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OT-PROPHET.filter - drb Two:

drb@Isaiah:6:2 @Upon it stood the seraphims: the one had six wings, and the other had six wings: with two they covered his face, and with two they covered his feet, and with two they hew.

drb@Isaiah:7:4 @And thou shalt say to him: See thou be quiet: fear not, and let not thy heart be afraid of the two tails of these fire brands, smoking with the wrath of the fury of Rasin king of Syria, end of the son of Romelia.

drb@Isaiah:7:16 @For before the child know to refuse the evil, and to choose the good, the land which thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of the face of her two kings

drb@Isaiah:7:21 @And it shall come to pass in that day, that a man shall nourish a young cow, and two sheep.

drb@Isaiah:8:14 @And he shall be a sanctification to you. But for a stone or stumbling, and for a rock of offence to the two houses of Israel, for a snare and a ruin to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

drb@Isaiah:17:6 @And the fruit thereof that shall be left upon it, shall be as one cluster of grapes, and as the shaking of the olive tree, two or three berries in the top of a bough, or four or five upon the top of the tree, saith the Lord the God of Israel.

drb@Isaiah:21:7 @And he saw a chariot with two horsemen, a rider upon an ass, and a rider upon a camel: and he beheld them diligently with much heed.

drb@Isaiah:21:9 @Behold this man cometh, the rider upon the chariot with two horsemen, and he answered, and said: Babylon is fallen, she is fallen, and all the graven gods thereof are broken unto the ground.

drb@Isaiah:22:11 @And you made a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: and you have not looked up to the maker thereof, nor regarded him even at a distance, that wrought it long ago.

drb@Isaiah:36:8 @And now deliver thyself up to my lord the king of the Assyrians, and I will give thee two thousand horses, and thou wilt not be able on thy part to find riders for them.

drb@Isaiah:47:9 @These two things shall come upon thee suddenly in one day, barrenness and widowhood. All things are come upon thee, because of the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great hardness of thy enchanters.

drb@Isaiah:51:19 @There are two things that have happened to thee: who shall be sorry for thee? desolation, and destruction, and the famine, and the sword, who shall comfort thee?

drb@Jeremiah:2:13 @For my people have done two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, and have digged to themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

drb@Jeremiah:3:14 @Return, O ye revolting children, saith the Lord: for I am your husband: and I will take you, one of a city, and two of a kindred, and will bring you into Sion.

drb@Jeremiah:24:1 @The Lord shewed me: and behold two baskets full of figs, set before the temple of the Lord: after that Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had carried away Jechonias the son of Joakim the king of Juda, and his chief men, and the craftsmen, and engravers of Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon.

drb@Jeremiah:28:3 @As yet two years of days, and I will cause all the vessels of the house of the Lord to be brought back into this place, which Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried them to Babylon.

drb@Jeremiah:28:11 @And Hananias spoke in the presence of all the people, saying: Thus saith the Lord: Even so will I break the yoke of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon after two full years from off the neck of all the nations.

drb@Jeremiah:33:24 @Hast thou not seen what this people hath spoken, saying: The two families which the Lord had chosen, are cast off: and they have despised my people, so that it is no more a nation before them?

drb@Jeremiah:34:18 @And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant, and have not performed the words of the covenant which they agreed to in my presence, when they cut the calf in two and passed between the parts thereof:

drb@Jeremiah:39:4 @And when Sedecias the king of Juda and all the men of war saw them, they fled: and they went forth in the night out of the city by the way of the king's garden, and by the gate that was between the two walls, and they went; out to the way of the desert.

drb@Jeremiah:52:7 @And the city was broken up, and the men of war fled, and went out of the city in the night by the way of the gate that is between the two walls, and leadeth to the king's garden, (the Chaldeans besieging the city round about, ) sad they went by the way that leadeth to the wilderness.

drb@Jeremiah:52:20 @And the two pillars, and one sea, and twelve oxen of brass that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the Lord: there was no weight of the brass of all these vessels.

drb@Jeremiah:52:22 @And chapiters of brass were upon both: and the height of one chapiter was five cubits: and network, and pomegranates were upon the chapiters round about, all of brass. The same of the second pillar, and the pomegranates.

drb@Jeremiah:52:23 @And there were ninety-six pomegranates hanging down: and the pomegranates being a hundred in all, were compassed with network.

drb@Jeremiah:52:29 @In the eighteenth year of Nabuchodonosor, eight hundred and thirty-two souls from Jerusalem.

drb@Ezekiel:1:11 @And their faces, and their wings were stretched upward: two wings of every one were joined, and two covered their bodies:

drb@Ezekiel:1:23 @And under the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other, every one with two wings covered his body, and the other was covered in like manner.

drb@Ezekiel:21:19 @And thou son of man, set thee two ways, for the sword of the king of Babylon to come: both shall come forth out of one land: and with his hand he shall draw lots, he shall consult at the head of the way of the city.

drb@Ezekiel:21:21 @For the king of Babylon stood in the highway, at the head of two ways, seeking divination, shuffling arrows: he inquired of the idols, and consulted entrails.

drb@Ezekiel:23:1 @And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Son of man, there were two women, daughters of one mother.

drb@Ezekiel:35:10 @Because thou hast said: The two nations, and the two lands shall be mine, and I will possess them by inheritance: whereas the Lord was there.

drb@Ezekiel:37:22 @And I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king over them all: and they shall no more be two nations, neither shall they be divided any more into two kingdoms.

drb@Ezekiel:40:9 @And he measured the porch of the gate eight cubits, and the front thereof two cubits: and the porch of the gate was inward.

drb@Ezekiel:40:39 @And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side: that the holocaust, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering might be slain thereon.

drb@Ezekiel:40:40 @And on the outward side, which goeth up to the entry of the gate that looketh toward the north, were two tables. and at the other side before the porch of the gate were two tables.

drb@Ezekiel:41:3 @Then going inward he measured the front of the gate two cubits: and the gate six cubits, and the breadth of the gate seven cubits.

drb@Ezekiel:41:18 @And there were cherubims and palm trees wrought, so that a palm tree was between a cherub and a cherub, and every cherub had two faces.

drb@Ezekiel:41:22 @The altar of wood was three cubits high: and the length thereof was two cubits: and the corners thereof, and the length thereof, and the walls thereof were of wood. And he said to me: This is the table before the Lord.

drb@Ezekiel:41:23 @And there were two doors in the temple, and in the sanctuary.

drb@Ezekiel:41:24 @And in the two doors on both sides were two little doors, which were folded within each other: for there were two wickets on both sides of the doors.

drb@Ezekiel:43:15 @And from the bottom of the ground to the lowest brim two cubits, and the breadth of one cubit: and from the lesser brim to the greater brim four cubits, and the breadth of one cubit.

drb@Ezekiel:45:15 @And one ram out of a flock of two hundred, of those that Israel feedeth for sacrifice, and for holocausts, and for peace offerings, to make atonement for them, saith the Lord God.

drb@Ezekiel:48:17 @And the suburbs of the city shall be to the north two hundred and fifty, and to the south two hundred and fifty, and to the east two hundred and fifty, and to the sea two hundred and fifty.

drb@Daniel:5:31 @And Darius the Mede succeeded to the kingdom, being threescore and two years old.

drb@Daniel:8:3 @And I lifted up my eyes, and saw: and behold a ram stood before the water, having two high horns, and one higher than the other, and growing up. Afterward

drb@Daniel:8:7 @And when he was come near the ram, he was enraged against him, and struck the ram: and broke his two horns, and the ram could not withstand him: and when he had cast him down on the ground, he stamped upon him, and none could deliver the ram out of his hand.

drb@Daniel:8:14 @And he said to him: Unto evening and morning two thousand three hundred days: and the sanctuary shall be cleansed.

drb@Daniel:9:25 @Know thou therefore, and take notice: that from the going forth of the word, to build up Jerusalem again, unto Christ the prince, there shall be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks: and the street shall be built again, and the walls in straitness of times.

drb@Daniel:9:26 @And after sixty-two weeks Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny him shall not be his. And a people with their leader that shall come, shall destroy the city and the sanctuary: and the end thereof shall be waste, and after the end of the war the appointed desolation.

drb@Daniel:11:27 @And the heart of the two kings shall be to do evil, and they shall speak lies at one table, and they shall not prosper: because as yet the end is unto another time.

drb@Daniel:12:5 @And I Daniel looked, and behold as it were two others stood: one on this side upon the bank of the river, and another on that side, on the other bank of the river.

drb@Daniel:12:11 @And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days,

drb@Daniel:13:5 @And there were two of the ancients of the people appointed judges that year, of whom the Lord said: Iniquity came out from Babylon from the ancient judges, that seemed to govern the people.

drb@Daniel:13:15 @And it fell out, as they watched a fit day, she went in on a time, as yesterday and the day before, with two maids only, and was desirous to wash herself in the orchard: for it was hot weather

drb@Daniel:13:16 @And there was nobody there, but the two old men that had hid themselves and were beholding her.

drb@Daniel:13:19 @Now when the maids were gone forth, the two elders arose, and ran to her, and said:

drb@Daniel:13:28 @When the people were come to Joakim her husband, the two elders also came full of wicked device against Susanna, to put her to death.

drb@Daniel:13:34 @But the two elders rising up in the midst of the people, laid their hands upon her head.

drb@Daniel:13:36 @And the elders said: As we walked in the orchard alone, this woman came in with two maids, and shut the doors of the orchard, and sent away the maids from her.

drb@Daniel:13:51 @And Daniel said to the people: Separate these two far from one another, and I will examine them.

drb@Daniel:13:55 @And Daniel said: Well hast thou lied against thy own head: for behold the angel of God having received the sentence of him, shall cut thee in two.

drb@Daniel:13:59 @And Daniel said to him: Well hast thou also lied against thy own head: for the angel of the Lord waiteth with a sword to cut thee in two, and to destroy you.

drb@Daniel:13:61 @And they rose up against the two elders, (for Daniel had convicted them of false witness by their own mouth,) and they did to them as they had maliciously dealt against their neighbour,

drb@Daniel:14:31 @And in the den there were seven lions, and they had given to them two carcasses every day, and two sheep: but then they were not given unto them, that they might devour Daniel.

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