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OT.filter - dourh commandments:

dourh@Genesis:26:5 @ Because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my precepts and commandments, and observed my ceremonies and laws.

dourh@Genesis:49:36 @ And when he had ended the commandments, wherewith he instructed his sons, he drew up his feet upon the bed, and died: and he was gathered to his people."

dourh@Exodus:15:26 @ Saying: If thou wilt hear the voice of the Lord thy God, and do what is right before him, and obey his commandments, and keep all his precepts, none of the evils that I laid upon Egypt, will I bring upon thee: for I am the Lord thy healer.

dourh@Exodus:16:28 @ And the Lord said to Moses: How long will you refuse to keep my commandments, and my law?

dourh@Exodus:20:6 @ And shewing mercy unto thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments.

dourh@Exodus:24:12 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and the law, and the commandments which I have written: that thou mayst teach them.

dourh@Leviticus:4:2 @ Say to the children of Israel: The soul that sinneth through ignorance, and doth any thing concerning any of the commandments of the Lord, which he commanded not to be done:

dourh@Leviticus:18:30 @ Keep my commandments. Do not the things which they have done, that have been before you, and be not defiled therein. I am the Lord your God.

dourh@Leviticus:22:31 @ Keep my commandments, and do them. I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:26:3 @ If you walk in my precepts, and keep my commandments, and do them, I will give you rein in due seasons.

dourh@Leviticus:26:14 @ But if you will not hear me, nor do all my commandments,

dourh@Numbers:15:39 @ That when they shall see them, they may remember all the commandments of the Lord, and not follow their own thoughts and eyes going astray after divers things,

dourh@Numbers:36:13 @ These are the commandments and judgments, which the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses to the children of Israel, in the plains of Moab upon the Jordan over against Jericho.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:1 @ And now, O Israel, hear the commandments and judgments which I teach thee: that doing them, thou mayst live, and entering in mayst possess the land which the Lord the God of your fathers will give you.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:2 @ You shall not add to the word that I speak to you, neither shall you take away from it: keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:40 @ Keep his precepts and commandments, which I command thee: that it may be well with thee, and thy children after thee, and thou mayst remain a long time upon the land, which the Lord thy God will give thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:10 @ And shewing mercy unto many thousands, to them that love me, and keep my commandments.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:29 @ Who shall give them to have such a mind, to fear me, and to keep all my commandments at all times, that it may be well with them and with their children for ever?

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:31 @ But stand thou here with me, and I will speak to thee all my commandments, and ceremonies and judgments: which thou shalt teach them, that they may do them in the land, which I will give them for a possession.

dourh@Deuteronomy:6:2 @ That thou mayst fear the Lord thy God, and keep all his commandments and precepts, which I command thee, and thy sons, and thy grandsons, all the days of thy life, that thy days may be prolonged.

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:9 @ And thou shalt know that the Lord thy God, he is a strong and faithful God, keeping his covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments, unto a thousand generations:

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:1 @ All the commandments, that I command thee this day, take great care to observe: that you may live, and be multiplied, and going in may possess the land, for which the Lord swore to your fathers.

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:2 @ And thou shalt remember all the way through which the Lord thy God hath brought thee for forty years through the desert, to afflict thee and to prove thee, and that the things that were in thy heart might be made known, whether thou wouldst keep his commandments or no.

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:6 @ That thou shouldst keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways, and fear him.

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:11 @ Take heed, and beware lest at any time thou forget the Lord thy God, and neglect his commandments and judgments and ceremonies, which I command thee this day:

dourh@Deuteronomy:10:13 @ And keep the commandments of the Lord, and his ceremonies, which I command thee this day, that it may be well with thee?

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:1 @ Therefore love the Lord thy God and observe his precepts and ceremonies, his judgments and commandments at all times.

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:9 @ That you may keep all his commandments, which I command you this day, and may go in, and possess the land, to which you are entering,

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:14 @ If then you obey my commandments, which I command you this day, that you love the Lord your God, and serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul:

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:23 @ For if you keep the commandments which I command you, and do them, to love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, cleaving unto him,

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:28 @ A blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day:

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:29 @ A curse, if you obey not the commandments of the Lord your. God, but revolt from the way which now I shew you, and walk after strange gods which you know not.

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:4 @ Follow the Lord your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and hear his voice: him you shall serve, and to him you shall cleave.

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:9 @ (Yet so, if thou keep his commandments, and do the things which I command thee this day, that thou love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways at all times) thou shalt add to thee other three cities, and shalt double the number of the three cities aforesaid:

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:18 @ If a man have a stubborn and unruly son, who will not hear the commandments of his father or mother, and being corrected, slighteth obedience:

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:14 @ And thou shalt speak thus in the sight of the Lord thy God: I have taken that which was sanctified out of my house, and I have given it to the Levite, and to the stranger, and to the fatherless, and to the widow, as thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments nor forgotten thy precepts.

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:17 @ This day the Lord thy God hath commanded thee to do these commandments and judgments: and to keep and fulfil them with all thy heart, and with all thy soul.

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:19 @ And the Lord hath chosen thee this day, to be his peculiar people, as he hath spoken to thee, and to keep all his commandments:

dourh@Deuteronomy:27:10 @ Thou shalt hear his voice, and do the commandments and justices which I command thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:1 @ Now if thou wilt hear the voice of the Lord thy God, to do and keep all his commandments, which I command thee this day, the Lord thy God will make thee higher than all the nations that are on the earth.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:9 @ The Lord will raise thee up to be a holy people to himself, as he swore to thee: if thou keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:13 @ And the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail: and thou shalt be always above, and not beneath: yet so if thou wilt hear the commandments of the Lord thy God which I command thee this day, and keep and do them,

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:15 @ But if thou wilt not hear the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep and to do all his commandments and ceremonies, which I command thee this day, all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:45 @ And all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue and overtake thee, till thou perish: because thou heardst not the voice of the Lord thy God, and didst not keep his commandments and ceremonies which he commanded thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:2 @ And shalt return to him, and obey his commandments, as I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul:

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:8 @ But thou shalt return, and hear the voice of the Lord thy God, and shalt do all the commandments which I command thee this day:

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:16 @ That thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways, and keep his commandments and ceremonies and judgments, and thou mayst live, and he may multiply thee, and bless thee in the land, which thou shalt go in to possess.

dourh@Joshua:11:15 @ As the Lord had commanded Moses his servant, so did Moses command Josue, and he accomplished all: he left not one thing undone of all the commandments which the Lord had commanded Moses.

dourh@Joshua:22:5 @ Yet so that you observe attentively, and in work fulfil the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you: that you love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, and keep all his commandments, and cleave to him, and serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul.

dourh@Joshua:24:24 @ And the people said to Josue: We will serve the Lord our God, and we will be obedient to his commandments.

dourh@Joshua:24:25 @ Josue therefore on that day made a covenant, and set before the people commandments and judgments in Sichem.

dourh@Judges:2:17 @ Committing fornication with strange gods, and adoring them. They quickly forsook the way, in which their fathers had walked: and hearing the commandments of the Lord, they did all things contrary.

dourh@Judges:3:4 @ And he left them, that he might try Israel by them, whether they would hear the commandments of the Lord, which he had commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses, or not.

dourh@1Samuel:13:13 @ And Samuel said to Saul: Thou hast done foolishly, and hast not kept the commandments of the Lord thy God, which he commanded thee. And if thou hadst not done thus, the Lord would now have established thy kingdom over Israel for ever.

dourh@1Samuel:15:11 @ It repenteth me that I have made Saul king: for he hath forsaken me, and hath not executed my commandments. And Samuel was grieved, and he cried unto the Lord all night.

dourh@1Kings:3:14 @ And if thou wilt walk in my ways, and Beep my precepts, and my commandments, as thy father walked, I will lengthen thy days.

dourh@1Kings:6:12 @ This house, which thou buildest, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments, walking in them, I will fulfil my word to thee which I spoke to David thy father.

dourh@1Kings:8:58 @ But may he incline our hearts to himself, that we may walk in all his ways, and keep his commandments, and his ceremonies, and all his judgments which he commanded our fathers.

dourh@1Kings:8:61 @ Let our hearts also be perfect with the Lord our God, that we may walk in his statutes, and keep his commandments, as at this day.

dourh@1Kings:9:6 @ But if you and your children revolting shall turn away from following me, and will not keep my commandments, and my ceremonies, which I have set before you, but will go and worship strange gods, and adore them:

dourh@1Kings:11:34 @ Yet I will not take away all the kingdom out of his hand, but I will make him prince all the days of his life, for David my servant's sake, whom I chose, who kept my commandments and my precepts.

dourh@1Kings:11:38 @ If then thou wilt hearken to all that I shall command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and do what is right before me, keeping my commandments and my precepts, as David my servant did: I will be with thee, and will build thee up a faithful house, as I built a house for David, and I will deliver Israel to thee:

dourh@1Kings:14:8 @ And rent the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it to thee, and thou hast not been as my servant David, who kept my commandments, and followed me with all his heart, doing that which was well pleasing in my sight:

dourh@1Kings:18:18 @ And he said: I have not troubled Israel, but thou and thy father's house, who have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and have followed Baalim.

dourh@2Kings:17:19 @ But neither did Juda itself keep the commandments of the Lord their God: but they walked in the errors of Israel, which they had wrought.

dourh@2Kings:18:6 @ And he stuck to the Lord, and departed not from his steps, but kept his commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses.

dourh@2Kings:23:3 @ And the king stood upon the step: and made a covenant with the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his commandments, and his testimonies and his ceremonies, with all their heart, and with all their soul, and to perform the words of this covenant, which were written in that book: and the people agreed to the covenant.

dourh@1Chronicles:22:13 @ For then thou shalt be able to prosper, if thou keep the commandments, and judgments, which the Lord commanded Moses to teach Israel: take courage and act manfully, fear not, nor be dismayed.

dourh@1Chronicles:28:7 @ And I will establish his kingdom for ever, if he continue to keep my commandments, and my judgments, as at this day.

dourh@1Chronicles:28:8 @ Now then before all the assembly of Israel, in the hearing of our God, keep ye, and seek all the commandments of the Lord our God: that you may possess the good land, and may leave it to your children after you for ever.

dourh@1Chronicles:28:21 @ Behold the courses of the priests and the Levites, for every ministry of the house of the Lord, stand by thee, and are ready, and both the princes, and the people know how to execute all thy commandments.

dourh@1Chronicles:29:19 @ And give to Solomon my son a perfect heart, that he may keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy ceremonies, and do all things: and build the house, for which I have provided the charges.

dourh@2Chronicles:7:19 @ But if you turn away, and forsake my justices, and my commandments which I have set before you, and shall go and serve strange gods, and adore them,

dourh@2Chronicles:8:15 @ And the priests and Levites departed not from the king's commandments, as to any thing that he had commanded, and as to the keeping of the treasures.

dourh@2Chronicles:14:4 @ And he commanded Juda to seek the Lord the God of their fathers, and to do the law, and all the commandments.

dourh@2Chronicles:17:4 @ But in the God of his father, and walk in his commandments, and not according to the sins of Israel.

dourh@2Chronicles:34:31 @ And standing up in his tribunal, he made a covenant before the Lord to walk after him, and keep his commandments, and testimonies, and justifications with all his heart, and with all his soul, and to do the things that were written in that book which he had read.

dourh@Ezra:7:10 @ For Esdras had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do and to teach in Israel the commandments and judgment.

dourh@Ezra:7:11 @ And this is the copy of the letter of the edict, which king Artaxerxes gave to Esdras the priest, the scribe instructed in the words and commandments of the Lord, and his ceremonies in Israel.

dourh@Ezra:9:10 @ And now, O our God, what shall we say after this? for we have forsaken thy commandments,

dourh@Ezra:9:14 @ That we should not turn away, nor break thy commandments, nor join in marriage with the people of these abominations. Art thou angry with us unto utter destruction, not to leave us a remnant to be saved?

dourh@Nehemiah:1:5 @ And I said: WI beseech thee, 0 Lord God of heaven, strong, great, and terrible, who keepest covenant and mercy with those that love thee, and keep thy commandments:

dourh@Nehemiah:1:7 @ We have been seduced by vanity, and have not kept thy commandments, and ceremonies and judgments, which thou hast commanded thy servant Moses.

dourh@Nehemiah:1:9 @ But if you return to me, and keep my commandments, and do them, though you should be led away to the uttermost parts of the world, I will gather you from thence, and bring you back to the place which I have chosen for my name to dwell there.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:14 @ Thou madest known to them thy holy sabbath, and didst prescribe to them commandments, and ceremonies, and the law by the hand of Moses thy servant.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:16 @ But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks and hearkened not to thy commandments.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:29 @ And thou didst admonish them to re turn to thy law. But they dealt proudly, and hearkened not to thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them: and they withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:34 @ Our kings, our princes, our priests, and our fathers have not kept thy law, and have not minded thy commandments, and thy testimonies which thou hast testified among them.

dourh@Nehemiah:10:29 @ All that could understand promising for their brethren, with their chief men, and they came to promise, and swear that they would walk in the law of God, which he gave in the hand of Moses the servant of God, that they would do and keep all the commandments of the Lord our God, and his judgments and his ceremonies.

dourh@Esther:1:18 @ And by this example all the wives of the princes of the Persians and the Medes will slight the commandments of their husbands: wherefore the king's indignation is just.

dourh@Esther:8:17 @ And in all peoples, cities, and provinces, whithersoever the king's commandments came, there was wonderful rejoicing, feasts and banquets, and keeping holy day: insomuch that many of other nations and religion, joined themselves to their worship and ceremonies. For a great dread of the name of the Jews had fallen upon all.

dourh@Job:23:12 @ I have not departed from the commandments of his lips, and the words of his mouth I have hid in my bosom.

dourh@Psalms:78:7 @ That they may put their hope in God and may not forget the works of God: and may seek his commandments.

dourh@Psalms:89:32 @ If they profane my justices: and keep not my commandments:

dourh@Psalms:103:18 @ to such as keep his covenant, And are mindful of his commandments to do them.

dourh@Psalms:111:8 @ All his commandments are faithful: confirmed for ever and ever, made in truth and equity.

dourh@Psalms:112:1 @ Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord: he shall delight exceedingly in his commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:4 @ Thou hast commanded thy commandments to be kept most diligently.

dourh@Psalms:120:6 @ Then shall I not be confounded, when I shall look into all thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:10 @ With my whole heart have I sought after thee: let me not stray from thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:15 @ I will meditate on thy commandments: and I will consider thy ways.

dourh@Psalms:120:19 @ I am a sojourner on the earth: hide not thy commandments from me.

dourh@Psalms:120:21 @ Thou hast rebuked the proud: they are cursed who decline from thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:32 @ I have run the way of thy commandments, when thou didst enlarge my heart. HE

dourh@Psalms:120:35 @ Lead me into the path of thy commandments; for this same I have desired.

dourh@Psalms:120:45 @ And I walked at large: because I have sought after thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:47 @ I meditated also on thy commandments, which I loved.

dourh@Psalms:120:48 @ And I lifted up my hands to thy commandments, which I loved: and I was exercised in thy justifications. ZAIN

dourh@Psalms:120:60 @ I am ready, and am not troubled: that I may keep thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:63 @ I am a partaker with all them that fear thee, and that keep thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:66 @ Teach me goodness and discipline and knowledge; for I have believed thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:69 @ The iniquity of the proud hath been multiplied over me: but I will seek thy commandments with my whole heart.

dourh@Psalms:120:73 @ Thy hands have made me and formed me: give me understanding, and I will learn thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:78 @ Let the proud be ashamed, because they have done unjustly towards me: but I will be employed in thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:87 @ They had almost made an end of me upon earth: but I have not forsaken thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:100 @ I have had understanding above ancients: because I have sought thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:104 @ By thy commandments I have had understanding: therefore have I hated every way of iniquity. NUN

dourh@Psalms:120:115 @ Depart from me, ye malignant: and I will search the commandments of my God.

dourh@Psalms:120:127 @ Therefore have I loved thy commandments above gold and the topaz.

dourh@Psalms:120:128 @ Therefore was I directed to all thy commandments: I have hated all wicked ways. PHE

dourh@Psalms:120:131 @ I opened my mouth and panted: because I longed for thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:134 @ Redeem me from the calumnies of men: that I may keep thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:143 @ Trouble and anguish have found me: thy commandments are my meditation.

dourh@Psalms:120:146 @ I cried unto thee, save me: that I may keep thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:159 @ Behold I have loved thy commandments, O Lord; quicken me thou in thy mercy.

dourh@Psalms:120:166 @ I looked to thy salvation, O Lord: and I loved thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:168 @ I have kept thy commandments and thy testimonies: because all my ways are in thy sight. TAU

dourh@Psalms:120:172 @ My tongue shall pronounce thy word: because all thy commandments are justice.

dourh@Psalms:120:176 @ I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost: seek thy servant, because I have not forgotten thy commandments.

dourh@Proverbs:2:1 @ My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and wilt hide my commandments with thee,

dourh@Proverbs:3:1 @ My son, forget not my law, and let thy heart keep my commandments.

dourh@Proverbs:4:4 @ And he taught me, and said: Let thy heart receive my words, keep my commandments, and thou shalt live.

dourh@Proverbs:6:20 @ My son, beep the commandments of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother.

dourh@Proverbs:7:2 @ Keep my commandments, and thou shalt live: and my law as the apple of thy eye:

dourh@Ecclesiastes:8:2 @ I observe the mouth of the king, and the commandments of the oath of God.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:8:5 @ He that keepeth the commandments shall find no evil. The heart of a wise man understandeth time and answer.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:12:13 @ Let us all hear together the conclusion of the discourse. Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is all man:

dourh@Isaiah:48:18 @ O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments: thy peace had been as a river, and thy justice as the waves of the sea,

dourh@Jeremiah:44:10 @ They are not cleansed even to this day: neither have they feared, nor walked in the law of the Lord, nor in my commandments, which I set before you and your fathers.

dourh@Jeremiah:44:23 @ Because you have sacrificed to idols, and have sinned against the Lord: and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord, and have not walked in his law, and in his commandments, and in his testimonies: therefore are these evils come upon you, as at this day.

dourh@Ezekiel:5:6 @ And she hath despised my judgments, so as to be more wicked than the Gentiles; and my commandments, more than the countries that are round about her: for they have cast off my judgments, and have not walked in my commandments.

dourh@Ezekiel:5:7 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Because you have surpassed the Gentiles that are round about you, and have not walked in my commandments, and have not kept my judgments, and have not done according to the judgments of the nations that are round about you:

dourh@Ezekiel:11:12 @ And you shall know that I am the Lord: because you have not walked in my commandments, and have not done my judgments, but you have done according to the judgments of the nations that; are round about you.

dourh@Ezekiel:11:20 @ That they may walk in my commandments, and keep my judgments, and do them: and that they may be my people, and I may be their God.

dourh@Ezekiel:18:9 @ Hath walked in my commandments, and kept my judgments, to do truth: he is just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:18:17 @ That hath turned away his hand from injuring the poor, hath not taken usury and increase, but hath executed my judgments, and hath walked in my commandments: this man shall not die for the iniquity of his father, but living he shall live.

dourh@Ezekiel:18:19 @ And you say: Why hath not the son borne the iniquity of his father? Verily, because the son hath wrought judgment and justice, hath kept all my commandments, and done them, living, he shall live.

dourh@Ezekiel:18:21 @ But if the wicked do penance for all his sins which he hath committed, and keep all my commandments, and do judgment, and justice, living he shall live, and shall not die.

dourh@Ezekiel:20:21 @ But their children provoked me, they walked not in my commandments, nor observed my judgments to do them: which if a man do, he shell live in them: and they violated my sabbaths: and I threatened to pour out my indignation upon them, and to accomplish my wrath in them in the desert.

dourh@Ezekiel:33:15 @ And if that wicked man restore the pledge, and render what he had robbed, and walk in the commandments of life, and do no unjust thing: he shall surely live, and shall not die.

dourh@Ezekiel:36:27 @ And I will put my spirit in the midst of you: and I will cause you to walk in my commandments, and to keep my judgments, and do them.

dourh@Ezekiel:37:24 @ And my servant David shall be king over them, and they shall have one shepherd: they shall walk in my judgments, and shall keep my commandments, and shall do them.

dourh@Daniel:9:4 @ And I prayed to the Lord my God, and I made my confession, and said: I beseech thee, O Lord God, great and terrible, who keepest the covenant, and mercy to them that love thee, and keep thy commandments.

dourh@Daniel:9:5 @ We have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly, and have revolted: and we have gone aside from thv commandments, and thy judgments.

dourh@Amos:2:4 @ Thus saith the Lord: For three crimes of Juda, and for four I will not convert him: because he hath cast away the law of the Lord, and hath not kept his commandments: for their idols have caused them to err, after which their fathers have walked.

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