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OT-PROPHET.filter - rsv small:

rsv@Isaiah:22:24 @ And they will hang on him the whole weight of his father's house, the offspring and issue, every small vessel, from the cups to all the flagons.

rsv@Isaiah:29:5 @ But the multitude of your foes shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the ruthless like passing chaff. And in an instant, suddenly,

rsv@Isaiah:60:22 @ The least one shall become a clan, and the smallest one a mighty nation; I am the LORD; in its time I will hasten it.

rsv@Jeremiah:16:6 @ Both great and small shall die in this land; they shall not be buried, and no one shall lament for them or cut himself or make himself bald for them.

rsv@Jeremiah:30:19 @ Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving, and the voices of those who make merry. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them honored, and they shall not be small.

rsv@Jeremiah:49:15 @ For behold, I will make you small among the nations, despised among men.

rsv@Jeremiah:52:19 @ also the small bowls, and the firepans, and the basins, and the pots, and the lampstands, and the dishes for incense, and the bowls for libation. What was of gold the captain of the guard took away as gold, and what was of silver, as silver.

rsv@Ezekiel:5:3 @ And you shall take from these a small number, and bind them in the skirts of your robe.

rsv@Ezekiel:16:20 @ And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter

rsv@Ezekiel:29:15 @ It shall be the most lowly of the kingdoms, and never again exalt itself above the nations; and I will make them so small that they will never again rule over the nations.

rsv@Ezekiel:43:14 @ from the base on the ground to the lower ledge, two cubits, with a breadth of one cubit; and from the smaller ledge to the larger ledge, four cubits, with a breadth of one cubit;

rsv@Ezekiel:46:22 @ in the four corners of the court were small courts, forty cubits long and thirty broad; the four were of the same size.

rsv@Daniel:11:23 @ And from the time that an alliance is made with him he shall act deceitfully; and he shall become strong with a small people.

rsv@Matthew:13:32 @ it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."

rsv@Matthew:15:34 @ And Jesus said to them, "How many loaves have you?" They said, "Seven, and a few small fish."

rsv@Mark:4:31 @ It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth;

rsv@Mark:8:7 @ And they had a few small fish; and having blessed them, he commanded that these also should be set before them.

rsv@Luke:12:26 @ If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?

rsv@Luke:19:3 @ And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not, on account of the crowd, because he was small of stature.

rsv@Acts:12:18 @ Now when day came, there was no small stir among the soldiers over what had become of Peter.

rsv@Acts:15:2 @ And when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate with them, Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and the elders about this question.

rsv@Acts:26:22 @ To this day I have had the help that comes from God, and so I stand here testifying both to small and great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said would come to pass:

rsv@Acts:27:16 @ And running under the lee of a small island called Cauda, we managed with difficulty to secure the boat;

rsv@Acts:27:20 @ And when neither sun nor stars appeared for many a day, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope of our being saved was at last abandoned.

rsv@1Corinthians:4:3 @ But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. I do not even judge myself.

rsv@James:3:4 @ Look at the ships also; though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.

rsv@James:3:5 @ So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire!

rsv@Revelation:11:18 @ The nations raged, but thy wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, for rewarding thy servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear thy name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth."

rsv@Revelation:13:16 @ Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,

rsv@Revelation:19:5 @ And from the throne came a voice crying, "Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great."

rsv@Revelation:19:18 @ to eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, both small and great."

rsv@Revelation:20:12 @ And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, by what they had done.

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