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OT-PROPHET.filter - rotherham Servant:

rotherham@Isaiah:14:2 @ And peoples shall take them, and bring them into their own place, And the house of Israel shall possess themselves of them upon the soil of Yahweh for servants and for handmaids, Thus shall they be taking captive their captors, And shall tread down their oppressors.

rotherham@Isaiah:20:3 @ Then said Yahweh, As my servant Isaiah, hath walked, disrobed and barefoot three years as a sign and a wonder against Egypt and against Ethiopia,

rotherham@Isaiah:22:20 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, That I will call for my servant, for Eliakim son of Hilkiah,

rotherham@Isaiah:24:2 @ And it shall be As the people, so, the priest, As the servant, so his lord, As the maid, so, her mistress, As the buyer, so, the seller, As the lender, so, the borrower, As the debtor, so! his creditor.

rotherham@Isaiah:36:9 @ How then wilt thou turn away the face of one pasha of the least of my lords servants? Or hast thou on thy part trusted upon Egypt, for chariots and for horsemen?

rotherham@Isaiah:36:11 @ Then said Eliakim, and Shebna, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh Speak we pray thee unto thy servants in the Syrian language, for we, can, understand, it, and do not speak unto us in the Jews language, in the ears of the people who are upon the wall.

rotherham@Isaiah:37:5 @ So the servants of King Hezekiah came unto Isaiah.

rotherham@Isaiah:37:6 @ And Isaiah said unto them, Thus, shall ye, surely say, unto your lord, Thus, saith Yahweh Be not thou afraid because of the words which thou hast heard, wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have reviled, Me.

rotherham@Isaiah:37:24 @ Through thy servants, thou hast reproached My Lord and hast said, With my multitude of chariots, have I ascended The height of the mountains The recesses of Lebanon, That I may cut down Its tallest cedars Its choicest firs, That I may enter Its highest summit, Its thick garden forest:

rotherham@Isaiah:37:35 @ Thus will I throw a covering over this city to save it, For mine own sake, And for the sake of David my servant.

rotherham@Isaiah:41:8 @ But, thou, Israel, my Servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, The seed of Abraham my loving one;

rotherham@Isaiah:41:9 @ Thou whom I have taken hold of from the ends of the earth, And from the extremities thereof, have called thee, And said to thee, My Servant, thou! I have chosen thee and not cast thee off,

rotherham@Isaiah:42:1 @ Lo! my Servant, I will uphold him, My chosen, well-pleased is my soul, I have put my spirit upon him, Justiceto the nations, will he bring forth:

rotherham@Isaiah:42:18 @ Ye deaf hear! And ye blind look around that ye may see, Who is blind if not my Servant? Or deaf, like, my messenger whom I send?

rotherham@Isaiah:42:19 @ Who is, blind, like an intimate friend? Or blind like the Servant of Yahweh?

rotherham@Isaiah:43:10 @ Ye, are my witnesses Declareth Yahweh, And my Servant, whom I have chosen, That ye may take noteand believe me, And perceive that, I, am He, Before me, was not formed a GOD, Nor after me, shall one come into being:

rotherham@Isaiah:44:1 @ Now, thenhear, O Jacob, my Servant, and Israel whom I have chosen:

rotherham@Isaiah:44:2 @ Thus, saith Yahweh Who made thee and formed thee from birth, Who helpeth thee: Do not fear O my Servant Jacob, and Jeshurun whom I have chosen;

rotherham@Isaiah:44:21 @ Remember these things, O Jacob, And, Israel, for, my Servant, thou art, I have fashioned thee, a Servant of mine, thou art.

rotherham@Isaiah:44:26 @ Establishing the word of his Servant, And the counsel of his Messengers, he maketh good, Who saith of Jerusalem She shall be inhabited! And of the cities of Judah They shall be built! And the ruins thereof, will I set up!

rotherham@Isaiah:45:4 @ For the sake of my servant Jacob, Even Israel my chosen Therefore have I called unto thee by thy name, I give thee a title though thou hast not known me,

rotherham@Isaiah:48:20 @ Come ye forth out of Babylon, Flee from among the Chaldeans, With triumphant voice, tell yelet this be heard, Let it go forth as far as the end of the earth, Say ye Yahweh hath redeemed his servant Jacob!

rotherham@Isaiah:49:3 @ And said to me My Servant, thou art, Israel, in whom I will get myself glory.

rotherham@Isaiah:49:5 @ Now, therefore, said Yahweh Fashioning me from birth To be Servant to him, To restore Jacob unto him, And that, Israel, unto him, might be gathered And I be honourable in the eyes of Yahweh, And, my God, be proved to have been my strength,

rotherham@Isaiah:49:6 @ Yea he said It is too small a thing, for being my Servant, That thou shouldest raise up the tribes of Jacob, And the preserved of Israel, shouldst restore, So I will give thee to become a light of nations, That, my salvation, may reach as far as the end of the earth.

rotherham@Isaiah:49:7 @ Thus, saith Yahwehthe Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One To him that is despised of the soul, To the abhorred of the nation To the servant of rulers, Kings, shall see and arise, Princes, lo! they have bowed themselves down, Because of Yahweh, who is faithful, The Holy One of Israel, lo! he hath chosen thee.

rotherham@Isaiah:50:10 @ Who among you, revereth Yahweh, Hearkening unto the voice of his Servant, That hath walked in dark places And hath had no gleam of light? Let him trust in the name of Yahweh, And lean upon his God.

rotherham@Isaiah:52:13 @ Lo! my Servant, prospereth, He riseth, and is lifted up, and becometh very high:

rotherham@Isaiah:53:11 @ Of the travail of his soul, shall he see He shall be satisfied with his knowledge, A setting right when set right himself, shall my Servant win for the Many, Since of their iniquities, he, taketh the burden.

rotherham@Isaiah:54:17 @ No instrument formed against thee, shall prosper, And every tongue that riseth against thee in judgment, shalt thou prove to be lawless, This is the inheritance of the servants of Yahweh. And, their righteousness, is from me, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Isaiah:56:6 @ And, as for the sons of the foreigner Who have joined themselves unto Yahweh To wait upon him, and To love the name of Yahweh, To become his for servants, Every one who keepeth the sabbath, lest he profane it. And who, layeth firm hold on my covenant,

rotherham@Isaiah:63:17 @ Wherefore shouldst thou suffer us to wander O Yahweh, from thy ways? Wherefore shouldst thou let us harden our heart past revering thee? Return thou for the sake of Thy servants, The tribes thou thyself hast inherited.

rotherham@Isaiah:65:8 @ Thus, saith Yahweh As, new wine, is found, in the cluster, And one saith, Do not destroy it, for a blessing is in it, So, will I do for the sake of ray servants, That I may not destroy the whole;

rotherham@Isaiah:65:9 @ Therefore will I bring forth Out of Jacob, a seed, and Out of Judah, an inheritor of my mountains, That my chosen ones may inherit it, And, my servants, dwell there;

rotherham@Isaiah:65:13 @ Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Lo! my servants, shall eat but, ye, shall be famished, Lo! my servants, shall drink but, ye shall be thirsty, Lo! my servants, shall rejoice but ye, shall turn pale;

rotherham@Isaiah:65:14 @ Lo! my servants, shall shout in triumph for mirth of heart But, ye, shall make outcry, for pain of heart, And for a breaking of spirit, shall ye howl.

rotherham@Isaiah:65:15 @ So shall ye leave your name for an oath, to my chosen ones, So then My Lord Yahweh, will slay thee, And his servants, will he, call by another name:

rotherham@Isaiah:66:14 @ As soon as ye have seen it, your heart, shall be joyful, And your bones, like green herbage, shall thrive, So shall be known The hand of Yahweh with his servants, But indignation with his foes!

rotherham@Jeremiah:2:14 @ Was Israel a servant? Born in the house, was he? Wherefore hath he become a prey?

rotherham@Jeremiah:7:25 @ Ever since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt, until this day, Have I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, Daily, betimes, sending them;

rotherham@Jeremiah:21:7 @ And after that, Declareth Yahweh Will I deliver Zedekiah king of Judah and his servants, and the peopleeven such as are left in this city from the pestilence from the sword and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, even into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them who are seeking their life, and he will smite them with the edge of the sword, he will not have pity on them nor will he spare nor will he have compassion.

rotherham@Jeremiah:22:2 @ and say Hear thou the word of Yahweh O king of Judah who sittest upon the throne of David, thou, and thy servants and thy people who enter in at these gates,

rotherham@Jeremiah:22:4 @ For if ye, indeed do, this thing, then shall there enter into the gates of this housekings, sitting for David upon his throne riding in chariots and on horses, he and his servants, and his people.

rotherham@Jeremiah:25:4 @ And Yahweh sent unto you all, his servants the prophets, lifetimes sending, though ye hearkened not, neither inclined ye your ear to hear:

rotherham@Jeremiah:25:9 @ Behold me! sending and fetching all the families of the North, Declareth Yahweh and Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon my servant, And I will bring them in against this land and against its inhabitants, and against all these nations, round about, And I will devote them to destruction, and make them an astonishment and a hissing, and age-abiding desolations.

rotherham@Jeremiah:25:19 @ Pharaoh king of Egypt and his servants and his princes, and all his people;

rotherham@Jeremiah:26:5 @ To hearken unto the words of my servants the prophets, whom I am sending unto you, even, betimes, sending, though ye have not hearkened,

rotherham@Jeremiah:27:6 @ Now, therefore, I, have given all these lands, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon my servant, Moreover also, the wild beast of the field, have I given him, to serve him.

rotherham@Jeremiah:29:19 @ Because they hearkened not unto my words Declareth Yahweh, which I sent unto them by my servants the prophets, betimes, sending them yet hearkened they not Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Jeremiah:30:10 @ Thou therefore do not fear O my Servant Jacob Urgeth Yahweh, Neither be thou dismayed, O Israel, For behold me! saving thee from afar And thy seed out of the land of their captivity, Then shall Jacob return, and rest and be quiet, And there shall be none to make him afraid;

rotherham@Jeremiah:33:21 @ My covenant also, may be broken With David my servant, that he shall not have a son, to reign upon his throne, And with the Levites the priests, mine attendants:

rotherham@Jeremiah:33:22 @ As, the host of the heavens, cannot be recorded, Nor the sand of the sea, be measured, So, will I multiply, The seed of David my servant, And the Levites who attend upon me.

rotherham@Jeremiah:33:26 @ The seed of Jacob also and of David my servant, might I east off so as not to take of his seed as rulers unto the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, For I will bring back them of their captivity, and will have compassion upon them.

rotherham@Jeremiah:34:9 @ that every man should let his servant and every man his handmaid, being a Hebrew or a Hebrewess, go free, so that no man should use them as slaves, to wit a Jew his brother;

rotherham@Jeremiah:34:10 @ so then they hearkenedeven all the princes and all the people who had entered into the covenant that every man should let his servant and every man his handmaid, go free, so as not to use them as slaves, any longer, yea they hearkened, and let them go,

rotherham@Jeremiah:34:11 @ howbeit they turned after that, and brought back the servants and the handmaids whom they had let go, free, and brought them into subjection as servants and as handmaids,

rotherham@Jeremiah:34:16 @ yet have ye turned and profaned my Name, and brought back, every man his servant and every man his hand-maid, whom ye had let go, free, at their own desire, and have brought them into subjection, to become your servants and handmaids.

rotherham@Jeremiah:35:15 @ And I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, betimes, sending, saying, Return I pray youevery man from his wicked way, And amend your doings, And do not go after other gods to serve them, So shall ye remain on the soil which I gave to you, and to your fathers, but ye have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened, unto me.

rotherham@Jeremiah:36:24 @ Yet were they not in dread, neither rent they their garments, the king, nor any of his servants that were hearing all these words.

rotherham@Jeremiah:36:31 @ And I will visit upon him and upon his seed and upon his servants the punishment of their iniquity, and will bring upon them and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and against, the men of Judah, all the calamity, which I have spoken against them but they have not hearkened.

rotherham@Jeremiah:37:2 @ But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land had hearkened unto the words of Yahweh, which he had spoken through Jeremiah the prophet.

rotherham@Jeremiah:37:18 @ And Jeremiah said unto King Zedekiah, What sin have I committed against thee, or against thy servants or against this people, that ye have delivered me up into prison?

rotherham@Jeremiah:43:10 @ Then shalt thou say unto them Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel Behold me! sending and fetching Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, my servant, and I will set his throne over these stones which I have hid, and he shall spread his canopy over them.

rotherham@Jeremiah:44:4 @ yet I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, betimes sending them, saying, Do not, I pray you, commit this abominable thing, which I hate!

rotherham@Jeremiah:46:26 @ And I will deliver them Into the hand of them who are seeking their life, Even into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon And into the hand of his servants, And after that, shall it be inhabited as in the days of old Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Jeremiah:46:27 @ Thou, therefore, do not fear, O my Servant Jacob Nor be dismayed O Israel, For behold me! Saving thee from afar, And thy seed from the land of their captivity, So shall Jacob return and be quiet and shall rest, With none to occasion alarm.

rotherham@Jeremiah:46:28 @ Thou, do not fear, O my Servant Jacob, Urgeth Yahweh, For, with thee, am I: Though I make an end of all the nations whither I have driven thee, Yet of thee, will I not make an end, But will correct thee in measure, And not hold thee, guiltless,

rotherham@Ezekiel:28:25 @ Thus saith My Lord, Yahweh, When I gather together the house of Israel, from the midst of the peoples among whom they have been scattered, and shall hallow myself in them before the eyes of the nations Then shall they dwell upon their own so, which I gave to my servantto Jacob:

rotherham@Ezekiel:34:23 @ And I will raise up over them one shepherd And he shall tend them, Even my servant David, he will tend them, And libel will become to them a shepherd;

rotherham@Ezekiel:34:24 @ And, I, Yahweh will become to them a God. My servant David being a prince in their midst; I, Yahweh, have spoken;

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:24 @ And my servant David shall be king over them, And one shepherd, shall they all have, And in my regulations, shall they walk, And my statutes, shall they observe and do them.

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:25 @ And they shall dwell upon the land. which I gave to my servant- to Jacob, Wherein your fathers dwelt, Yea they shall dwell thereupon. They, and their children and their childrens children Unto times age-abiding, And David my servant shall be prince unto them Unto times age-abiding.

rotherham@Ezekiel:38:17 @ Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Art thou, he of whom I spake in days aforetime by the hand of my servants the prophets of Israel, who kept on prophesying in those days for years, That thou shouldest be suffered to come against them?

rotherham@Ezekiel:46:17 @ But when he would bestow a gift out of his inheritance on any one of his servants,, it shall remain his unto the year of liberation, then shall it return to the prince, surely it is the inheritance of his sons theirs shall it remain.

rotherham@Daniel:1:12 @ I pray theeprove thy servants, ten days, and let them give us vegetable food, that we may eat, and water that we may drink:

rotherham@Daniel:1:13 @ then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenances of the youths who have been eating the delicacies of the king, and, as thou shalt see, deal thou with thy servants.

rotherham@Daniel:2:4 @ Then spake the Chaldeans to the king, in Aramaic, O king, to the ages, live! Tell the dream to thy servants, and, the interpretation, we will declare.

rotherham@Daniel:2:7 @ They answered again and said, Let, the king, tell, the dream, to his servants, and, the interpretation thereof, we will declare.

rotherham@Daniel:3:26 @ Then did Nebuchadnezzar, draw near, to the door of the burning furnace of fire, he spake and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, ye servants of the most high God, step forth and come hither. Then stepped forth Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, out of the midst of the fire.

rotherham@Daniel:3:28 @ Nebuchadnezzar spake and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent his messenger, and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, when, the word of the king, they transgressed, and delivered up their bodies, that they might not serve nor adore any god, saving their own God.

rotherham@Daniel:6:20 @ and, when he drew near to the den, unto Daniel, with distressed voice, made he outcry, the king spake and said unto Daniel, O Daniel! servant of the Living God! Thy God, whom thou art serving continually, hath he been able to deliver thee from the lions?

rotherham@Daniel:9:6 @ and have not hearkened unto thy servants the prophets, who spake in thy name, unto our kings, our rulers, and our fathers, and unto all the people of the land.

rotherham@Daniel:9:10 @ and have not hearkened unto the voice of Yahweh our God, to walk in his instructions which he set before us, through means of his servants the prophets;

rotherham@Daniel:9:11 @ yea, all Israel, have transgressed thy law, even going away, so as not to hearken unto thy voice, therefore, were poured out upon us, the curse and the oath which had been written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we had sinned against him.

rotherham@Daniel:9:17 @ Now, therefore, hearken, O our God, unto the prayer of thy servant, and unto his supplications, and let thy face shine, upon thy sanctuary, that is desolate, for the sake of thy servants, O Lord.

rotherham@Daniel:10:17 @ How then can the servant of this my lord speak with this my lord, seeing that, as for mehenceforth, there remaineth in me no strength, and no, spirit, is left in me?

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