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wmth@Romans:1:13 @ And I desire you to know, brethren, that I have many a time intended to come to you –though until now I have been disappointed– in order that among you also I might gather some fruit from my labours, as I have already done among the rest of the Gentile nations.

wmth@Romans:3:26 @ with a view to demonstrating, at the present time, His righteousness, that He may be shown to be righteous Himself, and the giver of righteousness to those who believe in Jesus.

wmth@Romans:6:21 @ At that time, then, what benefit did you get from conduct which you now regard with shame? Why, such things finally result in death.

wmth@Romans:7:1 @ Brethren, do you not know –for I am writing to people acquainted with the Law– that it is during our lifetime that we are subject to the Law?

wmth@Romans:8:15 @ You have not for the second time acquired the consciousness of being –a consciousness which fills you with terror. But you have acquired a deep inward conviction of having been adopted as sons– a conviction which prompts us to cry aloud, »Abba! our Father!«

wmth@Romans:11:5 @ In the same way also at the present time there has come to be a remnant whom God in His grace has selected.

wmth@Romans:11:30 @ but just as you were formerly disobedient to Him, but now have received mercy at a time when they are disobedient,

wmth@Romans:11:31 @ so now they also have been disobedient at a time when you are receiving mercy; so that to them too there may now be mercy.

wmth@Romans:13:11 @ Carry out these injunctions because you know the critical period at which we are living, and that it is now high time, to rouse yourselves from sleep; for salvation is now nearer to us than when we first became believers.

wmth@Romans:15:24 @ I hope, as soon as ever I extend my travels into Spain, to see you on my way and be helped forward by you on my journey, when I have first enjoyed being with you for a time.

wmth@Romans:15:32 @ in order that if God be willing I may come to you with a glad heart, and may enjoy a time of rest with you.

wmth@1Corinthians:3:6 @ I planted and Apollos watered; but it was God who was, all the time, giving the increase.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Do not refuse one another, unless perhaps it is just for a time and by mutual consent, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer and may then associate again; lest the Adversary begin to tempt you because of your deficiency in self-control.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:29 @ Yet of this I warn you, brethren: the time has been shortened–so that henceforth those who have wives should be as though they had none,

wmth@1Corinthians:11:25 @ In the same way, when the meal was over, He also took the cup. »This cup,« He said, »is the new Covenant of which my blood is the pledge. Do this, every time that you drink it, in memory of me.«

wmth@1Corinthians:11:26 @ For every time that you eat this bread and drink from the cup, you are proclaiming the Lord's death–until He returns.

wmth@1Corinthians:14:27 @ If there is speaking in an unknown tongue, only two or at the most three should speak, and they should do so one at a time, and one should interpret;

wmth@1Corinthians:15:8 @ And last of all, as to one of untimely birth, He appeared to me also.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:58 @ Therefore, my dear brethren, be firm, unmovable, busily occupied at all times in the Lord's work, knowing that your toil is not fruitless in the Lord.

wmth@1Corinthians:16:7 @ For I do not wish to see you on this occasion merely in passing; but if the Lord permits, I hope to remain some time with you.

wmth@1Corinthians:16:8 @ I shall remain in Ephesus, however, until the time of the Harvest Festival,

wmth@2Corinthians:2:1 @ But, so far as I am concerned, I have resolved not to have a painful visit the next time I come to see you.

wmth@2Corinthians:6:2 @ For He says, Now is the time of loving welcome! Now is the day of salvation!

wmth@2Corinthians:7:8 @ For if I gave you pain by that letter, I do not regret it, though I did regret it then. I see that that letter, even though for a time it gave you pain, had a salutary effect.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:8 @ And God is able to bestow every blessing on you in abundance, so that richly enjoying all sufficiency at all times, you may have ample means for all good works.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:23 @ Are they servants of Christ? (I speak as if I were out of my mind.) Much more am I His servant; serving Him more thoroughly than they by my labours, and more thoroughly also by my imprisonments, by excessively cruel floggings, and with risk of life many a time.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:24 @ From the Jews I five times have received forty lashes all but one.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:25 @ Three times I have been beaten with Roman rods, once I have been stoned, three times I have been shipwrecked, once for full four and twenty hours I was floating on the open sea.

wmth@2Corinthians:12:8 @ As for this, three times have I besought the Lord to rid me of him;

wmth@2Corinthians:12:14 @ See, I am now for the third time prepared to visit you, but I will not be a dead weight to you. I desire not your money, but yourselves; for children ought not to put by for their parents, but parents for their children.

wmth@2Corinthians:12:19 @ You are imagining, all this time, that we are making our defense at your bar. In reality it is as in God's presence and in communion with Christ that we speak; but, dear friends, it is all with a view to your progress in goodness.

wmth@Galatians:4:2 @ but he is under the control of guardians and trustees until the time his father has appointed.

wmth@Galatians:4:4 @ But, when the time was fully come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born subject to Law,

wmth@Galatians:4:8 @ But at one time, you Gentiles, having no knowledge of God, were slaves to gods which in reality do not exist.

wmth@Galatians:4:29 @ Yet just as, at that time, the child born in the common course of nature persecuted the one whose birth was due to the power of the Spirit, so it is now.

wmth@Galatians:6:9 @ Let us not abate our courage in doing what is right; for in due time we shall reap a reward, if we do not faint.

wmth@Galatians:6:17 @ From this time onward let no one trouble me; for, as for me, I bear, branded on my body, the scars of Jesus as my Master.

wmth@Ephesians:1:10 @ for the government of the world when the times are ripe for it–the purpose which He has cherished in His own mind of restoring the whole creation to find its one Head in Christ; yes, things in Heaven and things on earth, to find their one Head in Him.

wmth@Ephesians:2:12 @ At that time you were living apart from Christ, estranged from the Commonwealth of Israel, with no share by birth in the Covenants which are based on the Promises, and you had no hope and no God, in all the world.

wmth@Ephesians:5:8 @ There was a time when you were nothing but darkness. Now, as Christians, you are Light itself.

wmth@Ephesians:5:16 @ Buy up your opportunities, for these are evil times.

wmth@Philippians:1:5 @ I thank my God, I say, for your cooperation in spreading the Good News, from the time it first came to you even until now.

wmth@Philippians:4:16 @ because even in Thessalonica you sent several times to minister to my needs.

wmth@Colossians:4:3 @ And pray at the same time for us also, that God may open for us a door for preaching, for us to tell the truth concerning Christ for the sake of which I am even a prisoner.

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:17 @ But we, brethren, having been for a short time separated from you in bodily presence, though not in heart, endeavoured all the more earnestly, with intense longing, to see you face to face.

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:13 @ Now, concerning those who from time to time pass away, we would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, lest you should mourn as others do who have no hope.

wmth@1Thessalonians:5:1 @ But as to times and dates it is unnecessary that anything be written to you.

wmth@2Thessalonians:2:6 @ And now you know what restrains him, in order that his true character may be revealed at his appointed time.

wmth@1Timothy:2:6 @ who gave Himself as the redemption price for all–a fact testified to at its own appointed time,

wmth@1Timothy:4:1 @ Now the Spirit expressly declares that in later times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons;

wmth@1Timothy:5:13 @ And at the same time they also learn to be idle as they go round from house to house; and they are not only idle, but are gossips also and busybodies, speaking of things that ought not to be spoken of.

wmth@1Timothy:6:15 @ For, as its appointed time, this will be brought about by the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,

wmth@2Timothy:1:16 @ May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus; for many a time he cheered me and he was not ashamed of my chain.

wmth@2Timothy:2:14 @ Bring all this to men's remembrances, solemnly charging them in the presence of God not to waste time in wrangling about mere words, a course which is altogether unprofitable and tends only to the ruin of the hearers.

wmth@2Timothy:3:1 @ But of this be assured: in the last days grievous times will set in.

wmth@2Timothy:4:3 @ For a time is coming when they will not tolerate wholesome instruction, but, wanting to have their ears tickled, they will find a multitude of teachers to satisfy their own fancies;

wmth@2Timothy:4:6 @ I for my part am like a drink-offering which is already being poured out; and the time for my departure is now close at hand.

wmth@2Timothy:4:8 @ From this time onward there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who love the thought of His Appearing.

wmth@Titus:1:3 @ And at the appointed time He clearly made known His Message in the preaching with which I was entrusted by the command of God our Saviour:

wmth@Titus:2:12 @ training us to renounce ungodliness and all the pleasures of this world, and to live sober, upright, and pious lives at the present time,

wmth@Titus:3:3 @ For there was a time when we also were deficient in understanding, obstinate, deluded, the slaves of various cravings and pleasures, spending our lives in malice and envy, hateful ourselves and hating one another.

wmth@Titus:3:12 @ After I have sent Artemas or Tychicus to you, lose no time in joining me at Nicopolis; for I have decided to pass the winter there.

wmth@Philemon:1:15 @ For perhaps it was for this reason he was parted from you for a time, that you might receive him back wholly and for ever yours;

wmth@Philemon:1:22 @ And at the same time provide accommodation for me; for I hope that through your prayers I shall be permitted to come to you.

wmth@Hebrews:1:6 @ But speaking of the time when He once more brings His Firstborn into the world, He says,

wmth@Hebrews:3:8 @ do not harden your hearts as your forefathers did in the time of the provocation on the day of the temptation in the Desert,

wmth@Hebrews:4:16 @ Therefore let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our times of need.

wmth@Hebrews:5:12 @ For although, considering the long time you have been believers, you ought now to be teachers of others, you really need some one to teach you over again the very rudiments of the truths of God, and you have come to require milk instead of solid food.

wmth@Hebrews:8:6 @ But, as a matter of fact, the ministry which Christ has obtained is all the nobler a ministry, in that He is at the same time the negotiator of a sublimer covenant, based upon sublimer promises.

wmth@Hebrews:9:9 @ And this is a figure –for the time now present– answering to which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, unable though they are to give complete freedom from sin to him who ministers.

wmth@Hebrews:9:10 @ For their efficacy depends only on meats and drinks and various washings, ceremonies pertaining to the body and imposed until a time of reformation.

wmth@Hebrews:9:25 @ Nor did He enter for the purpose of many times offering Himself in sacrifice, just as the High Priest enters the Holy place, year after year, taking with him blood not his own.

wmth@Hebrews:9:26 @ In that case Christ would have needed to suffer many times, from the creation of the world onwards; but as a matter of fact He has appeared once for all, at the Close of the Ages, in order to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

wmth@Hebrews:9:28 @ so the Christ also, having been once offered in sacrifice in order that He might bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, separated from sin, to those who are eagerly expecting Him, to make their salvation complete.

wmth@Hebrews:10:13 @ waiting from that time onward until His enemies be put as a footstool under His feet.

wmth@Hebrews:10:37 @ For there is still but a short time and then

wmth@Hebrews:11:9 @ Through faith he came and made his home for a time in a land which had been promised to him, as if in a foreign country, living in tents together with Isaac and Jacob, sharers with him in the same promise;

wmth@Hebrews:11:11 @ Through faith even Sarah herself received strength to become a mother –although she was past the time of life for this– because she judged Him faithful who had given the promise.

wmth@Hebrews:11:32 @ And why need I say more? For time will fail me if I tell the story of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, and of David and Samuel and the Prophets;

wmth@Hebrews:12:11 @ Now, at the time, discipline seems to be a matter not for joy, but for grief; yet it afterwards yields to those who have passed through its training a result full of peace–namely, righteousness.

wmth@James:1:27 @ The religious service which is pure and stainless in the sight of our God and Father is to visit fatherless children and widowed women in their time of trouble, and to keep one's own self unspotted from the world.

wmth@James:4:14 @ when, all the while, you do not even know what will happen to-morrow. For what is the nature of your life? Why, it is but a mist, which appears for a short time and then is seen no more.

wmth@1Peter:1:6 @ Rejoice triumphantly in the prospect of this, even if now, for a short time, you are compelled to sorrow amid various trials.

wmth@1Peter:1:11 @ They were eager to know the time which the Spirit of Christ within them kept indicating, or the characteristics of that time, when they solemnly made known beforehand the sufferings that were to come upon Christ and the glories which would follow.

wmth@1Peter:1:14 @ And, since you delight in obedience, do not shape your lives by the cravings which used to dominate you in the time of your ignorance,

wmth@1Peter:1:17 @ And if you address as your Father Him who judges impartially in accordance with each man's actions, then spend in fear the time of your stay here on earth,

wmth@1Peter:3:5 @ For in ancient times also this was the way the holy women who set their hopes upon God used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their husbands.

wmth@1Peter:3:20 @ who in ancient times had been disobedient, while God's longsuffering was patiently waiting in the days of Noah during the building of the Ark, in which a few persons –eight in number– were brought safely through the water.

wmth@1Peter:4:3 @ For you have given time enough in the past to the doing of the things which the Gentiles delight in– pursuing, as you did, a course of habitual licence, debauchery, hard drinking, noisy revelry, drunkenness and unholy image-worship.

wmth@1Peter:4:17 @ For the time has come for judgement to begin, and to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who reject God's Good News?

wmth@1Peter:5:6 @ Humble yourselves therefore beneath the mighty hand of God, so that at the right time He may set you on high.

wmth@1Peter:5:10 @ And God, the giver of all grace, who has called you to share His eternal glory, through Christ, after you have suffered for a short time, will Himself make you perfect, firm, and strong.

wmth@2Peter:1:14 @ For I know that the time for me to lay aside my body is now rapidly drawing near, even as our Lord Jesus Christ has revealed to me.

wmth@2Peter:3:4 @ and, asking, »What has become of His promised Return? For from the time our forefathers fell asleep all things continue as they have been ever since the creation of the world.«

wmth@Jude:1:18 @ how they declared to you, »In the last times there shall be scoffers, obeying only their own ungodly passions.«

wmth@Jude:1:25 @ to the only God our Saviour–through Jesus Christ our Lord, be ascribed glory, majesty, might, and authority, as it was before all time, is now, and shall be to all the Ages! Amen.

wmth@Revelation:1:3 @ Blessed is he who reads and blessed are those who listen to the words of this prophecy and lay to heart what is written in it; for the time for its fulfillment is now close at hand.

wmth@Revelation:2:21 @ I have given her time to repent, but she is determined not to repent of her fornication.

wmth@Revelation:6:11 @ And there was given to each of them a long white robe, and they were bidden to wait patiently for a short time longer, until the full number of their fellow bondservants should also complete–namely of their brethren who were soon to be killed just as they had been.

wmth@Revelation:9:6 @ And at that time people will seek death, but will by no possibility find it, and will long to die, but death evades them.

wmth@Revelation:11:13 @ And just as that time there was a great earthquake, and a tenth part of the city was overthrown. 7,000 people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of Heaven.

wmth@Revelation:11:18 @ The nations grew angry, and Thine anger has come, and the time for the dead to be judged, and the time for Thee to give their reward to Thy servants the Prophets and to Thy people, and to those who fear Thee, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.«

wmth@Revelation:12:12 @ For this reason be glad, O Heaven, and you who live in Heaven! Alas for the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you; full of fierce anger, because he knows that his appointed time is short.«

wmth@Revelation:12:14 @ Then, the two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman to enable her to fly away into the Desert to the place assigned her, there to be cared for, for a period of time, two periods of time, and half a period of time, beyond the reach of the serpent.

wmth@Revelation:14:7 @ He said in a loud voice, »Fear God and give Him glory, because the time of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made sky and earth, the sea and the water-springs.«

wmth@Revelation:14:13 @ And I heard a voice speaking from Heaven. It said, »Write as follows: »`Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from this time onward. Yes, says the Spirit, let them rest from their sorrowful labours; for what they have done goes with them.'«

wmth@Revelation:17:10 @ And they are seven kings: five of them have fallen, and the one is still reigning. The seventh has not yet come, but when he comes he must continue for a short time.

wmth@Revelation:19:3 @ And a second time they said, »Hallelujah! For her smoke ascends until the Ages of the Ages.«

wmth@Revelation:19:7 @ Let us rejoice and triumph and give Him the glory; for the time for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready.«

wmth@Revelation:20:3 @ He closed the entrance and put a seal upon him in order that he might be unable to lead the nations astray any more until the thousand years were at an end. Afterwards he is to be set at liberty for a short time.

wmth@Revelation:21:25 @ And in the daytime (for there will be no night there) the gates will never be closed;

wmth@Revelation:22:10 @ »Make no secret,« he added, »of the meaning of the predictions contained in this book; for the time for their fulfillment is now close at hand.

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