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rotherham@Hosea:1:2 @ The beginning of the word of Yahweh with Hosea, was, that Yahweh said unto Hosea, Go take thee a woman of unchastity, and the children of unchastity, for, unchastely indeed, hath the land been going away from following Yahweh.

rotherham@Hosea:2:2 @ Contend ye with your mother, contend, for she is no wife of mine, and I am no husband of hers, Let her then put away her paramours from before her, and her partners in adultery, from her embraces:

rotherham@Hosea:2:6 @ Therefore, behold me! hedging up her way, with thorns, and I will wall her in, and, her footpaths, shall she not find.

rotherham@Hosea:2:7 @ And, when she shall pursue her lovers, and not overtake them, and shall seek them and not find, then will she say, Let me go my way now! and return unto my first husband, for it was better with me, then, than, now!

rotherham@Hosea:2:13 @ So will I visit upon her the days of the Baals, unto whom she used to burn incense, and decked herself with her nose-ring and her jewelry, and went her way after her lovers, whereas, me, she forgat, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Hosea:2:18 @ And I will solemnize to them a covenant, in that day, with the wild-beast of the field, and with the bird of the heavens, and the creeping thing of the ground, and, bow and sword and battle, will I break in pieces out of the land, so will I cause them to lie down, in security.

rotherham@Hosea:3:4 @ For, many days, shall the sons of Israel tarry, without king, and without ruler, and without sacrifice, and without pillar; and without ephod, or household gods.

rotherham@Hosea:3:5 @ Afterwards, shall the sons of Israel return, and seek Yahweh their God, and David their king, and shall turn with throbbing hearts unto Yahweh and unto his goodness, in the afterpart of the days.

rotherham@Hosea:4:1 @ Hear the word of Yahweh, ye sons of Israel, that, a controversy, hath Yahweh with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness, nor lovingkindness, nor knowledge of God, in the land:

rotherham@Hosea:4:3 @ For this cause, shall the land mourn, and everyone who dwelleth therein shall languish, with the wild beast of the field and with the bird of the heavens, moreover also, the fishes of the sea, shall be withdrawn.

rotherham@Hosea:4:5 @ So shouldst thou stumble in the daytime, and even the prophet stumble with thee, in the night, and I should destroy thine own mother.

rotherham@Hosea:4:14 @ I do not bring punishment upon your daughters when they become unchaste, nor upon your brides, when they commit adultery, for, the men themselves, with unchaste women, do seclude themselves, and, with the common women of the shrine, do offer sacrifice, and, a people who will not discern, must be ruined.

rotherham@Hosea:4:17 @ Mated with idols, is Ephraim, let him alone.

rotherham@Hosea:5:4 @ Their doings, will not suffer, them to return unto their God, for, the spirit of unchastity, is within them, and, Yahweh, have they not known.

rotherham@Hosea:5:5 @ Therefore will the Excellency of Israel, answer, to his face, and, Israel and Ephraim, shall stumble in their iniquity, even Judah with them, hath stumbled.

rotherham@Hosea:5:6 @ With their flocks and with their herds, will they go to seek Yahweh, but shall not find him; he hath withdrawn himself from them.

rotherham@Hosea:5:7 @ With Yahweh, have they dealt treacherously, for, to alien children, have they given birth, now, a new moon, shall devour them, with their portions.

rotherham@Hosea:6:7 @ But, they, like Adam, have transgressed a covenant, There, have they dealt treacherously with me.

rotherham@Hosea:6:8 @ Gilead, is a city of workers of iniquity, tracked with blood.

rotherham@Hosea:7:5 @ In the day of our king, the rulers, have made themselves ill, with the heat of wine, he hath extended his hand with scoffers.

rotherham@Hosea:7:8 @ As for Ephraim! with the peoples, hath he been mingling himself, Ephraim, is a cake not turned.

rotherham@Hosea:8:1 @ To thy mouth, with a horn! Like an eagle, on the house of Yahweh, because they have violated my covenant, and, against my law, have they transgressed.

rotherham@Hosea:9:1 @ Do not rejoice, O Israel, with exultation, like the peoples, for thou hast gone away unchastely from beside thy God, thou hast loved a present, upon all the threshing-floors of corn!

rotherham@Hosea:9:11 @ As for Ephraim! like a bird, did their glory, fly away, no birth, and none with child, no conception.

rotherham@Hosea:11:4 @ With human cords, used I to draw them, with the bands of love, so became I unto them like those who remove the yoke to him, I let him eat.

rotherham@Hosea:11:12 @ They have compassed me aboutwith denial, Ephraim, with deceit, the house of Israel, but, Judah, hath, again and again, run riot with GOD, though, with the holy places, entrusted.

rotherham@Hosea:12:1 @ Ephraim, feedeth on wind, and pursueth the east wind, all the day, falsehood and force, doth he magnify, and, a covenant with Assyria, would they solemnize, and, oil into Egypt, must be borne along.

rotherham@Hosea:12:2 @ But, a controversy, hath Yahweh with Judah, so that he may bring punishment on Jacob, according to his ways, According to his doings, repay him.

rotherham@Hosea:12:3 @ In the womb, took he his brother by the heel; and, in his manly vigour, strove he with God:

rotherham@Hosea:12:4 @ Yea he strove against a Messenger, and prevailed, he wept, and made supplication unto him, At Bethel, he found him, and, there, he spake with us;

rotherham@Hosea:13:1 @ When Ephraim, spake, there was terror, exalted was, he, in Israel, but, when he became guilty with Baal, then he died.

rotherham@Hosea:13:5 @ I, tended thee in the desert, in a land parched with drought:

rotherham@Hosea:13:16 @ Samaria, shall be held guilty, for she hath rebelled against her God, By the sword, shall they fall, their infants, shall be dashed to the ground, and, his women with child, shall be ripped up.

rotherham@Hosea:14:2 @ Take with you words, and return to Yahweh: say unto him Wholly, shalt thou take away iniquity, Accept, then, with favour, and we will make good the boldness of our lips!

rotherham@Joel:1:6 @ For, a nation, hath come up over my land, bold, and without number, his teeth, are the teeth of a lion, and, the fangs of a lioness, hath he!

rotherham@Joel:1:8 @ Wail thou, like a virgin girded with sackcloth, for the owner of her youth.

rotherham@Joel:1:12 @ The vine, is abashed, and, the fig-tree, languisheth, pomegranate, palm also, and appleall the trees of the field, have withered, Yea abashed is gladness, away from the sons of men.

rotherham@Joel:1:13 @ Gird yourselves and beat the breastye priests, howl, ye attendants of the altar, go in and wrap yourselves for the night in sackcloth, ye attendants on my God, for, withholden from the house of your God, are the meal-offering and the drink- offering.

rotherham@Joel:2:6 @ Because of him, shall peoples, be in anguish, all faces, have withdrawn their colour.

rotherham@Joel:2:10 @ Before him, hath quaked the earth, have trembled the heavens, the sun and the moon, have become dark, and, the stars, have withdrawn their shining;

rotherham@Joel:2:12 @ Even now, therefore, urgeth Yahweh, Turn ye unto me, with all your heart, and with fasting and with weeping, and with lamentation;

rotherham@Joel:2:17 @ Between the porch and the altar, let the priests, weep, the attendants of Yahweh, and let them say Look with pity, O Yahweh, upon thy people, and do not deliver thine inheritance to reproach, that the nations, should mock them, Why should they say among the peoples, Where is their God?

rotherham@Joel:2:19 @ Then answered Yahweh, and said to his people: Behold me! sending you the corn, and the new wine and the oil, so shall ye be satisfied therewith; and I will not make you, any more, a reproach among the nations.

rotherham@Joel:2:20 @ And, the Northerner, will I remove far from you, and drive him into a land parched and desolate, with, his face, toward the eastern sea, and, his rear, toward the hinder sea, then shall come up his ill odour, yea his stench, shall ascend, because he hath shown himself great in doing.

rotherham@Joel:2:24 @ So shall the threshing-floors, be filled, with corn, and the vats, overflow, with new wine and oil.

rotherham@Joel:2:26 @ And ye shall eat and eat, and be satisfied, and shall praise the name of Yahweh your God, who hath dealt with you wondrously, so shall my people, not be abashed, unto times age-abiding.

rotherham@Joel:3:2 @ Then will I gather all the nations, and bring them down into the Vale of Jehoshaphat, and will enter into judgment with them there, concerning my people, and mine inheritance Israel, whom they scattered among the nations, and, my land, they apportioned;

rotherham@Joel:3:4 @ Moreover also, what have, ye, to do with me, O Tyre and Zidon, and all the circuit of Palestine? A recompense, are ye paying back unto me? But, though ye should make a recompense unto me, swiftly, speedily, would I return your recompense upon your own head.

rotherham@Joel:3:15 @ The sun and the moon, have become dark, and, the stars, have withdrawn their shining,

rotherham@Joel:3:18 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and the hills shall flow down with milk, and, all the channels of Judah, shall flow down with waters, and, a spring, out of the house of Yahweh, shall come forth, and shall water the torrent-valley of the acacias.

rotherham@Amos:1:3 @ Thus, saith Yahweh, Because of three transgressions of Damascus, and because of four, will I not turn it back, Because, with threshing instruments of iron, they have threshed Gilead.

rotherham@Amos:1:11 @ Thus, saith Yahweh, Because of three transgressions of Edom, and because of four, will I not turn it back, Because he pursued, with the sword, his brother, and stifled his compassions, and his anger tare in pieces evermore, and, his indignation, kept watch perpetually,

rotherham@Amos:1:14 @ Therefore will I kindle a fire upon the wall of Rabbah, which shall devour the palaces thereof, with a war-cry in the day of battle, with tempest in the day of storm-wind;

rotherham@Amos:2:2 @ Therefore will I send a fire into Moab, which shall devour the palaces of Keriothand Moab, shall die with tumult, with war- cry, with the sound of a horn;

rotherham@Amos:2:3 @ And I will cut off the judge out of her midst, and, all her rulers, will I slay with him, saith Yahweh.

rotherham@Amos:2:14 @ Therefore shall flight, perish, from the swift, and, the mighty, shall not invigorate his strength, nor shall, the hero, escape with his life;

rotherham@Amos:2:15 @ Nor, he that handleth the bow, make a stand, and, the swift on his feet, shall not escape, nor, he that rideth on a horse, escape with his life:

rotherham@Amos:3:6 @ Or a horn be blown in a city, and, a people, not tremble? Or calamity happen in a city, and, Yahweh, not have wrought with effect?

rotherham@Amos:3:9 @ Announce it over the palaces in Ashdod, and over the palaces in the land of Egypt, and say ye Gather yourselves together upon the mountains of Samaria, and behold yethe great disorders in the midst thereof, and the oppressed within her.

rotherham@Amos:3:15 @ And I will smite the winter house along with the summer house, and the houses of ivory, shall be destroyed! and the great houses, shall disappear, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Amos:4:2 @ Sworn hath My Lord, Yahweh, by his own holiness, That lo! days, are coming upon you, when he will take you away with hooks, and your followers with fishhooks;

rotherham@Amos:4:7 @ Moreover also, I, have withholden from you the abundant rain, when yet there were only three mouths to the harvest, Or I might rain upon one city, and, on another city, might not rain, One portion, would be rained upon, and, the portion whereupon it should not rain, would be dried up;

rotherham@Amos:4:8 @ Then would two or three cities totter to one city to drink water, without being satisfied, Yet have ye not returned unto me, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Amos:4:9 @ I have smitten you with blight and with mildew, When your gardens and your vineyards and your fig-trees and your olive-trees have increased, the creeping locust would devour them, Yet have ye not returned unto me, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Amos:4:10 @ I have sent among you pestilence, in the manner of Egypt, I have slain, with the sword, your young men, and therewith have been taken captive your horses, And I have caused to ascendthe stench of your camps, even into your own nostrils, Yet ye have not returned unto me, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Amos:5:6 @ Seek ye Yahweh, and live, lest he break forth, like a fire, upon the house of Joseph, and it devour with none to quench it, for Bethel.

rotherham@Amos:5:14 @ Seek ye right and not wrong, that ye nay live, that, so, Yahweh God of hosts, may be with you, as ye have said.

rotherham@Amos:6:6 @ Who are quaffing bowls of wine, and, with the best of oils, anointing themselves, and are not afflicted for the injury of Joseph:

rotherham@Amos:6:10 @ And a mans near of kin, even he who is about to burn the bones, shall carry him out of the house, when he shall say to him that is in the hinder parts of the house Are there yet any with thee? and he shall say No one. Then shall he say Hush! for we must not invoke the name of Yahweh.

rotherham@Amos:6:11 @ For lo! Yahweh, is giving command, and will smite the great house into ruins, and the little house with clefts.

rotherham@Amos:6:12 @ Shall horses run upon crag? or will a man plough with oxen? For ye have turned to poison the sentence of justice, and the fruit of righteousness, to wormwood:

rotherham@Amos:7:9 @ So shall the high places of Isaac, be made desolate, and, the holy places of Israel, be laid waste, and I will rise up, against the house of Jeroboam, with the sword.

rotherham@Amos:9:1 @ I saw My Lord stationed by the altar, and he said Smite the capitalthat the sills, may tremble, Yea break them off on the head of them all, and, the last of them, with the sword, will I slay, He that fleeth of them, shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them, shall not make good his escape.

rotherham@Obadiah:1:12 @ Do not, then, look with satisfaction upon the day of thy brother, upon the day of his calamity, Neither rejoice over the sons of Judahin the day of their ruin, nor enlarge thy mouthin the day of distress:

rotherham@Obadiah:1:13 @ Do not enter into the gate of my peoplein the day of their misfortune, Do not, thou also, look with satisfaction on his miseryin the day of his misfortune; neither do thou thrust on his substancein the day of his misfortune;

rotherham@Obadiah:1:18 @ And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, with the house of Esau for stubble, So shall they kindle upon them, and devour them, and there shall be no survivor to the house of Esau, for, Yahweh, hath spoken.

rotherham@Jonah:1:3 @ But Jonah arose to flee unto Tarshish, away from the presence of Yahweh, and went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish, so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish,, away from the presence of Yahweh.

rotherham@Jonah:1:10 @ Then did the men revere with great reverence, and said unto him, What is it thou hast done? For the men knew that, away from the presence of Yahweh, he was fleeing, for he had told them.

rotherham@Jonah:1:16 @ Then did the men revere Yahweh with a great reverence, and offered sacrifice to Yahweh, and vowed vows.

rotherham@Jonah:2:9 @ But, I, with the voice of praise, will sacrifice unto thee, What I have vowed, I will pay, Salvation, belongeth to Yahweh!

rotherham@Jonah:3:6 @ And the word reached unto the king of Nineveh, so he arose from his throne, and laid aside his robe from off him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat on ashes.

rotherham@Jonah:3:8 @ Let both man and beast, cover themselves with sackcloth, and let them cry unto God, mightily, Yea let them turn, every man from his wicked way, and from the violence which is in their hands:

rotherham@Jonah:4:1 @ And it was vexing unto Jonah, with a great vexation, and it angered him.

rotherham@Jonah:4:6 @ Now Yahweh God appointed a gourd, and caused it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to deliver him from his vexation, and Jonah rejoiced over the gourd, with great rejoicing.

rotherham@Jonah:4:7 @ But God appointed a worm, at the uprisings of the dawn, the next day, and it smote the gourd, that it withered.

rotherham@Micah:2:8 @ But, against my people, as an enemy, he setteth himself, from off the robe, they tear away, the cloak, from such as are passing by with confidence, as men averse from war.

rotherham@Micah:2:10 @ Arise ye and depart, for, this, is not the place of rest, Because it is defiled, it shall make desolate with a desolation that is ruthless.

rotherham@Micah:2:12 @ I will, surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee, I will, surely gather, the remnant of Israel, at once, will I make them like sheep in distress, Like a flock in the midst of its pasture, shall they hum with men,

rotherham@Micah:2:13 @ One making a breach, hath gone up, before them, they have broken in, and passed through, and, by the gate, have departed, and their king, hath passed through, before them, with, Yahweh, at their head!

rotherham@Micah:3:3 @ Who indeed have eaten the flesh of my people, and, their skin from off them, have stript, and, their bones, have they broken in pieces, and will spread them out, as flesh with a fork, and as flesh, in the midst of a pot.

rotherham@Micah:3:5 @ Thus, saith Yahweh, concerning the prophets who are leading astray my people, who bite with their teeth, and then cry Prosper! and whoso holdeth not to their mouth, they hallow against him a war!

rotherham@Micah:3:8 @ But, in very deed, I, am full of vigour, with the spirit of Yahweh, and of justice and of valour, to declare to Jacob, his transgression, and to Israel, his sin.

rotherham@Micah:3:10 @ Building Zion, with deeds of blood, and Jerusalem, with perversity.

rotherham@Micah:4:4 @ And they shall dwellevery manunder his own vine and under his own fig-tree, with none to make them afraid, for, the mouth of Yahweh of hosts, hath spoken.

rotherham@Micah:4:9 @ Meanwhile, wherefore shouldst thou cry out aloud? King, is there none within thee? or hath, thy counselor, perished? for labour, hath seized thee, as a woman in child-birth:

rotherham@Micah:5:1 @ Meanwhile, shalt thou gather together in troops, thou daughter of a troop, siege, hath he laid against us, with a sceptre, will they smite on the cheek, the judge of Israel!

rotherham@Micah:5:6 @ Then shall they shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof, So shall he deliver from Assyria, when he shall enter our land, and when he shall tread down within our bounds.

rotherham@Micah:5:15 @ Then will I execute, with anger and with indignation, vengeance upon the nations, of which they have not heard.

rotherham@Micah:6:2 @ Hear, ye mountains, the controversy of Yahweh, and ye lasting rocks, the foundations of the earth, for, a controversy, hath Yahweh, with his people, and, with Israel, will he dispute.

rotherham@Micah:6:6 @ Wherewith, shall I come before Yahweh? bow myself to God on high? Shall I come before him with ascending-sacrifice? with calves of a year old?

rotherham@Micah:6:7 @ Will Yahweh, be pleased, with thousands of rams? with myriads of torrents of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression? the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?

rotherham@Micah:6:8 @ He hath told thee, O son of earth, what is good, what then is, Yahweh, seeking of thee, but, to do justice, to delight in lovingkindness, and humbly to walk with thy God?

rotherham@Micah:6:9 @ The voice of Yahweh, to the city, crieth out, With safety for him who regardeth his name, Hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it.

rotherham@Micah:6:11 @ Shall I be pure with lawless balances? or with bag of deceitful weights?

rotherham@Micah:6:13 @ Moreover also, I, have made thee sick with smiting thee, laying thee waste because of thy sins.

rotherham@Micah:6:14 @ Thou, shalt eatand not be satisfied, but be shrunk with hunger within thee, Though thou remove, yet shalt thou not set in safety, and, what thou dost set in safety, to the sword, will I deliver.

rotherham@Micah:6:15 @ Thou, shalt sow, but shalt not reap, thou, shalt tread the olive, but shalt not anoint thee with oil, also the grape, but shalt not drink the wine.

rotherham@Micah:7:3 @ Of wickedness with both hands to make sure, the ruler, doth make demandand the judgefor a recompense, and, as for the great man, he, is putting into words the desire of his soul, So have they woven the net!

rotherham@Micah:7:14 @ Shepherd thou thy people with thy rod, the flock of thine inheritance, Dwell thou alone, a jungle in the midst of a fruitful field, Let them feed in Bashan and in Gilead, as in the days of age-past times.

rotherham@Nahum:1:4 @ Who rebuketh the sea and hath made it dry, and, all the streams, hath he dried up, withered are Bashan and Carmel, Even the bloom of Lebanon, is withered:

rotherham@Nahum:1:8 @ But, with an overflow rolling on, a full end, will he make of them who rise up against him, and, his foes, will he pursue into darkness.

rotherham@Nahum:1:10 @ Though they were like thorns intertwined, and as drunkards drenched with their drink, yet have they been devoured, like stubble fully dry.

rotherham@Nahum:2:9 @ Plunder silver, plunder gold, and there is no end to the costly furnishing, rich with every article of delight.

rotherham@Nahum:2:11 @ Where is the lair of the lions? Yea the very feeding-place of the young lions, where walked the lion, the lioness, the lions whelp, with none to make them afraid?

rotherham@Nahum:2:12 @ The lion, used to tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and to strangle for his lionesses, and then fill with prey his holes, and his lairs with what he had torn.

rotherham@Nahum:3:9 @ Ethiopia, was her strength, and Egypt Yea, without end, Put and Lubim, were among thy helpers.

rotherham@Nahum:3:12 @ All thy fortresses, shall be fig-trees with first-ripe figs: if thy be shaken, then shall fall on the mouth of the eater.

rotherham@Nahum:3:19 @ No lessening of thine injury, grievous is thy wound, all who have heard the report of thee, have clapped their hands over thee, for, upon whom, hath not thy cruelty passed without ceasing?

rotherham@Habakkuk:1:13 @ whose eyes are too pure to look with approval on wrong, to respect oppression, canst not endure, Wherefore, shouldst thou respect the treacherous? Be silent, when the lawless, swalloweth up, one more righteous than he?

rotherham@Habakkuk:1:15 @ All of which, with a hook, one bringeth up, raketh together with his drag, and hath gathered with his net,

rotherham@Habakkuk:2:1 @ Upon my watch-tower, will I stand, and will station myself upon the bulwark, so will I keep outlook, to seewhat he will speak with me, and what I shall reply, when I am reproved.

rotherham@Habakkuk:2:4 @ Lo! as for the conceited one, crooked is his soul within him,- but, one who is righteous, by his faithfulness, shall live.

rotherham@Habakkuk:2:6 @ Shall not, these, all of them, against him, take upa taunt, a mocking poem, enigmatical sentencesconcerning him? And say Alas! for him who maketh abundance in what is not his own, How long? that he should be burdening himself with heavy debts?

rotherham@Habakkuk:2:12 @ Alas! for him who buildeth a city with deeds of blood, and establisheth a town with perversity.

rotherham@Habakkuk:2:14 @ For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh, as, the waters, cover the sea.

rotherham@Habakkuk:2:16 @ Thou art sated with contempt, more than glory, drink, thou too, and expose thy person, the cup of the right hand of Yahweh, shall come round unto thee, and ignominious filth be upon thy glory;

rotherham@Habakkuk:2:19 @ Alas! for him who saith to wood, Awake, bestir thee! to a silent stone, he, shall teach! Though he is overlaid with gold and silver, yet, no spirit whatsoever, is in him!

rotherham@Habakkuk:3:9 @ To nakedness, is bared thy bow, oaths of chastisementsong! Selah. With rivers, thou dost cleave open the land.

rotherham@Habakkuk:3:13 @ Thou hast come forth to the salvation of thy people, to salvation, with thine Anointed One, Thou hast crushed the Head out of the house of the lawless one, baring the foundation up to the neck, Selah.

rotherham@Habakkuk:3:14 @ Thou hast pierced, with his own staves, the head of his chiefs, they storm along, to scatter me, their exultant thought, is, in very deed, to devour the oppressed one, in a secret place!

rotherham@Habakkuk:3:16 @ I heard, and I trembled within me, at the voice, my lips, quivered, decay, entered, my bones, and, in my limbs, I trembled, though I am to find rest, in the day of distress, when their invader, cometh up against the people.

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:4 @ And I will stretch out my handover Judah, and over all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and will cut off out of this place, the name of Baal, the name of the priestlings, with the priests;

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:8 @ And it shall come to pass, in the day of Yahwehs sacrifice, that I will punish the rulers, and the sons of the king, and all such as are clothed with foreign apparel;

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:9 @ And I will punish every one who leapeth over the threshold, in that day, those who fill the house of their lords with violence and deceit.

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:11 @ Howl, ye inhabitants of the lower city, because destroyed are all the people of traffic, cut off are all they who were laden with silver.

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:12 @ And it shall come to pass, at that time, that I will search through Jerusalem, with lamps, and will punish the men who are thickened upon their lees, who are saying in their heart, Yahweh, will not give blessing, neither will he bring calamity.

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:18 @ Neither their silver nor yet their gold, shall be able to deliver them, in the day of the indignation of Yahweh, but, in the fire of his jealousy, shall the whole earth be consumed; For, a destruction, surely a terrible one, will he make, with all them who dwell in the earth.

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:9 @ Surely, then, will I turn unto the peoples a lip made pure, that they all may call on the name of Yahweh, may serve him with one consent.

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:13 @ The remnant of Israelwill not do perversity, nor speak falsehood, neither shall there be found in their mouth a tongue of deceit, surely, they, shall feed and lie down, with none to make them afraid.

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:14 @ Sing out, O daughter of Zion, shout aloud, O Israel, rejoice and exult with all thy heart, O daughter Jerusalem:

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:17 @ Yahweh, thy God, in the midst of thee, as a mighty one, will save, will be glad over thee with rejoicing, will be silent in his love, will exult over thee with shouts of triumph.

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:19 @ Behold me! dealing with all thine oppressors, at that time, and I will save her that is lame, and, her that hath been an outcast, will I carry, and I will make them to be a Praise and a Name, in the whole earth that hath witnessed their shame.

rotherham@Haggai:1:6 @ Ye have sown much, but have brought in little, have eaten, and not been filled, have drunk, and not been satisfied with drink, have clothed you, and none hath been warm, and, he that hath hired himself out, hath put his wages into a bag with holes.

rotherham@Haggai:1:8 @ Ascend the mountainand bring in wood and build the house, that I may be pleased therewith and get myself glory, saith Yahweh.

rotherham@Haggai:1:13 @ Then spake Haggai the messenger of Yahweh, in the message of Yahweh, to the people saying, I, am with you, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Haggai:2:3 @ Who is there among you that is left, that saw this house, in its former glory? And how do ye see it now? Is it not, in comparison with that, as nothing, in your eyes?

rotherham@Haggai:2:4 @ Now, therefore Be strong, O Zerubbabel, urgeth Yahweh, and be strong, O Jehoshua son of Jehozadak the high priest, and be strong, all ye people of the land, urgeth Yahweh, and work; For, I, am with you, Declareth Yahweh of hosts.

rotherham@Haggai:2:5 @ The very thing that I solemnized with you, when ye came forth out of the land of Egypt, That, my spirit abiding in your midst, ye should not fear.

rotherham@Haggai:2:7 @ And I will shake all the nations, and the delight of all the nations, shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, saith Yahweh of hosts.

rotherham@Haggai:2:12 @ If a man carry holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and then toucheth with his skirt bread or a cooked dish or wine or oil or any food, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

rotherham@Haggai:2:17 @ I smote you with blight and with mildew and with hail, in all the work of your hands, Yet ye did not return unto me, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Zechariah:1:2 @ Yahweh, was sore displeased, with your fathers:

rotherham@Zechariah:1:6 @ Howbeit, as for my words and my statutes with which I charged my servants the prophets, did they not overtake your fathers? and so they returned and said, Just as Yahweh of hosts planned to do unto us, according to our ways and according to our practices, So hath he dealt with us?

rotherham@Zechariah:1:9 @ Then said I, What are these, my lord? And the messenger who was speaking with me, said unto me, I, will shew thee what these, are.

rotherham@Zechariah:1:13 @ And Yahweh answered the messenger who was speaking with me, in words that were pleasant, words that were consoling,

rotherham@Zechariah:1:14 @ Then the messenger who was speaking with me, said unto me, Proclaim thou, saying, Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, I am jealous for Jerusalem, and for Zion, with a great jealousy;

rotherham@Zechariah:1:15 @ And, with a great displeasure, am I displeased with the careless nations, in that, when, I, was displeased (for) a little, then, they, helped forward the calamity,

rotherham@Zechariah:1:16 @ Wherefore, Thus, saith Yahweh, I have returned to Jerusalem, with compassions,, My house, shall be built therein, declareth Yahweh of hosts, and, a line, shall be stretched forth over Jerusalem.

rotherham@Zechariah:1:17 @ Further, proclaim thou, saying, Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Yet, shall my cities overflow with blessing! So will Yahweh yet, have compassion, upon Zion, and yet make choice of Jerusalem.

rotherham@Zechariah:1:19 @ And I said unto the messenger who was speaking with me, What are these? And he said unto me, These, are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

rotherham@Zechariah:2:3 @ And lo! the messenger who was talking with me, coming forward, and another messenger, coming forward to meet him.

rotherham@Zechariah:2:7 @ Ho! Zion, deliver thyself, thou that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon. For,

rotherham@Zechariah:3:3 @ Now, Joshua, was clothed with filthy garments, though standing before the messenger.

rotherham@Zechariah:3:5 @ Then said I, Let them put a clean turban upon his head, So they put the clean turban upon his head, and clothed him with garments, and, the messenger of Yahweh, was standing up.

rotherham@Zechariah:4:1 @ And once more the messenger who was speaking with me, roused me up, just as a man might be roused up out of his sleep.

rotherham@Zechariah:4:2 @ Then said he unto me, What canst thou see? And I said I have looked, and lo! a Lampstandall of gold, with the Bowl thereof upon the top thereof, and its Seven Lamps upon it, Seven Pipes each, to the lamps which are upon the top thereof;

rotherham@Zechariah:4:4 @ Then responded I, and said unto the messenger who was speaking with me, saying, What are these, my lord?

rotherham@Zechariah:4:5 @ Then answered the messenger who was speaking with me, and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these, are? And I said, No my lord.

rotherham@Zechariah:4:7 @ Who, art, thou, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel, to a plain! So shall he bring forth the headstone, with thundering shouts Beautiful! Beautiful! thereunto.

rotherham@Zechariah:5:5 @ Then came forward, the messenger who was talking with me, and said unto me Lift up, I pray thee, thine eyes, and see what this is which is coming forth.

rotherham@Zechariah:5:9 @ Then lifted I up mine eyes and looked, and lo! Two Women coming forward, with the wind in their wings, and, they, had wings, like the wings of the stork, and bare up the ephah, between the earth and the heavens.

rotherham@Zechariah:5:10 @ Then said I unto the messenger who was speaking with me, Whither are they carrying the ephah?

rotherham@Zechariah:6:4 @ Then began I, and said, unto the messenger who was speaking with me, What are these, my lord?

rotherham@Zechariah:7:9 @ Thus, spake Yahweh of hosts, saying, With true justice, give ye judgment, and, lovingkindness and compassions, observe ye, one with another;

rotherham@Zechariah:8:2 @ Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, I am jealous for Zion with a great jealousy, Yea, with great wrath, am I jealous for her.

rotherham@Zechariah:8:4 @ Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Yet shall old men and old women sit in the broadways of Jerusalem, Yea, each one with his staff in his hand for multitude of days:

rotherham@Zechariah:8:16 @ These, are the things which ye shall do: Speak ye the truth, every man with his neighbour, truth and the sentence of peace, pronounce ye in your gates;

rotherham@Zechariah:9:8 @ Then will I encamp about my houseagainst an army, against him that passeth by, and against him that returneth, neither shall an exactor, tread them down any more, for, now, have I seen with mine own eyes.

rotherham@Zechariah:9:14 @ But, Yahweh, over them, will appear, and forth shall go, as lightning, his arrow, Yea, My Lord Yahweh, with a horn, will blow, and will move along in the whirlwinds of the south.

rotherham@Zechariah:9:15 @ Yahweh of hosts, will throw a covering over them, so shall they eat, and trample underfoot sling-stones, and shall drinkshall shout as with wine, and shall be filled like tossing-bowls, like the corners of an altar.

rotherham@Zechariah:10:5 @ So shall they become like mighty ones, trampling on the mire of lanes, in battle, and they will fight because, Yahweh, is with them, and will abash the riders of horses.

rotherham@Zechariah:10:9 @ Though I scatter them among the peoples, yet, in places far away, shall they remember me, and they shall live with their children, and shall return;

rotherham@Zechariah:10:11 @ Though he pass through a sea of affliction, yet shall he smite the sea, with its waves, and the roaring depths of the Nile, shall appear dry, So shall be brought down the pride of Assyria, and, the sceptre of Egypt, shall depart;

rotherham@Zechariah:11:8 @ And I sent off three shepherds, in one month, for impatient was my soul with them, moreover also, their soul, felt a loathing against me.

rotherham@Zechariah:11:10 @ So I took my staff Grace, and cut it in two, that I might set aside my covenant which I had solemnised with all the peoples.

rotherham@Zechariah:11:17 @ Alas! for my worthless shepherd, who forsaketh the flock, A sword upon his arm, and upon his right eye!his arm, shall be, utterly withered, and, his right eye, shall be, wholly darkened.

rotherham@Zechariah:12:1 @ The oracle of the word of Yahweh, on Israel, Declareth Yahweh Stretching out the heavens, and founding the earth, and fashioning the spirit of man within him:

rotherham@Zechariah:12:4 @ In that day, Declareth Yahweh, I will smite every horse with terror, and his rider with madness, and, over the house of Judah, will I keep opening mine eyes, and, every horse of the peoples, will I smite with blindness.

rotherham@Zechariah:13:6 @ Then will one say unto him, What are these wounds between thy hands? And he will say, Wherewith I was wounded in the house of them who loved me.

rotherham@Zechariah:14:5 @ Then shall ye flee to the valley of my mountains, for the valley of the mountains, shall reach, very near, Yea, ye shall flee, just as ye fled from before the earthquake, in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, Then, shall arrive, Yahweh my God, All thy holy ones, with thee!

rotherham@Zechariah:14:6 @ And it shall come to pass, in that day, that there shall be no light, the bright stars, shall be withdrawn;

rotherham@Zechariah:14:12 @ And, this, shall be the plague wherewith Yahweh will plague all the peoples who have made war against Jerusalem, his flesh, shall be made to rot, while he is standing upon his feet, and, his eyes, shall rot in their sockets, and, his tongue, shall rot in their mouth;

rotherham@Zechariah:14:14 @ Moreover also, Judah, will fight with Jerusalem, and the wealth of all the nations round about, shall be gathered together, gold and silver and apparel, in great abundance.

rotherham@Zechariah:14:18 @ And, if the family of Egypt shall not come up, and shall not enter in, upon whom there falleth none, then shall smite them the plague wherewith Yahweh, did plague, the nations, because they came not up to celebrate the festival of booths.

rotherham@Malachi:1:4 @ Whereas Edom, may say, We are laid waste, but we will again build the desolate places, Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, They, may build, but, I, will pull down, and men shall call them, The Boundary of Lawlessness, and, The people with whom Yahweh hath indignation unto times age-abiding;

rotherham@Malachi:2:4 @ So shall ye know that I sent unto you this charge, as being my covenant with Levi, saith Yahweh of hosts.

rotherham@Malachi:2:5 @ My covenant, was with him, Life and Well-being, so I gave them to him as One to be revered and he did revere me, and, before my Name, dismayed, was he.

rotherham@Malachi:2:6 @ The deliverance of truth, was in his mouth, and, perverseness, was not found in his lips, In well-doing and in uprightness, walked he with me, and, multitudes, did he turn from iniquity.

rotherham@Malachi:2:10 @ Is there not, one Father, to us all? Did not, one GOD, create us? Wherefore should we deal treacherously one with another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?

rotherham@Malachi:2:13 @ And, this, a second time, will ye do, covering with tears, the altar of Yahweh, weeping and making outcry, because he will not again turn unto the gift, and receive with acceptance, at your hands?

rotherham@Malachi:2:14 @ Yet ye say, For what cause? Because, Yahweh, hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, with whom, thou, hast dealt treacherously, though, she, was thy consort, and thy covenant wife.

rotherham@Malachi:2:15 @ Now was it not, One, who had, the residue of the spirit? What, then, of that One? He was seeking a godly seed. Therefore should ye take heed to your spirit, and, with the wife of thy youth, do not thou deal treacherously.

rotherham@Malachi:2:16 @ For he hateth divorce, saith Yahweh, God of Israel, him also who covereth with violence his own clothing, saith Yahweh of hosts, therefore should ye take heed to your spirit, and not deal treacherously.

rotherham@Malachi:2:17 @ Ye have wearied Yahweh with your words, and yet ye say, Wherein have we been wearisome? When ye have said, Everyone who doeth wrong, is right in the eyes of Yahweh, and, in them, he hath taken delight, or, Where is the God of justice?

rotherham@Malachi:3:9 @ With a curse, have ye been cursing, and yet, me, have ye been defrauding, the whole nation.

rotherham@Malachi:3:16 @ Then, they who revered Yahweh, conversed, one with another, and Yahweh hearkened, and heard, and there was written a book of remembrance before him, for them who revered Yahweh, and for such as thought of his Name.

rotherham@Malachi:3:17 @ Therefore shall they be mine, saith Yahweh of hosts, in the day for which, I, am preparing treasure, and I will deal tenderly with them, just as a man, dealeth tenderly, with his own son who is serving him.

rotherham@Malachi:4:2 @ So shall the sun of righteousness, arise to you who revere my Name, with healing in his wings, and ye shall come forth and leap for joy like calves let loose from the stall;

rotherham@Malachi:4:3 @ And ye shall tread down the lawless, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, in the day when I am working with effect, saith Yahweh of hosts.

rotherham@Malachi:4:6 @ And he shall bring back the heart of the fathers unto the children, and the heart of the children unto their fathers, lest I come, and smite the land, with utter destruction.

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