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mkjv@Genesis:1:21 @ And God created great sea-animals, and every living soul that creeps [with] which the waters swarmed after their kind; and every winged fowl after its kind. And God saw that [it was] good.

mkjv@Genesis:1:29 @ And God said, Behold! I have given you every herb seeding seed which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which [is the] fruit of a tree seeding seed; to you it shall be for food.

mkjv@Genesis:1:30 @ And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the heavens, and to every creeper on the earth which [has] in it a living soul every green plant [is] for food; and it was so.

mkjv@Genesis:1:31 @ And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

mkjv@Genesis:2:5 @ and every shrub of the field was not yet on the earth, and every plant of the field had not yet sprung up. For the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and [there was] no man to till the ground.

mkjv@Genesis:2:9 @ And out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food. The tree of life also was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

mkjv@Genesis:2:16 @ And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, You may freely eat of every tree in the garden,

mkjv@Genesis:2:19 @ And out of the ground the LORD God formed every animal of the field and every fowl of the air, and brought [them] to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called [each] living creature, that [was] its name.

mkjv@Genesis:2:20 @ And Adam gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every animal of the field. But there was not found a suitable helper for Adam.

mkjv@Genesis:3:1 @ Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, [Is it] so that God has said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

mkjv@Genesis:3:14 @ And the LORD God said to the serpent, Because you have done this you [are] cursed more than all cattle, and more than every animal of the field. You shall go upon your belly, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.

mkjv@Genesis:3:24 @ And He drove out the man. And He placed cherubs at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.

mkjv@Genesis:4:22 @ And Zillah also bore Tubalcain, [the] hammerer of every engraving tool of bronze and iron. And the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.

mkjv@Genesis:6:5 @ And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually.

mkjv@Genesis:6:17 @ And behold! I, even I, am bringing a flood of waters upon the earth in order to destroy all flesh (in which [is] the breath of life) from under the heavens. Everything which [is] in the earth shall die.

mkjv@Genesis:6:19 @ And you shall bring into the ark two of every [kind], of every living thing of all flesh, to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.

mkjv@Genesis:6:20 @ Two of every kind shall come to you to keep [them] alive; of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind.

mkjv@Genesis:7:2 @ You shall take with you every clean animal by sevens, the male and female. And take two of the animals that [are] not clean, the male and female.

mkjv@Genesis:7:4 @ For in seven more days I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights. And I will destroy from off the face of the earth every living thing that I have made.

mkjv@Genesis:7:8 @ Of the clean animals, and of the animals that were not clean, and of the fowls, and of everything that creeps on the earth,

mkjv@Genesis:7:14 @ They went in, and every animal after its kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth after its kind, and every fowl after its kind, every bird of every sort.

mkjv@Genesis:7:21 @ And all flesh that moved upon the face of the earth died, of birds, of cattle, of animal, and of every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth; and every man,

mkjv@Genesis:7:23 @ And every living thing which was on the face of the earth was destroyed, from man to cattle, and to the creeping things, and the fowls of the heavens. And they were destroyed from the earth, and only Noah was left, and those that were with him in the ark.

mkjv@Genesis:8:1 @ And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle which [were] with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided.

mkjv@Genesis:8:17 @ Bring out with you every living thing that is with you, of all flesh, of fowl, of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth, so that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth.

mkjv@Genesis:8:19 @ Every animal, every fowl, and every creeping thing, all which creeps upon the earth after their families, went forth out of the ark.

mkjv@Genesis:8:20 @ And Noah built an altar to the LORD. And he took of every clean animal, and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

mkjv@Genesis:8:21 @ And the LORD smelled a sweet odor. And the LORD said in His heart, I will never again curse the ground for man's sake, because the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. And I will not again smite every living thing as I have done.

mkjv@Genesis:9:2 @ And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon the animals of the earth, and upon every bird of the air, upon all that moves on the earth, and upon all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered.

mkjv@Genesis:9:3 @ Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herb.

mkjv@Genesis:9:5 @ and surely the blood of your lives will I require. At the hand of every animal will I require it, and at the hand of man. At the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.

mkjv@Genesis:9:10 @ and with every living creature that [is] with you, of the birds, of the cattle, and of every animal of the earth with you; from all that go out from the ark, to every animal of the earth.

mkjv@Genesis:9:12 @ And God said, This [is] the token of the covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature with you, for everlasting generations:

mkjv@Genesis:9:15 @ And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

mkjv@Genesis:9:16 @ And the rainbow shall be in the cloud. And I will look upon it that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

mkjv@Genesis:10:5 @ By these were the coasts of the nations divided in their lands, every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

mkjv@Genesis:16:12 @ And he will be a wild man. His hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him. And he shall live in the presence of all his brothers.

mkjv@Genesis:17:10 @ This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your seed after you. Every male child among you shall be circumcised.

mkjv@Genesis:17:12 @ And a son of eight days shall be circumcised among you, every male child in your generations; he that is born in the house, or bought with silver of any stranger who [is] not of your seed.

mkjv@Genesis:17:23 @ And Abraham took his son Ishmael, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his silver; every male among the men of Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskins in the same day, even as God said to him.

mkjv@Genesis:19:4 @ But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both old and young, all the people from every quarter.

mkjv@Genesis:20:13 @ And it happened when God caused me to wander from my father's house, that I said to her, This [is] your kindness which you show to me, at every place where we shall come, say of me, He [is] my brother.

mkjv@Genesis:27:29 @ Let people serve you, and let nations bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and let your mother's sons bow down to you. Cursed [be] everyone that curses you, and blessed [be] he that blesses you.

mkjv@Genesis:28:15 @ And, behold, I [am] with you, and will keep you in every [place] where you go, and will bring you again into this land. For I will not leave you until I have done that which I have spoken of to you.

mkjv@Genesis:30:33 @ And shall my righteousness answer for me in time to come, and it shall come for my hire before your face. Every one that [is] not speckled and spotted among the goats, and black among the sheep, shall be counted stolen with me.

mkjv@Genesis:30:35 @ And that day he took out the he-goats that were striped and spotted, and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white in it, and all the black from among the lambs, and gave [them] into the hand of his sons.

mkjv@Genesis:32:16 @ And he delivered into the hands of his servants, every drove by themselves. And he said to his servants, Pass over in front of me and put a space between drove and drove.

mkjv@Genesis:34:15 @ But in this we will agree with you, if you will be as we [are], that every male of you be circumcised,

mkjv@Genesis:34:22 @ Only on this [condition] will the men agree to us, to live with us, to be one people, if every male among us is circumcised as they [are] circumcised.

mkjv@Genesis:34:23 @ [Shall] not their cattle and their substance and every animal of theirs be ours? Only let us agree with them, and they will live with us.

mkjv@Genesis:34:24 @ And all that went out of the gate of his city listened to Hamor and to Shechem his son. And every male was circumcised, all that went out of the gate of his city.

mkjv@Genesis:41:48 @ And he gathered up all the food of the seven years which [were] in the land of Egypt, and he put food in the cities. He put the food of the field which [was] around every city; he put it in among it.

mkjv@Genesis:42:35 @ And it happened they emptied their sacks, behold, every man's bundle of silver [was] in his sack. And when they and their father saw the bundles of silver, they were afraid.

mkjv@Genesis:43:21 @ And it happened, when we came to the inn, that we opened our sacks, and, behold, [every] man's silver [was] in the mouth of his sack, our silver in full weight. And we have brought it again in our hands.

mkjv@Genesis:44:11 @ Then they speedily took down every man his sack to the ground, and each one opened his sack.

mkjv@Genesis:45:1 @ Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him. And he cried, Cause every man to go out from me! And no man stood before him [while] Joseph made himself known to his brothers.

mkjv@Genesis:46:34 @ Then you shall say, Your servants have been men of cattle from our youth even until now, both we and our fathers, so that you may live in the land of Goshen, for every shepherd [is] an abomination to the Egyptians.

mkjv@Genesis:47:20 @ And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh, for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them and the land became Pharaoh's.

mkjv@Genesis:49:28 @ All these [were] the twelve tribes of Israel. And this [is] what their father spoke to them, and blessed them; everyone according to his blessing he blessed them.

mkjv@Exodus:1:1 @ And these [were] the names of the sons of Israel who came into Egypt. Every man and his household came with Jacob:

mkjv@Exodus:1:22 @ And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born you shall cast into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive.

mkjv@Exodus:3:22 @ But every woman shall ask of her neighbor, and of her that stays in her house, jewels of silver and jewels of gold and clothing. And you shall put [them] upon your sons and upon your daughters. And you shall plunder the Egyptians.

mkjv@Exodus:7:19 @ And the LORD spoke to Moses, Say to Aaron, Take your rod, and stretch out your hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their canals, and upon their pools, and upon every reservoir of their waters, [that] they may become blood. And blood shall be throughout all the land of Egypt, both in wooden and in stone [vessels].

mkjv@Exodus:9:19 @ And now send out, gather your cattle, and all that you have in the field. Upon every man and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die.

mkjv@Exodus:9:22 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Stretch forth your hand toward heaven, so that there may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, and upon beast, and upon every herb of the field, throughout the land of Egypt.

mkjv@Exodus:9:25 @ And the hail struck throughout all the land of Egypt all that [was] in the field, both man and beast. And the hail struck every herb of the field, and broke every tree of the field.

mkjv@Exodus:10:5 @ And they shall cover the face of the land, so that one cannot be able to see the earth. And they shall eat the rest of that which has escaped, which remains to you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which grows for you out of the field.

mkjv@Exodus:10:12 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up upon the land of Egypt and eat every herb of the land, all that the hail has left.

mkjv@Exodus:10:15 @ For they covered the face of the whole earth so that the land was darkened. And they ate every herb of the land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left. And there did not remain any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt.

mkjv@Exodus:11:2 @ Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow from his neighbor, and every woman from her neighbor, articles of silver and jewels of gold.

mkjv@Exodus:12:16 @ And on the first day [shall be] a holy gathering, and in the seventh day there shall be a holy gathering for you. No manner of work shall be done in them, except that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you.

mkjv@Exodus:12:44 @ But every man's servant that is bought for silver, when you have circumcised him, then he shall eat of it.

mkjv@Exodus:13:12 @ you shall set apart to the LORD every one that opens the womb, and every first-born that comes of any animal which you have; the males [shall be] the LORD's.

mkjv@Exodus:13:13 @ And every first-born of an ass you shall redeem with a lamb. And if you will not redeem it, then you shall break its neck. And all the first-born of man among your sons you shall redeem.

mkjv@Exodus:14:7 @ And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and captains over every one of them.

mkjv@Exodus:16:4 @ Then the LORD said to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from the heavens for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain amount every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not.

mkjv@Exodus:16:21 @ And they gathered it every morning, each man according to his eating. And when the sun became hot, it melted.

mkjv@Exodus:18:22 @ And let them judge the people at all times. And it shall be, every great matter they shall bring to you, but every small matter they shall judge. And make it easier for yourself, and they shall bear with you.

mkjv@Exodus:18:26 @ And they judged the people at all times. The hard causes they brought to Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.

mkjv@Exodus:22:9 @ For every case of trespass, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for clothing, for any kind of lost thing, which [another] claims to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges. Whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double to his neighbor.

mkjv@Exodus:25:2 @ Speak to the sons of Israel that they bring Me an offering. You shall take an offering from every man that gives it willingly with his heart.

mkjv@Exodus:26:2 @ The length of one curtain [shall be] twenty-eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits. And every one of the curtains shall have one measure.

mkjv@Exodus:27:18 @ The length of the court [shall be] a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty cubits [of] everywhere, and the height five cubits of fine twined bleached [linen], and their sockets bronze.

mkjv@Exodus:29:36 @ And you shall offer every day a bull, a sin offering for atonement. And you shall cleanse the altar when you have made an atonement for it, and you shall anoint it to sanctify it.

mkjv@Exodus:30:7 @ And Aaron shall burn sweet incense on it every morning; when he dresses the lamps he shall burn it.

mkjv@Exodus:30:13 @ They shall give this, every one that passes among those who are counted, half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary (a shekel [is] twenty gerahs); a half shekel [shall be] the offering of the LORD.

mkjv@Exodus:30:14 @ Everyone that passes among those who are numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall give an offering to the LORD.

mkjv@Exodus:31:14 @ You shall keep the Sabbath therefore, for it [is] holy to you. Everyone that defiles it shall surely be put to death. For whoever does [any] work in it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.

mkjv@Exodus:33:7 @ And Moses took the tabernacle and pitched it outside the camp, afar off from the camp, and called it the tabernacle of the congregation. And it happened, everyone who sought the LORD went out to the tabernacle of the congregation, which was] outside the camp.

mkjv@Exodus:35:10 @ And every wise-hearted one among you shall come and make all that the LORD has commanded:

mkjv@Exodus:35:21 @ And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom His spirit made willing. They brought the LORD's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all His service, and for the holy garments.

mkjv@Exodus:35:22 @ And the men came in together with the women, as many as were willing-hearted, bringing bracelets and earrings, and rings and ornaments, all jewels of gold. And everyone who offered waved a wave offering of gold to the LORD.

mkjv@Exodus:35:23 @ And everyone [with] whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and bleached [linen], and goats' [hair], and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them.

mkjv@Exodus:35:24 @ Everyone lifting up an offering of silver and bronze brought the LORD's offering. And everyone with whom was found acacia-wood for any work of the service, brought [it].

mkjv@Exodus:35:25 @ And every wise-hearted woman spun with her hands. And they brought spun yarn, blue, and purple, scarlet, and bleached [linen].

mkjv@Exodus:35:29 @ The sons of Israel brought a willing offering to the LORD, every man and woman whose heart made them willing to bring for all kinds of work which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses.

mkjv@Exodus:36:1 @ And Bezaleel and Aholiab shall work with everyone wise of heart to whom the LORD has given wisdom and intelligence, to know how to do every work of the service of the sanctuary, concerning all which the LORD had commanded.

mkjv@Exodus:36:2 @ And Moses called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise-hearted man in whose heart the LORD had put wisdom, even everyone whose heart stirred him up to come, to do the work.

mkjv@Exodus:36:3 @ And they received all the offerings from Moses, the offering which the sons of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it. And they still brought to him free offerings every morning.

mkjv@Exodus:36:4 @ And all the wise men who worked all the work of the sanctuary came, every man from his work which they made.

mkjv@Exodus:36:8 @ And every wise-hearted one among them that worked the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains [of] fine twined bleached [linen], and blue, and purple, and scarlet. He made them with cherubs of skillful work.

mkjv@Exodus:36:30 @ And there were eight boards. And their sockets [were] sixteen sockets of silver, two sockets under every board.

mkjv@Exodus:38:26 @ a bekah for every man, half a shekel, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for everyone that went to be numbered, from twenty years old and upward, for six hundred three thousand, five hundred fifty [men].

mkjv@Exodus:39:14 @ And the stones were according to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, according to their names, [like] the engravings of a signet, every one with its name according to the twelve tribes.

mkjv@Leviticus:2:13 @ And every sacrifice of your food offering shall you season with salt. And you shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your food offering. You shall offer salt with all your offerings.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:12 @ And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it. It shall not be put out. And the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order on it. And he shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:18 @ All the males among the sons of Aaron shall eat of it. [It shall be] a statute forever in your generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire. Everyone that touches them shall be holy.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:23 @ For every food offering for the priest shall be wholly burnt. It shall not be eaten.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:6 @ Every male among the priests shall eat of it. It shall be eaten in the holy place. It [is] most holy.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:10 @ And every food offering mixed with oil, or dry, shall all the sons of Aaron have, one like another.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:15 @ every raven according to its kind;

mkjv@Leviticus:11:20 @ Every flying swarming creature going on all four, it [is] an abomination to you.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:23 @ But every [other] flying swarming thing which [has] four feet shall be an abomination to you.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:26 @ even every living thing which divides the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, nor [chews] the cud, they [are] unclean to you. Everyone that touches them shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:33 @ And every earthen vessel in which [any] of them falls, whatever [is] in it shall be unclean. And you shall break it.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:34 @ Of all food which may be eaten, [that] on which such water comes shall be unclean. And all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:35 @ And every [thing] on which [any part] of their dead body falls shall be unclean; [whether it is] the oven, or ranges for pots, they shall be broken down. They [are] unclean, and shall be unclean to you.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:41 @ And every swarming thing that swarms on the earth [shall be] an abomination. It shall not be eaten.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:42 @ Anything going on its belly, and any going on [all] four, and all having many feet, even every swarming thing that swarms on the earth, you shall not eat them. For they are an abomination.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:46 @ This [is] the law of the animals, and of the fowl, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that swarms on the earth,

mkjv@Leviticus:15:4 @ Every bed on which he who discharges lies is unclean. And everything on which he sits shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:12 @ And the earthen vessel that he who discharges touches shall be broken. And every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:17 @ And every garment and every skin on which the semen shall be, it shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the evening.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:20 @ And everything that she lies on in her impurity shall be unclean. Everything also that she sits on shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:24 @ And if any man lies with her at all, and her impurity is on him, he shall be unclean seven days. And every bed on which he lies shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:26 @ Every bed on which she lies all the days of her discharge shall be to her as the bed of her impurity. And whatever she sits on shall be unclean, as the uncleanness of her impurity.

mkjv@Leviticus:23:37 @ These [are] the feasts of the LORD which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, to offer a fire offering to the LORD, a burnt offering and a food offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, everything on its day;

mkjv@Leviticus:24:8 @ Every sabbath he shall set it in order before the LORD forever, from the sons of Israel by an everlasting covenant.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:28 @ However, no devoted thing that a man shall devote to the LORD of all that he has, either of man or animal, or of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed. Every devoted thing [is] most holy to the LORD.

mkjv@Numbers:1:2 @ Take the sum of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, according to their families, by their fathers' house, with the number of names, every male by their heads,

mkjv@Numbers:1:4 @ And with you there shall be a man of every tribe, each one head of the house of his fathers.

mkjv@Numbers:1:20 @ And the sons of Reuben, Israel's first-born son, by their generations, according to their families, by their fathers' house, according to the number of the names, by their heads, every male from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war:

mkjv@Numbers:1:22 @ Of the sons of Simeon, by their generations, according to their families, by their fathers' house, those that were numbered of them, according to the number of the names, by their heads, every male from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war:

mkjv@Numbers:2:2 @ Every man of the sons of Israel shall pitch by his own banner, with the banner of their father's house. They shall pitch far off, around the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Numbers:2:34 @ And the sons of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses. So they pitched by their banners, and so they went forward, everyone according to their families, according to the house of their fathers.

mkjv@Numbers:3:15 @ Number the sons of Levi according to their fathers' house, by their families. You shall number them, every male from a month old and upward.

mkjv@Numbers:4:30 @ You shall number them from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone who enters into the service, to do the work of the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Numbers:4:35 @ They numbered them from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone that entered into the service, for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Numbers:4:39 @ from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone that enters into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation,

mkjv@Numbers:4:43 @ from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone that enters into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation,

mkjv@Numbers:4:47 @ from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old, everyone that came to do the service of the ministry and the service of the burden in the tabernacle of the congregation,

mkjv@Numbers:4:49 @ According to the command of the LORD they were numbered by the hand of Moses, everyone according to his service and according to his burden. So they were numbered by him as the LORD commanded Moses.

mkjv@Numbers:5:2 @ Command the sons of Israel that they put out of the camp every leper and everyone that has an issue, and whoever is defiled by a dead body.

mkjv@Numbers:5:9 @ And every offering of all the holy things of the sons of Israel which they shall bring to the priest, shall be his.

mkjv@Numbers:5:10 @ And every man's devoted things shall be his. Whatever any man gives the priest, it shall be his.

mkjv@Numbers:7:5 @ Take [it] from them so that they may be used in doing the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. And you shall give them to the Levites, to every man according to his service.

mkjv@Numbers:8:16 @ For they [are] wholly given to Me from among the sons of Israel, instead of those that open every womb. The first-born of all the sons of Israel, I have taken them to Me.

mkjv@Numbers:8:17 @ For all the first-born of the sons of Israel [are] Mine, both man and animal. On the day that I struck every first-born in the land of Egypt I set them apart for Myself.

mkjv@Numbers:11:10 @ Then Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, every man in the door of his tent. And the anger of the LORD was kindled greatly. Moses also was displeased.

mkjv@Numbers:13:2 @ Send men so that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give to the sons of Israel. You shall send a man from every tribe of their fathers, everyone a ruler among them.

mkjv@Numbers:15:12 @ According to the number that you shall prepare, so you shall do to everyone according to their number.

mkjv@Numbers:16:3 @ And they gathered themselves against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, [You take] too much upon you, since all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them. Why then do you lift yourselves up above the congregation of the LORD?

mkjv@Numbers:16:17 @ And every man take his fire-pan and put incense in them, and let every man bring his fire-pan before the LORD, two hundred and fifty fire-pans, you also, and Aaron, each with his fire-pan.

mkjv@Numbers:16:18 @ And every man took his fire-pan and put fire in them, and laid incense on it, and stood in the door of the tabernacle of the congregation with Moses and Aaron.

mkjv@Numbers:16:27 @ So they got away from the tent of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, on every side. And Dathan and Abiram came out and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little sons.

mkjv@Numbers:17:2 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, and take a rod from each of them for a father's house, of all their rulers, for their fathers' house, twelve rods. Write every man's name upon his rod.

mkjv@Numbers:18:7 @ Therefore you and your sons with you shall keep your priests' office for everything of the altar and inside the veil. And you shall serve. I have given your priest's office as a service of gift. And the stranger that comes near shall be put to death.

mkjv@Numbers:18:9 @ This shall be yours of the most holy things, [reserved] from the fire, every sacrifice of theirs, every food offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall give Me. These are] most holy for you and for your sons.

mkjv@Numbers:18:10 @ You shall eat it in the Holy of Holies. Every male shall eat it. It shall be holy to you.

mkjv@Numbers:18:11 @ And this [is] yours, the heave offering of their gift, with all the wave offerings of the sons of Israel. I have given them to you and to your sons and to your daughters with you, by a statute forever. Everyone that is clean in your house shall eat it.

mkjv@Numbers:18:13 @ The first fruits of all that is in the land, which they shall bring to the LORD, shall be yours. Everyone that is clean in your house shall eat [of] it.

mkjv@Numbers:18:14 @ Everything devoted in Israel shall be yours.

mkjv@Numbers:18:15 @ Everything that opens the womb in all flesh, which they bring to the LORD, of men or animals, shall be yours. Nevertheless, the first-born of man you shall surely redeem, and the first-born of unclean animals you shall redeem.

mkjv@Numbers:18:29 @ Out of all your gifts you shall offer every heave offering of the LORD, of all its fat, the holy part of it out of it.

mkjv@Numbers:18:31 @ And you shall eat it in every place, you and your households. For it [is] your reward for your service in the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Numbers:19:15 @ And every open vessel which has no covering bound upon it, it [is] unclean.

mkjv@Numbers:21:8 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole. And it shall be when everyone that is bitten, when he looks upon it, he shall live.

mkjv@Numbers:23:14 @ And he brought him into the field of Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, and built seven altars and offered a bull and a ram on [every] altar.

mkjv@Numbers:25:5 @ And Moses said to the judges of Israel, Every one of you kill his men who were joined to Baal-peor.

mkjv@Numbers:28:10 @ [this is] the burnt offering of every sabbath, besides the continual burnt offering, and its drink offering.

mkjv@Numbers:28:14 @ And their drink offerings shall be half a hin of wine to a bull, and the third of a hin to a ram, and a fourth a hin to a lamb. This [is] the burnt offering of every month throughout the months of the year.

mkjv@Numbers:29:14 @ And their food offering [shall be] flour, mixed with oil, three tenth parts to every bull of the thirteen bulls, two tenth parts to each ram of the two rams,

mkjv@Numbers:30:4 @ and [if] her father hears her vow and her bond with which she has bound her soul, and [if] her father is silent as to her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond with which she has bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:9 @ But every vow of a widow and of her who is divorced, all which she has bound on her soul shall stand against her.

mkjv@Numbers:30:11 @ and [if] her husband heard and is silent as to her, and did not forbid her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond with which she bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:13 @ Every vow and every binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband may establish it, or her husband may break it.

mkjv@Numbers:31:4 @ You shall send to the war a thousand from every tribe, throughout all the tribes of Israel.

mkjv@Numbers:31:5 @ So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of [every] tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.

mkjv@Numbers:31:6 @ And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of [every] tribe. He sent them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy instruments and the trumpets to blow in his hand.

mkjv@Numbers:31:17 @ And now kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known man by lying with him.

mkjv@Numbers:31:23 @ everything that can stand the fire, you shall make go through the fire, and it shall be clean. Only it shall be purified with the water of separation. And all that cannot stand the fire you shall make go through the water.

mkjv@Numbers:31:50 @ And we bring an offering for the LORD, what every man has found, of jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, earrings, and tablets, to make an atonement for our souls before the LORD.

mkjv@Numbers:31:53 @ [For] the men of war had taken spoil, every man for himself.

mkjv@Numbers:32:18 @ We will not return to our houses until the sons of Israel have inherited every man his inheritance.

mkjv@Numbers:32:27 @ But your servants will go over, every man armed for war, before the LORD to battle, as my lord says.

mkjv@Numbers:34:18 @ And you shall take one ruler from every tribe, to divide the land by inheritance.

mkjv@Numbers:35:8 @ And the cities which you shall give [shall be] of the possessions of the sons of Israel. You shall give many from those who have many. But from those who have few you shall give few. Everyone shall give of his cities to the Levites according to his inheritance which he inherits.

mkjv@Numbers:35:15 @ These six cities shall be a refuge for the sons of Israel, and for the stranger, and for anyone who stays among them, so that everyone who kills any person through error may flee there.

mkjv@Numbers:36:7 @ So the inheritance of the sons of Israel shall not be moved from tribe to tribe. For every one of the sons of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.

mkjv@Numbers:36:8 @ And every daughter that possesses an inheritance in any tribe of the sons of Israel shall become a wife to one of the family of the tribe of her father, so that the sons of Israel may each one enjoy the inheritance of his fathers.

mkjv@Numbers:36:9 @ And the inheritance shall not move from [one] tribe to another tribe. But every one of the tribes of the sons of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:1:22 @ And you came near to me, every one of you, and said, We will send men before us, and they shall search out the land and bring us word again by what way we must go up, and into what cities we shall come.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:2:34 @ And we took all his cities at that time and completely destroyed the men and the women and the little ones of every city. We left none to remain.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:3:6 @ And we completely destroyed them, as we did to Sihon king of Heshbon, completely destroying the men, women, and children of every city.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:4:4 @ And you who held fast to the LORD your God [are] alive, every one of you, this day.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:6:11 @ and houses full of every good [thing] which you did not fill, and wells which are dug, but which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you shall eat and be full,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 @ And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger, and then He fed you with manna, which you did not know, neither did your fathers know [it], so that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every [word] that comes out of the mouth of the LORD man shall live.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:11:24 @ Every place on which the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even to the furthest sea shall your border be.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:12:2 @ You shall completely destroy all the places in which the nations which you shall possess served their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:12:13 @ Take heed to yourself that you do not offer your burnt offerings in every place that you see.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:12:31 @ You shall not do so to the LORD your God. For every abomination to the LORD, which He hates, they have done to their gods; even their sons and their daughters they have burned in the fire to their gods.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:13:16 @ And you shall gather all its spoil into the middle of its street, and shall burn the city with fire, and all its spoil, every bit of it, for the LORD your God. And it shall be a heap forever. It shall not be built again.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:14:6 @ And every animal that divides the hoof, and divides it into two hooves, [and] chews the cud among the animals, that you shall eat.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:14:14 @ and every raven after its kind,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:14:19 @ And every creeping thing that flies [is] unclean to you. They shall not be eaten.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:1 @ At the end of [every] seven years you shall make a release.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:2 @ And this [is] the manner of the release. Every man who has a loan to his neighbor shall release it. He shall not exact [it] from his neighbor, or from his brother, because it is called the LORD's release.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:19:3 @ You shall prepare you a way, and divide the borders of your land which the LORD your God gives you to inherit, into three parts, so that every slayer may flee there.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:20:13 @ And when the LORD your God has delivered it into your hands, you shall strike every male of it with the edge of the sword.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:5 @ And the priests, the sons of Levi, shall come near. For the LORD your God has chosen them to minister to him, and to bless in the name of the LORD, and by their word shall every controversy and every stroke be [tried].

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:7 @ You shall in every case let the mother go and take the young for yourself, so that it may be well with you, and you may make [your] days longer.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:9 @ When the army goes forth against your enemies, then keep yourself from every wicked thing.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:24:16 @ The fathers shall not be put to death for the sons, neither shall the sons be put to death for the fathers. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:28:61 @ Also, every sickness and every plague which [is] not written in the book of this law, the LORD will bring them on you until you are destroyed.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:30:9 @ And the LORD your God will make you have plenty in every work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, and in the fruit of your cattle, and in the fruit of your land, for good. For the LORD will again rejoice over you for good, as He rejoiced over your fathers;

mkjv@Deuteronomy:33:3 @ Yea, He loved the people. All His saints [are] in Your hand, and they sat down at Your feet. Everyone shall receive of Your words.

mkjv@Joshua:1:3 @ Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, I have given that to you, as I said to Moses.

mkjv@Joshua:3:12 @ And now take yourselves twelve men out of the tribes of Israel, out of every tribe a man.

mkjv@Joshua:4:2 @ Take twelve men for you out of the people, a man out of every tribe,

mkjv@Joshua:4:4 @ Then Joshua called the twelve men whom he had prepared from the sons of Israel, a man out of every tribe.

mkjv@Joshua:4:5 @ And Joshua said to them, Pass over in front of the ark of the LORD your God into the middle of the Jordan. And every man take a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel,

mkjv@Joshua:4:10 @ For the priests who bore the ark stood in the middle of the Jordan until everything was finished, all that the LORD commanded Joshua to speak to the people, according to all that Moses commanded Joshua. And the people hurried and passed over.

mkjv@Joshua:10:28 @ And that day Joshua took Makkedah and struck it with the edge of the sword, and he utterly destroyed the king of it, them, and every soul in it. He let none remain. And he did to the king of Makkedah as he did to the king of Jericho.

mkjv@Joshua:10:30 @ And the LORD delivered it also, and its king, into the hand of Israel. And [he] struck it with the edge of the sword, and every soul in it. He let none remain in it, but did to its king as he did to the king of Jericho.

mkjv@Joshua:10:32 @ And the LORD delivered Lachish into the hand of Israel, who took it on the second day, and struck it with the edge of the sword, and every soul in it, according to all that he had done to Libnah.

mkjv@Joshua:10:35 @ And they took it in that day, and struck it with the edge of the sword; and every soul in it he completely destroyed that day, according to all that he had done to Lachish.

mkjv@Joshua:10:37 @ And they took it, and struck it with the edge of the sword, and its king, and all its cities, and every soul in it. He left none remaining, according to all that he had done to Eglon, but destroyed it, and all the souls that were in it.

mkjv@Joshua:10:39 @ And he took it, and its king, and all its cities. And they struck them with the edge of the sword, and destroyed every soul in it. He left none remaining. As he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir, and to its king, as he had done also to Libnah, and to its king.

mkjv@Joshua:11:11 @ And they struck every soul in it with the edge of the sword, destroying [them]. And he left none breathing. And he burned Hazor with fire.

mkjv@Joshua:11:14 @ And all the spoil of these cities and the cattle the sons of Israel took for a prize to themselves. But they struck every man with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them. They left none breathing.

mkjv@Joshua:23:15 @ And it shall be, as comes to you every good thing which the LORD your God has spoken to you has come to you, so shall the LORD bring on you every evil thing until He has destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your God has given you,

mkjv@Judges:7:5 @ And he brought down the people to the water. And the LORD said to Gideon, Everyone who laps the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set him apart; also everyone who bows down upon his knees to drink.

mkjv@Judges:7:16 @ And he divided the three hundred men into three companies. And he put a ram's horn in every man's hand, with empty pitchers, and torches inside the pitchers.

mkjv@Judges:7:18 @ When I blow with a ram's horn, I and all who are with me, then you blow the ram's horns also on every side of all the camp, and shout, For Jehovah and for Gideon!

mkjv@Judges:7:22 @ And the three hundred blew the ram's horns. And the LORD set every man's sword against his fellow, even throughout all the army. And the army fled to Beth-shittah in Zererath, to the border of Abel-meholah, to Tabbath.

mkjv@Judges:8:34 @ And the sons of Israel did not remember the LORD their God, who had delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies on every side.

mkjv@Judges:17:6 @ In those days [there was] no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his eyes.

mkjv@Judges:20:11 @ And every man of Israel was gathered against the city, all together as one man.

mkjv@Judges:20:16 @ Among all this people [were] seven hundred chosen men, left-handed. Every one could sling stones at a hair's breadth, and not miss.

mkjv@Judges:21:11 @ And this [is] the thing that you shall do. You shall utterly destroy every male and every woman who has lain with man.

mkjv@Judges:21:21 @ and see, and behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then you come out of the vineyards and catch you a wife for every man from the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.

mkjv@Judges:21:24 @ And the sons of Israel departed from there at that time, each man to his tribe and to his family. And they went out from there every man to his inheritance.

mkjv@Judges:21:25 @ In those days [there was] no king in Israel. Every man did the right in his own eyes.

mkjv@Ruth:4:7 @ And this [was the custom] in former times in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, to confirm everything. A man plucked off his sandal and gave it to his neighbor. And this was a testimony in Israel.

mkjv@1Samuel:2:36 @ And it shall be that everyone who is left in your house shall come [and] bow down to him for a piece of silver and a piece of bread. And [they] shall say, Please put me into one of the priests' offices so that I may eat a piece of bread.

mkjv@1Samuel:3:11 @ And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel at which both the ears of everyone who hears it shall tingle.

mkjv@1Samuel:8:22 @ And the LORD said to Samuel, Listen to their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said to the men of Israel, Every man go to his city.

mkjv@1Samuel:12:11 @ And the LORD sent Jerubbaal, and Bedan, and Jephthah, and Samuel, and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side, and you lived safely.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:20 @ And Saul and all the people with him gathered, and they went to the battle. And, behold, every man's sword [was] against his fellow, a very great panic.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:47 @ And Saul took the kingdom over Israel and fought against all his enemies on every side, with Moab, and with the sons of Ammon, and with Edom, and with the kings of Zobah, and with the Philistines. And wherever he turned himself, he troubled [them].

mkjv@1Samuel:15:9 @ But Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fatlings and the lambs, and all [that was] good, and would not completely destroy them. But everything that was] vile and feeble they completely destroyed.

mkjv@1Samuel:20:15 @ but you shall not cut off your kindness from my house forever, no, not when the LORD has cut off the enemies of David, every one, from the face of the earth.

mkjv@1Samuel:22:2 @ And every man in distress, and every man who had a creditor, and every man bitter of soul, gathered themselves to him. And he became commander over them. And about four hundred men were with him.

mkjv@1Samuel:23:14 @ And David stayed in the wilderness in strongholds, and remained in the stronghold in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul looked for him every day, but God did not deliver him into his hand.

mkjv@1Samuel:30:22 @ And every evil and worthless man of the men who went with David answered and said, Because they did not go with us, we will not give them from a thing the spoil that we have seized, except to every man his wife and his sons. Let them take them, and go.

mkjv@2Samuel:2:23 @ However he refused to turn aside. Therefore Abner struck him with the blunt end of the spear in the belly, and the spear came out behind him. And he fell down there, and died in the same place. And it happened that everyone who came to the place where Asahel fell down and died, stood still.

mkjv@2Samuel:6:1 @ Again David gathered every chosen one in Israel, thirty thousand.

mkjv@2Samuel:13:9 @ And she took a pan and poured [them] out before him. But he refused to eat. And Amnon said, Make every man go out from me. And every man went out from him.

mkjv@2Samuel:13:37 @ But Absalom fled and went to Talmai, the son of Ammihud, king of Geshur. And [David] mourned for his son every day.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:26 @ And when he sheared his head (for it was at every year's end that he sheared it, because it was heavy on him. And he sheared it), and he weighed the hair of his head at two hundred shekels, according to the king's weight.

mkjv@2Samuel:15:4 @ And Absalom said, Oh that I might be made judge in the land, so that every man who has any suit or cause might come to me, and I would do him justice!

mkjv@2Samuel:15:36 @ Behold, [they have] their two sons there with them, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son. And you shall send to me everything that you hear by them.

mkjv@2Samuel:19:8 @ Then the king arose and sat in the gate. And they told it to the people, saying, Behold, the king sits in the gate! And all the people came before the king. (For Israel had fled, every one to his tent.)

mkjv@2Samuel:20:1 @ And there happened to be there a man of Belial named Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite. And he blew a ram's horn and said, We have no part in David, neither do we have any inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, O, Israel!

mkjv@2Samuel:20:2 @ And every man of Israel went up from after David, following Sheba the son of Bichri. But the men of Judah clung to their king, from Jordan even to Jerusalem.

mkjv@2Samuel:20:12 @ And Amasa wallowed in blood in the middle of the highway. And the man saw that all the people stood still. And he moved Amasa out of the highway into the field, and threw a garment over him when he saw that everyone who came by him stood still.

mkjv@1Kings:4:25 @ And Judah and Israel lived safely, [every] man under his vine and under his fig-tree, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, all the days of Solomon.

mkjv@1Kings:4:27 @ And those officers provided food [for] King Solomon and for all who came to king Solomon's table, every man in his month. They did not lack anything.

mkjv@1Kings:4:28 @ They also brought barley and straw for the horses and mules, to the place where [the officers were], every man according to his charge.

mkjv@1Kings:5:3 @ You know how David my father could not build a house to the name of the LORD his God because of the wars which were around him on every side, until the LORD put them under the soles of his feet.

mkjv@1Kings:8:39 @ then hear in Heaven Your dwelling-place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to all his ways, whose heart You know. For You, You only, know the hearts of all the sons of Adam.

mkjv@1Kings:9:8 @ As to this house [which] is exalted, everyone who passes by it shall be amazed and shall hiss. And they shall say, Why has the LORD done this to this land and to this house?

mkjv@1Kings:10:25 @ And every man brought his presents, vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and clothing and armor, and spices, horses and mules, so much year by year.

mkjv@1Kings:11:15 @ For it happened when David was in Edom, and Joab the commander of the army had gone up to bury the slain, after he had stricken every male in Edom--

mkjv@1Kings:11:16 @ for Joab remained there six months with all Israel, until he had cut off every male in Edom--

mkjv@1Kings:14:10 @ therefore, behold, I will bring evil on the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam everyone who urinates against the wall, bound and free in Israel, and will sweep away the rest of the house of Jeroboam, as a man sweeps away the dung, until it is all gone.

mkjv@1Kings:14:23 @ For they also built high places for themselves, and images, and Asherahs, on every high hill and under every green tree.

mkjv@1Kings:19:18 @ Yet I have left seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth which has not kissed him.

mkjv@2Kings:3:19 @ And you shall strike every fortified city, and every choice city. And you shall cut down every good tree and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece [of land] with stones.

mkjv@2Kings:3:25 @ And they beat down the cities, and each man cast his stone on every good piece [of land], and filled it. And they stopped all the wells of water, and cut down all the good trees. Only in Kir-haraseth did they leave the stones of it. But the slingers surrounded it and struck it.

mkjv@2Kings:8:9 @ And Hazael went to meet him and took a present with him, even of every good thing of Damascus, forty camels' burden, and came and stood before him, and said, Your servant Ben-hadad, king of Syria, has sent me to you, saying, Shall I recover from this disease?

mkjv@2Kings:9:8 @ For the whole house of Ahab shall perish. And I will cut off from Ahab everyone that urinates against the wall, both bound and free.

mkjv@2Kings:11:8 @ And you shall surround the king, every man with his weapons in his hand. And he who comes inside the ranks, let him be killed. And they shall be with the king as he goes out and as he comes in.

mkjv@2Kings:14:12 @ And Judah was beaten before Israel. And every man fled to his tent.

mkjv@2Kings:16:4 @ And he sacrificed and burned incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.

mkjv@2Kings:17:10 @ And they set up images and Asherahs for themselves in every high hill, and under every green tree.

mkjv@2Kings:17:29 @ And every nation made gods of their own, and put [them] in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities in which they lived.

mkjv@2Kings:25:9 @ And he burned the house of the LORD, and the king's house, and all the houses of Jerusalem. And every great one's house he burned with fire.

mkjv@2Kings:25:30 @ And his allowance [was] a regular allowance given him from the king, a daily ration for every day, all the days of his life.

mkjv@1Chronicles:13:1 @ And David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, with every leader.

mkjv@1Chronicles:16:3 @ And he divided to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread and a portion, and a raisin cake.

mkjv@1Chronicles:16:37 @ And he left there before the ark of the covenant of the LORD, for Asaph and his brothers, to minister before the ark continually, as every day's work required;

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:15 @ And there [are] many workmen with you, cutters and workers of stone and timber, and all kinds of skillful men for every kind of work.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:18 @ Is not the LORD your God with you? And has He not given you rest on every side? For He has given the people of the land into my hand. And the land is humbled before the LORD and before His people.

mkjv@1Chronicles:23:30 @ and to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD, and likewise at evening.

mkjv@1Chronicles:26:13 @ And they cast lots, the small as well as the great, according to the house of their fathers, for every gate.

mkjv@1Chronicles:26:32 @ And his brothers, mighty men, [were] two thousand and seven hundred chief fathers whom King David made rulers over the men of Reuben, of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, for every matter having to do with God and the affairs of the king.

mkjv@1Chronicles:27:1 @ And the sons of Israel according to their number, the chief fathers and commanders of thousands and hundreds, and their officers who served the king in any matter of the divisions, who came in and went out month by month for all the months of the year, [were] twenty-four thousand of every division.

mkjv@1Chronicles:28:1 @ And David gathered to Jerusalem all the rulers of Israel, the rulers of the tribes, and the commanders of the divisions that ministered to the king by division, and the commanders over the thousands, and commanders over the hundreds, and the stewards over all the substance and possession of the king, and of his sons, with the eunuchs and the mighty ones, even to every mighty one of valor.

mkjv@1Chronicles:28:14 @ even gold by weight for [things] of gold, for all instruments of every kind of service; silver for all the vessels of silver by weight, for all vessels every kind of service;

mkjv@1Chronicles:28:16 @ and by weight gold for the tables of the showbread, for every table; silver for the tables of silver;

mkjv@1Chronicles:28:21 @ And, behold, the divisions of the priests and the Levites are for all the service of the house of God. And [there shall be] with you every willing, skillful man for every kind of workmanship, for any kind of service. Also the rulers and all the people will be according to all your words.

mkjv@1Chronicles:29:2 @ And I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for [things of] gold, and the silver for [things] of silver, and the bronze for [things] of bronze, the iron for [things] of iron, and wood for things] of wood, onyx stones, and [stones to] be set, and also stones of antimony, and stones of many colors, and every precious stone, and stones of alabaster, in abundance.

mkjv@2Chronicles:1:2 @ And Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, and to the judges, and to every governor in all Israel, the chief of the fathers.

mkjv@2Chronicles:2:14 @ the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father [was] a man of Tyre, skillful to work in gold, and in silver, in bronze, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson. He also can engrave any kind of engraving, and can invent every device which shall be put to him, with your skillful men, and with the skillful men of my lord David your father.

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:29 @ whatever prayer, whatever cry shall be made by any man, or by all Your people Israel, when everyone shall know his own plague and his own grief, and shall spread forth his hands in this house;

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:30 @ then hear from Heaven, Your dwelling-place, and forgive, and give to every man according to all his ways, whose heart You know. For You only know the hearts of the sons of men.

mkjv@2Chronicles:7:21 @ And this house, which is high, shall be a wonder to everyone who passes by it, so that [they] shall shudder and say, Why has the LORD done this to this land and to this house?

mkjv@2Chronicles:8:13 @ even as the duty of every day required, offering according to the commandment of Moses, on the sabbaths and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts, three times in the year, even in the Feast of Unleavened [Bread], and in the Feast of Weeks, and in the Feast of Tabernacles.

mkjv@2Chronicles:8:14 @ And according to the order of David his father, he appointed the divisions of the priests to their service, and the Levites to their charges, to praise and minister before the priests, as the duty of every day required; and the gatekeepers by their divisions at every gate; for so David the man of God had commanded.

mkjv@2Chronicles:9:21 @ For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Hiram. Once every three years the ships of Tarshish came bringing gold and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

mkjv@2Chronicles:10:16 @ And all Israel [saw] that the king would not listen to them, and the people answered the king saying, What part do we have in David? And we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse! Every man to your tents, O Israel! Now, David, see to your own house. And all Israel went to their tents.

mkjv@2Chronicles:11:4 @ So says the LORD, You shall not go up nor fight against your brothers. Let every man return to his house. For this thing is done by Me. And they obeyed the words of the LORD, and returned from going against Jeroboam.

mkjv@2Chronicles:13:11 @ And they burn to the Lord every morning and every evening burnt sacrifices and sweet incense, and the showbread on the pure table, and the lampstand of gold with its lamps, to burn every evening. For we keep the charge of the LORD our God. But you have forsaken Him.

mkjv@2Chronicles:14:7 @ And he said to Judah, Let us build these cities and make walls around [them], and towers, gates and bars, while the land [is] still before us. Because we have sought the LORD our God, we have sought, and He has given us rest on every side. And they built and were blessed.

mkjv@2Chronicles:15:6 @ And nation was beaten by nation, and city by city, for God troubled them with every distress.

mkjv@2Chronicles:20:23 @ For the sons of Ammon and Moab stood up against the people of mount Seir to completely kill and destroy. And when they had made an end of the people of Seir, everyone helped to destroy another.

mkjv@2Chronicles:20:27 @ And they returned, every man of Judah and Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat in front of them, to go again to Jerusalem with joy. For the LORD had made them to rejoice over their enemies.

mkjv@2Chronicles:23:8 @ And the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded. And every man took his men who were to come in on the sabbath, with the ones who were to go [out] on the sabbath. For Jehoiada the priest did not dismiss the divisions.

mkjv@2Chronicles:25:4 @ But he did not kill their sons, but as [it is] written in the law in the book of Moses, where the LORD commanded, saying, The father shall not die for the sons, nor shall the sons die for the] fathers, but every man shall die for his own sin.

mkjv@2Chronicles:28:4 @ And He sacrificed and burned incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.

mkjv@2Chronicles:28:24 @ And Ahaz gathered the vessels of the house of God and cut in pieces the vessels of the house of God, and shut up the doors of the house of the LORD. And [he] made himself altars in every corner of Jerusalem.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:35 @ And also the burnt offerings [were] in abundance, with the fat of the peace offerings and the drink offerings for [every] burnt offering. And the service of the house of the LORD was set in order.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:17 @ For many in the congregation [were] not sanctified. And the Levites were over the killing of the passovers for every one [who was] not clean, to sanctify them to the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:18 @ For many of the people, many from Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not been cleansed, but ate the Passover otherwise than it was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, May the good LORD pardon everyone

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:16 @ besides registering the males from three years and upward, to everyone who enters into the house of the LORD, giving his daily portion for their service in their charges according to their divisions

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:21 @ And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did [it] with all his heart, and prospered.

mkjv@2Chronicles:32:22 @ And the LORD saved Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all [others], and guided them on every side.

mkjv@2Chronicles:35:15 @ And the singers, the sons of Asaph [were] in their place, according to the command of David, and Asaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun, the king's seer. And the gatekeepers [were] at every gate. It was not for them to depart from their service; for their brothers the Levites prepared for them.

mkjv@Ezra:3:4 @ And they kept the feast of tabernacles, as [it is] written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of every day required.

mkjv@Ezra:3:5 @ And afterward they [offered] the continual burnt offering, both of the new moons and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were set apart, and of everyone who willingly offered a freewill offering to the LORD.

mkjv@Ezra:7:13 @ From me was made a decree that everyone of the people of Israel, and their priests and Levites in my kingdom, who desire of their own free will to go up to Jerusalem, go with you;

mkjv@Ezra:8:34 @ They were weighed by number [and] by weight of every one. And all the weight was written at that time.

mkjv@Ezra:9:4 @ Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel was gathered to me, because of the sin of those who had been exiled. And I remained dumb until the evening sacrifice.

mkjv@Ezra:10:14 @ And let our rulers of all the congregation stand, and let all those who have taken strange women in our cities, come at a set time, and with them the elders of every city and its judges, until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter has turned from us.

mkjv@Nehemiah:3:28 @ The priests repaired from above the Horse Gate, every one across from his house.

mkjv@Nehemiah:4:22 @ Also at the same time I said to the people, Let everyone with his servant stay inside Jerusalem, so that in the night they may be a guard to us, and labor in the day.

mkjv@Nehemiah:4:23 @ And none, I, nor my brothers, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard who followed me, none of us put off our clothes [except that] everyone [had] his vessel of water.

mkjv@Nehemiah:5:13 @ Also I shook my lap and said, So let God shake out every man from his house, and from his labor, who does not keep this promise, even may he be shaken out this way and emptied. And all the congregation said, amen, and praised the LORD. And the people did according to this promise.

mkjv@Nehemiah:7:6 @ These [are] the sons of the province who went up out of the captivity, of those who had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away. And they came again to Jerusalem and to Judah, every one to his city,

mkjv@Nehemiah:10:28 @ And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the temple-slaves, and all those who had separated from the people of the lands to the Law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters (everyone who had knowledge, and who had understanding),

mkjv@Nehemiah:10:31 @ And [if] the people of the land should bring goods or any food on the Sabbath day to sell it, that we would not buy it from them on the Sabbath or on the holy day, and that we would leave the seventh year, and the interest of every debt.

mkjv@Nehemiah:11:1 @ And the rulers of the people lived at Jerusalem. And the rest of the people cast lots, to bring one of every ten to live in Jerusalem, the holy city, and nine parts in [other] cities.

mkjv@Nehemiah:11:3 @ And these [are] the rulers of the province who lived in Jerusalem. But in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the temple-slaves, and the sons of Solomon's servants.

mkjv@Nehemiah:11:23 @ For [it was] the king's commandment concerning them that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.

mkjv@Nehemiah:12:47 @ And all Israel gave the portions of the singers and the gatekeepers, every day its portion, in the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah. And they set the [holy things] apart for the Levites, and the Levites set them apart for the sons of Aaron.

mkjv@Nehemiah:13:30 @ So I cleansed them from all strangers, and appointed charges to the priests and the Levites, every one in his business,

mkjv@Esther:1:8 @ And the drinking [was] according to the law, no one compelling, for so the king had commanded every chief of his house that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

mkjv@Esther:1:22 @ For he sent letters into all the king's provinces, into every province according to the writing of it, and to every people in their language, so that every man should bear rule in his own house, and published according to the language of every people.

mkjv@Esther:2:11 @ And Mordecai walked every day in front of the court of the women's house in order to know how Esther did and what was to become of her.

mkjv@Esther:3:12 @ Then the king's scribes were called on the thirteenth day of the first month, and there was written according to all that Haman had commanded to the king's lieutenants, and to the governors [who were] over every province, and to the rulers of every people of every province, according to the writing of it, and to every people according to their language. It was written in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed with the king's ring.

mkjv@Esther:3:14 @ The copy of the writing, for a command to be given in every province, was published to all people, to be ready for that day.

mkjv@Esther:4:3 @ And in every province, wherever the king's command and his decree came, there [was] great mourning among the Jews, and fasting, and weeping and wailing. And many lay in sackcloth and ashes.

mkjv@Esther:6:13 @ And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends every [thing] that had happened to him. Then his wise men and Zeresh his wife said to him, If Mordecai is of the seed of the Jews, before whom you have begun to fall, you shall not prevail against him but shall surely fall before him.

mkjv@Esther:8:9 @ Then the king's scribes were called at that time in the third month, the month Sivan, on the twenty-third of it. And it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews, and to the lieutenants and the governors and rulers of the provinces from India to Ethiopia, a hundred and twenty-seven provinces, to every province according to the writing of it, and to every people in their writing, and to the Jews according to their writing and according to their language.

mkjv@Esther:8:11 @ In [them] the king granted the Jews in every city to gather themselves, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to kill and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province who desired to attack them, little ones and women, and [to take] what they owned for a prize,

mkjv@Esther:8:13 @ The copy of the writing for a command to be given in every province [was] announced to all people, even that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

mkjv@Esther:8:17 @ And in every province, and in every city where the king's command and his order came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land became Jews, for the fear of the Jews fell on them.

mkjv@Esther:9:27 @ the Jews ordained, and took on them and on their seed, and on all such as joined themselves to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their time every year

mkjv@Esther:9:28 @ and [that] these days [should be] remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city and these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

mkjv@Job:1:10 @ Have You not made a hedge around him, and around his house, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his livestock have increased in the land.

mkjv@Job:7:18 @ and visit him every morning, trying him every moment?

mkjv@Job:12:10 @ In whose hand [is] the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all flesh, [even] of man?

mkjv@Job:18:11 @ Terrors shall make him afraid on every side, and shall dash him at his feet.

mkjv@Job:19:10 @ He has broken me on every side, and I am gone, and He has uprooted my hope like a tree.

mkjv@Job:20:22 @ In the fullness of his plenty he shall be in trouble; every wretched one shall come on him.

mkjv@Job:21:33 @ And the clods of the valley shall be sweet to him and every man shall draw after him, as [there is] no numbering of those before him.

mkjv@Job:28:3 @ He sets an end to darkness, and to every extremity He searches out the stones of darkness and the shadow of death.

mkjv@Job:28:10 @ He cuts out rivers among the rocks; and His eye sees every precious thing.

mkjv@Job:36:25 @ every man has seen it; man may see [it] afar off.

mkjv@Job:37:7 @ He seals up the hand of every man, so that all men may know His work.

mkjv@Job:39:8 @ He seeks out mountains [for] his pasture, and he searches after every green thing.

mkjv@Job:40:11 @ Pour forth the rage of your wrath; and behold everyone who is proud, and abase him.

mkjv@Job:40:12 @ Look on everyone [who is] proud, [and] bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.

mkjv@Psalms:7:11 @ God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

mkjv@Psalms:12:8 @ The wicked walk on every side, when vileness is praised by the sons of men.

mkjv@Psalms:31:13 @ For I have heard the slander of many; fear [is] on every side; because of their plottings together against me, they planned to take away my life.

mkjv@Psalms:32:6 @ For this let every godly one pray to You, in a time when You may be found; surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come near him.

mkjv@Psalms:39:5 @ Behold, You have made my days [as] a handbreadth, and my age [is] as nothing before You. Surely every man standing [is] altogether vanity. Selah.

mkjv@Psalms:39:11 @ You correct a man for iniquity with rebukes, and you make his desires vanish away like a moth. Surely every man [is] vanity. Selah.

mkjv@Psalms:50:10 @ For every beast of the forest [is] Mine, [and] the cattle on a thousand hills.

mkjv@Psalms:53:3 @ Every one has turned away; they have altogether become filthy; not one is doing good, no, not even one.

mkjv@Psalms:62:12 @ Also to You, O LORD, [belongs] mercy; for You give to every man according to his work.

mkjv@Psalms:63:11 @ But the king shall rejoice in God; everyone who swears by Him shall glory; but the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped.

mkjv@Psalms:64:8 @ So they shall be confounded; their tongue [falls] on themselves; everyone seeing them shall flee.

mkjv@Psalms:69:34 @ Let the heavens and earth praise Him, the seas, and everything that moves in them.

mkjv@Psalms:71:18 @ And now when I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not leave me; until I have declared Your strength to [this] generation, and Your power to everyone who is to come.

mkjv@Psalms:71:21 @ You will increase my greatness and surround [and] comfort me on every side.

mkjv@Psalms:73:14 @ For all the day long I have been plagued, and chastened every morning.

mkjv@Psalms:92:2 @ to show forth Your loving-kindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night;

mkjv@Psalms:104:11 @ They give drink to every beast of the field; the wild asses break their thirst.

mkjv@Psalms:115:8 @ The ones who make them are like them, [and] everyone who trusts in them.

mkjv@Psalms:119:101 @ I have kept my feet from every evil way, so that I might keep Your word.

mkjv@Psalms:119:104 @ Through Your commandments I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.

mkjv@Psalms:119:128 @ Therefore I count all [Your] commandments concerning all things to be right; I hate every false way.

mkjv@Psalms:119:160 @ Your word [is] true from the beginning; and every one of Your righteous judgments [endures] forever.

mkjv@Psalms:128:1 @ A Song of degrees. Blessed [is] everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways.

mkjv@Psalms:135:6 @ Every thing the LORD pleased, He did in the heavens and in earth, and in the seas and all deep places.

mkjv@Psalms:135:18 @ Those who make them are like them, everyone who trusts in them.

mkjv@Psalms:145:2 @ Every day I will bless You; and I will praise Your name forever and ever.

mkjv@Psalms:145:16 @ [You] open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

mkjv@Psalms:150:6 @ Let everything that breathes praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!

mkjv@Proverbs:1:19 @ So [are] the ways of everyone who gains unjust gain; it takes away its owners' life.

mkjv@Proverbs:2:9 @ Then you shall understand righteousness and judgment and honesty, every good path.

mkjv@Proverbs:3:18 @ She [is] a tree of life to those who lay hold upon her; and happy [is] everyone who keeps her.

mkjv@Proverbs:7:12 @ now [she is] outside, now in the streets, and lies in wait at every corner.

mkjv@Proverbs:13:16 @ Every wise one deals with knowledge, but a fool lays open [his] folly.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:15 @ The simple believes every word, but the wise man watches his step.

mkjv@Proverbs:15:3 @ The eyes of the LORD [are] in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

mkjv@Proverbs:16:5 @ Everyone proud in heart [is] hateful to the LORD; though hand [join] in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:3 @ [It is] an honor for a man to cease from strife, but every fool exposes himself.

mkjv@Proverbs:21:2 @ Every way of a man [is] right in his own eyes, but the LORD ponders the hearts.

mkjv@Proverbs:21:5 @ The thoughts of the diligent [tend] only to plenty; but the thoughts of everyone [who is] hasty only to poverty.

mkjv@Proverbs:27:7 @ The full soul despises a honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing [is] sweet.

mkjv@Proverbs:30:5 @ Every word of God [is] pure; He [is] a shield to those who put their trust in Him.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:1 @ To every thing [there is] a season, and a time for every purpose under the heavens:

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:11 @ He has made everything beautiful in His time; also He has set eternity in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:13 @ And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it [is] the gift of God.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:17 @ I said in my heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked; for [there is] a time there for every purpose and for every work.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:4 @ Again, I considered all labor, and every right work, that for this a man is envied by his neighbor. This [is] also vanity and vexation of spirit.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:5:19 @ Also every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him power to eat of it and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor; this [is] the gift of God.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:6 @ Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man [is] great on him.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @ All this I have seen, and I gave my heart to every work that is done under the sun. There is] a time in which one man rules over another to his own hurt.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:14 @ For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it is] good, or whether evil.

mkjv@Songs:8:11 @ Solomon had a vineyard in Baal-hamon; he let out the vineyard to keepers; everyone for its fruit was to bring a thousand of silver.

mkjv@Isaiah:1:23 @ your rulers [are] rebellious, and companions of thieves; everyone loves a bribe, and is pursuing rewards; they do not judge the orphan, nor does the cause of the widow come to them.

mkjv@Isaiah:2:12 @ For the day of the LORD of hosts [shall be] on every proud and lofty one, and on every lifted up one; and he [shall be] brought low,

mkjv@Isaiah:2:15 @ and on every high tower, and on every fortified wall;

mkjv@Isaiah:3:5 @ And the people shall be crushed, every man by another, and every man by his neighbor; the boy shall act proudly against the old man, and the low against the honorable.

mkjv@Isaiah:4:3 @ And it shall be, he who is left in Zion, and he who remains in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even everyone who is written among the living in Jerusalem;

mkjv@Isaiah:7:22 @ and it will be, from the plentiful supply of milk they shall give, he shall eat butter; for butter and honey shall everyone eat who is left in the land.

mkjv@Isaiah:7:23 @ And it shall be, in that day every place where there were a thousand vines, [worth] a thousand pieces of silver, [it] shall even be for briers and thorns.

mkjv@Isaiah:8:12 @ Do not say, A conspiracy! to everything of which this people says, A conspiracy! And do not fear their fear, nor be afraid.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:5 @ For every boot of the warrior [is] with commotion, and the coat rolled in blood shall be burning fuel for the fire.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:17 @ For this the Lord shall not rejoice over their young men, nor shall He have mercy on their orphans and widows; for everyone [is] a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks foolishness. In all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand [is] stretched out still.

mkjv@Isaiah:13:7 @ Therefore all hands shall be faint, and every man's heart shall melt;

mkjv@Isaiah:13:15 @ Everyone who is found shall be thrust through; and everyone who is joined [to them] shall fall by the sword.

mkjv@Isaiah:14:18 @ All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.

mkjv@Isaiah:15:2 @ One has gone up to the house, even to Dibon, the high places, to weep. Moab shall howl over Nebo, and over Medeba; baldness [shall be] on all their heads, every beard cut off.

mkjv@Isaiah:15:3 @ In the streets they shall clothe themselves with sackcloth; on the tops of their houses, and in their streets, everyone shall howl, melting in tears.

mkjv@Isaiah:16:7 @ So Moab shall howl for Moab, everyone shall howl. All of it shall howl for the foundations of Kir-hareseth; surely [they are] stricken.

mkjv@Isaiah:19:7 @ Bare places shall be at the Nile, by the mouth of the Nile, and everything sown by the Nile shall dry up, driven away, and be no [more].

mkjv@Isaiah:19:17 @ And the land of Judah shall be a terror to Egypt; everyone who mentions it shall be afraid toward it, because of the purpose of Jehovah of hosts, which He has purposed against it.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:10 @ The city of shame is broken down; every house is shut up so that no one may come in.

mkjv@Isaiah:27:3 @ I the LORD keep it; I will water it every moment; lest [any] hurt it, I will keep it night and day.

mkjv@Isaiah:30:25 @ And there shall be on every high mountain, and on every high hill, rivers, streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.

mkjv@Isaiah:30:32 @ And [in] every place which the ordained staff shall pass, which the LORD shall lay on him, [it] shall be with tambourines and harps; in battles of shaking He will fight with them.

mkjv@Isaiah:31:7 @ For in that day every man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your hands have made [for] you, a sin.

mkjv@Isaiah:34:15 @ There the snake shall nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow; there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate.

mkjv@Isaiah:36:16 @ Do not listen to Hezekiah; for so says the king of Assyria, Make a blessing with me by a present, and come out to me; and let everyone eat of his vine, and everyone of his fig tree, and everyone drink the waters [of] his own cistern,

mkjv@Isaiah:40:4 @ Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked places shall be made level, and the rough places smooth;

mkjv@Isaiah:43:7 @ everyone who is called by My name; for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yea, [I have] made him.

mkjv@Isaiah:44:23 @ Sing, O heavens; for the LORD has done [it]. Shout, lower parts of the earth. Break out into singing, O mountains, O forest, and every tree in it. For the LORD has redeemed Jacob, and glorified Himself in Israel.

mkjv@Isaiah:45:23 @ I have sworn by Myself, the word has gone out of My mouth [in] righteousness, and shall not return, that to Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

mkjv@Isaiah:51:13 @ And you forget Jehovah your Maker, who has stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth. And you dread continually, every day, because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy. And where [is] the fury of the oppressor?

mkjv@Isaiah:52:5 @ Now therefore, what have I here, says the LORD, that My people are taken away for nothing? Those who rule [make them] howl, says the LORD; and without ceasing My name is blasphemed every day.

mkjv@Isaiah:54:17 @ No weapon that is formed against you shall be blessed; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This [is] the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] from Me, says the LORD.

mkjv@Isaiah:55:1 @ Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who [has] no money, come, buy and eat. Yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

mkjv@Isaiah:56:6 @ Also the sons of the stranger, who join themselves to the LORD to serve Him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be His servants, everyone who keeps from defiling the sabbath, and takes hold of My covenant;

mkjv@Isaiah:56:11 @ Yea, [they are] greedy dogs which can never have enough; and they [are] shepherds [who] cannot understand. They all look to their own way, every one for his gain, to his own end.

mkjv@Isaiah:57:5 @ being inflamed with idols under every green tree, killing the little sons in the valleys under the clefts of the rocks?

mkjv@Isaiah:58:6 @ [Is] not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed ones go free, and that you break every yoke?

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:20 @ For long ago you broke your yoke [and] tore up your bonds; and you said, I will not transgress, when on every high hill and under every green tree you lay down [like] a harlot.

mkjv@Jeremiah:3:6 @ The LORD also said to me in the days of Josiah the king, Have you seen that which backsliding Israel has done? She has gone up on every high mountain and under every green tree, and has fornicated there.

mkjv@Jeremiah:3:13 @ Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have sinned against the LORD your God and have scattered your ways to the strangers under every green tree, and you have not obeyed My voice, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:29 @ Every city shall flee from the sound of the horsemen and bowmen. They shall go into thickets and climb up among the rocks. All the city is abandoned, and not a man shall live in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:5:6 @ Therefore a lion out of the forest shall kill them, [and] a wolf of the deserts shall rob them; a leopard shall watch over their cities. Everyone who goes out from them shall be torn in pieces, because their sins are many [and] their backslidings are multiplied.

mkjv@Jeremiah:5:8 @ They were [like] lusty, well-fed stallions in the morning; every one neighing after his neighbor's wife.

mkjv@Jeremiah:6:13 @ For everyone from the least of them even to the greatest of them cuts off a profit; and from the prophet even to the priest everyone deals falsely.

mkjv@Jeremiah:6:25 @ Do not go out into the field, nor walk by the way; for the sword of the enemy [and] fear [are] on every side.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:6 @ I listened and heard, [but] they did not speak right; no man repented of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? Everyone turned in their own courses, as the horse rushes into the battle.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:10 @ Therefore I will give their wives to others, [and] their fields to those who shall inherit [them], for everyone from the least even to the greatest cuts off a profit. From the prophet even to the priest everyone deals falsely.

mkjv@Jeremiah:9:4 @ Everyone beware of his neighbor, and do not trust any brother! For every brother will supplant his neighbor, and will walk with slanders.

mkjv@Jeremiah:9:5 @ And everyone will deceive his neighbor and will not speak the truth; they have taught their tongue to speak lies, [and] they weary themselves to commit iniquity.

mkjv@Jeremiah:10:14 @ Every man is stupid for [lack of] knowledge; every refiner is put to shame by the graven image; for his molten image is a lie, and no breath is in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:12:4 @ How long shall the land mourn, and the grass of every field wither from the evil of those who dwell in it? The beasts and the birds have been destroyed, because they said, He shall not see our last end.

mkjv@Jeremiah:13:12 @ So you will speak to them this word: So says Jehovah, God of Israel, Every skin shall be filled with wine. And they shall say to you, Do we not surely know that every skin shall be filled with wine?

mkjv@Jeremiah:15:10 @ Woe is me, my mother, that you have borne me, a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have not loaned, nor have men loaned to me; [yet] every one curses me.

mkjv@Jeremiah:16:16 @ Behold, I will send for many fishermen, says the LORD, and they will fish them. And afterwards I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:16 @ to make their land desolate [and] a hissing forever. Everyone who passes by will be amazed, and will wag his head.

mkjv@Jeremiah:19:8 @ And I will make this city a waste and a hissing. Everyone who passes by shall be amazed and shall hiss because of all its plagues.

mkjv@Jeremiah:20:7 @ O LORD, You have deceived me, and I was deceived. You are stronger than I, and You have prevailed. I am in derision all the day; everyone laughs at me.

mkjv@Jeremiah:20:10 @ For I heard the slanders of many, Terror is all around! Expose! Yea, let us expose him! Every man of my peace is watching for my fall, [saying], Perhaps he will be lured away, and we shall prevail over him, and we shall take our revenge on him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:23:17 @ They still say to those who despise Me, The LORD has said, You shall have peace! And they say to everyone who walks after the stubbornness of his own heart, No evil shall come on you!

mkjv@Jeremiah:23:36 @ And you shall mention the burden of the LORD no more. For every man's word shall be his burden; for you have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.

mkjv@Jeremiah:29:26 @ The LORD has made you priest instead of Jehoiada the priest, to be officers [in] the house of the LORD, over every madman who prophesies, that you should put him into the stocks and into the collar.

mkjv@Jeremiah:30:6 @ Ask now, and see whether a man is giving birth? Why do I see every man with his hands on his loins, like a woman in labor, and all faces are turned into paleness?

mkjv@Jeremiah:30:16 @ So all those who devour you shall be devoured; and all your enemies, every one of them, shall go into captivity. And they who rob you shall be robbed, and all who strip you I will strip.

mkjv@Jeremiah:31:25 @ For I satisfy the weary soul, and I fill every sorrowful soul.

mkjv@Jeremiah:31:30 @ But every man shall die in his iniquity. Every man who eats the sour grapes, his teeth will be dull.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:19 @ great in wisdom and mighty in work; for Your eyes [are] open on all the ways of the sons of men, to give every one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.

mkjv@Jeremiah:43:6 @ men, and women, and children, and the king's daughters, and every person that Nebuzaradan the chief of the executioners had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah.

mkjv@Jeremiah:47:4 @ because of the day that comes to plunder all the Philistines [and] to cut off from Tyre and Sidon every survivor who helps. For the LORD will plunder the Philistines, the rest of the country of Caphtor.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:8 @ And the robber shall come on every city, and no city shall escape. Also the valley shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD has spoken.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:37 @ For every head [shall be] bald, and every beard clipped. On all the hands [shall be] cuttings, and on the loins sackcloth.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:17 @ Also Edom shall be a ruin. Everyone who goes by it shall be amazed and shall hiss at all its plagues.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:29 @ They shall take away their tents and their flocks. They shall take their curtains, and all their vessels, and their camels to themselves. And they shall cry to them, Fear [is] on every side.

mkjv@Jeremiah:50:13 @ Because of the wrath of the LORD it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly a waste. Everyone who goes by Babylon shall be amazed and hiss at all her plagues.

mkjv@Jeremiah:50:32 @ And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up. And I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall burn up everything all around him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:17 @ Every man is brutish in knowledge; every refiner is put to shame by idols. For his molded image [is] a lie, and no breath [is] in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:29 @ And the land shall tremble and writhe. For every purpose of the LORD shall be done against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desert without inhabitant.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:56 @ because the ravager has come on her, even on Babylon, and her mighty men are captured. Every one of their bows is broken, for Jehovah, God of vengeance, shall surely repay.

mkjv@Lamentations:2:19 @ Arise, cry out in the night. At the beginning of the watches, pour out your heart like water before the face of the LORD. Lift up your hands toward Him for the life of your children who are faint for hunger in the head of every street.

mkjv@Lamentations:3:23 @ [They are] new every morning; great [is] Your faithfulness.

mkjv@Lamentations:4:1 @ How the gold has become dim; the fine gold has changed! The stones of the sanctuary are poured out at the head of every street.

mkjv@Ezekiel:6:13 @ Then you shall know that I [am] the LORD, when their dead shall be among their idols all around their altars, on every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every leafy oak, the place where they offered sweet aroma to all their idols.

mkjv@Ezekiel:8:10 @ And I went in and saw. And behold, every kind of creeping thing, and hateful beast, and all the idols of the house of Israel, were carved on the wall all around.

mkjv@Ezekiel:12:14 @ And I will scatter to every wind all who [are] around him to help him, and all his bands; and I will draw out the sword after them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:12:22 @ Son of man, what [is] this proverb [that] you have in the land of Israel, saying, The days will go on and every vision shall fail?

mkjv@Ezekiel:12:23 @ Therefore tell them, So says the Lord Jehovah: I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel. But say to them, The days are at hand, and the fulfillment of every vision.

mkjv@Ezekiel:13:18 @ and say, So says the Lord Jehovah: Woe to those sewing bands to all joints of my hands, and make long veils for the head of every [man] of stature, to hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of My people, and will you save alive the souls for yourselves?

mkjv@Ezekiel:14:4 @ Therefore speak to them, and say to them, So says the Lord Jehovah: Every man of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to the prophet; I the LORD will answer him in it by the host of his idols;

mkjv@Ezekiel:14:7 @ For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger who lives in Israel, who separates himself from Me and sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to a prophet to ask of him concerning Me; I the LORD will answer him Myself.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:24 @ [that] you have also built yourself a mound, and you have made yourself a high place in every street.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:25 @ You have built your high place at the head of every way, and have made your beauty to be despised, and have opened your feet to everyone who passed by, and have multiplied your fornications.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:31 @ in that you build your mound at the head of every way, and make your high place in every street. Yet you have not been as a harlot, scorning wages.

mkjv@Ezekiel:17:23 @ In a mountain, in a high place of Israel, I will plant it. And it shall bear boughs, and bear fruit, and be a majestic cedar. And under it shall dwell every bird of every wing; in the shadow of its branches they shall dwell.

mkjv@Ezekiel:19:8 @ And the nations set against him on every side from the provinces, and spread their net over him. He was taken in their pit.

mkjv@Ezekiel:20:28 @ When I had brought them into the land [for] which I lifted up My hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered their sacrifices there. And there they offered their provoking gifts. There also they made their sweet aroma, and poured out their drink offerings there.

mkjv@Ezekiel:20:39 @ And you, O house of Israel, so says the Lord Jehovah: [Every] man go and serve his idols, and do so from now on if you will not listen to Me. But never again defile My holy name with your gifts and with your idols.

mkjv@Ezekiel:20:47 @ And say to the forest of the south, Hear the Word of the LORD. So says the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and it shall burn up every green tree in you, and every dry tree among you. The flaming flame shall not be put out, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned in it.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:7 @ And it will be when they say to you, Why do you groan? You shall answer, Because of the news [that] it is coming; and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as] water. Behold, it comes, and it shall be, says the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:10 @ It is sharpened in order to slaughter; it is polished so that there may be a flash to it. Or shall we rejoice? You are despising the rod of My son, [as if it were] every tree.

mkjv@Ezekiel:24:4 @ Gather its pieces into it, even every good piece, the thigh, and the shoulder. Fill [it with] the choice bones.

mkjv@Ezekiel:26:16 @ And all the rulers of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay away their robes, and put off their embroidered garments. They shall clothe themselves [with] trembling; they shall sit on the ground and tremble at [every moment, and be amazed at you.

mkjv@Ezekiel:27:22 @ The merchants of Sheba and Raamah [were] your merchants, with the chief of all the spices, and with every precious stone, and gold they gave for your wares.

mkjv@Ezekiel:28:13 @ You have been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] your covering, the ruby, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the turquoise, and the emerald, and gold. The workmanship of your tambourines and of your flutes was prepared in you in the day that you were created.

mkjv@Ezekiel:28:23 @ For I will send a plague into her, and blood into her streets. And the wounded shall fall in her midst by the sword on her on every side. And they shall know that I [am] the LORD.

mkjv@Ezekiel:29:18 @ Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon caused his army to serve a great service against Tyre. Every head [was] made bald, and every shoulder was peeled. Yet neither he nor his army had any pay for Tyre, for the service that he had served against it.

mkjv@Ezekiel:32:10 @ Yea, I will make many people amazed at you, and their kings shall be horribly afraid for you, when I shall brandish My sword before them; and they shall tremble at [every] moment, [each] man for his own life, in the day of your fall.

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:6 @ My sheep wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill. Yea, My flock was scattered on all the face of the earth, and none searched nor sought for them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:8 @ [As] I live, says the Lord Jehovah, surely because My flock became a prey, and My flock became food to every beast of the field, because [there was] no shepherd, nor did My shepherds search [for] My flock, but the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock,

mkjv@Ezekiel:37:21 @ And say to them, So says the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and will gather them on every side, and will bring them into their own land.

mkjv@Ezekiel:38:20 @ so that the fish of the sea, and the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep on the earth, and all the men on the face of the earth, shall quake at My presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:4 @ You shall fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your bands, and the people with you. I will give you for food to the birds of prey of every kind, and [to] the beasts of the field.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:17 @ And you, son of man, So says the Lord Jehovah. Speak to the bird of every wing, and to every beast of the field: Gather yourselves and come; gather yourselves from all around to My sacrifice that I sacrifice for you, a great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, so that you may eat flesh and drink blood.

mkjv@Ezekiel:41:5 @ And he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the width of each side room [was] four cubits, all around the house on [every] side.

mkjv@Ezekiel:43:25 @ Every day [for] seven days you shall prepare a goat [for] a sin offering. They also shall prepare a young bull, and a ram out of the flock, without blemish.

mkjv@Ezekiel:44:21 @ And every priest shall not drink wine when they enter the inner court.

mkjv@Ezekiel:44:29 @ They shall eat the food offering, and the sin offering, and the guilt offering; and every dedicated thing in Israel shall be theirs.

mkjv@Ezekiel:44:30 @ And the first of all the firstfruits of all, and every offering of all, of every [kind] of your sacrifices, shall be the priest's. You shall also give the priest the first of your dough, so that he may cause the blessing to rest in your house.

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:13 @ You shall daily prepare a burnt offering to the LORD, a lamb without blemish, a son of a year. You shall prepare it every morning.

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:14 @ And you shall prepare a food offering for it every morning, the sixth of an ephah, and the third of a hin of oil, to make the fine flour moist; a food offering every day by an ordinance forever to the LORD.

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:15 @ So they shall prepare the lamb, and the food offering, and the oil, every morning for a burnt offering continually.

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:21 @ And he led me out into the outer court and he made me pass by the four corners of the court. And behold, in every corner of the court there [was] a court.

mkjv@Ezekiel:47:9 @ And it shall be that every living soul which swarms in every [place], there where the two torrents go, [that soul] shall live. And there shall be very many fish, because these waters shall come there. And they shall be healed. And all shall live where the torrent goes.

mkjv@Daniel:3:10 @ You, O king, have made a decree that every man who shall hear the sound of the horn, the pipe, zither, the lyre, harp, and the bagpipe, and all kinds of music, shall fall down and worship the golden image.

mkjv@Daniel:3:29 @ And a decree is given by me, that every people, nation, and language, who speak anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be made into mere members, and his house shall be made an outhouse. Because there is no other God who can deliver in this way.

mkjv@Daniel:6:12 @ Then they came near and spoke before the king concerning the king's ban. Have you not signed a ban that every man who shall ask a petition of any god or man within thirty days, except of you, O king, shall be thrown into the lion's den? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be changed.

mkjv@Daniel:11:36 @ And the king shall do according to his will. And he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper until the fury is fulfilled. For that which is decreed shall be done.

mkjv@Daniel:12:1 @ And at that time Michael shall stand up, the great ruler who stands for the sons of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation; until that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

mkjv@Hosea:4:3 @ Therefore the land shall mourn, and everyone who dwells in it shall droop, with the beasts of the field and with the birds of the heavens. Yes, the fish of the sea shall also be taken away.

mkjv@Hosea:9:1 @ O Israel, rejoice not for joy, like the peoples. For you have gone lusting away from your God; you have loved a reward on every grain floor.

mkjv@Amos:2:8 @ And they will stretch beside every altar on garments taken in pledge, and they drink the wine of the condemned [in] the house of their god.

mkjv@Amos:8:3 @ And the songs of the temple shall be howlings in that day, says the Lord Jehovah. The dead bodies [shall be] many. In every place one shall throw [them] out, saying, Hush!

mkjv@Amos:8:10 @ And I will turn your feast into mourning, and all your songs into weeping; and I will bring up sackcloth on all loins, and baldness on every head. And I will make it like the mourning of an only son, and the end of it like a bitter day.

mkjv@Habakkuk:1:10 @ And they shall scoff at the kings, and the rulers [shall] be a scorn to them. They shall laugh at every stronghold, for he shall heap up dust and capture it.

mkjv@Zephaniah:2:15 @ This [is] the rejoicing city, dwelling confidently, who says in her heart, I [am], and no other still [is]. How she has become a ruin, a resting-place for animals! Everyone who passes by her shall hiss; he shall wag his hand.

mkjv@Zephaniah:3:5 @ The just LORD [is] in her midst; He will not act perversely. Every morning He gives His justice to the light; He fails not; but the perverse knows no shame.

mkjv@Haggai:2:14 @ And Haggai answered and said, So [is] this people, and so [is] this nation before Me, says the LORD. And so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there [is] unclean.

mkjv@Zechariah:5:3 @ And he said to me, This [is] the curse that goes forth over the face of the whole earth; for from now on everyone who steals shall be cut off according to it; and everyone who swears from now on shall be cut off according to it.

mkjv@Zechariah:8:10 @ For before these days there was no payment for man, nor was there payment for animal; and there was no peace to him from the adversary who went out or came in. For I sent every man, a man against his neighbor.

mkjv@Zechariah:10:1 @ Ask rain from the LORD in the time of the latter rain. The LORD shall make storm clouds, and He gives them showers of rain, grass to everyone in the field.

mkjv@Zechariah:10:4 @ Out of Him came the cornerstone; out of Him the nail; out of Him the battle bow; out of Him every oppressor together.

mkjv@Zechariah:12:4 @ In that day, says the LORD, I will strike every horse with terror, and his rider with madness. And I will open My eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness.

mkjv@Zechariah:14:16 @ And it shall be, everyone who is left of all the nations which came up against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

mkjv@Zechariah:14:21 @ Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holy to the LORD of hosts. And all those who sacrifice shall come and take of them, and boil in them. And in that day there shall no longer be a trader in the house of the LORD of hosts.

mkjv@Malachi:1:11 @ For from the rising of the sun even to its going in, My name shall be great among the nations; and everywhere incense shall be offered to My name, and a pure food offering. For My name [shall be] great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts.

mkjv@Malachi:2:17 @ You have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet you say, In what have we wearied Him? When you say, Every evildoer [is] good in the eyes of the LORD, and He delights in them; or, Where [is] the God of justice?

mkjv@Malachi:4:1 @ For behold, the day is coming, burning like a fire pot; and all the proud, and every doer of wickedness, shall be chaff. And the coming day will set them ablaze, says the LORD of hosts, which will not leave root or branches to them.

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