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OT-PROPHET.filter - vw speaking:

vw@Isaiah:58:9 @ Then you shall call, and Jehovah will answer; you shall cry out, and He shall say, Here I am. If you take the yoke away from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness;

vw@Isaiah:58:13 @ If you turn back your foot, on the Sabbath, from doing what you please on My holy days, and call the Sabbath a delight, the sacred of Jehovah, honorable; and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words,

vw@Isaiah:59:13 @ in transgressing and lying against Jehovah, and backsliding from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.

vw@Isaiah:65:24 @ And it shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.

vw@Jeremiah:7:13 @ And now, because you have done all these works, says Jehovah, and I spoke to you, rising up early and speaking, but you did not hear; and I called you, but you did not answer;

vw@Jeremiah:25:3 @ From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even to this day, which is the twenty-third year, the Word of Jehovah has come unto me; and I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking; but you have not listened.

vw@Jeremiah:26:7 @ So the priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of Jehovah.

vw@Jeremiah:26:8 @ And it happened when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking all that Jehovah had commanded him to speak to all the people, that the priests and the prophets and all the people took him, saying, You shall die the death!

vw@Jeremiah:35:14 @ The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, which he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are done. For to this day they do not drink, but obey their father’s commandment. But I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking, but you have not heeded Me.

vw@Jeremiah:38:4 @ Therefore the rulers said to the king, Please let this man be put to death. For in this way he weakens the hands of the men of war who remain in this city, and the hands of all the people, by speaking such words to them. For this man does not seek the welfare of this people, but their harm.

vw@Jeremiah:38:20 @ But Jeremiah said, They shall not deliver you. I beg of you, obey the voice of Jehovah which I am speaking to you; so it shall be well with you, and your soul shall live.

vw@Jeremiah:38:27 @ Then all the rulers came to Jeremiah and asked him. And he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded. So they quit speaking with him; for the conversation had not been heard.

vw@Jeremiah:43:1 @ And it happened when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking to all the people all the Words of Jehovah their God, for which Jehovah their God had sent him to them, all these Words,

vw@Ezekiel:1:28 @ As the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking.

vw@Ezekiel:43:6 @ Then I heard Him speaking to me from the house. And standing beside me was a Man.

vw@Daniel:7:8 @ I was contemplating the horns. And behold, another little horn came up among them, and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things.

vw@Daniel:7:20 @ also of the ten horns that were on its head, and the other which came up, and before whom three fell, even that horn that had eyes, and a mouth speaking great things, whose appearance was greater than his fellows.

vw@Daniel:8:13 @ Then I heard a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one said to the one who spoke, For how long is the vision, concerning the regular sacrifice and the transgression of desolation, to permit both the holy place and the host to be trampled?

vw@Daniel:8:18 @ And while he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep with my face toward the ground. But he touched me, and stood me upright.

vw@Daniel:9:20 @ And while I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and prostrating with my supplication before Jehovah my God for the holy mountain of my God,

vw@Daniel:9:21 @ and while I was speaking in prayer, then the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, reached me as I was weary and faint, about the time of the evening sacrifice.

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