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mhcc@Genesis:9 @ ****** Genesis 9 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 9 *** God blesses Noah, and grants flesh for food. (_1-3.) Blood, and murder forbidden. (_4-7.) God's covenant by the rainbow. (_8-17.) Noah plants a vineyard, is drunken and mocked by Ham. (_18-23.) Noah curses Canaan, blesses Shem, prays for Japheth, His death. (_24-29.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:9:18-23 @ Verse 18-23 - The drunkenness of Noah is recorded in the Bible, with that fairness which is found only in the Scripture, as a case and proof of human weakness and imperfection, even though he may have been surprised into the sin; and to show that the best of men cannot stand upright, unless they depend upon Divine grace, and are upheld thereby. Ham appears to have been a bad man, and probably rejoiced to find his father in an unbecoming situation. It was said of Noah, that he was perfect in his generations, Genesis strkjv@6:9. but this is meant of sincerity, not of a sinless perfection. Noah, who had kept sober in drunken company, is now drunk in sober company. Let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall. We have need to be very careful when we use God's good creatures plentifully, lest we use them to excess, Luke strkjv@21:34. The consequence of Noah's sin was shame. Observe here the great evil of the sin of drunkenness. It discovers men; what infirmities they have, they betray when they are drunk; and secrets are then easily got out of them. Drunken porters keep open gates. It disgraces men, and exposes them to contempt. As it shows them, so it shames them. Men say and do that when drunken, which, when sober, they would blush to think of. Notice the care of Shem and Japheth to cover their father's shame. There is a mantle of love to be thrown over the faults of all, 1st Peter strkjv@4:8. Beside that, there is a robe of reverence to be thrown over the faults of parents and other superiors. The blessing of God attends on those who honour their parents, and his curse lights especially on those who dishonour them.

mhcc@Exodus:4 @ ****** Exodus 4 ****** *** Outline of Exodus 4 *** God gives Moses power to work miracles. (_1-9.) Moses is loth to be sent, Aaron is to assist him. (_10-17.) Moses leaves Midian, God's message to Pharaoh. (_18-23.) God's displeasure against Moses, Aaron meets him, The people believe them. (_24-31.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Exodus:4:18-23 @ Verse 18-23 - After God had appeared in the bush, he often spake to Moses. Pharaoh had hardened his own heart against the groans and cries of the oppressed Israelites; and now God, in the way of righteous judgment, hardens his heart against the teaching of the miracles, and the terror of the plagues. But whether Pharaoh will hear, or whether he will forbear, Moses must tell him, Thus saith the Lord. He must demand a discharge for Israel, Let my son go; not only my servant, whom thou hast no right to detain, but my son. It is my son that serves me, and therefore must be spared, must be pleaded for. In case of refusal I will slay thy son, even thy first-born. As men deal with God's people, let them expect so to be dealt with.

mhcc@Psalms:74 @ ****** Psalms 74 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 74 *** The desolations of the sanctuary. (_1-11.) Pleas for encouraging faith. (_12-17.) Petitions for deliverances. (_18-23.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Psalms:74:18-23 @ Verse 18-23 - The psalmist begs that God would appear for the church against their enemies. The folly of such as revile his gospel and his servants will be plain to all. Let us call upon our God to enlighten the dark nations of the earth; and to rescue his people, that the poor and needy may praise his name. Blessed Saviour, thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Make thy people more than conquerors. Be thou, Lord, all in all to them in every situation and circumstances; for then thy poor and needy people will praise thy name. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:49 @ ****** Isaiah 49 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 49 *** The unbelief and rejection of the Jews. (_1-6.) Gracious promise to the Gentiles. (_7-12.) God's love to the church. (_13-17.) Its increase. (_18-23.) And deliverance. (_24-26.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:49:18-23 @ Verse 18-23 - Zion is addressed as an afflicted widow, bereaved of her children. Numbers flock to her, and she is assured that they come to be a comfort to her. There are times when the church is desolate and few in number; yet its desolations shall not last for ever, and God will repair them. God can raise up friends for returning Israelites, even among Gentiles. They shall bring their children, and make them thy children. Let all deal tenderly and carefully with young converts and beginners in religion. Princes shall protect the church. It shall appear that God is the sovereign Lord of all. And those who in the exercise of faith, hope, and patience, wait on God for the fulfilment of his promises, shall never be confounded.

mhcc@Jeremiah:11 @ ****** Jeremiah 11 ****** *** Outline of Jeremiah 11 *** The disobedient Jews reproved. (_1-10.) Their utter ruin. (_11-17.) The people would be destroyed who sought the prophet's life. (_18-23.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Jeremiah:11:18-23 @ Verse 18-23 - The prophet Jeremiah tells much concerning himself, the times he lived in being very troublesome. Those of his own city plotted how they might cause his death. They thought to end his days, but he outlived most of his enemies; they thought to blast his memory, but it lives to this day, and will be blessed while time lasts. God knows all the secret designs of his and his people's enemies, and can, when he pleases, make them known. God's justice is a terror to the wicked, but a comfort to the godly. When we are wronged, we have a God to commit our cause to, and it is our duty to commit it to him. We should also look well to our own spirits, that we are not overcome with evil, but that by patient continuance in praying for our enemies, and in kindness to them, we may overcome evil with good. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:18 @ ****** Jeremiah 18 ****** *** Outline of Jeremiah 18 *** God's power over his creatures is represented by the potter. (_1-10.) The Jews exhorted to repentance, and judgments foretold. (_11-17.) The prophet appeals to God. (_18-23.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Jeremiah:18:18-23 @ Verse 18-23 - When the prophet called to repentance, instead of obeying the call, the people devised devices against him. Thus do sinners deal with the great Intercessor, crucifying him afresh, and speaking against him on earth, while his blood is speaking for them in heaven. But the prophet had done his duty to them; and the same will be our rejoicing in a day of evil. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Zechariah:8 @ ****** Zechariah 8 ****** *** Outline of Zechariah 8 *** The restoration of Jerusalem. (_1-8.) The people encouraged by promises of God's favour, and exhorted to holiness. (_9-17.) The Jews in the latter days. (_18-23.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Zechariah:8:18-23 @ Verse 18-23 - When God comes towards us in ways of mercy, we must meet him with joy and thankfulness. Therefore be faithful and honest in all your dealings; and let it be a pleasure to you to be so, though thereby you come short of the gains others get dishonestly; and, as much as in you lies, live peaceably with all men. Let the truths of God rule in your heads, and let the peace of God rule in your hearts. Thus the ancient servants of God drew the notice of heathen neighbours, whose prejudices were softened. A great increase to the church shall be made. Hitherto the Jews had been prone to learn the idolatries of other nations: what more unlikely than that they should teach religion to their conquerors, and to all the principal nations of the earth! Yet this is expressly foretold, and it came to pass. Hitherto the prophecy has been wonderfully fulfilled, and no doubt future events will explain it further. It is good to be with those who have God with them; if we take God for our God, we must take his people for our people, and be willing to take our lot with them. But let not any one think that mere zeal, either for Jews or Gentiles, will stand in the place of personal religion. Let us be living epistles of Christ, known and read of all men, so that others may wish to go with us, and to have their portion with us in the realms of bliss. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

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