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drb@Job:1:5 @And when the days of their feasting were gone about, Job sent to them, and sanctified them: and rising up early offered holocausts for every one of them. For he said: Lest perhaps my sons have sinned, and have blessed God in their hearts. So did Job all days.

drb@Job:1:7 @And the Lord said to him: Whence comest thou? And he answered and said: I have gone round about the earth, and walked through it.

drb@Job:1:15 @And the Sabeans rushed in, and took all away, and slew the servants with the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell thee.

drb@Job:1:16 @And while he was yet speaking, another came, and said: The fire of God fell from heaven, and striking the sheep and the servants, hath consumed them, and I alone have escaped to tell thee.

drb@Job:1:17 @And while he also was yet speaking, there came another, and said: The Chaldeans made three troops, and have fallen upon the camels, and taken them, moreover they have slain the servants with the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell thee.

drb@Job:1:19 @A violent wind came on a sudden from the side of the desert, and shook the four corners of the house, and it fell upon thy children and they are dead, and I alone have escaped to fell thee.

drb@Job:1:20 @Then Job rose up, and rent his garments, and having shaven his head fell down upon the ground and worshipped,

drb@Job:2:2 @That the Lord said to Satan: Whence comest thou? And he answered and said: I have gone round about the earth, and walked through it.

drb@Job:2:10 @And he said to her: Thou hast; spoken like one of the foolish women: if we have received good things at the hand of God, why should we not receive evil? In all these things Job did not sin with his lips.

drb@Job:3:13 @For now I should have been asleep and still, and should have rest in my sleep.

drb@Job:3:16 @Or as a hidden untimely birth I should not be, or as they that being conceived have not seen the light.

drb@Job:3:18 @And they sometime bound together without disquiet, have not heard the voice of the oppressor.

drb@Job:3:22 @And they rejoice exceedingly when they have found the grave.

drb@Job:3:26 @Have I not dissembled? have I not kept silence? have I not been quiet? and indignation is come upon me.

drb@Job:4:4 @Thy words have confirmed them that were staggering, and thou hast strengthened the trembling knees:

drb@Job:4:8 @On the contrary I have seen those who work iniquity, and sow sorrows, and reap them,

drb@Job:4:19 @How much more shall they that dwell in houses of clay, who have an earthly foundation, be consumed as with the moth?

drb@Job:5:3 @I have seen a fool with a strong root, and I cursed his beauty immediately.

drb@Job:5:23 @But thou shalt have a covenant with the stones of the lands, and the beasts of the earth shall be at pence with thee.

drb@Job:5:27 @Behold, this is even so, as we have searched oat: which thou having heard, consider it thoroughly in thy mind.

drb@Job:6:2 @O that my sins, whereby I have deserved wrath, and the calamity that I suffer, were weighed in a balance.

drb@Job:6:15 @My brethren have passed by me, as the torrent that passeth swiftly in the valleys.

drb@Job:6:20 @They are confounded, because I have hoped: they are come also even unto me, and are covered with shame.

drb@Job:6:24 @Teach me, and I will hold my peace: and if I have been ignorant in any thing, instruct me.

drb@Job:6:25 @Why have you detracted the words of truth, whereas there is none of you that can reprove me?

drb@Job:6:28 @However finish what you have begun, give ear, and see whether I lie.

drb@Job:7:3 @So I also have had empty months, and have numbered to myself wearisome nights.

drb@Job:7:6 @My days have passed more swiftly than the web is cut by the weaver, and are consumed without any hope.

drb@Job:7:16 @I have done with hope, I shall now live no longer: spare me, for my days are nothing

drb@Job:7:20 @I have sinned: what shall I do to thee, O keeper of men? why hast thou set me opposite to thee, and I am become burdensome to myself?

drb@Job:8:4 @Although thy children have sinned against him, and he hath left them in the hand of their iniquity:

drb@Job:8:16 @He seemeth to have moisture before the sun cometh, and at his rising his blossom shall shoot forth.

drb@Job:9:14 @What am I then, that I should answer him, and have words with him?

drb@Job:9:15 @I, who although I should have any just thing, would not answer, but would make supplication to my judge.

drb@Job:9:22 @One thing there is that I have spoken, both the innocent and the wicked he consumeth.

drb@Job:9:25 @My days have been swifter than a post: they have fled away and have not seen good.

drb@Job:9:26 @They have passed by as ships carrying fruits, as an eagle flying to the prey.

drb@Job:9:29 @But if so also I am wicked, why have I laboured in vain?

drb@Job:10:7 @And shouldst know that I have done no wicked thing, whereas there is no man that can deliver out of thy hand.

drb@Job:10:8 @Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me wholly round about, and dost thou thus cast me down headlong on a sudden?

drb@Job:10:14 @If I have sinned and thou hast spared me for an hour: why dost thou not suffer me to be clean from my iniquity?

drb@Job:10:19 @I should have been as if I had not been, carried from the womb to the grave.

drb@Job:11:18 @And thou shalt have confidence, hope being set before thee, and being buried thou shalt sleep secure.

drb@Job:12:3 @I also have a heart as well as you: for who is ignorant of these things, which you know?

drb@Job:13:1 @Behold my eye hath seen all these things, and my ear hath heard them, and I have understood them all.

drb@Job:14:22 @But yet his flesh, while he shall live, shall have pain, and his soul shall mourn over him.

drb@Job:15:17 @I will shew thee, hear me: and I mill tell thee what I have seen.

drb@Job:16:2 @I have often heard such things as these: you are all troublesome comforters.

drb@Job:16:3 @Shall windy words have no end? or is it any trouble to thee to speak?

drb@Job:16:11 @They have opened their mouths upon me, and reproaching me they have struck me on the cheek, they are filled with my pains.

drb@Job:16:16 @I have sowed sackcloth upon my skin, and have covered my flesh with ashes.

drb@Job:16:18 @These things have I suffered without the iniquity of my hand, when I offered pure prayers to God.

drb@Job:17:2 @I have not sinned, and my eye abideth in bitterness.

drb@Job:17:11 @My days have passed away, my thoughts are dissipated, tormenting my heart.

drb@Job:17:12 @They have turned night into day, and after darkness I hope for light again.

drb@Job:17:13 @If I wait hell is my house, and I have made my bed in darkness.

drb@Job:17:14 @If I have said to rottenness: Thou art my father; to worms, my mother and my sister.

drb@Job:17:16 @All that I have shall go down into the deepest pit: thinkest thou that there at least I shall have rest?

drb@Job:19:4 @For if I have been ignorant, my ignorance shall be with me.

drb@Job:19:5 @But you have set yourselves up against me, and reprove me with my reproaches.

drb@Job:19:12 @His troops have come together, and have made themselves a way by me, and have besieged my tabernacle round about.

drb@Job:19:13 @He hath put my brethren far from me, and my acquaintance like strangers have departed from me.

drb@Job:19:14 @My kinsmen have forsaken me, and they that knew me, have forgotten me.

drb@Job:19:15 @They that dwelt in my house, and my maidservants have counted me a stranger, and I have been like an alien in their eyes.

drb@Job:19:19 @They that were sometime my counsellors, have abhorred me: and he whom I love most is turned against me.

drb@Job:19:21 @Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends, because the hand of the Lord hath touched me.

drb@Job:21:4 @Is my debate against man, that I should not have just reason to be troubled?

drb@Job:21:10 @Their cattle have conceived, and failed not: their cow has calved, and is not deprived of her fruit.

drb@Job:21:14 @Who have said to God: Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of thy ways

drb@Job:22:15 @Dost thou desire to keep the path of ages, which wicked men have trodden?

drb@Job:22:21 @Submit thyself then to him, and be at peace: and thereby thou shalt have the best fruits.

drb@Job:23:11 @My foot hath followed his steps, I have kept his way, and have not declined from it.

drb@Job:23:12 @I have not departed from the commandments of his lips, and the words of his mouth I have hid in my bosom.

drb@Job:23:14 @And when he shall have fulfilled his will in me, many other like things are also at hand with him.

drb@Job:23:17 @For I have not perished because of the darkness that hangs over me, neither hath the mist covered my face.

drb@Job:24:2 @Some have removed landmarks, have taken away flocks by force, and fed them.

drb@Job:24:3 @They have driven away the ass of the fatherless, and have taken away the widow's ox for a pledge.

drb@Job:24:4 @They have overturned the way of the poor, and have oppressed together the meek of the earth.

drb@Job:24:6 @They reap the field that is not their own, and gather the vintage of his vineyard whom by violence they have oppressed.

drb@Job:24:7 @They send men away naked, taking away their clothes who have no covering in the cold:

drb@Job:24:9 @They have violently robbed the fatherless, and stripped the poor common people.

drb@Job:24:10 @From the naked and them that go without clothing, and from the hungry they have taken away the ears of corn.

drb@Job:24:11 @They have taken their rest at noon among the stores of them, who after having trodden the winepresses suffer thirst.

drb@Job:24:12 @Out of the cities they have made men to groan, and the soul of the wounded hath cried out, and God doth not suffer it to pass unrevenged.

drb@Job:24:13 @They have been rebellious to the light, they have not known his ways, neither have they returned by his paths.

drb@Job:24:16 @He diggeth through houses in the dark, as in the day they had appointed for themselves, and they have not known the light.

drb@Job:24:25 @And if it be not so, who can convince me that I have lied, and set my words before God?

drb@Job:26:14 @Lo, these things are said in part of his ways: and seeing we have heard scarce a little drop of his word, who shall be able to behold the thunder of his greatness?

drb@Job:27:6 @My justification, which I have begun to hold, I will not forsake: for my heart doth not reprehend me in all my life.

drb@Job:28:8 @The children of the merchants have not trodden it, neither hath the lioness passed by it.

drb@Job:28:22 @Destruction and death have said: With our ears we have heard the fame thereof.

drb@Job:30:1 @But now the younger in time scorn me, whose fathers I would not have set with the dogs of my flock:

drb@Job:30:12 @At the right hand of my rising, my calamities forthwith arose: they have overthrown my feet, and have overwhelmed me with their paths as with waves.

drb@Job:30:13 @They have destroyed my ways, they have lain in wait against me, and they have prevailed, and there was none to help.

drb@Job:30:14 @They have rushed in upon me, as when a wall is broken, and a gate opened, and have rolled themselves down to my miseries.

drb@Job:30:18 @With the multitude of them my garment is consumed, and they have girded me about, as with the collar of my coat.

drb@Job:30:27 @My inner parts have boiled without any rest, the days of affliction have prevented me.

drb@Job:31:2 @For what part should God from above have in me, and what inheritance the Almighty from on high?

drb@Job:31:5 @If I have walked in vanity, and my foot hath made haste to deceit:

drb@Job:31:9 @If my heart hath been deceived upon a woman, and if I have laid wait at my friend's door:

drb@Job:31:13 @If I have despised to abide judgment with my manservant, or my maidservant, when they had any controversy against me:

drb@Job:31:16 @If I have denied to the poor what they desired, and have made the eyes of the widow wait:

drb@Job:31:17 @If I have eaten my morsel alone, and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof:

drb@Job:31:19 @If I have despised him that was perishing for want of clothing, and the poor man that had no covering:

drb@Job:31:20 @If his sides have not blessed me, and if he were not warmed with the fleece of my sheep:

drb@Job:31:21 @If I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless, even when I saw myself superior in the gate:

drb@Job:31:23 @For I have always feared God as waves swelling over me, and his weight I was not able to bear.

drb@Job:31:24 @If I have thought gold my strength, and have said to fine gold: My confidence:

drb@Job:31:25 @If I have rejoiced over my great riches, and because my hand had gotten much.

drb@Job:31:27 @And my heart in secret hath rejoiced, and I have kissed my hand with my mouth:

drb@Job:31:29 @If I have been glad at the downfall of him that hated me, and have rejoiced that evil had found him.

drb@Job:31:30 @For I have not given my mouth to sin, by wishing a curse to his soul.

drb@Job:31:31 @If the men of my tabernacle have not said: Who will give us of his flesh that we may be filled?

drb@Job:31:33 @If as a man I have hid my sin, and have concealed my iniquity in my bosom.

drb@Job:31:34 @If I have been afraid at a very great multitude, and the contempt of kinsmen hath terrified me: and I have not rather held my peace, and not gone out of the door.

drb@Job:31:39 @If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, and have afflicted the soul of the tillers thereof:

drb@Job:32:11 @For I have waited for your words, I have given ear to your wisdom, as long as you were disputing in words.

drb@Job:32:13 @Lest you should say: We have found wisdom, God hath cast him down, not man.

drb@Job:32:16 @Therefore because I have waited, and they have not spoken: they stood, and answered no more:

drb@Job:33:2 @Behold now I have opened my mouth, let my tongue speak within my jaws.

drb@Job:33:8 @Now thou has said in my hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words:

drb@Job:33:24 @He shall have mercy on him, and shall say: Deliver him, that he may not go down to corruption: I have found wherein I may be merciful to him.

drb@Job:33:27 @He shall look upon men, and shall say: I have sinned, and indeed I have offended, and I have not received what I have deserved.

drb@Job:33:32 @But if thou hast any thing to say, answer me, speak: for I would have thee to appear just.

drb@Job:33:33 @And if thou have not, hear me: hold thy peace, and I will teach thee wisdom.

drb@Job:34:27 @Who as it were on purpose have revolted from him, and would not understand all his ways:

drb@Job:34:31 @Seeing then I have spoken of God, I will not hinder thee in thy turn.

drb@Job:34:32 @If I have erred, teach thou me: if I have spoken iniquity, I will add no more.

drb@Job:36:2 @Suffer me a little, and I will shew thee: for I have yet somewhat to speak in God's behalf.

drb@Job:36:9 @He shall shew them their works, and their wicked deeds, because they have been violent.

drb@Job:36:24 @Remember that thou knowest not his work, concerning which men have sung.

drb@Job:38:17 @Have the gates of death been opened to thee, and hast thou seen the darksome doors?

drb@Job:38:23 @Which I have prepared for the time of the enemy, against the day of battle and war?

drb@Job:38:41 @Who provideth food for the raven, when her young ones cry to God, wandering about, because they have no meat?

drb@Job:39:6 @To whom I have given a house in the wilderness, and his dwellings in the barren land.

drb@Job:39:11 @Wilt thou have confidence in his great strength, and leave thy labours to him?

drb@Job:39:34 @One thing I have spoken, which I wish I had not said: and another, to which I will add no more.

drb@Job:42:3 @Who is this that hideth counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have spoken unwisely, and things that above measure exceeded my knowledge.

drb@Job:42:5 @With the hearing of the ear, I have heard thee, but now my eye seeth thee.

drb@Job:42:7 @And after the Lord had spoken these words to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Themanite: My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends, because you have not spoken the thing that is right before my, as my servant Job hath.

drb@Job:42:8 @Take unto you therefore seven oxen, and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer for yourselves a holocaust: and my servant Job shall pray for you: his face I will accept, that folly be not imputed to you: for you have not spoken right things before me, as my servant Job hath.

drb@Psalms:2:1 @Why have the Gentiles raged, and the people devised vain things?

drb@Psalms:2:7 @The Lord hath said to me: Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.

drb@Psalms:3:5 @I have cried to the Lord with my voice: and he hath heard me from his holy hill.

drb@Psalms:3:6 @I have slept and taken my rest: and I have risen up, because the Lord hath protected me.

drb@Psalms:4:2 @When I called upon him, the God of my justice heard me: when I was in distress, thou hast enlarged me. Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer.

drb@Psalms:5:11 @Their throat is an open sepulchre: they dealt deceitfully with their tongues: judge them, O God. Let them fall from their devices: according to the multitude of their wickedness cast them out: for they have provoked thee, O Lord.

drb@Psalms:6:3 @Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak: heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.

drb@Psalms:6:7 @I have laboured in my groanings, every night I will wash my bed: I will water my couch with my tears.

drb@Psalms:6:8 @My eye is troubled through indignation: I have grown old amongst all my enemies.

drb@Psalms:7:2 @O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me.

drb@Psalms:7:4 @O Lord my God, if I have done this thing, if there be iniquity in my hands:

drb@Psalms:7:5 @If I have rendered to them that repaid me evils, let me deservedly fall empty before my enemies.

drb@Psalms:9:7 @The swords of the enemy have failed unto the end: and their cities thou hast destroyed. Their memory hath perished with a noise.

drb@Psalms:9:14 @Have mercy on me, O Lord: see my humiliation which I suffer from my enemies.

drb@Psalms:9:16 @I will rejoice in thy salvation: the Gentiles have stuck fast in the destruction which they have prepared. Their foot hath been taken in the very snare which they hid.

drb@Psalms:10:6 @For, lo, the wicked have bent their bow; they have prepared their arrows in the quiver; to shoot in the dark the upright of heart.

drb@Psalms:10:8 @For they have destroyed the things which thou hast made: but what has the just man done?

drb@Psalms:10:18 @In his net he will bring him down, he will crouch and fall, when he shall have power over the poor.

drb@Psalms:11:3 @They have spoken vain things every one to his neighbour: with deceitful lips, and with a double heart have they spoken.

drb@Psalms:11:5 @Who have said: We will magnify our tongue; our lips are our own; who is Lord over us?

drb@Psalms:12:5 @lest at any time my enemy say: I have prevailed against him. They that trouble me will rejoice when I am moved:

drb@Psalms:12:6 @but I have trusted in thy mercy. My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation: I will sing to the Lord, who giveth me good things: yea I will sing to the name of the Lord the most high.

drb@Psalms:13:3 @They are all gone aside, they are become unprofitable together: there is none that doth good, no not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre: with their tongues they acted deceitfully; the poison of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness; their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and unhappiness in their ways: and the way of peace they have not known: there is no fear of God before their eyes.

drb@Psalms:13:5 @They have not called upon the Lord: there have they trembled for fear, where there was no fear.

drb@Psalms:13:6 @For the Lord is in the just generation: you have confounded the counsel of the poor man, but the Lord is his hope.

drb@Psalms:13:7 @Who shall give out of Sion the salvation of Israel? when the Lord shall have turned away the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad.

drb@Psalms:15:1 @The inscription of a title to David himself. Preserve me, O Lord, for I have put trust in thee.

drb@Psalms:15:2 @I have said to the Lord, thou art my God, for thou hast no need of my goods.

drb@Psalms:15:7 @I will bless the Lord, who hath given me understanding: moreover my reins also have corrected me even till night.

drb@Psalms:16:4 @That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways.

drb@Psalms:16:6 @I have cried to thee, for thou, O God, hast heard me: O incline thy ear unto me, and hear my words.

drb@Psalms:16:9 @From the face of the wicked who have afflicted me. My enemies have surrounded my soul:

drb@Psalms:16:10 @they have shut up their fat: their mouth hath spoken proudly.

drb@Psalms:16:11 @They have cast me forth and now they have surrounded me: they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth.

drb@Psalms:16:12 @They have taken me, as a lion prepared for the prey; and as a young lion dwelling in secret places.

drb@Psalms:16:14 @from the enemies of thy hand. O Lord, divide them from the few of the earth in their life: their belly is filled from thy hidden stores. They are full of children: and they have left to their little ones the rest of their substance.

drb@Psalms:17:22 @Because I have kept the ways of the Lord; and have not done wickedly against my God.

drb@Psalms:17:23 @For till his judgments are in my sight: and his justices I have not put away from me

drb@Psalms:17:45 @A people, which I knew not, hath served me: at the hearing of the ear they have obeyed me.

drb@Psalms:17:46 @The children that are strangers have lied to me, strange children have faded away, and have halted from their paths.

drb@Psalms:18:14 @and from those of others spare thy servant. If they shall have no dominion over me, then shall I be without spot: and I shall be cleansed from the greatest sin.

drb@Psalms:19:7 @The Lord fulfil all thy petitions: now have I known that the Lord hath saved his anointed. He will hear him from his holy heaven: the salvation of his right hand is in powers.

drb@Psalms:19:9 @They are bound, and have fallen; but we are risen, and are set upright. O Lord, save the king: and hear us in the day that we shall call upon thee.

drb@Psalms:20:12 @For they have intended evils against thee: they have devised counsels which they have not been able to establish

drb@Psalms:21:5 @In thee have our fathers hoped: they have hoped, and thou hast delivered them.

drb@Psalms:21:8 @All they that saw me have laughed me to scorn: they have spoken with the lips, and wagged the head.

drb@Psalms:21:13 @Many calves have surrounded me: fat bulls have besieged me.

drb@Psalms:21:14 @They have opened their mouths against me, as a lion ravening and roaring

drb@Psalms:21:17 @For many dogs have encompassed me: the council of the malignant hath besieged me. They have dug my hands and feet.

drb@Psalms:21:18 @They have numbered all my bones. And they have looked and stared upon me.

drb@Psalms:21:29 @For the kingdom is the Lord's; and he shall have dominion over the nations.

drb@Psalms:21:30 @All the fat ones of the earth have eaten and have adored: all they that go down to the earth shall fall before him.

drb@Psalms:22:4 @For though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me.

drb@Psalms:24:1 @Unto the end, a psalm for David. To thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul.

drb@Psalms:24:5 @Direct me in thy truth, and teach me; for thou art God my Saviour; and on thee have I waited all the day long.

drb@Psalms:24:16 @Look thou upon me, and have mercy on me; for I am alone and poor.

drb@Psalms:24:19 @Consider my enemies for they are multiplied, and have hated me with an unjust hatred.

drb@Psalms:24:20 @Keep thou my soul, and deliver me: I shall not be ashamed, for I have hoped in thee

drb@Psalms:24:21 @The innocent and the upright have adhered to me: because I have waited on thee.

drb@Psalms:25:1 @Unto the end, a psalm for David. Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in my innocence: and I have put my trust in the Lord, and shall not be weakened.

drb@Psalms:25:4 @I have not sat with the council of vanity: neither will I go in with the doers of unjust things.

drb@Psalms:25:5 @I have hated the assembly of the malignant; and with the wicked I will not sit.

drb@Psalms:25:8 @I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of thy house; and the place where thy glory dwelleth.

drb@Psalms:25:11 @But as for me, I have walked in my innocence: redeem me, and have mercy on me.

drb@Psalms:26:2 @Whilst the wicked draw near against me, to eat my flesh. My enemies that trouble me, have themselves been weakened, and have fallen.

drb@Psalms:26:4 @One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. That I may see the delight of the Lord, and may visit his temple.

drb@Psalms:26:6 @He hath exalted me upon a rock: and now he hath lifted up my head above my enemies. I have gone round, and have offered up in his tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation: I will sing, and recite a psalm to the Lord.

drb@Psalms:26:7 @Hear, O Lord, my voice, with which I have cried to thee: have mercy on me and hear me.

drb@Psalms:26:10 @For my father and my mother have left me: but the Lord hath taken me up.

drb@Psalms:26:12 @Deliver me not over to the will of them that trouble me; for unjust witnesses have risen up against me; and iniquity hath lied to itself.

drb@Psalms:27:5 @Because they have not understood the works of the Lord, and the operations of his hands: thou shalt destroy them, and shalt not build them up.

drb@Psalms:27:7 @The Lord is my helper and my protector: in him hath my heart confided, and I have been helped. And my flesh hath flourished again, and with my will I will give praise to him.

drb@Psalms:29:3 @O Lord my God, I have cried to thee, and then hast healed me.

drb@Psalms:29:6 @For wrath is in his indignation; and life in his good will. In the evening weeping shall have place, and in the morning gladness.

drb@Psalms:30:2 @In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, Iet me never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice.

drb@Psalms:30:5 @Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me: for thou art my protector.

drb@Psalms:30:7 @Thou hast hated them that regard vanities, to no purpose. But I have hoped in the Lord:

drb@Psalms:30:10 @Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am afflicted: my eye is troubled with wrath, my soul, and my belly:

drb@Psalms:30:14 @For I have heard the blame of many that dwell round about. While they assembled together against me, they consulted to take away my life.

drb@Psalms:30:15 @But I have put my trust in thee, O Lord: I said: Thou art my God.

drb@Psalms:30:18 @Let me not be confounded, O Lord, for I have called upon thee. Let the wicked be ashamed, and be brought down to hell.

drb@Psalms:31:5 @I have acknowledged my sin to thee, and my injustice I have not concealed. I said I will confess against myself my injustice to the Lord: and thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my sin.

drb@Psalms:31:9 @Do not become like the horse and the mule, who have no understanding. With bit and bridle bind fast their jaws, who come not near unto thee.

drb@Psalms:32:21 @For in him our heart shall rejoice: and in his holy name we have trusted.

drb@Psalms:32:22 @Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have hoped in thee.

drb@Psalms:33:11 @The rich have wanted, and have suffered hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not be deprived of any good.

drb@Psalms:34:7 @For without cause they have hidden their net for me unto destruction: without cause they have upbraided my soul.

drb@Psalms:34:11 @Unjust witnesses rising up have asked me things I knew not.

drb@Psalms:34:19 @Let not them that are my enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: who have hated me without cause, and wink with the eyes.

drb@Psalms:34:21 @And they opened their mouth wide against me; they said: Well done, well done, our eyes have seen it.

drb@Psalms:34:25 @Let them not say in their hearts: It is well, it is well, to our mind: neither let them say: We have swallowed him up.

drb@Psalms:36:8 @Cease from anger, and leave rage; have no emulation to do evil.

drb@Psalms:36:14 @The wicked have drawn out the sword: they have bent their bow. To cast down the poor and needy, to kill the upright of heart.

drb@Psalms:36:25 @I have been young, and now am old; and I have not seen the just forsaken, nor his seed seeking bread.

drb@Psalms:36:35 @I have seen the wicked highly exalted, and lifted up like the cedars of Libanus.

drb@Psalms:36:40 @And the Lord will help them and deliver them: and he will rescue them from the wicked, and save them, because they have hoped in him.

drb@Psalms:37:12 @My friends and my neighbours have drawn near, and stood against me. And they that were near me stood afar off:

drb@Psalms:37:16 @For in thee, O Lord, have I hoped: thou wilt hear me, O Lord my God.

drb@Psalms:37:21 @They that render evil for good, have detracted me, because I followed goodness.

drb@Psalms:38:2 @I said: I will take heed to my ways: that I sin not with my tongue. I have set guard to my mouth, when the sinner stood against me.

drb@Psalms:39:2 @With expectation I have waited for the Lord, and he was attentive to me.

drb@Psalms:39:6 @Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful works, O Lord my God: and in thy thoughts there is no one like to thee. I have declared and I have spoken they are multiplied above number.

drb@Psalms:39:9 @that I should do thy will: O my God, I have desired it, and thy law in the midst of my heart.

drb@Psalms:39:10 @I have declared thy justice in a great church, lo, I will not restrain my lips: O Lord, thou knowest it.

drb@Psalms:39:11 @I have not hid thy justice within my heart: I have declared thy truth and thy salvation. I have not concealed thy mercy and thy truth from a great council.

drb@Psalms:39:12 @Withhold not thou, O Lord, thy tender mercies from me: thy mercy and thy truth have always upheld me.

drb@Psalms:39:13 @For evils without number have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, and I was not able to see. They are multiplied above the hairs of my head: and my heart hath forsaken me.

drb@Psalms:40:5 @I said: O Lord, be thou merciful to me: heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee.

drb@Psalms:40:6 @My enemies have spoken evils against me: when shall he die and his name perish?

drb@Psalms:40:11 @But thou, O Lord, have mercy on me, and raise me up again: and I will requite them.

drb@Psalms:41:4 @My tears have been any bread day and night, whilst it is said to me daily: Where is thy God?

drb@Psalms:41:8 @Deep calleth on deep, at the noise of thy flood-gates. All thy heights and thy billows have passed over me.

drb@Psalms:41:11 @Whilst my bones are broken, my enemies who trouble me have reproached me; Whilst they say to me day be day: Where is thy God?

drb@Psalms:42:3 @Send forth thy light and thy truth: they have conducted me, and brought me unto thy holy hill, and into thy tabernacles.

drb@Psalms:43:2 @We have heard, O God, with our ears: our fathers have declared to us, The work, thou hast wrought in their days, and in the days of old.

drb@Psalms:43:18 @All these things have come upon us, yet we have not forgotten thee: and we have not done wickedly in they covenant.

drb@Psalms:43:21 @If we have forgotten the name of our God, and if we have spread forth our hands to a strange god:

drb@Psalms:44:10 @the daughters of kings have delighted thee in thy glory. The queen stood on thy right hand, in gilded clothing; surrounded with variety.

drb@Psalms:45:2 @Our God is our refuge and strength: a helper in troubles, which have found us exceedingly.

drb@Psalms:47:9 @As we have heard, so have we seen, in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God: God hath founded it for ever.

drb@Psalms:47:10 @We have received thy mercy, O God, in the midst of thy temple.

drb@Psalms:48:12 @and their sepulchres shall be their houses for ever. Their dwelling places to all generations: they have called their lands by their names.

drb@Psalms:48:15 @They are laid in hell like sheep: death shall feed upon them. And the just shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their help shall decay in hell from their glory.

drb@Psalms:50:3 @Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity.

drb@Psalms:50:6 @To thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before thee: that thou mayst be justified in thy words and mayst overcome when thou art judged.

drb@Psalms:50:10 @To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness: and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice.

drb@Psalms:50:18 @For if thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would indeed have given it: with burnt offerings thou wilt not be delighted.

drb@Psalms:51:10 @But I, as a fruitful olive tree in the house of God, have hoped in the mercy of God for ever, yea for ever and ever.

drb@Psalms:52:4 @All have gone aside, they are become unprofitable together, there is none that doth good, no not one.

drb@Psalms:52:6 @They have not called upon God: there have they trembled for fear, where there was no fear. For God hath scattered the bones of them that please men: they have been confounded, because God hath despised them.

drb@Psalms:53:5 @For strangers have risen up against me; and the mighty have sought after my soul: and they have not set God before their eyes.

drb@Psalms:54:5 @at the voice of the enemy, and at the tribulation of the sinner. For they have cast iniquities upon me: and in wrath they were troublesome to me.

drb@Psalms:54:9 @Lo, I have gone far off flying away; and I abode in the wilderness.

drb@Psalms:54:11 @Cast down, O Lord, and divide their tongues; for I have seen iniquity and contradiction in the city.

drb@Psalms:54:13 @and injustice. And usury and deceit have not departed from its streets.

drb@Psalms:54:14 @For if my enemy had reviled me, I would verily have borne with it. And if he that hated me had spoken great things against me, I would perhaps have hidden myself from him.

drb@Psalms:54:18 @But I have cried to God: and the Lord will save me.

drb@Psalms:54:21 @God shall hear, and the Eternal shall humble them. For there is no change with them, and they have not feared God:

drb@Psalms:54:22 @he hath stretched forth his hand to repay. They have defiled his covenant,

drb@Psalms:55:2 @Have mercy on me, O God, for man hath trodden me under foot; all the day long he hath afflicted me fighting against me.

drb@Psalms:55:3 @My enemies have trodden on me all the day long; for they are many that make war against me.

drb@Psalms:55:5 @In God I will praise my words, in God I have put my trust: I will not fear what flesh can do against me.

drb@Psalms:55:7 @They will dwell and hide themselves: they will watch my heel. As they have waited for my soul,

drb@Psalms:55:9 @I have declared to thee my life: thou hast set my tears in thy sight, As also in thy promise.

drb@Psalms:55:11 @In God will I praise the word, in the Lord will I praise his speech. In God have I hoped, I will not fear what man can do to me.

drb@Psalms:56:2 @Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in thee. And in the shadow of thy wings will I hope, until iniquity pass away.

drb@Psalms:57:4 @The wicked are alienated from the womb; they have gone astray from the womb: they have spoken false things.

drb@Psalms:58:4 @For behold they have caught my soul: the mighty have rushed in upon me:

drb@Psalms:58:5 @Neither is it my iniquity, nor my sin, O Lord: without iniquity have I run, and directed my steps.

drb@Psalms:58:6 @Rise up thou to meet me, and behold: even thou, O Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel. Attend to visit all the nations: have no mercy on all them that work iniquity.

drb@Psalms:60:3 @To thee have I cried from the ends of the earth: when my heart was in anguish, thou hast exalted me on a rock. Thou hast conducted me;

drb@Psalms:61:5 @But they have thought to cast away my price; I ran in thirst: they blessed with their mouth, but cursed with their heart.

drb@Psalms:61:12 @God hath spoken once, these two things have I heard, that power belongeth to God,

drb@Psalms:62:3 @In a desert land, and where there is no way, and no water: so in the sanctuary have I come before thee, to see thy power and thy glory.

drb@Psalms:62:7 @If I have remembered thee upon my bed, I will meditate on thee in the morning:

drb@Psalms:62:10 @But they have sought my soul in vain, they shall go into the lower parts of the earth:

drb@Psalms:63:4 @For they have whetted their tongues like a sword; they have bent their bow a bitter thing,

drb@Psalms:63:6 @They will shoot at him on a sudden, and will not fear: they are resolute in wickedness. They have talked of hiding snares; they have said: Who shall see them?

drb@Psalms:63:7 @They have searched after iniquities: they have failed in their search. Man shall come to a deep heart:

drb@Psalms:64:4 @The words of the wicked have prevailed over us: and thou wilt pardon our transgressions.

drb@Psalms:65:12 @thou hast set men over our heads. We have passed through tire and water, and thou hast brought us out into a refreshment.

drb@Psalms:65:14 @which my lips have uttered, And my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble.

drb@Psalms:65:18 @If I have looked at iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.

drb@Psalms:66:2 @May God have mercy on us, and bless us: may he cause the light of his countenance to shine upon us, and may he have mercy on us.

drb@Psalms:67:25 @They have seen thy goings, O God, the goings of my God: of my king who is in his sanctuary.

drb@Psalms:68:4 @I have laboured with crying; my jaws are become hoarse: my eyes have failed, whilst I hope in my God.

drb@Psalms:68:5 @They are multiplied above the hairs of my head, who hate me without cause. My enemies are grown strong who have wrongfully persecuted me: then did I pay that which I took not away.

drb@Psalms:68:8 @Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.

drb@Psalms:68:27 @Because they have persecuted him whom thou hast smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds.

drb@Psalms:70:1 @A psalm for David. Of the sons of Jonadab, and the former captives. In thee, O Lord, I have hoped, let me never be put to confusion:

drb@Psalms:70:6 @By thee have I been confirmed from the womb: from my mother's womb thou art my protector. Of thee shall I continually sing:

drb@Psalms:70:10 @For my enemies have spoken against me; and they that watched my soul have consulted together,

drb@Psalms:70:15 @My mouth shall shew forth thy justice; thy salvation all the day long. Because I have not knows learning,

drb@Psalms:72:6 @Their iniquity hath come forth, as it were from fatness: they have passed into the affection of the heart.

drb@Psalms:72:7 @They have thought and spoken wickedness: they have spoken iniquity on high.

drb@Psalms:72:8 @They have set their mouth against heaven: and their tongue hath passed through the earth.

drb@Psalms:72:11 @Behold these are sinners; and yet abounding in the world they have obtained riches.

drb@Psalms:72:12 @And I said: Then have I in vain justified my heart, and washed my hands among the innocent.

drb@Psalms:72:13 @And I have been scourged all the day; and my chastisement hath been in the mornings.

drb@Psalms:72:18 @How are they brought to desolation? they have suddenly ceased to be: they have perished by reason of their iniquity.

drb@Psalms:72:20 @For my heart hath been inflamed, and my reins have been changed:

drb@Psalms:72:24 @For what have I in heaven? and besides thee what do I desire upon earth?

drb@Psalms:73:4 @And they that hate thee have made their boasts, in the midst of thy solemnity. They have set up their ensigns for signs,

drb@Psalms:73:6 @they have cut down at once the gates thereof, with axe and hatchet they have brought it down.

drb@Psalms:73:7 @They have set fire to thy sanctuary: they have defiled the dwelling place of thy name on the earth.

drb@Psalms:73:9 @Our signs we have not seen, there is now no prophet: and he will know us no more.

drb@Psalms:73:20 @Have regard to thy covenant: for they that are the obscure of the earth have been filled with dwellings of iniquity.

drb@Psalms:74:4 @The earth is melted, and all that dwell therein: I have established the pillars thereof.

drb@Psalms:75:6 @All the foolish of heart were troubled. They have slept their sleep; and all the men of riches have found nothing in their hands.

drb@Psalms:75:7 @At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, they have all slumbered that mounted on horseback.

drb@Psalms:76:11 @And I said, Now have I begun: this is the change of the right hand of the most High.

drb@Psalms:77:3 @How great things have we heard and known, and our fathers have told us.

drb@Psalms:77:4 @They have not been hidden from their children, in another generation. Declaring the praises of the Lord, and his powers, and his wonders which he hath done.

drb@Psalms:77:9 @The sons of Ephraim who bend and shoot with the bow: they have turned back in the day of battle.

drb@Psalms:78:1 @A psalm for Asaph. O God, the heathens are come into thy inheritance, they have defiled thy holy temple: they have made Jerusalem as a place to keep fruit.

drb@Psalms:78:2 @They have given the dead bodies of thy servants to be meat for the fowls of the air: the flesh of thy saints for the beasts of the earth.

drb@Psalms:78:3 @They have poured out their blood as water, round about Jerusalem and there was none to bury them.

drb@Psalms:78:6 @Pour out thy wrath upon the nations that have not known thee: and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name.

drb@Psalms:78:7 @Because they have devoured Jacob; and have laid waste his place.

drb@Psalms:78:11 @let the sighing of the prisoners come in before thee. According to the greatness of thy arm, take possession of the children of them that have been put to death.

drb@Psalms:78:12 @And render to our neighbours sevenfold in their bosom: the reproach wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord.

drb@Psalms:79:7 @Thou hast made us to be a contradiction to our neighbours: and our enemies have scoffed at us.

drb@Psalms:80:15 @I should soon have humbled their enemies, and laid my hand on them that troubled them.

drb@Psalms:80:16 @The enemies of the Lord have lied to him: and their time shall be for ever.

drb@Psalms:81:5 @They have not known nor understood: they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth shall be moved.

drb@Psalms:81:6 @I have said: You are gods and all of you the sons of the most High.

drb@Psalms:82:3 @For lo, thy enemies have made a noise: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

drb@Psalms:82:4 @They have taken a malicious counsel against thy people, and have consulted against thy saints.

drb@Psalms:82:5 @They have said: Come and let us destroy them, so that they be not a nation: and let the name of Israel be remembered no more.

drb@Psalms:82:6 @For they have contrived with one consent: they have made a covenant together against thee,

drb@Psalms:82:13 @who have said: Let us possess the sanctuary of God for an inheritance.

drb@Psalms:83:3 @my soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh have rejoiced in the living God.

drb@Psalms:83:11 @For better is one day in thy courts above thousands. I have chosen to be an abject in the house of my God, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles of sinners.

drb@Psalms:84:11 @Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed.

drb@Psalms:85:3 @Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I have cried to thee all the day.

drb@Psalms:85:4 @Give joy to the soul of thy servant, for to thee, O Lord, I have lifted up my soul.

drb@Psalms:85:7 @I have called upon thee in the day of my trouble: because thou hast heard me.

drb@Psalms:85:14 @O God, the wicked are risen up against me, and the assembly of the mighty have sought my soul: and they have not set thee before their eyes.

drb@Psalms:85:16 @O look upon me, and have mercy on me: give thy command to thy servant, and save the son of thy handmaid.

drb@Psalms:86:6 @The Lord shall tell in his writings of peoples and of princes, of them that have been in her.

drb@Psalms:87:2 @O Lord, the God of my salvation: I have cried in the day, and in the night before thee.

drb@Psalms:87:7 @They have laid me in the lower pit: in the dark places, and in the shadow of death.

drb@Psalms:87:9 @Thou hast put away my acquaintance far from me: they have set me an abomination to themselves. I was delivered up, and came not forth:

drb@Psalms:87:14 @But I, O Lord, have cried to thee: and in the morning my prayer shall prevent thee.

drb@Psalms:87:16 @I am poor, and in labours from my youth: and being exalted have been humbled and troubled.

drb@Psalms:87:17 @Thy wrath hath come upon me: and thy terrors have troubled me.

drb@Psalms:87:18 @They have come round about me like water all the day: they have compassed me about together.

drb@Psalms:88:4 @I have made a covenant with my elect: I have sworn to David my servant:

drb@Psalms:88:20 @Then thou spokest in a vision to thy saints, and saidst: I have laid help upon one that is mighty, and have exalted one chosen out of my people.

drb@Psalms:88:21 @I have found David my servant: with my holy oil I have anointed him.

drb@Psalms:88:23 @The enemy shall have no advantage over him: nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt him.

drb@Psalms:88:36 @Once have I sworn by my holiness: I will not lie unto David:

drb@Psalms:88:42 @All that pass by the way have robbed him: he is become a reproach to his neighbours.

drb@Psalms:88:51 @Be mindful, O Lord, of the reproach of thy servants (which I have held in my bosom) of many nations:

drb@Psalms:88:52 @Wherewith thy enemies have reproached, O Lord; wherewith they have reproached the change of thy anointed.

drb@Psalms:89:7 @For in thy wrath we have fainted away: and are troubled in thy indignation.

drb@Psalms:89:9 @For all our days are spent; and in thy wrath we have fainted away. Our years shall be considered spider:

drb@Psalms:89:14 @We are filled in the morning with thy mercy: and we have rejoiced, and are delighted all our days.

drb@Psalms:89:15 @We have rejoiced for the days in which thou hast humbled us: for the years in which we have seen evils.

drb@Psalms:92:3 @The floods have lifted up, O Lord: the floods have lifted up their voice. The floods have lifted up their waves,

drb@Psalms:93:5 @Thy people, O Lord, they have brought low: and they have afflicted thy inheritance.

drb@Psalms:93:6 @They have slain the widow and the stranger: and they have murdered the fatherless.

drb@Psalms:93:7 @And they have said: The Lord shall not see: neither shall the God of Jacob understand.

drb@Psalms:93:19 @According to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart, thy comforts have given joy to my soul.

drb@Psalms:94:11 @And these men have not known my ways: so I swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest.

drb@Psalms:96:4 @His lightnings have shone forth to the world: the earth saw and trembled.

drb@Psalms:97:3 @He hath remembered his mercy his truth toward the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

drb@Psalms:101:8 @I have watched, and am become as a sparrow all alone on the housetop.

drb@Psalms:101:12 @My days have declined like a shadow, and I am withered like grass.

drb@Psalms:101:14 @Thou shalt arise and have mercy on Sion: for it is time to have mercy on it, for the time is come.

drb@Psalms:101:15 @For the stones thereof have pleased thy servants: and they shall have pity on the earth thereof.

drb@Psalms:103:33 @I will sing to the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

drb@Psalms:105:6 @We have sinned with our fathers: we have acted unjustly, we have wrought iniquity.

drb@Psalms:106:2 @Let them say so that have been redeemed by the Lord, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy: and gathered out of the countries.

drb@Psalms:106:24 @These have seen the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.

drb@Psalms:106:30 @And they rejoiced because they were still: and he brought them to the haven which they wished for.

drb@Psalms:108:3 @They have spoken against with deceitful tongues; and they have compassed me about with words of hatred; and have fought against me without cause.

drb@Psalms:108:18 @And he loved cursing, and it shall come unto him: and he would not have blessing, and it shall be far from him. And he put on cursing, like a garment: and it went in like water into his entrails, and like oil in his bones.

drb@Psalms:113:13 @They have mouths and speak not: they have eyes and see not.

drb@Psalms:113:14 @They have ears and hear not: they have noses and smell not.

drb@Psalms:113:15 @They have hands and feel not: they have feet and walk not: neither shall they cry out through their throat.

drb@Psalms:114:1 @I have loved, because the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer.

drb@Psalms:114:3 @The sorrows of death have encompassed me: and the perils of hell have found me. I met with trouble and sorrow:

drb@Psalms:115:1 @I have believed, therefore have I spoken; but I have been humbled exceedingly.

drb@Psalms:117:8 @It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man.

drb@Psalms:117:10 @All nations compassed me about; and in the name of the Lord I have been revenged on them.

drb@Psalms:117:11 @Surrounding me they compassed me about: and in the name of the Lord I have been revenged on them.

drb@Psalms:117:26 @Blessed be he that cometh in the name Lord. We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.

drb@Psalms:118:4 @For they that work iniquity, have not walked in his ways.

drb@Psalms:118:8 @I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned the judgments of thy justice.

drb@Psalms:118:11 @With my whole heart have I sought after thee: let me not stray from thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:118:12 @Thy words have I hidden in my heart, that I may not sin against thee.

drb@Psalms:118:14 @With my lips I have pronounced all the judgments of thy mouth.

drb@Psalms:118:15 @I have been delighted in the way of thy testimonies, as in all riches.

drb@Psalms:118:23 @Remove from reproach and contempt: because I have sought after thy testimonies.

drb@Psalms:118:27 @I have declared my ways, and thou hast heard me: tech me thy justifications.

drb@Psalms:118:30 @Remove from me the way of iniquity: and out of thy law have mercy on me.

drb@Psalms:118:31 @I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments I have not forgotten.

drb@Psalms:118:32 @I have stuck to thy testimonies, O Lord: put me not to shame.

drb@Psalms:118:33 @I have run the way of thy commandments, when thou didst enlarge my heart. HE

drb@Psalms:118:36 @Lead me into the path of thy commandments; for this same I have desired.

drb@Psalms:118:40 @Turn away my reproach, which I have apprehended: for thy judgments are delightful.

drb@Psalms:118:41 @Behold I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy justice. VAU

drb@Psalms:118:43 @So shall I answer them that reproach me in any thing; that I have trusted in thy words.

drb@Psalms:118:44 @And take not thou the word of truth utterly out of my mouth: for in thy words have I hoped exceedingly.

drb@Psalms:118:46 @And I walked at large: because I have sought after thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:118:56 @In the night I have remembered thy name, O Lord: and have kept thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:58 @O Lord, my portion, I have said, I would keep the law.

drb@Psalms:118:59 @I entreated thy face with all my heart: have mercy on me according to thy word.

drb@Psalms:118:60 @I have thought on my ways: and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.

drb@Psalms:118:62 @The cords of the wicked have encompassed me: but I have not forgotten thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:67 @Teach me goodness and discipline and knowledge; for I have believed thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:118:68 @Before I was humbled I offended; therefore have I kept thy word.

drb@Psalms:118:71 @Their heart is curdled like milk: but I have meditated on thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:74 @Thy hands have made me and formed me: give me understanding, and I will learn thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:118:75 @They that fear thee shall see me, and shall be glad: because I have greatly hoped in thy words.

drb@Psalms:118:79 @Let the proud be ashamed, because they have done unjustly towards me: but I will be employed in thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:118:82 @My soul hath fainted after thy salvation: and in thy word I have very much hoped.

drb@Psalms:118:83 @My eyes have failed for thy word, saying: When wilt thou comfort me?

drb@Psalms:118:84 @For I am become like a bottle in the frost: I have not forgotten thy justifications.

drb@Psalms:118:86 @The wicked have told me fables: but not as thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:87 @All thy statutes are truth: they have persecuted me unjustly, do thou help me.

drb@Psalms:118:88 @They had almost made an end of me upon earth: but I have not forsaken thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:118:95 @I am thine, save thou me: for I have sought thy justifications.

drb@Psalms:118:96 @The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I have understood thy testimonies.

drb@Psalms:118:97 @I have seen an end to all persecution: thy commandment is exceeding broad. MEM

drb@Psalms:118:98 @O how have I loved thy law, O Lord! it is my meditation all the day.

drb@Psalms:118:100 @I have understood more than all my teachers: because thy testimonies are my meditation.

drb@Psalms:118:101 @I have had understanding above ancients: because I have sought thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:118:102 @I have restrained my feet from every evil way: that I may keep thy words.

drb@Psalms:118:103 @I have not declined from thy judgments, because thou hast set me a law.

drb@Psalms:118:105 @By thy commandments I have had understanding: therefore have I hated every way of iniquity. NUN

drb@Psalms:118:107 @I have sworn and am determined to keep the judgments of thy justice.

drb@Psalms:118:108 @I have been humbled, O Lord, exceedingly: quicken thou me according to thy word.

drb@Psalms:118:110 @My soul is continually in my hands: and I have not forgotten thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:111 @Sinners have laid a snare for me: but I have not erred from thy precepts.

drb@Psalms:118:112 @I have purchased thy testimonies for an inheritance for ever: because they are a joy to my heart.

drb@Psalms:118:113 @I have inclined my heart to do thy justifications for ever, for the reward. SAMECH

drb@Psalms:118:114 @I have hated the unjust: and have loved thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:115 @Thou art my helper and my protector: and in thy word I have greatly hoped.

drb@Psalms:118:120 @I have accounted all the sinners of the earth prevaricators: therefore have I loved thy testimonies.

drb@Psalms:118:122 @I have done judgment and justice: give me not up to them that slander me.

drb@Psalms:118:124 @My eyes have fainted after thy salvation: and for the word of thy justice.

drb@Psalms:118:127 @It is time, O Lord, to do: they have dissipated thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:128 @Therefore have I loved thy commandments above gold and the topaz.

drb@Psalms:118:129 @Therefore was I directed to all thy commandments: I have hated all wicked ways. PHE

drb@Psalms:118:133 @Look thou upon me, and have mercy on me, according to the judgment of them that love thy name.

drb@Psalms:118:134 @Direct my steps according to thy word: and let no iniquity have dominion over me.

drb@Psalms:118:137 @My eyes have sent forth springs of water: because they have not kept thy law. SADE

drb@Psalms:118:144 @Trouble and anguish have found me: thy commandments are my meditation.

drb@Psalms:118:149 @My eyes to thee have prevented the morning: that I might meditate on thy words.

drb@Psalms:118:151 @They that persecute me have drawn nigh to iniquity; but they are gone far off from the law.

drb@Psalms:118:153 @I have known from the beginning concerning thy testimonies: that thou hast founded them for ever. RES

drb@Psalms:118:154 @See my humiliation and deliver me: for I have not forgotten the law.

drb@Psalms:118:156 @Salvation is far from sinners; because they have not sought thy justifications.

drb@Psalms:118:158 @Many are they that persecute me, and afflict me; but I have not declined from thy testimonies.

drb@Psalms:118:160 @Behold I have loved thy commandments, O Lord; quicken me thou in thy mercy.

drb@Psalms:118:162 @Princes have persecuted me without cause: and my heart hath been in awe of thy words.

drb@Psalms:118:164 @I have hated and abhorred iniquity; but I have loved thy law.

drb@Psalms:118:165 @Seven times a day I have given praise to thee, for the judgments of thy justice.

drb@Psalms:118:166 @Much peace have they that love thy law, and to them there is no stumbling block

drb@Psalms:118:169 @I have kept thy commandments and thy testimonies: because all my ways are in thy sight. TAU

drb@Psalms:118:174 @Let thy hand be with me to save me; for I have chosen thy precepts.

drb@Psalms:118:175 @I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord; and thy law is my meditation.

drb@Psalms:118:177 @I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost: seek thy servant, because I have not forgotten thy commandments.

drb@Psalms:119:5 @Woe is me, that my sojourning is prolonged! I have dwelt with the inhabitants of cedar:

drb@Psalms:120:1 @I have lifted up my eyes to the mountains, from whence help shall come to me.

drb@Psalms:121:5 @Because their seats have sat in judgment, seats upon the house of David.

drb@Psalms:121:9 @Because of the house of the Lord our God, I have sought good things for thee.

drb@Psalms:122:1 @To thee have I lifted up my eyes, who dwellest in heaven.

drb@Psalms:122:2 @Behold as the eyes of the servants are on the hands of their masters, As the eyes of the handmaid are on the hands of her mistress: so are our eyes unto the Lord our God, until he have mercy on us.

drb@Psalms:122:3 @Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us: for we are greatly filled with contempt.

drb@Psalms:126:2 @It is vain for you to rise before light, rise ye after you have sitten, you that eat the bread of sorrow. When he shall give sleep to his beloved,

drb@Psalms:126:4 @As arrows in the hand of the mighty, so the children of them that have been shaken.

drb@Psalms:128:1 @Often have they fought against me from my youth, let Israel now say.

drb@Psalms:128:2 @Often have they fought against me from my youth: but they could not prevail over me.

drb@Psalms:128:3 @The wicked have wrought upon my back: they have lengthened their iniquity.

drb@Psalms:128:8 @And they that have passed by have not said: The blessing of the Lord be upon you: we have blessed you in the name of the Lord.

drb@Psalms:129:1 @Out of the depths I have cried to thee, O Lord:

drb@Psalms:129:4 @For with thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of thy law, I have waited for thee, O Lord. My soul hath relied on his word:

drb@Psalms:130:1 @Lord, my heart is not exalted: nor are my eyes lofty. Neither have I walked in great matters, nor in wonderful things above me.

drb@Psalms:131:6 @Behold we have heard of it in Ephrata: we have found it in the fields of the wood.

drb@Psalms:131:14 @This is my rest for ever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.

drb@Psalms:131:17 @There will I bring forth a horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.

drb@Psalms:134:5 @For I have known that the Lord is great, and our God is above all gods.

drb@Psalms:134:16 @They have a mouth, but they speak not: they have eyes, but they see not.

drb@Psalms:134:17 @They have ears, but they hear not: neither is there any breath in their mouths.

drb@Psalms:137:4 @May all the kings of the earth give glory to thee: for they have heard all the words of thy mouth.

drb@Psalms:138:21 @Have I not hated them, O Lord, that hated thee: and pine away because of thy enemies?

drb@Psalms:138:22 @I have hated them with a perfect hatred: and they are become enemies to me.

drb@Psalms:139:3 @Who have devised iniquities in their hearts: all the day long they designed battles.

drb@Psalms:139:4 @They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent: the venom of saps is under their lips.

drb@Psalms:139:5 @Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the wicked: and from unjust men deliver me. Who have proposed to supplant my steps.

drb@Psalms:139:6 @the proud have hidden a net for me. And they have stretched out cords for a snare: they have laid for me a stumblingblock by the wayside.

drb@Psalms:139:9 @Give me not up, O Lord, from my desire to the wicked: they have plotted against me; do not thou forsake me, lest they should triumph.

drb@Psalms:140:1 @I have cried to the, O Lord, hear me: hearken to my voice, when I cry to thee.

drb@Psalms:140:6 @their judges falling upon the rock have been swallowed up. They shall hear my words, for they have prevailed:

drb@Psalms:140:8 @But o to thee, O Lord, Lord, are my eyes: in thee have I put my trust, take not away my soul.

drb@Psalms:140:9 @Keep me from the snare, which they have laid for me, and from the stumblingblocks of them that work iniquity.

drb@Psalms:142:3 @For the enemy hath persecuted my soul: he hath brought down my life to the earth. He hath made me to dwell in darkness as those that have been dead of old:

drb@Psalms:142:8 @Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning; for in thee have I hoped. Make the way known to me, wherein I should walk: for I have lifted up my soul to thee.

drb@Psalms:142:9 @Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, to thee have I fled:

drb@Psalms:143:2 @My mercy, and my refuge: my support, and my deliverer: My protector, and I have hoped in him: who subdueth my people under me.

drb@Psalms:143:15 @They have called the people happy, that hath these things: but happy is that people whose God is the Lord.

drb@Proverbs:1:14 @Cast in thy lot with us, let us all have one purse.

drb@Proverbs:1:17 @But a net is spread in vain before the eyes of them that have wings.

drb@Proverbs:1:25 @You have despised all my counsel, and have neglected my reprehensions.

drb@Proverbs:1:29 @Because they have hated instruction and received not the fear of the Lord,

drb@Proverbs:2:14 @Who are glad when they have done evil, and rejoice in most wicked things:

drb@Proverbs:3:5 @Have confidence in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not upon thy own prudence.

drb@Proverbs:3:20 @By his wisdom the depths have broken out, and the clouds grow thick with dew

drb@Proverbs:4:12 @Which when thou shalt have entered, thy steps shall not be straitened, and when thou runnest thou shalt not meet a stumblingblock.

drb@Proverbs:4:16 @For they sleep not except they have done evil: and their sleep is taken away unless they have made some to fall.

drb@Proverbs:5:11 @And thou mourn it the last, when thou shalt have spent thy flesh and thy body, and say:

drb@Proverbs:5:12 @Why have I hated instruction, and my heart consented not to reproof,

drb@Proverbs:5:13 @And have not heard the voice of them that taught me, and have not in- dined my ear to masters?

drb@Proverbs:5:14 @I have almost been in all evil, in the midst of the church and of the congregation.

drb@Proverbs:6:15 @To such a one his destruction shall presently come, and he shall suddenly be destroyed, and shall no longer have any remedy.

drb@Proverbs:7:14 @I vowed victims for prosperity, this day I have paid my vows.

drb@Proverbs:7:15 @Therefore I am come out to meet thee, desirous to see thee, and I have found thee.

drb@Proverbs:7:16 @I have woven my bed with cords, I have covered it with painted tapestry, brought from Egypt

drb@Proverbs:7:17 @I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

drb@Proverbs:7:26 @For she hath cast down many wounded, and the strongest have been slain by her.

drb@Proverbs:8:35 @He that shall find me, shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord:

drb@Proverbs:9:5 @Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine which I have mingled for you.

drb@Proverbs:11:16 @A gracious woman shall find glory: and the strong shall have riches.

drb@Proverbs:17:16 @What doth it avail a fool to have riches, seeing he cannot buy wisdom? He that maketh his house high, seeketh a downfall: and he that refuseth to learn, shall fall into evils.

drb@Proverbs:19:7 @The brethren of the poor man hate him: moreover also his friends have departed far from him. He that followeth after words only, shall have nothing.

drb@Proverbs:19:10 @Delicacies are not seemly for a fool: nor for a servant to have rule over princes

drb@Proverbs:21:10 @The soul of the wicked desireth evil, he will not have pity on his neighbour.

drb@Proverbs:21:25 @Desires kill the slothful: for his hands have refused to work at all.

drb@Proverbs:22:2 @The rich and poor have met one another: the Lord is the maker of them both.

drb@Proverbs:22:11 @He that loveth cleanness of heart, for the grace of his lips shall have the king for his friend.

drb@Proverbs:22:19 @That thy trust may be in the Lord, wherefore I have also shewn it to thee this day.

drb@Proverbs:22:20 @Behold I have described it to thee three manner of ways, in thoughts and knowledge:

drb@Proverbs:22:23 @Because the Lord will judge his cause, and will afflict them that have afflicted his soul.

drb@Proverbs:22:27 @For if thou have not wherewith to restore, what cause is there, that he should take the covering from thy bed?

drb@Proverbs:22:28 @Pass not beyond the ancient bounds which thy fathers have set.

drb@Proverbs:23:2 @And put a knife to thy throat, if it be so that thou have thy soul in thy own power.

drb@Proverbs:23:5 @Lift not up thy eyes to riches which thou canst not have: because they shall make themselves wings like those of an eagle, and shall fly towards heaven.

drb@Proverbs:23:18 @Because thou shalt have hope in the latter end, and thy expectation shall not be taken away

drb@Proverbs:23:24 @The father of the just rejoiceth greatly: he that hath begotten a wise son, shall have joy in him.

drb@Proverbs:23:35 @And thou shalt say: They have beaten me, but I was not sensible of pain: they drew me, and I felt not: when shall I awake, and find wine again?

drb@Proverbs:24:12 @If thou say: I have not strength enough: he that seeth into the heart, he understandeth, and nothing deceiveth the keeper of thy soul, end he shall render to a man according to his works.

drb@Proverbs:24:14 @So also is the doctrine of wisdom to thy soul: which when thou hast found, thou shalt have hope in the end, and thy hope shall not perish.

drb@Proverbs:24:20 @For evil men have no hope of things to come, and the lamp of the wicked shall be put out

drb@Proverbs:24:21 @My son, fear the Lord and the king: and have nothing to do with detracters.

drb@Proverbs:24:23 @These things also to the wise: It is not good to have respect to persons in judgment.

drb@Proverbs:25:8 @The things which thy eyes have seen, utter not hastily in a quarrel: lest after- ward thou mayst not be able to make amends, when thou hast dishonoured thy friend.

drb@Proverbs:27:12 @The prudent man seeing evil hideth himself: little ones passing on have suffered losses.

drb@Proverbs:27:24 @For thou shalt not always have power: but a crown shall be given to generation and generation.

drb@Proverbs:27:25 @The meadows are open, and the green herbs have appeared, and the hay is gathered out of the mountains.

drb@Proverbs:29:13 @The poor man and the creditor have met one another: the Lord is the enlightener of them both.

drb@Proverbs:30:3 @I have not learned wisdom, and have not known the science of saints.

drb@Proverbs:30:7 @Two things I have asked of thee, deny them not to me before I die.

drb@Proverbs:30:20 @Such is also the way of an adulterous woman, who eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith: I have done no evil.

drb@Proverbs:30:32 @There is that hath appeared a fool after he was lifted up on high: for if he had understood, he would have laid his hand upon his mouth.

drb@Proverbs:31:11 @The heart of her husband trusteth in her, and he shall have no need of spoils.

drb@Proverbs:31:19 @She hath put out her hand to strong things, and her fingers have taken hold of the spindle.

drb@Proverbs:31:29 @Many daughters have gathered together riches: thou hast surpassed them all.

drb@Ecclesiastes:1:14 @I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold all is vanity, and vexation of spirit.

drb@Ecclesiastes:1:16 @I have spoken in my heart, saying: Behold I am become great, and have gone beyond all in wisdom, that were before me in Jerusalem: and my mind hath contemplated many things wisely, and I have learned.

drb@Ecclesiastes:1:17 @And I have given my heart to know prudence, and learning, and errors, and folly: and I have perceived that in these also there was labour, and vexation of spirit,

drb@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @And I said in my heart: If the death of the fool and mine shall be one, what doth it avail me, that I have applied myself more to the study of wisdom? And speaking with my own mind, I perceived that this also was vanity.

drb@Ecclesiastes:2:18 @Again I hated all my application wherewith I had earnestly laboured under the sun, being like to have an heir after me,

drb@Ecclesiastes:2:19 @Whom I know not whether he will be a wise man or a fool, and he shall have rule over all my labours with which I have laboured and been solicitous: and is there any thing so vain?

drb@Ecclesiastes:2:22 @For what profit shall a man have of all his labour, and vexation of spirit, with which he bath been tormented under the sun?

drb@Ecclesiastes:3:1 @All things have their season, and in their times all things pass under heaven.

drb@Ecclesiastes:3:10 @I have seen the trouble, which God hath given the sons of men to be exercised in it

drb@Ecclesiastes:3:12 @And I have known that there was no better thing than to rejoice, and to do well in this life.

drb@Ecclesiastes:3:14 @I have learned that all the works which God hath made, continue for ever: we cannot add any thing, nor take away from those things which God hath made that he may be feared.

drb@Ecclesiastes:3:15 @That which hath been made, the same continueth: the things that shall be, have already been: and God restoreth that which is past.

drb@Ecclesiastes:3:22 @And I have found that nothing is better than for a man to rejoice in his work, and that this is his portion. For who shall bring him to know the things that shall be after him?

drb@Ecclesiastes:4:9 @It is better therefore that two should be together, than one: for they have the advantage of their society:

drb@Ecclesiastes:5:12 @There is also another grievous evil, which I have seen under the sun: riches kept to the hurt of the owner

drb@Ecclesiastes:6:1 @There is also another evil, which I have seen under the sun, and that frequent among men:

drb@Ecclesiastes:6:11 @There are many words that have much vanity in disputing.

drb@Ecclesiastes:7:24 @I have tried all things in wisdom. I have said: I will be wise: and it departed farther from me,

drb@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @I have surveyed all things with my mind, to know, and consider, and seek out wisdom and reason: and to know the wickedness of the fool, and the error of the imprudent:

drb@Ecclesiastes:7:27 @And I have found a woman more bitter than death, who is the hunter's snare, and her heart is a net, and her hands are bands. He that pleaseth God shall escape from her: but he that is a sinner, shall be caught by her.

drb@Ecclesiastes:7:28 @Lo this have I found, said Ecclesiastes, weighing one thing after another, that I might find out the account,

drb@Ecclesiastes:7:29 @Which yet my soul seeketh, and I have not found it. One man among a thousand I have found, a woman among them all I have not found.

drb@Ecclesiastes:7:30 @Only this I have found, that God made man right, and he hath entangled himself with an infinity of questions. Who is as the wise man? and who hath known the resolution of the word?

drb@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @All these things I have considered, and applied my heart to all the works that are done under the sun. Sometimes one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.

drb@Ecclesiastes:9:1 @All these things have I considered in my heart, that I might carefully understand them: there are just men and wise men, and their works are in the hand of God: and yet man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love, or hatred:

drb@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing more, neither have they a reward any more: for the memory of them is forgotten.

drb@Ecclesiastes:9:6 @Their love also, and their hatred, and their envy are all perished, neither have they any part in this world, and in the work that is done under the sun.

drb@Ecclesiastes:9:13 @This wisdom also I have seen under the sun, and it seemed to me to be very great:

drb@Ecclesiastes:10:5 @There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, as it were by an error proceeding from the face of the prince:

drb@Ecclesiastes:10:7 @I have seen servants upon horses: and princes walking on the ground as servants.

drb@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @If a man live many years, and have rejoiced in them all, he must remember the darksome time, and the many days: which when they shall come, the things past shall be accused of vanity.

drb@Songs:1:2 @Smelling sweet of the best ointments. Thy name is as oil poured out: therefore young maidens have loved thee.

drb@Songs:1:5 @Do not consider me that I am brown, because the sun hath altered my colour: the sons of my mother have fought against me, they have made me the keeper in the vineyards: my vineyard I have not kept.

drb@Songs:1:8 @To my company of horsemen, in Pharao's chariots, have I likened thee, O my love.

drb@Songs:2:12 @The flowers have appeared in our land, the time of pruning is come: the voice of the turtle is heard in our land:

drb@Songs:3:3 @The watchmen who keep the city, found me: Have you seen him, whom my soul loveth?

drb@Songs:5:1 @Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat the fruit of his apple trees. I am come into my garden, O my sister, my spouse, I have gathered my myrrh, with my aromatical spices: I have eaten the honeycomb with my honey, I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends, and drink, and be inebriated, my dearly beloved.

drb@Songs:5:3 @I have put off my garment, how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet, how shall I defile them?

drb@Songs:6:4 @Turn away thy eyes from me, for they have made me flee away. Thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from Galaad.

drb@Songs:7:13 @The mandrakes give a smell. In our gates are all fruits: the new and the old, my beloved, I have kept for thee.

drb@B793:4 @For we have not obeyed thy commandments, therefore are we delivered to spoil and to captivity, and death, and are made a fable, and a reproach to all nations, amongst which thou hast scattered us.

drb@B793:5 @And now, O Lord, great are thy judgments, because we have not done according to thy precepts, and have not walked sincerely before thee:

drb@B793:16 @Thou knowest, O Lord, that I never coveted a husband, and have kept my soul clean from all lust.

drb@B793:17 @Never have I joined myself with them that play: neither have I made myself partaker with them that walk in lightness.

drb@B794:5 @And when she also shall have ended the time of her life, bury her by me.

drb@B794:6 @And all the days of thy life have God in thy mind: and take heed thou never consent to sin, nor transgress the commandments of the Lord our God.

drb@B794:9 @If thou have much give abundantly: if thou have a little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little.

drb@B794:16 @See thou never do to another what thou wouldst hate to have done to thee by another.

drb@B794:21 @I tell thee also, my son, that I lent ten talents of silver, while thou wast yet a child, to Gabelus, in Rages a city of the Medes, and I have a note of his hand with me:

drb@B794:23 @Fear not, my son: we lead indeed a poor life, but we shall have many good things if we fear God, and depart from all sin, and do that which is good.

drb@B795:3 @Then his father answered him, and said: I have a note of his hand with me, which when thou shalt shew him, he will presently pay it.

drb@B795:8 @And he answered: I know it: and I have often walked through all the ways thereof, and I have abode with Gabelus our brother, who dwelleth at Rages a city of the Medes, which is situate in the mount of Ecbatana.

drb@B795:21 @And Tobias answering, said: May you have a good journey, and God be with you in your way, and his angel accompany you.

drb@B796:14 @Then Tobias answered, and said: I hear that she hath been given to seven husbands, and they all died: moreover I have heard, that a devil killed them

drb@B796:17 @For they who in such manner receive matrimony, as to shut out God from themselves, and from their mind, and to give themselves to their lust, as the horse and mule, which have not understanding, over them the devil hath power.

drb@B797:12 @The angel said to him: Be not afraid to give her to this man, for to him who feareth God is thy daughter due to be his wife: therefore another could not have her.

drb@B798:10 @Sara also said: Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, and let us grow old both together in health.

drb@B798:12 @For he said: Lest perhaps it may have happened to him, in like manner as it did to the other seven husbands, that went in unto her.

drb@B7910:5 @We having all things together in thee alone, ought not to have let thee go from us.

drb@B7910:13 @Admonishing her to honour her father and mother in law, to love her husband, to take care of the family, to govern the house, and to behave herself irreprehensibly.

drb@B7912:3 @He conducted me and brought me safe again, he received the money of Gabelus, he caused me to have my wife, and he chased from her the evil spirit, he gave joy to her parents, myself he delivered from being devoured by the fish, thee also he hath made to see the light of heaven, and we are filled with all good things through him. What can we give him sufficient for these things?

drb@B7912:4 @But I beseech thee, my father, to desire him, that he would vouchsafe to accept one half of all things that have been brought.

drb@B801:2 @For he is found by them that tempt him not: and he sheweth himself to them that have faith in him.

drb@B801:16 @But the wicked with works and words have called it to them: and esteeming it a friend have fallen away, and have made a covenant with it: because they are worthy to be of the part thereof.

drb@B802:1 @For they have said, reasoning with themselves, but not right: The time of our life is short and tedious, and in the end of a man there is no remedy, and no man hath been known to have returned from hell:

drb@B802:4 @And our name in time shall be forgotten, and no man shall have any remembrance of our works.

drb@B803:10 @But the wicked shall be punished according to their own devices: who have neglected the just, and have revolted from the Lord

drb@B803:13 @Their offspring is cursed: for happy is the barren: and the undefiled, that hath not known bed in sin: she shall have fruit in the visitation of holy souls.

drb@B803:18 @And if they die quickly, they shall have no hope, nor speech of comfort in the day of trial.

drb@B805:1 @Then shall the just stand with great constancy against those that have afflicted them, and taken away their labours.

drb@B805:6 @Therefore we have erred from the way of truth, and the light of justice hath not shined unto us, and the sun of understanding hath not risen upon us.

drb@B805:7 @We wearied ourselves in the way of iniquity and destruction, and have walked through hard ways, but the way of the Lord we have not known.

drb@B805:13 @So we also being born, forthwith ceased to be: and have been able to shew no mark of virtue: but are consumed in our wickedness.

drb@B806:5 @Because being ministers of his kingdom, you have not judged rightly, nor kept the law of justice, nor walked according to the will of God.

drb@B806:11 @For they that have kept just things justly, shall be justified: and they that have learned these things, shall find what to answer.

drb@B806:12 @Covet ye therefore my words, and love them, and you shall have instruction.

drb@B807:6 @For all men have one entrance into life, and the like going out.

drb@B807:10 @I loved her above health and beauty, and chose to have her instead of light: for her light cannot be put out.

drb@B807:13 @Which I have learned without guile, and communicate without envy, and her riches I hide not.

drb@B807:21 @And all such things as are hid and not foreseen, I have learned: for wisdom, which is the worker of all things, taught me.

drb@B808:2 @Her have I loved, and have sought her out from my youth, and have desired to take her for my spouse, and I became a lover of her beauty.

drb@B808:7 @And if a man love justice: her labours have great virtues; for she teacheth temperance, and prudence, anad justice, and fortitude, which are such things as men can have nothing more profitable in life.

drb@B808:10 @For her sake I shall have glory among the multitude, and honour with the ancients, though I be young:

drb@B808:13 @Moreover by the means of her I shall have immortality: and shall leave behind me an everlasting memory to them that come after me.

drb@B809:2 @And by thy wisdom hast appointed man, that he should have dominion over the creature that was made by thee,

drb@B809:19 @For by wisdom they were healed, whosoever have pleased thee, O Lord, from the beginning.

drb@B8011:21 @Yea and without these, they might have been slain with one blast, persecuted by their own deeds, and scattered by the breath of thy power: but thou hast ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight.

drb@B8012:23 @Wherefore thou hast also greatly tormented them who in their life have lived foolishly and unjustly, by the same things which they worshipped.

drb@B8013:1 @But all men are vain, in whom there is not the knowledge of God: and who by these good things that are seen, could not understand him that is, neither by attending to the works have acknowledged who was the workman:

drb@B8013:2 @But have imagined either the fire, or the wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the stars, or the great water, or the sun and moon, to be the gods that rule the world.

drb@B8013:10 @But unhappy are they, and their hope is among the dead, who have called gods the works of the hands of men, gold and silver, the inventions of art, and the resemblances of beasts, or an unprofitable stone the work of an ancient hand.

drb@B8014:30 @But for two things they shall be justly punished, because they have thought not well of God, giving heed to idols, and have sworn unjustly, in guile despising justice.

drb@B8015:6 @The lovers of evil things deserve to have no better things to trust in, both they that make them, and they that love them,and they that worship them.

drb@B8015:12 @Yea and they have counted our life a pastime, and the business of life to be gain, and that we must be getting every way, even out of evil.

drb@B8015:15 @For they have esteemed all the idols of the heathens for gods, which neither have the use of eyes to see, nor noses to draw breath, nor ears to hear, nor fingers of hands to handle, and as for their feet, they are slow to walk.

drb@B8017:1 @For thy judgments, O Lord, are great, and thy words cannot be expressed: therefore undisciplined souls have erred.

drb@B8017:2 @For while the wicked thought to be able to have dominion over the holy nation, they themselves being fettered with the bonds of darkness, and a long night, shut up in their houses, lay there exiled from the eternal providence.

drb@B831:6 @For we have sinned, and committed iniquity, departing from thee: and we have trespassed in all things:

drb@B831:7 @And we have not hearkened to thy commandments, nor have we observed nor done as thou hadst commanded us, that it might go well with us.

drb@B8613:6 @We have commanded that all whom Aman shall mark out, who is chief over all the provinces, and second after the king, and whom we honour as a father, shall be utterly destroyed by their enemies, with their wives and children, and that none shall have pity on them. on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month Adar of this present year:

drb@B8613:13 @(For I would willingly and readily for the salvation of Israel have kissed even the steps of his feet,)

drb@B8613:15 @And now, O Lord, O king, O God of Abraham, have mercy on thy people, be- cause our enemies resolve to destroy us, and extinguish thy inheritance

drb@B8614:3 @And she prayed to the Lord the God of Israel, saying: O my Lord, who alone art our king, help me a desolate woman, and who have no other helper but thee.

drb@B8614:5 @I have heard of my father that thou, O Lord, didst take Israel from among all nations, and our fathers from all their predecessors, to possess them as an everlasting inheritance, and thou hast done to them as thou hast promised.

drb@B8614:6 @We have sinned in thy sight, and therefore thou hast delivered us into the hands of our enemies:

drb@B8614:7 @For we have worshipped their gods. Thou art just, O Lord.

drb@B8614:14 @But deliver us by thy hand, and help me, who have no other helper, but thee, O Lord, who hast the knowledge of all things.

drb@B8614:17 @And that I have not eaten at Aman's table, nor hath the king's banquet pleased me, and that I have not drunk the wine of the drink offerings:

drb@B8614:19 @O God, who art mighty above all, hear the voice of them, that have no other hope, and deliver us from the hand of the wicked, and deliver me from my fear.

drb@B8616:2 @Many have abused unto pride the goodness of princes, and the honour that hath been bestowed upon them:

drb@B8616:15 @But we have found that the Jews, who were by that most wicked man appointed to be slain, are in no fault at all, but contrariwise, use just laws,

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