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jps@1Chronicles:14:14 @ And David inquired again of God; and God said unto him: 'Thou shalt not go up after them; turn away from them, and come upon them over against the mulberry-trees.

jps@1Chronicles:14:15 @ And it shall be, when thou hearest the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry-trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle; for God is gone out before thee to smite the host of the Philistines.'

jps@1Chronicles:15:29 @ And it came to pass, as the ark of the covenant of the LORD came to the city of David, that Michal the daughter of Saul looked out at the window, and saw king David dancing and making merry; and she despised him in her heart.

jps@1Chronicles:21:30 @ But David could not go before it to inquire of God; for he was terrified because of the sword of the angel of the LORD.

jps@2Chronicles:14:14 @ And they smote all the cities round about Gerar; for a terror from the LORD came upon them; and they spoiled all the cities; for there was much spoil in them.

jps@2Chronicles:17:10 @ And a terror from the LORD fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were round about Judah, so that they made no war against Jehoshaphat.

jps@2Chronicles:20:29 @ And a terror from God was on all the kingdoms of the countries, when they heard that the LORD fought against the enemies of Israel.

jps@2Chronicles:32:18 @ And they cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language unto the people of Jerusalem that were on the wall, to terrify them, and to affright them; that they might take the city.

jps@2Chronicles:33:9 @ And Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, so that they did evil more than did the nations, whom the LORD destroyed before the children of Israel.

jps@Esther:1:10 @ On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Bizzetha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven chamberlains that ministered in the presence of Ahasuerus the king,

jps@Esther:5:14 @ Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends unto him: 'Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high, and in the morning speak thou unto the king that Mordecai may be hanged thereon; then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet.' And the thing pleased Haman; and he caused the gallows to be made.

jps@Esther:7:6 @ And Esther said: 'An adversary and an enemy, even this wicked Haman.' Then Haman was terrified before the king and the queen.

jps@Job:3:5 @ Let darkness and the shadow of death claim it for their own; let a cloud dwell upon it; let all that maketh black the day terrify it.

jps@Job:6:4 @ For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof my spirit drinketh up; the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me.

jps@Job:6:21 @ For now ye are become His; ye see a terror, and are afraid.

jps@Job:6:24 @ Teach me, and I will hold my peace; and cause me to understand wherein I have erred.

jps@Job:7:14 @ Then Thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions;

jps@Job:9:34 @ Let Him take His rod away from me, and let not His terror make me afraid;

jps@Job:13:11 @ Shall not His majesty terrify you, and His dread fall upon you?

jps@Job:13:21 @ Withdraw Thy hand far from me; and let not Thy terror make me afraid.

jps@Job:15:21 @ A sound of terrors is in his ears: in prosperity the destroyer shall come upon him.

jps@Job:18:11 @ Terrors shall overwhelm him on every side, and shall entrap him at his feet.

jps@Job:18:14 @ That wherein he trusteth shall be plucked out of his tent; and he shall be brought to the king of terrors.

jps@Job:19:4 @ And be it indeed that I have erred, mine error remaineth with myself.

jps@Job:20:25 @ He draweth it forth, and it cometh out of his body; yea, the glittering point cometh out of his gall; terrors are upon him.

jps@Job:24:17 @ For the shadow of death is to all of them as the morning; for they know the terrors of the shadow of death.

jps@Job:27:20 @ Terrors overtake him like waters; a tempest stealeth him away in the night.

jps@Job:30:15 @ Terrors are turned upon me, they chase mine honour as the wind; and my welfare is passed away as a cloud.

jps@Job:31:23 @ For calamity from God was a terror to me, and by reason of His majesty I could do nothing.

jps@Job:31:34 @ Because I feared the great multitude, and the most contemptible among families terrified me, so that I kept silence, and went not out of the door.

jps@Job:33:7 @ Behold, my terror shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my pressure be heavy upon thee.

jps@Job:37:22 @ Out of the north cometh golden splendour, about God is terrible majesty.

jps@Job:39:20 @ Hast thou made him to leap as a locust? The glory of his snorting is terrible.

jps@Job:41:14 @ Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror.

jps@Psalms:9:20 @ Set terror over them, O LORD; let the nations know they are but men. Selah

jps@Psalms:10:18 @ To right the fatherless and the oppressed, that man who is of the earth may be terrible no more.

jps@Psalms:19:12 @ Who can discern his errors? Clear Thou me from hidden faults.

jps@Psalms:31:13 @ For I have heard the whispering of many, terror on every side; while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.

jps@Psalms:55:4 @ My heart doth writhe within me; and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.

jps@Psalms:64:1 @ Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; preserve my life from the terror of the enemy.

jps@Psalms:66:5 @ Come, and see the works of God; He is terrible in His doing toward the children of men.

jps@Psalms:73:19 @ How are they become a desolation in a moment! They are wholly consumed by terrors.

jps@Psalms:76:7 @ Thou, even Thou, art terrible; and who may stand in Thy sight when once Thou art angry?

jps@Psalms:76:12 @ He minisheth the spirit of princes; He is terrible to the kings of the earth.

jps@Psalms:78:33 @ Therefore He ended their days as a breath, and their years in terror.

jps@Psalms:88:15 @ I am afflicted and at the point of death from my youth up; I have borne Thy terrors, I am distracted.

jps@Psalms:88:16 @ Thy fierce wrath is gone over me; Thy terrors have cut me off.

jps@Psalms:91:5 @ Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flieth by day;

jps@Psalms:95:10 @ For forty years was I wearied with that generation, and said: It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known My ways;

jps@Psalms:106:22 @ Wondrous works in the land of Ham, terrible things by the Red Sea.

jps@Psalms:119:10 @ With my whole heart have I sought Thee; O let me not err from Thy commandments.

jps@Psalms:119:21 @ Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, that do err from Thy commandments.

jps@Psalms:119:67 @ Before I was afflicted, I did err; but now I observe Thy word.

jps@Psalms:119:118 @ Thou hast made light of all them that err from Thy statutes; for their deceit is vain.

jps@Proverbs:3:25 @ Be not afraid of sudden terror, neither of the destruction of the wicked, when it cometh;

jps@Proverbs:10:17 @ He is in the way of life that heedeth instruction; but he that forsaketh reproof erreth.

jps@Proverbs:13:12 @ Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

jps@Proverbs:15:13 @ A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance; but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.

jps@Proverbs:15:15 @ All the days of the poor are evil; but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

jps@Proverbs:17:22 @ A merry heart is a good medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

jps@Proverbs:19:27 @ Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge.

jps@Proverbs:20:2 @ The terror of a king is as the roaring of a lion: he that provoketh him to anger forfeiteth his life.

jps@Ecclesiastes:5:6 @ Suffer not thy mouth to bring thy flesh into guilt, neither say thou before the messenger, that it was an error; wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thy hands?

jps@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @ So I commended mirth, that a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry, and that this should accompany him in his labour all the days of his life which God hath given him under the sun.

jps@Ecclesiastes:9:7 @ Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God hath already accepted thy works.

jps@Ecclesiastes:10:5 @ There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, like an error which proceedeth from a ruler:

jps@Ecclesiastes:12:5 @ Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and terrors shall be in the way; and the almond-tree shall blossom, and the grasshopper shall drag itself along, and the caperberry shall fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets;

jps@Songs:6:4 @ Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners.

jps@Songs:6:10 @ Who is she that looketh forth as the dawn, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?

jps@Isaiah:2:10 @ Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, from before the terror of the LORD, and from the glory of His majesty.

jps@Isaiah:2:19 @ And men shall go into the caves of the rocks, and into the holes of the earth, from before the terror of the LORD, and from the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake mightily the earth.

jps@Isaiah:2:21 @ To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the crevices of the crags, from before the terror of the LORD, and from the glory of His majesty, when he ariseth to shake mightily the earth.

jps@Isaiah:3:12 @ As for My people, a babe is their master, and women rule over them. O My people, they that lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

jps@Isaiah:9:16 @ For they that lead this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

jps@Isaiah:10:33 @ Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, shall lop the boughs with terror; and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the lofty shall be laid low.

jps@Isaiah:13:21 @ But wild-cats shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of ferrets; and ostriches shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.

jps@Isaiah:17:6 @ Yet there shall be left therein gleanings, as at the beating of an olive-tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the branches of the fruitful tree, saith the LORD, the God of Israel.

jps@Isaiah:17:14 @ At eventide behold terror; and before the morning they are not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

jps@Isaiah:18:2 @ That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of papyrus upon the waters! Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation tall and of glossy skin, to a people terrible from their beginning onward; a nation that is sturdy and treadeth down, whose land the rivers divide!

jps@Isaiah:18:7 @ In that time shall a present be brought unto the LORD of hosts of a people tall and of glossy skin, and from a people terrible from their beginning onward; a nation that is sturdy and treadeth down, whose land the rivers divide, to the place of the name of the LORD of hosts, the mount Zion.

jps@Isaiah:19:17 @ And the land of Judah shall become a terror unto Egypt, whensoever one maketh mention thereof to it; it shall be afraid, because of the purpose of the LORD of hosts, which He purposeth against it.

jps@Isaiah:21:4 @ My heart is bewildered, terror hath overwhelmed me; the twilight that I longed for hath been turned for me into trembling.

jps@Isaiah:24:7 @ The new wine faileth, the vine fadeth; all the merry-hearted do sigh.

jps@Isaiah:24:17 @ Terror, and the pit, and the trap, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.

jps@Isaiah:24:18 @ And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the terror shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the trap; for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth do shake;

jps@Isaiah:25:3 @ Therefore shall the strong people glorify Thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear Thee.

jps@Isaiah:25:4 @ For Thou hast been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat; for the blast of the terrible ones was as a storm against the wall.

jps@Isaiah:25:5 @ As the heat in a dry place, Thou didst subdue the noise of strangers; as the heat by the shadow of a cloud, the song of the terrible ones was brought low.

jps@Isaiah:28:19 @ As often as it passeth through, it shall take you; for morning by morning shall it pass through, by day and by night; and it shall be sheer terror to understand the message.

jps@Isaiah:29:5 @ But the multitude of thy foes shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones as chaff that passeth away; yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly--

jps@Isaiah:29:20 @ For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner ceaseth, and all they that watch for iniquity are cut off;

jps@Isaiah:29:24 @ They also that err in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmur shall learn instruction.

jps@Isaiah:30:28 @ And His breath is as an overflowing stream, that divideth even unto the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of destruction; and a bridle that causeth to err shall be in the jaws of the peoples.

jps@Isaiah:31:9 @ And his rock shall pass away by reason of terror, and his princes shall be dismayed at the ensign, saith the LORD, whose fire is in Zion, and His furnace in Jerusalem.

jps@Isaiah:33:18 @ Thy heart shall muse on the terror: 'Where is he that counted, where is he that weighed? Where is he that counted the towers?'

jps@Isaiah:35:8 @ And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those; the wayfaring men, yea fools, shall not err therein.

jps@Isaiah:49:25 @ But thus saith the LORD: Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; and I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.

jps@Isaiah:63:17 @ O LORD, why dost Thou make us to err from Thy ways, and hardenest our heart from Thy fear? Return for Thy servants' sake, the tribes of Thine inheritance.

jps@Isaiah:65:23 @ They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for terror; for they are the seed blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.

jps@Jeremiah:6:25 @ Go not forth into the field, nor walk by the way; for there is the sword of the enemy, and terror on every side.

jps@Jeremiah:8:15 @ We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of healing, and behold terror!'

jps@Jeremiah:14:19 @ Hast Thou utterly rejected Judah? Hath Thy soul loathed Zion? Why hast Thou smitten us, and there is no healing for us? We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of healing, and behold terror!

jps@Jeremiah:15:8 @ Their widows are increased to Me above the sand of the seas; I bring upon them, against the mother, a chosen one, even a spoiler at noonday; I cause anguish and terrors to fall upon her suddenly.

jps@Jeremiah:15:17 @ I sat not in the assembly of them that make merry, nor rejoiced; I sat alone because of Thy hand; for Thou hast filled me with indignation.

jps@Jeremiah:15:21 @ And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible.

jps@Jeremiah:20:4 @ For thus saith the LORD: Behold, I will make thee a terror to thyself, and to all thy friends; and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it; and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive to Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword.

jps@Jeremiah:20:10 @ For I have heard the whispering of many, terror on every side: 'Denounce, and we will denounce him'; even of all my familiar friends, them that watch for my halting: 'Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.'

jps@Jeremiah:23:13 @ And I have seen unseemliness in the prophets of Samaria: they prophesied by Baal, and caused My people Israel to err.

jps@Jeremiah:23:32 @ Behold, I am against them that prophesy lying dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause My people to err by their lies, and by their wantonness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them; neither can they profit this people at all, saith the LORD.

jps@Jeremiah:30:19 @ And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry; and I will multiply them, and they shall not be diminished, I will also increase them, and they shall not dwindle away.

jps@Jeremiah:31:4 @ Again will I build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel; again shalt thou be adorned with thy tabrets, and shalt go forth in the dances of them that make merry.

jps@Jeremiah:32:21 @ and didst bring forth Thy people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terror;

jps@Jeremiah:46:5 @ Wherefore do I see them dismayed and turned backward? and their mighty ones are beaten down, and they are fled apace, and look not back; terror is on every side, saith the LORD.

jps@Jeremiah:48:43 @ Terror, and the pit, and the trap, are upon thee, O inhabitant of Moab, saith the LORD.

jps@Jeremiah:48:44 @ He that fleeth from the terror shall fall into the pit; and he that getteth up out of the pit shall be taken in the trap; for I will bring upon her, even upon Moab, the year of their visitation, saith the LORD.

jps@Jeremiah:49:5 @ Behold, I will bring a terror upon thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts, from all that are round about thee; and ye shall be driven out every man right forth, and there shall be none to gather up him that wandereth.

jps@Jeremiah:49:16 @ Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, even the pride of thy heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill; though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD.

jps@Jeremiah:49:29 @ Their tents and their flocks shall they take, they shall carry away for themselves their curtains, and all their vessels, and their camels; and they shall proclaim against them a terror on every side.

jps@Lamentations:2:22 @ Thou hast called, as in the day of a solemn assembly, my terrors on every side, and there was none in the day of the LORD'S anger that escaped or remained; those that I have dandled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed.'

jps@Lamentations:3:47 @ Terror and the pit are come upon us, desolation and destruction.

jps@Ezekiel:1:22 @ And over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of a firmament, like the colour of the terrible ice, stretched forth over their heads above.

jps@Ezekiel:26:17 @ And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee: how art thou destroyed, that wast peopled from the seas, the renowned city, that wast strong in the sea, thou and thy inhabitants, that caused your terror to be on all that inhabit the earth!

jps@Ezekiel:26:21 @ I will make thee a terror, and thou shalt be no more; though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou never be found again, saith the Lord GOD.'

jps@Ezekiel:27:36 @ The merchants among the peoples hiss at thee; thou art become a terror, and never shalt be any more.'

jps@Ezekiel:28:7 @ Therefore, behold, I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness.

jps@Ezekiel:28:19 @ All they that know thee among the peoples shall be appalled at thee; thou art become a terror, and thou shalt never be any more.'

jps@Ezekiel:30:11 @ He and his people with him, the terrible of the nations, shall be brought in to destroy the land; and they shall draw their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain.

jps@Ezekiel:31:12 @ And strangers, the terrible of the nations, do cut him off, and cast him down; upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs lie broken in all the channels of the land; and all the peoples of the earth do go down from his shadow, and do leave him.

jps@Ezekiel:32:12 @ By the swords of the mighty will I cause thy multitude to fall; the terrible of the nations are they all; and they shall spoil the pride of Egypt, and all the multitude thereof shall be destroyed.

jps@Ezekiel:32:23 @ whose graves are set in the uttermost parts of the pit, and her company is round about her grave; all of them slain, fallen by the sword, who caused terror in the land of the living.

jps@Ezekiel:32:24 @ There is Elam and all her multitude round about her grave; all of them slain, fallen by the sword, who are gone down uncircumcised into the nether parts of the earth, who caused their terror in the land of the living; yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit.

jps@Ezekiel:32:25 @ They have set her a bed in the midst of the slain with all her multitude; her graves are round about them; all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword; because their terror was caused in the land of the living, yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit; they are put in the midst of them that are slain.

jps@Ezekiel:32:26 @ There is Meshech, Tubal, and all her multitude; her graves are round about them; all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword; because they caused their terror in the land of the living.

jps@Ezekiel:32:27 @ And they that are inferior to the uncircumcised shall not lie with the mighty that are gone down to the nether-world with their weapons of war, whose swords are laid under their heads, and whose iniquities are upon their bones; because the terror of the mighty was in the land of the living.

jps@Ezekiel:32:30 @ There are the princes of the north, all of them, and all the Zidonians, who are gone down with the slain, ashamed for all the terror which they caused by their might, and they lie uncircumcised with them that are slain by the sword, and bear their shame with them that go down to the pit.

jps@Ezekiel:32:32 @ For I have put My terror in the land of the living; and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised, with them that are slain by the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.'

jps@Ezekiel:45:20 @ And so thou shalt do on the seventh day of the month for every one that erreth, and for him that is simple; so shall ye make atonement for the house.

jps@Daniel:2:31 @ Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This image, which was mighty, and whose brightness was surpassing, stood before thee; and the appearance thereof was terrible.

jps@Daniel:6:4 @ Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

jps@Daniel:7:7 @ After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with its feet; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

jps@Daniel:7:19 @ Then I desired to know the truth concerning the fourth beast, which was diverse from all of them, exceeding terrible, whose teeth were of iron, and its nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with its feet;

jps@Daniel:8:17 @ So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I was terrified, and fell upon my face; but he said unto me: 'Understand, O son of man; for the vision belongeth to the time of the end.'

jps@Daniel:11:21 @ And in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, upon whom had not been conferred the majesty of the kingdom; but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by blandishments.

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