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lesserot@Isaiah:1:18 @ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins should be as scarlet, they shall become white as the snow; though they should be red like crimson, they shall become like wool.

lesserot@Isaiah:2:3 @ And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us of his ways, and we may walk in his paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem.

lesserot@Isaiah:2:5 @ O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.

lesserot@Isaiah:3:6 @ When a man will seize hold on his brother in the house of his father, Thou hast a garment, thou shalt be our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand:

lesserot@Isaiah:3:19 @ The drops, and the bracelets, and the mufflers,

lesserot@Isaiah:3:20 @ The bonnets, and the foot–chains, and the head–bands, and the tablets, and the earrings,

lesserot@Isaiah:4:1 @ And seven women shall take hold of one man on that day, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, take but away our reproach.

lesserot@Isaiah:5:5 @ And now I will let you know also what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it shall be eaten off; I will break down its wall, and it shall be trodden down;

lesserot@Isaiah:5:19 @ That say, Let him make speed, let him hasten his work, that we may see it: and let draw nigh and come the counsel of the Holy One of Israel, that we may know it!

lesserot@Isaiah:5:29 @ It hath a roar like the lioness, it roareth like the young lions: yea, it growleth, and layeth hold of the prey, and carrieth it safely off, with none to deliver.

lesserot@Isaiah:7:4 @ And thou shalt say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, and let thy heart not become faint because of these two stumps of smoking firebrands, before the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the son of Remalyahu.

lesserot@Isaiah:7:6 @ Let us go up against Judah, and besiege it, and let us make a breach therein for us, and set up as king in the midst of it the son of Tabeal:

lesserot@Isaiah:8:1 @ And the Lord said unto me, Take thyself a large table, and write on it with distinct letters, Lemaher–shalal–chash–bas.

lesserot@Isaiah:8:13 @ The Lord of hosts, him shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let him be your terror.

lesserot@Isaiah:8:18 @ Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for tokens in Israel, from the Lord of hosts who dwelleth on mount Zion.

lesserot@Isaiah:10:12 @ Wherefore shall it come to pass, that when the Lord hath completed all his work on mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the haughtiness of the king of Asshur, and the vain–glory of his proud looks.

lesserot@Isaiah:10:23 @ For it is completed and decreed: the Lord, the Eternal of hosts will do it in the midst of all the land.

lesserot@Isaiah:10:29 @ They go through the pass; they take up their lodging at Geba’; Ramah trembleth; Gib’ah of Saul fleeth.

lesserot@Isaiah:10:30 @ Let thy voice resound, O daughter of Gallim; listen Layshah; O poor ‘Anathoth!

lesserot@Isaiah:13:8 @ And they shall be affrighted, pangs and pains shall seize on them; they shall have throes as a woman that travaileth; one at the other shall they look amazed; red like flames shall their faces glow.

lesserot@Isaiah:13:20 @ It shall not be inhabited for ever, and it shall not be dwelt in from generation to generation; nor shall the Arabian pitch there his tent; and shepherds shall not let their flocks rest there.

lesserot@Isaiah:15:5 @ My heart will cry for Moab, whose fugitives are as far as Zo’ar, the third ‘Eglarth; for the ascent of Luchith––with weeping is it ascended; for on the way to Choronayim they let resound the cry of defeat.

lesserot@Isaiah:16:4 @ Let my outcasts sojourn with thee, Moab; be thou a covert to them from the face of the waster: till ceaseth the extortion, past be the wasting, and vanished be the oppressor out of the land.

lesserot@Isaiah:19:14 @ The Lord hath poured out in the midst thereof a spirit of perverseness: and they have led Egypt astray in all its work, as a drunkard reeleth astray in his vomit.

lesserot@Isaiah:21:2 @ A hard vision hath been told unto me; the traitor dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. "Go up, O ‘Elam; besiege, O Media;" all sighing have I caused to cease.

lesserot@Isaiah:21:3 @ Therefore are my loins filled with pain; pangs have seized me, like the pangs of a woman that travaileth: I am too much cramped to hear; I am too much dismayed to see.

lesserot@Isaiah:21:6 @ For thus hath said unto me the Lord, Go, set the watchman, what he seeth let him tell.

lesserot@Isaiah:21:8 @ And he calleth a lion, Upon the watchtower, O Lord, do I stand continually in the daytime, and on my ward am I set all the nights.

lesserot@Isaiah:21:11 @ The doom of Dumah. Unto me one calleth out of Se’ir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

lesserot@Isaiah:22:1 @ The doom of the valley of vision. What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up to the roofs?

lesserot@Isaiah:22:13 @ And behold gladness and joy, slaying of oxen, and killing of sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: "Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we must die."

lesserot@Isaiah:24:20 @ The earth reeleth to and fro like a drunkard, and vibrateth like a watch–hut; and heavily lieth upon it its transgression; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

lesserot@Isaiah:28:22 @ And now be ye no longer scornful, lest your bonds be made strong; for as completed and fully decreed have I heard it from the Lord Eternal of hosts over all the earth.

lesserot@Isaiah:28:25 @ Is it not so? that, when he hath made level its surface he scattereth fennel, and streweth about cumin, and planteth the wheat in rows, and barley on its assigned, and millet on its proper spot?

lesserot@Isaiah:29:1 @ Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the town where David dwelt! add ye year to year; let the festivals come round in order;

lesserot@Isaiah:30:25 @ And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every prominent hill, rivulets, streams of waters on the day of the great slaughter, when towers fall.

lesserot@Isaiah:30:26 @ And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of the seven days, on the day that the Lord bindeth up the broken of his people, and healeth the bruise of their wound.

lesserot@Isaiah:30:32 @ And at every passage of the appointed staff which the Lord will let fall on him, there shall be on tambourine and harp; and in the tumult of battles will he fight with them.

lesserot@Isaiah:31:4 @ For thus hath said the Lord unto me, Just as the lion or the young lion growleth over his prey, against whom is called forth the company of shepherds, of whose voice he is not afraid, and is not depressed because of their multitude: thus will the Lord come down, to fight on mount Zion and on its hill.

lesserot@Isaiah:32:2 @ And every one shall be as a hiding–place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivulets of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a large rock in a languishing land.

lesserot@Isaiah:33:5 @ The Lord is exalted; for he dwelleth on high; he hath filled Zion with justice and righteousness.

lesserot@Isaiah:34:1 @ Come near, ye nations, to hear; and ye people, hearken: let the earth hear, and all that filleth it; the world, and all things that spring forth of it.

lesserot@Isaiah:36:14 @ Thus hath said the king, Let not Hezekiah deceive you; for he will not be able to deliver you;

lesserot@Isaiah:36:15 @ Neither let Hezekiah induce you to trust in the Lord, saying, The Lord will surely deliver us; this city shall not be given up into the hand of the king of Assyria.

lesserot@Isaiah:37:10 @ Thus shall ye say to Hezekiah the king of Judah, as followeth, Let not thy God, in whom thou trustest, deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall not be given up into the hand of the king of Assyria.

lesserot@Isaiah:37:14 @ And Hezekiah took the letter out of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up unto the house of the Lord, and spread it out before the Lord.

lesserot@Isaiah:38:21 @ And Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaster upon the inflammation, and he shall recover.

lesserot@Isaiah:39:1 @ At that time sent Merodach–baladan, the son of Baladan, the king of Babylon, letters and a present to Hezekiah; for he had heard that he had been sick, and was become strong again.

lesserot@Isaiah:40:3 @ A voice calleth out, In the wilderness make ye clear the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for God.

lesserot@Isaiah:40:10 @ Behold, the Lord Eternal will come with might, and his arm ruleth for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him.

lesserot@Isaiah:40:22 @ that dwelleth above the circle of the earth, while its inhabitants are as grasshoppers; that stretched out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in;

lesserot@Isaiah:40:26 @ Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath created these? he that bringeth out their host by number; that calleth them all by name; from the Mighty One not one escapeth.

lesserot@Isaiah:41:1 @ Keep silence before me, O islands; and let nations acquire new strength: let them approach, then let them speak, together let us come near to judgment.

lesserot@Isaiah:41:22 @ Let them bring them forward and tell us what shall happen: the former things––what are they?––tell us, that we may take it to heart, and know the result of them; or let us hear the things that are to come.

lesserot@Isaiah:41:26 @ Who hath told it from the beginning, that we may know it? and aforetimes, that we may say, "it is right?" but indeed there is none that telleth, indeed there is none that letteth us hear, indeed there is none that heareth your words.

lesserot@Isaiah:42:9 @ The former things, behold, are come to pass; and new things do I announce; before they spring forth I let you hear of them.

lesserot@Isaiah:42:10 @ Sing unto the Lord a new song, his praise from the end of the earth; ye that go down to the sea, and all that filleth it; the isles, and their inhabitants.

lesserot@Isaiah:42:11 @ Let resound with song the wilderness and its cities, the villages which Kedar inhabiteth: let the inhabitants of the rocks sing, let them shout forth from the top of the mountains.

lesserot@Isaiah:42:12 @ Let them give glory unto the Lord, and in the islands declare his praise.

lesserot@Isaiah:43:9 @ Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can announce this? and cause us to hear former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth.

lesserot@Isaiah:43:12 @ I myself have announced it, and I have saved, and I have let it be heard, and there was no strange among you; and ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and I am God.

lesserot@Isaiah:43:26 @ Put me in remembrance; let us plead together: relate thou, in order that thou mayest be justified.

lesserot@Isaiah:44:7 @ And who, like me, will announce, and will tell it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the people of ancient times? and the future things, and those which are to happen,––let them foretell unto them.

lesserot@Isaiah:44:11 @ Behold, all his associates shall be ashamed, for the workmen themselves are but men: let them all be gathered, let them stand up, they shall be terrified, they shall be ashamed together.

lesserot@Isaiah:44:14 @ He felleth for himself cedars, and taketh cypress and oak, and he chooseth for himself the strongest among the trees of the forest; he planteth an ash, and the rain causeth it to grow.

lesserot@Isaiah:44:15 @ Then doth it serve a man for burning; and he taketh thereof, and warmeth himself; he also heateth therewith, and baketh bread; he also worketh out a god, and boweth himself; he maketh of it an image, and kneeleth down thereto.

lesserot@Isaiah:44:17 @ And the residue thereof hath he made into a god, his graven image; he kneeleth down unto it, and boweth himself, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for my god art thou.

lesserot@Isaiah:44:26 @ That fulfilleth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith of Jerusalem, It shall be inhabited; and of the cities of Judah, They shall be built, and their ruins will I raise up.

lesserot@Isaiah:45:8 @ Drop down ye heavens, and let the skies distil blessing; let the earth open and let them be fruitful of prosperity, and let righteousness spring up likewise: I the Lord have created it.

lesserot@Isaiah:45:21 @ Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: Who hath announced this in ancient times? told it from the beginning? is it not I the Lord? and there is no other god without me, a just god and a saviour; there is none beside me.

lesserot@Isaiah:47:13 @ Thou art wearied with the multitude of thy counsels. Do let now those that divide off the heavens, that look at the stars, that announce events at new moons, stand up, and save thee from the things that are to come over thee.

lesserot@Isaiah:48:5 @ And I declared it to thee from the beginning; before yet it came to pass did I let thee hear it: lest thou should say, My idol hath done these things, and my graven image, and my molten image, have ordained them.

lesserot@Isaiah:48:21 @ And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts; waters out of the rock he let drop down for them: and he cleaved the rock, and the waters gushed out.

lesserot@Isaiah:50:8 @ He that justifieth me is near; who will contend with me? let us stand forward together: who hath a dispute with me? let him come near to me.

lesserot@Isaiah:50:10 @ Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that hearkeneth to the voice of his servant? though he have walked in darkness, and had no light: let him trust in the name of the Lord, and lean for support upon his God.

lesserot@Isaiah:53:6 @ We all like sheep went astray; every one to his own way did we turn; and the Lord let befall him the guilt of us all.

lesserot@Isaiah:53:9 @ And he let his grave be made with the wicked, and with the rich at his death; although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.

lesserot@Isaiah:53:12 @ Therefore will I divide him with the many, and with the strong shall he divide the spoil; because he poured out his soul unto death, and with transgressors was he numbered: while he bore the sin of many, and for the transgressors he let befall him.

lesserot@Isaiah:54:2 @ Enlarge the space of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations,––spare not: lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;

lesserot@Isaiah:54:15 @ Behold, they that assemble together, are nothing without me: whatsoever assembleth together against thee shall fall under thy power.

lesserot@Isaiah:55:2 @ Wherefore will ye spend money for what is not bread? and your labor for what satisfieth not? hearken then unto me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

lesserot@Isaiah:55:7 @ Let the wicked forsake his way, and the man of unrighteousness his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and unto our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

lesserot@Isaiah:56:3 @ And let not say the son of the stranger, that joineth himself unto the Lord, saying, Surely the Lord will exclude me from his people; nor let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.

lesserot@Isaiah:56:12 @ Come ye, I will fetch wine, and let us swallow abundantly of strong drink; and like this day shall it be tomorrow, excellent and in very great abundance.

lesserot@Isaiah:57:13 @ When thou criest, let thy masses of idols deliver thee; but all of them will the wind carry away, a breath will take them off; but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain.

lesserot@Isaiah:58:6 @ Is not this the fast that I will choose? to open the snares of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye should break asunder every yoke?

lesserot@Isaiah:59:10 @ We grope like the blind on the wall, and as if we had no eyes do we grope: we stumble at noonday as in the twilight; we are in complete darkness like the dead.

lesserot@Isaiah:63:17 @ Why hast thou let us go astray, O Lord, from thy ways, suffered our heart to be hardened against thy fear? Return for the sake of thy servants, the tribes of thy heritage.

lesserot@Isaiah:65:1 @ I allowed myself to be sought by those that asked not; I let myself be found by those that sought me not: I said, Here am I, here am I, unto a nation that called itself not by my name.

lesserot@Isaiah:65:9 @ And I let come forth out of Jacob a seed, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains; and my elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.

lesserot@Isaiah:66:2 @ For all these things hath my hand made, that all these things came into being, saith the Lord; but upon such a one will I look, upon the poor, and him who is of a contrite spirit, and who trembleth at my word.

lesserot@Isaiah:66:5 @ Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word: Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for the sake of my name, said, "Let the Lord be glorified;" but he will appear to your joy, and they shall be made ashamed.

lesserot@Isaiah:66:18 @ And I, because of their works and their thoughts, will let it come to pass to gather all the nations and tongues; and they shall come, and shall see my glory.

lesserot@Jeremiah:2:12 @ Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and let your hair stand at an end, be ye greatly terrified, saith the Lord.

lesserot@Jeremiah:2:15 @ over him young lions roared, let their voice resound, and changed his land into a waste, that his cities are burnt, left without an inhabitant?

lesserot@Jeremiah:2:28 @ But where are then thy gods that thou hast made for thyself? let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy misfortune; for equal to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Judah.

lesserot@Jeremiah:4:5 @ Tell ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem, and say, Blow ye the cornet in the land: call out, gather together, and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the fortified cities.

lesserot@Jeremiah:4:14 @ Wash from wrong doing thy heart, O Jerusalem, in order that thou mayest be saved. How long wilt thou let lodge within thee the thoughts of thy wickedness?

lesserot@Jeremiah:4:16 @ Make ye mention of it to the nations; behold, let it be heard against Jerusalem, that beleaguerers come from a far–off country, and send forth their voice against the cities of Judah.

lesserot@Jeremiah:4:29 @ From the noise of horsemen and those that shoot with the bow fleeth the whole city; they go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city is forsaken, and not a man dwelleth therein.

lesserot@Jeremiah:4:30 @ And thou, O wasted one, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothe thyself with scarlet, though thou adorn thyself with ornaments of gold, though thou encircle with paint thy eyes: in vain shalt thou make thyself beautiful; the adulterers will despise thee, thy life will they seek.

lesserot@Jeremiah:5:5 @ I had better go unto the great men, and let me speak with them; for these surely know the way of the Lord, the ordinance of their God; but these altogether have broken the yoke, burst the bands.

lesserot@Jeremiah:5:24 @ And they have not said in their heart, Let us now fear the Lord our God, that giveth rain, the early and the latter rain, in its season: the appointed weeks of the harvest doth he ever preserve for us.

lesserot@Jeremiah:6:4 @ Prepare ye war against her! "Arise, and let us go up at noon. Woe unto us! for the day waneth, for the shadows of the evening are stretched out.

lesserot@Jeremiah:6:5 @ Arise, and let us go up by night, and let us destroy her palaces."

lesserot@Jeremiah:8:14 @ "Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us be silent there; for the Lord our God hath put us to silence, and given us poison–water to drink; because we have sinned against the Lord.

lesserot@Jeremiah:8:16 @ From Dan was heard the snorting of his horses; at the sound of the neighing of his war–steeds trembleth the whole land: and they are come, and devour the land, and all that filleth it; the city, and those that dwell therein.

lesserot@Jeremiah:11:12 @ Then let the cities of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem go, and cry unto the gods unto whom they offer incense; but they shall not save them in the least in the time of their distress.

lesserot@Jeremiah:11:18 @ And the Lord hath given me knowledge of it, and I know it: then didst thou let me see their doings.

lesserot@Jeremiah:11:19 @ But I was like a sheep or an ox that is brought to the slaughter; and I knew not that they had devised devices against me, "Let us destroy the tree with its fruit, and let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name may not be remembered any more."

lesserot@Jeremiah:11:20 @ But, O Lord of hosts, that judgest righteously, that triest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them; for unto thee have I entrusted my cause.

lesserot@Jeremiah:13:19 @ The cities of the south are shut up, and there is no one to open them: Judah is carried away into exile altogether, it is carried into exile completely.

lesserot@Jeremiah:17:6 @ And he shall be like a lonely tree in the desert, which feeleth not when the good cometh; but abideth in the parched places in the wilderness, in a salty land which cannot be inhabited.

lesserot@Jeremiah:17:8 @ And he shall be like a tree that is planted by the waters, and by a stream spreadeth out its roots, which feeleth not when heat cometh, but its leaf remaineth green; and in a year of drought it is undisturbed by care, and ceaseth not from yielding fruit.

lesserot@Jeremiah:17:15 @ Behold, they say unto me, Where is the word of the Lord? let it come now.

lesserot@Jeremiah:17:18 @ Let those be made ashamed that persecute me, but let not me be made ashamed: let them be dismayed, but let me not be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and strike them with a double breach.

lesserot@Jeremiah:18:2 @ Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there will I let thee hear my words.

lesserot@Jeremiah:18:18 @ And they said, Come, and let us contrive devices against Jeremiah; for the law will not be lost from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not listen to any of his words.

lesserot@Jeremiah:18:21 @ Therefore give up their children to the famine, and let their life ebb out by means of the sword; and let their wives be bereaved of their children, and widows; and let their men be slain by death; their young men smitten by the sword in the battle.

lesserot@Jeremiah:18:22 @ Let a cry be heard from their houses, when thou bringest a troop over them suddenly; for they have dug a pit to catch me, and laid concealed snares for my feet.

lesserot@Jeremiah:18:23 @ Yet thou, Lord, knowest well all their counsel against me to death: forgive not their iniquity, and let their sin not be blotted out from before thee; but let them be brought to stumbling before thee; in the time of thy anger deal thus with them.

lesserot@Jeremiah:20:12 @ But, O Lord of hosts, that probest the righteous, seest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them; for unto thee have I laid open my cause.

lesserot@Jeremiah:22:14 @ That saith, I will build me a roomy house, and ample chambers, and cutteth himself out windows, and ceileth it with cedar, and painteth it with colors.

lesserot@Jeremiah:22:20 @ Ascend the Lebanon, and cry aloud; and let thy voice resound in Bashan; and cry aloud from ‘Aharim; for crushed are all thy lovers.

lesserot@Jeremiah:23:28 @ The prophet that hath had a dream, let him relate his dream; and he that hath received my word, let him speak my word of truth. What hath the straw to do with the corn? saith the Lord.

lesserot@Jeremiah:23:39 @ Therefore, behold, I am here, and I will tear you completely away, and I will cast you off, and the city that I have given to you and to your fathers, out of my presence;

lesserot@Jeremiah:25:12 @ And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are completed, that I will visit on the king of Babylon, and on that nation, saith the Lord, their iniquity, and on the land of the Chaldeans, and will change it into perpetual desolations.

lesserot@Jeremiah:27:11 @ But the nation that will bring its neck into the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him,––that one will I then let remain quietly in its own land, saith the Lord: and it shall till it, and dwell therein.

lesserot@Jeremiah:27:18 @ And if they be prophets, and if the word of the Lord be with them, let them now make intercession with the Lord of hosts, that the vessels which are left in the house of the Lord, and in the house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem, may not be carried to Babylon.

lesserot@Jeremiah:29:1 @ And these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem unto the residue of the elders of the exiles, and to the priests, and to the prophets, and to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had carried away into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon;

lesserot@Jeremiah:29:8 @ For thus hath said the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Let not your prophets, that are in the midst of you, and your diviners, deceive you, and do not hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamt;

lesserot@Jeremiah:29:25 @ Thus hath said the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, Because thou hast sent in thy name letters unto all the people that are at Jerusalem, and to Zephanyah the son of Ma’asseyah the priest, and to all the priests, saying,

lesserot@Jeremiah:29:29 @ And Zephanyah the priest read the letter before the ears of Jeremiah the prophet.

lesserot@Jeremiah:35:5 @ And I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites goblets full of wine, and cups; and I said unto them, Drink wine.

lesserot@Jeremiah:35:11 @ But it came to pass, when Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon came up into the land, that we said, Come, and let us go into Jerusalem because of the army of the Chaldeans, and because of the army of the Syrians; and so we dwell at Jerusalem.

lesserot@Jeremiah:36:19 @ Then said the princes unto Baruch, Go, hide thyself, thou with Jeremiah; and let no man know where ye are.

lesserot@Jeremiah:37:20 @ Yet now, do but hear, I pray thee, O my lord the king: let me offer my humble supplication, I pray thee, before thee, that thou wilt not make me return to the house of Jonathan the scribe, lest I die there.

lesserot@Jeremiah:38:4 @ Thereupon said the princes unto the king, We beseech thee, let this man be put to death; for the cause that he weakeneth the hands of the men of war that are yet left in this city, and the hands of all the people, by speaking such words unto them; for this man seeketh not the welfare of this people, but their hurt.

lesserot@Jeremiah:38:6 @ Then did they take Jeremiah, and cast him into the pit of Malkiyahu the son of the king, that was in the court of the prison: and they let Jeremiah down with cords; but in the pit there was no water, but mire; so that Jeremiah sunk into the mire.

lesserot@Jeremiah:38:11 @ So ‘Ebed–melech took the men with him, and went into the house of the king under the treasury, and took thence cast–off clothes and old rags, and let them down into the pit to Jeremiah by cords.

lesserot@Jeremiah:38:24 @ Then said Zedekiah unto Jeremiah, Let no man know of these words, that thou mayest not die.

lesserot@Jeremiah:39:18 @ For I will surely let thee escape, and thou shalt not fall by the sword; but thy life shall be unto thee as a booty; because thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the Lord.

lesserot@Jeremiah:40:15 @ And Jochanan the son of Kareach said to Gedalyahu secretly in Mizpah, as followeth, Let me go, I pray thee, and I will slay Ishmael the son of Nethanyah, and no man shall know of it: wherefore should he deprive thee of life, whereby all the Jews who are gathered unto thee would be scattered, and the remnant of Judah be lost?

lesserot@Jeremiah:42:2 @ And said unto Jeremiah the prophet, Let, we beseech thee, our humble supplication be accepted before thee, and pray in our behalf unto the Lord thy God, in behalf of all this remnant;

lesserot@Jeremiah:42:12 @ And I will give unto you mercy, that he may have mercy upon you, and let you return to your own land.

lesserot@Jeremiah:46:9 @ Come up, ye horses; and rush along wildly, ye chariots; and let the mighty men come forth: Cush and Put, that grasp the shield, and the Ludim, that grasp and bend the bow.

lesserot@Jeremiah:46:16 @ He caused many to stumble; yea, one also fell over the other; and they said, Arise, and let us return to our own people, and to the land of our birth, from before the wasting sword.

lesserot@Jeremiah:46:17 @ They called out there, Pharaoh is king of Egypt, it was but vaunting, he hath let the time appointed pass by.

lesserot@Jeremiah:47:2 @ Thus hath said the Lord, Behold, waters are coming up out of the north, and they shall become an overflowing stream, and shall overflow the land, and what filleth it; the city, and those that dwell therein: and the men shall cry aloud, and every inhabitant of the land shall wail.

lesserot@Jeremiah:48:2 @ There is no more praise of Moab: in Cheshbon have they devised evil against it, "Come, and let us cut it off from being a nation." Also thou Madmen shalt be ruined; after thee shall pursue the sword.

lesserot@Jeremiah:49:31 @ Arise, get you up unto the nation that is at ease, that dwelleth in security, saith the Lord, which hath neither gates nor bars, which dwelleth alone.

lesserot@Jeremiah:50:6 @ Lost sheep were my people; their shepherds had caused them to go astray, they had let them roam wildly on the mountains: from mountain to hill did they go, they forgot their resting–place.

lesserot@Jeremiah:50:16 @ Cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest; because of the wasting sword shall they turn about every one to his people, and every one to his own land shall they flee.

lesserot@Jeremiah:50:26 @ Come against her from the end of the earth, open her garners; tread her down as sheaves of corn, and destroy her utterly: let there not be left of her a remnant even.

lesserot@Jeremiah:50:27 @ Destroy all her bullocks; let them go down to the slaughter: Woe unto them! for their day is come, the time of their visitation.

lesserot@Jeremiah:50:29 @ Call together the archers against Babylon; all ye that bend the bow, encamp against her round about; let there be no escape for her: recompense her according to her work; in accordance with all that she hath done, do unto her; for against the Lord hath she acted presumptuously, against the Holy One of Israel.

lesserot@Jeremiah:51:3 @ Let the archer come against any one that bendeth his bow, and against him that lifteth himself up in his armor: and spare ye not her young men: destroy ye utterly all her host.

lesserot@Jeremiah:51:9 @ "We would have healed Babylon, but she was not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one unto his own country; for her punishment reacheth unto the heavens, and it is lifted up even to the skies."

lesserot@Jeremiah:51:10 @ The Lord hath brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us relate in Zion the work of the Lord our God.

lesserot@Jeremiah:51:29 @ And the earth quaketh and trembleth; for every one of the purposes of the Lord is fulfilled against Babylon, to change the land of Babylon into a desolate country without an inhabitant.

lesserot@Jeremiah:51:50 @ ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember afar off the Lord, and let Jerusalem rise up in your heart.

lesserot@Lamentations:1:3 @ Exiled is Judah because of affliction, and because of the greatness of servitude she dwelleth indeed among the nations, she findeth no rest: all her pursuers have overtaken her between the narrow passes.

lesserot@Lamentations:1:22 @ Let all their wickedness come before thee, and do unto them as thou hast done unto me because of all my transgressions; for many are my sighs, and my heart is sick."

lesserot@Lamentations:2:18 @ Their heart crieth unto the Lord, O thou wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a stream day and night; allow thyself no rest; let not the apple of thy eye be still.

lesserot@Lamentations:3:39 @ Wherefore should a living man complain? let every man complain because of his sins.

lesserot@Lamentations:3:40 @ Let us search through and investigate our ways, and let us return to the Lord.

lesserot@Lamentations:3:41 @ Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.

lesserot@Lamentations:3:49 @ My eye trickleth down, and resteth not, without any intermission,

lesserot@Lamentations:4:5 @ Those that used to eat dainty food are desolate in the streets: they that were reared up on scarlet now embrace dunghills.

lesserot@Lamentations:4:11 @ The Lord hath let loose all his fury: he hath poured out the fierceness of his anger: and he hath kindled a fire in Zion, which hath devoured her foundations.

lesserot@Ezekiel:1:24 @ And I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, when they went, the sound of speech, as the noise of an army: when they stood still, they let down their wings.

lesserot@Ezekiel:1:25 @ And there was a voice from the vault that was over their head: when they stood still, they let down their wings.

lesserot@Ezekiel:3:26 @ And I will let thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not become to them a man who reproveth; for they are a rebellious family.

lesserot@Ezekiel:3:27 @ But when I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say unto them, Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, He that heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth, let him forebear; for they are a rebellious family.

lesserot@Ezekiel:4:9 @ But thou take unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make thyself bread thereof, the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days, shalt thou eat it.

lesserot@Ezekiel:5:2 @ One third part shalt thou burn with fire in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are completed; and thou shalt take another third part, and smite round about it with the sword; and the other third part shalt thou scatter to the wind: and I will draw out a sword after the same.

lesserot@Ezekiel:5:13 @ Thus shall my anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will satisfy myself: and they shall know that I the Lord have spoken it in my zeal, when I have let out all my fury on them.

lesserot@Ezekiel:5:17 @ So will I let loose over you famine and wild beasts, and they shall make thee childless; and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and the sword will I bring over thee. I the Lord have spoken it.

lesserot@Ezekiel:6:12 @ He that is afar off shall die of the pestilence; and he that is near shall fall by the sword; and he that remaineth and is besieged shall die by the famine: thus will I let out all my fury on them.

lesserot@Ezekiel:7:3 @ Now cometh the end over thee, and I will let loose my anger against thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and I will lay upon thee all thy abominations.

lesserot@Ezekiel:7:8 @ Now will I in a short time pour out my fury over thee, and I will let out all my anger against thee, and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and I will lay upon thee all thy abominations.

lesserot@Ezekiel:7:12 @ The time is coming, the day occurreth; let the buyer not rejoice, and let the seller not mourn; for wrath is against all her multitude.

lesserot@Ezekiel:9:1 @ And he called before my ears with a loud voice, saying, Let those come near that have charge to punish the city, and every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.

lesserot@Ezekiel:9:5 @ And to the others he said before my ears, Pass ye through the city after him, and smite: let your eye not look with pity, and do not spare;

lesserot@Ezekiel:11:3 @ Who say, is not near; so let us build houses: this is the pot, and we are the flesh.

lesserot@Ezekiel:13:15 @ Thus will I let out all my wrath upon the wall, and upon those that have plastered it with unadhesive mortar; and I will say unto you, Gone is the wall, and gone are they that plastered it;

lesserot@Ezekiel:13:20 @ Therefore thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Behold, I am against your bolsters, whereon ye hunt the souls that they may flutter, and I will tear them away from your arms; and I will let the souls go free, even the souls that ye hunt that they may flutter

lesserot@Ezekiel:14:3 @ Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and the stumbling–block of their iniquity have they placed before their faces: shall I in any wise let myself be inquired of by them?

lesserot@Ezekiel:16:11 @ And I decked thee with ornaments, and I placed bracelets upon thy hands, and a chain around thy neck.

lesserot@Ezekiel:16:19 @ And my bread which I had given thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, which I had let thee eat, even this didst thou set before them for a sweet savour: yes, so was it, saith the Lord Eternal.

lesserot@Ezekiel:16:46 @ And thy elder sister is Samaria, she with her daughters, that dwelleth at thy left hand, and thy younger sister, that dwelleth at thy right hand, is Sodom with her daughters.

lesserot@Ezekiel:18:6 @ Upon the mountains he eateth not, and his eyes he lifteth not up to the idols of the house of Israel, and the wife of his neighbor he defileth not, and unto a woman in her separation he cometh not near;

lesserot@Ezekiel:18:11 @ And he is one that doth not any of these; but eateth even upon the mountains, and defileth the wife of his neighbor;

lesserot@Ezekiel:18:15 @ Upon the mountains he eateth not, and his eyes he lifteth not up to the idols of the house of Israel, the wife of his neighbor he defileth not;

lesserot@Ezekiel:20:3 @ Son of man, speak unto the elders of Israel, and say unto them, Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Is it to inquire of me that ye are coming? as I live, I will not let myself be inquired of by you, saith the Lord Eternal.

lesserot@Ezekiel:20:8 @ But they rebelled against me, and they would not hearken unto me; they did not cast away every one the abominations of their eyes, and the idols of Egypt did they not forsake: and I thought then to pour out my fury over them, to let out all my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

lesserot@Ezekiel:20:21 @ Nevertheless the children rebelled against me; in my statutes did they not walk, and my ordinances they kept not to do them, which a man is to do, that he may live through them; my sabbaths they profaned: and I then thought to pour out my fury over them, to let out all my anger against them in the wilderness.

lesserot@Ezekiel:20:25 @ And I also let them follow statutes that were not good, and ordinances whereby they could not live;

lesserot@Ezekiel:20:26 @ And I let them be defiled through their gifts, in that they caused to pass all that openeth the womb, in order that I might destroy them, to the end that they might know that I am the Lord.

lesserot@Ezekiel:20:31 @ And when ye offer up your gifts, when ye make your sons pass through the fire, ye pollute yourselves with all your idols, even until this day: and I should allow myself to be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live, saith the Lord Eternal, I will not let myself be inquired of by you.

lesserot@Ezekiel:23:42 @ And the shout of a peaceful joyous multitude was within her; and with the men of the masses of the common people were brought Sabeans from the wilderness; and these women placed bracelets on their hands, and crowns of glory upon their heads.

lesserot@Ezekiel:28:12 @ Son of man, take up a lamentation concerning the king of Tyre, and say unto him, Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Thou wast complete in outline, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

lesserot@Ezekiel:30:12 @ And I will render the streams dry, and sell the land into the hand of evil men; and I will make the land desolate, and all that filleth it, by the hand of strangers: I the Lord have spoken it.

lesserot@Ezekiel:32:7 @ And I will cover up the heavens, when thou art quenched, and make their stars obscure: the sun will I cover up with a cloud, and the moon shall not let shine her light.

lesserot@Ezekiel:32:15 @ When I render the land of Egypt desolate and wasted, the country bereft of what now filleth it, when I smite all those that dwell therein: and they shall know that I am the Lord.

lesserot@Ezekiel:35:6 @ Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord Eternal, I will surely let thy blood flow, and blood shall pursue thee; since thou didst not hate blood–shedding, so shall blood pursue thee.

lesserot@Ezekiel:35:7 @ Thus will I change the mountain of Se’ir into a desolate land and a waste, and I will cut off from it him that travelleth forward and backward.

lesserot@Ezekiel:36:15 @ And I will not let be heard against thee any more the reproach of the nations, and the disgrace of the people shalt thou not bear any more, and thy nations shalt thou not cast out any more, saith the Lord Eternal.

lesserot@Ezekiel:38:14 @ Therefore, prophesy, son of man, and say unto Gog, Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Behold, on the day when my people of Israel dwelleth in safety, shalt thou know.

lesserot@Ezekiel:38:22 @ And I will hold judgment over him with pestilence and with blood; and an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and sulfur will I let rain over him and his armies, and over the many people that are with him.

lesserot@Ezekiel:43:10 @ Thou, son of man, tell the house of Israel of the house, that they may be confounded because of their iniquities: and let them measure the outlines.

lesserot@Ezekiel:43:11 @ And if they be confounded because of all that they have done: then let them know the form of the house, and its arrangements, and its means of egress, and its entrances, and all its forms, and all its statutes, and all its forms, and all its laws, and write them down before their eyes; that they may observe the whole of its form, and all its statutes, and carry them out.

lesserot@Daniel:1:12 @ Prove, I beseech thee, thy servants, ten days; and let them give us vegetables to eat, and water to drink;

lesserot@Daniel:1:13 @ And then let our countenances be looked at before thee, and the countenance of the lads that eat the food of the king: and as thou mayest see, so deal with thy servants.

lesserot@Daniel:2:7 @ They answered the second time and said, Let the king recite the dream to his servants, and we will tell its interpretation.

lesserot@Daniel:2:22 @ He it is that revealeth what is deep and secret; he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

lesserot@Daniel:2:28 @ But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and he hath made known to king Nebuchadnezzar what is to be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy couch, were these.

lesserot@Daniel:5:10 @ the queen in consequence of the words of the king and of his lords came into the banquet–house; the queen commenced and said, O king, live for ever; let thy thoughts not trouble thee, nor let thy color be changed:

lesserot@Daniel:5:12 @ Forasmuch as a superior spirit, and knowledge, and intelligence, interpreting of dreams, and solving of riddles, and of untying knotty, were found in him, in Daniel, to whom the king assigned the name of Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will tell the interpretation.

lesserot@Daniel:5:17 @ Then answered Daniel and said before the king, Let thy gifts remain in thy possession, and bestow thy bounty on another: nevertheless will I read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

lesserot@Daniel:5:21 @ And from the sons of men was he driven forth, and his heart became equal with the beasts, and with the wild asses was his dwelling; they suffered him to eat herbs like oxen, and with the dew of heaven was his body made wet: till he acknowledged that the most high God ruleth over the kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he pleaseth.

lesserot@Daniel:9:2 @ In the first year of his reign, I Daniel searched in the books for understanding concerning the number of the years whereof the word of the Lord had come to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would let pass full seventy years over the ruins of Jerusalem.

lesserot@Daniel:9:16 @ O Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thy anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain; because through our sins, and through the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach to all who are round about us.

lesserot@Daniel:10:19 @ And he said, Fear not, O man greatly beloved: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he spoke with me, I felt myself strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.

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