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OT-PROPHET-MINOR.filter - web per:

web@Hosea:1:1 @ The word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} that came to Hosea the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.

web@Hosea:10:1 @ Israel is a luxuriant vine that puts forth his fruit. According to the abundance of his fruit he has multiplied his altars. As their land has prospered, they have adorned their sacred stones.

web@Joel:1:1 @ The Word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} that came to Joel, the son of Pethuel.

web@Joel:1:4 @ What the swarming locust has left, the great locust has eaten. What the great locust has left, the grasshopper has eaten. What the grasshopper has left, the caterpillar has eaten.

web@Joel:1:11 @ Be confounded, you farmers! Wail, you vineyard keepers; for the wheat and for the barley; for the harvest of the field has perished.

web@Joel:1:18 @ How the animals groan! The herds of livestock are perplexed, because they have no pasture. Yes, the flocks of sheep are made desolate.

web@Joel:2:25 @ I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the great locust, the grasshopper, and the caterpillar, my great army, which I sent among you.

web@Amos:1:2 @ He said: "Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the pastures of the shepherds will mourn, and the top of Carmel will wither."

web@Amos:1:8 @ I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him who holds the scepter from Ashkelon; and I will turn my hand against Ekron; and the remnant of the Philistines will perish," says the Lord {The word translated "Lord" is "Adonai."} Yahweh.

web@Amos:2:14 @ Flight will perish from the swift; and the strong won't strengthen his force; neither shall the mighty deliver himself;

web@Amos:3:15 @ I will strike the winter house with the summer house; and the houses of ivory will perish, and the great houses will have an end," says Yahweh.

web@Amos:5:13 @ Therefore a prudent person keeps silent in such a time, for it is an evil time.

web@Amos:9:13 @ "Behold, the days come," says Yahweh, "that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the one treading grapes him who sows seed; and sweet wine will drip from the mountains, and flow from the hills.

web@Obadiah:1:1 @ The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord {The word translated "Lord" is "Adonai."} Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} says about Edom. We have heard news from Yahweh, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, "Arise, and let's rise up against her in battle.

web@Jonah:1:1 @ Now the word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,

web@Jonah:1:6 @ So the shipmaster came to him, and said to him, "What do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God {or, gods}! Maybe your God {or, gods} will notice us, so that we won't perish."

web@Jonah:3:9 @ Who knows whether God will not turn and relent, and turn away from his fierce anger, so that we might not perish?"

web@Jonah:4:10 @ Yahweh said, "You have been concerned for the vine, for which you have not labored, neither made it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night.

web@Jonah:4:11 @ Shouldn't I be concerned for Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred twenty thousand persons who can't discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much livestock?"

web@Micah:1:1 @ The word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} that came to Micah the Morashtite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.

web@Micah:3:9 @ Please listen to this, you heads of the house of Jacob, and rulers of the house of Israel, who abhor justice, and pervert all equity.

web@Micah:4:9 @ Now why do you cry out aloud? Is there no king in you? Has your counselor perished, that pains have taken hold of you as of a woman in travail?

web@Micah:7:2 @ The godly man has perished out of the earth, and there is no one upright among men. They all lie in wait for blood; every man hunts his brother with a net.

web@Nahum:1:2 @ Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} is a jealous God {The Hebrew word rendered "God" is "Elohim."} and avenges. Yahweh avenges and is full of wrath. Yahweh takes vengeance on his adversaries, and he maintains wrath against his enemies.

web@Nahum:1:15 @ Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace! Keep your feasts, Judah! Perform your vows, for the wicked one will no more pass through you. He is utterly cut off.

web@Nahum:3:9 @ Cush and Egypt were her boundless strength. Put and Libya were her helpers.

web@Nahum:3:15 @ There the fire will devour you. The sword will cut you off. It will devour you like the grasshopper. Multiply like grasshoppers. Multiply like the locust.

web@Nahum:3:16 @ You have increased your merchants more than the stars of the skies. The grasshopper strips, and flees away.

web@Habbakkuk:1:2 @ Yahweh, {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} how long will I cry, and you will not hear? I cry out to you "Violence!" and will you not save?

web@Habbakkuk:1:3 @ Why do you show me iniquity, and look at perversity? For destruction and violence are before me. There is strife, and contention rises up.

web@Habbakkuk:1:4 @ Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth; for the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice goes forth perverted.

web@Habbakkuk:1:13 @ You who have purer eyes than to see evil, and who cannot look on perversity, why do you tolerate those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the wicked swallows up the man who is more righteous than he,

web@Zephaniah:1:1 @ The word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} which came to Zephaniah, the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah, the son of Amon, king of Judah.

web@Zephaniah:2:9 @ Therefore as I live, says Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, surely Moab will be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, a possession of nettles, and salt pits, and a perpetual desolation. The remnant of my people will plunder them, and the survivors of my nation will inherit them.

web@Zephaniah:3:10 @ From beyond the rivers of Cush, my worshipers, even the daughter of my dispersed people, will bring my offering.

web@Haggai:1:1 @ In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, the Word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} came by Haggai, the prophet, to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, saying,

web@Zechariah:1:1 @ In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} came to Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, the prophet, saying,

web@Zechariah:1:17 @ "Proclaim further, saying, 'Thus says Yahweh of Armies: "My cities will again overflow with prosperity, and Yahweh will again comfort Zion, and will again choose Jerusalem."'"

web@Zechariah:7:7 @ Aren't these the words which Yahweh proclaimed by the former prophets, when Jerusalem was inhabited and in prosperity, and its cities around her, and the South and the lowland were inhabited?'"

web@Zechariah:9:5 @ Ashkelon will see it, and fear; Gaza also, and will writhe in agony; as will Ekron, for her expectation will be disappointed; and the king will perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon will not be inhabited.

web@Malachi:1:1 @ An oracle: the word of Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} to Israel by Malachi.

web@Malachi:1:8 @ When you offer the blind for sacrifice, isn't that evil? And when you offer the lame and sick, isn't that evil? Present it now to your governor! Will he be pleased with you? Or will he accept your person?" says Yahweh of Armies.

web@Malachi:2:9 @ "Therefore I have also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according to the way you have not kept my ways, but have had respect for persons in the law.

web@Malachi:3:5 @ I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against the perjurers, and against those who oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and who deprive the foreigner of justice, and don't fear me," says Yahweh of Armies.

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