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OT.filter - mhcc 25:

mhcc@Genesis:1 @ ****** Genesis 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Genesis *** Genesis is a name taken from the Greek, and signifies "the book of generation or production;" it is properly so called, as containing an account of the origin of all things. There is no other history so old. There is nothing in the most ancient book which exists that contradicts it; while many things recorded by the oldest heathen writers, or to be traced in the customs of different nations, confirm what is related in the book of Genesis. *** Outline of Genesis 1 *** God creates heaven and earth. (_1,2.) The creation of light. (_3-5.) God separates the earth from the waters, and makes it fruitful. (_6-13.) God forms the sun, moon, and stars. (_14-19.) Animals created. (_20-25.) Man created in the image of God. (_26-28.) Food appointed. (_29,30.) The work of creation ended and approved. (_31.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:1:20-25 @ Verse 20-25 - God commanded the fish and fowl to be produced. This command he himself executed. Insects, which are more numerous than the birds and beasts, and as curious, seem to have been part of this day's work. The Creator's wisdom and power are to be admired as much in an ant as in an elephant. The power of God's providence preserves all things, and fruitfulness is the effect of his blessing.

mhcc@Genesis:2 @ ****** Genesis 2 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 2 *** The first sabbath. (_1-3.) Particulars about the creation. (_4-7.) The planting of the garden of Eden. (_8-14.) Man is placed in it. (_15.) God's command. (_16,17.) The animals named, The making of woman, The Divine institution of marriage. (_18-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:2:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - Power over the creatures was given to man, and as a proof of this he named them all. It also shows his insight into the works of God. But though he was lord of the creatures, yet nothing in this world was a help meet for man. From God are all our helpers. If we rest in God, he will work all for good. God caused deep sleep to fall on Adam; while he knows no sin, God will take care that he shall feel no pain. God, as her Father, brought the woman to the man, as his second self, and a help meet for him. That wife, who is of God's making by special grace, and of God's bringing by special providence, is likely to prove a help meet for a man. See what need there is, both of prudence and prayer in the choice of this relation, which is so near and so lasting. That had need to be well done, which is to be done for life. Our first parents needed no clothes for covering against cold or heat, for neither could hurt them: they needed none for ornament. Thus easy, thus happy, was man in his state of innocency. How good was God to him! How many favours did he load him with! How easy were the laws given to him! Yet man, being in honour, understood not his own interest, but soon became as the beasts that perish. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Genesis:4 @ ****** Genesis 4 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 4 *** The birth, employment, and religion of Cain and Abel. (_1-7.) Cain murders Abel, The curse of Cain. (_8-15.) The conduct of Cain, His family. (_16-18.) Lamech and his wives, The skill of Cain's descendants. (_19-24.) The birth of another son and grandson of Adam. (_25,26.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:4:25,26 @ Verse 25,26 - Our first parents were comforted in their affliction by the birth of a son, whom they called Seth, that is, 'set,' 'settled,' or 'placed;' in his seed mankind should continue to the end of time, and from him the Messiah should descend. While Cain, the head of the apostacy, is made a wanderer, Seth, from whom the true church was to come, is one fixed. In Christ and his church is the only true settlement. Seth walked in the steps of his martyred brother Abel; he was a partaker of like precious faith in the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, and so became a fresh witness of the grace and influence of God the Holy Spirit. God gave Adam and Eve to see the revival of religion in their family. The worshippers of God began to do more in religion; some, by an open profession of true religion, protested against the wickedness of the world around. The worse others are, the better we should be, and the more zealous. Then began the distinction between professors and profane, which has been kept up ever since, and will be, while the world stands. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Genesis:5 @ ****** Genesis 5 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 5 *** Adam and Seth. (_1-5.) The patriarchs from Seth to Enoch. (_6-20.) Enoch. (_21-24.) Methuselah to Noah. (_25-32.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:5:25-32 @ Verse 25-32 - Methuselah signifies, 'he dies, there is a dart,' 'a sending forth,' namely, of the deluge, which came the year that Methuselah died. He lived 969 years, the longest that any man ever lived on earth; but the longest liver must die at last. Noah signifies rest; his parents gave him that name, with a prospect of his being a great blessing to his generation. Observe his father's complaint of the calamitous state of human life, by the entrance of sin, and the curse of sin. Our whole life is spent in labour, and our time filled up with continual toil. God having cursed the ground, it is as much as some can do, with the utmost care and pains, to get a hard livelihood out comfort us." It signifies not only that desire and expectation which parents generally have about their children, that they will be comforts to them and helpers, though they often prove otherwise; but it signifies also a prospect of something more. Is Christ ours? Is heaven ours? We need better comforters under our toil and sorrow, than the dearest relations and the most promising offspring; may we seek and find comforts in Christ. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Genesis:6:12-21 @ Verse 12-21 - God told Noah his purpose to destroy the wicked world by water. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, Psalms 25:14. It is with all believers, enabling them to understand and apply the declarations and warnings of the written word. God chose to do it by a flood of waters, which should drown the world. As he chooses the rod with which he corrects his children, so he chooses the sword with which he cuts off his enemies. God established his covenant with Noah. This is the first place in the Bible where the word 'covenant' is found; it seems to mean, 1. The covenant of providence; that the course of nature shall be continued to the end of time. 2. The covenant of grace; that God would be a God to Noah, and that out of his seed God would take to himself a people. God directed Noah to make an ark. This ark was like the hulk of a ship, fitted to float upon the waters. It was very large, half the size of St. Paul's cathedral, and would hold more than eighteen of the largest ships now used. God could have secured Noah without putting him to any care, or pains, or trouble; but employed him in making that which was to be the means to preserve him, for the trial of his faith and obedience. Both the providence of God, and the grace of God, own and crown the obedient and diligent. God gave Noah particular orders how to make the ark, which could not therefore but be well fitted for the purpose. God promised Noah that he and his family should be kept alive in the ark. What we do in obedience to God, we and our families are likely to have the benefit of. The piety of parents gets their children good in this life, and furthers them in the way to eternal life, if they improve it.

mhcc@Genesis:7:13-16 @ Verse 13-16 - The ravenous creatures were made mild and manageable; yet, when this occasion was over, they were of the same kind as before; for the ark did not alter their natures. Hypocrites in the church, who outwardly conform to the laws of that ark, are yet unchanged; and it will appear, one time or other, what kind they are after. God continued his care of Noah. God shut the door, to secure him and keep him safe in the ark; also to keep all others for ever out. In what manner this was done, God has not been pleased to make known. There is much of our gospel duty and privilege to be seen in Noah's safety in the ark. The apostle makes it a type of christian baptism, 1st Peter strkjv@3:20,21. Observe then, it is our great duty, in obedience to the gospel call, by a lively faith in Christ, to come into that way of salvation which God has provided for poor sinners. Those that come into the ark, should bring as many as they can with them, by good instructions, by persuasions, and by good examples. There is room enough in Christ for all comers. God put Adam into paradise, but did not shut him in, so he threw himself out; but when God put Noah into the ark, and so when he brings a soul to Christ, the salvation is sure: it is not in our own keeping, but in the Mediator's hand. But the door of mercy will shortly be shut against those that now make light of it. Knock now, and it shall be opened, Luke strkjv@13:25.

mhcc@Genesis:10:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 - This chapter shows concerning the three sons of Noah, that of them was the whole earth overspread. No nation but that of the Jews can be sure from which of these seventy it has come. The lists of names of fathers and sons were preserved of the Jews alone, for the sake of the Messiah. Many learned men, however, have, with some probability, shown which of the nations of the earth descended from each of the sons of Noah To the posterity of Japheth were allotted the isles of the gentiles; probably, the island of Britain among the rest. All places beyond the sea from Judea are called isles, Jeremiah 25:22. That promise, Isaiah strkjv@42:4,. The isles shall wait for his law, speaks of the conversion of the gentiles to the faith of Christ.

mhcc@Genesis:25 @ ****** Genesis 25 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 25 *** Abraham's family by Keturah, His death and burial. (_1-10.) God blesses Isaac The descendants of Ishmael. (_11-18.) The birth of Esau and Jacob. (_19-26.) The different characters of Esau and Jacob. (_27,28.) Esau despises and sells his birth-right. (_29-34.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:25:1-10 @ Verse 1-10 - All the days, even of the best and greatest saints, are not remarkable days; some slide on silently; such were these last days of Abraham. Here is an account of Abraham's children by Keturah, and the disposition which he made of his estate. After the birth of these sons, he set his house in order, with prudence and justice. He did this while he yet lived. It is wisdom for men to do what they find to do while they live, as far as they can. Abraham lived 175 years; just one hundred years after he came to Canaan; so long he was a sojourner in a strange country. Whether our stay in this life be long or short, it matters but little, provided we leave behind us a testimony to the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord, and a good example to our families. We are told that his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him. It seems that Abraham had himself brought them together while he lived. Let us not close the history of the life of Abraham without blessing God for such a testimony of the triumph of faith.

mhcc@Genesis:25:11-18 @ Verse 11-18 - Ishmael had twelve sons, whose families became distinct tribes. They peopled a very large country that lay between Egypt and Assyria, called Arabia. The number and strength of this family were the fruit of the promise, made to Hagar and to Abraham, concerning Ishmael.

mhcc@Genesis:25:19-26 @ Verse 19-26 - Isaac seems not to have been much tried, but to have spent his days in quietness. Jacob and Esau were prayed for; their parents, after being long childless, obtained them by prayer. The fulfilment of God's promise is always sure, yet it is often slow. The faith of believers is tried, their patience exercised, and mercies long waited for are more welcome when they come. Isaac and Rebekah kept in view the promise of all nations being blessed in their posterity, therefore were not only desirous of children, but anxious concerning every thing which seemed to mark their future character. In all our doubts we should inquire of the Lord by prayer. In many of our conflicts with sin and temptation, we may adopt Rebekah's words, "If it be so, why am I thus?" If a child of God, why so careless or carnal? If not a child of God, why so afraid of, or so burdened with sin?

mhcc@Genesis:25:27,28 @ Verse 27,28 - Esau hunted the beasts of the field with dexterity and success, till he became a conqueror, ruling over his neighbours. Jacob was a plain man, one that liked the true delights of retirement, better than all pretended pleasures. He was a stranger and a pilgrim in his spirit, and a shepherd all his days. Isaac and Rebekah had but these two children, one was the father's darling, and the other the mother's. And though godly parents must feel their affections most drawn over towards a godly child, yet they will not show partiality. Let their affections lead them to do what is just and equal to every child, or evils will arise.

mhcc@Genesis:25:29-34 @ Verse 29-34 - We have here the bargain made between Jacob and Esau about the right, which was Esau's by birth, but Jacob's by promise. It was for a spiritual privilege; and we see Jacob's desire of the birth-right, but he sought to obtain it by crooked courses, not like his character as a plain man. He was right, that he coveted earnestly the best gifts; he was wrong, that he took advantage of his brother's need. The inheritance of their father's worldly goods did not descend to Jacob, and was not meant in this proposal. But it includeth the future possession of the land of Canaan by his children's children, and the covenant made with Abraham as to Christ the promised Seed. Believing Jacob valued these above all things; unbelieving Esau despised them. Yet although we must be of Jacob's judgment in seeking the birth-right, we ought carefully to avoid all guile, in seeking to obtain even the greatest advantages. Jacob's pottage pleased Esau's eye. "Give me some of that red;" for this he was called Edom, or Red. Gratifying the sensual appetite ruins thousands of precious souls. When men's hearts walk after their own eyes, Job strkjv@31:7,. and when they serve their own bellies, they are sure to be punished. If we use ourselves to deny ourselves, we break the force of most temptations. It cannot be supposed that Esau was dying of hunger in Isaac's house. The words signify, I am going towards death; he seems to mean, I shall never live to inherit Canaan, or any of those future supposed blessings; and what signifies it who has them when I am dead and gone. This would be the language of profaneness, with which the apostle brands him, Hebrews strkjv@12:16. and this contempt of the birth-right is blamed, ver.34. It is the greatest folly to part with our interest in God, and Christ, and heaven, for the riches, honours, and pleasures of this world; it is as bad a bargain as his who sold a birth-right for a dish of pottage. Esau ate and drank, pleased his palate, satisfied his appetite, and then carelessly rose up and went his way, without any serious thought, or any regret, about the bad bargain he had made. Thus Esau despised his birth-right. By his neglect and contempt afterwards, and by justifying himself in what he had done, he put the bargain past recall. People are ruined, not so much by doing what is amiss, as by doing it and not repenting of it. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Genesis:26 @ ****** Genesis 26 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 26 *** Isaac, because of famine, goes to Gerar. (_1-5.) He denies his wife and is reproved by Abimelech. (_6-11.) Isaac grows rich, The Philistines' envy. (_12-17.) Isaac digs wells God blesses him. (_18-25.) Abimelech makes a covenant with Isaac. (_26-33.) Esau's wives. (_34,35.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:26:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - Isaac met with much opposition in digging wells. Two were called Contention and Hatred. See the nature of worldly things; they make quarrels, and are occasions of strife; and what is often the lot of the most quiet and peaceable; those who avoid striving, yet cannot avoid being striven with. And what a mercy it is to have plenty of water; to have it without striving for it! The more common this mercy is, the more reason to be thankful for it. At length Isaac digged a well, for which they strove not. Those that study to be quiet, seldom fail of being so. When men are false and unkind, still God is faithful and gracious; and his time to show himself so is, when we are most disappointed by men. The same night that Isaac came weary and uneasy to Beer-sheba, God brought comforts to his soul. Those may remove with comfort who are sure of God's presence.

mhcc@Genesis:30 @ ****** Genesis 30 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 30 *** A further account of Jacob's family. (_1-13.) Rachel beareth Joseph. (_14-24.) Jacob's new agreement with Laban to serve him for cattle. (_25-43.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:30:25-43 @ Verse 25-43 - The fourteen years being gone, Jacob was willing to depart without any provision, except God's promise. But he had in many ways a just claim on Laban's substance, and it was the will of God that he should be provided for from it. He referred his cause to God, rather than agree for stated wages with Laban, whose selfishness was very great. And it would appear that he acted honestly, when none but those of the colours fixed upon should be found among his cattle. Laban selfishly thought that his cattle would produce few different in colour from their own. Jacob's course after this agreement has been considered an instance of his policy and management. But it was done by intimation from God, and as a token of his power. The Lord will one way or another plead the cause of the oppressed, and honour those who simply trust his providence. Neither could Laban complain of Jacob, for he had nothing more than was freely agreed that he should have; nor was he injured, but greatly benefitted by Jacob's services. May all our mercies be received with thanksgiving and prayer, that coming from his bounty, they may lead to his praise. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Genesis:36 @ ****** Genesis 36 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 36 *** Esau and his descendants. - The registers in this chapter show the faithfulness of God to his promise to Abraham. Esau is here called Edom, that name which kept up the remembrance of his selling his birth-right for a mess of pottage. Esau continued the same profane despiser of heavenly things. In outward prosperity and honour, the children of the covenant are often behind, and those that are out of the covenant get the start. We may suppose it a trial to the faith of God's Israel, to hear of the pomp and power of the kings of Edom, while they were bond-slaves in Egypt; but those that look for great things from God, must be content to wait for them; God's time is the best time. Mount Seir is called the land of their possession. Canaan was at this time only the land of promise. Seir was in the possession of the Edomites. The children of this world have their all in hand, and nothing in hope, Luke strkjv@16:25. while the children of God have their all in hope, and next to nothing in hand. But, all things considered, it is beyond compare better to have Canaan in promise, than mount Seir in possession. __Outline Henry'__37 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Genesis:42 @ ****** Genesis 42 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 42 *** Jacob sends ten sons to buy corn. (_1-6.) Joseph's treatment of his brethren. (_7-20.) Their remorse, Simeon detained. (_21-24.) The rest return with corn. (_25-28.) Jacob refuses to send Benjamin to Egypt. (_29-38.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:42:25-28 @ Verse 25-28 - The brethren came for corn, and corn they had: not only so, but every man had his money given back. Thus Christ, like Joseph, gives out supplies without money and without price. The poorest are invited to buy. But guilty consciences are apt to take good providences in a bad sense; to put wrong meanings even upon things that make for them.

mhcc@Genesis:43 @ ****** Genesis 43 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 43 *** Jacob is persuaded to send Benjamin into Egypt. (_1-14.) Joseph's reception of his brethren, their fears. (_15-25.) Joseph makes a feast for his brethren. (_26-34.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:43:15-25 @ Verse 15-25 - Jacob's sons went down the second time into Egypt to buy corn. If we should ever know what a famine of the word means, let us not think it much to travel as far for spiritual food, as they did for bodily food. Joseph's steward had orders from his master to take them to his house. Even this frightened them. Those that are guilty make the worst of every thing. But the steward encouraged them. It appears, from what he said, that by his good master he was brought to the knowledge of the true God, the God of the Hebrews. Religious servants should take all fit occasions to speak of God and his providence, with reverence and seriousness.

mhcc@Genesis:45 @ ****** Genesis 45 ****** *** Outline of Genesis 45 *** Joseph comforts his brethren, and sends for his father. (_1-15.) Pharaoh confirms Joseph's invitation, Joseph's gifts to his brethren. (_16-24.) Jacob receives the news of Joseph's being alive. (_25-28.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Genesis:45:25-28 @ Verse 25-28 - To hear that Joseph is alive, is too good news to be true; Jacob faints, for he believes it not. We faint, because we do not believe. At length, Jacob is convinced of the truth. Jacob was old, and did not expect to live long. He says, Let my eyes be refreshed with this sight before they are closed, and then I need no more to make me happy in this world. Behold Jesus manifesting himself as a Brother and a Friend to those who once were his despisers, his enemies. He assures them of his love and the riches of his grace. He commands them to lay aside envy, anger, malice, and strife, and to live in peace with each other. He teaches them to give up the world for him and his fulness. He supplies all that is needful to bring them home to himself, that where he is they may be also. And though, when he at last sends for his people, they may for a time feel some doubts and fears, yet the thought of seeing his glory and of being with him, will enable them to say, It is enough, I am willing to die; and I go to see, and to be with the Beloved of my soul. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Exodus:2 @ ****** Exodus 2 ****** *** Outline of Exodus 2 *** Moses is born, and exposed on the river. (_1-4.) He is found, and brought up by Pharaoh's daughter. (_5-10.) Moses slays an Egyptian, and flees to Midian. (_11-15.) Moses marries the daughter of Jethro. (_16-22.) God hears the Israelites. (_23-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Exodus:2:23-25 @ Verse 23-25 - The Israelites' bondage in Egypt continued, though the murdering of their infants did not continue. Sometimes the Lord suffers the rod of the wicked to lie very long and very heavy on the lot of the righteous. At last they began to think of God under their troubles. It is a sign that the Lord is coming towards us with deliverance, when he inclines and enables us to cry to him for it. God heard their groaning; he made it to appear that he took notice of their complaints. He remembered his covenant, of which he is ever mindful. He considered this, and not any merit of theirs. He looked upon the children of Israel. Moses looked upon them, and pitied them; but now God looked upon them, and helped them. He had respect unto them. His eyes are now fixed upon Israel, to show himself in their behalf. God is ever thus, a very present help in trouble. Take courage then, ye who, conscious of guilt and thraldom, are looking to Him for deliverance. God in Christ Jesus is also looking upon you. A call of love is joined with a promise of the Redeemer. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Matthew strkjv@11:28. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Exodus:7 @ ****** Exodus 7 ****** *** Outline of Exodus 7 *** Moses and Aaron encouraged. (_1-7.) The rods turned into serpents, Pharaoh's heart is hardened. (_8-13.) The river is turned into blood, The distress of the Egyptians. (_14-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Exodus:7:14-25 @ Verse 14-25 - Here is the first of the ten plagues, the turning of the water into blood. It was a dreadful plague. The sight of such vast rolling streams of blood could not but strike horror. Nothing is more common than water: so wisely has Providence ordered it, and so kindly, that what is so needful and serviceable to the comfort of human life, should be cheap and almost every where to be had; but now the Egyptians must either drink blood, or die for thirst. Egypt was a pleasant land, but the dead fish and blood now rendered it very unpleasant. It was a righteous plague, and justly sent upon the Egyptians; for Nile, the river of Egypt, was their idol. That creature which we idolize, God justly takes from us, or makes bitter to us. They had stained the river with the blood of the Hebrews' children, and now God made that river all blood. Never any thirsted after blood, but sooner or later they had enough of it. It was a significant plague; Egypt had great dependence upon their river,

mhcc@Exodus:19 @ ****** Exodus 19 ****** *** Outline of Exodus 19 *** The people come to Sinai, God's message to them, and their answer. (_1-8.) The people directed to prepare to hear the law. (_9-15.) The presence of God on Sinai. (_16-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Exodus:19:16-25 @ Verse 16-25 - Never was there such a sermon preached, before or since, as this which was preached to the church in the wilderness. It might be supposed that the terrors would have checked presumption and curiosity in the people; but the hard heart of an unawakened sinner can trifle with the most terrible threatenings and judgments. In drawing near to God, we must never forget his holiness and greatness, nor our own meanness and pollution. We cannot stand in judgment before him according to his righteous law. The convinced transgressor asks, What must I do to be saved? and he hears the voice, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. The Holy Ghost, who made the law to convince of sin, now takes of the things of Christ, and shows them to us. In the gospel we read, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. We have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. Through him we are justified from all things, from which we could not be justified by the law of Moses. But the Divine law is binding as a rule of life. The Son of God came down from heaven, and suffered poverty, shame, agony, and death, not only to redeem us from its curse, but to bind us more closely to keep its commands. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Exodus:25 @ ****** Exodus 25 ****** *** Outline of Exodus 25 *** What the Israelites were to offer for making the tabernacle. (_1-9.) The ark. (_10-22.) The table, with its furniture. (_23-30.) The candlestick. (_31-40.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Exodus:25:1-9 @ Verse 1-9 - God chose the people of Israel to be a peculiar people to himself, above all people, and he himself would be their King. He ordered a royal palace to be set up among them for himself, called a sanctuary, or holy place, or habitation. There he showed his presence among them. And because in the wilderness they dwelt in tents, this royal palace was ordered to be a tabernacle, that it might move with them. The people were to furnish Moses with the materials, by their own free will. The best use we can make of our worldly wealth, is to honour God with it in works of piety and charity. We should ask, not only, What must we do? but, What may we do for God? Whatever they gave, they must give it cheerfully, not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver, 2Corinthians strkjv@9:7. What is laid out in the service of God, we must reckon well bestowed; and whatsoever is done in God's service, must be done by his direction.

mhcc@Exodus:25:10-22 @ Verse 10-22 - The ark was a chest, overlaid with gold, in which the two tables of the law were to be kept. These tables are called the testimony; God in them testified his will. This law was a testimony to the Israelites, to direct them in their duty, and would be a testimony against them, if they transgressed. This ark was placed in the holy of holies; the blood of the sacrifices was sprinkled, and the incense burned, before it, by the high priest; and above it appeared the visible glory, which was the symbol of the Divine presence. This was a type of Christ in his sinless nature, which saw no corruption, in personal union with his Divine nature, atoning for our sins against it, by his death. The cherubim of gold looked one towards another, and both looked downward toward the ark. It denotes the angels' attendance on the Redeemer, their readiness to do his will, their presence in the assemblies of saints, and their desire to look into the mysteries of the gospel. It was covered with a covering of gold, called the mercy-seat. God is said to dwell, or sit between the cherubim, on the mercy-seat. There he would give his law, and hear supplicants, as a prince on his throne.

mhcc@Exodus:25:23-30 @ Verse 23-30 - A table was to be made of wood, overlaid with gold, to stand in the outer tabernacle, to be always furnished with the shew-bread. This table, with the articles on it, and its use, seems to typify the communion which the Lord holds with his redeemed people in his ordinances, the provisions of his house, the feasts they are favoured with. Also the food for their souls, which they always find when they hunger after it; and the delight he takes in their persons and services, as presented before him in Christ.

mhcc@Exodus:25:31-40 @ Verse 31-40 - The candlestick represents the light of God's word and Spirit, in and through Christ Jesus, afforded in this dark world to his believing people, to direct their worship and obedience, and to afford them consolations. The church is still dark, as the tabernacle was, in comparison with what it will be in heaven; but the word of God is a light shining in a dark place,

mhcc@Exodus:25:2Pe @ Verse 2Peter - strkjv@1:19,. and a dark place indeed the world would be without it. In ver.40 is an express caution to Moses. Nothing was left to his own fancy, or to that of the workmen, or the people; but the will of God must be observed in every particular. Christ's instruction to his disciples, Matthew strkjv@28:20,. is like this, Observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Let us remember that we are the temples of the Holy Ghost, that we have the law of God in our hearts, that we are to live a life of communion with God, feast on his ordinances, and are the light of the world, if indeed we are followers of Christ. May the Lord help us to try ourselves by this view of religion, and to walk according thereto. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Leviticus:25 @ ****** Leviticus 25 ****** *** Outline of Leviticus 25 *** The sabbath of rest for the land in the seventh year. (_1-7.) The jubilee of the fiftieth year, Oppression forbidden. (_8-22.) Redemption of the land and houses. (_23-34.) Compassion towards the poor. (_35-38.) Laws respecting bondmen, Oppression forbidden. (_39-55.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Leviticus:25:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 - All labour was to cease in the seventh year, as much as daily labour on the seventh day. These statues tell us to beware of covetousness, for a man's life consists not in the abundance of his possessions. We are to exercise willing dependence on God's providence for our support; to consider ourselves the Lord's tenants or stewards, and to use our possessions accordingly. This year of rest typified the spiritual rest which all believers enter into through Christ. Through Him we are eased of the burden of wordly care and labour, both being sanctified and sweetened to us; and we are enabled and encouraged to live by faith.

mhcc@Leviticus:25:8-22 @ Verse 8-22 - The word "jubilee" signifies a peculiarly animated sound of the silver trumpets. This sound was to be made on the evening of the great day of atonement; for the proclamation of gospel liberty and salvation results from the sacrifice of the Redeemer. It was provided that the lands should not be sold away from their families. They could only be disposed of, as it were, by leases till the year of jubilee, and then returned to the owner or his heir. This tended to preserve their tribes and families distinct, till the coming of the Messiah. The liberty every man was born to, if sold or forfeited, should return at the year of jubilee. This was typical of redemption by Christ from the slavery of sin and Satan, and of being brought again to the liberty of the children of God. All bargains ought to be made by this rule, "Ye shall not oppress one another," not take advantage of one another's ignorance or necessity, "but thou shalt fear thy God." The fear of God reigning in the heart, would restrain from doing wrong to our neighbour in word or deed. Assurance was given that they should be great gainers, by observing these years of rest. If we are careful to do our duty, we may trust God with our comfort. This was a miracle for an encouragement to all neither sowed or reaped. This was a miracle for an encouragement to all God's people, in all ages, to trust him in the way of duty. There is nothing lost by faith and self-denial in obedience. Some asked, What shall we eat the seventh year? Thus many Christians anticipate evils, questioning what they shall do, and fearing to proceed in the way of duty. But we have no right to anticipate evils, so as to distress ourselves about them. To carnal minds we may appear to act absurdly, but the path of duty is ever the path of safety.

mhcc@Leviticus:25:23-34 @ Verse 23-34 - If the land were not redeemed before the year of jubilee, it then returned to him that sold or mortgaged it. This was a figure of the free grace of God in Christ; by which, and not by any price or merit of our own, we are restored to the favour of God. Houses in walled cities were more the fruits of their own industry than land in the country, which was the direct gift of God's bounty; therefore if a man sold a house in a city, he might redeem it only within a year after the sale. This encouraged strangers and proselytes to come and settle among them.

mhcc@Leviticus:25:35-38 @ Verse 35-38 - Poverty and decay are great grievances, and very common; the poor ye have always with you. Thou shalt relieve him; by sympathy, pitying the poor; by service, doing for them; and by supply, giving to them according to their necessity, and thine ability. Poor debtors must not be oppressed. Observe the arguments here used against extortion: "Fear thy God." Relieve the poor, "that they may live with thee;" for they may be serviceable to thee. The rich can as ill spare the poor, as the poor can the rich. It becomes those that have received mercy to show mercy.

mhcc@Leviticus:25:39-55 @ Verse 39-55 - A native Israelite, if sold for debt, or for a crime, was to serve but six years, and to go out the seventh. If he sold himself, through poverty, both his work and his usage must be such as were fitting for a son of Abraham. Masters are required to give to their servants that which is just and equal, Colossians strkjv@4:1. At the year of jubilee the servant should go out free, he and his children, and should return to his own family. This typified redemption from the service of sin and Satan, by the grace of God in Christ, whose truth makes us free, John strkjv@8:32. We cannot ransom our fellow-sinners, but we may point out Christ to them; while by his grace our lives may adorn his gospel, express our love, show our gratitude, and glorify his holy name. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Leviticus:27 @ ****** Leviticus 27 ****** *** Outline of Leviticus 27 *** The law concerning vows, Of persons and animals. (_1-13.) Vows concerning houses and land. (_14-25.) Devoted things not to be redeemed. (_26-33.) Conclusion. (_34.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Leviticus:27:14-25 @ Verse 14-25 - Our houses, lands, cattle, and all our substance, must be used to the glory of God. It is acceptable to him that a portion be given to support his worship, and to promote his cause. But God would not approve such a degree of zeal as ruined a man's family.

mhcc@Numbers:13 @ ****** Numbers 13 ****** *** Outline of Numbers 13 *** Twelve men sent to search the land of Canaan, Their instructions. (_1-20.) Their proceedings. (_21-25.) Their account of the land. (_26-33.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Numbers:13:21-25 @ Verse 21-25 - The searchers of the land brought a bunch of grapes with them, and other fruits, as proofs of the goodness of the country; which was to Israel both the earnest and the specimen of all the fruits of Canaan. Such are the present comforts we have in communion with God, foretastes of the fulness of joy we expect in the heavenly Canaan. We may see by them what heaven is.

mhcc@Numbers:24 @ ****** Numbers 24 ****** *** Outline of Numbers 24 *** Balaam, leaving divinations, prophesies the happiness of Israel. (_1-9.) Balak dismisses Balaam in anger. (_10-14.) Balaam's prophecies. (_15-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Numbers:24:15-25 @ Verse 15-25 - Under the powerful influence of the Spirit of prophecy, Balaam foretold the future prosperity and extensive dominion of Israel. Balaam boasts that his eyes are open. The prophets were in old times called seers. He had heard the words of God, which many do who neither heed them, nor hear God in them. He knew the knowledge of the Most High. A man may be full of the knowledge of God, yet utterly destitute of the grace of God. He calls God the Most High and the Almighty. No man could seem to express a greater respect to God; yet he had no true fear of him, love to him, nor faith in him; so far a man may go toward heaven, and yet come short of it at last. Here is Balaam's prophecy concerning Him who should be the crown and glory of his people Israel; who is David in the type; but our Lord Jesus, the promised Messiah, is chiefly pointed at, and of him it is an illustrious prophecy. Balaam, a wicked man, shall see Christ, but shall not see him nigh; not see him as Job, who saw him as his Redeemer, and saw him for himself. When he comes in the clouds, every eye shall see him; but many will see him, as the rich man in hell saw Abraham, afar off. He shall come out of Jacob, and Israel, as a Star and a Sceptre; the former denoting his glory and lustre; the latter his power and authority. Christ shall be King, not only of Jacob and Israel, but of all the world; so that all shall be either governed by his golden sceptre, or dashed in pieces by his iron rod. Balaam prophesied concerning the Amalekites and Kenites, part of whose country he had now in view. Even a nest in a rock will not be a lasting security. Here is a prophecy that looks as far forward as to the Greeks and Romans. He acknowledges all the revolutions of states and kingdoms to be the Lord's doing. These events will make such desolations, that scarcely any will escape. They that live then, will be as brands plucked out of the fire. May God fit us for the worst of times! Thus Balaam, instead of cursing the church, curses Amalek the first, and Rome the last enemy of the church. Not Rome pagan only, but Rome papal also; antichrist and all the antichristian powers. Let us ask ourselves, Do we in knowledge, experience, or profession, excel Balaam? No readiness of speech, even in preaching or prayer, no gifts of knowledge or prophecy, are in themselves different from, or superior to the boasted gifts of him who loved the wages of unrighteousness, and died the enemy of God. Simple dependence on the Redeemer's atoning blood and sanctifying grace, cheerful submission to the Divine will, constant endeavours to glorify God and benefit his people, these are less splendid, but far more excellent gifts, and always accompany salvation. No boasting hypocrite ever possessed these; yet the feeblest believer has something of them, and is daily praying for more of them. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Numbers:25 @ ****** Numbers 25 ****** *** Outline of Numbers 25 *** The Israelites enticed by the daughters of Moab and Midian. (_1-5.) Phinehas puts Zimri and Cozbi to death. (_6-15.) The Midianites to be punished. (_16-18.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Numbers:25:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 - The friendship of the wicked is more dangerous than their enmity; for none can prevail against God's people if they are not overcome by their inbred lusts; nor can any enchantment hurt them, but the enticements of worldly interests and pleasures. Here is the sin of Israel, to which they are enticed by the daughters of Moab and Midian. Those are our worst enemies who draw us to sin, for that is the greatest mischief any man can do us. Israel's sin did that which all Balaam's enchantments could not do; it set God against them. Diseases are the fruits of God's anger, and the just punishments of prevailing sins; one infection follows the other. Ringleaders in sin ought to be made examples of justice.

mhcc@Numbers:25:6-15 @ Verse 6-15 - Phinehas, in the courage of zeal and faith, executed vengeance on Zimri and Cozbi. This act can never be an example for private revenge, or religious persecution, or for irregular public vengeance.

mhcc@Numbers:25:16-18 @ Verse 16-18 - We read not that any Midianites died of the plague; God punished them with the sword of an enemy, not with the rod of a father. We must set ourselves against whatever is an occasion of sin to us, Matthew strkjv@5:29,30. Whatever draws us to sin, should be a vexation to us, as a thorn in the flesh. And none will be more surely and severely punished than those who, after Satan's example, and with his subtlety, tempt others to sin. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Numbers:31 @ ****** Numbers 31 ****** *** Outline of Numbers 31 *** War with Midian. (_1-6.) Balaam slain. (_7-12.) Those slain who caused sin. (_13-38.) Purification of the Israelites. (_39-24.) Division of the spoil. (_25-47.) Offerings. (_48-54.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Numbers:31:25-47 @ Verse 25-47 - Whatever we have, God justly claims a part. Out of the people's share God required one in fifty, but out of the soldiers' share only one in five hundred. The less opportunity we have of honouring God with personal services, the more should we give in money or value.

mhcc@Deuteronomy:6 @ ****** Deuteronomy 6 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 6 *** A persuasive to obedience. (_1-3.) An exhortation to obedience. (_4,5.) Obedience taught. (_6-16.) General precepts, Instructions to be given to their children. (_17-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Deuteronomy:6:17-25 @ Verse 17-25 - Moses gives charge to keep God's commandments. Negligence will ruin us; but we cannot be saved without diligence. It is our interest, as well as our duty, to be religious. It will be our life. Godliness has the promise of the continuance and comfort of the life that now is, as far as it is for God's glory. It will be our righteousness. It is only through the Mediator we can be righteous before God. The knowledge of the spirituality and excellency of the holy law of God, is suited to show sinful man his need of a Saviour, and to prepare his heart to welcome a free salvation. The gospel honours the law, not only in the perfect obedience of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ; but in that it is a plan for bringing back apostate rebels and enemies, by repentance, faith, forgiveness, and renewing grace, to love God above all things, even in this world; and in the world above, to love him perfectly, even as angels love him. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Deuteronomy:11 @ ****** Deuteronomy 11 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 11 *** The great work God wrought for Israel. (_1-7.) Promises and threatenings. (_8-17.) Careful study of God's word requisite. (_18-25.) The blessings and the curse set forth. (_26-32.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Deuteronomy:11:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - Let all be directed by the three rules here given. 1. Let our hearts be filled with the word of God. There will not be good practices in the life, unless there be good thoughts, good affections, and good principles in the heart. 2. Let our eyes be fixed upon the word of God, having constant regard to it as the guide of our way, as the rule of our work, Psalms strkjv@119:30. 3. Let our tongues be employed about the word of God. Nor will any thing do more to cause prosperity, and keeping up religion in a nation, than the good education of children.

mhcc@Deuteronomy:23 @ ****** Deuteronomy 23 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 23 *** Who are shut out from the congregation. (_1-8.) Cleanliness enjoined. (_15-25.) Of fugitive servants, Usury, and other precepts. (_9-14.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Deuteronomy:23:15-25 @ Verse 15-25 - It is honourable to shelter and protect the weak, provided they are not wicked. Proselytes and converts to the truth, should be treated with particular tenderness, that they may have no temptation to return to the world. We cannot honour God with our substance, unless it be honestly and honourably come by. It must not only be considered what we give, but how we got it. Where the borrower gets, or hopes to get, it is just that the lender should share the gain; but to him that borrows for necessary food, pity must be showed. That which is gone out of thy lips, as a solemn and deliberate vow, must not be recalled, but thou shalt keep and perform it punctually and fully. They were allowed to pluck and eat of the corn or grapes that grew by the road side; only they must not carry any away. This law intimated what great plenty of corn and wine they should have in Canaan. It provided for the support of poor travellers, and teaches us to be kind to such, teaches us to be ready to distribute, and not to think every thing lost that is given away. Yet it forbids us to abuse the kindness of friends, or to take advantage of what is allowed. Faithfulness to their engagements should mark the people of God; and they should never encroach upon others. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Deuteronomy:25 @ ****** Deuteronomy 25 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 25 *** Extent of punishment. (_1-3.) The ox that treadeth the corn. (_4.) Marriage of a brother's wife. (_5-12.) Of unjust weights. (_13-16.) War against Amalek. (_17-19.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Deuteronomy:25:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 - Every punishment should be with solemnity, that those who see it may be filled with dread, and be warned not to offend in like manner. And though the criminals must be shamed as well as put to pain, for their warning and disgrace, yet care should be taken that they do not appear totally vile. Happy those who are chastened of the Lord to humble them, that they should not be condemned with the world to destruction.

mhcc@Deuteronomy:25:4 @ Verse 4 - This is a charge to husbandmen. It teaches us to make much of the animals that serve us. But we must learn, not only to be just, but kind to all who are employed for the good of our better part, our souls, 1st Corinthians strkjv@9:9.

mhcc@Deuteronomy:25:5-12 @ Verse 5-12 - The custom here regulated seems to have been in the Jewish law in order to keep inheritances distinct; now it is unlawful.

mhcc@Deuteronomy:25:13-16 @ Verse 13-16 - Dishonest gain always brings a curse on men's property, families, and souls. Happy those who judge themselves, repent of and forsake their sins, and put away evil things, that they may not be condemned of the Lord.

mhcc@Deuteronomy:25:17-19 @ Verse 17-19 - Let every persecutor and injurer of God's people take warning from the case of the Amalekites. The longer it is before judgement comes, the more dreadful will it be at last. Amalek may remind us of the foes of our souls. May we be enabled to slay all our lusts, all the corruptions both within and without, all the powers of darkness and of the world, which oppose our way to the blessed Saviour. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Deuteronomy:32 @ ****** Deuteronomy 32 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 32 *** The song of Moses. (_1,2.) The character of God, The character of Israel. (_3-6.) The great things God had done for Israel. (_7-14.) The wickedness of Israel. (_19-25.) The judgments which would come upon them for their sins. (_15-18.) Deserved vengeance withheld. (_26-38.) God's deliverance for his people. (_39-43.) The exhortation with which the song was delivered. (_44-47.) Moses to go up mount Nebo to die. (_48-52.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Deuteronomy:32:19-25 @ Verse 19-25 - The revolt of Israel was described in the foregoing verses, and here follow the resolves of Divine justice as to them. We deceive ourselves, if we think that God will be mocked by a faithless people. Sin makes us hateful in the sight of the holy God. See what mischief sin does, and reckon those to be fools that mock at it.

mhcc@Deuteronomy:33 @ ****** Deuteronomy 33 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 33 *** The glorious majesty of God. (_1-5.) The blessings of the twelve tribes. (_6-23.) Strength to believers. (_24,25.) The excellency of Israel. (_26-29.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Deuteronomy:33:24,25 @ Verse 24,25 - All shall be sanctified to true believers; if their way be rough, their feet shall be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. As thy days, so shall thy strength be. The "day" is often in Scripture put for the events of the day; it is a promise that God would graciously and constantly support under trials and troubles, whatever they were. It is a promise sure to all the spiritual seed of Abraham. Have they work allotted? They shall have strength to do it. Have they burdens appointed? They shall have strength, and never be tempted above what they are able to bear.

mhcc@Joshua:2:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 - Faith in God's promises ought not to do away, but to encourage our diligence in the use of proper means. The providence of God directed the spies to the house of Rahab. God knew where there was one that would be true to them, though they did not. Rahab appears to have been an innkeeper; and if she had formerly been one of bad life, which is doubtful, she had left her evil courses. That which seems to us most accidental, is often overruled by the Divine providence to serve great ends. It was by faith that Rahab received those with peace, against whom her king and country had war. We are sure this was a good work; it is so spoken of by the apostle, James strkjv@2:25. and she did it by faith, such a faith as set her above the fear of man. Those only are true believers, who find in their hearts to venture for God; they take his people for their people, and cast in their lot among them. The spies were led by the special providence of God, and Rahab entertained them out of regard to Israel and Israel's God, and not for lucre or for any evil purpose. Though excuses may be offered for the guilt of Rahab's falsehood, it seems best to admit nothing which tends to explain it away. Her views of the Divine law must have been very dim: a falsehood like this, told by those who enjoy the light of revelation, whatever the motive, would deserve heavy censure.

mhcc@Judges:6 @ ****** Judges 6 ****** *** Outline of Judges 6 *** Israel oppressed by Midianites. (_1-6.) Israel rebuked by a prophet. (_7-10.) Gideon set to deliver Israel. (_11-24.) Gideon destroys Baal's altar. (_25-32.) Signs given him. (_33-40.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Judges:6:25-32 @ Verse 25-32 - See the power of God's grace, that he could raise up a reformer; and the kindness of his grace, that he would raise up a deliverer, out of the family of a leader in idolatry. Gideon must not think it enough not to worship at that altar; he must throw it down, and offer sacrifice on another. It was needful he should make peace with God, before he made war on Midian. Till sin be pardoned through the great Sacrifice, no good is to be expected. God, who has all hearts in his hands, influenced Joash to appear for his son against the advocates for Baal, though he had joined formerly in the worship of Baal. Let us do our duty, and trust God with our safety. Here is a challenge to Baal, to do either good or evil; the result convinced his worshippers of their folly, in praying to one to help them that could not avenge himself.

mhcc@Judges:7 @ ****** Judges 7 ****** *** Outline of Judges 7 *** Gideon's army reduced. (_1-8.) Gideon is encouraged. (_9-15.) The defeat of the Midianites. (_16-22.) The Ephraimites take Oreb and Zeeb. (_23-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Judges:7:23-25 @ Verse 23-25 - Two chief commanders of the host of Midian were taken and slain by the men of Ephraim. It were to be wished that we all did as these did, and that where help is needed, that it were willingly and readily performed by another. And that if there were any excellent and profitable matter begun, we were willing to have fellow-labourers to the finishing and perfecting the same, and not, as often, hinder one another. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Judges:13 @ ****** Judges 13 ****** *** Outline of Judges 13 *** The Philistines, Samson announced. (_1-7.) The angel appears to Manoah. (_8-14.) Manoah's sacrifice. (_15-23.) Birth of Samson. (_24,25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Judges:13:24,25 @ Verse 24,25 - The Spirit of the Lord began to move Samson when a youth. This was evidence that the Lord blessed him. Where God gives his blessing, he gives his Spirit to qualify for the blessing. Those are blessed indeed in whom the Spirit of grace begins to work in the days of their childhood. Samson drank no wine or strong drink, yet excelled in strength and courage, for he had the Spirit of God moving him; therefore be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Judges:16 @ ****** Judges 16 ****** *** Outline of Judges 16 *** Samson's escape from Gaza. (_1-3.) Samson enticed to declare his strength lay. (_4-17.) The Philistines take Samson, and put out his eyes. (_18-21.) Samson's strength is renewed. (_22-24.) He destroys many of the Philistines. (_25-31.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Judges:16:25-31 @ Verse 25-31 - Nothing fills up the sins of any person or people faster than mocking and misusing the servants of God, even thought it is by their own folly that they are brought low. God put it into Samson's heart, as a public person, thus to avenge on them God's quarrel, Israel's, and his own. That strength which he had lost by sin, he recovers by prayer. That it was not from passion or personal revenge, but from holy zeal for the glory of God and Israel, appears from God's accepting and answering the prayer. The house was pulled down, not by the natural strength of Samson, but by the almighty power of God. In his case it was right he should avenge the cause of God and Israel. Nor is he to be accused of self-murder. He sought not his own death, but Israel's deliverance, and the destruction of their enemies. Thus Samson died in bonds, and among the Philistines, as an awful rebuke for his sins; but he died repentant. The effects of his death typified those of the death of Christ, who, of his own will, laid down his life among transgressors, and thus overturned the foundation of Satan's kingdom, and provided for the deliverance of his people. Great as was the sin of Samson, and justly as he deserved the judgments he brought upon himself, he found mercy of the Lord at last; and every penitent shall obtain mercy, who flees for refuge to that Saviour whose blood cleanses from all sin. But here is nothing to encourage any to indulge sin, from a hope they shall at last repent and be saved. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Ruth:3:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 - The married state should be a rest, as much as any thing upon earth can be so, as it ought to fix the affections and form a connexion for life. Therefore it should be engaged in with great seriousness, with earnest prayers for direction, for the blessing of God, and with regard to his precepts. Parents should carefully advise their children in this important concern, that it may be well with them as to their souls. Be it always remembered, That is best for us which is best for our souls. The course Naomi advised appears strange to us; but it was according to the laws and usages of Israel. If the proposed measure had borne the appearance of evil, Naomi would not have advised it. Law and custom gave Ruth, who was now proselyted to the true religion, a legal claim upon Boaz. It was customary for widows to assert this claim, Deuteronomy 25:5-10. But this is not recorded for imitation in other times, and is not to be judged by modern rules. And if there had been any evil in it, Ruth was a woman of too much virtue and too much sense to have listened to it.

mhcc@1Samuel:12 @ Henry'_1__11 ****** 1st Samuel 12 ****** *** Outline of 1st Samuel 12 *** Samuel testifies his integrity. (_1-5.) Samuel reproves the people. (_6-15.) Thunder sent in harvest time. (_16-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Samuel:12:16-25 @ Verse 16-25 - At Samuel's word, God sent thunder and rain, at a season of the year when, in that country, the like was not seen. This was to convince them they had done wickedly in asking a king; not only by its coming at an unusual time, in wheat harvest, and on a clear day, but by the prophet's giving notice of it before. He showed their folly in desiring a king to save them, rather than God, or Samuel; promising themselves more from an arm of flesh, than from the arm of God, or from the power of prayer. Could their prince command such forces as the prophet could do by his prayers? It startled them very much. Some will not be brought to see their sins by any gentler methods than storms and thunders. They entreat Samuel to pray for them. Now they see their need of him whom shortly before they slighted. Thus many who will not have Christ to reign over them, would yet be glad to have him intercede for them, to turn away the wrath of God. Samuel aims to confirm the people in their religion. Whatever we make a god of, we shall find it deceive us. Creatures in their own places are good; but when put in God's place, they are vain things. We sin if we restrain prayer, and in particular if we cease praying for the church. They only asked him to pray for them; but he promises to do more, to teach them. He urges that they were bound in gratitude to serve God, considering what great things he had done for them; and that they were bound in interest to serve him, considering what he would do against them, if they should still do wickedly. Thus, as a faithful watchman, he gave them warning, and so delivered his own soul. If we consider what great things the Lord hath done for us, especially in the great work of redemption, we can neither want motive, encouragement, nor assistance in serving him. Henry'_1__13 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Samuel:15:1-9 @ Verse 1-9 - The sentence of condemnation against the Amalekites had gone forth long before, Exodus strkjv@17:14. Deuteronomy 25:19,. but they had been spared till they filled up the measure of their sins. We are sure that the righteous Lord does no injustice to any. The remembering the kindness of the ancestors of the Kenites, in favour to them, at the time God was punishing the injuries done by the ancestors of the Amalekites, tended to clear the righteousness of God in this dispensation. It is dangerous to be found in the company of God's enemies, and it is our duty and interest to come out from among them, lest we share in their sins and plagues, Revelation strkjv@18:4. As the commandment had been express, and a test of Saul's obedience, his conduct evidently was the effect of a proud, rebellious spirit. He destroyed only the refuse, that was good for little. That which was now destroyed was sacrificed to the justice of God.

mhcc@1Samuel:24:16-22 @ Verse 16-22 - Saul speaks as quite overcome with David's kindness. Many mourn for their sins, who do not truly repent of them; weep bitterly for them, yet continue in love and in league with them. Now God made good to David that word on which he had caused him to hope, that he would bring forth his righteousness as the light, Psalms strkjv@37:6. Those who take care to keep a good conscience, may leave it to God to secure them the credit of it. Sooner or later, God will force even those who are of the synagogue of Satan to know and to own those whom he has loved. They parted in peace. Saul went home convinced, but not converted; ashamed of his envy to David, yet retaining in his breast that root of bitterness; vexed that when at last he had found David, he could not find in his heart to destroy him, as he had designed. Malice often seems dead when it is only asleep, and will revive with double force. Yet, whether the Lord bind men's hands, or affect their hearts, so that they do not hurt us, the deliverance is equally from him; it is an evidence of his love, and an earnest of our salvation, and should make us thankful. Henry'_1__25 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Samuel:25 @ Henry'_1__24 ****** 1st Samuel 25 ****** *** Outline of 1st Samuel 25 *** Death of Samuel. (_1.) David's request; Nabal's churlish refusal. (_2-11.) David's intention to destroy Nabal. (_12-17.) Abigail takes a present to David. (_18-31.) He is pacified, Nabal dies. (_32-39.) David takes Abigail to wife. (_39-44.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Samuel:25:1 @ Verse 1 - All Israel lamented Samuel, and they had reason. He prayed daily for them. Those have hard hearts, who can bury faithful ministers without grief; who do not feel their loss of those who have prayed for them, and taught them the way of the Lord.

mhcc@1Samuel:25:2-11 @ Verse 2-11 - We should not have heard of Nabal, if nothing had passed between him and David. Observe his name, Nabal, "A fool;" so it signifies. Riches make men look great in the eye of the world; but to one that takes right views, Nabal looked very mean. He had no honour or honesty; he was churlish, cross, and ill-humoured; evil in his doings, hard and oppressive; a man that cared not what fraud and violence he used in getting and saving. What little reason have we to value the wealth of this world, when so great a churl as Nabal abounds, and so good a man as David suffers want!, David pleaded the kindness Nabal's shepherds had received. Considering that David's men were in distress and debt, and discontented, and the scarcity of provisions, it was by good management that they were kept from plundering. Nabal went into a passion, as covetous men are apt to do, when asked for any thing, thinking thus to cover one sin with another; and, by abusing the poor, to excuse themselves from relieving them. But God will not thus be mocked. Let this help us to bear reproaches and misrepresentations with patience and cheerfulness, and make us easy under them; it has often been the lot of the excellent ones of the earth. Nabal insists much on the property he had in the provisions of his table. May he not do what he will with his own? We mistake, if we think we are absolute lords of what we have, and may do what we please with it. No; we are but stewards, and must use it as we are directed, remembering it is not our own, but His who intrusted us with it.

mhcc@1Samuel:25:12-17 @ Verse 12-17 - God is kind to the evil and unthankful, and why may not we be so? David determined to destroy Nabal, and all that belonged to him. Is this thy voice, O David? Has he been so long in the school of affliction, where he should have learned patience, and yet is so passionate? He at other times was calm and considerate, but is put into such a heat by a few hard words, that he seeks to destroy a whole family. What are the best of men, when God leaves them to themselves, that they may know what is in their hearts? What need to pray, Lord, lead us not into temptation!

mhcc@1Samuel:25:18-31 @ Verse 18-31 - By a present Abigail atoned for Nabal's denial of David's request. Her behaviour was very submissive. Yielding pacifies great offences. She puts herself in the place of a penitent, and of a petitioner. She could not excuse her husband's conduct. She depends not upon her own reasonings, but on God's grace, to soften David, and expects that grace would work powerfully. She says that it was below him to take vengeance on so weak and despicable an enemy as Nabal, who, as he would do him no kindness, so he could do him no hurt. She foretells the glorious end of David's present troubles. God will preserve thy life; therefore it becomes not thee unjustly and unnecessarily to take away the lives of any, especially of the people of thy God and Saviour. Abigail keeps this argument for the last, as very powerful with so good a man; that the less he indulged his passion, the more he consulted his peace and the repose of his own conscience. Many have done that in a heat, which they have a thousand times wished undone again. The sweetness of revenge is soon turned into bitterness. When tempted to sin, we should consider how it will appear when we think upon it afterwards.

mhcc@1Samuel:25:32-39 @ Verse 32-39 - David gives God thanks for sending him this happy check in a sinful way. Whoever meet us with counsel, direction, comfort, caution, or seasonable reproof, we must see God sending them. We ought to be very thankful for those happy providences which are the means of keeping us from sinning. Most people think it enough, if they take reproof patiently; but few will take it thankfully, and commend those who give it, and accept it as a favour. The nearer we are to committing sin, the greater is the mercy of a seasonable restraint. Sinners are often most secure when most in danger. He was very drunk. A sign he was Nabal, a fool, that could not use plenty without abusing it; who could not be pleasant with his friends without making a beast of himself. There is not a surer sign that a man has but little wisdom, nor a surer way to destroy the little he has, than drinking to excess. Next morning, how he is changed! His heart overnight merry with wine, next morning heavy as a stone; so deceitful are carnal pleasures, so soon passes the laughter of the fool; the end of that mirth is heaviness. Drunkards are sad, when they reflect upon their own folly. About ten days after, the Lord smote Nabal, that he died. David blessed God that he had been kept from killing Nabal. Worldly sorrow, mortified pride, and an affrighted conscience, sometimes end the joys of the sensualist, and separate the covetous man from his wealth; but, whatever the weapon, the Lord smites men with death when it pleases him.

mhcc@1Samuel:25:39-44 @ Verse 39-44 - Abigail believed that David would be king over Israel, and greatly esteemed his pious and excellent character. She deemed his proposal of marriage honourable, and advantageous to her, notwithstanding his present difficulties. With great humility, and doubtless agreeably to the customs of those times, she consented, being willing to share his trails. Thus those who join themselves to Christ, must be willing now to suffer with him, believing that hereafter they shall reign with him. Henry'_1__26 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Samuel:26 @ Henry'_1__25 ****** 1st Samuel 26 ****** *** Outline of 1st Samuel 26 *** Saul goes after David, who again spares Saul's life. (_1-12.) David exhorts Saul. (_13-20.) Saul acknowledges his sin. (_21-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Samuel:26:21-25 @ Verse 21-25 - Saul repeated his good words and good wishes. But he showed no evidence of true repentance towards God. David and Saul parted to meet no more. No reconciliation among men is firm, which is not founded in an cemented by peace with God through Jesus Christ. In sinning against God, men play the fool, and err exceedingly. Many obtain a passing view of these truths, who hate and close their eyes against the light. Fair professions do not entitle those to confidence who have long sinned against the light, yet the confessions of obstinate sinners may satisfy us that we are in the right way, and encourage us to persevere, expecting our recompence from the Lord alone. Henry'_1__27 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Samuel:28 @ Henry'_1__27 ****** 1st Samuel 28 ****** *** Outline of 1st Samuel 28 *** Achish puts confidence in David, Saul's fear. (_1-6.) Saul consults a witch at Endor. (_7-19.) Saul's terror. (_20-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Samuel:28:20-25 @ Verse 20-25 - Those that expect any good counsel or comfort, otherwise than from God, and in the way of his institutions, will be as wretchedly disappointed as Saul. Though terrified even to despair, he was not humbled. He confessed not his sins, offered no sacrifices, and presented no supplications. He does not seem to have cared about his sons or his people, or to have attempted any escape; but in sullen despair he rushed upon his doom. God sets up a few such beacons, to warn men not to stifle convictions, or despise his word. But while one repenting thought remains, let no sinner suppose himself in this case. Let him humble himself before God, determined to live and die beseeching his favour, and he will succeed. Henry'_1__29 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Samuel:2 @ Henry'_2__1 ****** 2nd Samuel 2 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Samuel 2 *** David made king in Hebron. (_1-7.) Abner makes Ishbosheth king Battle between Abner's men and those of Joab. (_8-17.) Asahel slain by Abner: (_25-32..) Both parties retreat. (_18-24.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Samuel:2:25-32 @ Verse 25-32 - Abner appeals to Joab concerning the miserable consequences of a civil war. Those who make light of such unnatural contests, will find that they are bitterness to all concerned. How easy it is for men to use reason, when it makes for them, who would not use it, if it made against them! See how the issue of things alter men's minds! The same thing which looked pleasant in the morning, at night looked dismal. Those who are most forward to enter into contention, will repent before they have done with it, and had better leave it off before it be meddled with, as Solomon advises. This is true of every sin, oh that men would consider it in time, that it will be bitterness in the latter end! Asahel's funeral is here mentioned. Distinctions are made between the dust of some and that of others; but in the resurrection no difference will be made, but between the godly and ungodly, which will remain for ever. Henry'_2__3 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Samuel:5 @ Henry'_2__4 ****** 2nd Samuel 5 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Samuel 5 *** David king over all Israel. (_1-5.) He takes the strong-hold of Zion. (_6-10.) David's kingdom established. (_11-16.) He defeats the Philistines. (_17-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Samuel:5:17-25 @ Verse 17-25 - The Philistines considered not that David had the presence of God with him, which Saul had forfeited and lost. The kingdom of the Messiah, as soon as it was set up in the world, was thus attacked by the powers of darkness. The heathen raged, and the kings of the earth set themselves to oppose it; but all in vain, Psalms strkjv@2:1,. &c. The destruction will turn, as this did, upon Satan's own kingdom. David owns dependence on God for victory; and refers himself to the good pleasure of God, Wilt thou do it? The assurance God has given us of victory over our spiritual enemies, should encourage us in our spiritual conflicts. David waited till God moved; he stirred then, but not till then. He was trained up in dependence on God and his providence. God performed his promise, and David failed not to improve his advantages. When the kingdom of the Messiah was to be set up, the apostles, who were to beat down the devil's kingdom, must not attempt any thing till they received the promise of the Spirit; who came with a sound from heaven, as of a rushing, mighty wind, Acts strkjv@2:2. Henry'_2__6 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Samuel:12 @ Henry'_2__11 ****** 2nd Samuel 12 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Samuel 12 *** Nathan's parable-David confesses his sin. (_1-14.) The birth of Solomon. (_15-25.) David's severity to the Ammonites. (_26-31.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Samuel:12:15-25 @ Verse 15-25 - David now penned the 51st Psalm, in which, though he had been assured that his sin was pardoned, he prays earnestly for pardon, and greatly laments his sin. He was willing to bear the shame of it, to have it ever before him, to be continually upbraided with it. God gives us leave to be earnest with him in prayer for particular blessings, from trust in his power and general mercy, though we have no particular promise to build upon. David patiently submitted to the will of God in the death of one child, and God made up the loss to his advantage, in the birth of another. The way to have creature comforts continued or restored, or the loss made up some other way, is cheerfully to resign them to God. God, by his grace, particularly owned and favoured that son, and ordered him to be called Jedidiah, Beloved of the Lord. Our prayers for our children are graciously and as fully answered when some of them die in their infancy, for they are well taken care of, and when others live, "beloved of the Lord."

mhcc@2Samuel:14 @ Henry'_2__13 ****** 2nd Samuel 14 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Samuel 14 *** Joab procures Absalom's recall. (_1-20.) Absalom recalled. (_21-24.) His personal beauty. (_25-27.) He is admitted to his father's presence. (_28-33.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Samuel:14:25-27 @ Verse 25-27 - Nothing is said of Absalom's wisdom and piety. All here said of him is, that he was very handsome. A poor commendation for a man that had nothing else in him valuable. Many a polluted, deformed soul dwells in a fair and comely body. And we read that he had a very fine head of hair. It was a burden to him, but he would not cut it as long as he could bear the weight. That which feeds and gratifies pride, is not complained of, though uneasy. May the Lord grant us the beauty of holiness, and the adorning of a meek and quiet spirit! Only those who fear God are truly happy.

mhcc@2Samuel:19:31-39 @ Verse 31-39 - Barzillai thought he had done himself honour in doing the king any service. Thus, when the saints shall be called to inherit the kingdom, they will be amazed at the recompence being so very far beyond the service, Matthew 25:37. A good man would not go any where to be burdensome; or, will rather be so to his own house than to another's. It is good for all, but especially becomes old people, to think and speak much of dying. The grave is ready for me, let me go and get ready for it.

mhcc@2Samuel:24 @ Henry'_2__23 ****** 2nd Samuel 24 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Samuel 24 *** David numbers the people. (_1-9.) He chooses the pestilence. (_10-15.) The staying the pestilence. (_16,17.) David's sacrifice, The plague removed. (_18-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Samuel:24:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - God's encouraging us to offer to him spiritual sacrifices, is an evidence of his reconciling us to himself. David purchased the ground to build the altar. God hates robbery for burnt-offering. Those know not what religion is, who chiefly care to make it cheap and easy to themselves, and who are best pleased with that which costs them least pains or money. For what have we our substance, but to honour God with it; and how can it be better bestowed? See the building of the altar, and the offering proper sacrifices upon it. Burnt-offerings to the glory of God's justice; peace-offerings to the glory of his mercy. Christ is our Altar, our Sacrifice; in him alone we may expect to escape his wrath, and to find favour with God. Death is destroying all around, in so many forms, and so suddenly, that it is madness not to expect and prepare for the close of life. Henry'_1__1 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Kings:2 @ Henry'_1__1 ****** 1st Kings 2 ****** *** Outline of 1st Kings 2 *** David's dying charge to Solomon. (_1-4.) David's charge as to Joab and others. (_5-11.) Solomon reigns, Adonijah aspiring to the throne is put to death. (_12-25.) Abiathar banished, Joab put to death. (_26-34.) Shimei is put to death. (_35-46.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Kings:2:12-25 @ Verse 12-25 - Solomon received Bathsheba with all the respect that was owing to a mother; but let none be asked for that which they ought not to grant. It ill becomes a good man to prefer a bad request, or to appear in a bad cause. According to eastern customs it was plain that Adonijah sought to be king, by his asking for Abishag as his wife, and Solomon could not be safe while he lived. Ambitious, turbulent spirits commonly prepare death for themselves. Many a head has been lost by catching at a crown.

mhcc@1Kings:11 @ Henry'_1__10 ****** 1st Kings 11 ****** *** Outline of 1st Kings 11 *** Solomon's wives and concubines, His idolatry. (_1-8.) God's anger. (_9-13.) Solomon's adversaries. (_14-25.) Jeroboam's promotion. (_26-40.) The death of Solomon. (_41-43.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Kings:11:14-25 @ Verse 14-25 - While Solomon kept close to God and to his duty, there was no enemy to give him uneasiness; but here we have an account of two. If against us, he can make us fear even the least, and the very grasshopper shall be a burden. Though they were moved by principles of ambition or revenge, God used them to correct Solomon.

mhcc@1Kings:12 @ Henry'_1__11 ****** 1st Kings 12 ****** *** Outline of 1st Kings 12 *** Rehoboam's accession, The people's petition, His rough answer. (_1-15.) Ten tribes revolt. (_16-24.) Jeroboam's idolatry. (_25-33.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Kings:12:25-33 @ Verse 25-33 - Jeroboam distrusted the providence of God; he would contrive ways and means, and sinful ones too, for his own safety. A practical disbelief of God's all-sufficiency is at the bottom of all our departures from him. Though it is probable he meant his worship for Jehovah the God of Israel, it was contrary to the Divine law, and dishonourable to the Divine majesty to be thus represented. The people might be less shocked at worshipping the God of Israel under an image, than if they had at once been asked to worship Baal; but it made way for that idolatry. Blessed Lord, give us grace to reverence thy temple, thine ordinances, thine house of prayer, thy sabbaths, and never more, like Jeroboam, to set up in our hearts any idol of abomination. Be thou to us every thing precious; do thou reign and rule in our hearts, the hope of glory. Henry'_1__13 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Kings:15 @ Henry'_1__14 ****** 1st Kings 15 ****** *** Outline of 1st Kings 15 *** Wicked reign of Abijam, king of Judah. (_1-8.) Good reign of Asa, king of Judah. (_9-24.) The evil reigns of Nadab and Baasha in Israel. (_25-34.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Kings:15:25-34 @ Verse 25-34 - During the single reign of Asa in Judah, the government of Israel was in six or seven different hands. Observe the ruin of the family of Jeroboam; no word of God shall fall to the ground. Divine threatenings are not designed merely to terrify. Ungodly men execute the just judgments of God upon each other. But in the midst of dreadful sins and this apparent confusion, the Lord carries on his own plan: when it is fully completed, the glorious justice, wisdom, truth, and mercy therein displayed, shall be admired and adored through all the ages of eternity. Henry'_1__16 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Kings:2 @ Henry'_2__1 ****** 2nd Kings 2 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Kings 2 *** Elijah divides Jordan. (_1-8.) Elijah is taken up into heaven. (_9-12.) Elisha is manifested to be Elijah's successor. (_13-18.) Elisha heals the waters of Jericho, Those that mocked Elisha destroyed. (_19-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Kings:2:19-25 @ Verse 19-25 - Observe the miracle of healing the waters. Prophets should make every place to which they come better for them, endeavouring to sweeten bitter spirits, and to make barren souls fruitful, by the word of God, which is like the salt cast into the water by Elisha. It was an apt emblem of the effect produced by the grace of God on the sinful heart of man. Whole families, towns, and cities, sometimes have a new appearance through the preaching of the gospel; wickedness and evil have been changed into fruitfulness in the works of righteousness, which are, through Christ, to the praise and glory of God. Here is a curse on the youths of Bethel, enough to destroy them; it was not a curse causeless, for it was Elisha's character, as God's prophet, that they abused. They bade him "go up," reflecting on the taking up of Elijah into heaven. The prophet acted by Divine impulse. If the Holy Spirit had not directed Elisha's solemn curse, the providence of God would not have followed it with judgment. The Lord must be glorified as a righteous God who hates sin, and will reckon for it. Let young persons be afraid of speaking wicked words, for God notices what they say. Let them not mock at any for defects in mind or body; especially it is at their peril, if they scoff at any for well doing. Let parents that would have comfort in their children, train them up well, and do their utmost betimes to drive out the foolishness that is bound up in their hearts. And what will be the anguish of those parents, at the day of judgment, who witness the everlasting condemnation of their offspring, occasioned by their own bad example, carelessness, or wicked teaching! Henry'_2__3 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Kings:8 @ Henry'_2__7 ****** 2nd Kings 8 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Kings 8 *** A famine in Israel, The Shunammite obtains her land. (_1-6.) Elisha consulted by Hazael, Death of Benhadad. (_7-15.) Jehoram's wicked reign in Judah. (_16-24.) Ahaziah's wicked reign in Judah. (_25-29.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Kings:8:25-29 @ Verse 25-29 - Names do not make natures, but it was bad for Jehoshaphat's family to borrow names from Ahab's. Ahaziah's relation to Ahab's family was the occasion of his wickedness and of his fall. When men choose wives for themselves, let them remember they are choosing mothers for their children. Providence so ordered it, that Ahaziah might be cut off with the house of Ahab, when the measure of their iniquity was full. Those who partake with sinners in their sin, must expect to partake with them in their plagues. May all the changes, troubles, and wickedness of the world, make us more earnest to obtain an interest in the salvation of Christ. Henry'_2__9 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Kings:13 @ Henry'_2__12 ****** 2nd Kings 13 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Kings 13 *** Reign of Jehoahaz. (_1-9.) Jehoash, king of Israel, Elisha dying. (_10-19.) Elisha's death, The victories of Jehoash. (_20-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Kings:13:20-25 @ Verse 20-25 - God has many ways to chastise a provoking people. Trouble comes sometimes from that point whence we least feared it. The mention of this invasion on the death of Elisha, shows that the removal of God's faithful prophets is a presage of coming judgments. His dead body was a means of giving life to another dead body. This miracle was a confirmation of his prophecies. And it may have reference to Christ, by whose death and burial, the grave is made a safe and happy passage to life to all believers. Jehoash was successful against the Syrians, just as often as he had struck the ground with the arrows, then a stop was put to his victories. Many have repented, when too late, of distrusts and the straitness of their desires. Henry'_2__14 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Kings:23 @ Henry'_2__22 ****** 2nd Kings 23 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Kings 23 *** Josiah reads the law, and renews the covenant. (_1-3.) He destroys idolatry. (_4-14.) The reformation extended to Israel, A passover kept. (_15-24.) Josiah slain by Pharaoh-nechoh. (_25-30.) Wicked reigns of Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim. (_31-37.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Kings:23:25-30 @ Verse 25-30 - Upon reading these verses, we must say, Lord, though thy righteousness be as the great mountains, evident, plainly to be seen, and past dispute; yet thy judgments are a great deep, unfathomable, and past finding out. The reforming king is cut off in the midst of his usefulness, in mercy to him, that he might not see the evil coming upon his kingdom: but in wrath to his people, for his death was an inlet to their desolations.

mhcc@2Kings:24:8-20 @ Verse 8-20 - Jehoiachin reigned but three months, yet long enough to show that he justly smarted for his fathers' sins, for he trod in their steps. His uncle was intrusted with the government. This Zedekiah was the last of the kings of Judah. Though the judgments of God upon the three kings before him might have warned him, he did that which was evil, like them. When those intrusted with the counsels of a nation act unwisely, and against their true interest, we ought to notice the displeasure of God in it. It is for the sins of a people that God hides from them the things that belong to the public peace. And in fulfilling the secret purposes of his justice, the Lord needs only leave men to the blindness of their own minds, or to the lusts of their own hearts. The gradual approach of Divine judgments affords sinners space for repentance, and believers leisure to prepare for meeting the calamity, while it shows the obstinacy of those who will not forsake their sins. Henry'_2__25 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Kings:25 @ Henry'_2__24 ****** 2nd Kings 25 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Kings 25 *** Jerusalem besieged, Zedekiah taken. (_1-7.) The temple burnt, The people carried into captivity. (_8-21.) The rest of the Jews flee into Egypt, Evil-merodach relieves the captivity of Jehoiachin. (_22-30.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Kings:25:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 - Jerusalem was so fortified, that it could not be taken till famine rendered the besieged unable to resist. In the prophecy and Lamentations of Jeremiah, we find more of this event; here it suffices to say, that the impiety and misery of the besieged were very great. At length the city was taken by storm. The king, his family, and his great men escaped in the night, by secret passages. But those deceive themselves who think to escape God's judgments, as much as those who think to brave them. By what befell Zedekiah, two prophecies, which seemed to contradict each other, were both fulfilled. Jeremiah prophesied that Zedekiah should be brought to Babylon, Jeremiah strkjv@32:5. strkjv@34:3. Ezekiel, that he should not see Babylon, Ezekiel strkjv@12:13. He was brought thither, but his eyes being put out, he did not see it.

mhcc@2Kings:25:8-21 @ Verse 8-21 - The city and temple were burnt, and, it is probable, the ark in it. By this, God showed how little he cares for the outward pomp of his worship, when the life and power of religion are neglected. The walls of Jerusalem were thrown down, and the people carried captive to Babylon. The vessels of the temple were carried away. When the things signified were sinned away, what should the signs stand there for? It was righteous with God to deprive those of the benefit of his worship, who had preferred false worships before it; those that would have many altars, now shall have none. As the Lord spared not the angels that sinned, as he doomed the whole race of fallen men to the grave, and all unbelievers to hell, and as he spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, we need not wonder at any miseries he may bring upon guilty nations, churches, or persons.

mhcc@2Kings:25:22-30 @ Verse 22-30 - The king of Babylon appointed Gedaliah to be the governor and protector of the Jews left their land. But the things of their peace were so hidden from their eyes, that they knew not when they were well off. Ishmael basely slew him and all his friends, and, against the counsel of Jeremiah, the rest went to Egypt. Thus was a full end made of them by their own folly and disobedience; see Jeremiah chap. 40 to 45. Jehoiachin was released out of prison, where he had been kept 37 years. Let none say that they shall never see good again, because they have long seen little but evil: the most miserable know not what turn Providence may yet give to their affairs, nor what comforts they are reserved for, according to the days wherein they have been afflicted. Even in this world the Saviour brings a release from bondage to the distressed sinner who seeks him, bestowing foretastes of the pleasures which are at his right hand for evermore. Sin alone can hurt us; Jesus alone can do good to sinners. Henry'_1__1 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Chronicles:1 @ Henry'_2_25 ****** 1st Chronicles 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of 1st Chronicles *** The books of Chronicles are, in a great measure, repetitions of what is in the books of Samuel and of the Kings, yet there are some excellent useful things in them which we find not elsewhere. The FIRST BOOK traces the rise of the Jewish people from Adam, and afterward gives an account of the reign of David. In the SECOND BOOK the narrative is continued, and relates the progress and end of the kingdom of Judah; also it notices the return of the Jews from the Babylonish captivity. Jerome says, that whoever supposes himself to have knowledge of the Scriptures without being acquainted with the books of Chronicles, deceives himself. Historical facts passed over elsewhere, names, and the connexion of passages are to be found here, and many questions concerning the gospel are explained. *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 1 *** Genealogies, Adam to Abraham. (_1-27.) The descendants of Abraham. (_28-54.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Chronicles:15 @ Henry'_1__14 ****** 1st Chronicles 15 ****** *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 15 *** Preparations for the removal of the ark. (_1-24.) The removal of the ark. (_25-29.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Chronicles:15:25-29 @ Verse 25-29 - It is good to notice the assistance of Divine Providence, even in things which fall within the compass of our natural powers; if God did not help us, we could not stir a step. If we do our religious duties in any degree aright, we must own it was God that helped us; had we been left to ourselves, we should have been guilty of some fatal errors. And every thing in which we engage, must be done in dependence on the mercy of God through the sacrifice of the Redeemer. Henry'_1__16 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Chronicles:24 @ Henry'_1__23 ****** 1st Chronicles 24 ****** *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 24 *** The divisions of the priests and Levites. - When every one has, knows, and keeps his place and work, the more there are the better. In the mystical body of Christ, every member has its use, for the good of the whole. Christ is High Priest over the house of God, to whom all believers, being made priests, are to be in subjection. In Christ, no difference is made between bond and free, elder and younger. The younger brethren, if faithful and sincere, shall be no less acceptable to Christ than the fathers. May we all be children of the Lord, fitted to sing his praises for ever in his temple above. __Outline Henry'_1__25 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Chronicles:25 @ Henry'_1__24 ****** 1st Chronicles 25 ****** *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 25 *** The singers and musicians. - David put those in order who were appointed to be singers and musicians in the temple. To prophesy, in this place, means praising God with great earnestness and devout affections, under the influences of the Holy Spirit. In raising these affections, poetry and music were employed. If the Spirit of God do not put life and fervour into our devotions, they will, however ordered, be a lifeless, worthless form. __Outline Henry'_1__26 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Chronicles:26 @ Henry'_1__25 ****** 1st Chronicles 26 ****** *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 26 *** The offices of the Levites. - The porters and treasurers of the temple, had occasion for strength and valour to oppose those who wrongly attempted to enter the sanctuary, and to guard the sacred treasures. Much was expended daily upon the altar; flour, wine, oil, salt, fuel, beside the lamps; quantities of these were kept beforehand, besides the sacred vestments and utensils. These were the treasures of the house of God. These treasures typified the plenty there is in our heavenly Father's house, enough and to spare. From those sacred treasuries, the unsearchable riches of Christ, all our wants are supplied; and receiving from his fulness, we must give him the glory, and endeavour to dispose of our abilities and substance according to his will. We have an account of those employed as officers and judges. The magistracy is an ordinance of God for the good of the church, as truly as the ministry, and must not be neglected. None of the Levites who were employed in the service of the sanctuary, none of the singers or porters, were concerned in this outward business; one duty was enough to engage the whole man. Wisdom, courage, strength of faith, holy affections, and constancy of mind in doing our duty, are requisite or useful for every station. __Outline Henry'_1__27 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Chronicles:29 @ Henry'_1__28 ****** 1st Chronicles 29 ****** *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 29 *** David induces the princes and people to offer willingly. (_1-9.) His thanksgiving and prayer. (_10-19.) Solomon enthroned. (_20-25.) David's reign and death. (_26-30.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Chronicles:29:20-25 @ Verse 20-25 - This great assembly joined with David in adoring God. Whoever is the mouth of the congregation, those only have the benefit who join him, not by bowing down the head, so much as by lifting up the soul. Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord. Solomon's kingdom typified the kingdom of the Messiah, whose throne is the throne of the Lord.

mhcc@2Chronicles:24:15-27 @ Verse 15-27 - See what a great judgment on any prince or people, the death of godly, zealous, useful men is. See how necessary it is that we act in religion from inward principle. Then the loss of a parent, a minister, or a friend, will not be losing our religion. Often both princes and inferior people have been flattered to their ruin. True grace alone will enable a man to bring forth fruit unto the end. Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada, being filled with the Spirit of prophecy, stood up, and told the people of their sin. This is the work of ministers, by the word of God, as a lamp and a light, to discover the sin of men, and expound the providences of God. They stoned Zechariah to death in the court of the house of the Lord. Observe the dying martyr's words: The Lord look upon it, and require it! This came not from a spirit of revenge, but a spirit of prophecy. God smote Joash with great diseases, of body, or mind, or both, before the Syrians departed from him. If vengeance pursue men, the end of one trouble will be but the beginning of another. His own servants slew him. These judgments are called the burdens laid upon him, for the wrath of God is a heavy burden, too heavy for any man to bear. May God help us to take warning, to be upright in heart, and to persevere in his ways to the end. Henry'_2__25 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Chronicles:25 @ Henry'_2__24 ****** 2nd Chronicles 25 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Chronicles 25 *** Amaziah, king of Judah. (_1-13.) Amaziah worships the idols of Edom. (_14-16.) Amaziah's rash challenge. (_17-28.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Chronicles:25:1-13 @ Verse 1-13 - Amaziah was no enemy to religion, but cool and indifferent friend. Many do what is good, but not with a perfect heart. Rashness makes work for repentance. But Amaziah's obedience to the command of God was to his honour. A firm belief of God's all-sufficiency to bear us out in our duty, and to make up all the loss and damage was sustain in his service, will make his yoke very easy, and his burden very light. When we are called to part with any thing for God and our religion, it should satisfy us, that God is able to give us much more than this. Convinced sinners, who have not true faith, always object to self-denying obedience. They are like Amaziah; they say, But what shall we do for the hundred talents? What shall we do if by keeping the sabbath holy we lose so many good customers? What shall we do without this gain? What shall we do if we lose the friendship of the world? Many endeavour to quiet their consciences by the pretence that forbidden practices are necessary. The answer is, as here, The Lord is able to give thee much more than this. He makes up, even in this world, for all that is given up for his sake.

mhcc@2Chronicles:25:14-16 @ Verse 14-16 - To worship the gods of those whom Amaziah had conquered, who could not help their own worshippers, was the greatest absurdity. If men would consider how unable all those things are to help them, to which they look whenever they forsake God, they would not be such enemies to themselves. The reproof God sent by a prophet was too just to be answered; themselves. The reproof God sent by a prophet was too just to be answered; but he was bidden not to say a word more. The secure sinner rejoices to have silenced his reprovers and monitors; but what comes of it? Those that are deaf to reproof, are ripening for destruction.

mhcc@2Chronicles:25:17-28 @ Verse 17-28 - Never was a proud prince more thoroughly mortified than Amaziah by Joash king of Israel. A man's pride will bring him low, Proverbs strkjv@29:23. it goes before his destruction, and deservedly brings it on. He that exalteth himself shall be abased. He that goes forth hastily to strive, will not know what he shall do in the end thereof, when his neighbour has put him to shame, Proverbs 25:8. And what are we when we offer to establish our own righteousness, or presume to justify ourselves before the Most High God, but despicable thistles, that fancy themselves stately cedars? And are not various temptations, is not every corruption, a wild beast of the desert, which will trample on the wretched boaster, and tread his haughty pretensions to the dust? A man's pride shall bring him low; his ruin may be dated from his turning from the Lord. Henry'_2__26 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2Chronicles:26 @ Henry'_2__25 ****** 2nd Chronicles 26 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Chronicles 26 *** Uzziah's good reign in Judah. (_1-15.) Uzziah's attempt to burn incense. (_16-23.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Chronicles:33 @ Henry'_2__32 ****** 2nd Chronicles 33 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Chronicles 33 *** Manasseh's and repentance. (_1-20.) Amon's wicked reign in Judah. (_21-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@2Chronicles:33:21-25 @ Verse 21-25 - Amon's father did ill, but he did worse. Whatever warnings or convictions he had, he never humbled himself. He was soon cut off in his sins, and made a warning for all men not to abuse the example of God's patience and mercy to Manasseh, as an encouragement to continue in sin. May God help us to be honest to ourselves, and to think aright respecting our own character, before death fixes us in an unchangeable state. Henry'_2__34 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Nehemiah:13:23-31 @ Verse 23-31 - If either parent be ungodly, corrupt nature will incline the children to take after that one; which is a strong reason why Christians should not be unequally yoked. In the education of children, great care should be taken about the government of their tongues; that they learn not the language of Ashdod, no impious or impure talk, no corrupt communication. Nehemiah showed the evil of these marriages. Some, more obstinate than the rest, he smote, that is, ordered them to be beaten by the officers according to the law, Deuteronomy 25:2,3. Here are Nehemiah's prayers on this occasion He prays, "Remember them, O my God." Lord, convince and convert them; put them in mind of what they should be and do. The best services to the public have been forgotten by those for whom they were done, therefore Nehemiah refers himself to God, to recompense him. This may well be the summary of our petitions; we need no more to make us happy than this; Remember me, O my God, for good. We may humbly hope that the Lord will remember us and our services, although, after lives of unwearied activity and usefulness, we shall still see cause to abhor ourselves and repent in dust and ashes, and to cry out with Nehemiah, Spare me, O my God, according to the greatness of they mercy. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:9 @ ****** Job 9 ****** *** Outline of Job 9 *** Job acknowledges God's justice. (_1-13.) He is not able to contend with God. (_14-21.) Men not to be judged by outward condition. (_22-24.) Job complains of troubles. (_25-35.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Job:9:25-35 @ Verse 25-35 - What little need have we of pastimes, and what great need to redeem time, when it runs on so fast towards eternity! How vain the enjoyments of time, which we may quite lose while yet time continues! The remembrance of having done our duty will be pleasing afterwards; so will not the remembrance of having got worldly wealth, when it is all lost and gone. Job's complaint of God, as one that could not be appeased and would not relent, was the language of his corruption. There is a Mediator, a Daysman, or Umpire, for us, even God's own beloved Son, who has purchased peace for us with the blood of his cross, who is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God through him. If we trust in his name, our sins will be buried in the depths of the sea, we shall be washed from all our filthiness, and made whiter than snow, so that none can lay any thing to our charge. We shall be clothed with the robes of righteousness and salvation, adorned with the graces of the Holy Spirit, and presented faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. May we learn the difference between justifying ourselves, and being thus justified by God himself. Let the tempest-tossed soul consider Job, and notice that others have passed this dreadful gulf; and though they found it hard to believe that God would hear or deliver them, yet he rebuked the storm, and brought them to the desired haven. Resist the devil; give not place to hard thoughts of God, or desperate conclusions about thyself. Come to Him who invites the weary and heavy laden; who promises in nowise to cast them out. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:12 @ ****** Job 12 ****** *** Outline of Job 12 *** Job reproves his friends. (_1-5.) The wicked often prosper.(6-11) Job speaks of the wisdom and power of God. (_12-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Job:12:12-25 @ Verse 12-25 - This is a noble discourse of Job concerning the wisdom, power, and sovereignty of God, in ordering all the affairs of the children of men, according to the counsel of His own will, which none can resist. It were well if wise and good men, who differ about lesser things, would see how it is for their honour and comfort, and the good of others, to dwell most upon the great things in which they agree. Here are no complaints, or reflections. He gives many instances of God's powerful management of the children of men, overruling all their counsels, and overcoming all their oppositions. Having all strength and wisdom, God knows how to make use, even of those who are foolish and bad; otherwise there is so little wisdom and so little honesty in the world, that all had been in confusion and ruin long ago. These important truths were suited to convince the disputants that they were out of their depth in attempting to assign the Lord's reasons for afflicting Job; his ways are unsearchable, and his judgments past finding out. Let us remark what beautiful illustrations there are in the word of God, confirming his sovereignty, and wisdom in that sovereignty: but the highest and infinitely the most important is, that the Lord Jesus was crucified by the malice of the Jews; and who but the Lord could have known that this one event was the salvation of the world? **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:24 @ ****** Job 24 ****** *** Outline of Job 24 *** Wickedness often unpunished. (_1-12.) The wicked shun the light. (_13-17.) Judgements for the wicked. (_18-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Job:24:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - Sometimes how gradual is the decay, how quiet the departure of a wicked person, how is he honoured, and how soon are all his cruelties and oppressions forgotten! They are taken off with other men, as the harvestman gathers the ears of corn as they come to hand. There will often appear much to resemble the wrong view of Providence Job takes in this chapter. But we are taught by the word of inspiration, that these notions are formed in ignorance, from partial views. The providence of God, in the affairs of men, is in every thing a just and wise providence. Let us apply this whenever the Lord may try us. He cannot do wrong. The unequalled sorrows of the Son of God when on earth, unless looked at in this view, perplex the mind. But when we behold him, as the sinner's Surety, bearing the curse, we can explain why he should endure that wrath which was due to sin, that Divine justice might be satisfied, and his people saved. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:25 @ ****** Job 25 ****** *** Outline of Job 25 *** Bildad shows that man cannot be justified before God. - Bildad drops the question concerning the prosperity of wicked men; but shows the infinite distance there is between God and man. He represents to Job some truths he had too much overlooked. Man's righteousness and holiness, at the best, are nothing in comparison with God's, Psalms strkjv@89:6. As God is so great and glorious, how can man, who is guilty and impure, appear before him? We need to be born again of water and of the Holy Ghost, and to be bathed again and again in the blood of Christ, that Fountain opened, Zechariah strkjv@13:1. We should be humbled as mean, guilty, polluted creatures, and renounce self-dependence. But our vileness will commend Christ's condescension and love; the riches of his mercy and the power of his grace will be magnified to all eternity by every sinner he redeems. __Outline Henry'__26 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:29 @ ****** Job 29 ****** *** Outline of Job 29 *** Job's former comforts. (_1-6.) The honour paid to Job, His usefulness. (_7-17.) His prospect of prosperity. (_18-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Job:29:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - Being thus honoured and useful, Job had hoped to die in peace and honour, in a good old age. If such an expectation arise from lively faith in the providence and promise of God, it is well; but if from conceit of our own wisdom, and dependence on changeable, earthly things, it is ill grounded, and turns to sin. Every one that has the spirit of wisdom, has not the spirit of government; but Job had both. Yet he had the tenderness of a comforter. This he thought upon with pleasure, when he was himself a mourner. Our Lord Jesus is a King who hates iniquity, and upon whom the blessing of a world ready to perish comes. To Him let us give ear. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:38 @ ****** Job 38 ****** *** Outline of Job 38 *** God calls upon Job to answer. (_1-3.) God questions Job. (_4-11.) Concerning the light and darkness. (_12-24.) Concerning other mighty works. (_25-41.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Job:38:25-41 @ Verse 25-41 - Hitherto God had put questions to Job to show him his ignorance; now God shows his weakness. As it is but little that he knows, he ought not to arraign the Divine counsels; it is but little he can do, therefore he ought not to oppose the ways of Providence. See the all-sufficiency of the Divine Providence; it has wherewithal to satisfy the desire of every living thing. And he that takes care of the young ravens, certainly will not be wanting to his people. This being but one instance of the Divine compassion out of many, gives us occasion to think how much good our God does, every day, beyond what we are aware of. Every view we take of his infinite perfections, should remind us of his right to our love, the evil of sinning against him, and our need of his mercy and salvation. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:16 @ ****** Psalms 16 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 16 *** This psalm begins with expressions of devotion, which may be applied to Christ; but ends with such confidence of a resurrection, as must be applied to Christ, and to him only. - David flees to God's protection, with cheerful, believing confidence. Those who have avowed that the Lord is their Lord, should often put themselves in mind of what they have done, take the comfort of it, and live up to it. He devotes himself to the honour of God, in the service of the saints. Saints on earth we must be, or we shall never be saints in heaven. Those renewed by the grace of God, and devoted to the glory of God, are saints on earth. The saints in the earth are excellent ones, yet some of them so poor, that they needed to have David's goodness extended to them. David declares his resolution to have no fellowship with the works of darkness; he repeats the solemn choice he had made of God for his portion and happiness, takes to himself the comfort of the choice, and gives God the glory of it. This is the language of a devout and pious soul. Most take the world for their chief good, and place their happiness in the enjoyments of it; but how poor soever my condition is in this world, let me have the love and favour of God, and be accepted of him; let me have a title by promise to life and happiness in the future state; and I have enough. Heaven is an inheritance; we must take that for our home, our rest, our everlasting good, and look upon this world to be no more ours, than the country through which is our road to our Father's house. Those that have God for their portion, have a goodly heritage. Return unto thy rest, O my soul, and look no further. Gracious persons, though they still covet more of God, never covet more than God; but, being satisfied of his loving-kindness, are abundantly satisfied with it: they envy not any their carnal mirth and delights. But so ignorant and foolish are we, that if left to ourselves, we shall forsake our own mercies for lying vanities. God having given David counsel by his word and Spirit, his own thoughts taught him in the night season, and engaged him by faith to live to God. Verses (Verse8-11,.) are quoted by St. Peter in his first sermon, after the pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Acts strkjv@2:25-31. he declared that David in them speaks concerning Christ, and particularly of his resurrection. And Christ being the Head of the body, the church, these verses may be applied to all Christians, guided and animated by the Spirit of Christ; and we may hence learn, that it is our wisdom and duty to set the Lord always before us. And if our eyes are ever toward God, our hearts and tongues may ever rejoice in him. Death destroys the hope of man, but not the hope of a real Christian. Christ's resurrection is an earnest of the believer's resurrection. In this world sorrow is our lot, but in heaven there is joy, a fulness of joy; our pleasures here are for a moment, but those at God's right hand are pleasures for evermore. Through this thy beloved Son, and our dear Saviour, thou wilt show us, O Lord, the path of life; thou wilt justify our souls now, and raise our bodies by thy power at the last day; when earthly sorrow shall end in heavenly joy, pain in everlasting happiness. __Outline Henry'__17 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:25 @ ****** Psalms 25 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 25 *** Confidence in prayer. (_1-7.) Prayer for remission of sins. (_8-14.) For help in affliction. (_15-22.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Psalms:25:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 - In worshipping God, we must lift up our souls to him. It is certain that none who, by a believing attendance, wait on God, and, by a believing hope, wait for him, shall be ashamed of it. The most advanced believer both needs and desires to be taught of God. If we sincerely desire to know our duty, with resolution to do it, we may be sure that God will direct us in it. The psalmist is earnest for the pardon of his sins. When God pardons sin, he is said to remember it no more, which denotes full remission. It is God's goodness, and not ours, his mercy, and not our merit, that must be our plea for the pardon of sin, and all the good we need. This plea we must rely upon, feeling our own unworthiness, and satisfied of the riches of God's mercy and grace. How boundless is that mercy which covers for ever the sins and follies of a youth spent without God and without hope! Blessed be the Lord, the blood of the great Sacrifice can wash away every stain.

mhcc@Psalms:25:8-14 @ Verse 8-14 - We are all sinners; and Christ came into the world to save sinners, to teach sinners, to call sinners to repentance. We value a promise by the character of him that makes it; we therefore depend upon God's promises. All the paths of the Lord, that is, all his promises and all his providences, are mercy and truth. In all God's dealings his people may see his mercy displayed, and his word fulfilled, whatever afflictions they are now exercised with. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth; and so it will appear when they come to their journey's end. Those that are humble, that distrust themselves, and desire to be taught and to follow Divine guidance, these he will guide in judgment, that is, by the rule of the written word, to find rest for their souls in the Saviour. Even when the body is sick, and in pain, the soul may be at ease in God.

mhcc@Psalms:25:15-22 @ Verse 15-22 - The psalmist concludes, as he began, with expressing dependence upon God, and desire toward him. It is good thus to hope, and quietly to wait for the salvation of the Lord. And if God turns to us, no matter who turns from us. He pleads his own integrity. Though guilty before God, yet, as to his enemies, he had the testimony of conscience that he had done them no wrong. God would, at length, give Israel rest from all their enemies round about. In heaven, God's Israel will be perfectly redeemed from all troubles. Blessed Saviour, thou hast graciously taught us that without thee we can do nothing. Do thou teach us how to pray, how to appear before thee in the way which thou shalt choose, and how to lift up our whole hearts and desires after thee, for thou art the Lord our righteousness. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:44:17-26 @ Verse 17-26 - In afflictions, we must not seek relief by any sinful compliance; but should continually meditate on the truth, purity, and knowledge of our heart-searching God. Hearts sins and secret sins are known to God, and must be reckoned for. He knows the secret of the heart, therefore judges of the words and actions. While our troubles do not drive us from our duty to God, we should not suffer them to drive us from our comfort in God. Let us take care that prosperity and ease do not render us careless and lukewarm. The church of God cannot be prevailed on by persecution to forget God; the believer's heart does not turn back from God. The Spirit of prophecy had reference to those who suffered unto death, for the testimony of Christ. Observe the pleas used, ver.25,26. Not their own merit and righteousness, but the poor sinner's pleas. None that belong to Christ shall be cast off, but every one of them shall be saved, and that for ever. The mercy of God, purchased, promised, and constantly flowing forth, and offered to believers, does away every doubt arising from our sins; while we pray in faith, Redeem us for thy mercies' sake. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:103:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 - By the pardon of sin, that is taken away which kept good things from us, and we are restored to the favor of God, who bestows good things on us. Think of the provocation; it was sin, and yet pardoned: how many the provocations, yet all pardoned! God is still forgiving, as we are still sinning and repenting. The body finds the melancholy consequences of Adam's offence, it is subject to many infirmities, and the soul also. Christ alone forgives all our sins; it is he alone who heals all our infirmities. And the person who finds his sin cured, has a well-grounded assurance that it is forgiven. When God, by the graces and comforts of his Spirit, recovers his people from their decays, and fills them with new life and joy, which is to them an earnest of eternal life and joy, they may then be said to return to the days of their youth, Job strkjv@33:25.

mhcc@Psalms:119:25-32 @ Verse 25-32 - While the souls of the children of this world cleave to the earth as their portion, the children of light are greatly burdened, because of the remains of carnal affections in their hearts. It is unspeakable comfort to a gracious soul, to think with what tenderness all its complaints are received by a gracious God. We can talk of the wonders of redeeming love, when we understand the way of God's precepts, and walk in that way. The penitent melts in sorrow for sin: even the patient spirit may melt in the sense of affliction, it is then its interest to pour out its soul before God. The way of lying means all false ways by which men deceive themselves and others, or are deceived by Satan and his instruments. Those who know and love the law of the Lord, desire to know it more, and love it better. The way of serious godliness is the way of truth; the only true way to happiness: we must always have actual regard to it. Those who stick to the word of God, may in faith expect and pray for acceptance with God. Lord, never leave me to do that by which I shall shame myself, and do not thou reject my services. Those that are going to heaven, should still press forward. God, by his Spirit, enlarges the hearts of his people when he gives them wisdom. The believer prays to be set free from sin.

mhcc@Psalms:125 @ ****** Psalms 125 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 125 *** The security of the righteous. (_1-3.) Prayer for them, The ruin of the wicked. (_4,5.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Psalms:125:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 - All those minds shall be truly stayed, that are stayed on God. They shall be as Mount Zion, firm as it is; a mountain supported by providence, much more as a holy mountain supported by promise. They cannot be removed from confidence in God. They abide for ever in that grace which is the earnest of their everlasting continuance in glory. Committing themselves to God, they shall be safe from their enemies. Even mountains may moulder and come to nothing, and rocks be removed, but God's covenant with his people cannot be broken, nor his care of them cease. Their troubles shall last no longer than their strength will bear them up under them. The rod of the wicked may come, may fall upon the righteous, upon their persons, their estates, their liberties, their families names, on any thing that falls to their lot; only it cannot reach their souls. And though it may come upon their lot, it shall not rest thereon. The Lord will make all work together for their good. The wicked shall only prove a correcting rod, not a destroying sword; even this rod shall not remain upon them, lest they distrust the promise, thinking God has cast them off.

mhcc@Psalms:125:4,5 @ Verse 4,5 - God's promises should quicken our prayers. The way of holiness is straight; there are no windings or shiftings in it. But the ways of sinners are crooked. They shift from one purpose to another, and turn hither and thither to deceive; but disappointment and misery shall befal them. Those who cleave to the ways of God, though they may have trouble in their way, their end shall be peace. The pleading of their Saviour for them, secures to them the upholding power and preserving grace of their God. Lord, number us with them, in time, and to eternity. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:10:22. @ Verse 22. -. That wealth which is truly desirable, has no vexation of spirit in the enjoyment; no grief for the loss; no guilt by the abuse of it. What comes from the love of God, has the grace of God for its companion.23. Only foolish and wicked men divert themselves with doing harm to others, or tempting to sin.24. The largest desire of eternal blessings the righteous can form, will be granted.25. The course of prosperous sinners is like a whirlwind, which soon spends itself, and is gone.26. As vinegar sets the teeth on edge, and as the smoke causes the eyes to smart, so the sluggard vexes his employer.27,28. What man is he that loves life? Let him fear God, and that will secure to him life enough in this world, and eternal life in the other.

mhcc@Proverbs:11:1 @ Verse 1 - However men may make light of giving short weight or measure, and however common such crimes may be, they are an abomination to the Lord.2. Considering how safe, and quiet, and easy the humble are, we see that with the lowly is wisdom.3. An honest man's principles are fixed, therefore his way is plain.4. Riches will stand men in no stead in the day of death.5,6. The ways of wickedness are dangerous. And sin will be its own punishment.7. When a godly man dies, all his fears vanish; but when a wicked man dies, his hopes vanish.8. The righteous are often wonderfully kept from going into dangerous situations, and the ungodly go in their stead.9. Hypocrites delude men into error and sin by artful objections against the truths of God's word.10,11. Nations prosper when wicked men are cast down.12. A man of understanding does not judge of others by their success.13. A faithful man will not disclose what he is trusted with, unless the honour of God and the real good of society require it.14. We shall often find it to our advantage to advise with others.15. The welfare of our families, our own peace, and our ability to pay just debts, must not be brought into danger. But here especially let us consider the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in becoming Surety even for enemies.16. A pious and discreet woman will keep esteem and respect, as strong men keep possession of wealth.17. A cruel, froward, ill-natured man, is vexatious to those that are, and should be to him as his own flesh, and punishes himself.18. He that makes it his business to do good, shall have a reward, as sure to him as eternal truth can make it.19. True holiness is true happiness. The more violent a man is in sinful pursuits, the more he hastens his own destruction.20. Nothing is more hateful to God, than hypocrisy and double dealing, which are here signified. God delights in such as aim and act with uprightness.21. Joining together in sin shall not protect the sinners.22. Beauty is abused by those who have not discretion or modesty with it. This is true of all bodily endowments.23. The wicked desire mischief to others, but it shall return upon themselves.24. A man may grow poor by not paying just debts, not relieving the poor, not allowing needful expenses. Let men be ever so saving of what they have, if God appoints, it comes to nothing.25. Both in temporal and spiritual things, God commonly deals with his people according to the measure by which they deal with their brethren.26. We must not hoard up the gifts of God's bounty, merely for our own advantage.27. Seeking mischief is here set against seeking good; for those that are not doing good are doing hurt, even to themselves.

mhcc@Proverbs:12:16. @ Verse 16. -. A foolish man is soon angry, and is hasty in expressing it; he is ever in trouble and running into mischief. It is kindness to ourselves to make light of injuries and affronts, instead of making the worst of them.17. It is good for all to dread and detest the sin of lying, and to be governed by honesty.18. Whisperings and evil surmises, like a sword, separate those that have been dear to each other. The tongue of the wise is health, making all whole.19. If truth be spoken, it will hold good; whoever may be disobliged, still it will keep its ground.20. Deceit and falsehood bring terrors and perplexities. But those who consult the peace and happiness of others have joy in their own minds.21. If men are sincerely righteous, the righteous God has engaged that no evil shall happen to them. But they that delight in mischief shall have enough of it.22. Make conscience of truth, not only in words, but in actions.23. Foolish men proclaim to all the folly and emptiness of their minds.24. Those who will not take pains in an honest calling, living by tricks and dishonesty, are paltry and beggarly.25. Care, fear, and sorrow, upon the spirits, deprive men of vigour in what is to be done, or courage in what is to be borne. A good word from God, applied by faith, makes the heart glad.26. The righteous is abundant; though not in this world's goods, yet in the graces and comforts of the Spirit, which are the true riches. Evil men vainly flatter themselves that their ways are not wrong.27. The slothful man makes no good use of the advantages Providence puts in his way, and has no comfort in them. The substance of a diligent man, though not great, does good to him and his family. He sees that God gives it to him in answer to prayer.28. The way of religion is a straight, plain way; it is the way of righteousness. There is not only life at the end, but life in the way; all true comfort. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:13:14. @ Verse 14. -. The rule by which the wise regulate their conduct, is a fountain yielding life and happiness.15. The way of sinners is hard upon others, and hard to the sinner himself. The service of sin is slavery; the road to hell is strewed with the thorns and thistles that followed the curse.16. It is folly to talk of things of which we know nothing, and to undertake what we are no way fit for.17. Those that are wicked, and false to Christ and to the souls of men, do mischief, and fall into mischief; but those that are faithful, find sound words healing to others and to themselves.18. He that scorns to be taught, will certainly be brought down.19. There are in man strong desires after happiness; but never let those expect any thing truly sweet to their souls, who will not be persuaded to leave their sins.20. Multitudes are brought to ruin by bad company. And all that make themselves wicked will be destroyed.21. When God pursues sinners he is sure to overtake them; and he will reward the righteous.22. The servant of God who is not anxious about riches, takes the best method of providing for his children.23. The poor, yet industrious, thrive, though in a homely manner, while those who have great riches are often brought to poverty for want of judgment.24. He acts as if he hated his child, who, by false indulgence, permits sinful habits to gather strength, which will bring sorrow here, and misery hereafter.25. It is the misery of the wicked, that even their sensual appetites are always craving. The righteous feeds on the word and ordinances, to the satisfying of his soul with the promises of the gospel, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of life. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:14:18. @ Verse 18. -. Sin is the shame of sinners; but wisdom is the honour of the wise.19. Even bad men acknowledge the excellency of God's people.20. Friendship in the world is governed by self-interest. It is good to have God our Friend; he will not desert us.21. To despise a man for his employment or appearance is a sin.22. How wisely those consult their own interest, who not only do good, but devise it!23. Labour of the head, or of the hand, will turn to some good account. But if men's religion runs all out in talk and noise, they will come to nothing.24. The riches of men of wisdom and piety enlarge their usefulness.25. An upright man will venture the displeasure of the greatest, to bring truth to light.26,27. Those who fear the Lord so as to obey and serve him, have a strong ground of confidence, and will be preserved. Let us seek to this Fountain of life, that we may escape the snares of death.28. Let all that wish well to the kingdom of Christ, do what they can, that many may be added to his church.29. A mild, patient man is one that learns of Christ, who is Wisdom itself. Unbridled passion is folly made known.30. An upright, contented, and benevolent mind, tends to health.31. To oppress the poor is to reproach our Creator.32. The wicked man has his soul forced from him; he dies in his sins, under the guilt and power of them. But godly men, though they have pain and some dread of death, have the blessed hope, which God, who cannot lie, has given them.33. Wisdom possesses the heart, and thus regulates the affections and tempers.34. Piety and holiness always promote industry, sobriety, and honesty.35. The great King who reigns over heaven and earth, will reward faithful servants who honour his gospel by the proper discharge of the duties of their stations: he despises not the services of the lowest. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:15:25. @ Verse 25. -. Pride is the ruin of multitudes. But those who are in affliction God will support.26. The thoughts of wicked men offend Him who knows the heart.27. The covetous man lets none of his family have rest or enjoyment. And greediness of gain often tempts to projects that bring ruin.28. A good man is proved to be a wise man by this; he governs his tongue well.

mhcc@Proverbs:16:12. @ Verse 12. -. The ruler that uses his power aright, will find that to be his best security.13. Put those in power who know how to speak to the purpose.14,15. Those are fools, who, to obtain the favour of an earthly prince, throw themselves out of God's favour.16. There is joy and satisfaction of spirit, only in getting wisdom.17. A sincerely religious man keeps at a distance from every appearance of evil. Happy is the man that walks in Christ, and is led by the Spirit of Christ.18. When men defy God's judgments, and think themselves far from them, it is a sign they are at the door. Let us not fear the pride of others, but fear pride in ourselves.19. Humility, though it exposes to contempt in the world, is much better than high-spiritedness, which makes God an enemy. He that understands God's word shall find good.21. The man whose wisdom dwells in his heart, will be found more truly prudent than many who possess shining talents.22. As waters to a thirsty land, so is a wise man to his friends and neighbours.23. The wise man's self-knowledge, always suggests something proper to be spoken to others.24. The word of God cures the diseases that weaken our souls.25. This is caution to all, to take heed of deceiving themselves as to their souls.26. We must labour for the meat which endureth to everlasting life, or we must perish.

mhcc@Proverbs:17:19. @ Verse 19. -. If we would keep a clear conscience and a quiet mind, we must shun all excitements to anger. And a man who affects a style of living above his means, goes the way to ruin.20. There is nothing got by ill designs. And many have paid dear for an unbridled tongue.21. This speaks very plainly what many wise and good men feel very strongly, how grievous it is to have a foolish, wicked child.22. It is great mercy that God gives us leave to be cheerful, and cause to be cheerful, if by his grace he gives us hearts to be cheerful.23. The wicked are ready to part with their money, though loved, that they may not suffer for their crimes.24. The prudent man keeps the word of God continually in view. But the foolish man cannot fix his thoughts, nor pursue any purpose with steadiness.25. Wicked children despise the authority of their father, and the tenderness of their mother.26. It is very wrong to find fault for doing what is duty.27,28. A man may show himself to be a wise man, by the good temper of his mind, and by the good government of his tongue. He is careful when he does speak, to speak to the purpose. God knows his heart, and the folly that is bound there; therefore he cannot be deceived in his judgment as men may be. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:19:19. @ Verse 19. -. The spared and spoiled child is likely to become a man of great wrath.20. Those that would be wise in their latter end, must be taught and ruled when young.21. What should we desire, but that all our purposes may agree with God's holy will?22. It is far better to have a heart to do good, and want ability for it, than to have ability for it, and want a heart to it.23. Those that live in the fear of God, shall get safety, satisfaction, and true and complete happiness.24. Indolence, when indulged, so grows upon people, that they have no heart to do the most needful things for themselves.25. A gentle rebuke goes farthest with a man of understanding.26. The young man who wastes his father's substance, or makes his aged mother destitute, is hateful, and will come to disgrace.

mhcc@Proverbs:20:23. @ Verse 23. -. A bargain made by fraud will prove a losing bargain in the end.24. How can we form plans, and conduct business, independently of the Lord?25. The evasions men often use with their own consciences show how false and deceitful man is.26. Justice should crush the wicked, and separate them from the virtuous.27. The rational soul and conscience are as a lamp within us, which should be used in examining our dispositions and motives with the revealed will of God.28. Mercy and truth are the glories of God's throne.29. Both young and old have their advantages; and let neither despise or envy the other.

mhcc@Proverbs:21:9. @ Verse 9. -. It is best to shun bitter contention by pouring out the heart before God. For by prudence and patience, with constant prayer, the cross may be removed.10. The evil desires of a wicked man's heart, lead to baseness in his conduct.11. The simple may be made wise by punishments on the wicked, and by instructions to those who are willing to be taught.12. Good men envy not the prosperity of evil-doers; they see there is a curse on them.13. Such as oppress the poor by beating down wages, such as will not relieve according to their ability those in distress, and those in authority who neglect to do justice, stop their ears at the cry of the poor. But doubtless care is to be used in the exercise of charity.14. If money can conquer the fury of the passions, shall reason, the fear of God, and the command of Christ, be too weak to bridle them?15. There is true pleasure only in the practice of religion.16. Of all wanderers in the ways of sin, those are in the most dangerous condition who turn aside into the ways of darkness. Yet there is hope even for them in the all-sufficient Saviour; but let them flee to him without delay.17. A life of worldly pleasure brings ruin on men.18. The righteous is often delivered out of trouble, and the wicked comes in his stead, and so seems as a ransom for him.19. Unbridled passions spoil the comfort of all relations.20. The plenty obtained by prudence, industry, and frugality, is desirable. But the foolish misspend what they have upon their lusts.21. True repentance and faith will lead him that relies on the mercy of God in Christ, to follow after righteousness and mercy in his own conduct.22. Those that have wisdom, often do great things, even against those confident of their strength.23. It is our great concern to keep our souls from being entangled and disquieted.24. Pride and haughtiness make men passionate; such continually deal in wrath, as if it were their trade to be angry.25,26. Here is the misery of the slothful; their hands refuse to labour in an honest calling, by which they might get an honest livelihood; yet their hearts cease not to covet riches, pleasures, and honours, which cannot be obtained without labour. But the righteous and industrious have their desires satisfied.27. When holiness is pretended, but wickedness intended, that especially is an abomination.28. The doom of a false witness is certain.29. A wicked man bids defiance to the terrors of the law and the rebukes of Providence. But a good man asks, What does God require of me?30,31. Means are to be used, but, after all, our safety and salvation are only of the Lord. In our spiritual warfare we must arm ourselves with the whole armour of God; but our strength must be in the Lord, and in the power of his might. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:22:17-21. @ Verse 17-21. -. To these words, to this knowledge, the ear must be bowed down, and the heart applied by faith and love. To live a life of delight in God and dependence on him, is the foundation of all practical religion. The way to know the certainty of the word of truth, is to make conscience of our duty.22,23. He that robs and oppresses the poor, does so at his peril. And if men will not appear for them, God will.24,25. Our corrupt hearts have so much tinder in them, that it is dangerous to have to do with those that throw about the sparks of their passion.

mhcc@Proverbs:23:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 - God's restraints of the appetite only say, Do thyself no harm.4,5. Be not of those that will be rich. The things of this world are not happiness and a portion for a soul; those that hold them ever so fast, cannot hold them always, cannot hold them long.6-8. Do not make thyself burdensome to any, especially those not sincere. When we are called by God to his feast, and to let our souls delight themselves, Isaiah 25:6. strkjv@55:2,. we may safely partake of the Bread of life.9. It is our duty to take all fit occasions to speak of Divine things; but if what a wise man says will not be heard, let him hold his peace.10,11. The fatherless are taken under God's special protection. He is their Redeemer, who will take their part; and he is mighty, almighty.

mhcc@Proverbs:25 @ ****** Proverbs 25 ****** __Outline

mhcc@Proverbs:25:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 - God needs not search into any thing; nothing can be hid from him. But it is the honour of rulers to search out matters, to bring to light hidden works of darkness.4,5. For a prince to suppress vice, and reform his people, is the best way to support his government.6,7. Religion teaches us humility and self-denial. He who has seen the glory of the Lord in Christ Jesus, will feel his own unworthiness.8-10. To be hasty in beginning strife, will bring into difficulties. War must at length end, and might better be prevented. It is so in private quarrels; do all thou canst to settle the matter.11,12. A word of counsel, or reproof, rightly spoken, is especially beautiful, as fine fruit becomes still more beautiful in silver baskets.13. See what ought to be the aim of him that is trusted with any business; to be faithful. A faithful minister, Christ's messenger, should be thus acceptable to us.14. He who pretends to have received or given that which he never had, is like the morning cloud, that disappoints those who look for rain.15. Be patient to bear a present hurt. Be mild to speak without passion; for persuasive language is the most effectual to prevail over the hardened mind.16. God has given us leave to use grateful things, but we are cautioned against excess.

mhcc@Proverbs:25:17. @ Verse 17. -. We cannot be upon good terms with our neighbours, without discretion as well as sincerity. How much better a Friend is God than any other friend! The oftener we come to him, the more welcome.18. A false testimony is dangerous in every thing.

mhcc@Proverbs:25:19. @ Verse 19. -. Confidence in an unfaithful man is painful and vexatious; when we put any stress on him, he not only fails, but makes us feel for it.20. We take a wrong course if we think to relieve those in sorrow by endeavouring to make them merry.21,22. The precept to love even our enemies is an Old Testament commandment. Our Saviour has shown his own great example in loving us when we were enemies.23. Slanders would not be so readily spoken, if they were not readily heard. Sin, if it receives any check, becomes cowardly.24. It is better to be alone, than to be joined to one who is a hinderance to the comfort of life.25. Heaven is a country afar off; how refreshing is good news from thence, in the everlasting gospel, which signifies glad tidings, and in the witness of the Spirit with our spirits that we are God's children!26. When the righteous are led into sin, it is as hurtful as if the public fountains were poisoned.27. We must be, through grace, dead to the pleasures of sense, and also to the praises of men.28. The man who has no command over his anger, is easily robbed of peace. Let us give up ourselves to the Lord, and pray him to put his Spirit within us, and cause us to walk in his statutes. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:28:24. @ Verse 24. -. Here is the wickedness of those who think it no sin to rob their parents, by wheedling them or threatening them, or by wasting what they have, and running into debt.25. Those make themselves always easy, that live in continual dependence upon God and his grace, and live by faith.26. A fool trusts to his own strength, merit, and righteousness. And trusts to his own heart, which is not only deceitful above all things, but which has often deceived him.27. A selfish man not only will not look out for objects of compassion, but will look off from those that call for his attention.28. When power is put into the hands of the wicked, wise men decline public business. If the reader will go diligently over this and the other chapters, in many places where at first he may suppose there is least of Christ, still he will find what will lead to him. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:29:19. @ Verse 19. -. Here is an unprofitable, slothful, wicked servant; one that serves not from conscience, or love, but from fear.20. When a man is self-conceited, rash, and given to wrangling, there is more hope of the ignorant and profligate.21. Good usage to a servant does not mean indulgence, which would ruin even a child. The body is a servant to the soul; those that humour it, and are over-tender of it, will find it forget its place.22. An angry, passionate disposition makes men provoking to one another, and provoking to God.23. Only those who humble themselves shall be exalted and established.24. The receiver is as bad as the thief.25. Many are ashamed to own Christ now; and he will not own them in the day of judgment. But he that trusts in the Lord will be saved from this snare.

mhcc@Ecclesiastes:10:11-15 @ Verse 11-15 - There is a practice in the East, of charming serpents by music. The babbler's tongue is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison; and contradiction only makes it the more violent. We must find the way to keep him gentle. But by rash, unprincipled, or slanderous talk, he brings open or secret vengeance upon himself. Would we duly consider our own ignorance as to future events, it would cut off many idle words which we foolishly multiply. Fools toil a great deal to no purpose. They do not understand the plainest things, such as the entrance into a great city. But it is the excellency of the way to the heavenly city, that it is a high-way, in which the simplest wayfaring men shall not err, Isaiah 25:8. But sinful folly makes men miss that only way to happiness.

mhcc@Song:__1 @ ****** Song of Solomon 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Song of Solomon *** This book is a Divine allegory, which represents the love between Christ and his church of true believers, under figures taken from the relation and affection that subsist between a bridegroom and his espoused bride; an emblem often employed in Scripture, as describing the nearest, firmest, and most sure relation: see Psalms strkjv@45:1-17. Isaiah strkjv@54:5,6. strkjv@62:5. Jer strkjv@2:2. strkjv@3:1. also in Ezekiel, Hosea, and by our Lord himself, Matthew strkjv@9:15. 25:1:. see also Revelation strkjv@21:2,9. Ephesians strkjv@5:27. There is no character in the church of Christ, and no situation in which the believer is placed, but what may be traced in this book, as humble inquirers will find, on comparing it with other Scriptures, by the assistance of God the Holy Spirit, in answer to their supplications. Much, however, of the language has been misunderstood by expositors and translators. The difference between the customs and manners of Europe, and those of the East, must especially be kept in view. The little acquaintance with eastern customs possessed by most of our early expositors and translators, has in many cases prevented a correct rendering. Also, the changes in our own language, during the last two or three centuries, affect the manner in which some expressions are viewed, and they must not be judged by modern notions. But the great outlines, rightly interpreted, fully accord with the affections and experience of the sincere Christian. *** Outline of Song of Solomon 1 *** The title. (_1.) The church confesses her deformity. (_2-6.) The church beseeches Christ to lead her to the resting-place of his people. (_7,8.) Christ's commendation of the church, Her esteem for Him. (_9-17.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:7 @ ****** Isaiah 7 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 7 *** Ahaz threatened by Israel and Syria; and is assured their attack would be in vain. (_1-9.) God gives a sure sign by the promise of the long-expected Messiah. (_10-16.) The folly and sin of seeking relief from Assyria are reproved. (_17-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:7:17-25 @ Verse 17-25 - Let those who will not believe the promises of God, expect to hear the alarms of his threatenings; for who can resist or escape his judgments? The Lord shall sweep all away; and whomsoever he employs in any service for him, he will pay. All speaks a sad change of the face of that pleasant land. But what melancholy change is there, which sin will not make with a people? Agriculture would cease. Sorrows of every kind will come upon all who neglect the great salvation. If we remain unfruitful under the means of grace, the Lord will say, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth for ever. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:19 @ ****** Isaiah 19 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 19 *** Judgments upon Egypt. (_1-17.) Its deliverance, and the conversion of the people. (_18-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:19:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - The words, "In that day," do not always refer to the passage just before. At a time which was to come, the Egyptians shall speak the holy language, the Scripture language; not only understand it, but use it. Converting grace, by changing the heart, changes the language; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. So many Jews shall come to Egypt, that they shall soon fill five cities. Where the sun was worshipped, a place infamous for idolatry, even there shall be a wonderful reformation. Christ, the great Altar, who sanctifies every gift, shall be owned, and the gospel sacrifices of prayer and praise shall be offered up. Let the broken-hearted and afflicted, whom the Lord has wounded, and thus taught to return to, and call upon him, take courage; for He will heal their souls, and turn their sorrowing supplications into joyful praises. The Gentile nations shall not only unite with each other in the gospel fold under Christ, the great Shepherd, but they shall all be united with the Jews. They shall be owned together by him; they shall all share in one and the same blessing. Meeting at the same throne of grace, and serving with each other in the same business of religion, should end all disputes, and unite the hearts of believers to each other in holy love. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:22 @ ****** Isaiah 22 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 22 *** The siege and taking of Jerusalem. (_1-7.) The wicked conduct of its inhabitants. (_8-14.) The displacing of Shebna, and the promotion of Eliakim, applied to the Messiah. (_15-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:22:15-25 @ Verse 15-25 - This message to Shebna is a reproof of his pride, vanity, and security; what vanity is all earthly grandeur, which death will so soon end! What will it avail, whether we are laid in a magnificent tomb, or covered with the green sod? Those who, when in power, turn and toss others, will be justly turned and tossed themselves. Eliakim should be put into Shebna's place. Those called to places of trust and power, should seek to God for grace to enable them to do their duty. Eliakim's advancement is described. Our Lord Jesus describes his own power as Mediator,

mhcc@Isaiah:25 @ ****** Isaiah 25 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 25 *** A song of praise. (_1-5.) A declaration of the gospel blessings. (_6-8.) The destruction of the enemies of Christ's church. (_9-12.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:25:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 - However this might show the deliverance of the Jews out of captivity, it looked further, to the praises that should be offered up to God for Christ's victories over our spiritual enemies, and the comforts he has provided for all believers. True faith simply credits the Lord's testimony, and relies on his truth to perform his promises. As God weakens the strong who are proud and secure, so he strengthens the weak that are humble, and stay themselves upon him. God protects his people in all weathers. The Lord shelters those who trust in him from the insolence of oppressors. Their insolence is but the noise of strangers; it is like the heat of the sun scorching in the middle of the day; but where is it when the sun is set? The Lord ever was, and ever will be, the Refuge of distressed believers. Having provided them a shelter, he teaches them to flee unto it.

mhcc@Isaiah:25:6-8 @ Verse 6-8 - The kind reception of repentant sinners, is often in the New Testament likened to a feast. The guests invited are all people, Gentiles as well as Jews. There is that in the gospel which strengthens and makes glad the heart, and is fit for those who are under convictions of sin, and mourning for it. There is a veil spread over all nations, for all sat in darkness. But this veil the Lord will destroy, by the light of his gospel shining in the world, and the power of his Spirit opening men's eyes to receive it. He will raise those to spiritual life who were long dead in trespasses and sins. Christ will himself, in his resurrection, triumph over death. Grief shall be banished; there shall be perfect and endless joy. Those that mourn for sin shall be comforted. Those who suffer for Christ shall have consolations. But in the joys of heaven, and not short of them, will fully be brought to pass this saying, God shall wipe away all tears. The hope of this should now do away over-sorrow, all weeping that hinders sowing. Sometimes, in this world God takes away the reproach of his people from among men; however, it will be done fully at the great day. Let us patiently bear sorrow and shame now; both will be done away shortly.

mhcc@Isaiah:25:9-12 @ Verse 9-12 - With joy and praise will those entertain the glad tidings of the Redeemer, who looked for him; and with a triumphant song will glorified saints enter into the joy of their Lord. And it is not in vain to wait for him; for the mercy comes at last, with abundant recompence for the delay. The hands once stretched out upon the cross, to make way for our salvation, will at length be stretched forth to destroy all impenitent sinners. Moab is here put for all adversaries of God's people; they shall all be trodden down or threshed. God shall bring down the pride of the enemies by one humbling judgment after another. This destruction of Moab is typical of Christ's victory, and the pulling down of Satan's strong holds. Therefore, beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; for your labour is not in vain in the Lord. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:42 @ ****** Isaiah 42 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 42 *** The character and coming of Christ. (_1-4.) The blessings of his kingdom. (_5-12.) The prevalence of true religion. (_13-17.) Unbelief and blindness reproved. (_18-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:42:18-25 @ Verse 18-25 - Observe the call given to this people, and the character given of them. Multitudes are ruined for want of observing that which they cannot but see; they perish, not through ignorance, but carelessness. The Lord is well-pleased in the making known his own righteousness. For their sins they were spoiled of all their possessions. This fully came to pass in the destruction of the Jewish nation. There is no resisting, nor escaping God's anger. See the mischief sin makes; it provokes God to anger. And those not humbled by lesser judgments, must expect greater. Alas! how many professed Christians are blind as the benighted heathen! While the Lord is well-pleased in saving sinners through the righteousness of Christ he will also glorify his justice, by punishing all proud despisers. Seeing God has poured out his wrath on his once-favoured people, because of their sins, let us fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of us should be found to come short of it. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:45 @ ****** Isaiah 45 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 45 *** The deliverance of the Jews by Cyrus. (_1-4.) God calls for obedience to his almighty power. (_5-10.) The settlement of his people. (_11-19.) The conversion of the Gentiles. (_20-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:45:20-25 @ Verse 20-25 - The nations are exhorted to draw near to Jehovah. None besides is able to help; he is the Saviour, who can save without the assistance of any, but without whom none can save. If the heart is brought into the obedience of Christ, the knee will cheerfully obey his commands. To Christ men shall come from every nation for blessings; all that hate his cause shall be put to shame, and all believers shall rejoice in him as their Friend and Portion. All must come to him: may we now come to him as the Lord our Righteousness, walking according to his commandments. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:65 @ ****** Isaiah 65 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 65 *** The calling of the Gentiles, and the rejection of the Jews. (_1-7.) The Lord would preserve a remnant. (_8-10.) Judgments upon the wicked. (_11-16.) The future happy and flourishing state of the church. (_17-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:65:17-25 @ Verse 17-25 - In the grace and comfort believers have in and from Christ, we are to look for this new heaven and new earth. The former confusions, sins and miseries of the human race, shall be no more remembered or renewed. The approaching happy state of the church is described under a variety of images. He shall be thought to die in his youth, and for his sins, who only lives to the age of a hundred years. The event alone can determine what is meant; but it is plain that Christianity, if universal, would so do away violence and evil, as greatly to lengthen life. In those happy days, all God's people shall enjoy the fruit of their labours. Nor will children then be the trouble of their parents, or suffer trouble themselves. The evil dispositions of sinners shall be completely moritified; all shall live in harmony. Thus the church on earth shall be full of happiness, like heaven. This prophecy assures the servants of Christ, that the time approaches, wherein they shall be blessed with the undisturbed enjoyment of all that is needful for their happiness. As workers together with God, let us attend his ordinances, and obey his commands. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:1 @ ****** Jeremiah 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Jeremiah *** Jeremiah was a priest, a native of Anathoth, in the tribe of Benjamin. He was called to the prophetic office when very young, about seventy years after the death of Isaiah, and exercised it for about forty years with great faithfulness, till the sins of the Jewish nation came to their full measure and destruction followed. The prophecies of Jeremiah do not stand as they were delivered. Blayney has endeavoured to arrange them in more regular order, namely, ch. 1-20; 22; 23; 25; 26; 35; 36; 45; 24; 29; 30; 31; 27; 28; 21; 34; 37; 32; 33; 38; 39; (ver. 15-18, 1-14.) 40-44; 46-52. The general subject of his prophecies is the idolatry and other sins of the Jews; the judgments by which they were threatened, with references to their future restoration and deliverance, and promises of the Messiah. They are remarkable for plain and faithful reproofs, affectionate expostulations, and awful warnings. *** Outline of Jeremiah 1 *** Jeremiah's call to the prophetic office. (_1-10.) A vision of an almond-tree and of a seething-pot, Divine protection is promised. (_11-19.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Jeremiah:3 @ ****** Jeremiah 3 ****** *** Outline of Jeremiah 3 *** Exhortations to repentance. (_1-5.) Judah more guilty than Israel. (_6-11.) But pardon is promised. (_12-20.) The children of Israel express their sorrow and repentance. (_21-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Jeremiah:3:21-25 @ Verse 21-25 - Sin is turning aside to crooked ways. And forgetting the Lord our God is at the bottom of all sin. By sin we bring ourselves into trouble. The promise to those that return is, God will heal their backslidings, by his pardoning mercy, his quieting peace, and his renewing grace. They come devoting themselves to God. They come disclaiming all expectations of relief and succour from any but the Lord. Therefore they come depending upon him only. He is the Lord, and he only can save. It points out the great salvation from sin Jesus Christ wrought out for us. They come justifying God in their troubles, and judging themselves for their sins. True penitents learn to call sin shame, even the sin they have been most pleased with. True penitents learn to call sin death and ruin, and to charge upon it all they suffer. While men harden themselves in sin, contempt and misery are their portion: for he that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but he that confesseth and forsaketh them, shall find mercy. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:10 @ ****** Jeremiah 10 ****** *** Outline of Jeremiah 10 *** The absurdity of idolatry. (_1-16.) Destruction denounced against Jerusalem. (_17-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Jeremiah:10:17-25 @ Verse 17-25 - The Jews who continued in their own land, felt secure. But, sooner or later, sinners will find all things as the word of God has declared, and that its threatenings are not empty terrors. Submission will support the believer under every grief allotted to him; but what can render the load of Divine vengeance easy to be borne by those who fall under it in sullen despair? Those cannot expect to prosper, who do not, by faith and prayer, take God with them in all their ways. The report of the enemy's approach was very dreadful. Yet the designs which men lay deep, and think well formed, are dashed to pieces in a moment. Events are often overruled, so as to be quite contrary to what we intended and expected. If the Lord has directed our steps into the ways of peace and righteousness, let us entreat him to enable us to walk therein. Say not, Lord, do not correct me; but, Lord, do not correct me in anger. We may bear the smart of God's rod, but we cannot bear the weight of his wrath. Those who restrain prayer, prove that they know not God; for those who know him will seek him, and seek his favour. If even severe corrections lead sinners to be convinced of wholesome truths, they will have abundant cause for gratitude. And they will then humble themselves before the Lord. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:24 @ ****** Jeremiah 24 ****** *** Outline of Jeremiah 24 *** Good and bad figs represent the Jews in captivity, and those who remain in their own land. - The prophet saw two baskets of figs set before the temple, as offerings of first-fruits. The figs in one basket were very good, those in the other basket very bad. What creature viler than a wicked man? and what more valuable than a godly man? This vision was to raise the spirits of those gone into captivity, by assuring them of a happy return; and to humble and awaken the proud and secure spirits of those yet in Jerusalem, by assuring them of a miserable captivity. The good figs represents the pious captives. We cannot determine as to God's love or hatred by what is before us. Early suffering sometimes proves for the best. The sooner the child is corrected, the better effect the correction is likely to have. Even this captivity was for their good; and God's intentions never are in vain. By afflictions they were convinced of sin, humbled under the hand of God, weaned from the world, taught to pray, and turned from sins, particularly from idolatry. God promises that he will own them in captivity. The Lord will own those who are his, in all conditions. God assures them of his protection in trouble, and a glorious deliverance in due time. When our troubles are sanctified to us, we may be sure that they will end well. They shall return to him with their whole heart. Thus they should have liberty to own him for their God, to pray to him, and expect blessings from him. The bad figs were Zedekiah and those of his party yet in the land. These should be removed for their hurt, and forsaken of all mankind. God has many judgments, and those that escape one, may expect another, till they are brought to repent. Doubtless, this prophecy had its fulfilment in that age; but the Spirit of prophecy may here look forward to the dispersion of the unbelieving Jews, in all the nations of the earth. Let those who desire blessings from the Lord, beg that he will give them a heart to know him. __Outline Henry'__25 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:25 @ ****** Jeremiah 25 ****** *** Outline of Jeremiah 25 *** The Jews rebuked for not obeying calls to repentance. (_1-7.) Their captivity during seventy years is expressly foretold. (_8-14.) Desolations upon the nations shown by the emblem of a cup of wrath. (_15-29.) The judgments again declared. (_30-38.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Jeremiah:25:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 - The call to turn from evil ways to the worship and service of God, and for sinners to trust in Christ, and partake of his salvation, concerns all men. God keeps an account how long we possess the means of grace; and the longer we have them, the heavier will our account be if we have not improved them. Rising early, points out the earnest desire that this people should turn and live. Personal and particular reformation must be insisted on as necessary to a national deliverance; and every one must turn from his own evil way. Yet all was to no purpose. They would not take the right and only method to turn away the wrath of God.

mhcc@Jeremiah:25:8-14 @ Verse 8-14 - The fixing of the time during which the Jewish captivity should last, would not only confirm the prophecy, but also comfort the people of God, and encourage faith and prayer. The ruin of Babylon is foretold: the rod will be thrown into the fire when the correcting work is done. When the set time to favour Zion is come, Babylon shall be punished for their iniquity, as other nations have been punished for their sins. Every threatening of the Scripture will certainly be accomplished.

mhcc@Jeremiah:25:15-29 @ Verse 15-29 - The evil and the good events of life are often represented in Scripture as cups. Under this figure is represented the desolation then coming upon that part of the world, of which Nebuchadnezzar, who had just began to reign and act, was to be the instrument; but this destroying sword would come from the hand of God. The desolations the sword should make in all these kingdoms, are represented by the consequences of excessive drinking. This may make us loathe the sin of drunkenness, that the consequences of it are used to set forth such a woful condition. Drunkenness deprives men of the use of their reason, makes men as mad. It takes from them the valuable blessing, health; and is a sin which is its own punishment. This may also make us dread the judgments of war. It soon fills a nation with confusion. They will refuse to take the cup at thy hand. They will not believe Jeremiah; but he must tell them it is the word of the Lord of hosts, and it is in vain for them to struggle against Almighty power. And if God's judgments begin with backsliding professors, let not the wicked expect to escape.

mhcc@Jeremiah:25:30-38 @ Verse 30-38 - The Lord has just ground of controversy with every nation and every person; and he will execute judgment on all the wicked. Who can avoid trembling when God speaks in displeasure? The days are fully come; the time fixed in the Divine counsels, which will make the nations wholly desolate. The tender and delicate shall share the common calamity. Even those who used to live in peace, and did nothing to provoke, shall not escape. Blessed be God, there is a peaceable habitation above, for all the sons of peace. The Lord will preserve his church and all believers in all changes; for nothing can separate them from his love. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:32 @ ****** Jeremiah 32 ****** *** Outline of Jeremiah 32 *** Jeremiah buys a field. (_1-15.) The prophet's prayer. (_16-25.) God declares that he will give up his people, but promises to restore them. (_26-44.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Jeremiah:32:16-25 @ Verse 16-25 - Jeremiah adores the Lord and his infinite perfections. When at any time we are perplexed about the methods of Providence, it is good for us to look to first principles. Let us consider that God is the fountain of all being, power, and life; that with him no difficulty is such as cannot be overcome; that he is a God of boundless mercy; that he is a God of strict justice; and that he directs every thing for the best. Jeremiah owns that God was righteous in causing evil to come upon them. Whatever trouble we are in, personal or public, we may comfort ourselves that the Lord sees it, and knows how to remedy it. We must not dispute God's will, but we may seek to know what it means.

mhcc@Jeremiah:52:31-34 @ Verse 31-34 - See this history of king Jehoiachin in 2Kings 25:27-30. Those under oppression will find it is not in vain for them to hope and quietly to wait for the salvation of the Lord. Our times are in God's hand, for the hearts of all we have to deal with are so. May we be enabled, more and more, to rest on the Rock of Ages, and to look forward with holy faith to that hour, when the Lord will bring again Zion, and overthrow all the enemies of the church. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Ezekiel:1 @ ****** Ezekiel 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Ezekiel *** Ezekiel was one of the priests; he was carried captive to Chaldea with Jehoiachin. All his prophecies appear to have been delivered in that country, at some place north of Babylon. Their chief object appears to have been to comfort his brethren in captivity. He is directed to warn of the dreadful calamities coming upon Judea, particularly upon the false prophets, and the neighbouring nations. Also to announce the future restoration of Israel and Judah from their several dispersions, and their happy state in their latter days, under the Messiah. Much of Christ will be found in this book, especially in the conclusion. *** Outline of Ezekiel 1 *** Ezekiel's vision of God, and of the angelic host. (_1-14.) The conduct of Divine Providence. (_15-25.) A revelation of the Son of man upon his heavenly throne. (_26-28.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Ezekiel:1:15-25 @ Verse 15-25 - Providence, represented by the wheels, produces changes. Sometimes one spoke of the wheel is uppermost, sometimes another; but the motion of the wheel on its own axletree is regular and steady. We need not despond in adversity; the wheels are turning round and will raise us in due time, while those who presume in prosperity know not how soon they may be cast down. The wheel is near the living creatures; the angels are employed as ministers of God's providence. The spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels; the same wisdom, power, and holiness of God, that guide and govern the angels, by them order all events in this lower world. The wheel had four faces, denoting that the providence of God exerts itself in all parts. Look every way upon the wheel of providence, it has a face toward you. Their appearance and work were as a wheel in the middle of a wheel. The disposals of Providence seem to us dark, perplexed, and unaccountable, yet are all wisely ordered for the best. The motion of these wheels was steady, regular, and constant. They went as the Spirit directed, therefore returned not. We should not have to undo that by repentance which we have done amiss, if we followed the guidance of the Spirit. The rings, or rims of the wheels were so vast, that when put in motion the prophet was afraid to look upon them. The consideration of the height and depth of God's counsel should awe us. They were full of eyes round about. The motions of Providence are all directed by infinite Wisdom. All events are determined by the eyes of the Lord, which are in every place beholding the evil and the good; for there is no such thing as chance or fortune. The firmament above was a crystal, glorious, but terribly so. That which we take to be a dark cloud, is to God clear as crystal, through which he looks upon all the inhabitants of the earth. When the angels had roused a careless world, they let down their wings, that God's voice might be plainly heard. The voice of Providence is to open men's ears to the voice of the word. Sounds on earth should awaken our attention to the voice from heaven; for how shall we escape, if we turn away from Him that speaks from thence.

mhcc@Ezekiel:11 @ ****** Ezekiel 11 ****** *** Outline of Ezekiel 11 *** Divine judgments against the wicked at Jerusalem. (_1-13.) Divine favour towards those in captivity. (_14-21.) The Divine presence forsakes the city. (_22-25.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Ezekiel:11:22-25 @ Verse 22-25 - Here is the departure of God's presence from the city and temple. It was from the Mount of Olives that the vision went up, typifying the ascension of Christ to heaven from that very mountain. Though the Lord will not forsake his people, yet he may be driven away from any part of his visible church by their sins, and woe will be upon them when He withdraws his presence, glory, and protection. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Ezekiel:25 @ ****** Ezekiel 25 ****** *** Outline of Ezekiel 25 *** Judgments against the Ammonites. (_1-7.) Against the Moabites, Edomites, and Philistines. (_8-17.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Ezekiel:25:1-7. @ Verse 1-7. - It is wicked to be glad at the calamities of any, especially of God's people; it is a sin for which he will surely reckon. God will make it appear that he is the God of Israel, though he suffers them for a time to be captives in Babylon. It is better to know Him, and to be poor, than to be rich and ignorant of him.

mhcc@Ezekiel:25:8-17 @ Verse 8-17 - Though one event seem to the righteous and wicked, it is vastly different. Those who glory in any other defence and protection than the Divine power, providence, and promise, will, sooner or later, be ashamed of their glorying. Those who will not leave it to God to take vengeance for them, may expect that he will take vengeance on them. The equity of the Lord's judgments is to be observed, when he not only avenges injuries upon those that did them, but by those against whom they were done. Those who treasure up old hatred, and watch for the opportunity of manifesting it, are treasuring up for themselves wrath against the day of wrath. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Ezekiel:27 @ ****** Ezekiel 27 ****** *** Outline of Ezekiel 27 *** The merchandise of Tyre. (_1-25.) Its fall and ruin. (_26-36.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Ezekiel:27:1-25 @ Verse 1-25 - Those who live at ease are to be lamented, if they are not prepared for trouble. Let none reckon themselves beautified, any further than they are sanctified. The account of the trade of Tyre intimates, that God's eye is upon men when employed in worldly business. Not only when at church, praying and hearing, but when in markets and fairs, buying and selling. In all our dealings we should keep a conscience void of offence. God, as the common Father of mankind, makes one country abound in one commodity, and another in another, serviceable to the necessity or to the comfort and ornament of human life. See what a blessing trade and merchandise are to mankind, when followed in the fear of God. Besides necessaries, an abundance of things are made valuable only by custom; yet God allows us to use them. But when riches increase, men are apt to set their hearts upon them, and forget the Lord, who gives power to get wealth.

mhcc@Ezekiel:36 @ ****** Ezekiel 36 ****** *** Outline of Ezekiel 36 *** The land shall be delivered from heathen oppressors. (_1-15.) The people are reminded of former sins, and promised deliverance. (_16-24.) Also holiness, and gospel blessings. (_25-38.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Ezekiel:36:25-38 @ Verse 25-38 - Water is an emblem of the cleansing our polluted souls from sin. But no water can do more than take away the filth of the flesh. Water seems in general the sacramental sign of the sanctifying influences of the Holy Ghost; yet this is always connected with the atoning blood of Christ. When the latter is applied by faith to the conscience, to cleanse it from evil works, the former is always applied to the powers of the soul, to purify it from the pollution of sin. All that have an interest in the new covenant, have a new heart and a new spirit, in order to their walking in newness of life. God would give a heart of flesh, a soft and tender heart, complying with his holy will. Renewing grace works as great a change in the soul, as the turning a dead stone into living flesh. God will put his Spirit within, as a Teacher, Guide, and Sanctifier. The promise of God's grace to fit us for our duty, should quicken our constant care and endeavour to do our duty. These are promises to be pleaded by, and will be fulfilled to, all true believers in every age. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Daniel:6 @ ****** Daniel 6 ****** *** Outline of Daniel 6 *** The malice of Daniel's enemies. (_1-5.) His constancy in prayer. (_6-10.) He is cast into the lion's den. (_11-17.) His miraculous preservation. (_18-24.) The decree of Darius. (_25-28.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Daniel:6:25-28 @ Verse 25-28 - If we live in the fear of God, and walk according to that rule, peace shall be upon us. The kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever, are the Lord's; but many are employed in making known his wonderful works to others, who themselves remain strangers to his saving grace. May we be doers, as well as believers of his word, least at the last we should be found to have deceived ourselves. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Daniel:12:5-13 @ Verse 5-13 - One of the angels asking how long it should be to the end of these wonders, a solemn reply is made, that it would be for a time, times, and a half, the period mentioned ch. strkjv@7:25,. and in the Revelation. It signifies 1260 prophetic days or years, beginning from the time when the power of the holy people should be scattered. The imposture of Mohammed, and the papal usurpation, began about the same time; and these were a twofold attack upon the church of God. But all will end well at last. All opposing rule, principality, and power, shall be put down, and holiness and love will triumph, and be in honour, to eternity. The end, this end, shall come. What an amazing prophecy is this, of so many varied events, and extending through so many successive ages, even to the general resurrection! Daniel must comfort himself with the pleasing prospect of his own happiness in death, in judgment, and to eternity. It is good for us all to think much of going away from this world. That must be our way; but it is our comfort that we shall not go till God calls us to another world, and till he has done with us in this world; till he says, Go thou thy way, thou hast done thy work, therefore now, go thy way, and leave it to others to take thy place. It was a comfort to Daniel, and is a comfort to all the saints, that whatever their lot is in the days of their lives, they shall have a happy lot in the end of the days. And it ought to be the great care and concern of every one of us to secure this. Then we may well be content with our present lot, and welcome the will of God. Believers are happy at all times; they rest in God by faith now, and a rest is reserved for them in heaven at last. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Hosea:1:8-11 @ Verse 8-11 - The rejection of Israel for a time, is signified by the name of another child: call him Lo-ammi, "not my people." The Lord disowns all relation to them. We love him, because he first loved us; but our being cast out of covenant, is owing to ourselves and our folly. Mercy is remembered in the midst of wrath; the rejection, as it shall not be total, so it shall not be final. The same hand that wounded, is stretched forth to heal. Very precious promises are here given concerning the Israel of God, and they may be of use to us now. Some think that these promises will not have accomplishment in full, till the general conversion of the Jews in the latter days. Also this promise is applied to the gospel, and the bringing in both the Jews and Gentiles to it, by St. Paul, Romans strkjv@9:25,26,. and by St. Peter, 1st Peter strkjv@2:10. To believe in Christ, is to have him for our Head, and willingly to commit ourselves to his guidance and government. And let us pray for the coming of the glorious day, when there shall be one Lord through all the earth. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jonah:1 @ ****** Jonah 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Jonah *** Jonah was a native of Galilee, 2Kings strkjv@14:25. His miraculous deliverance from out of the fish, rendered him a type of our blessed Lord, who mentions it, so as to show the certain truth of the narrative. All that was done was easy to the almighty power of the Author and Sustainer of life. This book shows us, by the example of the Ninevites, how great are the Divine forbearance and long-suffering towards sinners. It shows a most striking contrast between the goodness and mercy of God, and the rebellion, impatience, and peevishness of his servant; and it will be best understood by those who are most acquainted with their own hearts. *** Outline of Jonah 1 *** Jonah, sent to Nineveh, flees to Tarshish. (_1-3.) He is stayed by a tempest. (_4-7.) His discourse with the mariners. (_8-12.) He is cast into the sea, and miraculously preserved. (_13-17.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Matthew:1 @ ****** Matthew 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Matthew *** Matthew, surnamed Levi, before his conversion was a publican, or tax-gatherer under the Romans at Capernaum. He is generally allowed to have written his Gospel before any other of the evangelists. The contents of this Gospel, and the evidence of ancient writers, show that it was written primarily for the use of the Jewish nation. The fulfilment of prophecy was regarded by the Jews as strong evidence, therefore this is especially dwelt upon by St. Matthew. Here are particularly selected such parts of our Saviour's history and discourses as were best suited to awaken the Jewish nation to a sense of their sins; to remove their erroneous expectations of an earthly kingdom; to abate their pride and self-conceit; to teach them the spiritual nature and extent of the gospel; and to prepare them for the admission of the Gentiles into the church. *** Outline of Matthew 1 *** The genealogy of Jesus. (_1-17.) An angel appears to Joseph. (_18-25.) *** Commentary ***

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