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OT.filter - ylt Inhabitant:

ylt@Genesis:19:25 @and He overthroweth these cities, and all the circuit, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which is shooting up from the ground.

ylt@Genesis:34:30 @And Jacob saith unto Simeon and unto Levi, 'Ye have troubled me, by causing me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanite, and among the Perizzite: and I [am] few in number, and they have been gathered against me, and have smitten me, and I have been destroyed, I and my house.'

ylt@Genesis:36:20 @These [are] sons of Seir the Horite, the inhabitants of the land: Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah,

ylt@Genesis:50:11 @and the inhabitant of the land, the Canaanite, see the mourning in the threshing-floor of Atad, and say, 'A grievous mourning [is] this to the Egyptians;' therefore hath [one] called its name 'The mourning of the Egyptians,' which [is] beyond the Jordan.

ylt@Exodus:15:14 @Peoples have heard, they are troubled; Pain hath seized inhabitants of Philistia.

ylt@Exodus:15:15 @Then have chiefs of Edom been troubled: Mighty ones of Moab -- Trembling doth seize them! Melted have all inhabitants of Canaan!

ylt@Exodus:23:31 @'And I have set thy border from the Red Sea, even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River: for I give into your hand the inhabitants of the land, and thou hast cast them out from before thee;

ylt@Exodus:34:12 @take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land into which thou art going, lest it become a snare in thy midst;

ylt@Exodus:34:15 @'Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land, and they have gone a-whoring after their gods, and have sacrificed to their gods, and [one] hath called to thee, and thou hast eaten of his sacrifice,

ylt@Leviticus:18:25 @and the land is defiled, and I charge its iniquity upon it, and the land vomiteth out its inhabitants:

ylt@Leviticus:25:10 @and ye have hallowed the year, the fiftieth year; and ye have proclaimed liberty in the land to all its inhabitants; a jubilee it is to you; and ye have turned back each unto his possession; yea, each unto his family ye do turn back.

ylt@Numbers:13:32 @and they bring out an evil account of the land which they have spied unto the sons of Israel, saying, 'The land into which we passed over to spy it, is a land eating up its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in its midst [are] men of stature;

ylt@Numbers:14:14 @and they have said [it] unto the inhabitant of this land, they have heard that Thou, Jehovah, [art] in the midst of this people, that eye to eye Thou art seen -- O Jehovah, and Thy cloud is standing over them, -- and in a pillar of cloud Thou art going before them by day, and in a pillar of fire by night.

ylt@Numbers:32:17 @and we -- we are armed hasting before the sons of Israel till that we have brought them in unto their place; and our infants have dwelt in the cities of defence because of the inhabitants of the land;

ylt@Numbers:33:52 @then ye have dispossessed all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and have destroyed all their imagery, yea, all their molten images ye destroy, and all their high places ye lay waste,

ylt@Numbers:33:55 @'And if ye do not dispossess the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it hath been, those whom ye let remain of them, [are] for pricks in your eyes, and for thorns in your sides, and they have distressed you on the land in which ye are dwelling,

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:13 @Men, sons of worthlessness, have gone out of thy midst, and they force away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known --

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:15 @'Thou dost surely smite the inhabitants of that city by the mouth of the sword; devoting it, and all that [is] in it, even its cattle, by the mouth of the sword;

ylt@Joshua:2:9 @and she saith unto the men, 'I have known that Jehovah hath given to you the land, and that your terror hath fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land have melted at your presence.

ylt@Joshua:2:24 @and they say unto Joshua, 'Surely Jehovah hath given into our hand all the land; and also, all the inhabitants of the land have melted at our presence.'

ylt@Joshua:7:9 @and the Canaanite and all the inhabitants of the land do hear, and have come round against us, and cut off our name out of the earth; and what dost Thou do for Thy great name?'

ylt@Joshua:8:24 @And it cometh to pass, at Israel's finishing to slay all the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness in which they pursued them (and they fall all of them by the mouth of the sword till their consumption), that all Israel turn back to Ai, and smite it by the mouth of the sword;

ylt@Joshua:8:26 @And Joshua hath not brought back his hand which he stretched out with the javelin till that he hath devoted all the inhabitants of Ai;

ylt@Joshua:9:3 @And the inhabitants of Gibeon have heard that which Joshua hath done to Jericho and to Ai,

ylt@Joshua:9:11 @'And our elders, and all the inhabitants of our land speak unto us, saying, Take in your hand provision for the way, and go to meet them, and ye have said unto them, Your servants we [are], and now, make with us a covenant;

ylt@Joshua:9:24 @And they answer Joshua and say, 'Because it was certainly declared to thy servants, that Jehovah thy God commanded Moses His servant to give to you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land from before you; and we fear greatly for ourselves because of you, and we do this thing;

ylt@Joshua:10:1 @And it cometh to pass, when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heareth that Joshua hath captured Ai, and doth devote it (as he had done to Jericho and to her king so he hath done to Ai and to her king), and that the inhabitants of Gibeon have made peace with Israel, and are in their midst, --

ylt@Joshua:11:19 @there hath not been a city which made peace with the sons of Israel save the Hivite, inhabitants of Gibeon; the whole they have taken in battle;

ylt@Joshua:13:6 @all the inhabitants of the hill-country, from Lebanon unto Misrephoth-Maim, all the Sidonians: I -- I dispossess them before the sons of Israel; only, cause it to fall to Israel for an inheritance, as I have commanded thee.

ylt@Joshua:13:21 @and all the cities of the plain, and all the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorite, who reigned in Heshbon, whom Moses smote, with the princes of Midian, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, princes of Sihon, inhabitants of the land.

ylt@Joshua:15:15 @and he goeth up thence unto the inhabitants of Debir; and the name of Debir formerly is Kirjath-Sepher.

ylt@Joshua:15:63 @As to the Jebusites, inhabitants of Jerusalem, the sons of Judah have not been able to dispossess them, and the Jebusite dwelleth with the sons of Judah in Jerusalem unto this day.

ylt@Joshua:17:7 @And the border of Manasseh is from Asher to Michmethah, which [is] on the front of Shechem, and the border hath gone on unto the right, unto the inhabitants of En-Tappuah.

ylt@Joshua:17:11 @And Manasseh hath in Issachar and in Asher, Beth-Shean and its towns, and Ibleam and its towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of En-Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns, three counties.

ylt@Judges:1:11 @And he goeth thence unto the inhabitants of Debir (and the name of Debir formerly [is] Kirjath-Sepher),

ylt@Judges:1:19 @and Jehovah is with Judah, and he occupieth the hill-country, but not to dispossess the inhabitants of the valley, for they have chariots of iron.

ylt@Judges:1:27 @And Manasseh hath not occupied Beth-Shean and its towns, and Taanach and its towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of Iblaim and its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns, and the Canaanite is desirous to dwell in that land;

ylt@Judges:1:30 @Zebulun hath not dispossessed the inhabitants of Kitron, and the inhabitants of Nahalol, and the Canaanite dwelleth in its midst, and they become tributary.

ylt@Judges:1:31 @Asher hath not dispossessed the inhabitants of Accho, and the inhabitants of Zidon, and Ahlab, and Achzib, and Helbah, and Aphik, and Rehob;

ylt@Judges:1:32 @and the Asherite dwelleth in the midst of the Canaanite, the inhabitants of the land, for it hath not dispossessed them.

ylt@Judges:1:33 @Naphtali hath not dispossessed the inhabitants of Beth-Shemesh, and the inhabitants of Beth-Anath, and he dwelleth in the midst of the Canaanite, the inhabitants of the land; and the inhabitants of Beth-Shemesh and of Beth-Anath have become tributary to them.

ylt@Judges:2:2 @and saith, 'I cause you to come up out of Egypt, and bring you in unto the land which I have sworn to your fathers, and say, I do not break My covenant with you to the age; and ye -- ye make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land -- their altars ye break down; and ye have not hearkened to My voice -- what [is] this ye have done?

ylt@Judges:5:23 @Curse Meroz -- said a messenger of Jehovah, Cursing, curse ye its inhabitants, For they came not to the help of Jehovah, To the help of Jehovah among the mighty!

ylt@Judges:10:18 @And the people -- heads of Gilead -- say one unto another, 'Who [is] the man that doth begin to fight against the Bene-Ammon? he is for head to all inhabitants of Gilead.'

ylt@Judges:11:8 @and the elders of Gilead say unto Jephthah, 'Therefore, now, we have turned back unto thee; and thou hast gone with us, and fought against the Bene-Ammon, and thou hast been to us for head -- to all the inhabitants of Gilead.'

ylt@Judges:11:21 @and Jehovah, God of Israel, giveth Sihon and all his people into the hand of Israel, and they smite them, and Israel possesseth all the land of the Amorite, the inhabitant of that land,

ylt@Judges:20:15 @And the sons of Benjamin number themselves on that day; out of the cities [are] twenty and six thousand men drawing sword, apart from the inhabitants of Gibeah, [who] numbered themselves, seven hundred chosen men;

ylt@Judges:21:9 @And the people numbered themselves, and lo, there is not there a man of the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead.

ylt@Judges:21:10 @And the company send there twelve thousand men of the sons of valour, and command them, saying, 'Go -- and ye have smitten the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead by the mouth of the sword, even the women and the infants.

ylt@Judges:21:12 @And they find out of the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead four hundred young women, virgins, who have not known man by the lying of a male, and they bring them in unto the camp at Shiloh, which [is] in the land of Canaan.

ylt@Ruth:4:4 @and I said, I uncover thine ear, saying, Buy before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my people; if thou dost redeem -- redeem, and if none doth redeem -- declare to me, and I know, for there is none save thee to redeem, and I after thee.' And he saith, I redeem [it].'

ylt@1Samuel:6:21 @And they send messengers unto the inhabitants of Kirjath-Jearim, saying, 'The Philistines have sent back the ark of Jehovah; come down, take it up unto you.'

ylt@1Samuel:23:5 @And David goeth, and his men, to Keilah, and fighteth with the Philistines, and leadeth away their cattle, and smiteth among them -- a great smiting, and David saveth the inhabitants of Keilah.

ylt@1Samuel:27:8 @and David goeth up and his men, and they push unto the Geshurite, and the Gerizite, and the Amalekite, (for they are inhabitants of the land from of old), as thou comest in to Shur and unto the land of Egypt,

ylt@1Samuel:31:11 @And they hear regarding it -- the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead -- that which the Philistines have done to Saul,

ylt@2Samuel:5:6 @And the king goeth, and his men, to Jerusalem, unto the Jebusite, the inhabitant of the land, and they speak to David, saying, 'Thou dost not come in hither, except thou turn aside the blind and the lame;' saying, 'David doth not come in hither.'

ylt@1Kings:17:1 @And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, saith unto Ahab, 'Jehovah, God of Israel, liveth, before whom I have stood, there is not these years dew and rain, except according to my word.'

ylt@2Kings:19:26 @And their inhabitants [are] feeble-handed, They were broken down, and are dried up, They have been the herb of the field, And the greenness of the tender grass, Grass of the roofs, And blasted corn -- before it hath risen up!

ylt@2Kings:22:16 @Thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am bringing in evil unto this place and on its inhabitants, all the words of the book that the king of Judah hath read,

ylt@2Kings:22:19 @because thy heart [is] tender, and thou art humbled because of Jehovah, in thy hearing that which I have spoken against this place, and against its inhabitants, to be for a desolation, and for a reviling, and dost rend thy garments, and weep before Me -- I also have heard -- the affirmation of Jehovah --

ylt@2Kings:23:2 @and the king goeth up to the house of Jehovah, and every man of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with him, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people, from small unto great, and he readeth in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that is found in the house of Jehovah.

ylt@1Chronicles:2:55 @and the families of the scribes the inhabitants of Jabez: Tirathites, Shimeathites, Suchathites. They [are] the Kenites, those coming of Hammath father of the house of Rechab.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:23 @They [are] the potters and inhabitants of Netaim and Gedera; with the king in his work they dwelt there.

ylt@1Chronicles:8:6 @And these [are] sons of Ehud: they are heads of fathers to the inhabitants of Geba, and they remove them unto Manahath;

ylt@1Chronicles:8:13 @and Beriah and Shema, (they [are] the heads of fathers to the inhabitants of Aijalon -- they caused to flee the inhabitants of Gath),

ylt@1Chronicles:9:2 @And the first inhabitants, who [are] in their possession, in their cities, of Israel, [are] the priests, the Levites, and the Nethinim.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:4 @And David goeth, and all Israel, to Jerusalem -- it [is] Jebus -- and there the Jebusite, the inhabitants of the land.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:5 @And the inhabitants of Jebus say to David, 'Thou dost not come in hither;' and David captureth the fortress of Zion -- it [is] the city of David.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:18 @'Is not Jehovah your God with you? yea, He hath given rest to you round about, for He hath given into my hand the inhabitants of the land, and subdued hath been the land before His people.

ylt@2Chronicles:15:5 @and in those times there is no peace to him who is going out, and to him who is coming in, for many troubles [are] on all the inhabitants of the lands,

ylt@2Chronicles:20:7 @'Art not Thou our God? Thou hast dispossessed the inhabitants of this land from before Thy people Israel, and dost give it to the seed of Abraham Thy friend to the age,

ylt@2Chronicles:20:15 @and he saith, 'Attend, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and O king Jehoshaphat, Thus said Jehovah to you, Ye fear not, nor are afraid of the face of this great multitude, for not for you [is] the battle, but for God.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:18 @And Jehoshaphat boweth -- face to the earth -- and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem have fallen before Jehovah, to bow themselves to Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:20 @And they rise early in the morning, and go out to the wilderness of Tekoa, and in their going out Jehoshaphat hath stood and saith, 'Hear me, O Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem, remain stedfast in Jehovah your God, and be stedfast; remain stedfast in His prophets, and prosper.'

ylt@2Chronicles:20:23 @and the sons of Ammon stand up, and Moab, against the inhabitants of mount Seir, to devote and to destroy, and at their finishing with the inhabitants of Seir, they helped, a man against his neighbour, to destroy.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:11 @also, he hath made high places in the mountains of Judah, and causeth the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit whoredom, and compelleth Judah.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:13 @and thou dost walk in the way of the kings of Israel, and dost cause Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit whoredom like the whoredoms of the house of Ahab, and also thy brethren, the house of thy father, who are better than thyself, thou hast slain;

ylt@2Chronicles:22:1 @And the inhabitants of Jerusalem cause Ahaziah his youngest son to reign in his stead, (for all the elder had the troop slain that came in with the Arabians to the camp,) and Ahaziah son of Jehoram king of Judah reigneth.

ylt@2Chronicles:31:4 @And he saith to the people, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to give the portion of the priests, and of the Levites, so that they are strengthened in the law of Jehovah;

ylt@2Chronicles:32:22 @And Jehovah saveth Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib king of Asshur, and from the hand of all, and He leadeth them round about;

ylt@2Chronicles:32:26 @and Hezekiah is humbled for the loftiness of his heart, he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the wrath of Jehovah hath not come upon them in the days of Hezekiah.

ylt@2Chronicles:32:33 @And Hezekiah lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in the uppermost of the graves of the sons of David, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem have done honour to him at his death, and reign doth Manasseh his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:33:9 @And Manasseh maketh Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, to do evil above the nations that Jehovah destroyed from the presence of the sons of Israel.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:9 @And they come in unto Hilkiah the high priest, and they give the money that is brought in to the house of God, that the Levites, keeping the threshold, have gathered from the hand of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and from all the remnant of Israel, and from all Judah, and Benjamin, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,

ylt@2Chronicles:34:24 @Thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am bringing in evil on this place, and on its inhabitants, all the execrations that are written on the book that they read before the king of Judah;

ylt@2Chronicles:34:27 @Because thy heart [is] tender, and thou art humbled before God in thy hearing His words concerning this place, and concerning its inhabitants, and art humbled before Me, and dost rend thy garments, and weep before Me: even I also have heard -- the affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:28 @Lo, I am gathering thee unto thy fathers, and thou hast been gathered unto thy graves in peace, and thine eyes do not look on all the evil that I am bringing upon this place, and upon its inhabitants;' and they bring the king back word.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:30 @and the king goeth up to the house of Jehovah, and every man of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the priests, and the Levites, even all the people, from great even unto small, and he readeth in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that is found in the house of Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:32 @And he presenteth every one who is found in Jerusalem and Benjamin, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem do according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers.

ylt@2Chronicles:35:18 @And there hath not been made a passover like it in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet, and none of the kings of Israel made such a passover as Josiah hath made, and the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah and Israel who are found, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezra:4:6 @And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the commencement of his reign, they have written an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem;

ylt@Nehemiah:3:13 @The gate of the valley hath Hanun strengthened, and the inhabitants of Zanoah; they have built it, and set up its doors, its locks, and its bars, and a thousand cubits in the wall unto the dung-gate.

ylt@Nehemiah:7:3 @and I say to them, 'Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened till the heat of the sun, and while they are standing by let them shut the doors, and fasten, and appoint guards of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, each in his guard, and each over-against his house.'

ylt@Nehemiah:9:24 @'And the sons come in, and possess the land, and Thou humblest before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and givest them into their hand, and their kings, and the peoples of the land, to do with them according to their pleasure.

ylt@Job:4:19 @Also -- the inhabitants of houses of clay, (Whose foundation [is] in the dust, They bruise them before a moth.)

ylt@Job:26:5 @The Rephaim are formed, Beneath the waters, also their inhabitants.

ylt@Psalms:24:1 @A Psalm of David. To Jehovah [is] the earth and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it.

ylt@Psalms:33:8 @Afraid of Jehovah are all the earth, Of Him are all the inhabitants of the world afraid.

ylt@Psalms:33:14 @From the fixed place of His dwelling, He looked unto all inhabitants of the earth;

ylt@Psalms:49:1 @To the Overseer. -- By sons of Korah. A Psalm. Hear this, all ye peoples, Give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world.

ylt@Psalms:65:8 @And the inhabitants of the uttermost parts From Thy signs are afraid, The outgoings of morning and evening Thou causest to sing.

ylt@Psalms:68:12 @Kings of hosts flee utterly away, And a female inhabitant of the house apportioneth spoil.

ylt@Psalms:72:9 @Before him bow do the inhabitants of the dry places, And his enemies lick the dust.

ylt@Psalms:75:3 @Melted is the earth and all its inhabitants, I -- I have pondered its pillars. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:83:7 @Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with inhabitants of Tyre,

ylt@Psalms:98:7 @Roar doth the sea and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it.

ylt@Psalms:99:1 @Jehovah hath reigned, peoples tremble, The Inhabitant of the cherubs, the earth shaketh.

ylt@Psalms:107:10 @Inhabitants of dark places and death-shade, Prisoners of affliction and of iron,

ylt@Psalms:107:34 @A fruitful land becometh a barren place, For the wickedness of its inhabitants.

ylt@Isaiah:5:3 @And now, O inhabitant of Jerusalem, and man of Judah, Judge, I pray you, between me and my vineyard.

ylt@Isaiah:5:9 @By the weapons of Jehovah of Hosts Do not many houses a desolation become? Great and good without inhabitant!

ylt@Isaiah:6:11 @And I say, 'Till when, O Lord?' And He saith, 'Surely till cities have been wasted without inhabitant, And houses without man, And the ground be wasted -- a desolation,

ylt@Isaiah:8:14 @And He hath been for a sanctuary, And for a stone of stumbling, and for a rock of falling, To the two houses of Israel, For a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ylt@Isaiah:9:9 @And the people have known -- all of it, Ephraim, and the inhabitant of Samaria, In pride and in greatness of heart, saying,

ylt@Isaiah:10:13 @For he hath said, 'By the power of my hand I have wrought, And by my wisdom, for I have been intelligent, And I remove borders of the peoples, And their chief ones I have spoiled, And I put down as a mighty one the inhabitants,

ylt@Isaiah:10:31 @Fled away hath Madmenah, The inhabitants of the high places have hardened themselves.

ylt@Isaiah:12:6 @Cry aloud, and sing, O inhabitant of Zion, For great in thy midst [is] the Holy One of Israel!'

ylt@Isaiah:18:3 @All ye inhabitants of the world, And ye dwellers of earth, At the lifting up of an ensign on hills ye look, And at the blowing of a trumpet ye hear.

ylt@Isaiah:20:6 @and the inhabitant of this isle hath said in that day -- Lo, thus [is] our trust, Whither we have fled for help, To be delivered from the king of Asshur, And how do we escape -- we?'

ylt@Isaiah:21:14 @To meet the thirsty brought water have Inhabitants of the land of Tema, With his bread they came before a fugitive.

ylt@Isaiah:22:21 @And I have clothed him with thy coat, And with thy girdle I strengthen him, And thy garment I give into his hand, And he hath been for a father to the inhabitant of Jerusalem, And to the house of Judah.

ylt@Isaiah:23:2 @Be silent, ye inhabitants of the isle, Trader of Zidon, passing the sea, they filled thee.

ylt@Isaiah:23:6 @Pass over to Tarshish, howl, ye inhabitants of the isle,

ylt@Isaiah:24:1 @Lo, Jehovah is emptying the land, And is making it waste, And hath overturned [it on] its face, And hath scattered its inhabitants.

ylt@Isaiah:24:5 @And the land hath been defiled under its inhabitants, Because they have transgressed laws, They have changed a statute, They have made void a covenant age-during.

ylt@Isaiah:24:6 @Therefore a curse hath consumed the land, And the inhabitants in it are become desolate, Therefore consumed have been inhabitants of the land, And few men have been left.

ylt@Isaiah:24:17 @Fear, and a snare, and a gin, [Are] on thee, O inhabitant of the land.

ylt@Isaiah:26:9 @[With] my soul I desired Thee in the night, Also, [with] my spirit within me I seek Thee earnestly, For when Thy judgments [are] on the earth, The inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness.

ylt@Isaiah:26:18 @We have conceived, we have been pained. We have brought forth as it were wind, Salvation we do not work in the earth, Nor do the inhabitants of the world fall.

ylt@Isaiah:26:21 @For, lo, Jehovah is coming out of His place, To charge the iniquity of the inhabitant of the earth upon him, And revealed hath the earth her blood, Nor doth she cover any more her slain!'

ylt@Isaiah:33:24 @Nor doth an inhabitant say, 'I was sick,' The people that is dwelling in it, is forgiven of iniquity!

ylt@Isaiah:37:27 @And their inhabitants are feeble-handed, They were broken down, and are dried up. They have been the herb of the field, And the greenness of the tender grass, Grass of the roofs, And blasted corn, before it hath risen up.

ylt@Isaiah:38:11 @I said, I do not see Jah -- Jah! In the land of the living, I do not behold man any more, With the inhabitants of the world.

ylt@Isaiah:40:22 @He who is sitting on the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants [are] as grasshoppers, He who is stretching out as a thin thing the heavens, And spreadeth them as a tent to dwell in.

ylt@Isaiah:42:10 @Sing to Jehovah a new song, His praise from the end of the earth, Ye who are going down to the sea, and its fulness, Isles, and their inhabitants.

ylt@Isaiah:42:11 @The wilderness and its cities do lift up [the voice], The villages Kedar doth inhabit, Sing do the inhabitants of Sela, From the top of mountains they cry.

ylt@Isaiah:49:19 @Because thy wastes, and thy desolate places, And the land of thy ruins, Surely now are straitened because of inhabitants, And far off have been those consuming thee.

ylt@Isaiah:51:6 @Lift ye up to the heavens your eyes, And look attentively unto the earth beneath, For the heavens as smoke have vanished, And the earth as a garment weareth out, And its inhabitants as gnats do die, And My salvation is to the age, And My righteousness is not broken.

ylt@Jeremiah:1:14 @And Jehovah saith unto me, 'From the north is the evil loosed against all inhabitants of the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:15 @Against him roar do young lions, They have given forth their voice, And make his land become a desolation, His cities have been burnt without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:4 @Be circumcised to Jehovah, And turn aside the foreskins of your heart, O man of Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, Lest My fury go out as fire, and hath burned, And there is none quenching, Because of the evil of your doings.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:7 @Gone up hath a lion from his thicket, And a destroyer of nations hath journeyed, He hath come forth from his place To make thy land become a desolation, Thy cities are laid waste, without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:12 @And their houses have been turned to others, Fields and wives together, For I stretch out My hand against the inhabitants of the land, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:1 @At that time, an affirmation of Jehovah, They bring the bones of the kings of Judah, And the bones of its princes, And the bones of the priests, And the bones of the prophets, And the bones of inhabitants of Jerusalem, Out of their graves,

ylt@Jeremiah:8:16 @From Dan hath been heard the snorting of his horses, From the voice of the neighings of his mighty ones, Trembled hath all the land, And they come in and consume the land and its fulness, The city and the inhabitants in it.

ylt@Jeremiah:9:11 @And I make Jerusalem become heaps, A habitation of dragons, And the cities of Judah I make a desolation, Without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:10:18 @For thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am slinging out the inhabitants of the land at this time, And have been an adversary to them, So that they are found out.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:2 @'Hear ye the words of this covenant, and ye have spoken unto the men of Judah, and unto the inhabitants of Jerusalem,

ylt@Jeremiah:11:9 @And Jehovah saith unto me: 'A conspiracy is found in the men of Judah, And in the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:12 @And the cities of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem have gone, And they have cried unto the gods, To whom they are making perfume, And they give no deliverance at all to them, In the time of their vexation.

ylt@Jeremiah:13:13 @And thou hast said unto them, 'Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am filling all the inhabitants of this land, And the kings who sit for David on his throne, And the priests, and the prophets, And all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, [With] drunkenness,

ylt@Jeremiah:17:20 @and thou hast said unto them: Hear a word of Jehovah, ye kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all inhabitants of Jerusalem, who are coming in by these gates,

ylt@Jeremiah:17:25 @Then entered by the gates of this city have kings and princes, Sitting on the throne of David, Riding in a chariot, and on horses, They, and their princes, the man of Judah, And inhabitants of Jerusalem, And this city hath remained to the age.

ylt@Jeremiah:18:11 @And now, speak, I pray thee, unto men of Judah, And against inhabitants of Jerusalem, Saying: Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am framing against you evil, And devising against you a device, Turn back, I pray you, each from his evil way And amen your ways and your doings.

ylt@Jeremiah:19:3 @and hast said, Hear a word of Jehovah, ye kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem, Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: 'Lo, I am bringing in evil on this place, at which the ears of every one who is hearing it do tingle,

ylt@Jeremiah:19:12 @so I do to this place -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and to its inhabitants, so as to make this city as Tophet;

ylt@Jeremiah:21:6 @And I have smitten the inhabitants of this city, Both man and beast, By a great pestilence do they die.

ylt@Jeremiah:21:13 @Lo, I [am] against thee -- an affirmation of Jehovah, O inhabitant of the valley, rock of the plain, Who are saying, Who cometh down against us? And who cometh into our habitations?

ylt@Jeremiah:23:14 @And in prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing, Committing adultery, and walking falsely, Yea, they strengthened the hands of evil doers, So that they have not turned back Each from his wickedness, They have been to me -- all of them -- as Sodom, And its inhabitants as Gomorrah.

ylt@Jeremiah:25:2 @Which Jeremiah the prophet hath spoken concerning all the people of Judah, even unto all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:25:9 @Lo, I am sending, and have taken all the families of the north -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- even unto Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, My servant, and have brought them in against this land, and against its inhabitants, and against all these nations round about, and have devoted them, and appointed them for an astonishment, and for a hissing, and for wastes age-during.

ylt@Jeremiah:25:29 @For lo, in the city over which My name is called, I am beginning to do evil, And ye -- ye are entirely acquitted! Ye are not acquitted, for a sword I am proclaiming, For all inhabitants of the land, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts.

ylt@Jeremiah:25:30 @And thou, thou dost prophesy unto them all these words, and hast said unto them: Jehovah from the high place doth roar, And from His holy habitation giveth forth His voice, He surely roareth for His habitation, A shout as of treaders down, God answereth all the inhabitants of the land,

ylt@Jeremiah:26:9 @Wherefore hast thou prophesied in the name of Jehovah, saying, 'As Shiloh this house shall be, and this city is wasted, without inhabitant?' and all the people are assembled unto Jeremiah in the house of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:26:15 @Only, know ye certainly, that if ye are putting me to death, surely innocent blood ye are putting on yourselves, and on this city, and on its inhabitants; for truly hath Jehovah sent me unto you to speak in your ears all these words.'

ylt@Jeremiah:32:32 @Because of all the evil of the sons of Israel, and of the sons of Judah that they have done, so as to provoke Me -- they, their kings, their heads, their priests, and their prophets, and the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ylt@Jeremiah:33:10 @Thus said Jehovah: Again heard in this place of which ye are saying, Waste it [is], without man and without beast, In cities of Judah, and in streets of Jerusalem, That are desolated, without man, And without inhabitant, and without beast,

ylt@Jeremiah:34:22 @Lo, I am commanding -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and have brought them back unto this city, and they have fought against it, and captured it, and burned it with fire, and the cities of Judah I do make a desolation -- without inhabitant.'

ylt@Jeremiah:35:13 @'Go, and thou hast said to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem: Do ye not receive instruction? -- to hearken unto My words -- an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:35:17 @therefore thus said Jehovah, God of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am bringing in unto Judah, and unto all inhabitants of Jerusalem, all the evil that I have spoken against them, because I have spoken unto them, and they have not hearkened, yea, I call to them, and they have not answered.'

ylt@Jeremiah:36:31 @and I have charged on him, and on his seed, and on his servants, their iniquity; and I have brought in on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto the men of Judah, all the evil that I have spoken unto them, and they hearkened not.'

ylt@Jeremiah:42:18 @for thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: As poured out hath been Mine anger and My fury on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so poured out is My fury upon you in your entering Egypt, and ye have been for an execration, and for an astonishment, and for a reviling, and for a reproach, and ye do not see any more this place.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:22 @And Jehovah is not able any more to accept [you], because of the evil of your doings, because of the abominations that ye have done, and your land is for a waste, and for an astonishment, and for a reviling, without inhabitant, as [at] this day.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:8 @Egypt, as a flood cometh up, And as rivers the waters shake themselves. And he saith, I go up; I cover the land, I destroy the city and the inhabitants in it.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:19 @Goods for removal make for thee, O inhabitant, daughter of Egypt, For Noph becometh a desolation, And hath been burnt up, without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:47:2 @'Thus said Jehovah: Lo, waters are coming up from the north, And have been for an overflowing stream, And they overflow the land and its fulness, The city, and the inhabitants in it, And men have cried out, And howled hath every inhabitant of the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:9 @Give wings to Moab, for she utterly goeth out, And her cities are for a desolation, Without an inhabitant in them.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:18 @Come down from honour, sit in thirst, O inhabitant, daughter of Dibon, For a spoiler of Moab hath come up to thee, He hath destroyed thy fenced places.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:19 @On the way stand, and watch, O inhabitant of Aroer, Ask the fugitive and escaped, Say, What hath happened?

ylt@Jeremiah:48:28 @Forsake cities, and dwell in a rock, Ye inhabitants of Moab, And be as a dove making a nest in the passages of a pit's mouth.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:43 @Fear, and a snare, and a gin, [are] for thee, O inhabitant of Moab -- an affirmation of Jehovah,

ylt@Jeremiah:49:8 @Flee, turn, go deep to dwell, ye inhabitants of Dedan, For the calamity of Esau I brought in upon him, The time I inspected him.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:20 @Therefore, hear ye the counsel of Jehovah, That He hath counselled concerning Edom, And His devices that He hath devised Concerning the inhabitants of Teman: Drag them out do not little ones of the flock, Make desolate over them doth he not their habitation?

ylt@Jeremiah:49:30 @Flee, bemoan mightily, go deep to dwell, Ye inhabitants of Hazor -- an affirmation of Jehovah, For given counsel against you hath Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, Yea, he deviseth against them a device.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:3 @For come up against her hath a nation from the north, It maketh her land become a desolation, And there is not an inhabitant in it. From man even unto beast, They have moved, they have gone.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:21 @Against the land of Merathaim: Go up against it, and unto the inhabitants of Pekod, Waste and devote their posterity, An affirmation of Jehovah, And do according to all that I have commanded thee.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:34 @Their Redeemer [is] strong, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name, He doth thoroughly plead their cause, So as to cause the land to rest, And He hath given trouble to the inhabitants of Babylon.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:35 @A sword [is] for the Chaldeans, An affirmation of Jehovah, And it [is] on the inhabitants of Babylon, And on her heads, and on her wise men;

ylt@Jeremiah:51:1 @Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am stirring up against Babylon, And the inhabitants of Leb -- My withstanders, A destroying wind,

ylt@Jeremiah:51:12 @Unto the walls of Babylon lift up an ensign, Strengthen the watch, Establish the watchers, prepare the ambush, For Jehovah hath both devised and done that which He spake, Concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:24 @And I have recompensed to Babylon, And to all inhabitants of Chaldea, All the evil that they have done in Zion, Before your eyes -- an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:29 @And shake doth the land, and it is pained, For stood against Babylon have the purposes of Jehovah, To make the land of Babylon a desolation without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:35 @My wrong, and [that of] my flesh [is] on Babylon, Say doth the inhabitant of Zion, And my blood [is] on the inhabitants of Chaldea, Say doth Jerusalem.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:37 @And Babylon hath been for heaps, A habitation of dragons, An astonishment, and a hissing, without inhabitant.

ylt@Lamentations:4:12 @Believe not did the kings of earth, And any of the inhabitants of the world, That come would an adversary and enemy Into the gates of Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:7 @Come hath the morning unto thee, O inhabitant of the land! Come hath the time, near [is] a day of trouble, And not the shouting of mountains.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:15 @'Son of man, thy brethren, thy brethren, men of thy kindred, and all the house of Israel -- all of it, [are] they to whom inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Keep far off from Jehovah;

ylt@Ezekiel:12:19 @and thou hast said unto the people of the land, Thus said the Lord Jehovah concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem, concerning the land of Israel: Their bread with fear they do eat, and their water with astonishment drink, because its land is desolate, because of its fulness, because of the violence of all who are dwelling in it.

ylt@Ezekiel:15:6 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: As the vine-tree among trees of the forest, That I have given to the fire for fuel, So I have given the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:17 @And have lifted up for thee a lamentation, And said to thee: How hast thou perished, That art inhabited from the seas, The praised city, that was strong in the sea, She and her inhabitants, Who put their terror on all her inhabitants!

ylt@Ezekiel:27:8 @Inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad have been rowers to thee, Thy wise men, O Tyre, have been in thee, They [are] thy pilots.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:35 @All inhabitants of the isles have been astonished at thee, And their kings have been sore afraid, They have been troubled in countenance.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:6 @And known have all inhabitants of Egypt That I [am] Jehovah, Because of their being a staff of reed to the house of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:15 @In My making the land of Egypt a desolation, And desolated hath been the land of its fulness, In My smiting all the inhabitants in it, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:33:24 @'Son of man, the inhabitants of these wastes on the ground of Israel are speaking, saying: Alone hath been Abraham -- and he possesseth the land, and we [are] many -- to us hath the land been given for a possession.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:6 @And I have sent a fire against Magog, And against the confident inhabitants of the isles, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:9 @And gone out have the inhabitants of cities of Israel, And they have burned and kindled [a fire], With armour, and shield, and buckler, With bow, and with arrows, And with hand-staves, and with javelins, And they have caused a fire to burn with them seven years,

ylt@Daniel:9:7 @'To Thee, O Lord, [is] the righteousness, and to us the shame of face, as [at] this day, to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, who are near, and who are far off, in all the lands whither Thou hast driven them, in their trespass that they have trespassed against Thee.

ylt@Hosea:4:1 @'Hear a word of Jehovah, sons of Israel, For a strife [is] to Jehovah with inhabitants of the land, For there is no truth, nor kindness, Nor knowledge of God, in the land,

ylt@Hosea:10:5 @For the calves of Beth-Aven fear do inhabitants of Samaria, Surely mourned on account of it hath its people, And its priests on account of it leap about, Because of its honour, for it hath removed from it,

ylt@Joel:1:2 @Hear this, ye aged ones, And give ear, all ye inhabitants of the land, Hath this been in your days? Or in the days of your fathers?

ylt@Joel:1:14 @Sanctify a fast, proclaim a restraint, Gather the elders -- all the inhabitants of the land, [Into] the house of Jehovah your God,

ylt@Joel:2:1 @Blow ye a trumpet in Zion, And shout ye in My holy hill, Tremble do all inhabitants of the earth, For coming is the day of Jehovah, for [it is] near!

ylt@Amos:1:5 @And I have broken the bar of Damascus, And cut off the inhabitant from Bikat-Aven, And a holder of a sceptre from Beth-Eden, And removed have been the people of Aram to Kir, said Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:1:8 @And I have cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, And a holder of a sceptre from Ashkelon, And have turned back My hand against Ekron, And perished have the remnant of the Philistines, Said the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:9:5 @And [it is] the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, Who is striking against the land, and it melteth, And mourned have all the inhabitants in it, And come up as a flood hath all of it, And it hath sunk -- like the flood of Egypt.

ylt@Micah:1:11 @Pass over for thee, O inhabitant of Shaphir, Naked one of shame. Not gone out hath the inhabitant of Zaanan, The lamentation of Beth-Ezel doth take from you its standing.

ylt@Micah:1:12 @For stayed for good hath the inhabitant of Maroth, For evil hath come down from Jehovah to the gate of Jerusalem.

ylt@Micah:1:13 @Bind the chariot to a swift beast, O inhabitant of Lachish, The beginning of sin [is] she to the daughter of Zion, For in thee have been found the transgressions of Israel.

ylt@Micah:1:15 @Yet the possessor I do bring in to thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah, To Adullam come in doth the honour of Israel.

ylt@Micah:6:12 @Whose rich ones have been full of violence, And its inhabitants have spoken falsehood, And their tongue [is] deceitful in their mouth.

ylt@Micah:6:16 @And kept habitually are the statutes of Omri, And all the work of the house of Ahab, And ye do walk in their counsels, For My giving thee for a desolation, And its inhabitants for a hissing, And the reproach of My people ye do bear!

ylt@Micah:7:13 @And the land hath been for a desolation, Because of its inhabitants, Because of the fruit of their doings.

ylt@Zephaniah:1:11 @Howl, ye inhabitants of the hollow place, For cut off hath been all the merchant people, Cut off have been all bearing silver.

ylt@Zephaniah:1:18 @Even their silver, even their gold, Is not able to deliver them in a day of the wrath of Jehovah, And in the fire of His jealousy consumed is the whole land, For only a hastened end doth He make Of all the inhabitants of the land!

ylt@Zephaniah:2:5 @Ho! O inhabitants of the sea-coast, Nation of the Cherethites, A word of Jehovah [is] against you, Canaan, land of the Philistines, And I have destroyed thee without an inhabitant.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:6 @I have cut off nations, Desolated have been their chief ones, I have laid waste their out-places without any passing by, Destroyed have been their cities, Without man, without inhabitant.

ylt@Zechariah:8:20 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Yet come do peoples, and inhabitants of many cities,

ylt@Zechariah:8:21 @Yea, gone have inhabitants of one To another, saying: We go diligently, To appease the face of Jehovah, To seek Jehovah of Hosts -- I go, even I.

ylt@Zechariah:11:6 @For I have pity no more on inhabitants of the land, An affirmation of Jehovah, And lo, I am causing man to come forth, Each into the hand of his neighbour, And into the hand of his king, And they have beaten down the land, And I do not deliver out of their hand.'

ylt@Zechariah:12:5 @And leaders of Judah have said in their heart, 'Strength to me [are] the inhabitants of Jerusalem, In Jehovah of Hosts their God.'

ylt@Zechariah:12:7 @And saved hath Jehovah the tents of Judah first, So that become not great against Judah Doth the beauty of the house of David, And the beauty of the inhabitant of Jerusalem.

ylt@Zechariah:12:8 @In that day cover over doth Jehovah the inhabitant of Jerusalem, And the stumbling among them hath been in that day as David, And the house of David as God -- As a messenger of Jehovah -- before them.

ylt@Zechariah:12:10 @And I have poured on the house of David, And on the inhabitant of Jerusalem, A spirit of grace and supplications, And they have looked unto Me whom they pierced, And they have mourned over it, Like a mourning over the only one, And they have been in bitterness for it, Like a bitterness over the first-born.

ylt@Zechariah:13:1 @In that day there is a fountain opened To the house of David And to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, For sin and for impurity.

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