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OT.filter - dourh created:

dourh@Genesis:1:1 @ In the beginning God created heaven, and earth.

dourh@Genesis:1:21 @ And God created the great whales, and every living and moving creature, which the waters brought forth, according to their kinds, and every winged fowl according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

dourh@Genesis:1:27 @ And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.

dourh@Genesis:2:3 @ And he blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

dourh@Genesis:2:4 @ These are the generations of the heaven and the earth, when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the heaven and the earth:

dourh@Genesis:5:1 @ This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, he made him to the likeness of God.

dourh@Genesis:5:2 @ He created them male and female; and blessed them: and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

dourh@Genesis:6:7 @ He said: I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them.

dourh@Genesis:14:19 @ Blessed him, and said: Blessed be Abram by the most high God, who created heaven and earth.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:19 @ Lest perhaps lifting up thy eyes to heaven, thou see the sun and the moon, and all the stars of heaven, and being deceived by error thou adore and serve them, which the Lord thy God created for the service of all the nations, that are under heaven.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:32 @ Ask of the days of old, that have been before thy time from the day that God created man upon the earth, from one end of heaven to the other end thereof, if ever there was done the like thing, or it hath been known at any time,

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:20 @ And to make thee higher than all nations which he hath created, to his own praise, and name, and glory: that thou mayst be a holy people of the Lord thy God, as he hath spoken.

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:6 @ Is this the return thou makest to the Lord, O foolish and senseless people? Is not he thy father, that hath possessed thee, and made thee, and created thee?

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:18 @ Thou hast forsaken the God that beget thee, and hast forgotten the Lord that created thee.

dourh@Psalms:33:9 @ For he spoke and they were made: he commanded and they were created.

dourh@Psalms:89:13 @ the north and the sea thou hast created. Thabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name:

dourh@Psalms:102:19 @ Let these things be written unto another generation: and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord:

dourh@Psalms:104:30 @ Thou shalt send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created: and thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

dourh@Psalms:150:5 @ praise the name of the Lord. For he spoke, and they were made: he commanded, and they were created.

dourh@Isaiah:40:26 @ Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath created these things: who bringeth out their host by number, and calleth them all by their names: by the greatness of his might, and strength, and power, not one of them was missing.

dourh@Isaiah:40:28 @ Knowest thou not, or hast thou not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God, who hath created the ends of the earth: he shall not faint, nor labour, neither is there any searching out of his wisdom.

dourh@Isaiah:41:20 @ That they may see and know, and consider, and understand together that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.

dourh@Isaiah:42:5 @ Thus saith the Lord God that created the heavens, and stretched them out: that established the earth, and the things that spring out of it: that giveth breath to the people upon it, and spirit to them that tread thereon.

dourh@Isaiah:43:1 @ And now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and formed thee, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, and called thee by thy name: thou art mine.

dourh@Isaiah:43:7 @ And every one that calleth upon my name, I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, and made him.

dourh@Isaiah:45:8 @ Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the just: let the earth be opened, and bud forth a saviour: and let justice spring up together: I the Lord have created him.

dourh@Isaiah:45:12 @ I made the earth: and I created man upon it: my hand stretched forth the heavens, and I have commanded all their host.

dourh@Isaiah:45:18 @ For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth, and made it, the very maker thereof: he did not create it in vain: he formed it to be inhabited. I am the Lord, and there is no other.

dourh@Isaiah:46:11 @ Who call a bird from the east, and from a far country the man of my own will, and I have spoken, and will bring it to pass: I have created, and I will do it. Hear me, O ye hardhearted, who are far from justice.

dourh@Isaiah:48:7 @ They are created now, and not of old: and before the day, when thou heardest them not, lest thou shouldst say: Behold I knew them.

dourh@Isaiah:54:16 @ Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and bringeth forth an instrument for his work, and I have created the killer to destroy.

dourh@Isaiah:57:19 @ I created the fruit of the lips, peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, said the Lord, and I healed him.

dourh@Jeremiah:31:22 @ How long wilt thou be dissolute in deliciousness, O wandering daughter? for the Lord hath created a new thing upon the earth: A WOMAN SHALL COMPASS A MAN.

dourh@Ezekiel:21:30 @ Return into thy sheath. I will judge thee in the place wherein thou wast created, in the land of thy nativity.

dourh@Ezekiel:28:13 @ Thou wast in the pleasures of the paradise of God: every precious stone teas thy covering: the sardius, the topaz, and the jasper, the chrysolite, and the onyx, and the beryl, the sapphire, and the carbuncle, and the emerald: gold the work of thy beauty: and thy pipes were prepared in the day that thou wast created.

dourh@Daniel:14:4 @ And he answered, and said to him: Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, that created heaven and earth, and hath power over all flesh.

dourh@Malachi:2:10 @ Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why then doth every one of us despise his brother, violating the covenant of our fathers?

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