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OT-PROPHET.filter - geneva Lorde:

geneva@Isaiah:2:12 @ For the day of the Lorde of hostes is vpon all the proude and hautie, and vpon all that is exalted: and it shalbe made lowe.

geneva@Isaiah:2:19 @ Then they shall goe into the holes of the rockes, & into the caues of the earth, from before the feare of the Lorde, and from the glory of his maiestie, when he shall arise to destroy the earth.

geneva@Isaiah:2:21 @ To goe into the holes of the rockes, and into the toppes of the ragged rockes from before the feare of the Lorde, and from the glory of his maiestie, when he shall rise to destroy the earth.

geneva@Isaiah:3:13 @ The Lorde standeth vp to pleade, yea, hee standeth to iudge the people.

geneva@Isaiah:3:18 @ In that day shall the Lorde take away the ornament of the slippers, and the calles, and the round tyres,

geneva@Isaiah:5:16 @ And the Lorde of hostes shalbe exalted in iudgement, and the holy God shalbe sanctified in iustice.

geneva@Isaiah:7:7 @ Thus sayth the Lorde God, It shall not stand, neither shall it be.

geneva@Isaiah:7:10 @ And the Lorde spake againe vnto Ahaz, saying,

geneva@Isaiah:10:16 @ Therefore shall the Lorde God of hostes send amog his fat men, leannes, & vnder his glorie he shall kindle a burning, like the burning of fire.

geneva@Isaiah:12:5 @ Sing vnto the Lorde, for he hath done excellent things: this is knowen in all the worlde.

geneva@Isaiah:13:4 @ The noyse of a multitude is in the mountaines, like a great people: a tumultuous voyce of the kingdomes of the nations gathered together: the Lorde of hostes nombreth the hoste of the battell.

geneva@Isaiah:13:9 @ Beholde, the day of the Lorde commeth, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land wast: and he shall destroy the sinners out of it.

geneva@Isaiah:14:5 @ The Lorde hath broken the rodde of the wicked, and the scepter of the rulers:

geneva@Isaiah:14:22 @ For I wil rise vp against them (sayth the Lorde of hostes) and will cut off from Babel the name and the remnant and the sonne, and the nephew, sayth the Lord:

geneva@Isaiah:14:23 @ And I wil make it a possession to ye hedgehogge, and pooles of water, and I will sweepe it with the besome of destruction, sayeth the Lorde of hostes.

geneva@Isaiah:14:24 @ The Lorde of hostes hath sworne, saying, Surely like as I haue purposed, so shall it come to passe, and as I haue consulted, it shall stand:

geneva@Isaiah:14:27 @ Because the Lorde of hostes hath determined it, and who shall disanull it? and his hande is stretched out, and who shall turne it away?

geneva@Isaiah:19:4 @ And I will deliuer the Egyptians into the hand of the cruell Lordes, & a mightie King shall rule ouer them, sayth the Lord God of hostes.

geneva@Isaiah:19:12 @ Where are nowe thy wise men, that they may tell thee, or may knowe what the Lorde of hostes hath determined against Egypt?

geneva@Isaiah:19:16 @ In that day shall Egypt be like vnto women: for it shall be afraide and feare because of the moouing of the hand of the Lorde of hostes, which he shaketh ouer it.

geneva@Isaiah:19:25 @ For the Lorde of hostes shall blesse it, saying, Blessed be my people Egypt and Asshur, the worke of mine hands, and Israel mine inheritance.

geneva@Isaiah:22:14 @ And it was declared in ye eares of the Lorde of hostes. Surely this iniquitie shall not be purged from you, til ye die, saith the Lord God of hostes.

geneva@Isaiah:23:9 @ The Lorde of hostes hath decreed this, to staine the pride of all glorie, and to bring to contempt all them that be glorious in the earth.

geneva@Isaiah:23:11 @ He stretched out his hand vpon the sea: he shooke the kingdomes: the Lorde hath giuen a commaundement concerning the place of marchandise, to destroy the power thereof.

geneva@Isaiah:24:15 @ Wherefore praise yee the Lord in the valleis, euen the Name of the Lorde God of Israel, in the yles of the sea.

geneva@Isaiah:25:9 @ And in that day shall men say, Loe, this is our God: we haue waited for him, and he wil saue vs. This is the Lorde, we haue waited for him: we will reioyce and be ioyfull in his saluation.

geneva@Isaiah:27:3 @ I the Lorde doe keepe it: I will water it euery moment: least any assaile it, I will keepe it night and day.

geneva@Isaiah:28:14 @ Wherefore, heare the worde of the Lorde, ye scornefull men that rule this people, which is at Ierusalem.

geneva@Isaiah:28:22 @ Nowe therefore be no mockers, least your bondes increase: for I haue heard of the Lorde of hostes a consumption, euen determined vpon the whole earth.

geneva@Isaiah:28:29 @ This also commeth from the Lorde of hostes, which is wonderfull in counsell, and excellent in workes.

geneva@Isaiah:29:19 @ The meeke in the Lorde shall receiue ioye againe, and the poore men shall reioyce in the holy one of Israel.

geneva@Isaiah:29:22 @ Therefore thus sayth the Lorde vnto the house of Iaakob, euen hee that redeemed Abraham, Iaakob shall not now be confounded, neither now shal his face be pale.

geneva@Isaiah:30:20 @ And when the Lorde hath giuen you the bread of aduersitie, and the water of affliction, thy raine shalbe no more kept backe, but thine eyes shall see thy raine.

geneva@Isaiah:30:30 @ And the Lorde shall cause his glorious voyce to be heard, and shall declare the lighting downe of his arme with the anger of his countenance, and flame of a deuouring fire, with scattering and tempest, and hailestones.

geneva@Isaiah:32:6 @ But the nigarde will speake of nigardnesse, and his heart will worke iniquitie, and do wickedly, and speake falsely against the Lorde, to make emptie the hungrie soule, and to cause the drinke of the thirstie to faile.

geneva@Isaiah:33:5 @ The Lorde is exalted: for hee dwelleth on hie: he hath filled Zion with iudgement & iustice.

geneva@Isaiah:33:22 @ For the Lorde is our Iudge, the Lord is our lawe giuer: the Lord is our King, he will saue vs.

geneva@Isaiah:34:8 @ For it is the day of the Lordes vengeance, and the yeere of recompence for the iudgement of Zion.

geneva@Isaiah:36:8 @ Nowe therefore giue hostages to my lorde the King of Asshur, and I wil giue thee two thousand horses, if thou be able on thy part to set riders vpon them.

geneva@Isaiah:36:15 @ Neither let Hezekiah make you to trust in the Lord, saying, The Lorde will surely deliuer vs: this citie shal not be giuen ouer into the hand of the King of Asshur.

geneva@Isaiah:36:20 @ Who is hee among all the gods of these lands, that hath deliuered their countrey out of mine hand, that the Lorde should deliuer Ierusalem out of mine hand?

geneva@Isaiah:37:6 @ And Isaiah sayde vnto them, Thus say vnto your master, Thus saith the Lorde, Be not afrayd of the wordes that thou hast heard, wherewith the seruants of the king of Asshur haue blasphemed me.

geneva@Isaiah:37:14 @ So Hezekiah receiued the letter of the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went vp into the House of the Lorde, and Hezekiah spread it before the Lord.

geneva@Isaiah:37:15 @ And Hezekiah prayed vnto the Lorde, saying,

geneva@Isaiah:37:17 @ Encline thine eare, O Lord, and heare: open thine eyes, O Lorde, and see, and heare all the wordes of Saneherib, who hath sent to blaspheme the liuing God.

geneva@Isaiah:42:10 @ Sing vnto the Lorde a newe song, and his praise from the ende of the earth: yee that goe downe to the sea, and all that is therein: the yles and the inhabitants thereof.

geneva@Isaiah:42:12 @ Let them giue glorie vnto the Lorde, and declare his praise in the ylands.

geneva@Isaiah:42:21 @ The Lorde is willing for his righteousnesse sake that he may magnifie the Lawe, and exalt it.

geneva@Isaiah:42:24 @ Who gaue Iaakob for a spoyle, and Israel to the robbers? Did not ye Lorde, because we haue sinned against him? for they woulde not walke in his waies, neither be obedient vnto his Lawe.

geneva@Isaiah:43:11 @ I, euen I am the Lorde, and beside me there is no Sauiour.

geneva@Isaiah:43:15 @ I am the Lorde your holy one, the creator of Israel, your King.

geneva@Isaiah:45:17 @ But Israel shall be saued in the Lorde, with an euerlasting saluation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded worlde without ende.

geneva@Isaiah:51:13 @ And forgettest the Lorde thy maker, that hath spred out the heauens, and layde the foundations of the earth? and hast feared continually all the day, because of the rage of the oppressour, which is readie to destroy? Where is now the rage of the oppressour?

geneva@Isaiah:51:15 @ And I am the Lorde thy God that deuided the Sea, when his waues roared: the Lord of hostes is his Name.

geneva@Isaiah:51:20 @ Thy sonnes haue fainted, and lye at the head of all the streetes as a wilde bull in a nette, and are full of the wrath of the Lorde, and rebuke of thy God.

geneva@Isaiah:51:22 @ Thus saith thy Lorde God, euen God that pleadeth the cause of his people, Beholde, I haue taken out of thine hande the cuppe of trembling, euen the dregges of the cuppe of my wrath: thou shalt drinke it no more.

geneva@Isaiah:52:9 @ O ye desolate places of Ierusalem, bee glad and reioyce together: for the Lorde hath comforted his people: he hath redeemed Ierusalem.

geneva@Isaiah:54:17 @ But all the weapons that are made against thee, shall not prosper: and euery tongue that shall rise against thee in iudgement, thou shalt condemne. This is the heritage of the Lords seruants, and their righteousnesse is of me, sayth the Lorde.

geneva@Isaiah:59:1 @ Beholde, the Lordes hande is not shortened, that it can not saue: neither is his eare heauie, that it cannot heare.

geneva@Isaiah:62:8 @ The Lorde hath sworne by his right hand and by his strong arme, Surely I wil no more giue thy corne to be meate for thine enemies, & surely the sonnes of the strangers shall not drinke thy wine, for the which thou hast laboured.

geneva@Isaiah:62:9 @ But they that haue gathered it, shall eate it, and prayse the Lorde, and the gatherers thereof shal drinke it in the courtes of my Sanctuarie.

geneva@Isaiah:63:14 @ As the beast goeth downe into the valley, the Spirite of the Lorde gaue them rest: so diddest thou leade thy people, to make thy selfe a glorious Name.

geneva@Isaiah:66:16 @ For the Lord will iudge with fire, and with his sworde all flesh, and the slaine of the Lorde shall be many.

geneva@Jeremiah:1:4 @ Then the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:1:12 @ Then saide the Lorde vnto me, Thou hast seene aright: for I will hasten my worde to performe it.

geneva@Jeremiah:3:14 @ O yee disobedient children, turne againe, sayeth the Lorde, for I am your Lorde, and I will take you one of a citie, and two of a tribe and wil bring you to Zion,

geneva@Jeremiah:3:23 @ Truly the hope of the hilles is but vaine, nor the multitude of mountaines: but in the Lorde our God is the health of Israel.

geneva@Jeremiah:4:26 @ I behelde, and loe, the fruitfull place was a wildernesse, and all the cities thereof were broken downe at the presence of the Lorde, and by his fierce wrath.

geneva@Jeremiah:5:9 @ Shall I not visite for these things, saith the Lorde? Shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?

geneva@Jeremiah:5:24 @ For they say not in their heart, Let vs nowe feare the Lorde our God, that giueth raine both early and late in due season: hee reserueth vnto vs the appointed weekes of the haruest.

geneva@Jeremiah:6:15 @ Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not ashamed, no neither coulde they haue any shame: therefore they shall fall among the slaine: when I shall visite them, they shall be cast downe, sayth the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:6:21 @ Therefore thus sayeth the Lorde, Beholde, I will laie stumbling blockes before this people, and the fathers and the sonnes together shall fall vpon them: the neighbour and his friende shall perish.

geneva@Jeremiah:7:1 @ The woordes that came to Ieremiah from the Lorde, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:7:2 @ Stand in the gate of the Lordes house and crie this woorde there, and say, Heare the woorde of the Lord, all yee of Iudah that enter in at these gates to worship the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:7:19 @ Doe they prouoke me to anger, sayeth the Lorde, and not themselues to the confusion of their owne faces?

geneva@Jeremiah:7:20 @ Therefore thus sayeth the Lorde God, Beholde, mine anger and my wrath shall be powred vpon this place, vpon man and vpon beast, and vpon the tree of the fielde, and vpon the fruite of the grounde, and it shall burne and not bee quenched.

geneva@Jeremiah:7:28 @ But thou shalt say vnto them, This is a nation that heareth not the voice of the Lorde their God, nor receiueth discipline: trueth is perished, and is cleane gone out of their mouth.

geneva@Jeremiah:7:30 @ For the children of Iudah haue done euill in my sight, sayth the Lorde: they haue set their abominations in the House, whereupon my Name is called, to pollute it.

geneva@Jeremiah:8:12 @ Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not ashamed, neither coulde they haue any shame: therefore shall they fall among the slaine: when I shall visite them, they shall be cast downe, sayeth the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:9 @ Shal I not visit them for these things, saith the Lorde? Or shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?

geneva@Jeremiah:9:13 @ And the Lorde sayeth, Because they haue forsaken my Lawe, which I set before them, and haue not obeyed my voice, neither walked thereafter,

geneva@Jeremiah:9:22 @ Speake, thus sayth the Lorde, The carkeises of men shall lye, euen as the doung vpon the fielde, and as the handfull after the mower, and none shal gather them.

geneva@Jeremiah:10:18 @ For thus sayth the Lorde, Beholde, at this time I will throwe as with a sling the inhabitants of the lande, and will trouble them, and they shal finde it so.

geneva@Jeremiah:11:17 @ For the Lorde of hostes that planted thee, hath pronounced a plague against thee, for the wickednes of the house of Israel, and of the house of Iudah, which they haue done against themselues to prouoke me to anger in offering incense vnto Baal.

geneva@Jeremiah:11:22 @ Thus therefore sayth the Lorde of hostes, Beholde, I will visite them: the yong men shall die by the sword: their sonnes and their daughters shall die by famine,

geneva@Jeremiah:13:1 @ Thus sayth the Lorde vnto mee, Goe, and buy thee a linen girdle, & put it vpon thy loynes, and put it not in water.

geneva@Jeremiah:13:3 @ And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me the second time, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:13:6 @ And after many dayes, the Lorde sayde vnto mee, Arise, goe towarde Perath, and take the girdle from thence, which I commaunded thee to hide there.

geneva@Jeremiah:13:11 @ For as the girdle cleaueth to the loynes of a man, so haue I tied to me the whole house of Israel, and the whole house of Iudah, saith the Lorde, that they might bee my people: that they might haue a name and prayse, and glory, but they would not heare.

geneva@Jeremiah:13:25 @ This is thy portion, and ye part of thy measures from me, sayth the Lorde, because thou hast forgotten me and trusted in lyes.

geneva@Jeremiah:14:10 @ Thus saith the Lord vnto this people, Thus haue they delited to wander: they haue not refrained their feete, therefore the Lorde hath no delight in them: but he will now remember their iniquitie, and visite their sinnes.

geneva@Jeremiah:16:1 @ The worde of the Lorde came also vnto mee, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:16:3 @ For thus sayeth the Lorde concerning the sonnes, and concerning the daughters that are borne in this place, & concerning their mothers that beare them, & concerning their fathers, that beget them in this land,

geneva@Jeremiah:17:24 @ Neuerthelesse if ye will heare me, sayth the Lorde, and beare no burden through the gates of the citie in the Sabbath day, but sanctifie ye Sabbath day, so that ye do no worke therein,

geneva@Jeremiah:18:19 @ Hearken vnto mee, O Lorde, and heare the voyce of them that contend with me.

geneva@Jeremiah:19:12 @ Thus will I doe vnto this place, sayth the Lorde, and to the inhabitantes thereof, and I will make this citie like Topheth.

geneva@Jeremiah:19:14 @ Then came Ieremiah fro Topheth, where the Lord had sent him to prophecie, and he stood in the court of the Lordes house, and sayde to all the people,

geneva@Jeremiah:19:15 @ Thus saith the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel, Beholde, I will bring vpon this citie, and vpon all her townes, all the plagues that I haue pronounced against it, because they haue hardened their neckes, & would not heare my wordes.

geneva@Jeremiah:20:1 @ When Pashur, the sonne of Immer, the Priest, which was appointed gouernour in the house of the Lorde, heard that Ieremiah prophecied these things,

geneva@Jeremiah:20:12 @ But, O Lorde of hostes, that tryest the righteous, and seest the reines and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for vnto thee haue I opened my cause.

geneva@Jeremiah:20:13 @ Sing vnto the Lorde, praise ye the Lorde: for he hath deliuered the soule of the poore fro the hande of the wicked.

geneva@Jeremiah:21:7 @ And after this, sayeth the Lorde, I will deliuer Zedekiah the King of Iudah, and his seruants, and the people, and such as are left in this citie, from the pestilence, from the sworde and from the famine into the hande of Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, and into the hande of their enemies, and into the hande of those that seeke their liues, and he shall smite them with the edge of the sworde: he shall not spare them, neither haue pitie nor compassion.

geneva@Jeremiah:21:10 @ For I haue set my face against this citie, for euill and not for good, saith the Lorde: it shalbe giuen into the hande of the King of Babel, and he shall burne it with fire.

geneva@Jeremiah:21:11 @ And say vnto the house of the King of Iudah, Heare ye the worde of the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:22:1 @ Thus said the Lorde, Goe downe to the house of the King of Iudah, and speake there this thing,

geneva@Jeremiah:22:2 @ And say, Heare the worde of the Lorde, O King of Iudah, that sittest vpon the throne of Dauid, thou and thy seruants, and thy people that enter in by these gates.

geneva@Jeremiah:22:9 @ Then shall they answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lorde their God, & worshipped other gods, and serued them.

geneva@Jeremiah:22:16 @ When he iudged the cause of the afflicted and the poore, he prospered: was not this because he knewe me, saith the Lorde?

geneva@Jeremiah:23:4 @ And I will set vp shepheardes ouer them, which shall feede them: and they shall dread no more nor be afraide, neither shall any of them be lacking, saith the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:23:6 @ In his dayes Iudah shalbe saued, and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is the Name wherby they shall call him, The Lorde our righteousnesse.

geneva@Jeremiah:23:12 @ Wherefore their way shalbe vnto them as slipperie wayes in the darknesse: they shalbe driuen foorth and fall therein: for I will bring a plague vpon them, euen the yeere of their visitation, saith the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:23:19 @ Beholde, the tempest of the Lorde goeth forth in his wrath, and a violent whirlewinde shal fall downe vpon the head of the wicked.

geneva@Jeremiah:23:24 @ Can any hide him selfe in secrete places, that I shall not see him, sayth the Lorde? Do not I fill heauen and earth, saieth the Lord?

geneva@Jeremiah:23:29 @ Is not my word euen like a fire, sayeth the Lorde? and like an hammer, that breaketh the stone?

geneva@Jeremiah:23:32 @ Beholde, I will come against them that prophecie false dreames, saith the Lorde, and doe tell them, and cause my people to erre by their lies, and by their flatteries, and I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they bring no profite vnto this people, saith the Lord.

geneva@Jeremiah:23:35 @ Thus shall yee say euery one to his neighbour, and euerie one to his brother, What hath the Lorde answered? and what hath the Lorde spoken?

geneva@Jeremiah:23:37 @ Thus shalt thou say to the Prophet, What hath the Lord answered thee? and what hath the Lorde spoken?

geneva@Jeremiah:23:38 @ And if you say, The burden of the Lorde, Then thus saith the Lorde, Because yee say this word, The burden of the Lorde, and I haue sent vnto you, saying, Ye shall not say, The burden of the Lorde,

geneva@Jeremiah:24:3 @ Then saide the Lorde vnto mee, What seest thou, Ieremiah? And I said, Figges: ye good figges verie good, & the naughtie verie naughtie, which cannot be eaten, they are so euill.

geneva@Jeremiah:25:17 @ Then tooke I the cup at the Lordes hand, and made all people to drinke, vnto whome the Lorde had sent me:

geneva@Jeremiah:25:28 @ But if they refuse to take the cuppe at thine hande to drinke, then tell them, Thus saith the Lorde of hostes, Ye shall certainely drinke.

geneva@Jeremiah:25:32 @ Thus saith the Lorde of hostes, Behold, a plague shall goe foorth from nation to nation, and a great whirlewinde shalbe raised vp from the coastes of the earth,

geneva@Jeremiah:25:37 @ And the best pastures are destroyed because of the wrath and indignation of the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:26:1 @ In the beginning of the reigne of Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah, came this worde from the Lorde, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:26:7 @ So the Priestes, and the Prophets, and all the people heard Ieremiah speaking these wordes in the House of the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:26:13 @ Therefore nowe amende your wayes and your workes, and heare the voyce of the Lorde your God, that the Lorde may repent him of the plague, that he hath pronounced against you.

geneva@Jeremiah:26:16 @ Then saide the princes and all the people vnto the Priestes, and to the prophets, This man is not worthie to die: for he hath spoken vnto vs in the Name of the Lorde our God.

geneva@Jeremiah:27:13 @ Why will ye dye, thou, and thy people by the sworde, by the famine, and by the pestilence, as the Lorde hath spoken against the nation, that will not serue the King of Babel?

geneva@Jeremiah:27:21 @ For thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel, concerning the vessels that remaine in the House of the Lorde, and in the house of the King of Iudah, and at Ierusalem,

geneva@Jeremiah:28:2 @ Thus speaketh the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel, saying, I haue broken the yoke of the King of Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:28:4 @ And I will bring againe to this place Ieconiah the sonne of Iehoiakim King of Iudah, with all them that were caried away captiue of Iudah, and went into Babel, saith the Lorde: for I will breake the yoke of the King of Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:28:9 @ And the Prophet which prophecieth of peace, when the word of the Prophet shall come to passe, then shall the Prophet be knowen that the Lorde hath truely sent him.

geneva@Jeremiah:28:11 @ And Hananiah spake in the presence of all the people, saying, Thus saith the Lorde, Euen so will I breake the yoke of Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, from the necke of al nations within the space of two yeres: and the Prophet Ieremiah went his way.

geneva@Jeremiah:28:12 @ Then the word of the Lorde came vnto Ieremiah the Prophet, (after that Hananiah the Prophet had broken the yoke from the necke of the Prophet Ieremiah) saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:28:15 @ Then sayd the Prophet Ieremiah vnto the Prophet Hananiah, Heare nowe Hananiah, the Lorde hath not sent thee, but thou makest this people to trust in a lye.

geneva@Jeremiah:28:16 @ Therefore thus saith the Lorde, Beholde, I will cast thee from of the earth: this yeere thou shalt die, because thou hast spoken rebelliously against the Lord.

geneva@Jeremiah:29:9 @ For they prophecie you a lie in my Name: I haue not sent them, saith the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:29:10 @ But thus saith the Lorde, That after seuentie yeeres be accomplished at Babel, I will visite you, and performe my good promes toward you, and cause you to returne to this place.

geneva@Jeremiah:29:11 @ For I knowe the thoughtes, that I haue thought towards you, saith the Lorde, euen the thoughtes of peace, and not of trouble, to giue you an ende, and your hope.

geneva@Jeremiah:29:16 @ Therefore thus saith the Lorde of the King, that sitteth vpon the throne of Dauid, and of all the people, that dwell in this citie, your brethren that are not gone forth with you into captiuitie:

geneva@Jeremiah:29:21 @ Thus saith the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel, of Ahab the sonne of Kolaiah, and of Zedekiah the sonne of Maaseiah, which prophecie lyes vnto you in my Name, Beholde, I will deliuer them into the hande of Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, and he shall slay them before your eyes.

geneva@Jeremiah:29:25 @ Thus speaketh the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel, saying, Because thou hast sent letters in thy Name vnto all the people, that are at Ierusalem, and to Zephaniah the sonne of Maaseiah the Priest, and to all the Priests, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:29:30 @ Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ieremiah, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:29:31 @ Send to all them of the captiuitie, saying, Thus saith the Lorde of Shemaiah the Nehelamite, Because that Shemaiah hath prophecied vnto you, and I sent him not, and hee caused you to trust in a lye,

geneva@Jeremiah:30:10 @ Therefore feare not, O my seruant Iaakob, saith the Lorde, neither be afrayde, O Israel: for loe, I will deliuer thee from a farre countrey, and thy seede from the lande of their captiuitie, and Iaakob shall turne againe, and shalbe in rest and prosperitie and none shall make him afraide.

geneva@Jeremiah:30:12 @ For thus saith the Lorde, Thy bruising is incurable, and thy wound is dolorous.

geneva@Jeremiah:31:16 @ Thus saith the Lorde, Refraine thy voyce from weeping, and thine eyes from teares: for thy worke shalbe rewarded, saith the Lord, and they shall come againe from the land of the enemie:

geneva@Jeremiah:31:23 @ Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Yet shall they say this thing in the land of Iudah, and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring againe their captiuitie, The Lorde blesse thee, O habitation of iustice and holy mountaine.

geneva@Jeremiah:31:36 @ If these ordinances depart out of my sight, saith the Lorde, then shall the seede of Israel cease from being a nation before me, for euer.

geneva@Jeremiah:31:40 @ And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, & all the fields vnto the brooke of Kidron, and vnto the corner of the horsegate toward the East, shalbe holy vnto the Lorde, neither shal it be plucked vp nor destroyed any more for euer.

geneva@Jeremiah:32:15 @ For the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel saith thus, Houses and fieldes, and vineyardes shall be possessed againe in this land.

geneva@Jeremiah:32:42 @ For thus sayth the Lorde, Like as I haue brought all this great plague vpon this people, so wil I bring vpon them all the good that I haue promised them.

geneva@Jeremiah:33:12 @ Thus sayth the Lorde of hostes, Againe in this place, which is desolate, without man, & without beast, and in all the cities thereof there shall be dwelling for shepheards to rest their flockes.

geneva@Jeremiah:33:14 @ Beholde, the dayes come, sayth the Lorde, that I wil performe that good thing, which I haue promised vnto the house of Israel, & to the house of Iudah.

geneva@Jeremiah:33:19 @ And the worde of the Lorde came vnto Ieremiah, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:33:25 @ Thus sayth the Lorde, If my couenant be not with day and night, and if I haue not appointed the order of heauen and earth,

geneva@Jeremiah:34:2 @ Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, Goe, and speake to Zedekiah King of Iudah, and tell him, Thus sayth the Lord, Beholde, I will giue this citie into the hand of the King of Babel, and he shall burne it with fire,

geneva@Jeremiah:34:12 @ Therefore the worde of the Lorde came vnto Ieremiah from the Lord, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:35:18 @ And Ieremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, Thus saith the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel, Because ye haue obeyed the commandement of Ionadab your father, and kept all his precepts, and done according vnto all that hee hath commaunded you,

geneva@Jeremiah:37:2 @ But neither he, nor his seruants, nor the people of the land would obey the wordes of the Lorde, which he spake by the ministerie of the Prophet Ieremiah.

geneva@Jeremiah:37:7 @ Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, Thus shall ye say to the King of Iudah, that sent you vnto me to inquire of me, Behold, Pharaohs hoste, which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egypt into their owne land.

geneva@Jeremiah:37:9 @ Thus sayth the Lorde, Deceiue not your selues, saying, The Caldeans shall surely depart from vs: for they shal not depart.

geneva@Jeremiah:37:20 @ Therefore heare nowe, I pray thee, O my lorde the King: let my prayer be accepted before thee, that thou cause mee not to returne to the house of Iehonathan the scribe, least I die there.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:14 @ Then Zedekiah the King sent, and tooke Ieremiah the Prophet vnto him, into the thirde entrie that is in the House of the Lorde, and the King sayd vnto Ieremiah, I wil aske thee a thing: hide nothing from me.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:16 @ So the King sware secretly vnto Ieremiah, saying, As the Lorde liueth that made vs these soules, I will not slay thee, nor giue thee into the hands of those men that seeke thy life.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:20 @ But Ieremiah sayd, They shall not deliuer thee: hearken vnto the voyce of the Lorde, I beseech thee, which I speake vnto thee: so shal it be well vnto thee, and thy soule shall liue.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:21 @ But if thou wilt refuse to go forth, this is the worde that the Lorde hath shewed me.

geneva@Jeremiah:39:16 @ Go and speake to Ebed-melech the blacke More, saying, Thus saith the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel, Beholde, I wil bring my wordes vpon this citie for euill, and not for good, and they shalbe accomplished in that day before thee.

geneva@Jeremiah:39:17 @ But I wil deliuer thee in that day, saith the Lorde, and thou shalt not be giuen into the hand of the men whome thou fearest.

geneva@Jeremiah:40:1 @ The worde which came to Ieremiah from the Lorde after that Nebuzar-adan the chiefe stewarde had let him goe from Ramath, when hee had taken him being bound in chaines among all that were caried away captiue of Ierusalem & Iudah, which were caried away captiue vnto Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:42:2 @ And saide vnto Ieremiah the Prophete, Heare our prayer, we beseeche thee, and pray for vs vnto the Lorde thy God, euen for all this remnant (for we are left, but a fewe of many, as thine eyes doe beholde)

geneva@Jeremiah:42:6 @ Whether it be good or euill, we will obey the voyce of the Lorde God, to whom we sende thee that it may be well with vs, when wee obey the voyce of the Lord our God.

geneva@Jeremiah:42:9 @ And saide vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel, vnto whom ye sent me to present your prayers before him,

geneva@Jeremiah:42:15 @ (And nowe therefore heare the worde of the Lorde, ye remnant of Iudah: thus sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel, If ye set your faces to enter into Egypt, and goe to dwell there)

geneva@Jeremiah:42:19 @ O ye remnant of Iudah, the Lorde hath said concerning you, Goe not into Egypt: knowe certeinely that I haue admonished you this day.

geneva@Jeremiah:42:21 @ Therefore I haue this day declared it you, but you haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde your God, nor any thing for the which he hath sent me vnto you.

geneva@Jeremiah:43:1 @ Nowe when Ieremiah had made an ende of speaking vnto ye whole people all the wordes of the Lorde their God, for the which the Lorde their God had sent him to them, euen all these wordes,

geneva@Jeremiah:43:4 @ So Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste, and all the people obeied not the voyce of the Lorde, to dwell in the lande of Iudah.

geneva@Jeremiah:44:2 @ Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel, Yee haue seene all the euill that I haue brought vpon Ierusalem, and vpon all the cities of Iudah: and beholde, this day they are desolate, and no man dwelleth therein,

geneva@Jeremiah:44:11 @ Therefore thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel, Beholde, I will set my face against you to euill and to destroy all Iudah,

geneva@Jeremiah:44:21 @ Did not the Lorde remember the incense, that yee burnt in the cities of Iudah, and in the streetes of Ierusalem, both you, and your fathers, your Kinges, and your princes, and the people of the land, and hath he not considered it?

geneva@Jeremiah:44:23 @ Because ye haue burnt incense and because ye haue sinned against the Lorde, and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde, nor walked in his Lawe, nor in his statutes, nor in his testimonies, therefore this plague is come vpon you, as appeareth this day.

geneva@Jeremiah:45:2 @ Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Israel vnto thee, O Baruch,

geneva@Jeremiah:50:5 @ They shal aske the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward, saying, Come, and let vs cleaue to the Lorde in a perpetuall couenant that shall not be forgotten.

geneva@Jeremiah:50:20 @ In those daies, and at that time, sayeth the Lorde, the iniquitie of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none: and the sinnes of Iudah, and they shall not be founde: for I will be mercifull vnto them, whome I reserue.

geneva@Jeremiah:50:24 @ I haue snared thee, and thou art taken, O Babel, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striuen against the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:50:25 @ The Lord hath opened his treasure, & hath brought foorth the weapons of his wrath: for this is the woorke of the Lorde God of hostes in the lande of the Caldeans.

geneva@Jeremiah:50:45 @ Therefore heare the counsell of the Lorde that hee hath deuised against Babel, and his purpose that hee hath conceiued against the lande of the Caldeans: surely the least of the flocke shall drawe them out: surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them.

geneva@Jeremiah:51:24 @ And I will render vnto Babel, and to all the inhabitants of the Caldeans all their euil, that they haue done in Zion, euen in your sight, sayth the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:51:29 @ And the land shall tremble and sorow: for the deuise of the Lorde shalbe performed against Babel, to make the lande of Babel waste without an inhabitant.

geneva@Jeremiah:51:55 @ Because the Lorde hath layde Babel waste and destroyed from her the great voyce, and her waues shall roare like great waters, and a sounde was made by their noyse:

geneva@Jeremiah:51:56 @ Because the destroyer is come vpon her, euen vpon Babel, and her strong men are taken, their bowes are broken: for the Lorde God that recompenceth, shal surely recompence.

geneva@Lamentations:1:11 @ All her people sigh and seeke their bread: they haue giuen their pleasant thinges for meate to refresh the soule: see, O Lorde, and consider: for I am become vile.

geneva@Lamentations:1:18 @ The Lorde is righteous: for I haue rebelled against his commandement: heare, I pray you, all people, and behold my sorowe: my virgins and my yong men are gone into captiuitie.

geneva@Lamentations:1:20 @ Behold, O Lorde, howe I am troubled: my bowels swell: mine heart is turned within me, for I am ful of heauinesse: the sword spoyleth abroad, as death doeth at home.

geneva@Lamentations:2:6 @ For hee hath destroyed his Tabernacle, as a garden, hee hath destroyed his Congregation: the Lorde hath caused the feastes and Sabbathes to bee forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his wrath the King and the Priest.

geneva@Lamentations:2:17 @ The Lorde hath done that which he had purposed: he hath fulfilled his worde that he had determined of old time: he hath throwen downe, and not spared: hee hath caused thine enemie to reioyce ouer thee, and set vp the horne of thine aduersaries.

geneva@Lamentations:2:22 @ Thou hast called as in a solemne daye my terrours rounde about, so that in the day of the Lordes wrath none escaped nor remained: those that I haue nourished and brought vp, hath mine enemie consumed.

geneva@Lamentations:3:50 @ Till the Lorde looke downe, and beholde from heauen.

geneva@Lamentations:3:55 @ I called vpon thy Name, O Lorde, out of the lowe dungeon.

geneva@Lamentations:3:59 @ O Lorde, thou hast seene my wrong, iudge thou my cause.

geneva@Ezekiel:2:4 @ For they are impudent children, and stiffe hearted: I do send thee vnto them, & thou shalt say vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:3:16 @ And at the ende of seuen dayes, the worde of the Lorde came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:5:5 @ Thus saith the Lorde God, This is Ierusalem: I haue set it in the middes of the nations and countreyes, that are rounde about her.

geneva@Ezekiel:5:8 @ Therefore thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde, I, euen I come against thee, and will execute iudgement in the middes of thee, euen in the sight of the nations.

geneva@Ezekiel:5:11 @ Wherefore, as I liue, saith the Lorde God, Surely because thou hast defiled my Sanctuarie with all thy filthinesse, and with all thine abominations, therefore will I also destroy thee, neither shall mine eye spare thee, neither will I haue any pitie.

geneva@Ezekiel:5:15 @ So thou shalt bee a reproche and shame, a chastisement and an astonishment vnto the nations, that are rounde about thee, when I shall execute iudgements in thee, in anger and in wrath, and in sharpe rebukes: I the Lorde haue spoken it.

geneva@Ezekiel:5:17 @ So will I send vpon you famine, and euill beastes, and they shall spoyle thee, and pestilence and blood shall passe through thee, and I will bring the sworde vpon thee: I the Lorde haue spoken it.

geneva@Ezekiel:6:1 @ Againe the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:6:7 @ And the slaine shall fall in the middes of you, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:7:1 @ Moreouer the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:7:4 @ Neither shall mine eye spare thee, neither will I haue pitie: but I will laye thy waies vpon thee: and thine abomination shall bee in the middes of thee, and yee shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:7:5 @ Thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde, one euil, euen one euill is come.

geneva@Ezekiel:7:9 @ Neither shall mine eie spare thee, neither will I haue pitie, but I will laye vpon thee according to thy wayes, and thine abominations shalbe in the middes of thee, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde that smiteth.

geneva@Ezekiel:7:27 @ The King shall mourne, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the handes of the people in the land shall be troubled: I wil doe vnto them according to their waies, and according to their iudgements will I iudge them, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:8:16 @ And he caused me to enter into the inner court of the Lordes house, and beholde, at the doore of the Temple of the Lord, betweene the porche and the altar were about fiue and twentie men with their backs toward the Temple of the Lord, and their faces towarde the East, and they worshipped the sunne, towarde the East.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:11 @ And beholde, the man clothed with linen which had the ynkhorne by his side, made report, and saide, Lorde, I haue done as thou hast commanded me.

geneva@Ezekiel:10:19 @ And the Cherubims lift vp their wings, and mounted vp from the earth in my sight: when they went out, the wheeles also were besides them: and euery one stoode at the entrie of the gate of the Lordes House at the East side, and the glorie of the God of Israel was vpo them on hie.

geneva@Ezekiel:11:1 @ Moreouer, the Spirite lift me vp, and brought me vnto the East gate of the Lordes house, which lyeth Eastwarde, and beholde, at the entrie of the gate were fiue and twentie men: among whome I sawe Iaazaniah the sonne of Azur, and Pelatiah the sonne of Benaiah, the princes of the people.

geneva@Ezekiel:11:5 @ And the Spirite of the Lord fell vpon me, and said vnto me, Speake, Thus saith the Lorde, O ye house of Israel, this haue ye said, and I know that which riseth vp of your mindes.

geneva@Ezekiel:11:8 @ Ye haue feared the sworde, and I wil bring a sworde vpon you, saith the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:11:12 @ And ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde: for ye haue not walked in my statutes, neither executed my iudgements, but haue done after the maners of the heathen, that are round about you.

geneva@Ezekiel:11:14 @ Againe the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:11:21 @ But vpon them, whose heart is towarde their idoles, and whose affection goeth after their abominations, I will lay their way vpon their owne heades, saith the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:1 @ The worde of the Lorde also came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:12:10 @ But say thou vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God, This burden concerneth the chiefe in Ierusalem, and all the house of Israel that are among them.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:17 @ Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:12:19 @ And say vnto the people of the land, Thus saith the Lorde God of the inhabitants of Ierusalem, and of the lande of Israel, They shall eate their bread with carefulnes, and drinke their water with desolation: for the lande shall bee desolate from her abundance because of the crueltie of them that dwell therein.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:20 @ And the cities that are inhabited, shal be left voyde, and the land shall be desolate, and yee shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:21 @ And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:12:25 @ For I am the Lorde: I wil speake, and that thing that I shall speake, shall come to passe: it shall be no more prolonged: for in your dayes, O rebellious house, will I saye the thing, and will performe it, sayeth the Lord God.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:26 @ Againe the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:12:28 @ Therefore say vnto them, Thus sayth the Lorde God, All my wordes shall no longer be delayed, but that thing which I haue spoken, shall be done, saith the Lord God.

geneva@Ezekiel:13:3 @ Thus sayth the Lorde God, Woe vnto the foolish Prophets that followe their owne spirit, and haue seene nothing.

geneva@Ezekiel:13:6 @ They haue seene vanitie, and lying diuination, saying, The Lord sayth it, and the Lorde hath not sent them: & they haue made others to hope that they would cofirme the word of their prophecie.

geneva@Ezekiel:13:8 @ Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God, Because ye haue spoken vanytie & haue seene lyes, therefore beholde, I am agaynst you, sayth the Lorde God,

geneva@Ezekiel:13:21 @ Your vailes also will I teare, and deliuer my people out of your hande, and they shalbe no more in your hands to be hunted, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:14:8 @ And I will set my face against that man, and will make him an example and prouerbe, and I will cut him off from the middes of my people, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:14:18 @ Though these three men were in the mids thereof, As I liue, sayth the Lorde God, they shal deliuer neither sonnes nor daughters, but they onely shall be deliuered themselues.

geneva@Ezekiel:14:20 @ And though Noah, Daniel and Iob were in the middes of it, As I liue, sayth the Lorde God, they shal deliuer neither sonne nor daughter: they shall but deliuer their owne soules by their righteousnes.

geneva@Ezekiel:14:23 @ And they shal comfort you, when yee see their way and their enterprises: & ye shal know, that I haue not done without cause all that I haue done in it, saith the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:15:6 @ Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God, As the vine tree, that is among the trees of the forest, which I haue giuen to the fire to be consumed, so will I giue the inhabitants of Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezekiel:16:30 @ Howe weake is thine heart, saith the Lorde God, seeing thou doest all these thinges, euen the worke of a presumptuous whorish woman?

geneva@Ezekiel:16:36 @ Thus sayeth the Lorde God, Because thy shame was powred out, and thy filthinesse discouered through thy fornications with thy louers, and with all the idoles of thine abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didest offer vnto them,

geneva@Ezekiel:16:48 @ As I liue, saith the Lorde God, Sodom thy sister hath not done, neither shee nor her daughters, as thou hast done and thy daughters.

geneva@Ezekiel:17:1 @ And the worde of the Lorde came vnto mee, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:20:2 @ Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:20:27 @ Therefore, sonne of man, speake vnto the house of Israel, and say vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God, Yet in this your fathers haue blasphemed me, though they had before grieuously transgressed against me.

geneva@Ezekiel:20:33 @ As I liue, saith the Lorde God, I will surely rule you with a mightie hand, and with a stretched out arme, and in my wrath powred out,

geneva@Ezekiel:20:42 @ And ye shall knowe, that I am the Lorde, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the land, for the which I lifted vp mine hande to giue it to your fathers.

geneva@Ezekiel:20:44 @ And ye shall knowe, that I am the Lorde, when I haue respect vnto you for my Names sake, and not after your wicked wayes, nor according to your corrupt workes, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord God.

geneva@Ezekiel:20:45 @ Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:21:5 @ That all flesh may knowe that I the Lorde haue drawen my sworde out of his sheath, and it shall not returne any more.

geneva@Ezekiel:21:9 @ Sonne of man, prophecie, and say, Thus saith the Lorde God, say, A sworde, a sworde both sharpe, and fourbished.

geneva@Ezekiel:21:18 @ The worde of the Lorde came vnto mee againe, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:21:24 @ Therefore thus sayeth the Lorde God, Because ye haue made your iniquitie to bee remembred, in discouering your rebellion, that in al your workes your sinnes might appeare: because, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the hand.

geneva@Ezekiel:21:28 @ And thou, sonne of man, prophecie, and say, Thus saith the Lorde God to the children of Ammon, and to their blasphemie: say thou, I say, The sword, the sword is drawen foorth, and fourbished to the slaughter, to consume, because of the glittering:

geneva@Ezekiel:22:1 @ Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:22:17 @ And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:22:19 @ Therefore, thus sayth the Lorde God, Because ye are all as drosse, beholde, therefore I will gather you in the middes of Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezekiel:23:35 @ Therefore thus saith the Lorde God, Because thou hast forgotten me, and cast me behinde thy backe, therefore thou shalt also beare thy wickednes and thy whoredome.

geneva@Ezekiel:25:12 @ Thus sayth the Lorde God, Because that Edom hath done euill by taking vengeance vpon the house of Iudah, and hath committed great offence, and reuenged himselfe vpon them,

geneva@Ezekiel:25:13 @ Therefore thus saith the Lorde God, I will also stretch out mine hand vpon Edom, and destroy man and beast out of it, and I will make it desolate from Teman, and they of Dedan shall fall by the sworde.

geneva@Ezekiel:25:17 @ And I will execute great vengeance vpon them with rebukes of mine indignation, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, when I shall lay my vengeance vpon them.

geneva@Ezekiel:26:3 @ Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God, Beholde, I come against thee, O Tyrus, and I will bring vp many nations against thee, as the sea mounteth vp with his waues.

geneva@Ezekiel:26:15 @ Thus sayth the Lorde God to Tyrus, Shall not the yles tremble at the sounde of thy fall? and at the crie of the wounded, when they shall be slaine and murthered in the middes of thee?

geneva@Ezekiel:28:1 @ The woorde of the Lorde came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:28:6 @ Therefore thus sayeth the Lorde God, Because thou didest thinke in thine heart, that thou wast equall with God,

geneva@Ezekiel:28:11 @ Moreouer the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:28:24 @ And they shalbe no more a pricking thorne vnto the house of Israel, nor any grieuous thorne of all that are round about them, and despised them, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:29:8 @ Therefore thus sayeth the Lorde God, Beholde, I will bring a sworde vpon thee, and destroy man and beast out of thee,

geneva@Ezekiel:29:19 @ Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God, Beholde, I will giue the land of Egypt vnto Nebuchad-nezzar the King of Babel, and he shall take her multitude, and spoyle her spoyle, and take her pray, and it shall be the wages for his armie.

geneva@Ezekiel:31:10 @ Therefore thus sayeth the Lorde God, Because he is lift vp on high, and hath shot vp his toppe among the thicke boughes, and his heart is lift vp in his height,

geneva@Ezekiel:32:11 @ For thus sayth the Lorde God, The sworde of the King of Babel shall come vpon thee.

geneva@Ezekiel:32:17 @ In the twelfth yeere also in the fifteenth day of the moneth, came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:33:1 @ Againe, the woorde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:33:27 @ Say thus vnto them, Thus saieth the Lorde God, As I liue, so surely they that are in the desolate places, shall fall by the sword: and him that is in the open field, will I giue vnto the beasts to be deuoured: and they that be in the forts and in the caues, shall die of the pestilence.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:1 @ And the woorde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:34:8 @ As I liue, sayeth the Lorde God, surely because my flocke was spoyled, and my sheepe were deuoured of all the beasts of the fielde, hauing no shepherde, neither did my shepherdes seeke my sheepe, but the shepherdes fedde them selues, and fedde not my sheepe,

geneva@Ezekiel:34:9 @ Therefore, heare ye the word of the Lorde, O ye shepherds.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:11 @ For thus sayeth the Lorde God, Beholde, I will search my sheepe, and seeke them out.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:17 @ Also you my sheepe, Thus saieth the Lorde God, behold, I iudge betweene sheepe, & sheepe, betweene the rammes and the goates.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:20 @ Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God vnto them, behold, I, euen I wil iudge betweene the fat sheepe and the leane sheepe.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:30 @ Thus shall they vnderstande, that I the Lorde their God am with them, and that they, euen the house of Israel, are my people, sayth the Lord God.

geneva@Ezekiel:35:1 @ Moreouer the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:35:14 @ Thus sayth the Lorde God, So shall all the world reioyce when I shal make thee desolate.

geneva@Ezekiel:36:16 @ Moreouer the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:36:23 @ And I wil sanctifie my great Name, which was polluted among the heathen, among whome you haue polluted it, and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, sayth the Lorde God, when I shalbe sanctified in you before their eyes.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:3 @ And he sayde vnto me, Sonne of man, can these bones liue? And I answered, O Lorde God, thou knowest.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:12 @ Therefore prophecie, and say vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde, my people, I will open your graues, and cause you to come vp out of your sepulchres, and bring you into the lande of Israel,

geneva@Ezekiel:37:14 @ And shall put my Spirit in you, and ye shall liue, and I shal place you in your owne land: then yee shall knowe that I the Lorde haue spoken it, and performed it, sayth the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:21 @ And say vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and wil gather them on euery side, & bring them into their owne land.

geneva@Ezekiel:38:1 @ And the worde of the Lorde came vnto mee, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:39:1 @ Therefore, thou sonne of man, prophecie against Gog, and say, Thus sayeth the Lorde God, Behold, I come against thee, O Gog, ye chiefe prince of Meshech and Tubal.

geneva@Ezekiel:39:10 @ So that they shall bring no wood out of the fielde, neither cut downe any out of the forestes: for they shall burne the weapons with fire, and they shall robbe those that robbed them, and spoyle those that spoyled them, sayeth the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:43:5 @ So the Spirite tooke me vp and brought me into the inner court, and beholde, the glorie of the Lorde filled the house.

geneva@Ezekiel:44:3 @ It appertaineth to the Prince: the Prince himselfe shall sit in it to eate bread before the Lorde: he shall enter by the way of the porche of that gate, & shal go out by the way of the same.

geneva@Ezekiel:44:4 @ Then brought he mee toward the North gate before the House: and when I looked, beholde, the glorie of the Lorde filled the house of the Lorde, and I fell vpon my face.

geneva@Ezekiel:45:4 @ The holy portion of the lande shalbe the Priests, which minister in the Sanctuarie, which came neere to serue the Lorde: and it shalbe a place for their houses, and an holy place for the Sanctuarie.

geneva@Ezekiel:45:15 @ And one lambe of two hundreth sheepe out of ye fat pastures of Israel for a meat offring, and for a burnt offring and for peace offrings, to make reconciliation for them, sayth the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:45:23 @ And in the seuen dayes of the feast he shal make a burnt offring to the Lorde, euen of seuen bullockes, and seuen rammes without blemish dayly for seuen dayes, and an hee goate dayly for a sinne offring.

geneva@Ezekiel:46:3 @ Likewise the people of the lande shall worshippe at the entrie of this gate before the Lorde on the Sabbaths, and in the newe moones.

geneva@Ezekiel:46:4 @ And the burnt offring that the prince shall offer vnto the Lorde on the Sabbath day, shalbe sixe lambs without blemish, and a ram without blemish.

geneva@Ezekiel:46:14 @ And thou shalt prepare a meate offring for it euery morning, the sixt part of an Ephah, and the thirde part of an Hin of oyle, to mingle with the fine flowre: this meate offring shalbe continually by a perpetuall ordinance vnto the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:46:16 @ Thus saith the Lorde God, If the prince giue a gift of his inheritance vnto any of his sonnes, it shalbe his sonnes, and it shall bee their possession by inheritance.

geneva@Ezekiel:47:13 @ Thus saith the Lorde God, This shall be the border, whereby ye shall inherite the lande according to the twelue tribes of Israel: Ioseph shall haue two portions.

geneva@Ezekiel:47:23 @ And in what tribe the stranger dwelleth, there shall ye giue him his inheritance, saith the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:48:10 @ And for them, euen for the Priestes shalbe this holy oblation, towarde the North fiue and twentie thousande long, and towarde the West, ten thousande broade, and towarde the East ten thousand broad, and towarde the South fiue and twentie thousand long, and the Sanctuarie of the Lorde shalbe in the middes thereof.

geneva@Ezekiel:48:14 @ And they shall not sel of it, neither change it, nor abalienate the first fruites of the land: for it is holy vnto the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:48:29 @ This is the lande, which ye shall distribute vnto the tribes of Israel for inheritance, & these are their portions, saith the Lorde God.

geneva@Ezekiel:48:35 @ It was rounde about eighteene thousande measures, and the name of the citie from that day shalbe, The Lorde is there.

geneva@Daniel:2:10 @ Then the Caldeans answered before the King, and sayde, There is no man vpon earth that can declare the Kings matter: yea, there is neither king nor prince nor lorde that asked such things at an inchanter or astrologian or Caldean.

geneva@Daniel:3:23 @ And these three men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego fell downe bound into the middes of the hote fierie fornace. \par {\cf2 (3:24) And they walked in the middes of the flame, praising God, & magnified the Lord. (3:25) Then Azarias stoode vp, & praied on this maner, and opening his mouth in ye mids of the fire, saide, (3:26) Blessed be thou, O Lord God of our fathers: thy Name is worthie to bee praised and honoured for euermore. (3:27) For thou art righteous in all the things, that thou hast done vnto vs, and all thy works are true, and thy waies are right, and all thy iudgementes certeine. (3:28) In all the things that thou hast brought vpon vs, and vpon Ierusalem, the holy citie of our fathers, thou hast executed true iudgementes: for by right and equitie hast thou brought all these things vpon vs, because of our sinnes. (3:29) For we haue sinned and done wickedly, departing from thee: in all things haue we trespassed, (3:30) And not obeied thy commaundements, nor kept them, neither done as thou haddest commanded vs, that we might prosper. (3:31) Wherefore in all that thou hast broughtvpon vs, and in euery thing that thou hast done to vs, thou hast done them in true iudgement: (3:32) As in deliuering vs into the handes of our wicked enemies, and most hatefull traitours, and to an vnrighteous King, and the most wicked in all the worlde. (3:33) And nowe we may not open our mouthes: we are become a shame and reproofe vnto thy seruants, and to them that worship thee. (3:34) Yet for thy names sake, we beseech thee, giue vs not vp for euer, neither breake thy couenant, (3:35) Neither take away thy mercie from vs, for thy beloued Abrahams sake, and for thy seruant Isaacs sake, and for thine holy Israels sake, (3:36) To whome thou hast spoken and promised, that thou wouldest multiplie their seed as ye starres of heauen, & as the sand, that is vpon the sea shore. (3:37) For we, O Lorde, are become lesse then any nation, and be kept vnder this day in all the world, because of our sinnes: (3:38) So that now we haue neither prince, nor prophet, nor gouernour, nor burnt offering, nor sacrifice, nor oblation, nor incense, nor place to offer ye first fruits before thee, that we might finde mercie. (3:39) Neuerthelesse in a contrite heart, & an humble spirit, let vs be receiued. (3:40) As in the burnt offring of rams & bullocks, and as in ten thousand of fat lambes, so let our offring be in thy sight this daye, that it may please thee: for there is no confusion vnto them that put their trust in thee. (3:41) And now we follow thee with all our heart, and feare thee, and seeke thy face. (3:42) Put vs not to shame, but deale with vs after thy louing kindenesse, and according to the multitude of thy mercies. (3:43) Deliuer vs also by thy miracles, and giue thy Name the glory, O Lord, (3:44) That all they which doe thy seruantes euill, may be confounded: euen let them bee confounded by thy great force and power, and let their strength be broken, (3:45) That they may know, that thou only art the Lord God, and glorious ouer the whole worlde. (3:46) Now the kings seruants that had cast them in, ceased not to make the ouen hote with naphtha, and with pitch, and with towe, & with fagots, (3:47) So that the flame went out of the fornace fourtie and nine cubites. (3:48) And it brake forth, and burnt those Chaldeans, that it found by the fornace. (3:49) But the Angel of the Lord went downe into the fornace with them that were with Azarias, and smote the flame of the fire out of the fornace, (3:50) And made in the middes of the fornace like a moyst hissing winde, so that the fire touched the not at all, neither grieued, nor troubled them. (3:51) Then these three (as out of one mouth) praised, and glorified, and blessed God in the fornace, saying, (3:52) Blessed be thou, O Lord God of our fathers, and praysed, & exalted aboue all things for euer, & blessed be thy glorious & holy Name, and praysed aboue all things, and magnified for euer. (3:53) Blessed be thou in the Temple of thine holy glory, and praysed aboue all thinges, and exalted for euer. (3:54) Blessed be thou that beholdest the depthes, and sittest vpon the Cherubins, and praysed aboue all things, and exalted for euer. (3:55) Blessed be thou in the glorious Throne of thy kingdome, and praysed aboue all things, and exalted for euer. (3:56) Blessed be thou in the firmament of heauen, & praysed aboue all things, & glorified for euer. (3:57) All ye works of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:58) O heauens, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:59) O Angels of the Lorde, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:60) Al ye waters that be aboue the heauen, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:61) All ye powers of the Lord, blesse ye ye Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:62) O sunne & moone, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:63) O starres of heauen, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:64) Euery showre and dewe, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:65) All ye windes, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:66) O fire & heate, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:67) O winter & sommer, blesse ye ye Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:68) O dewes and stormes of snowe, blesse yee the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:69) O frost and colde, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:70) O yee & snow, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:71) O nights & dayes, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:72) O light and darkenesse, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:73) O lightnings & cloudes, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:74) Let the earth blesse the Lorde: let it prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:75) O mountaines, & hilles, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:76) All things that growe on the earth, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue al things for euer. (3:77) O fountaines, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:78) O sea, and floods, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:79) O whales, and all that moue in the waters, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:80) All ye foules of heauen, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:81) All ye beastes and cattel, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:82) O children of men, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:83) Let Israel blesse the Lord, praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:84) O Priestes of the Lorde, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:85) O seruants of the Lord, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:86) O spirites and soules of the righteous, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer\par (3:87) O Saintes and humble of heart, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all thinges for euer. (3:88) O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer: for he hath deliuered vs from the hel, & saued vs from the hand of death, and deliuered vs out of the middes of the fornace, and burning flame: euen out of the middes of the fire hath he deliuered vs. (3:89) Confesse vnto the Lord, that he is gracious: for his mercy endureth for euer. (3:90) All ye that worship the Lord, blesse the God of gods: prayse him, and acknowledge him: for his mercy endureth worlde without ende.}

geneva@Daniel:5:23 @ But hast lift thy selfe vp against the Lorde of heauen, and they haue brought the vessels of his House before thee, and thou and thy princes, thy wiues and thy concubines haue drunke wine in them, and thou hast praysed the gods of siluer and golde, of brasse, yron, wood and stone, which neither see, neither heare, nor vnderstand: and the God in whose hand thy breath is and all thy wayes, him hast thou not glorified.

geneva@Daniel:9:9 @ Yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in the Lorde our God, albeit we haue rebelled against him.

geneva@Daniel:9:13 @ All this plague is come vpon vs, as it is written in the Lawe of Moses: yet made we not our prayer before the Lorde our God, that we might turne from our iniquities and vnderstand thy trueth.

geneva@Daniel:9:15 @ And nowe, O Lorde our God, that hast brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mightie hand, and hast gotten thee renoume, as appeareth this day, we haue sinned, we haue done wickedly.

geneva@Daniel:10:17 @ For howe can the seruant of this my Lorde talke with my Lord being such one? for as for me, straight way there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me.

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