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akjv@Isaiah:3:9 @ The show of their countenance does witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe to their soul! for they have rewarded evil to themselves.

akjv@Isaiah:3:14 @ The LORD will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for you have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses.

akjv@Isaiah:4:3 @ And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remains in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:

akjv@Isaiah:5:5 @ And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down:

akjv@Isaiah:5:10 @ Yes, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah.

akjv@Isaiah:5:19 @ That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, that we may know it!

akjv@Isaiah:5:24 @ Therefore as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:5:25 @ Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he has stretched forth his hand against them, and has smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcasses were torn in the middle of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

akjv@Isaiah:6:13 @ But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.

akjv@Isaiah:13:20 @ It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelled in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.

akjv@Isaiah:15:7 @ Therefore the abundance they have gotten, and that which they have laid up, shall they carry away to the brook of the willows.

akjv@Isaiah:16:5 @ And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit on it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hastening righteousness.

akjv@Isaiah:17:10 @ Because you have forgotten the God of your salvation, and have not been mindful of the rock of your strength, therefore shall you plant pleasant plants, and shall set it with strange slips:

akjv@Isaiah:21:7 @ And he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, and a chariot of camels; and he listened diligently with much heed:

akjv@Isaiah:22:23 @ And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father' house.

akjv@Isaiah:22:25 @ In that day, said the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was on it shall be cut off: for the LORD has spoken it.

akjv@Isaiah:23:15 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king: after the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as an harlot.

akjv@Isaiah:23:16 @ Take an harp, go about the city, you harlot that have been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that you may be remembered.

akjv@Isaiah:24:12 @ In the city is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction.

akjv@Isaiah:26:16 @ LORD, in trouble have they visited you, they poured out a prayer when your chastening was on them.

akjv@Isaiah:27:7 @ Has he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

akjv@Isaiah:27:9 @ By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin; when he makes all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up.

akjv@Isaiah:28:23 @ Give you ear, and hear my voice; listen, and hear my speech.

akjv@Isaiah:28:27 @ For the fitches are not threshed with a threshing instrument, neither is a cart wheel turned about on the cummin; but the fitches are beaten out with a staff, and the cummin with a rod.

akjv@Isaiah:30:22 @ You shall defile also the covering of your graven images of silver, and the ornament of your molten images of gold: you shall cast them away as a menstruous cloth; you shall say to it, Get you hence.

akjv@Isaiah:30:31 @ For through the voice of the LORD shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote with a rod.

akjv@Isaiah:32:3 @ And the eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall listen.

akjv@Isaiah:34:1 @ Come near, you nations, to hear; and listen, you people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it.

akjv@Isaiah:36:16 @ Listen not to Hezekiah: for thus said the king of Assyria, Make an agreement with me by a present, and come out to me: and eat you every one of his vine, and every one of his fig tree, and drink you every one the waters of his own cistern;

akjv@Isaiah:38:8 @ Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.

akjv@Isaiah:38:12 @ My age is departed, and is removed from me as a shepherd' tent: I have cut off like a weaver my life: he will cut me off with pining sickness: from day even to night will you make an end of me.

akjv@Isaiah:40:22 @ It is he that sits on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in:

akjv@Isaiah:41:7 @ So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smoothes with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the soldering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

akjv@Isaiah:41:12 @ You shall seek them, and shall not find them, even them that contended with you: they that war against you shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nothing.

akjv@Isaiah:41:29 @ Behold, they are all vanity; their works are nothing: their molten images are wind and confusion.

akjv@Isaiah:42:17 @ They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, You are our gods.

akjv@Isaiah:42:23 @ Who among you will give ear to this? who will listen and hear for the time to come?

akjv@Isaiah:44:10 @ Who has formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?

akjv@Isaiah:44:19 @ And none considers in his heart, neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say, I have burned part of it in the fire; yes, also I have baked bread on the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh, and eaten it: and shall I make the residue thereof an abomination? shall I fall down to the stock of a tree?

akjv@Isaiah:44:21 @ Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for you are my servant: I have formed you; you are my servant: O Israel, you shall not be forgotten of me.

akjv@Isaiah:46:3 @ Listen to me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb:

akjv@Isaiah:46:12 @ Listen to me, you stouthearted, that are far from righteousness:

akjv@Isaiah:47:1 @ Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and delicate.

akjv@Isaiah:48:5 @ I have even from the beginning declared it to you; before it came to pass I showed it you: lest you should say, My idol has done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, has commanded them.

akjv@Isaiah:48:12 @ Listen to me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.

akjv@Isaiah:48:18 @ O that you had listened to my commandments! then had your peace been as a river, and your righteousness as the waves of the sea:

akjv@Isaiah:49:1 @ Listen, O isles, to me; and listen, you people, from far; The LORD has called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother has he made mention of my name.

akjv@Isaiah:49:14 @ But Zion said, The LORD has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.

akjv@Isaiah:49:21 @ Then shall you say in your heart, Who has begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who has brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?

akjv@Isaiah:49:25 @ But thus said the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save your children.

akjv@Isaiah:50:2 @ Why, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinks, because there is no water, and dies for thirst.

akjv@Isaiah:50:8 @ He is near that justifies me; who will contend with me? let us stand together: who is my adversary? let him come near to me.

akjv@Isaiah:51:1 @ Listen to me, you that follow after righteousness, you that seek the LORD: look to the rock from where you are hewn, and to the hole of the pit from where you are dig.

akjv@Isaiah:51:4 @ Listen to me, my people; and give ear to me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people.

akjv@Isaiah:51:7 @ Listen to me, you that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear you not the reproach of men, neither be you afraid of their revilings.

akjv@Isaiah:51:14 @ The captive exile hastens that he may be loosed, and that he should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail.

akjv@Isaiah:53:2 @ For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he has no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

akjv@Isaiah:53:4 @ Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

akjv@Isaiah:54:2 @ Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations: spare not, lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes;

akjv@Isaiah:55:2 @ Why do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfies not? listen diligently to me, and eat you that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

akjv@Isaiah:57:16 @ For I will not contend for ever, neither will I be always wroth: for the spirit should fail before me, and the souls which I have made.

akjv@Isaiah:59:1 @ Behold, the LORD' hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

akjv@Isaiah:60:22 @ A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.

akjv@Isaiah:65:6 @ Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom,

akjv@Isaiah:65:16 @ That he who blesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that swears in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from my eyes.

akjv@Isaiah:66:12 @ For thus said the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall you suck, you shall be borne on her sides, and be dandled on her knees.

akjv@Jeremiah:1:12 @ Then said the LORD to me, You have well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

akjv@Jeremiah:2:30 @ In vain have I smitten your children; they received no correction: your own sword has devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.

akjv@Jeremiah:2:32 @ Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:21 @ A voice was heard on the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel: for they have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the LORD their God.

akjv@Jeremiah:4:12 @ Even a full wind from those places shall come to me: now also will I give sentence against them.

akjv@Jeremiah:4:20 @ Destruction on destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment.

akjv@Jeremiah:6:3 @ The shepherds with their flocks shall come to her; they shall pitch their tents against her round about; they shall feed every one in his place.

akjv@Jeremiah:6:10 @ To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot listen: behold, the word of the LORD is to them a reproach; they have no delight in it.

akjv@Jeremiah:6:17 @ Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Listen to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not listen.

akjv@Jeremiah:6:19 @ Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil on this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to my words, nor to my law, but rejected it.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:24 @ But they listened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:26 @ Yet they listened not to me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:27 @ Therefore you shall speak all these words to them; but they will not listen to you: you shall also call to them; but they will not answer you.

akjv@Jeremiah:8:6 @ I listened and heard, but they spoke not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? every one turned to his course, as the horse rushes into the battle.

akjv@Jeremiah:10:4 @ They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

akjv@Jeremiah:10:14 @ Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.

akjv@Jeremiah:10:20 @ My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords are broken: my children are gone forth of me, and they are not: there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my curtains.

akjv@Jeremiah:10:25 @ Pour out your fury on the heathen that know you not, and on the families that call not on your name: for they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured him, and consumed him, and have made his habitation desolate.

akjv@Jeremiah:11:11 @ Therefore thus said the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil on them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry to me, I will not listen to them.

akjv@Jeremiah:12:5 @ If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the swelling of Jordan?

akjv@Jeremiah:13:25 @ This is your lot, the portion of your measures from me, said the LORD; because you have forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood.

akjv@Jeremiah:14:19 @ Have you utterly rejected Judah? has your soul loathed Zion? why have you smitten us, and there is no healing for us? we looked for peace, and there is no good; and for the time of healing, and behold trouble!

akjv@Jeremiah:15:10 @ Woe is me, my mother, that you have borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent to me on usury; yet every one of them does curse me.

akjv@Jeremiah:16:12 @ And you have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, you walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not listen to me:

akjv@Jeremiah:17:1 @ The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven on the table of their heart, and on the horns of your altars;

akjv@Jeremiah:17:13 @ O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake you shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.

akjv@Jeremiah:17:16 @ As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow you: neither have I desired the woeful day; you know: that which came out of my lips was right before you.

akjv@Jeremiah:17:24 @ And it shall come to pass, if you diligently listen to me, said the LORD, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein;

akjv@Jeremiah:17:27 @ But if you will not listen to me to hallow the sabbath day, and not to bear a burden, even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day; then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched.

akjv@Jeremiah:18:15 @ Because my people has forgotten me, they have burned incense to vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up;

akjv@Jeremiah:18:19 @ Give heed to me, O LORD, and listen to the voice of them that contend with me.

akjv@Jeremiah:19:9 @ And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and narrow place, with which their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.

akjv@Jeremiah:20:11 @ But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:16 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, Listen not to the words of the prophets that prophesy to you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:27 @ Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:40 @ And I will bring an everlasting reproach on you, and a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.

akjv@Jeremiah:24:2 @ One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad.

akjv@Jeremiah:24:3 @ Then said the LORD to me, What see you, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

akjv@Jeremiah:24:8 @ And as the evil figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so evil; surely thus said the LORD, So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt:

akjv@Jeremiah:25:3 @ From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even to this day, that is the three and twentieth year, the word of the LORD has come to me, and I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking; but you have not listened.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:4 @ And the LORD has sent to you all his servants the prophets, rising early and sending them; but you have not listened, nor inclined your ear to hear.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:7 @ Yet you have not listened to me, said the LORD; that you might provoke me to anger with the works of your hands to your own hurt.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:13 @ And I will bring on that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations.

akjv@Jeremiah:26:3 @ If so be they will listen, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do to them because of the evil of their doings.

akjv@Jeremiah:26:4 @ And you shall say to them, Thus said the LORD; If you will not listen to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before you,

akjv@Jeremiah:26:5 @ To listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent to you, both rising up early, and sending them, but you have not listened;

akjv@Jeremiah:27:9 @ Therefore listen not you to your prophets, nor to your diviners, nor to your dreamers, nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers, which speak to you, saying, You shall not serve the king of Babylon:

akjv@Jeremiah:27:14 @ Therefore listen not to the words of the prophets that speak to you, saying, You shall not serve the king of Babylon: for they prophesy a lie to you.

akjv@Jeremiah:27:16 @ Also I spoke to the priests and to all this people, saying, Thus said the LORD; Listen not to the words of your prophets that prophesy to you, saying, Behold, the vessels of the LORD' house shall now shortly be brought again from Babylon: for they prophesy a lie to you.

akjv@Jeremiah:27:17 @ Listen not to them; serve the king of Babylon, and live: why should this city be laid waste?

akjv@Jeremiah:29:8 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the middle of you, deceive you, neither listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed.

akjv@Jeremiah:29:12 @ Then shall you call on me, and you shall go and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

akjv@Jeremiah:29:17 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will send on them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

akjv@Jeremiah:29:19 @ Because they have not listened to my words, said the LORD, which I sent to them by my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them; but you would not hear, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:30:14 @ All your lovers have forgotten you; they seek you not; for I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, for the multitude of your iniquity; because your sins were increased.

akjv@Jeremiah:30:18 @ Thus said the LORD; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob' tents, and have mercy on his dwelling places; and the city shall be built on her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof.

akjv@Jeremiah:30:24 @ The fierce anger of the LORD shall not return, until he has done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days you shall consider it.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:29 @ In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children' teeth are set on edge.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:1 @ The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:33 @ And they have turned to me the back, and not the face: though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not listened to receive instruction.

akjv@Jeremiah:34:14 @ At the end of seven years let you go every man his brother an Hebrew, which has been sold to you; and when he has served you six years, you shall let him go free from you: but your fathers listened not to me, neither inclined their ear.

akjv@Jeremiah:34:17 @ Therefore thus said the LORD; You have not listened to me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother, and every man to his neighbor: behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, said the LORD, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:7 @ Neither shall you build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor have any: but all your days you shall dwell in tents; that you may live many days in the land where you be strangers.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:10 @ But we have dwelled in tents, and have obeyed, and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:13 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will you not receive instruction to listen to my words? said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:14 @ The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, that he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are performed; for to this day they drink none, but obey their father' commandment: notwithstanding I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking; but you listened not to me.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:15 @ I have sent also to you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Return you now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them, and you shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers: but you have not inclined your ear, nor listened to me.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:16 @ Because the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have performed the commandment of their father, which he commanded them; but this people has not listened to me:

akjv@Jeremiah:36:6 @ Therefore go you, and read in the roll, which you have written from my mouth, the words of the LORD in the ears of the people in the LORD' house on the fasting day: and also you shall read them in the ears of all Judah that come out of their cities.

akjv@Jeremiah:36:29 @ And you shall say to Jehoiakim king of Judah, Thus said the LORD; You have burned this roll, saying, Why have you written therein, saying, The king of Babylon shall certainly come and destroy this land, and shall cause to cease from there man and beast?

akjv@Jeremiah:36:31 @ And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they listened not.

akjv@Jeremiah:37:2 @ But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land, did listen to the words of the LORD, which he spoke by the prophet Jeremiah.

akjv@Jeremiah:37:10 @ For though you had smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire.

akjv@Jeremiah:37:14 @ Then said Jeremiah, It is false; I fall not away to the Chaldeans. But he listened not to him: so Irijah took Jeremiah, and brought him to the princes.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:11 @ So Ebedmelech took the men with him, and went into the house of the king under the treasury, and took there old cast clouts and old rotten rags, and let them down by cords into the dungeon to Jeremiah.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:12 @ And Ebedmelech the Ethiopian said to Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under your armholes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:15 @ Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, If I declare it to you, will you not surely put me to death? and if I give you counsel, will you not listen to me?

akjv@Jeremiah:39:1 @ In the ninth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the tenth month, came Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and all his army against Jerusalem, and they besieged it.

akjv@Jeremiah:41:1 @ Now it came to pass in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama, of the seed royal, and the princes of the king, even ten men with him, came to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah; and there they did eat bread together in Mizpah.

akjv@Jeremiah:41:2 @ Then arose Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and the ten men that were with him, and smote Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan with the sword, and slew him, whom the king of Babylon had made governor over the land.

akjv@Jeremiah:41:8 @ But ten men were found among them that said to Ishmael, Slay us not: for we have treasures in the field, of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of honey. So he declined, and slew them not among their brothers.

akjv@Jeremiah:42:7 @ And it came to pass after ten days, that the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah.

akjv@Jeremiah:44:5 @ But they listened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense to other gods.

akjv@Jeremiah:44:9 @ Have you forgotten the wickedness of your fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah, and the wickedness of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

akjv@Jeremiah:44:16 @ As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you.

akjv@Jeremiah:45:1 @ The word that Jeremiah the prophet spoke to Baruch the son of Neriah, when he had written these words in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying,

akjv@Jeremiah:46:5 @ Why have I seen them dismayed and turned away back? and their mighty ones are beaten down, and are fled apace, and look not back: for fear was round about, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:48:16 @ The calamity of Moab is near to come, and his affliction hastens fast.

akjv@Jeremiah:48:36 @ Therefore my heart shall sound for Moab like pipes, and my heart shall sound like pipes for the men of Kirheres: because the riches that he has gotten are perished.

akjv@Jeremiah:49:29 @ Their tents and their flocks shall they take away: they shall take to themselves their curtains, and all their vessels, and their camels; and they shall cry to them, Fear is on every side.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:5 @ They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying, Come, and let us join ourselves to the LORD in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:6 @ My people has been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place.

akjv@Jeremiah:51:17 @ Every man is brutish by his knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.

akjv@Jeremiah:51:60 @ So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come on Babylon, even all these words that are written against Babylon.

akjv@Jeremiah:52:4 @ And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came, he and all his army, against Jerusalem, and pitched against it, and built forts against it round about.

akjv@Jeremiah:52:12 @ Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem,

akjv@Lamentations:2:6 @ And he has violently taken away his tabernacle, as if it were of a garden: he has destroyed his places of the assembly: the LORD has caused the solemn feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion, and has despised in the indignation of his anger the king and the priest.

akjv@Ezekiel:2:10 @ And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe.

akjv@Ezekiel:3:6 @ Not to many people of a strange speech and of an hard language, whose words you can not understand. Surely, had I sent you to them, they would have listened to you.

akjv@Ezekiel:3:7 @ But the house of Israel will not listen to you; for they will not listen to me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted.

akjv@Ezekiel:4:14 @ Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! behold, my soul has not been polluted: for from my youth up even till now have I not eaten of that which dies of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither came there abominable flesh into my mouth.

akjv@Ezekiel:13:9 @ And my hand shall be on the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and you shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:17:22 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it on an high mountain and eminent:

akjv@Ezekiel:18:2 @ What mean you, that you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children' teeth are set on edge?

akjv@Ezekiel:18:6 @ And has not eaten on the mountains, neither has lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither has defiled his neighbor' wife, neither has come near to a menstruous woman,

akjv@Ezekiel:18:11 @ And that does not any of those duties, but even has eaten on the mountains, and defiled his neighbor' wife,

akjv@Ezekiel:18:15 @ That has not eaten on the mountains, neither has lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, has not defiled his neighbor' wife,

akjv@Ezekiel:20:1 @ And it came to pass in the seventh year, in the fifth month, the tenth day of the month, that certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the LORD, and sat before me.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:8 @ But they rebelled against me, and would not listen to me: they did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt: then I said, I will pour out my fury on them, to accomplish my anger against them in the middle of the land of Egypt.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:39 @ As for you, O house of Israel, thus said the Lord GOD; Go you, serve you every one his idols, and hereafter also, if you will not listen to me: but pollute you my holy name no more with your gifts, and with your idols.

akjv@Ezekiel:22:12 @ In you have they taken gifts to shed blood; you have taken usury and increase, and you have greedily gained of your neighbors by extortion, and have forgotten me, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:22:13 @ Behold, therefore I have smitten my hand at your dishonest gain which you have made, and at your blood which has been in the middle of you.

akjv@Ezekiel:23:35 @ Therefore thus said the Lord GOD; Because you have forgotten me, and cast me behind your back, therefore bear you also your lewdness and your prostitutions.

akjv@Ezekiel:24:1 @ Again in the ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

akjv@Ezekiel:24:11 @ Then set it empty on the coals thereof, that the brass of it may be hot, and may burn, and that the filthiness of it may be molten in it, that the scum of it may be consumed.

akjv@Ezekiel:27:35 @ All the inhabitants of the isles shall be astonished at you, and their kings shall be sore afraid, they shall be troubled in their countenance.

akjv@Ezekiel:28:4 @ With your wisdom and with your understanding you have gotten you riches, and have gotten gold and silver into your treasures:

akjv@Ezekiel:29:1 @ In the tenth year, in the tenth month, in the twelfth day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

akjv@Ezekiel:33:21 @ And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth month, in the fifth day of the month, that one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came to me, saying, The city is smitten.

akjv@Ezekiel:34:18 @ Seems it a small thing to you to have eaten up the good pasture, but you must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but you must foul the residue with your feet?

akjv@Ezekiel:38:12 @ To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn your hand on the desolate places that are now inhabited, and on the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the middle of the land.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:1 @ In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was on me, and brought me thither.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:4 @ And the man said to me, Son of man, behold with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your heart on all that I shall show you; for to the intent that I might show them to you are you brought here: declare all that you see to the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:11 @ And he measured the breadth of the entry of the gate, ten cubits; and the length of the gate, thirteen cubits.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:43 @ And within were hooks, an hand broad, fastened round about: and on the tables was the flesh of the offering.

akjv@Ezekiel:41:2 @ And the breadth of the door was ten cubits; and the sides of the door were five cubits on the one side, and five cubits on the other side: and he measured the length thereof, forty cubits: and the breadth, twenty cubits.

akjv@Ezekiel:42:4 @ And before the chambers was a walk to ten cubits breadth inward, a way of one cubit; and their doors toward the north.

akjv@Ezekiel:42:6 @ For they were in three stories, but had not pillars as the pillars of the courts: therefore the building was straitened more than the lowest and the middlemost from the ground.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:1 @ Moreover, when you shall divide by lot the land for inheritance, you shall offer an oblation to the LORD, an holy portion of the land: the length shall be the length of five and twenty thousand reeds, and the breadth shall be ten thousand. This shall be holy in all the borders thereof round about.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:3 @ And of this measure shall you measure the length of five and twenty thousand, and the breadth of ten thousand: and in it shall be the sanctuary and the most holy place.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:5 @ And the five and twenty thousand of length, and the ten thousand of breadth shall also the Levites, the ministers of the house, have for themselves, for a possession for twenty chambers.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:11 @ The ephah and the bath shall be of one measure, that the bath may contain the tenth part of an homer, and the ephah the tenth part of an homer: the measure thereof shall be after the homer.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:14 @ Concerning the ordinance of oil, the bath of oil, you shall offer the tenth part of a bath out of the cor, which is an homer of ten baths; for ten baths are an homer:

akjv@Ezekiel:45:21 @ In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, you shall have the passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:9 @ The oblation that you shall offer to the LORD shall be of five and twenty thousand in length, and of ten thousand in breadth.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:10 @ And for them, even for the priests, shall be this holy oblation; toward the north five and twenty thousand in length, and toward the west ten thousand in breadth, and toward the east ten thousand in breadth, and toward the south five and twenty thousand in length: and the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the middle thereof.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:13 @ And over against the border of the priests the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:18 @ And the residue in length over against the oblation of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be over against the oblation of the holy portion; and the increase thereof shall be for food to them that serve the city.

akjv@Daniel:1:9 @ Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.

akjv@Daniel:1:12 @ Prove your servants, I beseech you, ten days; and let them give us vegetables to eat, and water to drink.

akjv@Daniel:1:13 @ Then let our countenances be looked on before you, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king' meat: and as you see, deal with your servants.

akjv@Daniel:1:14 @ So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days.

akjv@Daniel:1:15 @ And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king' meat.

akjv@Daniel:1:20 @ And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.

akjv@Daniel:4:15 @ Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth:

akjv@Daniel:4:17 @ This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will, and sets up over it the basest of men.

akjv@Daniel:4:23 @ And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

akjv@Daniel:5:6 @ Then the king' countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.

akjv@Daniel:5:9 @ Then was king Belshazzar greatly troubled, and his countenance was changed in him, and his lords were astonished.

akjv@Daniel:5:10 @ Now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: and the queen spoke and said, O king, live for ever: let not your thoughts trouble you, nor let your countenance be changed:

akjv@Daniel:5:12 @ For as much as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and showing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation.

akjv@Daniel:5:24 @ Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written.

akjv@Daniel:5:25 @ And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.

akjv@Daniel:7:7 @ After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

akjv@Daniel:7:10 @ A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

akjv@Daniel:7:20 @ And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spoke very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

akjv@Daniel:7:24 @ And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

akjv@Daniel:7:28 @ Till now is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart.

akjv@Daniel:8:23 @ And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

akjv@Daniel:9:6 @ Neither have we listened to your servants the prophets, which spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.

akjv@Daniel:9:11 @ Yes, all Israel have transgressed your law, even by departing, that they might not obey your voice; therefore the curse is poured on us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.

akjv@Daniel:9:13 @ As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come on us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand your truth.

akjv@Daniel:9:15 @ And now, O Lord our God, that have brought your people forth out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and have gotten you renown, as at this day; we have sinned, we have done wickedly.

akjv@Daniel:9:19 @ O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, listen and do; defer not, for your own sake, O my God: for your city and your people are called by your name.

akjv@Daniel:10:12 @ Then said he to me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that you did set your heart to understand, and to chasten yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I am come for your words.

akjv@Daniel:11:12 @ And when he has taken away the multitude, his heart shall be lifted up; and he shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it.

akjv@Daniel:12:1 @ And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

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