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vw@Numbers:5:14 @ if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he becomes jealous of his wife, who has been defiled; or if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he becomes jealous of his wife, although she has not been defiled;

vw@Numbers:5:15 @ then the man shall bring his wife to the priest. He shall bring the offering for her, one-tenth of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil on it and put no frankincense on it, because it is a grain offering of jealousy, an offering for remembering, for bringing iniquity to remembrance.

vw@Numbers:5:18 @ And the priest shall make the woman stand before Jehovah, uncover the woman’s head, and put the offering for remembering in her hands, which is the grain offering of jealousy. And in the priest’s hand shall be the bitter water that brings a curse.

vw@Numbers:5:25 @ And the priest shall take the grain offering of jealousy from the woman’s hand, shall wave the offering before Jehovah, and bring it to the altar;

vw@Numbers:5:29 @ This is the law of jealousy, when a wife, while under her husband, turns aside and has been defiled;

vw@Numbers:5:30 @ or when the spirit of jealousy comes upon a man, and he becomes jealous of his wife; then he shall make the woman stand before Jehovah, and the priest shall pass all this law upon her.

vw@Numbers:25:11 @ Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned back My wrath from the children of Israel, because he was zealous with My zeal among them, so that I did not consume the children of Israel in My jealousy.

vw@Deuteronomy:29:20 @ Jehovah will not consent to forgive him; for then the anger of Jehovah and His jealousy shall smoke against that man, and every curse that is written in this book shall lie down upon him, and Jehovah shall blot out his name from under the heavens.

vw@Deuteronomy:32:16 @ They provoked Him to jealousy with strange gods; with abominations they provoked Him to anger.

vw@Deuteronomy:32:21 @ They have provoked Me to jealousy by what is not the Mighty God; they have moved Me to anger by their vanities. So I will provoke them to jealousy by those who are not a people; I will move them to anger by a foolish nation.

vw@1Kings:14:22 @ And Judah did evil in the eyes of Jehovah, and they provoked Him to jealousy with their sins which they sinned, more than all that their fathers had done.

vw@Job:5:2 @ For anger kills a foolish man, and jealousy slays a simple one.

vw@Psalms:78:58 @ For they provoked Him to anger with their high places, and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images.

vw@Psalms:79:5 @ How long, Jehovah? Will You be angry forever? Will Your jealousy burn like fire?

vw@Proverbs:6:34 @ For jealousy is the rage of a man, and he will not spare in the day of vengeance.

vw@Proverbs:27:4 @ Wrath is cruel, and anger is overflowing; but who is able to stand before jealousy?

vw@Songs:8:6 @ Shulamite to Her Beloved: Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as Sheol; its flames are flames of fire, a flame of YAH.

vw@Ezekiel:8:3 @ And He stretched out the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my head; and the Spirit lifted me up between earth and the heavens, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the north gate of the inner court, where the seat of the image of jealousy was, which provokes to jealousy.

vw@Ezekiel:8:5 @ Then He said to me, Son of man, lift up your eyes now toward the north. So I lifted up my eyes toward the north, and behold, toward the north at the gate of the altar, was this image of jealousy at the entrance.

vw@Ezekiel:16:38 @ And I will judge you as women who commit adultery or who shed blood are judged; I will bring blood upon you in fury and jealousy.

vw@Ezekiel:16:42 @ So I will lay to rest My fury toward you, and My jealousy shall depart from you. I will be quiet, and be angry no more.

vw@Ezekiel:23:25 @ I will set My jealousy against you, and they shall deal furiously with you; they shall remove your nose and your ears, and the rest of you shall fall by the sword; they shall take your sons and your daughters, and the rest of you shall be devoured by fire.

vw@Ezekiel:36:5 @ therefore thus says the Lord Jehovah: Surely I have spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against Edom, all who gave My land to themselves as a possession, with whole-hearted joy and spiteful minds, in order to plunder its open land.

vw@Ezekiel:36:6 @ Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, the hills, the rivers, and the valleys, Thus says the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I have spoken in My jealousy and My fury, because you have borne the shame of the nations.

vw@Ezekiel:38:19 @ For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken. Surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel,

vw@Zephaniah:1:18 @ Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Jehovah. But all the earth shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy. For He shall make a complete and speedy end of all those who live in the land.

vw@Zephaniah:3:8 @ Therefore, wait for Me, declares Jehovah, until the day that I rise up to the prey. For My judgment is to gather the nations, for Me to gather the kingdoms, to pour My fury out on them, all My burning anger. For all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy.

vw@Zechariah:1:14 @ So the angel who talked with me said to me, Cry out, saying, Thus says Jehovah of Hosts: I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion, with a great jealousy.

vw@Zechariah:8:2 @ Thus says Jehovah of Hosts: I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury.

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