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mkjv@Isaiah:5:8 @ Woe [to] those who join house to house, laying field to field, until the end of space, and you are made to dwell alone in the middle of the land!

mkjv@Isaiah:7:3 @ Then the LORD said to Isaiah, Go out now to meet Ahaz, you and Shear-jashub your son, at the end of the conduit of the upper pool in the highway of the Fuller's Field.

mkjv@Isaiah:10:18 @ And it shall burn up the glory of his forest and of his fruitful field, both soul and body; and they shall be as when a sick one faints.

mkjv@Isaiah:16:8 @ For Heshbon's fields droop, the vine of Sibmah. The lords of the nations have crushed its choice plants, they have come to Jazer, they wander [in] the desert; her branches are stretched out, they have crossed the sea.

mkjv@Isaiah:16:10 @ And gladness and joy are gathered out of the plentiful field; and in the vineyards there is no singing and no shouting. The treader shall tread out no wine in the presses; I have made their shouting to cease.

mkjv@Isaiah:29:17 @ [Is] it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be counted as a forest?

mkjv@Isaiah:32:12 @ They shall mourn for the breasts, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine.

mkjv@Isaiah:32:15 @ until the Spirit is poured on us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is thought to be a forest.

mkjv@Isaiah:32:16 @ Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field.

mkjv@Isaiah:36:2 @ And the king of Assyria sent the chief of the cupbearers from Lachish to Jerusalem, to king Hezekiah with a great army. And he stood by the conduit of the upper pool in the highway of the Fuller's Field.

mkjv@Isaiah:37:27 @ And their inhabitants [were] short of hand; dismayed and ashamed. They were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, [as] the grass on the housetops, even grain blasted before it has risen.

mkjv@Isaiah:40:6 @ The voice said, Cry! And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh [is] grass, and all the beauty of it [is] as the flower of the field.

mkjv@Isaiah:43:20 @ The beasts of the field shall honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches; because I give waters in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen.

mkjv@Isaiah:55:12 @ For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break out before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap [their] hands.

mkjv@Isaiah:56:9 @ All beasts of the field, come to devour, all beasts in the forest.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:17 @ Like watchmen of a field, they are against her all around; because she rebelled against Me, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:6:12 @ And their houses shall be turned to others, together [with their] fields and wives; for I will stretch out My hand on the people of the land, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:6:25 @ Do not go out into the field, nor walk by the way; for the sword of the enemy [and] fear [are] on every side.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:20 @ Therefore so says the Jehovah God; Behold, My anger and My fury shall be poured out on this place, on man, and on animal, and on the trees of the field, and on the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be put out.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:10 @ Therefore I will give their wives to others, [and] their fields to those who shall inherit [them], for everyone from the least even to the greatest cuts off a profit. From the prophet even to the priest everyone deals falsely.

mkjv@Jeremiah:9:22 @ Speak, So says the LORD, Even the bodies of men shall fall as dung on the open field, and as the fallen grain after the reaper; and none shall gather [them].

mkjv@Jeremiah:12:4 @ How long shall the land mourn, and the grass of every field wither from the evil of those who dwell in it? The beasts and the birds have been destroyed, because they said, He shall not see our last end.

mkjv@Jeremiah:12:9 @ My inheritance [is like] a speckled bird to Me; the birds all around [are] against her. Go, gather all the beasts of the field, bring them to devour.

mkjv@Jeremiah:13:27 @ I have seen your adulteries, and your neighings, the wickedness of your fornication, [and] your abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! Will you not be made clean? How long [will it] still [be]?

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:5 @ Yea, the doe also calved in the field and forsook [it], because [there was] no grass.

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:18 @ If I go out into the field, then I see those killed with the sword! And if I enter into the city, then, behold, sicknesses of famine! Yes, both the prophet and the priest have gone up into a land that they do not know.

mkjv@Jeremiah:17:3 @ O My mountain in the field, I will give your wealth [and] all your treasures for prey, and your high places for sin, throughout all your borders.

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:14 @ Does the snow of Lebanon forsake the rock of the field? [Or] shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken?

mkjv@Jeremiah:26:18 @ Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spoke to all the people of Judah, saying, So says Jehovah of hosts: Zion shall be plowed [like] a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house like the high places of a forest.

mkjv@Jeremiah:27:6 @ And now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant. And I have also given him the beast of the field to serve him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:28:14 @ For so says Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. And they shall serve him. And I have given him the beasts of the field also.

mkjv@Jeremiah:31:40 @ And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields to the torrent of Kidron, to the corner of the Horse Gate toward the east, [shall be] holy to the LORD. It shall not be plucked up nor thrown down any more forever.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:7 @ Behold, Hanameel the son of Shallum your uncle shall come to you, saying, Buy for yourself my field in Anathoth; for the right to redeem it [is] yours, to buy [it].

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:8 @ So Hanameel my uncle's son came to me in the court of the prison according to the word of the LORD and said to me, Please buy my field in Anathoth, which [is] in the land of Benjamin; for the right of inheritance [is] yours, and the right to redeem [is] yours. Buy [it] for yourself. Then I knew that this [was] the word of the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:9 @ And I bought the field in Anathoth, of Hanameel my uncle's son, and weighed him the silver, seventeen shekels of silver.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:15 @ For so says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Houses and fields and vineyards shall be owned again in this land.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:25 @ And You have said to me, O Lord Jehovah, Buy the field for money, and take witnesses; for the city is given into the hands of the Chaldeans.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:43 @ And fields shall be bought in this land of which you say, [It is] a desert without man or beast; it is given into the hand of the Chaldeans.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:44 @ Men shall buy fields for silver, and write it in a book, and seal [it], and take witnesses in the land of Benjamin, and in the places around Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, and in the cities of the mountains, and in the cities of the valley, and in the cities of the south. For I will cause their captivity to return, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:35:9 @ nor to build houses for us to live in. Nor do we have vineyard, nor field, nor seed.

mkjv@Jeremiah:39:10 @ But Nebuzaradan, the chief of the executioners, left [some] of the poor people, who had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields on that day.

mkjv@Jeremiah:40:7 @ And when all the commanders of the forces who [were] in the fields, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam governor in the land, and had entrusted to him men, and women, and children, and [many] of the poor of the land, of those who [were] not exiled to Babylon;

mkjv@Jeremiah:40:13 @ And Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the commanders of the forces that [were] in the fields, came to Gedaliah to Mizpah.

mkjv@Jeremiah:41:8 @ But ten men were found among them who said to Ishmael, Do not kill us, for we have treasures in the field, of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of honey. So he held back and did not kill them among their brothers.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:33 @ And joy and gladness is taken from the plentiful field, and from the land of Moab. And I have caused wine to fail from the winepresses; none shall tread [the grapes] with shouting; [their] shouting [shall be] no shouting.

mkjv@Lamentations:4:9 @ Better [are] the ones slain by the sword than the ones slain by hunger; those who pine away, pierced because the fruits of my fields [failed].

mkjv@Ezekiel:7:15 @ The sword [is] outside, and the plague and the famine inside. He who [is] in the field shall die with the sword; and he in the city shall be devoured by famine and plague.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:5 @ No eye pitied you, to do any of these to you, to have compassion on you. But you were thrown out into the open field, because your life was despised in the day that you were born.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:7 @ I have caused you to multiply like the bud of the field, and you are grown, and you are great; and you come [in] the finest ornaments. [Your] breasts are formed, and hair is grown, yet you [were] naked and bare.

mkjv@Ezekiel:17:5 @ He also took of the seed of the land and planted it in a fruitful field. He placed [it] by great waters and set [it] as a willow tree.

mkjv@Ezekiel:17:24 @ And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish. I the LORD have spoken and acted.

mkjv@Ezekiel:20:46 @ Son of man, set your face toward the south, and drop a [word] toward the south, and prophesy against the forest of the south field.

mkjv@Ezekiel:26:6 @ And her daughters who [are] in the field shall be killed by the sword; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD.

mkjv@Ezekiel:26:8 @ He shall kill your daughters with the sword in the field. And he shall make siege walls against you, and pour out a siege mound against you, and lift up the shield against you.

mkjv@Ezekiel:29:5 @ And I will leave you [to] the wilderness, you and all the fish of your rivers. You shall fall on the open fields; you shall not be removed nor gathered. I have given you for food to the beasts of the field and to the birds of the heavens.

mkjv@Ezekiel:31:4 @ The waters made him great; the deep set him up on high with her rivers running all around his plants, and sent out her little channels to all the trees of the field.

mkjv@Ezekiel:31:5 @ So his height was lifted up above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the many waters, when he sent out.

mkjv@Ezekiel:31:6 @ All the birds of the heavens nested in his boughs, and under his branches all the beasts of the field bore their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations.

mkjv@Ezekiel:31:13 @ On his ruin shall all the birds of the heavens remain, and all the beasts of the field shall be on his branches,

mkjv@Ezekiel:31:15 @ So says the Lord Jehovah: In the day when he went down to the grave, I caused a mourning. I covered the deep for him, and I held back its floods, and the great waters were held back. And I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted because of him.

mkjv@Ezekiel:32:4 @ And I will leave you on the land; I will cast you on the face of the field, and cause all the birds of the heavens to remain on you, and I will fill the beasts of all the earth with you.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:27 @ Speak to them in this way, So says the Lord Jehovah: [As] I live, surely those who [are] in the ruins shall fall by the sword, and I will give him who [is] in the open field to the beasts to be eaten up, and those in the forts and in the caves shall die of the plague.

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:5 @ And they were scattered for lack of a shepherd. And they became food to all the beasts of the field when they were scattered.

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:8 @ [As] I live, says the Lord Jehovah, surely because My flock became a prey, and My flock became food to every beast of the field, because [there was] no shepherd, nor did My shepherds search [for] My flock, but the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock,

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:27 @ And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase. And they shall be safe in their land, and they shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and have delivered them out of the hands of those who enslaved them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:36:30 @ And I will multiply the fruits of the tree and the increase of the field, so that you shall never again receive the curse of famine among the nations.

mkjv@Ezekiel:38:20 @ so that the fish of the sea, and the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep on the earth, and all the men on the face of the earth, shall quake at My presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:4 @ You shall fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your bands, and the people with you. I will give you for food to the birds of prey of every kind, and [to] the beasts of the field.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:5 @ You shall fall on the face of the field, for I have spoken, says the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:10 @ so that they shall take no wood out of the field, nor cut down [any] out of the forests for they shall burn the weapons for fire. And they shall plunder those who plundered them, and rob those who robbed them, says the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:17 @ And you, son of man, So says the Lord Jehovah. Speak to the bird of every wing, and to every beast of the field: Gather yourselves and come; gather yourselves from all around to My sacrifice that I sacrifice for you, a great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, so that you may eat flesh and drink blood.

mkjv@Daniel:2:38 @ And wherever the sons of men, the beasts of the field, and the birds of the heavens live, He has given [them] into your hand, and has made you ruler over them all. You are this head of gold.

mkjv@Daniel:4:12 @ Its leaves [were] beautiful, and its fruit plentiful, and in it [was] food for all. The animals of the field sought shade under it, and the birds of the heavens lived in its boughs, and all flesh was fed by it.

mkjv@Daniel:4:15 @ But leave the stump of its roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and bronze, in the tender grass of the field. And let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let its portion [be] with the animals in the grass of the earth.

mkjv@Daniel:4:21 @ whose leaves were fair, and its fruit plentiful, and in it [was] food for all, under which the animals of the field dwelt, and on whose branches the birds of the heavens had their home;

mkjv@Daniel:4:23 @ And as the king saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from Heaven, and saying, Cut the tree down and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots of it in the earth, even with a band of iron and bronze, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and [let] his portion [be] with the animals of the field, until seven times pass over him;

mkjv@Daniel:4:25 @ They shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the animals of the field, and they shall make you eat grass like oxen. And they shall wet you [with] the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He will.

mkjv@Daniel:4:32 @ And they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the animals of the field. They shall make you eat grass like oxen, and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He will.

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