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bes@Hosea:9:12 @ For even if they should rear their children, yet shall they be utterly bereaved: wherefore also there is woe to them, though my flesh is of them.

bes@Amos:9:2 @ Though they hid themselves in hell, thence shall my hand drag them forth; and though they go up to heaven, thence will I bring them down.

bes@Micah:4:12 @ But they know not the thought of the Lord, and have not understood his counsel: for he has gathered them as sheaves of the floor.

bes@Micah:7:8 @ Rejoice not against me, mine enemy; for I have fallen yet shall arise; for though I should sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.

bes@Habakkuk:2:3 @ For the vision is yet for a time, and it shall shoot forth at the end, and not in vain: though he should tarry, wait for him; (note:)Heb strkjv@10:37-39(:note) for he will surely come, and will not tarry.

bes@Habakkuk:3:17 @ For though the fig-tree shall bear no fruit, and there shall be no produce on the vines; the labour of the olive shall (note:)Lit. deceive(:note) fail, and the fields shall produce no food: the sheep have failed from the pasture, and there are no oxen at the cribs;

bes@Zechariah:7:5 @ Speak to the whole people of the land, and to the priests, saying, Though ye fasted or lamented in the fifth or seventh months (yea, behold, these seventy years) have ye at all fasted to me?

bes@Malachi:2:16 @ But if thou shouldest hate thy wife and put her away, saith the Lord God of Israel, then ungodliness shall cover thy thoughts, saith the Lord Almighty: therefore take ye heed to your spirit, and forsake them not,

bes@Jdt:9:5 @ For thou hast wrought not only those things, but also the things which fell out before, and which ensued after; thou hast thought upon the things which are now, and which are to come.

bes@Jdt:14:2 @ And so soon as the morning shall appear, and the sun shall come forth upon the earth, take ye every one his weapons, and go forth every valiant man out of the city, and set ye a captain over them, as though ye would go down into the field toward the watch of the Assyrians; but go not down.

bes@Jdt:14:14 @ Then went in Bagoas, and knocked at the door of the tent; for he thought that he had slept with Judith.

bes@Wis:1:3 @ For froward thoughts separate from God: and his power, when it is tried, reproveth the unwise.

bes@Wis:1:5 @ For the holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, and remove from thoughts that are without understanding, and will not abide when unrighteousness cometh in.

bes@Wis:1:16 @ But ungodly men with their works and words called it to them: for when they thought to have it their friend, they consumed to nought, and made a covenant with it, because they are worthy to take part with it.

bes@Wis:2:2 @ For we are born at all adventure: and we shall be hereafter as though we had never been: for the breath in our nostrils is as smoke, and a little spark in the moving of our heart:

bes@Wis:2:14 @ He was made to reprove our thoughts.

bes@Wis:3:4 @ For though they be punished in the sight of men, yet is their hope full of immortality.

bes@Wis:3:17 @ For though they live long, yet shall they be nothing regarded: and their last age shall be without honour.

bes@Wis:4:4 @ For though they flourish in branches for a time; yet standing not last, they shall be shaken with the wind, and through the force of winds they shall be rooted out.

bes@Wis:4:7 @ But though the righteous be prevented with death, yet shall he be in rest.

bes@Wis:6:16 @ For she goeth about seeking such as are worthy of her, sheweth herself favourably unto them in the ways, and meeteth them in every thought.

bes@Wis:8:10 @ For her sake I shall have estimation among the multitude, and honour with the elders, though I be young.

bes@Wis:9:6 @ For though a man be never so perfect among the children of men, yet if thy wisdom be not with him, he shall be nothing regarded.

bes@Wis:9:14 @ For the thoughts of mortal men are miserable, and our devices are but uncertain.

bes@Wis:12:27 @ For, look, for what things they grudged, when they were punished, that is, for them whom they thought to be gods; now being punished in them, when they saw it, they acknowledged him to be the true God, whom before they denied to know: and therefore came extreme damnation upon them.

bes@Wis:14:4 @ Shewing that thou canst save from all danger: yea, though a man went to sea without art.

bes@Wis:14:29 @ For insomuch as their trust is in idols, which have no life; though they swear falsely, yet they look not to be hurt.

bes@Wis:14:30 @ Howbeit for both causes shall they be justly punished: both because they thought not well of God, giving heed unto idols, and also unjustly swore in deceit, despising holiness.

bes@Wis:15:12 @ But they counted our life a pastime, and our time here a market for gain: for, say they, we must be getting every way, though it be by evil means.

bes@Wis:17:2 @ For when unrighteous men thought to oppress the holy nation; they being shut up in their houses, the prisoners of darkness, and fettered with the bonds of a long night, lay there exiled from the eternal providence.

bes@Wis:17:6 @ Only there appeared unto them a fire kindled of itself, very dreadful: for being much terrified, they thought the things which they saw to be worse than the sight they saw not.

bes@Wis:17:9 @ For though no terrible thing did fear them; yet being scared with beasts that passed by, and hissing of serpents,

bes@Wis:19:21 @ On the other side, the flames wasted not the flesh of the corruptible living things, though they walked therein; neither melted they the icy kind of heavenly meat that was of nature apt to melt.

bes@Tob:3:10 @ When she heard these things, she was very sorrowful, so that she thought to have strangled herself; and she said, I am the only daughter of my father, and if I do this, it shall be a reproach unto him, and I shall bring his old age with sorrow unto the grave.

bes@Sir:11:5 @ Many kings have sat down upon the ground; and one that was never thought of hath worn the crown.

bes@Sir:12:11 @ Though he humble himself, and go crouching, yet take good heed and beware of him, and thou shalt be unto him as if thou hadst wiped a lookingglass, and thou shalt know that his rust hath not been altogether wiped away.

bes@Sir:12:17 @ If adversity come upon thee, thou shalt find him there first; and though he pretend to help thee, yet shall he undermine thee.

bes@Sir:16:2 @ Though they multiply, rejoice not in them, except the fear of the Lord be with them.

bes@Sir:19:21 @ If a servant say to his master, I will not do as it pleaseth thee; though afterward he do it, he angereth him that nourisheth him.

bes@Sir:22:17 @ A heart settled upon a thought of understanding is as a fair plaistering on the wall of a gallery.

bes@Sir:22:21 @ Though thou drewest a sword at thy friend, yet despair not: for there may be a returning to favour.

bes@Sir:23:2 @ Who will set scourges over my thoughts, and the discipline of wisdom over mine heart? that they spare me not for mine ignorances, and it pass not by my sins:

bes@Sir:24:29 @ For her thoughts are more than the sea, and her counsels profounder than the great deep.

bes@Sir:26:7 @ An evil wife is a yoke shaken to and fro: he that hath hold of her is as though he held a scorpion.

bes@Sir:30:4 @ Though his father die, yet he is as though he were not dead: for he hath left one behind him that is like himself.

bes@Sir:36:5 @ The heart of the foolish is like a cartwheel; and his thoughts are like a rolling axletree.

bes@Sir:36:11 @ In much knowledge the Lord hath divided them, and made their ways diverse. (note:)(36:11AA)(:note) Though I was the last to wake up, yet I received their inheritance as from the beginning.

bes@Sir:39:12 @ Yet have I more to say, which I have thought upon; for I am filled as the moon at the full.

bes@Sir:39:32 @ Therefore from the beginning I was resolved, and thought upon these things, and have left them in writing.

bes@Sir:40:2 @ Their imagination of things to come, and the day of death, trouble their thoughts, and cause fear of heart;

bes@Sir:42:20 @ No thought escapeth him, neither any word is hidden from him.

bes@Sir:44:9 @ And some there be, which have no memorial; who are perished, as though they had never been; and are become as though they had never been born; and their children after them.

bes@Sir:51:8 @ Then thought I upon thy mercy, O Lord, and upon thy acts of old, how thou deliverest such as wait for thee, and savest them out of the hands of the enemies.

bes@Bar:6:12 @ Yet cannot these gods save themselves from rust and moth, though they be covered with purple raiment.

bes@Bar:6:14 @ And he that cannot put to death one that offendeth him holdeth a sceptre, as though he were a judge of the country.

bes@Bar:6:35 @ In like manner, they can neither give riches nor money: though a man make a vow unto them, and keep it not, they will not require it.

bes@Bar:6:41 @ Who if they shall see one dumb that cannot speak, they bring him, and intreat Bel that he may speak, as though he were able to understand.

bes@Bar:6:43 @ The women also with cords about them, sitting in the ways, burn bran for perfume: but if any of them, drawn by some that passeth by, lie with him, she reproacheth her fellow, that she was not thought as worthy as herself, nor her cord broken.

bes@Bar:6:44 @ Whatsoever is done among them is false: how may it then be thought or said that they are gods?

bes@Bar:6:56 @ Moreover they cannot withstand any king or enemies: how can it then be thought or said that they be gods?

bes@1Macc:1:16 @ Now when the kingdom was established before Antiochus, he thought to reign over Egypt that he might have the dominion of two realms.

bes@1Macc:2:19 @ Then Mattathias answered and spake with a loud voice, Though all the nations that are under the king’s dominion obey him, and fall away every one from the religion of their fathers, and give consent to his commandments:

bes@1Macc:2:63 @ To day he shall be lifted up and to morrow he shall not be found, because he is returned into his dust, and his thought is come to nothing.

bes@1Macc:4:45 @ They thought it best to pull it down, lest it should be a reproach to them, because the heathen had defiled it: wherefore they pulled it down,

bes@1Macc:5:2 @ Wherefore they thought to destroy the generation of Jacob that was among them, and thereupon they began to slay and destroy the people.

bes@1Macc:5:61 @ Thus was there a great overthrow among the children of Israel, because they were not obedient unto Judas and his brethren, but thought to do some valiant act.

bes@1Macc:6:11 @ And I thought with myself, Into what tribulation am I come, and how great a flood of misery is it, wherein now I am! for I was bountiful and beloved in my power.

bes@1Macc:8:4 @ And that by their policy and patience they had conquered all the place, though it were very far from them; and the kings also that came against them from the uttermost part of the earth, till they had discomfited them, and given them a great overthrow, so that the rest did give them tribute every year:

bes@1Macc:11:25 @ And though certain ungodly men of the people had made complaints against him,

bes@1Macc:14:35 @ The people therefore sang the acts of Simon, and unto what glory he thought to bring his nation, made him their governor and chief priest, because he had done all these things, and for the justice and faith which he kept to his nation, and for that he sought by all means to exalt his people.

bes@1Macc:15:19 @ We thought it good therefore to write unto the kings and countries, that they should do them no harm, nor fight against them, their cities, or countries, nor yet aid their enemies against them.

bes@1Macc:16:13 @ Wherefore his heart being lifted up, he thought to get the country to himself, and thereupon consulted deceitfully against Simon and his sons to destroy them.

bes@2Macc:1:14 @ For Antiochus, as though he would marry her, came into the place, and his friends that were with him, to receive money in name of a dowry.

bes@2Macc:1:18 @ Therefore whereas we are now purposed to keep the purification of the temple upon the five and twentieth day of the month Casleu, we thought it necessary to certify you thereof, that ye also might keep it, as the feast of the tabernacles, and of the fire, which was given us when Neemias offered sacrifice, after that he had builded the temple and the altar.

bes@2Macc:4:19 @ This ungracious Jason sent special messengers from Jerusalem, who were Antiochians, to carry three hundred drachms of silver to the sacrifice of Hercules, which even the bearers thereof thought fit not to bestow upon the sacrifice, because it was not convenient, but to be reserved for other charges.

bes@2Macc:4:34 @ Wherefore Menelaus, taking Andronicus apart, prayed, him to get Onias into his hands; who being persuaded thereunto, and coming to Onias in deceit, gave him his right hand with oaths; and though he were suspected by him, yet persuaded he him to come forth of the sanctuary: whom forthwith he shut up without regard of justice.

bes@2Macc:5:5 @ Now when there was gone forth a false rumour, as though Antiochus had been dead, Jason took at the least a thousand men, and suddenly made an assault upon the city; and they that were upon the walls being put back, and the city at length taken, Menelaus fled into the castle:

bes@2Macc:5:11 @ Now when this that was done came to the king’s ear, he thought that Judea had revolted: whereupon removing out of Egypt in a furious mind, he took the city by force of arms,

bes@2Macc:6:16 @ And therefore he never withdraweth his mercy from us: and though he punish with adversity, yet doth he never forsake his people.

bes@2Macc:6:26 @ For though for the present time I should be delivered from the punishment of men: yet should I not escape the hand of the Almighty, neither alive, nor dead.

bes@2Macc:6:29 @ They that led him changing the good will they bare him a little before into hatred, because the foresaid speeches proceeded, as they thought, from a desperate mind.

bes@2Macc:7:21 @ Yea, she exhorted every one of them in her own language, filled with courageous spirits; and stirring up her womanish thoughts with a manly stomach, she said unto them,

bes@2Macc:7:33 @ And though the living Lord be angry with us a little while for our chastening and correction, yet shall he be at one again with his servants.

bes@2Macc:9:4 @ Then swelling with anger. he thought to avenge upon the Jews the disgrace done unto him by those that made him flee. Therefore commanded he his chariotman to drive without ceasing, and to dispatch the journey, the judgement of God now following him. For he had spoken proudly in this sort, That he would come to Jerusalem and make it a common burying place of the Jews.

bes@2Macc:9:8 @ And thus he that a little afore thought he might command the waves of the sea, (so proud was he beyond the condition of man) and weigh the high mountains in a balance, was now cast on the ground, and carried in an horselitter, shewing forth unto all the manifest power of God.

bes@2Macc:9:10 @ And the man, that thought a little afore he could reach to the stars of heaven, no man could endure to carry for his intolerable stink.

bes@2Macc:9:21 @ As for me, I was weak, or else I would have remembered kindly your honour and good will returning out of Persia, and being taken with a grievous disease, I thought it necessary to care for the common safety of all:

bes@2Macc:10:24 @ Now Timotheus, whom the Jews had overcome before, when he had gathered a great multitude of foreign forces, and horses out of Asia not a few, came as though he would take Jewry by force of arms.

bes@2Macc:12:3 @ The men of Joppa also did such an ungodly deed: they prayed the Jews that dwelt among them to go with their wives and children into the boats which they had prepared, as though they had meant them no hurt.

bes@2Macc:12:45 @ And also in that he perceived that there was great favour laid up for those that died godly, it was an holy and good thought. Whereupon he made a reconciliation for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin.

bes@2Macc:13:3 @ Menelaus also joined himself with them, and with great dissimulation encouraged Antiochus, not for the safeguard of the country, but because he thought to have been made governor.

bes@2Macc:14:40 @ For he thought by taking him to do the Jews much hurt.

bes@2Macc:14:45 @ Nevertheless, while there was yet breath within him, being inflamed with anger, he rose up; and though his blood gushed out like spouts of water, and his wounds were grievous, yet he ran through the midst of the throng; and standing upon a steep rock,

bes@3Macc:3:3 @ Now, while the Jews always maintained a feeling of un-swerving loyalty towards the kings, yet, as they worshipped God, and observed his law, they made certain distinctions, and avoided certain things. Hence some persons held them in odium; although, as they adorned their conversation with works of righteousness, they had established themselves in the good opinion of the world.

bes@3Macc:5:42 @ The king, just like another Phalaris, a prey to thoughtlessness, made no account of the changes which his own mind had undergone, issuing in the deliverance of the Jews. He swore a fruitless oath, and determined forthwith to send them to hades, crushed by the knees and feet of the elephants.

bes@3Macc:5:49 @ thought that they had come to the last moment of their lives, to the end of what they had tremblingly expected. They gave way, therefore, to lamentations and moans: they kissed each other: those nearest of kin to each other hung about one another's necks: fathers about their sons, mother their daughters: other women held their infants to their breasts, which drew what seemed their last milk.

bes@4Macc:2:3 @ For, although young, and ripe for sexual intercourse, he abrogated by reasoning the stimulus of his passions.

bes@4Macc:3:10 @ but the king, being very much athirst, although he had numerous springs, could not by their means quench his thirst;

bes@4Macc:3:15 @ But he, though parched with thirst, reasoned that a draught reputed of equal value to blood, would be terribly dangerous to his soul.

bes@4Macc:4:13 @ Onias the high priest, induced by these words, although for other reasons anxious that king Seleucus should not suppose that Apollonius was slain by human device and not by Divine punishment, prayed for him;

bes@4Macc:5:22 @ But thou deridest our philosophy, as though we lived irrationally in it.

bes@4Macc:5:37 @ My fathers shall receive me pure, not having quailed before your compulsion, though unto death.

bes@4Macc:5:38 @ For over the ungodly thou shalt tyrannize; but thou shalt not lord it over my thoughts about religion, either by thine arguments, or through deeds.

bes@4Macc:6:16 @ And Eleazar, as though the advice more painfully tortured him, cried out,

bes@4Macc:7:13 @ And, what is most wonderful, though an old man, though the labours of his body were now spent, and his fibres were relaxed, and his sinews worn out, he recovered youth.

bes@4Macc:8:9 @ Have mercy, then, upon your own selves, whom I, although an enemy, compassionate for your age and comeliness.

bes@4Macc:9:5 @ And you think to scare us, by threatening us with death by tortures, as though thou hadst learned nothing by the death of Eleazar.

bes@4Macc:9:21 @ And although the framework of his bones was now destroyed the high-minded and Abrahamic youth did not groan.

bes@4Macc:9:22 @ But, as though transformed by fire into immortality, he nobly endured the rackings, saying

bes@4Macc:12:2 @ whom the tyrant pitying, though he had been dreadfully reproached by his brethren,

bes@4Macc:13:27 @ And yet, although nature and intercourse and virtuous morals increased their brotherly love those who were left endured to behold their brethren, who were illused for their religion, tortured even unto death.

bes@4Macc:14:5 @ But all of them, as though running the road to immortality, hastened on to death through tortures.

bes@4Macc:15:11 @ And yet, though there were so many circumstances connected with love of children to draw on a mother to sympathy, in the case of none of them were the various tortures able to pervert her principle.

bes@4Macc:15:24 @ Although beholding the destruction of seven children, the noble mother, after one embrace, stripped off through faith in God.

bes@4Macc:16:14 @ O woman, soldier of God for religion, thou, aged and a female, hast conquered through endurance even a tyrant; and though but weak, hast been found more powerful in deeds and words.

bes@1Esd:3:20 @ It turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man remembereth neither sorrow nor debt:

bes@1Esd:5:53 @ And all they that had made any vow to God began to offer sacrifices to God from the first day of the seventh month, although the temple of the Lord was not yet built.

bes@Ps151:1:1 @ This Psalm is a genuine one of David, though supernumerary, composed when he fought in single combat with (note:)Alex. Goliath(:note) Goliad. - I was small among my brethren, and youngest in my father’s house: I tended my father’s sheep.

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