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OT-PROPHET.filter - web keep:

web@Isaiah:7:4 @ Tell him, 'Be careful, and keep calm. Don't be afraid, neither let your heart be faint because of these two tails of smoking torches, for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.

web@Isaiah:7:21 @ It shall happen in that day that a man shall keep alive a young cow, and two sheep;

web@Isaiah:26:2 @ Open the gates, that the righteous nation may enter: the one which keeps faith.

web@Isaiah:26:3 @ You will keep whoever's mind is steadfast in perfect peace, because he trusts in you.

web@Isaiah:27:3 @ I, Yahweh, am its keeper. I will water it every moment. Lest anyone damage it, I will keep it night and day.

web@Isaiah:28:24 @ Does he who plows to sow plow continually? Does he keep turning the soil and breaking the clods?

web@Isaiah:41:1 @ "Keep silent before me, islands, and let the peoples renew their strength. Let them come near, then let them speak. Let's meet together for judgment.

web@Isaiah:42:6 @ "I, Yahweh, have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand, and will keep you, and make you a covenant for the people, as a light for the nations;

web@Isaiah:56:1 @ Thus says Yahweh, "Keep justice, and do righteousness; for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.

web@Isaiah:56:2 @ Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who holds it fast; who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil."

web@Isaiah:56:4 @ For thus says Yahweh, "To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and hold fast my covenant:

web@Isaiah:56:6 @ Also the foreigners who join themselves to Yahweh, to minister to him, and to love the name of Yahweh, to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and holds fast my covenant;

web@Isaiah:65:6 @ "Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, yes, I will recompense into their bosom,

web@Jeremiah:3:5 @ "'Will he retain his anger forever? Will he keep it to the end?' Behold, you have spoken and have done evil things, and have had your way."

web@Jeremiah:3:12 @ Go, and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, 'Return, you backsliding Israel,' says Yahweh; 'I will not look in anger on you; for I am merciful,' says Yahweh. 'I will not keep anger forever.

web@Jeremiah:4:17 @ As keepers of a field, they are against her all around, because she has been rebellious against me,'" says Yahweh.

web@Jeremiah:31:10 @ Hear the word of Yahweh, you nations, and declare it in the islands afar off; and say, He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as shepherd does his flock.

web@Jeremiah:35:4 @ and I brought them into the house of Yahweh, into the room of the sons of Hanan the son of Igdaliah, the man of God, which was by the room of the princes, which was above the room of Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the keeper of the threshold.

web@Jeremiah:42:4 @ Then Jeremiah the prophet said to them, I have heard you; behold, I will pray to Yahweh your God according to your words; and it shall happen that whatever thing Yahweh shall answer you, I will declare it to you; I will keep nothing back from you.

web@Jeremiah:48:10 @ Cursed is he who does the work of Yahweh negligently; and cursed is he who keeps back his sword from blood.

web@Jeremiah:52:16 @ But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poorest of the land to be vineyard keepers and farmers.

web@Jeremiah:52:24 @ The captain of the guard took Seraiah the chief priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, and the three keepers of the threshold:

web@Lamentations:2:10 @ The elders of the daughter of Zion sit on the ground, they keep silence; They have cast up dust on their heads; they have clothed themselves with sackcloth: The virgins of Jerusalem hang down their heads to the ground.

web@Lamentations:3:28 @ Let him sit alone and keep silence, because he has laid it on him.

web@Ezekiel:11:20 @ that they may walk in my statutes, and keep my ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.

web@Ezekiel:17:14 @ that the kingdom might be base, that it might not lift itself up, but that by keeping his covenant it might stand.

web@Ezekiel:18:21 @ But if the wicked turn from all his sins that he has committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

web@Ezekiel:20:13 @ But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they didn't walk in my statutes, and they rejected my ordinances, which if a man keep, he shall live in them; and my Sabbaths they greatly profaned. Then I said I would pour out my wrath on them in the wilderness, to consume them.

web@Ezekiel:20:19 @ I am Yahweh your God: walk in my statutes, and keep my ordinances, and do them;

web@Ezekiel:36:27 @ I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep my ordinances, and do them.

web@Ezekiel:40:45 @ He said to me, This room, whose prospect is toward the south, is for the priests, the keepers of the duty of the house;

web@Ezekiel:40:46 @ and the room whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the duty of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok, who from among the sons of Levi come near to Yahweh to minister to him.

web@Ezekiel:43:11 @ If they be ashamed of all that they have done, make known to them the form of the house, and its fashion, and its exits, and its entrances, and all its forms, and all its ordinances, and all its forms, and all its laws; and write it in their sight; that they may keep the whole form of it, and all its ordinances, and do them.

web@Ezekiel:44:16 @ they shall enter into my sanctuary, and they shall come near to my table, to minister to me, and they shall keep my instruction.

web@Ezekiel:44:24 @ In a controversy they shall stand to judge; according to my ordinances shall they judge it: and they shall keep my laws and my statutes in all my appointed feasts; and they shall make my Sabbaths holy.

web@Daniel:9:4 @ I prayed to Yahweh my God, and made confession, and said, Oh, Lord, the great and dreadful God, who keeps covenant and loving kindness with those who love him and keep his commandments,

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