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OT-POET.filter - acv tha:

acv@Job:1:1 @ There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was perfect and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil.

acv@Job:1:3 @ His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she-donkeys, and a very great household, so that this man was the greatest of all the sons of the east.

acv@Job:1:5 @ And it was so, when the days of their feasting were completed, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt-offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, It may be that my so

acv@Job:1:6 @ Now it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before LORD, that Satan also came among them.

acv@Job:1:10 @ Have thou not made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he has, on every side? Thou have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

acv@Job:1:11 @ But put forth thy hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will renounce thee to thy face.

acv@Job:1:12 @ And LORD said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in thy power, only upon himself do not put forth thy hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of LORD.

acv@Job:1:14 @ that there came a messenger to Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the donkeys feeding beside them,

acv@Job:2:1 @ Again it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before LORD, that Satan came also among them to present himself before LORD.

acv@Job:2:4 @ And Satan answered LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man has he will give for his life.

acv@Job:2:11 @ Now when Job's three friends heard of all this evil that came upon him, they came each one from his own place--Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite--and they made an appointment together to come t

acv@Job:2:13 @ So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights. And none spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great.

acv@Job:3:4 @ Let that day be darkness. Let not God from above seek for it, nor let the light shine upon it.

acv@Job:3:6 @ As for that night, let thick darkness seize upon it. Let it not rejoice among the days of the year. Let it not come into the number of the months.

acv@Job:3:7 @ Lo, let that night be barren. Let no joyful voice come in it.

acv@Job:3:8 @ Let them curse it who curse the day, who are ready to rouse up leviathan.

acv@Job:3:12 @ Why did the knees receive me? Or why the breast, that I should suck?

acv@Job:3:16 @ Or I should have been as a hidden untimely birth, as infants that never saw light.

acv@Job:3:21 @ who long for death, but it comes not, and dig for it more than for hid treasures,

acv@Job:3:25 @ For the thing which I fear comes upon me, and that which I am afraid of comes to me.

acv@Job:4:17 @ Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his maker?

acv@Job:4:21 @ Is not their tent-cord plucked up within them? They die, and that without wisdom.

acv@Job:5:11 @ so that he sets up on high those who are low, and those who mourn are exalted to safety.

acv@Job:5:12 @ He frustrates the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.

acv@Job:5:24 @ And thou shall know that thy tent is in peace, and thou shall visit thy fold, and shall miss nothing.

acv@Job:5:25 @ Thou shall know also that thy seed shall be great, and thine offspring as the grass of the earth.

acv@Job:6:2 @ O that my grief were but weighed, and all my calamity laid in the balances!

acv@Job:6:3 @ For now it would be heavier than the sand of the seas. Therefore my words have been rash.

acv@Job:6:6 @ Can that which has no savor be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?

acv@Job:6:8 @ O that I might have my request, and that God would grant [me] the thing that I long for!

acv@Job:6:9 @ Even that it would please God to crush me, that he would let loose his hand, and cut me off!

acv@Job:6:10 @ And be it still my consolation, yea, let me exult (in pain that does not spare), that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.

acv@Job:6:11 @ What is my strength that I should wait? And what is my end that I should be patient?

acv@Job:6:13 @ Is it not that I have no help in me, and that wisdom is driven quite from me?

acv@Job:6:15 @ My brothers have dealt deceitfully as a brook, as the channel of brooks that pass away,

acv@Job:6:18 @ The caravans [that travel] by the way of them turn aside. They go up into the waste, and perish.

acv@Job:6:26 @ Do ye think to reprove words, seeing that the speeches of a man who is desperate are as wind?

acv@Job:7:6 @ My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope.

acv@Job:7:7 @ O remember that my life is a breath. My eye shall no more see good.

acv@Job:7:12 @ Am I a sea, or a sea-monster, that thou set a watch over me?

acv@Job:7:15 @ so that my soul chooses strangling and death rather than [these] my bones.

acv@Job:7:17 @ What is man, that thou should magnify him, and that thou should set thy mind upon him,

acv@Job:7:18 @ and that thou should visit him every morning, and try him every moment?

acv@Job:7:20 @ If I have sinned, what do I do to thee, O thou watcher of men? Why have thou set me as a mark for thee, so that I am a burden to myself?

acv@Job:8:8 @ For inquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and apply thyself to that which their fathers have searched out

acv@Job:9:2 @ Of a truth I know that it is so. But how can man be just with God?

acv@Job:9:16 @ If I had called, and he had answered me, yet I would not believe that he hearkened to my voice.

acv@Job:9:25 @ Now my days are swifter than a runner. They flee away. They see no good,

acv@Job:9:26 @ They are passed away as the swift ships, as the eagle that swoops on the prey.

acv@Job:9:28 @ I am afraid of all my sorrows. I know that thou will not hold me innocent.

acv@Job:9:32 @ For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, that we should come together in judgment.

acv@Job:10:3 @ Is it good to thee that thou should oppress, that thou should despise the work of thy hands, and shine upon the counsel of the wicked?

acv@Job:10:6 @ that thou inquire after my iniquity, and search after my sin,

acv@Job:10:7 @ although thou know that I am not wicked. And there is none that can deliver out of thy hand?

acv@Job:10:9 @ Remember, I beseech thee, that thou have fashioned me as clay. And will thou bring me into dust again?

acv@Job:10:13 @ Yet these things thou hid in thy heart. I know that this is with thee.

acv@Job:10:20 @ Are not my days few? Cease then, and let me alone, that I may take comfort a little

acv@Job:11:5 @ But O that God would speak, and open his lips against thee,

acv@Job:11:6 @ and that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom! For he is manifold in understanding. Know therefore that God exacts of thee less than thine iniquity deserves.

acv@Job:11:8 @ It is high as heaven; what can thou do? Deeper than Sheol; what can thou know?

acv@Job:11:9 @ The measure of it is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.

acv@Job:11:16 @ For thou shall forget thy misery. Thou shall remember it as waters that are passed away.

acv@Job:11:17 @ And [thy] life shall be clearer than the noonday. Though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning.

acv@Job:12:9 @ Who does not know in all these, that the hand of LORD has wrought this,

acv@Job:13:5 @ O that ye would altogether be silent! And it would be your wisdom.

acv@Job:13:9 @ Is it good that he should search you out? Or as deceiving a man, will ye deceive him?

acv@Job:13:13 @ Be quiet. Let me alone that I may speak, and let come on me what will.

acv@Job:13:16 @ This also shall be my salvation, that a profane man shall not come before him.

acv@Job:13:18 @ Behold now, I have set my case in order. I know that I am righteous.

acv@Job:13:28 @ Though I am like a rotten thing that decays, like a garment that is moth-eaten.

acv@Job:14:5 @ Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months is with thee, and thou have appointed his bounds that he cannot pass,

acv@Job:14:6 @ look away from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish, as a hireling, his day.

acv@Job:14:7 @ For there is hope of a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch of it will not cease.

acv@Job:14:13 @ O that thou would hide me in Sheol, that thou would keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou would appoint for me a set time, and remember me!

acv@Job:15:9 @ What do thou know, that we do not know? What do thou understand, which is not in us?

acv@Job:15:10 @ With us are both the gray-headed and the very aged men, much older than thy father.

acv@Job:15:11 @ Are the consolations of God too small for thee, even the word that is gentle toward thee?

acv@Job:15:13 @ that against God thou turn thy spirit, and let words go out of thy mouth?

acv@Job:15:14 @ What is man, that he should be clean? And he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?

acv@Job:15:17 @ I will show thee. Hear thou me, and that which I have seen I will declare,

acv@Job:15:20 @ The wicked man travails with pain all his days, even the number of years that are laid up for the oppressor.

acv@Job:15:22 @ He does not believe that he shall return out of darkness. And he is awaited by the sword.

acv@Job:15:23 @ He wanders abroad for bread, [saying], Where is it? He knows that the day of darkness is ready at his hand.

acv@Job:16:3 @ Shall vain words have an end? Or what provokes thee that thou answer?

acv@Job:16:21 @ that he would maintain the right of a man with God, and of a son of man with his neighbor!

acv@Job:17:3 @ Give now a pledge, be surety for me with thyself. Who is there that will strike hands with me?

acv@Job:18:15 @ There shall dwell in his tent that which is none of his. Brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation.

acv@Job:19:3 @ These ten times ye have reproached me. Ye are not ashamed that ye deal hardly with me.

acv@Job:19:4 @ And be it indeed that I have erred, my error remains with myself.

acv@Job:19:6 @ know now that God has subverted me, and has encompassed me with his net.

acv@Job:19:8 @ He has walled up my way that I cannot pass, and has set darkness in my paths.

acv@Job:19:23 @ O that my words were now written! O that they were inscribed in a book,

acv@Job:19:24 @ that they were engraved in the rock forever with an iron pen and lead!

acv@Job:19:25 @ But as for me I know that my Redeemer lives, and at last he will stand up upon the earth.

acv@Job:19:28 @ If ye say, How we will persecute him! And that the root of the matter is found in me,

acv@Job:19:29 @ be ye afraid of the sword. For wrath [brings] the punishments of the sword, that ye may know there is a judgment.

acv@Job:20:2 @ Therefore my thoughts cause me to answer, even because of my haste that is in me.

acv@Job:20:5 @ that the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the profane but for a moment?

acv@Job:20:18 @ That which he labored for shall he restore, and shall not swallow it down. According to the substance that he has gotten, he shall not rejoice.

acv@Job:20:20 @ Because he knew no quietness within him, he shall not save any of that in which he delights.

acv@Job:20:21 @ There was nothing left that he did not devour, therefore his prosperity shall not endure.

acv@Job:20:26 @ All darkness is laid up for his treasures. A fire not blown shall devour him. It shall consume that which is left in his tent.

acv@Job:21:15 @ What is the Almighty that we should serve him? And what profit should we have, if we pray to him?

acv@Job:21:17 @ How often is it that the lamp of the profane is put out, that their calamity comes upon them, that [God] distributes sorrows in his anger,

acv@Job:21:18 @ that they are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carries away?

acv@Job:21:19 @ [Ye say], God lays up his iniquity for his sons. Let him recompense it to himself that he may know it.

acv@Job:21:30 @ that the evil man is reserved to the day of calamity? That they are led forth to the day of wrath?

acv@Job:22:3 @ Is it any pleasure to the Almighty that thou are righteous? Or is it gain [to him] that thou make thy ways perfect?

acv@Job:22:4 @ Is it for thy fear [of him] that he reproves thee, that he enters with thee into judgment?

acv@Job:22:11 @ or darkness, so that thou cannot see, and abundance of waters cover thee.

acv@Job:22:14 @ Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he does not see, and he walks on the vault of heaven.

acv@Job:23:2 @ Even today my complaint is rebellious. My stroke is heavier than my groaning.

acv@Job:23:3 @ O that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his seat!

acv@Job:23:9 @ on the left hand, when he works, but I cannot behold him. He hides himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him.

acv@Job:23:10 @ But he knows the way that I take. When he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

acv@Job:23:12 @ I have not gone back from the commandment of his lips, I have treasured up the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

acv@Job:23:13 @ But he is in one [mind], and who can turn him? And what his soul desires, even that he does.

acv@Job:23:14 @ For he performs that which is appointed for me. And many such things are with him.

acv@Job:24:10 @ [so that] they go about naked without clothing, and being hungry they carry the sheaves.

acv@Job:26:2 @ How thou have helped him who is without power! How thou have saved the arm that has no strength!

acv@Job:27:5 @ Far be it from me that I should justify you. Till I die I will not put away my integrity from me.

acv@Job:27:11 @ I will teach you concerning the hand of God. That which is with the Almighty I will not conceal.

acv@Job:28:7 @ No bird of prey knows that path, nor has the falcon's eye seen it.

acv@Job:28:11 @ He binds the streams that they not trickle. And the thing that is hid he brings forth to light.

acv@Job:28:28 @ And to man he said, Behold, the fear of LORD, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.

acv@Job:29:2 @ O that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me,

acv@Job:30:1 @ But now those who are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.

acv@Job:30:6 @ so that they dwell in frightful valleys, in holes of the earth and of the rocks.

acv@Job:30:17 @ In the night season my bones are pierced in me, and the [pains] that gnaw me take no rest.

acv@Job:30:23 @ For I know that thou will bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living.

acv@Job:31:6 @ (let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know my integrity);

acv@Job:31:11 @ For that is a heinous crime, yea, it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges.

acv@Job:31:12 @ For it is a fire that consumes to destruction, and would root out all my increase.

acv@Job:31:19 @ if I have seen any perish for lack of clothing, or that the needy had no covering;

acv@Job:31:28 @ (this also is an iniquity to be punished by the judges, for I would have denied the God that is above);

acv@Job:31:34 @ because I feared the great multitude, and the contempt of families terrified me so that I kept silence, and did not go out of the door--

acv@Job:31:35 @ O that I had someone to hear me (Lo, here is my signature, let the Almighty answer me), and [that I had] the indictment which my adversary has written!

acv@Job:32:2 @ Then the anger of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was kindled. His anger was kindled against Job because he justified himself rather than God.

acv@Job:32:4 @ Now Elihu had waited to speak to Job, because they were older than he.

acv@Job:32:5 @ And when Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, his anger was kindled.

acv@Job:32:20 @ I will speak that I may be refreshed. I will open my lips and answer.

acv@Job:33:3 @ My words [shall utter] the uprightness of my heart, and that which my lips know they shall speak sincerely.

acv@Job:33:12 @ Behold, I will answer thee. In this thou are not just, for God is greater than man.

acv@Job:33:17 @ that he may withdraw man [from his] purpose, and hide pride from man.

acv@Job:33:20 @ so that his life abhors bread, and his soul dainty food.

acv@Job:33:21 @ His flesh is consumed away that it cannot be seen. And his bones that were not seen stick out.

acv@Job:33:25 @ His flesh shall be fresher than a child's. He returns to the days of his youth.

acv@Job:33:26 @ He prays to God, and he is favorable to him, so that he sees his face with joy, and he restores to man his righteousness.

acv@Job:33:27 @ He sings before men, and says, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it did not profit me.

acv@Job:33:30 @ to bring back his soul from the pit, that he may be enlightened with the light of the living.

acv@Job:34:4 @ Let us choose for us that which is right. Let us know among ourselves what is good.

acv@Job:34:19 @ who does not respect the persons of rulers, nor regards the rich more than the poor. For they all are the work of his hands.

acv@Job:34:23 @ For he needs no further to consider a man, that he should go before God in judgment.

acv@Job:34:25 @ Therefore he takes knowledge of their works, and he overturns them in the night, so that they are destroyed.

acv@Job:34:28 @ so that they caused the cry of the poor to come to him, and he heard the cry of the afflicted.

acv@Job:34:30 @ that the profane man not reign, that there be none to ensnare the people.

acv@Job:34:32 @ Teach thou me that which I do not see. If I have done iniquity, I will do it no more?

acv@Job:34:33 @ Shall his recompense be as thou desire, that thou refuse it? For thou must choose, and not I. Therefore speak what thou know.

acv@Job:34:37 @ so that we may not add to our sins, and lawlessness will be reckoned against us, speaking many words before LORD.

acv@Job:35:2 @ What [is] this thou think in judgment? Who are thou that thou said, I am righteousness before LORD?

acv@Job:35:3 @ That thou said, What advantage will it be to thee? [And], What profit shall I have more than if I had sinned?

acv@Job:35:5 @ Look to the heavens, and see. And behold the skies, which are higher than thou.

acv@Job:35:11 @ who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth, and makes us wiser than the birds of the heavens?

acv@Job:36:9 @ then he shows them their work, and their transgressions, that they have behaved themselves proudly.

acv@Job:36:10 @ He also opens their ear to instruction, and commands that they return from iniquity.

acv@Job:36:16 @ Yea, he would have allured thee out of distress into a broad place, where there is no confinement, and that which is set on thy table would be full of fatness.

acv@Job:36:24 @ Remember that thou magnify his work, of which men have sung.

acv@Job:36:32 @ He covers his hands with the lightning, and gives it a command that it strike the mark.

acv@Job:36:33 @ The noise of it tells concerning him. The cattle also concerning [the storm] that comes up.

acv@Job:37:2 @ Hear, O, hear the noise of his voice, and the sound that goes out of his mouth.

acv@Job:37:7 @ He seals up the hand of every man, that all men whom he has made may know [it].

acv@Job:37:12 @ and it is turned round about by his guidance, that they may do whatever he commands them upon the face of the habitable world.

acv@Job:37:20 @ Shall it be told him that I would speak? Or should a man wish that he were swallowed up?

acv@Job:38:2 @ Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?

acv@Job:38:13 @ that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?

acv@Job:38:20 @ that thou should take it to the bound of it, and that thou should discern the paths to the house of it?

acv@Job:38:34 @ Can thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee?

acv@Job:38:35 @ Can thou send forth lightnings, that they may go, and say to thee, Here we are?

acv@Job:39:2 @ Can thou number the months that they fulfill? Or do thou know the time when they bring forth?

acv@Job:39:12 @ Will thou confide in him that he will bring home thy seed, and gather [the grain] of thy threshing-floor?

acv@Job:39:15 @ And she forgets that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beast may trample them.

acv@Job:39:24 @ He swallows the ground with fierceness and rage, nor does he believe that it is the voice of the trumpet.

acv@Job:39:26 @ Is it by thy wisdom that the hawk soars, (and) stretches her wings toward the south?

acv@Job:39:27 @ Is it at thy command that the eagle mounts up, and makes her nest on high?

acv@Job:40:8 @ Will thou even annul my judgment? Will thou condemn me, that thou may be justified?

acv@Job:40:14 @ Then I will also confess of thee that thine own right hand can save thee.

acv@Job:41:1 @ Can thou draw out leviathan with a fishhook, or press down his tongue with a cord?

acv@Job:41:4 @ Will he make a covenant with thee, that thou should take him for a servant forever?

acv@Job:41:10 @ None is so fierce that he dare stir him up. Who then is he who can stand before me?

acv@Job:41:11 @ Who has first given to me, that I should repay him? Under the whole heaven is mine.

acv@Job:41:16 @ One is so near to another that no air can come between them.

acv@Job:41:17 @ They are joined one to another. They stick together, so that they cannot be parted.

acv@Job:41:34 @ He beholds everything that is high. He is king over all the sons of pride.

acv@Job:42:2 @ I know that thou can do all things, and that no purpose of thine can be restrained.

acv@Job:42:3 @ Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have uttered that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.

acv@Job:42:7 @ And it was so, that, after LORD had spoken these words to Job, LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends. For ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Jo

acv@Job:42:8 @ Now therefore, take to you seven bullocks and seven rams. And go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt-offering. And my servant Job shall pray for you, for him I will accept, that I not deal with you after your fol

acv@Job:42:11 @ Then there came to him all his brothers, and all his sisters, and all those who had been of his acquaintance before, and ate bread with him in his house. And they bemoaned him, and comforted him concerning all the evil that LORD ha

acv@Job:42:12 @ So LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning. And he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-donkeys.

acv@Psalms:1:3 @ And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not wither. And whatever he does shall prosper.

acv@Psalms:4:3 @ But know that LORD has set apart for himself him who is holy. LORD will hear when I call to him.

acv@Psalms:4:7 @ Thou have put gladness in my heart more than when their grain and their new wine are increased.

acv@Psalms:6:5 @ For in death there is no remembrance of thee. In Sheol who shall give thee thanks?

acv@Psalms:7:8 @ LORD shall judge the peoples. Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.

acv@Psalms:7:17 @ I will give thanks to LORD according to his righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of LORD Most High.

acv@Psalms:8:2 @ Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou have, because of thine adversaries, that thou might still the enemy and the avenger.

acv@Psalms:8:4 @ what is man that thou remember him? And the son of man that thou succor him?

acv@Psalms:8:5 @ For thou have made him but little lower than [heavenly] agents, and crowned him with glory and honor.

acv@Psalms:9:1 @ I will give thanks to LORD with my whole heart. I will show forth all thy marvelous works.

acv@Psalms:9:14 @ that I may show forth all thy praise. In the gates of the daughter of Zion I will rejoice in thy salvation.

acv@Psalms:9:15 @ The nations are sunk down in the pit that they made. In the net which they hid, their own foot is taken.

acv@Psalms:9:17 @ Wicked men shall be turned back to Sheol, even all the nations that forget God.

acv@Psalms:10:2 @ In the pride of the wicked man the poor man is hotly pursued. Let them be taken in the devices that they have conceived.

acv@Psalms:10:18 @ to judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that man who is of the earth may no more be appalling.

acv@Psalms:11:2 @ For, lo, the wicked bend the bow. They make ready their arrow upon the string that they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.

acv@Psalms:12:3 @ LORD will cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that speaks great things,

acv@Psalms:14:1 @ The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt. They have done abominable works. There is none that does good.

acv@Psalms:14:7 @ O that the salvation of Israel came out of Zion! When LORD brings back the captivity of his people, then Jacob shall rejoice, [and] Israel shall be glad.

acv@Psalms:15:4 @ in whose eyes a reprobate is despised, but who honors those who fear LORD, he that swears to his own hurt, and changes not,

acv@Psalms:17:1 @ Hear the right, O LORD, attend to my cry. Give ear to my prayer, that goes not out of feigned lips.

acv@Psalms:17:3 @ Thou have proved my heart. Thou have visited me in the night. Thou have tried me, and find nothing. I have purposed that my mouth shall not transgress.

acv@Psalms:17:12 @ He is like a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places.

acv@Psalms:18:34 @ He teaches my hands to war, so that my arms bend a bow of brass.

acv@Psalms:18:38 @ I will smite them through, so that they shall not be able to rise. They shall fall under my feet.

acv@Psalms:18:40 @ Thou have also made my enemies turn their backs to me, that I might cut off those who hate me.

acv@Psalms:18:49 @ Therefore I will give thanks to thee, O LORD, among the Gentiles, and will sing praises to thy name.

acv@Psalms:19:10 @ More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold. Sweeter also than honey and the droppings of the honeycomb.

acv@Psalms:20:6 @ Now I know that LORD saves his anointed. He will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.

acv@Psalms:22:31 @ They shall come and shall declare his righteousness to a people that shall be born, that he has done it.

acv@Psalms:25:12 @ What man is he who fears LORD? Him he shall instruct in the way that he shall choose.

acv@Psalms:26:7 @ that I may make the voice of thanksgiving to be heard, and tell of all thy wondrous works.

acv@Psalms:27:4 @ One thing I have asked of LORD, that I will seek after, that I may dwell in the house of LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of LORD, and to inquire in his temple.

acv@Psalms:27:13 @ I believe that I shall see the goodness of LORD in the land of the living.

acv@Psalms:30:3 @ O LORD, thou have brought up my soul from Sheol. Thou have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.

acv@Psalms:30:4 @ Sing praise to LORD, O ye sanctified of his, and give thanks to his holiness.

acv@Psalms:30:12 @ to the end that [my] glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to thee forever.

acv@Psalms:31:4 @ Pluck me out of the net that they have laid secretly for me, for thou are my stronghold.

acv@Psalms:33:2 @ Give thanks to LORD with the harp. Sing praises to him with the psaltery of ten strings.

acv@Psalms:34:8 @ O taste and see that LORD is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

acv@Psalms:34:12 @ What man is he who desires life, and loves [many] days, that he may see good?

acv@Psalms:35:8 @ Let destruction come upon him unawares, and let his net that he has hid catch himself. Let him fall in it with destruction.

acv@Psalms:35:11 @ Unrighteous witnesses rise up, they ask me of things that I know not.

acv@Psalms:35:18 @ I will give thee thanks in the great assembly. I will praise thee among much people.

acv@Psalms:36:2 @ For he flatters himself in his own eyes, that his iniquity will not be found out and be hated.

acv@Psalms:36:4 @ He devises iniquity upon his bed. He sets himself in a way that is not good. He does not abhor evil.

acv@Psalms:37:13 @ LORD will laugh at him, for he sees that his day is coming.

acv@Psalms:37:16 @ Better is a little that the righteous man has than the abundance of many wicked men.

acv@Psalms:38:20 @ They also who render evil for good are adversaries to me, because I follow the thing that is good.

acv@Psalms:39:1 @ I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue. I will keep my mouth with a bridle while the wicked man is before me.

acv@Psalms:39:13 @ O spare me, that I may recover strength before I go from here, and be no more.

acv@Psalms:40:5 @ Many, O LORD my God, are the wonderful works which thou have done, and thy thoughts which are toward us. They cannot be set in order to thee. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.

acv@Psalms:40:12 @ for innumerable evils have encompassed me around. My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart has failed me.

acv@Psalms:41:8 @ An evil disease, [they say], clings firm to him. And now that he lays he shall rise up no more.

acv@Psalms:41:10 @ But thou, O LORD, have mercy upon me, and raise me up that I may requite them.

acv@Psalms:41:11 @ By this I know that thou delight in me, because my enemy does not triumph over me.

acv@Psalms:44:8 @ In God we have made our boast all the day long, and we will give thanks to thy name forever. Selah.

acv@Psalms:44:19 @ that thou have greatly broken us in the place of jackals, and covered us with the shadow of death.

acv@Psalms:45:2 @ Thou are fairer than the sons of men. Grace is poured into thy lips. Therefore God has blessed thee forever.

acv@Psalms:45:17 @ I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations. Therefore the peoples shall give thee thanks forever and ever.

acv@Psalms:46:5 @ God is in the midst of her. She shall not be moved. God will help her, and that right early.

acv@Psalms:46:10 @ Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.

acv@Psalms:48:13 @ mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces, that ye may tell it to the generation following.

acv@Psalms:49:9 @ that he should still live always, that he should not see corruption.

acv@Psalms:49:11 @ Their inward thought is [that] their houses [are] forever, their dwelling-places to all generations. They call their lands after their own names.

acv@Psalms:49:12 @ Even a man in splendor does not abide. He is like the beasts that perish.

acv@Psalms:49:14 @ They are appointed as a flock for Sheol. Death shall be their shepherd, and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning. And their beauty shall be for Sheol to consume, that there be no habitation for it.

acv@Psalms:49:20 @ A man who is in splendor, and understands not, is like the beasts that perish.

acv@Psalms:50:4 @ He calls to the heavens above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people.

acv@Psalms:50:14 @ Offer to God the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and pay thy vows to the Most High.

acv@Psalms:50:16 @ But to the wicked man God says, What have thou to do to declare my statutes, and that thou have taken my covenant in thy mouth,

acv@Psalms:50:21 @ These things thou have done, and I kept silence. Thou thought that I was altogether such a one as thyself. [But] I will reprove thee, and set [them] in order before thine eyes.

acv@Psalms:50:23 @ Whoever offers the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies me. And to him who orders his way [aright] I will show the salvation of God.

acv@Psalms:51:4 @ Against thee, thee only, I have sinned, and done that which is evil in thy sight, that thou may be justified when thou speak, and when thou.

acv@Psalms:51:7 @ Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

acv@Psalms:51:8 @ Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou have broken may rejoice.

acv@Psalms:52:3 @ Thou love evil more than good, and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.

acv@Psalms:52:9 @ I will give thee thanks forever, because thou have done it. And I will hope in thy name in the presence of thy sanctified, for it is good.

acv@Psalms:53:6 @ O that the salvation of Israel came out of Zion! When God brings back the captivity of his people, then Jacob shall rejoice, [and] Israel shall be glad.

acv@Psalms:54:6 @ With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to thee. I will give thanks to thy name, O LORD, for it is good.

acv@Psalms:55:6 @ And I said, O that I had wings like a dove! Then I would fly away, and be at rest.

acv@Psalms:55:12 @ For it was not an enemy who reproached me. Then I could have borne it. Neither was it he who hated me that magnified himself against me. Then I would have hid myself from him.

acv@Psalms:55:18 @ He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me, for there were many by me.

acv@Psalms:55:21 @ His mouth was smooth as butter, but his heart was war. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.

acv@Psalms:56:9 @ Then shall my enemies turn back in the day that I call. This I know, that God is for me.

acv@Psalms:56:12 @ Thy vows are upon me, O God. I will render thank-offerings to thee.

acv@Psalms:56:13 @ For thou have delivered my soul from death, and my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living.

acv@Psalms:57:9 @ I will give thanks to thee, O LORD, among the peoples. I will sing praises to thee among the nations.

acv@Psalms:58:4 @ Their poison is like the poison of a serpent, like the deaf adder that stops her ear,

acv@Psalms:58:7 @ Let them melt away as water that runs with haste. When he aims his arrows, let them be as though they were cut off,

acv@Psalms:58:8 @ as a snail which melts and passes away, [as] the untimely birth of a woman, that has not seen the sun.

acv@Psalms:58:11 @ so that men shall say, Truly there is a reward for the righteous man. Truly there is a God who judges in the earth.

acv@Psalms:59:13 @ Consume them in wrath, consume them, so that they shall be no more. And let them know that God rules in Jacob, to the ends of the earth. Selah.

acv@Psalms:60:4 @ Thou have given a banner to those who fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.

acv@Psalms:60:5 @ That thy beloved ones may be delivered, save with thy right hand, and answer us.

acv@Psalms:61:2 @ From the end of the earth I will call to thee when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

acv@Psalms:61:7 @ He shall abide before God forever. O prepare loving kindness and truth that they may preserve him.

acv@Psalms:61:8 @ So I will sing praise to thy name forever, that I may daily perform my vows.

acv@Psalms:62:3 @ How long will ye set upon a man, that ye may kill, all of you, like a leaning wall, like a tottering fence?

acv@Psalms:62:9 @ Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie. In the balances they will go up. They are together lighter than vanity.

acv@Psalms:62:11 @ God has spoken once, twice I have heard this, that power belongs to God.

acv@Psalms:63:3 @ Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

acv@Psalms:64:4 @ that they may shoot in secret places at a blameless man. Suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.

acv@Psalms:65:4 @ Blessed is the man whom thou choose and cause to approach, that he may dwell in thy courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, thy holy temple.

acv@Psalms:67:2 @ that thy way may be known upon earth, thy salvation among all nations.

acv@Psalms:68:18 @ Thou have ascended on high. Thou have led captivity captive. Thou have received gifts among men, yea, [among] the rebellious also, that LORD God might dwell [with them].

acv@Psalms:68:23 @ that thou may dash thy foot in blood, that the tongue of thy dogs may have its portion from enemies.

acv@Psalms:68:28 @ Thy God has commanded thy strength. Strengthen, O God, that which thou have wrought for us.

acv@Psalms:68:30 @ Rebuke the wild beast of the reeds, the multitude of the bulls, with the calves of the peoples, trampling under foot the pieces of silver. He has scattered the peoples that delight in war.

acv@Psalms:69:4 @ Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head. Those who would cut me off, being my enemies wrongfully, are mighty. That which I took not away I have to restore.

acv@Psalms:69:10 @ When I wept in my soul with fasting, that was to my reproach.

acv@Psalms:69:23 @ Let their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see, and continually.

acv@Psalms:69:30 @ I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving,

acv@Psalms:69:31 @ and it will please LORD better than an ox, [or] a bullock that has horns and hoofs.

acv@Psalms:69:34 @ Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and everything that moves therein.

acv@Psalms:72:6 @ He will come down like rain upon the mown grass, as showers that water the earth.

acv@Psalms:73:7 @ Their eyes stand out with fatness. They have more than heart could wish.

acv@Psalms:73:25 @ Whom have I in heaven? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee.

acv@Psalms:73:28 @ But it is good for me to draw near to God. I have made lord LORD my refuge, that I may tell of all thy works.

acv@Psalms:74:3 @ Lift up thy feet to the perpetual ruins, all the evil that the enemy has done in the sanctuary.

acv@Psalms:74:14 @ Thou break the heads of leviathan in pieces. Thou gave him to be food to the people inhabiting the wilderness.

acv@Psalms:74:18 @ Remember this, that the enemy has reproached, O LORD, and that a foolish people has blasphemed thy name.

acv@Psalms:75:1 @ We give thanks to thee, O God. We give thanks, for thy name is near. Men tell of thy wondrous works.

acv@Psalms:76:4 @ Thou [are] more glorious [and] excellent than the mountains of prey.

acv@Psalms:77:4 @ Thou have held my eyelids watching. I am so troubled that I cannot speak.

acv@Psalms:78:4 @ We will not hide them from their sons, telling to the generation to come the praises of LORD, and his strength, and his wondrous works that he has done.

acv@Psalms:78:5 @ For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their sons,

acv@Psalms:78:6 @ that the generation to come might know, even the sons who should be born, who should arise and tell to their sons,

acv@Psalms:78:7 @ that they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments,

acv@Psalms:78:8 @ and might not be as their fathers: a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not steadfast with God.

acv@Psalms:78:11 @ And they forgot his doings, and his wondrous works that he had shown them.

acv@Psalms:78:20 @ Behold, he smote the rock, so that waters gushed out, and streams overflowed. Can he give bread also? Will he provide flesh for his people?

acv@Psalms:78:30 @ They were not estranged from that which they desired. Their food was yet in their mouths

acv@Psalms:78:35 @ And they remembered that God was their rock, and the Most High God their redeemer.

acv@Psalms:78:39 @ And he remembered that they were but flesh, a wind that passes away, and comes not again.

acv@Psalms:78:44 @ and turned their rivers into blood, and their streams, so that they could not drink.

acv@Psalms:78:53 @ And he led them safely, so that they feared not, but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.

acv@Psalms:78:60 @ so that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men,

acv@Psalms:78:71 @ He brought him from following the ewes that have their young, to be the shepherd of Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance.

acv@Psalms:79:6 @ Pour out thy wrath upon the nations that do not know thee, and upon the kingdoms that do not call upon thy name.

acv@Psalms:79:13 @ so we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks forever. We will show forth thy praise to all generations.

acv@Psalms:80:12 @ Why have thou broken down its walls, so that all those who pass by the way pluck it?

acv@Psalms:80:15 @ and the stock which thy right hand planted, and the branch that thou made strong for thyself.

acv@Psalms:81:5 @ He appointed it in Joseph for a testimony when he went out over the land of Egypt, [where] I heard a language that I knew not.

acv@Psalms:81:12 @ So I let them go after the stubbornness of their heart, that they might walk in their own counsels.

acv@Psalms:81:13 @ O that my people would hearken to me, that Israel would walk in my ways!

acv@Psalms:83:4 @ They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

acv@Psalms:83:14 @ as the fire that burns the forest, and as the flame that sets the mountains on fire.

acv@Psalms:83:16 @ Fill their faces with confusion, that they may seek thy name, O LORD.

acv@Psalms:83:18 @ that they may know that thou alone, whose name is LORD, are the Most High over all the earth.

acv@Psalms:84:10 @ For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

acv@Psalms:85:6 @ Will thou not revive us again, that thy people may rejoice in thee?

acv@Psalms:85:9 @ Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.

acv@Psalms:85:12 @ Yea, LORD will give that which is good, and our land shall yield its increase.

acv@Psalms:86:17 @ Show me a sign for good, that those who hate me may see it, and be put to shame, because thou, LORD, have helped me, and comforted me.

acv@Psalms:87:2 @ LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

acv@Psalms:87:5 @ Yea, of Zion it shall be said, this and that man was born in her, and the Most High himself will establish her.

acv@Psalms:89:34 @ I will not break my covenant, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.

acv@Psalms:90:11 @ Who knows the power of thine anger, and thy wrath according to the fear that is due to thee?

acv@Psalms:90:12 @ So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom.

acv@Psalms:90:14 @ O satisfy us in the morning with thy loving kindness, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

acv@Psalms:91:5 @ Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flies by day,

acv@Psalms:91:6 @ for the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday.

acv@Psalms:92:1 @ It is a good thing to give thanks to LORD, and to sing praises to thy name, O Most High,

acv@Psalms:92:7 @ When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity flourish, it is that they shall be destroyed forever,

acv@Psalms:92:15 @ to show that LORD is upright. He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

acv@Psalms:93:1 @ LORD reigns! He is clothed with majesty. LORD is clothed with strength; he has girded himself with it. The world also is established that it cannot be moved.

acv@Psalms:94:11 @ LORD knows the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.

acv@Psalms:94:13 @ that thou may give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit is dug for a wicked man.

acv@Psalms:95:2 @ Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving. Let us make a joyful noise to him with psalms.

acv@Psalms:95:7 @ For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, O that ye would hear his voice!

acv@Psalms:95:10 @ Forty years long I was grieved with [that] generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways.

acv@Psalms:95:11 @ Therefore I swore in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

acv@Psalms:96:10 @ Say among the nations, LORD reigns! The world also is established that it cannot be moved. He will judge the peoples with equity.

acv@Psalms:96:12 @ Let the field exult, and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the wood shall sing for joy

acv@Psalms:97:12 @ Be glad in LORD, ye righteous, and give thanks to the memory of his holiness.

acv@Psalms:99:7 @ He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud. They kept his testimonies, and the statute that he gave them.

acv@Psalms:100:3 @ Know ye that LORD, he is God. It is he who has made us, and we are his. We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

acv@Psalms:100:4 @ Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, and bless his name.

acv@Psalms:101:6 @ My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me. He who walks in a perfect way, he shall minister to me.

acv@Psalms:102:7 @ I watch, and have become like a sparrow that is alone upon the house-top.

acv@Psalms:102:11 @ My days are like a shadow that declines, and I am withered like grass.

acv@Psalms:102:21 @ that men may declare the name of LORD in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem,

acv@Psalms:103:1 @ Bless LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, [bless] his holy name.

acv@Psalms:103:14 @ For he knows our frame. He remembers that we are dust.

acv@Psalms:104:5 @ who laid the foundations of the earth that it should not be moved forever.

acv@Psalms:104:9 @ Thou have set a bound that they may not pass over, that they turn not again to cover the earth.

acv@Psalms:104:14 @ He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbage for the service of man, that he may bring forth food out of the earth,

acv@Psalms:104:15 @ and wine that makes glad the heart of man, [and] oil to make his face to shine, and bread that strengthens man's heart.

acv@Psalms:104:26 @ There go the ships. There is leviathan, whom thou have formed to play in it.

acv@Psalms:104:27 @ These all wait for thee, that thou may give them their food in due season.

acv@Psalms:105:1 @ O give thanks to LORD, call upon his name. Make known among the peoples his doings.

acv@Psalms:105:5 @ Remember his marvelous works that he has done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth,

acv@Psalms:105:19 @ Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of LORD tried him.

acv@Psalms:105:24 @ And he increased his people greatly, and made them stronger than their adversaries.

acv@Psalms:105:34 @ He spoke, and the locust came, and the grasshopper, and that without number,

acv@Psalms:105:45 @ that they might keep his statutes, and observe his laws. Praise ye LORD.

acv@Psalms:106:1 @ Praise ye LORD. O give thanks to LORD, for he is good, for his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:106:4 @ Remember me, O LORD, with the favor that thou bear to thy people. O visit me with thy salvation,

acv@Psalms:106:5 @ that I may see the prosperity of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thine inheritance.

acv@Psalms:106:8 @ Nevertheless he saved them for his name's sake, that he might make his mighty power to be known.

acv@Psalms:106:17 @ The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram.

acv@Psalms:106:20 @ Thus they changed their glory for the likeness of an ox that eats grass.

acv@Psalms:106:23 @ Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy.

acv@Psalms:106:26 @ Therefore he swore to them, that he would overthrow them in the wilderness,

acv@Psalms:106:27 @ and that he would overthrow their seed among the nations, and scatter them in the lands.

acv@Psalms:106:31 @ And that was reckoned to him for righteousness to all generations for evermore.

acv@Psalms:106:32 @ They also angered him at the waters of Meribah, so that it went ill with Moses because of them,

acv@Psalms:106:47 @ Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from among the nations, to give thanks to thy holy name, and to triumph in thy praise.

acv@Psalms:107:1 @ O give thanks to LORD, For he is good, for his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:107:7 @ He also led them by a straight way, that they might go to a city of habitation.

acv@Psalms:107:8 @ O that men would praise LORD for his loving kindness, and for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

acv@Psalms:107:15 @ O that men would praise LORD for his loving kindness, and for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

acv@Psalms:107:21 @ O that men would praise LORD for his loving kindness, and for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

acv@Psalms:107:22 @ And let them offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with singing.

acv@Psalms:107:29 @ He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves of it are still.

acv@Psalms:107:31 @ O that men would praise LORD for his loving kindness, and for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

acv@Psalms:107:36 @ And there he makes the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city of habitation,

acv@Psalms:107:38 @ He also blesses them, so that they are multiplied greatly, and he does not allow their cattle to decrease.

acv@Psalms:108:3 @ I will give thanks to thee, O LORD, among the peoples, and I will sing praises to thee among the nations.

acv@Psalms:108:6 @ That thy beloved may be delivered, save with thy right hand, and answer us.

acv@Psalms:109:11 @ Let a creditor exact all that he has, and let strangers make spoil of his labor.

acv@Psalms:109:15 @ Let them be before LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth,

acv@Psalms:109:27 @ that they may know that this is thy hand, [that] thou, LORD, have done it.

acv@Psalms:109:30 @ I will give great thanks to LORD with my mouth. Yea, I will praise him among the multitude.

acv@Psalms:111:1 @ Praise ye LORD. I will give thanks to LORD with my whole heart, in the council of the upright, and in the congregation.

acv@Psalms:113:8 @ that he may set him with rulers, even with the rulers of his people.

acv@Psalms:114:5 @ What ails thee, O thou sea, that thou flee? Thou Jordan, that thou turn back?

acv@Psalms:114:6 @ Ye mountains, that ye skip like rams, ye little hills, like lambs?

acv@Psalms:116:17 @ I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of LORD.

acv@Psalms:118:1 @ O give thanks to LORD, for he is good, for his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:118:2 @ Let Israel now say that his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:118:3 @ Let the house of Aaron now say that his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:118:4 @ Let those now who fear LORD say that his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:118:8 @ It is better to take refuge in LORD than to put confidence in man.

acv@Psalms:118:9 @ It is better to take refuge in LORD than to put confidence in rulers.

acv@Psalms:118:13 @ Thou thrusted greatly at me that I might fall, but LORD helped me.

acv@Psalms:118:19 @ Open to me the gates of righteousness. I will enter into them. I will give thanks to LORD.

acv@Psalms:118:21 @ I will give thanks to thee, for thou have answered me, and have become my salvation.

acv@Psalms:118:28 @ Thou are my God, and I will give thanks to thee. Thou are my God, I will exalt thee.

acv@Psalms:118:29 @ O give thanks to LORD, for he is good, for his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:119:2 @ Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, that seek him with the whole heart.

acv@Psalms:119:4 @ Thou have commanded thy precepts, that we should observe them diligently.

acv@Psalms:119:5 @ O that my ways were established to observe thy statutes!

acv@Psalms:119:7 @ I will give thanks to thee with uprightness of heart when I learn thy righteous judgments.

acv@Psalms:119:11 @ I have laid thy word up in my heart that I might not sin against thee.

acv@Psalms:119:17 @ Deal bountifully with thy servant that I may live, so I will observe thy word.

acv@Psalms:119:18 @ Open thou my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

acv@Psalms:119:20 @ My soul breaks for the longing that it has to thine ordinances at all times.

acv@Psalms:119:57 @ LORD is my portion; I have said that I would observe thy words.

acv@Psalms:119:62 @ At midnight I will rise to give thanks to thee because of thy righteous ordinances.

acv@Psalms:119:71 @ It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn thy statutes.

acv@Psalms:119:72 @ The law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver.

acv@Psalms:119:73 @ Thy hands have made me and fashioned me. Give me understanding that I may learn thy commandments.

acv@Psalms:119:75 @ I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are righteous, and that in faithfulness thou have afflicted me.

acv@Psalms:119:77 @ Let thy tender mercies come to me that I may live, for thy law is my delight.

acv@Psalms:119:80 @ Let my heart be perfect in thy statutes that I be not put to shame.

acv@Psalms:119:98 @ Thy commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.

acv@Psalms:119:99 @ I have more understanding than all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation.

acv@Psalms:119:100 @ I understand more than the aged because I have kept thy precepts.

acv@Psalms:119:101 @ I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I might observe thy word.

acv@Psalms:119:103 @ How sweet are thy words to my taste, than honey to my mouth!

acv@Psalms:119:106 @ I have sworn, and have confirmed it, that I will observe thy righteous ordinances.

acv@Psalms:119:115 @ Depart from me, ye evil-doers, that I may keep the commandments of my God.

acv@Psalms:119:116 @ Uphold me according to thy word, that I may live, and let me not be ashamed of my hope.

acv@Psalms:119:125 @ I am thy servant. Give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies.

acv@Psalms:119:148 @ My eyes anticipated the night-watches that I might meditate on thy word.

acv@Psalms:119:152 @ Of old I have known from thy testimonies that thou have founded them forever.

acv@Psalms:120:5 @ Woe is me, that I sojourn in Meshech, that I dwell among the tents of Kedar!

acv@Psalms:122:3 @ Jerusalem, that is built as a city that is compact together,

acv@Psalms:122:4 @ where the tribes go up, even the tribes of LORD, [for] an ordinance for Israel, to give thanks to the name of LORD.

acv@Psalms:125:3 @ For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous, that the righteous not put forth their hands to iniquity.

acv@Psalms:130:4 @ But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou may be feared.

acv@Psalms:130:6 @ my soul for LORD more than watchmen for the morning, watchmen for the morning.

acv@Psalms:132:6 @ Lo, we heard of it in Ephrathah. We found it in the field of the wood.

acv@Psalms:132:12 @ If thy sons will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their sons also shall sit upon thy throne for evermore.

acv@Psalms:133:2 @ It is like the precious oil upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, that came down upon the skirt of his garments,

acv@Psalms:133:3 @ like the dew of Hermon, that comes down upon the mountains of Zion. For there LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

acv@Psalms:135:5 @ For I know that LORD is great, and that our LORD is above all gods.

acv@Psalms:135:6 @ Whatever LORD pleased, that he has done, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps,

acv@Psalms:136:1 @ O give thanks to LORD, for he is good, for his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:136:2 @ O give thanks to the God of gods, for his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:136:3 @ O give thanks to LORD of lords, for his loving kindness [is] forever,

acv@Psalms:136:26 @ O give thanks to the God of heaven, for his loving kindness [is] forever.

acv@Psalms:138:1 @ I will give thee thanks with my whole heart. I will sing praises to thee before the gods.

acv@Psalms:138:2 @ I will worship toward thy holy temple, and give thanks to thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth. For thou have magnified thy word above all thy name.

acv@Psalms:138:3 @ Thou answered me in the day that I called. Thou encouraged me with strength in my soul.

acv@Psalms:138:4 @ All the kings of the earth shall give thee thanks, O LORD, for they have heard the words of thy mouth.

acv@Psalms:138:8 @ LORD will perfect that which concerns me. Thy loving kindness, O LORD, [is] forever. Forsake not the works of thine own hands.

acv@Psalms:139:14 @ I will give thanks to thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are thy works, and that my soul knows right well.

acv@Psalms:139:16 @ Thine eyes saw my unformed substance, and in thy book they were all written, [even] the days that were ordained, when as yet there was none of them.

acv@Psalms:139:18 @ I count them; they are more in number than the sand. When I awake, I am still with thee.

acv@Psalms:140:12 @ I know that LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted man, and justice for the needy.

acv@Psalms:140:13 @ Surely the righteous shall give thanks to thy name. The upright shall dwell in thy presence.

acv@Psalms:142:6 @ Attend to my cry, for I am brought very low. Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than I.

acv@Psalms:142:7 @ Bring my soul out of prison that I may give thanks to thy name. The righteous shall encompass me around, for thou will deal bountifully with me.

acv@Psalms:144:3 @ LORD, what is man, that thou take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that thou make account of him?

acv@Psalms:144:4 @ Man is like vanity. His days are as a shadow that passes away.

acv@Psalms:145:10 @ All thy works shall give thanks to thee, O LORD, and thy sanctified shall bless thee.

acv@Psalms:146:4 @ His breath goes forth, he returns to his earth. In that very day his thoughts perish.

acv@Psalms:146:6 @ who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, who keeps truth forever,

acv@Psalms:147:7 @ Sing to LORD with thanksgiving. Sing praises upon the harp to our God,

acv@Psalms:148:4 @ Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that are above the heavens.

acv@Psalms:150:6 @ Let everything that has breath praise LORD. Praise ye LORD.

acv@Proverbs:1:5 @ that the wise man may hear, and increase in learning, and that the man of understanding may attain to sound counsels,

acv@Proverbs:2:8 @ that he may guard the paths of justice, and preserve the way of his sanctified.

acv@Proverbs:2:20 @ that thou may walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.

acv@Proverbs:3:14 @ For the gain of it is better than the gain of silver, and the profit of it than fine gold.

acv@Proverbs:3:15 @ She is more precious than rubies, and none of the things thou can desire are to be compared to her.

acv@Proverbs:4:18 @ But the path of the righteous is as the dawning light, that shines more and more to the perfect day.

acv@Proverbs:5:2 @ that thou may preserve discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.

acv@Proverbs:5:3 @ For the lips of an interloping woman drop honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil.

acv@Proverbs:5:6 @ so that she does not find the level path of life. Her ways are unstable, [and] she does not know.

acv@Proverbs:6:15 @ Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly. Suddenly he shall be broken, and that without remedy.

acv@Proverbs:6:17 @ haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

acv@Proverbs:6:18 @ a heart that devises wicked purposes, feet that are swift in running to mischief,

acv@Proverbs:7:5 @ that they may keep thee from the interloping woman, from the stranger who flatters with her words.

acv@Proverbs:7:23 @ till an arrow strikes through his liver, as a bird hastens to the snare. And he does not know that it is for his life.

acv@Proverbs:8:10 @ Receive my instruction, and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold.

acv@Proverbs:8:11 @ For wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

acv@Proverbs:8:19 @ My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold, and my revenue than choice silver.

acv@Proverbs:8:21 @ that I may cause those who love me to inherit substance, and that I may fill their treasuries.

acv@Proverbs:8:29 @ when he gave to the sea its bound that the waters should not transgress his commandment, when he marked out the foundations of the earth,

acv@Proverbs:9:18 @ But he knows not that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of Sheol.

acv@Proverbs:11:24 @ There is he who scatters, and increases yet more, and there he is who withholds more than is proper, but only to want.

acv@Proverbs:12:9 @ Better is he who is lightly esteemed, and has a servant, than he who honors himself, and lacks bread.

acv@Proverbs:12:27 @ The slothful man roasts not that which he took in hunting, but the substance of a diligent man [is] precious.

acv@Proverbs:13:23 @ Much food [is in] the tillage of the poor, but there is [that is] consumed because of injustice.

acv@Proverbs:15:16 @ Better is little with the fear of LORD, than great treasure and trouble with it.

acv@Proverbs:15:17 @ Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted ox and hatred with it.

acv@Proverbs:15:24 @ To the wise man the way of life [is] upward, that he may depart from Sheol beneath.

acv@Proverbs:15:31 @ The ear that hearkens to the reproof of life shall abide among the wise.

acv@Proverbs:16:8 @ Better is a little, with righteousness, than great revenues with injustice.

acv@Proverbs:16:16 @ How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! Yea, to get understanding is rather to be chosen than silver.

acv@Proverbs:16:19 @ Better it is to be of a lowly spirit with the poor, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

acv@Proverbs:16:29 @ A man of violence entices his neighbor, and leads him in a way that is not good.

acv@Proverbs:16:32 @ He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who takes a city.

acv@Proverbs:17:1 @ Better is a dry morsel, and quietness with it, than a house full of feasting with strife.

acv@Proverbs:17:10 @ A rebuke enters deeper into him who has understanding than a hundred stripes into a fool.

acv@Proverbs:17:12 @ Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly.

acv@Proverbs:18:2 @ A fool has no delight in understanding, but only that his heart may reveal itself.

acv@Proverbs:18:9 @ He also that is slack in his work is brother to him that is a destroyer.

acv@Proverbs:18:19 @ A brother offended [is harder to be won] than a strong city, and [such] contentions are like the bars of a castle.

acv@Proverbs:18:24 @ He who makes many friends [does it] to his own destruction, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

acv@Proverbs:19:1 @ Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than he who is perverse in his lips and is a fool.

acv@Proverbs:19:2 @ Also, that the soul be without knowledge is not good. And he who hastens with his feet sins.

acv@Proverbs:19:20 @ Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou may be wise in thy latter end.

acv@Proverbs:19:21 @ There are many devices in a man's heart, but the counsel of LORD, that shall stand.

acv@Proverbs:19:22 @ That which makes a man to be desired is his kindness, and a poor man is better than a liar.

acv@Proverbs:19:26 @ He who does violence to his father, and chases away his mother, is a son that causes shame and brings reproach.

acv@Proverbs:20:30 @ Stripes that wound cleanse away evil, and strokes, the innermost parts.

acv@Proverbs:21:3 @ To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to LORD than sacrifice.

acv@Proverbs:21:9 @ It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a contentious woman in a wide house.

acv@Proverbs:21:19 @ It is better to dwell in a desert land, than with a contentious and fretful woman.

acv@Proverbs:22:1 @ A [good] name is rather to be chosen than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.

acv@Proverbs:22:19 @ That thy trust may be in LORD, I have made [them] known to thee this day, even to thee.

acv@Proverbs:22:21 @ to make thee know the certainty of the words of truth, that thou may carry back words of truth to those who send thee?

acv@Proverbs:23:5 @ Will thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? For it certainly makes itself wings, like an eagle that flies toward heaven.

acv@Proverbs:25:7 @ For it is better that it be said to thee, Come up here, than that thou should be put lower in the presence of the prince, whom thine eyes have seen.

acv@Proverbs:25:24 @ It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a contentious woman in a wide house.

acv@Proverbs:25:28 @ He whose spirit is without restraint is a city that is broken down and without walls.

acv@Proverbs:26:2 @ As the sparrow in her wandering, as the swallow in her flying, so the curse that is causeless does not alight.

acv@Proverbs:26:9 @ [As] a thorn that goes up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

acv@Proverbs:26:12 @ See thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope for a fool than of him.

acv@Proverbs:26:16 @ The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men who can render a reason.

acv@Proverbs:27:3 @ A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty, but a fool's vexation is heavier than both.

acv@Proverbs:27:5 @ Better is open rebuke than love that is hidden.

acv@Proverbs:27:8 @ As a bird that wanders from her nest, so is a man who wanders from his place.

acv@Proverbs:27:10 @ Forsake not thine own friend, and thy father's friend. And go not to thy brother's house in the day of thy calamity. Better is a neighbor nearby than a brother far off.

acv@Proverbs:27:11 @ My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, that I may answer him who reproaches me.

acv@Proverbs:28:6 @ Better is the poor man who walks in his integrity, than he who is perverse in [his] ways, though he be rich.

acv@Proverbs:28:21 @ To have respect of persons is not good, nor that a man should transgress for a piece of bread.

acv@Proverbs:28:22 @ He who has an evil eye hastens after riches, and does not know that want shall come upon him.

acv@Proverbs:28:23 @ He who rebukes a man shall afterward find more favor than he who flatters with the tongue.

acv@Proverbs:29:1 @ He who, being often reproved, hardens his neck shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

acv@Proverbs:29:20 @ See thou a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

acv@Proverbs:30:2 @ Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man,

acv@Proverbs:30:8 @ Remove far from me falsehood and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me,

acv@Proverbs:30:15 @ The leach has two daughters, [crying], Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, [yea], four that do not say, Enough:

acv@Proverbs:30:16 @ Sheol, and the barren womb, the earth that is not satisfied with water, and the fire that does not say, Enough.

acv@Proverbs:30:17 @ The eye that mocks at his father, and despises to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.

acv@Proverbs:30:23 @ for a hateful woman when she is married, and a handmaid that is heir to her mistress.

acv@Proverbs:31:3 @ Give not thy strength to women, nor thy ways to that which destroys kings.

acv@Proverbs:31:18 @ She perceives that her merchandise is profitable. Her lamp does not go out by night.

acv@Ecclesiastes:1:9 @ That which has been is that which shall be, and that which has been done is that which shall be done. And there is no new thing under the sun.

acv@Ecclesiastes:1:11 @ There is no remembrance of the former [things], nor shall there be any remembrance of the latter that are to come, among those who shall come after.

acv@Ecclesiastes:1:13 @ And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven. It is a great tribulation that God has given to the sons of men to be exercised therewith.

acv@Ecclesiastes:1:14 @ I have seen all the works that are done under the sun, and, behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.

acv@Ecclesiastes:1:15 @ That which is crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.

acv@Ecclesiastes:1:17 @ And I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a striving after wind.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:3 @ I searched in my heart how to cheer my flesh with wine (my heart yet guiding [me] with wisdom), and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what it was good for the sons of men that they should do under heaven all the days of th

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:9 @ So I was great, and increased more than all who were before me in Jerusalem. Also my wisdom remained with me.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:11 @ Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labor that I had labored to do, and, behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was no profit under the sun.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:12 @ And I turned myself to behold wisdom and madness and folly. For what [can] the man [do] who comes after the king? [Even] that which has been done long ago.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:13 @ Then I saw that wisdom excels folly as far as light excels darkness.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:14 @ The wise man's eyes are in his head, and the fool walks in darkness. And yet I perceived that one event happens to them all.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @ Then said I in my heart, As it happens to the fool, so it will happen even to me, and why then was I more wise? Then said I in my heart that this also is vanity.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @ For of the wise man, even as of the fool, there is no remembrance forever, seeing that in the days to come all will have been long forgotten. And how the wise man dies even as the fool!

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:17 @ So I hated life, because the work that is wrought under the sun was grievous to me. For all is vanity and a striving after wind.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:18 @ And I hated all my labor in which I labored under the sun, seeing that I must leave it to the man who shall be after me.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:24 @ There is nothing better for a man [than] that he should eat and drink, and make his soul enjoy good in his labor. This also I saw, that it is from the hand of God.

acv@Ecclesiastes:2:26 @ For to the man who pleases him [God] gives wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he gives travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:2 @ a time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted,

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:9 @ What profit has he who works in that in which he labors?

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:11 @ He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also he has set eternity in their heart, yet so that man cannot find out the work that God has done from the beginning even to the end.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:12 @ I know that there is nothing better for them, than to rejoice, and to do good as long as they live.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:13 @ And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy good in all his labor. [It] is the gift of God.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:14 @ I know that, whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it. And God has done it that men should fear before him.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:15 @ That which is, has been long ago, and that which is to be, has long ago been. And God seeks again that which has passed away.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:16 @ And moreover I saw under the sun, in the place of justice, that wickedness was there, and in the place of righteousness, that wickedness was there.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:18 @ I said in my heart, [It is] because of the sons of men, that God may prove them, and that they may see that they themselves are beasts.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:19 @ For that which befalls the sons of men befalls beasts, even one thing befalls them; as the one dies, so dies the other. Yea, they all have one breath, and man has no preeminence above the beasts; for all is vanity.

acv@Ecclesiastes:3:22 @ Therefore I saw that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his works, for that is his portion. For who shall bring him [back] to see what shall be after him?

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:1 @ Then I returned and saw all the oppressions that are done under the sun. And, behold, the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter. And on the side of their oppressors there was power, but they had no comforter.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:2 @ Therefore I praised the dead who have long been dead more than the living who are yet alive.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:3 @ Yea, better than them both [is] him who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:4 @ Then I saw all labor and every skilful work, that for this a man is envied by his neighbor. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:6 @ Better is a handful, with quietness, than two handfuls with labor and striving after wind.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:9 @ Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:13 @ Better is a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who does not know how to receive admonition any more.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:15 @ I saw all the living who walk under the sun, that they were with the youth, the second, who stood up in his stead.

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:1 @ Keep thy foot when thou go to the house of God, for to draw near to hear is better than to give the sacrifice of fools. For they know not that they do evil.

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:4 @ When thou vow a vow to God, defer not to pay it, for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay that which thou vow.

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:5 @ Better is it that thou should not vow, than that thou should vow and not pay.

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:6 @ Do not allow thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin, nor say thou before the [heavenly] agent, that is was an error. Why should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thy hands?

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:8 @ If thou see the oppression of a poor man, and the violent wresting of justice and righteousness in a province, marvel not at the matter. For [a man] higher than the high is observing, and there are higher [men] than they.

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:16 @ And this also is a grievous evil, that in all points as he came, so shall he go. And what profit has he that he labored for the wind?

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:18 @ Behold, that which I have seen to be good and to be fitting is [for a man] to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labor in which he labors under the sun all the days of his life which God has given him, for this is his p

acv@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @ A man to whom God gives riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his soul of all that he desires, yet God does not give him power to eat of it, but an alien eats it. This is vanity, and it is an evil disease.

acv@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @ If a man begets a hundred sons, and lives many years so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not filled with good, and moreover he has no burial, I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

acv@Ecclesiastes:6:5 @ Moreover it has not seen the sun nor known it, this [one] has rest rather than the other.

acv@Ecclesiastes:6:8 @ For what advantage has the wise man more than the fool? What has the poor man, who knows how to walk before the living?

acv@Ecclesiastes:6:9 @ Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.

acv@Ecclesiastes:6:10 @ Whatever has been, the name of it was given long ago, and it is know what man is. Neither can he contend with him who is mightier than he.

acv@Ecclesiastes:6:11 @ Since there are many things that increase vanity, what is man the better?

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:1 @ A [good] name is better than precious oil, and the day of death, than the day of birth.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:2 @ It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting. For that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to his heart.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:3 @ Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made glad.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:5 @ It is better to hear the rebuke of a wise man, than for a man to hear the song of fools.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:8 @ Better is the end of a thing than the beginning of it. The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:10 @ Say thou not, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? For thou do not inquire wisely concerning this.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:12 @ For wisdom is a defense, even as money is a defense. But the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:13 @ Consider the work of God. For who can make that straight, which he has made crooked?

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:14 @ In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider. Yea, God has made the one side by side with the other, to the end that man should not find out anything after him.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @ It is good that thou should take hold of this, yea, also from that withdraw not thy hand. For he who fears God shall come forth from them all.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:19 @ Wisdom is a strength to the wise man more than ten rulers that are in a city.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:20 @ Surely there is not a righteous man upon earth that does good, and sins not.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:21 @ Also do not take heed to all words that are spoken, lest thou hear thy servant curse thee.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:22 @ For many times also thine own heart knows that thou thyself likewise have cursed others.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:24 @ That which is, is far off and exceedingly deep. Who can find it out?

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:25 @ I turned about, and my heart [was set] to know and to search out, and to seek wisdom and the reason [of things], and to know that wickedness is folly, and that foolishness is madness.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @ And I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, [and] whose hands are chains. He who pleases God shall escape from her, but the sinner shall be taken by her.

acv@Ecclesiastes:7:29 @ Behold, this only I have found: That God made man upright, but they have sought out many contrivances.

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:2 @ I [say], Keep the king's command, and that because of the oath of God.

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:7 @ For he knows not that which shall be, for who can tell him how it shall be?

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @ All this I have seen, and applied my heart to every work that is done under the sun. [There is] a time in which one man has power over another to his hurt.

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @ Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and prolongs his [days], yet surely I know that it shall be well with those who fear God, who fear before him.

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @ There is a vanity which is done upon the earth, that there are righteous men to whom it happens according to the work of the wicked, again, there are wicked men to whom it happens according to the work of the righteous. I said that

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @ Then I commended joy, because a man has no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be cheerful. For that shall abide with him in his labor [all] the days of his life which God has given him under the sun.

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:16 @ When I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done upon the earth (for also there is he who sees sleep with his eyes neither day nor night),

acv@Ecclesiastes:8:17 @ then I beheld all the work of God, that man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun. Because however much a man labors to seek it out, yet he shall not find it. Yea moreover, though a wise man thinks to know it, yet he

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:1 @ For all this I laid to my heart, even to explore all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God. No man understands, either love or hatred. All is before them.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:3 @ This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that there is one event to all. Yea also, the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that [they go] to the dead.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:4 @ Because to him who is joined with all the living there is hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @ For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything, nor have they any more a reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:6 @ As well their love, as their hatred and their envy, has perished long ago, nor have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:9 @ Live joyfully with the wife whom thou love all the days of thy life of vanity, which he has given thee under the sun, all thy days of vanity. For that is thy portion in life, and in thy labor in which thou labor under the sun.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill, but time and chance happens t

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:12 @ For man also does not know his time. As the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare, even so are the sons of men snared in an evil time when it falls suddenly upon them.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:15 @ Now there was found in it a poor wise man. And he by his wisdom delivered the city, yet no man remembered that same poor man.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:16 @ Then I said, Wisdom is better than strength. Nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:17 @ The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the cry of him who rules among fools.

acv@Ecclesiastes:9:18 @ Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good.

acv@Ecclesiastes:10:3 @ Yea also, when the fool walks by the way, his understanding fails him, and he says to everyone [that] he is a fool.

acv@Ecclesiastes:10:14 @ A fool also multiplies words; [yet] man knows not what shall be, and that which shall be after him, who can tell him?

acv@Ecclesiastes:10:20 @ Revile not the king, no, not in thy thought, and revile not the rich in thy bedchamber. For a bird of the heavens shall carry the voice, and that which has wings shall tell the matter.

acv@Ecclesiastes:11:6 @ In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand, for thou know not which shall prosper, whether this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

acv@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @ Yea, if a man lives many years, let him rejoice in them all. But let him remember the days of darkness, for they shall be many. All that comes is vanity.

acv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @ Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes. But know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgmen

acv@Ecclesiastes:12:10 @ The Preacher sought to find out acceptable words, and that which was written uprightly--words of truth.

acv@Songs:1:2 @ Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for thy love is better than wine.

acv@Songs:1:4 @ Draw me, we will run after thee. The king has brought me into his chambers. We will be glad and rejoice in thee. We will make mention of thy love more than of wine. Rightly do they love thee.

acv@Songs:1:13 @ My beloved is to me a bundle of myrrh that lays between my breasts.

acv@Songs:2:7 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, or by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake love, until it please.

acv@Songs:2:15 @ Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vineyards. For our vineyards are in blossom.

acv@Songs:3:4 @ It was but a little that I passed from them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her who conceived me.

acv@Songs:3:5 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, or by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake love, until it please.

acv@Songs:4:1 @ Behold, thou are fair, my love, behold, thou are fair. Thine eyes are doves behind thy veil. Thy hair is as a flock of goats that lay along the side of mount Gilead.

acv@Songs:4:2 @ Thy teeth are like a flock [of ewes] that are [newly] shorn, which have come up from the washing, of which every one has twins, and none is bereaved among them.

acv@Songs:4:5 @ Thy two breasts are like two fawns that are twins of a roe, which feed among the lilies.

acv@Songs:4:10 @ How fair is thy love, my sister, [my] bride! How much better is thy love than wine, and the fragrance of thine oils than all manner of spices!

acv@Songs:4:16 @ Awake, O north wind, and come, thou south, blow upon my garden, that the spices of it may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his precious fruits.

acv@Songs:5:8 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him that I am sick from love.

acv@Songs:5:9 @ What is thy beloved more than [another] beloved, O thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than [another] beloved, that thou do so adjure us?

acv@Songs:6:1 @ Where has thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women? Where has thy beloved turned, that we may seek him with thee?

acv@Songs:6:5 @ Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me. Thy hair is as a flock of goats that lay along the side of Gilead.

acv@Songs:6:13 @ Return, return, O Shulammite, return, return, that we may look upon thee. Why will ye look upon the Shulammite, as upon the dance of two armies?

acv@Songs:7:3 @ Thy two breasts are like two fawns that are twins of a roe.

acv@Songs:7:9 @ and thy mouth like the best wine, that goes down smoothly for my beloved, gliding through the lips and teeth.

acv@Songs:8:1 @ Oh that thou were as my brother, who sucked the breasts of my mother! [When] I should find thee outside, I would kiss thee. Yes, and none would despise me.

acv@Songs:8:4 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake love, until it please.

acv@Isaiah:1:1 @ The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

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