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rotherham@Genesis:7:2 @ Of all the clean beasts, shalt thou take to thee by sevens, a male and his female, and, of the beasts that are not clean,, shall be two a male and his female.

rotherham@Genesis:7:8 @ Of the beasts that were clean, and of the beasts that were not clean, and of the birds, and everything that creepeth on the ground,

rotherham@Genesis:8:20 @ And Noah builded an altar to Yahweh, and took of all the clean beasts and of all the clean birds, and caused ascending Sacrifices to go up on the altar.

rotherham@Genesis:41:3 @ And lo! seven heifers more coming up after them out of the river, uncomely in appearance and lean in flesh, and they came and stood beside the heifers, by the lip of the river.

rotherham@Genesis:41:4 @ Then did the heifers that were uncomely in appearance, and lean in flesh, eat up, the seven heifers that were comely in appearance and fat. So Pharaoh awoke.

rotherham@Genesis:41:6 @ and lo! seven ears, lean and shrivelled by an east wind, coming up after them.

rotherham@Genesis:41:7 @ Then did the lean ears swallow up the seven fat and full ears. So Pharaoh awoke and lo! it was a dream.

rotherham@Genesis:41:19 @ And lo! seven other heifers, coming up after them, poor and very uncomely in form and lean in flesh, I had never seen such in all the land of Egypt, for uncomeliness.

rotherham@Genesis:41:20 @ Then did the lean and uncomely heifers eat up the first seven fat heifers;

rotherham@Genesis:41:23 @ And lo! seven ears, withered lean shrivelled by an east wind growing up after them.

rotherham@Genesis:41:24 @ Then did the lean ears swallow up, the seven good ears. So I told to me.

rotherham@Genesis:41:27 @ And the seven lean and uncomely heifers that were coming up after them, are seven years, and the seven lean ears, shrivelled by an east wind, will turn out to beseven years of famine.

rotherham@Exodus:4:14 @ Then was kindled the anger of Yahweh against Moses, and he said Is there not Aaron, thy brother, the Levite? I know that he lean speak. Moreover also lo! he himself is coming forth to meet thee, as surely as he seeth thee, so surely will he rejoice in his heart.

rotherham@Exodus:29:10 @ And thou shalt bring near the bullock, before the tent of meeting, and Aaron and his sons shall lean their hands upon the head of the bullock;

rotherham@Exodus:29:15 @ One ram also, shalt thou take, and Aaron and his sons shall lean their hands, upon the head of the ram;

rotherham@Exodus:29:19 @ Then shalt thou take the second ram, and Aaron and his sons shall lean their hands upon the head of the ram;

rotherham@Exodus:29:36 @ And a sin-bearing bullock, shalt thou offer daily, for them who are to be covered by propitiation, and shalt make a sin-cleansing for the altar, when thou puttest a propitiatory-covering thereon, and shalt anoint it to hallow it.

rotherham@Leviticus:1:4 @ Then shall he lean his hand, upon the head of the ascending-sacrifice, and it shall be accepted for him to put a propitiatory covering over him;

rotherham@Leviticus:3:2 @ Then shall he lean his hand upon the head of his oblation, and slay it at the entrance of the tent of meeting, and the sons of Aaron the priests shall dash the blood against the altar round about,

rotherham@Leviticus:3:8 @ And he shall lean his hand upon the head of his oblation, and shall slay it before the tent of meeting, and the sons of Aaron shall dash the blood thereof against the altar round about.

rotherham@Leviticus:3:13 @ And he shall lean his hand upon its head, and shall slay it before the tent of meeting, and the sons of Aaron shall dash its blood against the altar, round about.

rotherham@Leviticus:4:4 @ And he shall bring in the bullock unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, before Yahweh, and shall lean his hand upon the head of the bullock, and shall slay the bullock before Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:4:12 @ he shall take forth the entire bullockunto the outside of the camp, unto a clean place unto the outpoured heap of fat-ashes, and shall burn it up on wood in the fire, upon the outpoured heap of fat-ashes, shall it be burned up.

rotherham@Leviticus:4:15 @ and the elders of the assembly shall lean their hands upon the head of the bullock before Yahweh, and shall slay the bullock, before Yahweh;

rotherham@Leviticus:4:24 @ and shall lean his hand upon the head of the goat, and shall slay it in the place where they slay the ascending-sacrifice before Yahweh, a sin-bearer, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:4:29 @ and shall lean his hand upon the head of the sin-bearer, and shall slay the sin-bearer in the place of the ascending-sacrifice.

rotherham@Leviticus:4:33 @ and shall lean his hand upon the head of the sin-bearer, and shall slay it as a sin-bearer, in the place where they slay the ascending-sacrifice.

rotherham@Leviticus:5:2 @ Or, any person, who toucheth anything unclean, whether the carcase of an unclean wild-beast or the carcase of an unclean tame-beast, or the carcase of an unclean creeping thing, and it is hidden from him, he himself being unclean, and he becometh aware of his guilt:

rotherham@Leviticus:5:3 @ Or whensoever one shall touch the uncleanness of man, as regardeth any uncleanness of his, wherewith one may become unclean, and it be hidden from him, and then he himself, getting to know it becometh aware of his guilt:

rotherham@Leviticus:6:11 @ Then shall he put off his garments, and put on other garments, and shall carry forth the fat-ashes unto the outside of the camp, unto a clean place,

rotherham@Leviticus:7:18 @ And, if any of the flesh of his peace-offering, be at all eaten, on the third day, he that brought it near it shall not be reckoned to him, unclean, shall it be, and the person who shall eat thereof, shall bear his iniquity.

rotherham@Leviticus:7:19 @ And, the flesh that toucheth anything unclean, shall not be eaten, in fire, shall it be consumed, but, as for the flesh, any one who is clean, may eat flesh.

rotherham@Leviticus:7:20 @ But as for the person who shall eat flesh from the peace-offering, which pertaineth unto Yahweh, while his uncleanness is on him, then shall that person be cut off from among his kinsfolk.

rotherham@Leviticus:7:21 @ Yea, as for, any person, whensoever he shall touch anything uncleanthe uncleanness of man or an unclean beast, or any unclean disgusting thing, and then eateth of the flesh of a peace-offering that pertaineth unto Yahweh, then shall that person be cut off from among his kinsfolk.

rotherham@Leviticus:8:14 @ Then was led near the sin-bearing bullock, and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the sin-bearing bullock,

rotherham@Leviticus:8:18 @ Then was brought near the ram for the ascending-sacrifice, and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the ram;

rotherham@Leviticus:8:22 @ Then was brought near the second ram, the ram of installation, and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the ram;

rotherham@Leviticus:10:10 @ That ye may make a difference, between the sacred and the common, and between the unclean and the clean;

rotherham@Leviticus:10:14 @ And the wave-breast, and the heave-shoulder, shall ye eat in clean place, thou, and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, for as thine by statute and thy sons by statute, have they been given, from among the peace-offerings of the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:4 @ Nevertheless, these, shall ye not eat, of them that chew the cud, and of them that part the hoof, the camel, because though he, cheweth the cud, yet, the hoof, he parteth not, unclean, he is to you;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:5 @ And, the coney, because, though he cheweth the cud, yet, the hoof, he parteth not, unclean, he is to you;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:6 @ And the hare, because though she cheweth the cud, yet the hoof, she parteth not, unclean, she is to you;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:7 @ And, the swine, because though he parteth the hoof, and is cloven-footed, yet, the cud, he cheweth not, unclean, he is to you;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:8 @ Of their flesh, shall ye not eat, and, their carcase, shall ye not touch, unclean, they are to you.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:24 @ and, for these, shall ye count yourselves uncleanwhosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:25 @ and whosoever beareth away aught of the carcase of them, shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:26 @ As for every kind of beast which, though it parteth the hoof, yet is not cloven-footed nor cheweth the cud, unclean, they are unto you, every one who toucheth them shall be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:27 @ And, all that go upon their paws, among all the living things that go on all-fours, unclean, they are unto you, whoso toucheth the carcase of them, shall be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:28 @ And, he that beareth away the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and shall be unclean until the evening, unclean, they are unto you.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:29 @ And, these, unto you, shall be unclean, among the creeping things that creep upon the earth, the weasel and the mouse, and the lizard after its kind;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:31 @ These, are they which are unclean to you among all that creep, whosoever toucheth them when they are dead shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:32 @ and, everything whereon any of them shall fall when they are dead shall be uncleanof any articles of wood, or cloth, or skin, or sackcloth, any article wherewith any work is done, shall be put in water and shall be unclean until the evening, and then be clean,

rotherham@Leviticus:11:33 @ And, as for any earthen vessel whereinto any of them may fall, everything therein shall be unclean, and, the vessel itself, shall ye break in pieces.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:34 @ Of all the food that may be eaten, that whereon shall come water, shall be unclean, and, all drink which might be drunk in any vessel, shall he unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:35 @ And, everything whereon shall fall any part of the carcase of them shall be unclean, oven or fire-range, it shall be destroyed, unclean, they are, and, unclean, Shall they remain to you.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:36 @ Notwithstanding, a fountain or cistern wherein is a gathering of waters shall be clean, but, he that toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:37 @ And when any part of the carcase of them shall fall upon seed for sowing, which is to be sown, the same is, clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:38 @ But, when water shall be put upon seed, and there shall fall thereon any part of the carcase of them, unclean, it is to you.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:39 @ And, when any of the beasts which are yours for food shall die, he that toucheth the carcase of it shall be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:40 @ And, he that eateth of the carcase of it, shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening, he also that carrieth away the carcase thereof shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:43 @ Do not make your persons abominable, with any creeping thing that creepeth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should become unclean thereby.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:44 @ For, IYahweh, am your God, therefore shall ye hallow yourselves and remain holy; for, holy, am, I, therefore shall ye not make your persons unclean, with any creeping thing that crawleth upon the earth;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:47 @ That ye may make a differencebetween the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten, and the living thing which may not be eaten.

rotherham@Leviticus:12:2 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, A woman when she conceiveth seed and giveth birth to a male child, then shall she be unclean seven days, according to the days of her removal in her sickness shall she be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:12:5 @ But if, a female child, she bear, then shall she be unclean two weeks as in her removal, and, for sixty-six days, shall she continue in the blood of purification.

rotherham@Leviticus:12:7 @ and he shall bring it near before Yahweh so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, and she shall be clean from her fountain of blood. This, is the law for her that hath given birth, to a male child or to a female.

rotherham@Leviticus:12:8 @ But, if her hand findeth not sufficiency for a lamb, then shall she take two turtle doves or two young pigeons, one for an ascending-sacrifice and one for a sin-bearer, so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, and she shall he clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:3 @ and the priest shall view the spot in the skin of his fleshif, the hair in the plague, have turned white and the appearance of the spot be deeper than the skin of his flesh, the plague-spot of leprosy, it is, so the priest shall view him and pronounce him unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:6 @ Then shall the priest view him on the seventh day, a second time, and lo! if the spot is, faint, and the spot hath not spread in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him cleanit is, a scab, and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:7 @ But if the scab shall have, verily spread, in the skin, since he was shown to the priest that he might be cleansed, then shall he shew himself again unto the priest;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:8 @ and the priest shall take a view, and lo! if the scab hath spread in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him uncleanleprosy, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:11 @ an old leprosy, it is in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, he shall not shut him up, for unclean, he is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:13 @ then shall the priest takes view and lo! if the leprosy hath covered all his flesh, then shall he pronounce clean him that was plagued, all of it, hath turned white, clean, he is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:14 @ But, the very day there appeareth in him raw flesh, be shall be unclean;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:15 @ so then the priest shall view the raw flesh, and pronounce him unclean, as for the raw flesh, unclean, it is, leprosy, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:17 @ and the priest shall view him, and lo! if the spot hath changed to white, then shall the priest pronounce clean him that was plaguedclean, he is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:20 @ And the priest shall take a view and lo! if the appearance thereof, is lower than the skin, and, the hair thereof, hath turned white, then shall the priest pronounce him uncleanthe plague-spot of leprosy, it, is, in the boil, broken out.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:22 @ and, if it, clearly spreadeth, in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him uncleana plague-spot, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:23 @ But if in its place the bright spot stayeth hath lint spread, a boil, it is, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:25 @ then shall the priest view itand lo! if the hair is turned white in the bright spot and the appearance thereof is deeper than the skin, leprosy, it is, broken out, in the burning, so the priest shall pronounce him unclean, the plague-spot of leprosy, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:27 @ and the priest shall view him on the seventh day, if it, hath plainly spread in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him unclean, the plague-spot of leprosy, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:28 @ But, if, in its place the bright spot hath stayed, and hath not spread in the skin, but, itself, is faint, the rising of a burning, it is, and the priest shall pronounce him clean, for only the inflaming of the burning, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:30 @ then shall the priest view the spot and lo! if, the appearance thereof, is deeper than the skin, and, therein, is yellow, thin hair, then shall the priest pronounce him unclean a scall, it is, a leprosy of the head or of the beard, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:34 @ then shall the priest view the scall, on the seventh day, and lo! if the sea hath not spread in the skin, and, the appearance thereof, is not deeper than the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him clean, and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:35 @ But, if the scall do indeed spread in the skin, after he hath been pronounced clean,

rotherham@Leviticus:13:36 @ then shall the priest take a view, and lo! if the scall hath spread in the skin, the priest shall not search for the yellow hairunclean, he is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:37 @ But, if in his eyes, the scall is at a stay, and dark hair hath grown up therein, the scall is healed, clean, he is, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:39 @ then shall the priest take a view and lo! if, in the skin of their flesh, are bright spots that are dull white, dead white spot, it is, that hath broken through in the skinclean, he is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:40 @ And, when, any mans, head loseth its hair, though, bald, he is, clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:41 @ And if, in front, his head loseth its hair, though bald in the forehead, he is, clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:44 @ a leprous man, is he, unclean, he is, unclean, shall the priest pronounce him in his head, is his plague.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:45 @ Now, as for the leper in whom is the plague, His clothes, shall be rent, And, his head, shall be bare, And, his beard, shall he cover, And, Unclean! Unclean! shall he cry.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:46 @ All the days that the plague is in him, shall he continue unclean, Unclean, he is, Alone, shall he remain, Outside the camp, shall be his dwelling.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:51 @ then shall he view the spot, on the seventh day if the spot hath spread in the garment whether in warp or in weft, or in the skin, or anything which may be made of skin for service, the spot is a fretting leprosy, unclean, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:55 @ then shall the priest take a view after the plagued garment hath been washed and lo! if the spot hath not changed its look, then though the spot hath not spread, yet unclean, it is, in the fire, shalt thou burn it up, a sunken spot, it is, in the back thereof, or in the front thereof.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:58 @ But, as for the garmentwhether the warp or the weft or any utensil of skin which thou shalt wash, and the plague shall depart therefrom, then shall it be washed a second time, and shall be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:59 @ This, is the law as to the plague-spot of leprosy, in a garment of wool or of flax, whether in the warp or the weft, or in any utensil of skin, To pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:2 @ This, shall be the law of the leper, in the day when he is declared clean, he shall be brought in unto the priest;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:4 @ then shall the priest give command, and there shall be takenfor him that is to be cleansedtwo living clean birds, and cedar wood, and crimson am hyssop;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:7 @ and shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy, seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let go the living bird over the face of the field.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:8 @ And he that is to be declared clean shall wash his clothes and shave off all his hair, and bathe in water, and be clean, and, afterwards, shall he come into the camp, and dwell outside his tent, seven days;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:9 @ and it shall be on the seventh day, that he shall shave off all the hair of his head, and his beard, and his eyebrows, even all his hair, shall he shave off, and shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water so shall he be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:11 @ And the priest that is cleansing him shall cause the man that is to be cleansed, and those things to stand before Yahweh, at the opening of the tent of meeting.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:14 @ Then shall the priest take of the blood of the guilt-bearer, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:17 @ and of the remainder of the oil which is on the palm of his hand, shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the guilt-bearer;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:18 @ and that which remaineth of the oil that is on the palm of the priests hand, he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed, so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over him, before Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:19 @ Then shall the priest offer the sin-bearer, and shall put a propitiatory-covering over him that is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness, and, afterwards, shall he slay the ascending-sacrifice.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:20 @ And the priest shall cause the ascending-sacrifice, and the meal-offering to ascend at the altar, so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over him, and he shall be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:23 @ And he shall bring them in on the eighth day, for his cleansing, unto the priest, unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, before Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:25 @ Then shall the guilt-bearing lamb be slain, and the priest shall take of the blood of the guilt-bearer, and put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:28 @ then shall the priest put, of the oil that is on the palm of his hand, upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the place of the blood of the guilt-offering;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:29 @ and that which remaineth of the oil which is on the palm of the priests hand, shall he put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed, to put a propitiatory-covering over him before Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:31 @ even that for which his hand hath enough, the one as a sin-bearer and the other as an ascending-sacrifice, upon the meal-offering, so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over him that is to be cleansed before Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:32 @ This is the law for him in whom hath been the plague of leprosy, whose hand hath not enough for that which pertaineth to his cleansing.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:36 @ and the priest shall give command, and they shall empty the house, ere yet the priest cometh in to view the mark, so that he do not pronounce unclean all that is in the house, and, after this, shall the priest come in to view the house:

rotherham@Leviticus:14:40 @ then shall the priest give command, and they shall pull out the stones, wherein is the mark, and cast them forth outside the city, into an unclean place;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:41 @ and, the house itself, shall he cause to be scraped on the inside round about, and they shall pour out the mortar which they have scraped off, outside the city, into an unclean place;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:44 @ then shall the priest come in, and take a view, and lo! if the mark hath spread in the house, a fretting leprosy, it is in the house unclean, it is,

rotherham@Leviticus:14:45 @ and he shall pull down the house, the stones thereof, and the timber thereof and all the mortar of the house, and shall carry them forth outside the city, into an unclean place.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:46 @ And as for him that entereth into the house, all the days it is shut up, he shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:48 @ But, though the priest do come, into the house, and take a view, yet lo! if the plague-mark hath not spread in the house after the house was plastered, then shall the priest pronounce the house clean, for, healed, is the plague.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:49 @ Then shall he take to cleanse, the house, two birds, and cedar wood, and crimson, and hyssop;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:52 @ and so cleanse the house, with the blood of the bird and with the living water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar wood and with the hyssop, and with the crimson;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:53 @ and shall let go the living bird unto the outside of the city, unto the face of the field, so shall he put a propitiatory-covering over the house and it shall be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:57 @ to give instruction, on the day of declaring unclean, and on the day of declaring clean, This is the law of leprosy.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:2 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, and ye shall say unto them, When, any man whatsoever, hath a flowing from his flesh, his flux, is, unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:3 @ And, this shall be his uncleanness in his flux, whether his flesh is running with his flux or his flesh hath closed from his flux, his uncleanness, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:4 @ All the bed whereon he that hath the flux lieth, shall be unclean, and, every piece of furniture whereon he sitteth, shall be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:5 @ And whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:6 @ And, he that sitteth on that whereon he that hath the flux hath sat, shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:7 @ And, he that toucheth the flesh of him that hath the flux, shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Leviticus:15:8 @ And, when he that hath a flux spitteth on him that is clean, then shall he wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:9 @ And, every saddle whereon he that hath the flux rideth, shall be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:10 @ And, whosoever toucheth anything that was under him shall be unclean until the evening; and, he that carrieth them shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:11 @ And, whomsoever he that hath the flux toucheth, not having rinsed, his hands in water, then shall he wash his clothes, and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Leviticus:15:13 @ And when he that hath the flux becometh clean from his flux, then shall he number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in living water, and be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:16 @ And, when there goeth out from, any man, an outflow of seed, then shall he bathe all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:17 @ And, in the case of any garment or any skin whereupon there shall come to be an outflow of seed, then shall it be washed in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:18 @ Also, a woman with whom man lieth carnally, then shall they bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:19 @ And, when a, woman, hath a flow, and her flow in her flesh is, blood, seven days, shall she continue in her removal, and whosoever toucheth her, shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:20 @ and, whatsoever she lieth upon in her removal, shall be unclean, and, whatsoever she sitteth upon, shall be unclean;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:21 @ and whosoever toucheth her bed, shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:22 @ and, whosoever toucheth any thing whereon she sitteth shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:23 @ and, whether, on her bed, it is, or on any thing whereon she hath been sitting, when he toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:24 @ and if man shall even lie with her, and her cause for removal be upon him, then shall he be unclean seven days, and, all the bed whereon he shall lie, shall be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:25 @ And when any womans, flow of blood lasteth many day, outside the time of her removal, or when it floweth beyond her removal, all the days of her unclean flow, shall she be as in the days of her removalunclean, she is.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:26 @ All the bed whereon she lieth during all the days of her flow, like her bed in her removal, shall be to her, and, every thing whereon she sitteth, shall be, unclean, like the uncleanness in her removal;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:27 @ and whosoever toucheth them, shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:28 @ But, if she he clean from her flow, then shall she count to her-self seven days and afterwards, shall she count herself clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:30 @ and the priest shall offer the one as a sin-bearer, and the other as an ascending-sacrifice, so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, before Yahweh, because of her unclean flow.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:31 @ Thus shall ye warn the sons of Israel from their uncleanness, And they shall not die in their uncleanness, By reason of their making unclean my habitation which is in their midst.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:32 @ This, is the law Of him that hath a flux, And of him from whom goeth an outflow of seed, making unclean thereby;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:33 @ And of her that is unwell with her cause for removal, And of him whose flux floweth, For the male, and for the female, And for a man who lieth with her that is unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:16:16 @ so shall he put a propitiatory-covering, over the holy place because of the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and because of their transgressions to the extent of all their sins, and, so, shall he do for the tent of meeting which abideth with them, in the midst of their uncleanness.

rotherham@Leviticus:16:19 @ and shall sprinkle upon it, of the blood with his finger seven times, and shall cleanse it and hallow it, from the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Leviticus:16:21 @ And Aaron shall lean his two hands upon the head of the living goat, and confess over him, all the iniquities of the sons of Israel, and all their transgressions, to the extent of all their sins, and shall put them upon the head of the goat, and then send him away, by the hand of a man appointed towards the desert:

rotherham@Leviticus:16:30 @ For on this day, shall a propitiatory-covering, be put over you, to cleanse you, From all your sins before Yahweh, shall ye be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:17:15 @ And, in the case of any person who eateth that which died of itself or was torn in pieces, whether he be home-born, or a sojourner, then shall he wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening, and then be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:19 @ And unto a woman during her removal for uncleanness, shalt thou not approach, to uncover her shame.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:20 @ And of the wife of thy neighbour, shalt thou not have carnal knowledge, to commit uncleanness with her.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:23 @ And of no beast, shalt thou have carnal knowledge to commit uncleanness therewith, neither shall a woman present herself to a beast to couch down thereto, confusion, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:24 @ Do not make yourselves unclean in any of these things, For in all these things, have the nations made themselves unclean, whom, I, am sending out from before you.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:25 @ Therefore hath the land become unclean, and I have visited the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land hath vomited her inhabitants.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:27 @ For all these abominations, have the men of the land done, who were before you; And so the land hath become unclean:

rotherham@Leviticus:18:28 @ So shall the land not vomit you, through your making it unclean, as it vomited the nation which was before you.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:30 @ Therefore shall ye keep my charge, So that ye may have nothing to do with any of the abominable statutes with which they have had to do before you, So shall ye not make yourselves unclean thereby, IYahweh, am your God.

rotherham@Leviticus:19:7 @ And, if it, be eaten, on the third day, unclean, it is it shall not be accepted,

rotherham@Leviticus:19:9 @ And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly clear the border of thy field, in reaping, nor shalt thou gather up the gleaning of thy harvest.

rotherham@Leviticus:19:23 @ And when ye come into the land, and plant any manner of fruit-tree, then shall ye count as uncircumcised the fruit thereof, three years, shall it be to you as if unclean, it shall not be eaten.

rotherham@Leviticus:19:31 @ Do not turn unto mediums, Nor, for oracles, make search, To render yourselves unclean with them, IYahweh, am your God.

rotherham@Leviticus:20:3 @ I, also, will set my face against that man, and will cut him off out of the midst of his people, because of his seed, hath he given unto Molech, seeing that he hath made unclean my sanctuary, even to the extent of profaning my holy name.

rotherham@Leviticus:20:25 @ Therefore shall ye make a distinction Between the clean beasts, and the unclean, And between the unclean birds and the clean, So shall ye not make your persons abominable with beast, or with bird or with anything which creepeth upon the ground, which I have distinguished for you, as unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:21:1 @ And Yahweh said unto Moses, Say unto the priests, the sons of Aaron, yea thou shalt say unto them, For a dead person, shall no one make himself unclean among his people:

rotherham@Leviticus:21:3 @ or for his sister, a virgin who is near unto him, who belongeth not unto a husband, for her, he may make himself unclean:

rotherham@Leviticus:21:4 @ He shall not make himself unclean being a chief among his people, by profaning himself:

rotherham@Leviticus:21:11 @ And, unto no persons b of the dead, shall he go in, For his father or for his mother, shall he not make himself unclean;

rotherham@Leviticus:22:3 @ Say unto them Unto your generations, as touching any man who cometh near from among any of your seed, unto the hallowed things which the sons of Israel may hallow unto Yahweh, while his uncleanness is upon him, then shall that person be cut off from before me I, am Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:22:4 @ No man soever of the seed of Aaron who is a leper, or hath a flux, shall eat of the holy things, until he be clean, And as for him who toucheth anything that is unclean by the dead, or a man whose seed goeth from him;

rotherham@Leviticus:22:5 @ or a man who toucheth any creeping thing, which is unclean to him, or any human being who hath uncleanness, to the extent of any thing that maketh him unclean,

rotherham@Leviticus:22:6 @ any person who toucheth any such, shall then be unclean until the evening, and shall not eat of the hallowed things, unless he bathe his flesh in water.

rotherham@Leviticus:22:7 @ When the sun tooth in, then is he clean, and thereafter, he may eat of the hallowed things, for, his food, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:22:8 @ That which dieth of itself or is torn in pieces, shall he not eat to make himself unclean thereby, I, am Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:22 @ And, when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly clear the border of thy field when thou reapest, and, the gleanings of thy field, shalt thou not glean, for the poor and for the sojourner, shalt thou leave them. IYahweh, am your God.

rotherham@Leviticus:24:14 @ Bring forth him that reviled unto the out-side of the camp, then shall all that heard lean their hands upon his head, and all the assembly shall stone him.

rotherham@Leviticus:27:11 @ And, if it be any unclean beast whereof men may not bring near an oblation to Yahweh, then shall he present the beast before the priest:

rotherham@Leviticus:27:27 @ But, if it be among the beasts that are unclean, then shall he ransom it by thine estimate, and add the fifth part of it thereunto, but, if it is not redeemed, then shall it be sold by thine estimate.

rotherham@Numbers:5:2 @ Command the sons of Israel, that they send forth out of the camp, every leper, and every one that hath a flux, and every one that is unclean by the dead:

rotherham@Numbers:5:3 @ whether male or female, ye shall send them forth, unto the outside of the camp, shall ye send them, that they make not their camps unclean, in the midst whereof, I, have my habitation.

rotherham@Numbers:5:13 @ and a man shall lie with her carnally, and it shall be concealed from the eyes of her husband and he kept close but, she, hath committed uncleanness, though witness, there is none against her, and she, hath not been caught;

rotherham@Numbers:5:14 @ but there shall pass over him a spirit of jealousy, and he shall become jealous of his wife, she having committed uncleanness, or there shall pass over him a spirit of jealousy, and he shall become jealous of his wife, she not, having committed uncleanness,

rotherham@Numbers:5:19 @ and the priest shall put her on oath and shall say unto the woman: If no man hath lain with thee, and if thou hast not turned aside in uncleanness, instead of thy husband, be thou clear from this deadly water that causeth a curse.

rotherham@Numbers:5:20 @ But, if, thou, hast turned aside, instead of thy husband and if thou hast made thyself unclean, in that a man hath known thee carnally, other than thy husband,

rotherham@Numbers:5:27 @ And as soon as he causeth her to drink, the water, then shall it be, that, if she have fallen into uncleanness and committed unfaithfulness against her husband, as soon as the deadly water that causeth a curse hath entered into her, so soon shall her womb swell and her thigh fall away, thus shall the woman be-come a curse in the midst of her people.

rotherham@Numbers:5:28 @ But, if the woman have not fallen into uncleanness, but is pure, then shall she be clear and shall bear seed.

rotherham@Numbers:5:29 @ This, is the law of jealousies, when a wife shall turn aside instead of her husband, and fall into uncleanness;

rotherham@Numbers:6:7 @ Neither for his father nor for his mother nor for his brother nor for his sister, shall he make himself unclean-not even for them, should they die, because, his separation unto God, is upon his head,

rotherham@Numbers:6:9 @ But if one that is dying should die by him in a moment suddenly, then shall he count unclean his head of separation, and shall shave his head, on the day he cleanseth himself, on the seventh day, shall he shave it.

rotherham@Numbers:6:12 @ Then shall be separate unto Yahweh his days of separation, and shall bring in a he-lamb a year old as a guilt-bearer, and, the first days, shall be lost because his separation, was made unclean.

rotherham@Numbers:8:7 @ And, thus, shalt thou do unto them, to purify them, sprinkle upon them sin-cleansing water, then shall they, cause a razor to pass over all their flesh, and shall wash their clothes and so make themselves pure.

rotherham@Numbers:8:10 @ and shalt bring the Levites near before Yahweh, and the sons of Israel shall lean their hands upon the Levites;

rotherham@Numbers:8:12 @ And, the Levites, shall lean their hands upon the head of the bullocks; then make thou of the one a sin-bearer and of the other an ascending-sacrifice unto Yahweh, to put a propitiatory-covering over the Levites.

rotherham@Numbers:8:21 @ And the Levites accepted the cleansing from sin and washed their clothes, and Aaron offered them as a wave-offering before Yahweh, and Aaron put a propitiatory-covering over them to make them pure.

rotherham@Numbers:9:6 @ But so it was that there were, certain men who had become unclean by a dead person, and could not keep the passover on that day, therefore came they near before Moses and before Aaron on that day.

rotherham@Numbers:9:7 @ Then said those men unto him, We, are unclean by a dead person, wherefore should we become of less esteem for want of offering the oblation of Yahweh in its appointed season, in the midst of the sons of Israel?

rotherham@Numbers:9:10 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, Though, any man, be unclean by a dead person or be on a journey afar off, whether in the case of yourselves or of your generations, yet shall he keep a passover unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Numbers:9:13 @ But as for the man who is, clean, and no a journey, doth not chance to be and yet faileth to keep the passover, that person shall he cut off from among his kinsfolk, for the oblation of Yahweh, hath he not offered in its appointed season, his own sin, shall, that man, bear.

rotherham@Numbers:13:20 @ And what the land is, Whether, fat, or, lean, Whether there is timber therein or is not, Then shall ye pluck up courage and take of the fruit of the land. Now the days, were the days of the first-fruits of grapes.

rotherham@Numbers:18:11 @ This, therefore, shall be thinethe heave-offering of their gift even all the wave-offerings of the sons of Israel, unto thee, have I given them and unto thy sons and unto thy daughters with thee by a statute age-abiding, every one that is clean in thy house, shall eat it.

rotherham@Numbers:18:13 @ The firstfruits of all that is in their land which they shall bring in unto Yahweh, thine, shall it be, every one that is clean in thy house, shall eat it:

rotherham@Numbers:18:15 @ every thing that is born first of all flesh that may be offered unto Yahweh among men and among beasts, shall be thine, only thou shalt, redeem, the firstborn of men, and the firstborn of unclean beasts, shalt thou redeem.

rotherham@Numbers:19:7 @ And the priest shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water, and afterwards come into the camp, but the priest shall be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Numbers:19:8 @ And, he that burneth her, shall wash his clothes in water, and bathe his flesh in water, and be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Numbers:19:9 @ Then shall a man that is clean gather up the ashes of the heifer, and put them by, outside the camp, in a clean place, so shall they be for the assembly of the sons of Israel to keep for water of separation it is a taking away of sin.

rotherham@Numbers:19:10 @ Then shall he that gathered up the ashes wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening, so shall it be for the sons of Israel and for the sojourner that sojourneth in your midst by a statute age-abiding.

rotherham@Numbers:19:11 @ He that toucheth the dead, even any human person, shall be unclean seven days.

rotherham@Numbers:19:12 @ He, shall cleanse himself from sin therewith on the third day, then on the seventh day, shall he be clean, but if he cleanse not himself from sin on the third day, then on the seventh day, shall he not be clean,

rotherham@Numbers:19:13 @ Whoso-ever toucheth the dead the person of the human being that dieth and doth not cleanse himself from sin, the habitation of Yahweh, hath he made unclean; that person therefore shall be cut off out of Israel, because, the water of separation, was not dashed upon him, unclean, shall he be, his uncleanness is yet upon him.

rotherham@Numbers:19:14 @ This, is the law When, a human being, shall die in a tent, every one who goeth into the tent and every one who is in the tent shall be unclean seven days.

rotherham@Numbers:19:15 @ And, in the case of every open vessel, on which no cover is fastened, unclean, it is.

rotherham@Numbers:19:16 @ And, whosoever toucheth on the face of the field, one slain with a sword, or one who hath died, or a human bone or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.

rotherham@Numbers:19:17 @ And they shall take, for him that is un-clean, of the ashes of the burning of the sin-bearer, and living water shall be put thereon in a vessel,

rotherham@Numbers:19:18 @ Then shall a man that is clean take hyssop, and dip in the water, and sprinkle upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons who were there, and upon him that touched the bone or him who had been slain, or him who had died of himself or the grave;

rotherham@Numbers:19:19 @ and the clean person shall sprinkle upon the unclean, on the third day, and on the seventh day, so shall he cleanse himself from sin, on the seventh day, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water and be clean in the evening.

rotherham@Numbers:19:20 @ But in the ease of the man who shall be unclean and shall not cleanse himself from sin, that person shall be cut off, out of the midst of the convocation, for, the sanctuary of Yahweh, hath he made unclean, the water of separation, hath not been dashed upon him unclean, he is.

rotherham@Numbers:19:21 @ So shall it be unto them for statute age-abiding, and, he that sprinkleth the water of separation, shall wash his clothes, and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Numbers:19:22 @ and, whatsoever the unclean person toucheth, shall be unclean, and the person who toucheth it shall be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Numbers:27:18 @ And Yahweh said unto Moses: Take thee Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is spirit, then shalt thou lean thy hand upon him;

rotherham@Numbers:27:23 @ and leaned his hands upon him and charged him, As Yahweh spake by the hand of Moses.

rotherham@Numbers:31:19 @ Ye, then, pitch outside the camp, for seven days, whosoever hath killed a person and whoever hath touched the slain, cleanse yourselves (from sin) on the third day and on the seventh day ye and your captives,.

rotherham@Numbers:31:20 @ Every garment also, and every article of skin and every thing made of goats-hair, and every article of wood, shall ye cleanse (from sin).

rotherham@Numbers:31:23 @ whatsoever thing can go into fire, ye shall pass through fire and it shall be clean, only with the water of separation, shall ye cleanse it (from sin). But whatsoever cannot go into fire, ye shall pass through water.

rotherham@Numbers:31:24 @ And ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and be clean, and after-wards, shall ye come into the camp.

rotherham@Numbers:35:34 @ thou must not then make unclean the land wherein, ye, are dwelling, in the midst of which, I, have my habitation; for, I, Yahweh, am making my habitation in the midst of the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:12:15 @ Howbeit of anything thy soul desireth, mayest thou sacrifice and so eat fleshaccording to the blessing of Yahweh thy God which he hath bestowed upon thee, in all thy gates, the unclean and the clean may eat thereof, as the gazelle and as the hart,

rotherham@Deuteronomy:12:22 @ Even as the gazelle and the hart is eaten, so, shalt thou eat it, the unclean and the clean, alike shall eat it.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:14:7 @ Nevertheless these, shall ye not eat, of them that chew the cud, and of them that divide the cloven hoof, the camel and the hare and the rabbit for, though they do chew the cud, yet the hoof, do they not part, unclean, they are unto you.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:14:8 @ And, the swine, because though he doth divide the hoof, yet he cheweth not the cud, unclean, he is unto you, of their flesh, shall ye not eat, and their carcases, shall ye not touch.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:14:10 @ and, whatsoever hath not, fins and scales, ye may not eat, unclean, it is unto you.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:14:11 @ Of every clean bird, ye may eat;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:14:19 @ And, as for every creeping thing that flieth, unclean, it is unto you, they, shall not be eaten.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:14:20 @ All clean fowls, ye may eat.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:15:22 @ within thine own gates, mayest thou eat it, the unclean of you and the clean alike, as the gazelle and as the hart.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:21:23 @ his dead body shall not remain all night upon the tree but thou shalt bury, him on the same day, for a reproach unto God, is he that is hanged, so shalt thou not make unclean thy soil which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee for an inheritance.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:23:10 @ When there is in thy midst a man who is not clean through a mischance of the night, then shall he go forth unto the outside of the camp, he shall not come into the midst of the camp;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:24:20 @ When thou beatest thine olive-tree, thou shalt not glean after thee, to the sojourner to the fatherless and to the widow, shall it belong,

rotherham@Deuteronomy:26:14 @ I have not eaten in my sorrow therefrom neither have I removed therefrom when unclean, neither have I given thereof unto the dead, I have hearkened unto the voice of Yahweh my God, I have done according to all which thou hast commanded me.

rotherham@Joshua:22:17 @ Too little for us, was the iniquity of Peor, from which we have not cleansed ourselves, unto this day, although the plague came upon the assembly of Yahweh;

rotherham@Joshua:22:19 @ Howbeit, if, unclean, be the land of your possession, do ye on your part come over into the land of the possession of Yahweh, where abideth the habitation of Yahweh, and take your possession in our midst, but, against Yahweh, do not rebel, nor, against us, rebel, by building yourselves an altar apart from the altar of Yahweh our God.

rotherham@Judges:8:2 @ And he said unto them, What have I done, now, in comparison with you? Is not the grape-gleaning of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer?

rotherham@Judges:13:4 @ Now, therefore, beware, I pray thee, and do not drink wine or strong drink, nor eat anything unclean;

rotherham@Judges:13:7 @ But he said unto me, Lo! thou art about to conceive, and bear a son, now, therefore, do not drink wine or strong drink, nor eat anything unclean, for, one separate unto God, shall the boy be, from his birth until the day of his death.

rotherham@Judges:13:14 @ Of nothing that cometh of the vine, may she eat, nor wine nor strong drink, let her drink, nor, anything unclean, let her eat, all that I commanded her, let her observe.

rotherham@Judges:16:26 @ And Samson said unto the youth that held him by his hand, Place me where I may feel the pillars whereon the house resteth, that I may lean upon them.

rotherham@Judges:20:45 @ And, when they turned and fled towards the desert unto the cliff Rimmon, then gleaned they of them, in the highways, five thousand men, and they followed hard after them as far as Gidom, and smote of them, two thousand men.

rotherham@Ruth:2:2 @ And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi Let me go, I pray thee, to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose eyes I may find favour. And she said to her Go, my daughter.

rotherham@Ruth:2:3 @ So she went her way, and came, and gleaned in the field, after the reapers, and it happened to her, to light upon the portion of field-land belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech.

rotherham@Ruth:2:7 @ and she said Let me glean, I pray thee, and gather among the sheaves, after the reapers; so she came in, and hath continued from that time, all the morning until just now, and hath not rested in the house, for a little.

rotherham@Ruth:2:8 @ And Boaz said unto Ruth Hearest thou not, my daughter? Do not go to glean in any other field, neither indeed shalt thou pass on, from hence, but, here, shalt thou keep fast by my maidens:

rotherham@Ruth:2:15 @ And, when she rose up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying Even between the sheaves, let her glean, and reproach her not;

rotherham@Ruth:2:16 @ yea moreover, draw out, for her, from the bundles, and leave behind that she may glean it, and rebuke her not.

rotherham@Ruth:2:17 @ So she gleaned in the field, until the evening, and beat out that which she had gleaned, and there was about an ephah of barley.

rotherham@Ruth:2:18 @ And she took it up, and came into the city, and, when her mother-in-law had seen what she had gleaned, she brought forth and gave her what had been left remaining, after that she was satisfied.

rotherham@Ruth:2:19 @ And her mother-in-law said to her In what place hast thou gleaned, today? and where hast thou wrought? May he that took notice of thee, be blessed! So she told her mother-in-law, with whom she had wrought, and said The name of the man with whom I wrought today, is Boaz.

rotherham@Ruth:2:23 @ So she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz, to glean, until the end of the barley harvest, and the wheat harvest, and dwelt with her mother-in-law.

rotherham@1Samuel:20:26 @ Saul, however, spake nothing that day, for he said to himself It is, an accident, he is, not clean, because he hath not been cleansed.

rotherham@2Samuel:1:6 @ And the young man who was telling him said, It, so happened, that I was on Mount Gilboa, when lo! Saul, leaning upon his spear, and lo! the chariots and horsemen, hotly pursued him;

rotherham@2Samuel:3:24 @ Then Joab came in unto the king, and said What hast thou done? Lo! Abner came in unto thee. Wherefore is it that thou didst let him go, so that he is clean departed?

rotherham@2Samuel:3:29 @ Let it be hurled upon the head of Joab, and against all his fathers house, and let there not fail from the house of Joabone that hath an issue, or a leper, or one that leaneth on a crutch, or that falleth by the sword, or that lacketh bread.

rotherham@2Samuel:11:4 @ And David sent messengers, and fetched her, and she came in unto him, and he lay with her, she having purified herself from her uncleanness, and she returned unto her own house.

rotherham@2Samuel:22:21 @ Yahweh rewarded me, according to my righteousnessaccording to the cleanness of my hands, he repaid me:

rotherham@2Kings:5:10 @ and Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and bathe seven times in the Jordan, so shall thy flesh come back to thee, and be thou clean.

rotherham@2Kings:5:12 @ Are not, Abanah and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not bathe, in them, and be clean? So he turned, and went away in a rage.

rotherham@2Kings:5:13 @ Then drew near his servants, and spake unto him, and said My father! if, some great thing, the prophet had commanded thee, wouldst thou not have done it? then, how much rather, when he hath said unto thee, Bathe and be clean?

rotherham@2Kings:5:14 @ Then went he down, and dipped himself in the Jordan, seven times, according to the word of the man of God: and his flesh came back, as the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

rotherham@2Kings:5:18 @ In this thing, Yahweh grant forgiveness to thy servant, When my lord entereth the house of Rimmon, to bow down therein, he leaning upon my hand, and so I bow down in the house of Rimmon, when he boweth down in the house of Rimmon, Yahweh, I pray, grant forgiveness to thy servant, in this thing.

rotherham@2Kings:7:2 @ Then the officer on whose hand the king leaned responded to the man of God, and said, Even if Yahweh were making windows in the heavens, could this thing, come to pass? And he said Lo! thou, art about to see it with thine own eyes, but, thereof, shalt thou not eat!

rotherham@2Kings:7:17 @ Now, the king, had set the officer on whose hand he leaned, in charge over the gate, and the people trode upon him in the gate, that he died, as spake the man of God, who said it when the messenger came down to him.

rotherham@2Kings:18:21 @ Now, lo! thou dost trust thyself on the support of this bruised cane, on Egypt, whereon, if a man lean, it will enter his hand and lay it open, so, is Pharaoh king of Egypt, to all who trust upon him.

rotherham@2Chronicles:13:18 @ Thus were the sons of Israel subdued at that time, and the sons of Judah prevailed, because they leaned upon Yahweh the God of their fathers.

rotherham@2Chronicles:14:11 @ Then Asa cried out unto Yahweh his God, and said, O Yahweh, it is, nothing with thee, to help whether with many or with such as have no strength. Help us, O Yahweh our God, for, on thee, do we lean, and, in thy name, have we come against this multitude, O Yahweh! our God, thou art, let not, weak man, have power against thee.

rotherham@2Chronicles:16:7 @ And, at that time, came Hanani the seer, unto Asa the king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast leaned upon the king of Syria, and hast not leaned upon Yahweh thy God, for this cause, hath the force of the king of Syria escaped out of thy hand.

rotherham@2Chronicles:16:8 @ Were not, the Ethiopians and the Lybians, a huge host, with chariots and horsemen exceeding many? yet, because thou didst lean upon Yahweh, he delivered them into thy hand.

rotherham@2Chronicles:23:19 @ And he caused gatekeepers to stand, at the gates of the house of Yahweh, that no one who was unclean should, on any account, enter.

rotherham@2Chronicles:23:20 @ Then took he the captains of hundredsand the noblesand the rulers over the peopleand all the people of the land, and brought down the king out of the house of Yahweh, and they entered, through the midst of the upper gate, into the house of the king, and they seated the king, upon the throne of the kingdom.

rotherham@2Chronicles:29:16 @ So the priests entered into the inner part of the house of Yahweh, to make purification, and they brought out every unclean thing which they found in the temple of Yahweh, into the court of the house of Yahweh, where the Levites received it, to carry it forth to the Kidron ravine outside.

rotherham@2Chronicles:29:23 @ And they brought near the he-goats for bearing sin, before the king, and the convocation, and they leaned their hands upon them;

rotherham@2Chronicles:29:24 @ and the priests slaughtered them, and sin-cleansed, with their blood, the altar, to put a propitiatory-covering over all Israel,-because, for all Israel, did the king appoint the ascending-sacrifice and the offering for bearing sin.

rotherham@2Chronicles:32:8 @ with him, is an arm of flesh, but, with us, is Yahweh our God, to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people leaned upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

rotherham@Ezra:9:11 @ which thou didst command by the hand of thy servants the prophets, saying, As for the land which, ye, are entering to possess, an impure land, it is, with the impurity of the peoples of the lands, with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to the other, with their uncleanness.

rotherham@Job:8:15 @ He leaneth upon his house, and it will not stand, he holdeth it fast, and it will not remain erect.

rotherham@Job:9:30 @ Though I bathe myself in snow water, and cleanse, in cleanness itself, my hands,

rotherham@Job:14:4 @ Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one!

rotherham@Job:17:9 @ That the righteous may hold on his way, and, the clean of hands, increase in strength.

rotherham@Job:30:3 @ In want and hunger, they were lean, who used to gnaw the dry ground, a dark night of desolation!

rotherham@Job:33:9 @ Pure am, I, without transgression, Clean am, I, and have no iniquity;

rotherham@Job:36:14 @ Their soul should die in youth, and their life, among the unclean.

rotherham@Job:37:21 @ Yet, now, men see not the light, bright though it is in the skies, when, a wind, hath passed over, and cleansed them.

rotherham@Psalms:18:20 @ Yahweh rewarded me according to my righteousness, According to the cleanness of my hands, he repaid me;

rotherham@Psalms:19:9 @ The, reverence of Yahweh, is clean, Enduring evermore, The, decisions of Yahweh, are faithful, They are righteous, altogether:

rotherham@Psalms:24:4 @ The clean of hands, and pure of heart, who hath not uplifted, to falsehood, his soul, nor sworn deceitfully,

rotherham@Psalms:51:7 @ Wilt thou cleanse me from sin with hyssop, That I may be pure? Wilt thou wash me, That I may be whiter, than snow?

rotherham@Psalms:73:13 @ Altogether in vain, Have I cleansed my heart, And bathed in pureness, my hands;

rotherham@Psalms:106:15 @ So he gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul.

rotherham@Psalms:106:39 @ And they became unclean by their works, and became unchaste in their doings.

rotherham@Proverbs:3:5 @ Trust thou in Yahweh, with all thy heart, and, unto thine own understanding, do not lean:

rotherham@Proverbs:14:4 @ Without cattle, the crib is clean, but, much increase, is in the strength of the ox.

rotherham@Proverbs:20:9 @ Who can say, I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin?

rotherham@Proverbs:20:30 @ Blows that out in, cleanse away wickedness, and, smitings,

rotherham@Songs:8:5 @ THEY Who is this, coming up out of the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? HE Under the apple-tree, I roused thee, where thy mother, was in pain with thee, where she was in pain who gave thee birth!

rotherham@Isaiah:1:16 @ Wash you make you clean, Put away the wickedness of your doings from before mine eyes, Cease to do evil.

rotherham@Isaiah:4:4 @ When My Lord shall have bathed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, And the blood-guiltiness of Jerusalem, he shall wash away out of her midst, By the spirit of judgment, and By the spirit of thorough cleansing,

rotherham@Isaiah:6:5 @ Then said IWoe to me!for I am undone, Because a man of unclean lips, am, I, And in the midst of a people of unclean lips, do I dwell, For the King. Yahweh of hosts, have mine eyes seen!

rotherham@Isaiah:10:16 @ Therefore, shall the Lord, Yahweh of hosts, Send, among his fat ones, leanness, And under his glory, shall he kindle a kindling, like the kindling of fire;

rotherham@Isaiah:10:20 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, That the remnant of Israel. And the escaped of the house of Jacob Shall, no more again, lean upon him that smote them, But shall lean upon Yahweh the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

rotherham@Isaiah:17:5 @ And it shall come to pass That, as the harvestman gathereth standing corn, And with his armthe ears, he reapeth, Yea it shall come to pass That, so, shall he be who gleaneth ears, in the vale of Rephaim;

rotherham@Isaiah:17:6 @ Yet shall there be left therein, a gleaning. As in the beating of an olive-tree, Two-three berries in the head of the tree-top, Fourfive, among her fruitful boughs, Declareth Yahweh God of Israel.

rotherham@Isaiah:35:8 @ And there shall be there, a raised wayeven a high road, And the Highroad of Holiness, shall it be called, There shall not pass over it one who is unclean; But He Himself, shall be one of them travelling the road, And the perverse, shall not stray.

rotherham@Isaiah:36:6 @ Lo! thou dost trust on the support of this bruised cane, on Egypt, whereon if a man lean it will enter his hand and lay it open, So, is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust upon him.

rotherham@Isaiah:50:10 @ Who among you, revereth Yahweh, Hearkening unto the voice of his Servant, That hath walked in dark places And hath had no gleam of light? Let him trust in the name of Yahweh, And lean upon his God.

rotherham@Isaiah:52:1 @ Awake, awake, Put on thy strength, O Zion, Fur on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalemthou holy city, For there shah not again come into thee any more the uncircumcised and unclean.

rotherham@Isaiah:52:11 @ Away! away! come, forth from thence!Nought unclean, may ye touch, Come forth out of her midst, Purify yourselves, ye who are to carry the vessels of Yahweh;

rotherham@Isaiah:64:6 @ But we have become as one unclean all of us, And, as a garment polluted, were all our righteous doings, And so we faded like a leaf all of us, And, our iniquity, as a wind, carried us away;

rotherham@Jeremiah:4:11 @ At that time, shall it be said of this people and of Jerusalem, The sharp wind of the bare heights in the desert, cometh towards the daughter of my people, not to winnow nor to cleanse.

rotherham@Jeremiah:6:9 @ Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, They shall thoroughly glean as a vine the remnant of Israel Turn back thy hand, as a grape gatherer over the tendrils.

rotherham@Jeremiah:49:9 @ If, grape-gatherers, came to thee, Would they not leave, gleanings? If, thieves in the night, Would they not have taken away what sufficed them?

rotherham@Lamentations:4:15 @ Turn aside! Unclean! have they cried to them, Turn aside! Turn aside! Do not touch! because they have fled, yea, wandered, Men said among the nations, They will not again tarry;

rotherham@Ezekiel:16:4 @ And as for thy birth in the day thou wast born, Thy navel-cord was not cut, And in water, wast thou not bathed to cleanse thee, And as for being salted, a thou was not salted, And as for being bandaged, thou wast not bandaged.

rotherham@Ezekiel:22:10 @ A fathers shame hath been uncovered in thee, Her that was unclean in her removal, have they humbled in thee;

rotherham@Ezekiel:22:26 @ Her priests have done violence to my law And have profaned my holy things, Between the hallowed and the common, have they put no difference, And between the unclean and clean, have they not taught men to discern,- And from my sabbaths, have they hid their eyes, So that I have been profaned in their midst.

rotherham@Ezekiel:24:13 @ In thine uncleanness, is lewdness; be- cause I purified thee and thou wast not purified, from thine uncleanness, thou shalt not be purified any more, until I have let mine indignation rest upon thee.

rotherham@Ezekiel:26:4 @ And they shall destroy the walls of Tyre. And break down her towers, And I will scrape clean her dust from off her, And make of her the glaring face of a cliff:

rotherham@Ezekiel:29:7 @ Whensoever they took held of thee by the hand, thou didst run through, and tear open for them every hand, And whensoever they leaned upon thee, thou didst break, and caused all their loins to halt.

rotherham@Ezekiel:34:20 @ Therefore Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, unto them: Here am I myself. Therefore will I judge between fat sheep and lean sheep,

rotherham@Ezekiel:36:25 @ And I will throw upon you clean water and ye shall he clean, From all your uncleannesses and from all your manufactured gods, will I cleanse you;

rotherham@Ezekiel:36:29 @ And I will save you out of all your uncleannesses, And will call for the corn and will increase it, And wt not lay upon you famine;

rotherham@Ezekiel:36:33 @ Thus saith My Lord, Yahweh, In the day when I cleanse you, from all your iniquities, Then will I cause the cities to be inhabited, And the waste places shall be but;

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:23 @ Neither shall they defile themselves any more With their manufactured gods or With their detestable things, or With any of their transgressions,- But I will save them out of all their dwelling- places, wherein they have sinned, And I will cleanse them And they shall become nay people, And I, will become their God.

rotherham@Ezekiel:39:12 @ So shall the house of Israel bury them hat they may cleanse the land, seven months;

rotherham@Ezekiel:39:14 @ And men to keep at it constantly, shall they tell of Men to pass throughout the land, who with the passer-by, shall continue burying, them who have been left on the face of the land to cleanse it, At the end of seven months, shall they make search.

rotherham@Ezekiel:39:16 @ Moreover the name of a city shall be Hamonah To the multitude, so shall they cleanse the land.

rotherham@Ezekiel:39:24 @ According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions, dealt I with them, And so I hid my face from them.

rotherham@Ezekiel:43:20 @ Then shalt thou take of the blood thereof and place upon the four horns thereof and on the four corners of the ledge, and on the boundary, round about, and shalt cleanse it from sin and put a propitiatory-covering over it.

rotherham@Ezekiel:43:22 @ And on the second day, shalt thou bring near a kid of the goats without defect as a sin-bearer, and they shall cleanse the altar from sin just as they cleansed it from sin with the bullock,

rotherham@Ezekiel:43:23 @ When thou hast made an end of cleansing from sin, thou shalt bring near a young bullock without defect, and a ram out of the flock without defect;

rotherham@Ezekiel:44:23 @ And my people, shall they instruct, between the holy and the common, And between the unclean and the clean, shall they cause them to distinguish.

rotherham@Ezekiel:44:26 @ Yet after he is cleansed, seven days shall they count to him.

rotherham@Ezekiel:45:18 @ Thus saith My Lord. Yahweh, In the first month on the first day of the month, shalt thou take a young bullock without defect, and shalt cleanse the sanctuary from sin;

rotherham@Ezekiel:45:20 @ And so shalt thou do in the seventh of the month, for any man that wavereth or is of feeble mind, so shall ye cleanse the house by propitiation.

rotherham@Hosea:9:3 @ They shall not dwell in the land of Yahweh, but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and, in Assyriathat which is unclean, shall they eat.

rotherham@Joel:1:7 @ He hath turned my vine to a waste, and my fig-tree to splinters, he hath, barked it clean, and cast it down, bleached are its branches.

rotherham@Amos:4:6 @ Moreover also, I, have given you cleanness of teeth throughout all your cities, and want of bread throughout all your dwelling-places, Yet have ye not returned unto me, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Amos:5:19 @ As if a man should flee from the face of a lion, and there should meet hima bear! or he should have entered the house, and leaned his hand upon the wall, and there should bite hima serpent!

rotherham@Obadiah:1:5 @ If, thieves, had come to thee, if robbers by nighthow ruined thou art! Would they not have stolen what sufficed them? If, grape-gatherers, had come to thee, Would they not have left gleanings?

rotherham@Micah:3:11 @ Her heads, for a bribe, pronounce sentence, and, her priests, for a price, give direction, and, her prophets, for silver, divine, yet, on Yahweh, they lean, saying, Is not, Yahweh, in our midst? there shall not come upon us, calamity.

rotherham@Micah:7:1 @ Alas for me! for I am become as gatherings of summer fruit, as gleaning-grapes in harvest, there is no cluster to eat, the first ripe fruit, my soul, craved.

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:2 @ I will take clean away everything from off the face of the ground, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Zechariah:3:5 @ Then said I, Let them put a clean turban upon his head, So they put the clean turban upon his head, and clothed him with garments, and, the messenger of Yahweh, was standing up.

rotherham@Zechariah:13:1 @ In that day, there shall be an opened fountain, for the house of David, and for the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness.

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