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OT-PROPHET.filter - drb stretched:

drb@Isaiah:3:16 @And the Lord said: Because the daughters of Sion are haughty, and have walked with stretched out necks, and wanton glances of their eyes, and made a noise as they walked with their feet and moved in a set pace:

drb@Isaiah:5:16 @Therefore is the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched out his hand upon them, and struck them: and the mountains were troubled, and their carcasses became as dung in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:9:12 @The Syrians from the east, and the Philistines from the west: and they shall devour Israel with open mouth, For all this his indignation is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:9:17 @Therefore the Lord shell have no joy in their young men: neither shall he have mercy on their fatherless, and widows: for every one is a hypocrite and wicked, and every mouth hath spoken folly. For all this his indignation is not turned away, but his bend is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:9:21 @After all these things his indignation is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:10:4 @That you be not bowed down under the bond, and fall with the slain? In all these things his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:14:26 @This is the counsel, that I have purposed upon all the earth, and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all nations.

drb@Isaiah:14:27 @For the Lord of hosts hath decreed, and who can disannul it? and his hand is stretched out: and who shall turn it away?

drb@Isaiah:23:11 @He stretched out his hand over the sea, he troubled kingdoms: the Lord hath given a charge against Chanaan, to destroy the strong ones thereof.

drb@Isaiah:34:11 @The bittern and ericius shall possess it: and the ibis and the raven shall dwell in it: and a line shall be stretched out upon it, to bring it to nothing, and a plummet, unto desolation.

drb@Isaiah:42:5 @Thus saith the Lord God that created the heavens, and stretched them out: that established the earth, and the things that spring out of it: that giveth breath to the people upon it, and spirit to them that tread thereon.

drb@Isaiah:44:13 @The carpenter hath stretched out his rule, he hath formed it with a plane: he hath made it with corners, and hath fashioned it round with the compass: and he hath made the image of a man as it were a beautiful man dwelling in a house.

drb@Isaiah:45:12 @I made the earth: and I created man upon it: my hand stretched forth the heavens, and I have commanded all their host.

drb@Isaiah:51:13 @And thou hast forgotten the Lord thy maker, who stretched out the heavens, and founded the earth: and thee hast been afraid continually all the day at the presence of his fury who afflicted thee, and had prepared himself to destroy thee: where is now the fury of the oppressor?

drb@Jeremiah:21:5 @And I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand, and with a strong arm, and in fury, and in indignation, and in great wrath.

drb@Jeremiah:27:5 @I made the earth, and the men, and the beasts that are upon the face of the earth, by my great power, and by my stretched out arm: and I have given it to whom it seemed good in my eyes.

drb@Jeremiah:32:17 @Alas, alas, alas, 0 Lord God, behold thou hast made heaven and earth by thy great power, and thy stretched out arm: no word shall be hard to thee:

drb@Jeremiah:32:21 @And hast brought forth thy people Israel, out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and a stretched out arm, and with great terror.

drb@Jeremiah:51:15 @He that made the earth by his power, that hath prepared the world by his wisdom, and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.

drb@Lamentations:2:8 @Heth. The Lord hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Sion: he hath stretched out his line, and hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying: and the bulwark hath mourned, and the wall hath been destroyed together.

drb@Ezekiel:1:11 @And their faces, and their wings were stretched upward: two wings of every one were joined, and two covered their bodies:

drb@Ezekiel:1:22 @And over the heads of the living creatures was the likeness of the firmament, as the appearance of crystal terrible to behold, and stretched out over their heads above.

drb@Ezekiel:4:7 @And thou shalt turn thy face to the siege of Jerusalem, and thy arm shall be stretched out: and thou shalt prophesy against it.

drb@Ezekiel:10:7 @And one cherub stretched out his arm from the midst of the cherubims to the fire that was between the cherubims: and he took, and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen: who took it and went forth.

drb@Ezekiel:17:7 @And there was another large eagle, with great wings, and many feathers: and behold this vine, bending as it were her roots towards him, stretched forth her branches to him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

drb@Ezekiel:20:33 @As I live, saith the Lord God, I will reign over you with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.

drb@Ezekiel:20:34 @And I will bring you out from the people, and I will gather you out of the countries, in which you are scattered, I will reign over you with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.

drb@Ezekiel:28:14 @Thou a cherub stretched out, and protecting, and I set thee in the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked in the midst of the stones of fire.

drb@Ezekiel:30:25 @And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharao shall fall: and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall have given my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall have stretched it forth upon the land of Egypt.

drb@Ezekiel:37:8 @And I saw, and behold the sinews, and the flesh came up upon them: and the skin was stretched out over them, but there was no spirit in them.

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