They cast out their pains.

acv@Job:39:4 @ Their young ones become strong. They grow up in the open field. They go forth, and return not again.

acv@Job:40:11 @ Pour forth the overflowings of thine anger, and look upon everyone who is proud, and abase him.

acv@Job:40:20 @ Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

acv@Job:41:18 @ His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.

acv@Job:41:19 @ Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth.

acv@Job:41:21 @ His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes forth from his mouth.

acv@Psalms:1:3 @ And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not wither. And whatever he does shall prosper.

acv@Psalms:7:14 @ Behold [the wicked man], he travails with iniquity. Yea, he has conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.

acv@Psalms:9:1 @ I will give thanks to LORD with my whole heart. I will show forth all thy marvelous works.

acv@Psalms:9:14 @ that I may show forth all thy praise. In the gates of the daughter of Zion I will rejoice in thy salvation.

acv@Psalms:17:2 @ Let my justice come forth from thy presence. Let thine eyes look upon equity.

acv@Psalms:18:19 @ He also brought me forth into a large place. He delivered me because he delighted in me.

acv@Psalms:19:6 @ His going forth is from the end of the heavens, and his circuit to the ends of it, and there is nothing hid from the heat of it.

acv@Psalms:33:14 @ From the place of his habitation he looks forth upon all the inhabitants of the earth;

acv@Psalms:37:6 @ And he will make thy righteousness to go forth as the light, and thy justice as the noon-day.

acv@Psalms:44:9 @ But now thou have cast off, and brought us to dishonor, and go not forth with our armies.

acv@Psalms:44:20 @ If we have forgotten the name of our God, or spread forth our hands to a strange god,

acv@Psalms:50:2 @ Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God has shone forth.

acv@Psalms:51:5 @ Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.

acv@Psalms:51:15 @ O LORD, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.

acv@Psalms:55:20 @ He has put forth his hands against such as were at peace with him. He has profaned his covenant.

acv@Psalms:57:3 @ He will send from heaven, and save me [from] the reproach of him who would swallow me up. Selah. God will send forth his loving kindness and his truth.

acv@Psalms:60:10 @ Have not thou, O God, cast us off? And thou go not forth, O God, with our armies.

acv@Psalms:66:2 @ Sing forth the glory of his name. Make his praise glorious.

acv@Psalms:68:7 @ O God, when thou went forth before thy people, when thou marched through the wilderness (Selah)

acv@Psalms:78:52 @ But he led forth his own people like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock.

acv@Psalms:79:13 @ so we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks forever. We will show forth thy praise to all generations.

acv@Psalms:80:1 @ Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou who lead Joseph like a flock. Thou who sit [above] the cherubim, shine forth.

acv@Psalms:88:8 @ Thou have put my acquaintances far from me. Thou have made me an abomination to them. I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.

acv@Psalms:88:9 @ My eye wastes away because of affliction. I have called daily upon thee, O LORD, I have spread forth my hands to thee.

acv@Psalms:90:2 @ Before the mountains were brought forth, or thou had ever formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou are God.

acv@Psalms:92:2 @ to show forth thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,

acv@Psalms:92:14 @ They shall still bring forth fruit in old age. They shall be full of sap and green

acv@Psalms:94:1 @ O LORD, thou God to whom vengeance belongs, thou God to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth.

acv@Psalms:96:2 @ Sing to LORD, bless his name. Show forth his salvation from day to day.

acv@Psalms:98:4 @ Make a joyful noise to LORD, all the earth. Break forth and sing for joy, yea, sing praises.

acv@Psalms:104:10 @ He sends forth springs into the valleys. They run among the mountains.

acv@Psalms:104:14 @ He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbage for the service of man, that he may bring forth food out of the earth,

acv@Psalms:104:20 @ Thou make darkness, and it is night, during which all the beasts of the forest creep forth.

acv@Psalms:104:23 @ Man goes forth to his work and to his labor until the evening.

acv@Psalms:104:30 @ Thou send forth thy Spirit, they are created, and thou renew the face of the ground.

acv@Psalms:105:37 @ And he brought them forth with silver and gold, and there was not a feeble [soul] among his tribes.

acv@Psalms:105:43 @ And he brought forth his people with joy, [and] his chosen with singing.

acv@Psalms:106:2 @ Who can utter the mighty acts of LORD, or show forth all his praise?

acv@Psalms:108:11 @ Have thou not cast us off, O God? And thou go not forth, O God, with our armies.

acv@Psalms:109:7 @ When he is judged, let him come forth guilty, and let his prayer be turned into sin.

acv@Psalms:110:2 @ LORD will send forth the rod of thy strength out of Zion. Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.

acv@Psalms:113:2 @ Blessed be the name of LORD from this time forth and for evermore.

acv@Psalms:114:1 @ When Israel went forth out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language,

acv@Psalms:115:18 @ but we will bless LORD from this time forth and for evermore. Praise ye LORD.

acv@Psalms:121:8 @ LORD will keep thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and for evermore.

acv@Psalms:125:2 @ As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so LORD is round about his people from this time forth and for evermore.

acv@Psalms:125:3 @ For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous, that the righteous not put forth their hands to iniquity.

acv@Psalms:125:5 @ But as for such as turn aside to their crooked ways, LORD will lead them forth with the workers of iniquity. Peace be upon Israel.

acv@Psalms:126:6 @ He who goes forth and weeps, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with joy, bringing his sheaves.

acv@Psalms:131:3 @ O Israel, hope in LORD from this time forth and for evermore.

acv@Psalms:135:7 @ who causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain, who brings forth the wind out of his treasuries,

acv@Psalms:136:6 @ to him who spread forth the earth above the waters, for his loving kindness [is] forever,

acv@Psalms:138:7 @ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou will revive me. Thou will stretch forth thy hand against the wrath of my enemies, and thy right hand will save me.

acv@Psalms:141:2 @ Let my prayer be set forth as incense before thee, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

acv@Psalms:143:6 @ I spread forth my hands to thee. My soul [is] as a weary land for thee. Selah.

acv@Psalms:144:6 @ Cast forth lightning, and scatter them. Send out thine arrows, and discomfit them.

acv@Psalms:144:7 @ Stretch forth thy hand from above. Rescue me, and deliver me out of great waters, out of the hand of aliens,

acv@Psalms:144:13 @ our garners are full, affording all manner of store, our sheep bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields,

acv@Psalms:144:14 @ our oxen are well laden, no breaking in, and no going forth, and no outcry in our streets,

acv@Psalms:146:4 @ His breath goes forth, he returns to his earth. In that very day his thoughts perish.

acv@Psalms:147:17 @ He casts forth his ice like morsels. Who can stand before his cold?

acv@Proverbs:7:6 @ For at the window of my house I looked forth through my lattice,

acv@Proverbs:7:15 @ Therefore I came forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee.

acv@Proverbs:8:1 @ Does not wisdom cry out, and understanding put forth her voice?

acv@Proverbs:8:24 @ when there were no depths. I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water,

acv@Proverbs:8:25 @ before the mountains were settled, before the hills. I was brought forth

acv@Proverbs:9:3 @ She has sent forth her maidens. She cries out upon the highest places of the city:

acv@Proverbs:10:31 @ The mouth of a righteous man brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue shall be cut off.

acv@Proverbs:12:17 @ He who utters truth shows forth righteousness, but a FALSE witness, deceit.

acv@Proverbs:25:4 @ Take away the dross from the silver, and there comes forth a vessel for the refiner.

acv@Proverbs:25:8 @ Go not forth hastily to strive. What will thou do in the end of it when thy neighbor has put thee to shame?

acv@Proverbs:25:23 @ The north wind brings forth rain. So does a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance.

acv@Proverbs:27:1 @ Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou know not what a day may bring forth.

acv@Proverbs:30:27 @ the locusts have no king, yet they go forth all of them by bands,

acv@Proverbs:30:33 @ For the churning of milk brings forth butter, and the wringing of the nose brings forth blood, so the forcing of wrath brings forth strife.

acv@Proverbs:31:20 @ She stretches out her hand to the poor, yea, she reaches forth her hands to the needy.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:14 @ For he came forth out of prison to be king, yea, even in his kingdom he was born poor.

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:15 @ As he came forth from his mother's womb, naked shall he go again as he came, and shall take nothing for his labor, which he may carry away in his hand.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @ It is good that thou should take hold of this, yea, also from that withdraw not thy hand. For he who fears God shall come forth from them all.

acv@Ecclesiastes:10:1 @ Dead flies cause the oil of the perfumer to send forth an evil odor, [so] a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor.

acv@Songs:1:3 @ Thine oils have a good fragrance. Thy name is oil poured forth. Therefore the virgins love thee.

acv@Songs:1:8 @ If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherds' tents.

acv@Songs:1:12 @ While the king sat at his table, my spikenard sent forth its fragrance.

acv@Songs:2:13 @ The fig tree ripens her green figs, and the vines are in blossom. They give forth their fragrance. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

acv@Songs:3:11 @ Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown with which his mother has crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.

acv@Songs:6:10 @ Who is she who looks forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, sublime as an army with banners?

acv@Songs:7:11 @ Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field. Let us lodge in the villages.

acv@Songs:7:13 @ The mandrakes give forth fragrance. And at our doors are all manner of precious fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved.

acv@Songs:8:5 @ Who is this who comes up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? Under the apple tree I awoke thee. There thy mother was in travail with thee. There she who brought thee forth was in travail.

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