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OT-PROPHET.filter - mkjv looked:

mkjv@Isaiah:5:2 @ And He fenced it, and gathered out the stones of it, and planted it [with] choice vines, and built a tower in its midst, and hewed out a wine vat in it; and He looked [for it] to produce grapes. And it produced wild grapes.

mkjv@Isaiah:5:4 @ What more could have been done to my vineyard that I have not done in it? Who knows? I looked [for it] to yield grapes, but it yielded rotten grapes.

mkjv@Isaiah:5:7 @ For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts [is] the house of Israel, and the men of Judah His pleasant plant; and He looked for justice, but behold bloody iniquity; for righteousness, but behold a cry!

mkjv@Isaiah:22:8 @ And he removed Judah's covering, and you looked in that day to the armor of the house of the forest.

mkjv@Isaiah:22:11 @ You also made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool; but you have not looked to its Maker, nor saw Him who formed it long ago.

mkjv@Isaiah:41:28 @ For I looked, and [there was] no man; and of these no counselor was, that I might ask and they could answer.

mkjv@Isaiah:57:8 @ Also behind the door and the post you have set up your image; for you uncovered [yourself] and went up from Me. You spread your bed and cut [a covenant] with them; you loved their bed where you looked.

mkjv@Isaiah:63:5 @ And I looked, and [there was] none to help; and I wondered that there [was] no one to uphold; therefore My own arm has saved for Me; and My fury upheld Me.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:23 @ I looked on the earth, and, lo, [it was] without form and void; and the heavens, and they [had] no light.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:24 @ I looked on the mountains, and, lo, they quaked; and all the hills were shaken.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:25 @ I looked, and, lo, [there was] no man, and all the birds of the heavens had fled.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:26 @ I looked, and, lo, the fruitful place [was] a wilderness, and all its cities were broken down before the face of the LORD, before His fierce anger.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:15 @ We looked for peace, but no good [came]; [and] for a time of health, but behold, trouble!

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:19 @ Have You utterly rejected Judah? Or has Your soul hated Zion? Why have You stricken us, and [there is] no healing for us? [We] looked for peace, but no good [came]; and for the time of healing, and behold, trouble!

mkjv@Jeremiah:31:26 @ On this I awoke and looked up; and my sleep was sweet to me.

mkjv@Lamentations:2:16 @ All your enemies have opened their mouth against you; they hiss and gnash the teeth; they say, We have swallowed [her] up. Certainly this [is] the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen.

mkjv@Ezekiel:1:4 @ And I looked, and behold, a windstorm came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire flashing itself, and a brightness to it all around, and out of its midst, like the color of polished bronze out of the middle of the fire.

mkjv@Ezekiel:1:5 @ Also out of its midst [came] the likeness of four living creatures. And this [was] how they looked; they had the likeness of a man.

mkjv@Ezekiel:1:13 @ And the likeness of the living creatures: they looked like burning coals of fire; like the appearance of torches. It was continually circling among the living creatures. And the fire [was] bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.

mkjv@Ezekiel:1:15 @ And as I looked at the living creatures, behold, one wheel [was] on the earth by the living creatures, with its four faces.

mkjv@Ezekiel:1:28 @ As the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain looks, so the brightness all around looked. This was how the likeness of the glory of the LORD looked. And I saw. And I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking.

mkjv@Ezekiel:2:9 @ And I looked, and behold! A hand [was] extended to me; and lo, a roll of a book [was] in it.

mkjv@Ezekiel:8:2 @ And I looked, and behold! A likeness as the look of fire; from the appearance of His loins and downward, [like] fire. And from His loins and upward as the look of brightness, like the color of polished bronze.

mkjv@Ezekiel:8:7 @ And He brought me to the opening of the court; and I looked, and behold, a hole in the wall.

mkjv@Ezekiel:10:1 @ And I looked, and behold! In the expanse over the head of the cherubs appeared the look of the form of a throne, like a sapphire stone, above them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:10:9 @ And I looked, and behold, the four wheels [were] beside the cherubs, one wheel was by one cherub, and another wheel by one cherub; and the wheels looked like the color of a stone of Tarshish.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:8 @ And I passed by you and looked on you, and, behold, your time [was] the time of love. And I spread my skirt over you and covered your nakedness. And I swore to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord Jehovah. And you became Mine.

mkjv@Ezekiel:40:44 @ And from the outside to the inner court [were] the chambers of the singers in the inner court, which [was] at the side of the north gate. And their face [was] southward: one at the side of the east gate looked the way of the north.

mkjv@Ezekiel:42:11 @ And the way in front of them looked like the chambers which [were] northward, as their length, so their width. And all their exits [were] as their patterns, and as their doors.

mkjv@Ezekiel:43:3 @ And it looked the same as the vision which I saw, even according to the vision which I saw when I came to destroy the city. And the visions [were] like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar. And I fell on my face.

mkjv@Ezekiel:44:4 @ And He brought me by the way of the north gate before the house. And I looked, and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD. And I fell on my face.

mkjv@Daniel:1:15 @ And at the end of ten days their faces looked fairer and fatter in flesh than all the boys who had eaten the king's food.

mkjv@Daniel:7:7 @ After this I looked in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, frightening and terrifying, and very strong. And it [had] great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the rest with its feet. And it [was] different from all the beasts before it; and it had ten horns.

mkjv@Daniel:8:2 @ And in a vision I looked. And it happened when I looked, I [was] at Shushan the palace, which [is] in the province of Elam. And in a vision I looked, and I was by the Ulai Canal.

mkjv@Daniel:8:3 @ Then I lifted up my eyes, and looked. And behold, a ram with [two] horns stood before the Canal [having] two horns, and the [two] horns were high, but one [was] higher than the other, and the higher came up last.

mkjv@Daniel:10:5 @ then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a certain man was clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz.

mkjv@Daniel:10:6 @ His body also [was] like the beryl, and his face looked like lightning. And his eyes [were] like lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet in color were like polished bronze, and the voice of his words like the sound of a multitude.

mkjv@Daniel:12:5 @ Then I Daniel looked, and behold, there stood another two, the one on this [side], and the one on that [side] of the bank of the river.

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