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OT.filter - lesserot observe:

lesserot@Exodus:12:17 @ And ye shall observe the unleavened bread; for on this selfsame day have I brought forth your armies out of the land of Egypt; therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations as an ordinance for ever.

lesserot@Exodus:12:24 @ And ye shall observe this thing, as an ordinance for thee and for thy sons for ever.

lesserot@Exodus:12:42 @ A night to be observed was this unto the Lord to bring them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night holy to the Lord, to be observed by all the children of Israel in their generations.

lesserot@Exodus:31:16 @ And the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.

lesserot@Exodus:34:11 @ Observe thou that which I command thee this day; behold, I will drive out before thee the Emorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.

lesserot@Exodus:34:22 @ And the feast of weeks shalt thou observe, with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest; and the feast of ingathering at the closing of the year.

lesserot@Leviticus:19:26 @ Ye shall not eat upon the blood; nor shall ye use enchantment, nor observe times.

lesserot@Leviticus:19:37 @ Ye shall therefore observe all my statutes, and all my ordinances, and do them: I am the Lord.

lesserot@Numbers:15:22 @ And if ye err, and do not observe all these commandments, which the Lord hath spoken unto Moses,

lesserot@Numbers:28:2 @ Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, my bread for my sacrifices consumed by fire, for a sweet savor unto me, shall ye observe to offer unto me in its due season.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:5:1 @ And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and the ordinances which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and that ye may observe to do them.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:5:15 @ And thou shalt remember that thou hast been a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God brought thee out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore hath the Lord thy God commanded thee to observe the sabbath–day.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:6:3 @ Hear, therefore, O Israel, and observe to do them; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase greatly, as the Lord the God of thy fathers hath spoken to thee, the land flowing with milk and honey.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:6:25 @ And it shall be accounted righteousness unto us, if we observe to do all this commandment before the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:8:1 @ All the commandment which I command thee this day shall ye observe to do; in order that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and take possession of the land which the Lord hath sworn unto your fathers.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:11:32 @ And ye shall then observe to do all the statutes and ordinances which I set before you this day.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:12:1 @ These are the statutes and ordinances, which ye shall observe to do, in the land which the Lord, the God of thy fathers, giveth unto thee to possess it, and all the days that ye live upon the earth.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:12:28 @ Observe and hear all these words which I command thee; in order that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou wilt do what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord thy God.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:15:5 @ Yet only if thou wilt carefully hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command thee this day.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:16:1 @ Observe the month of Abib, and prepare the passover–sacrifice unto the Lord thy God; for in the month of Abib did the Lord thy God bring thee forth out of Egypt by night.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:16:12 @ And thou shalt remember that thou hast been a bond–man in Egypt; and thou shalt observe and do these statutes.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:17:10 @ And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they may tell thee from that place which the Lord will choose, and thou shalt observe to do according to all that they may instruct thee;

lesserot@Deuteronomy:18:10 @ There shall not be found among thee any one who causeth his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one who useth divination, one who is an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a conjurer.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:18:14 @ For these nations, which thou art about to dispossess, hearken unto observers of times, and unto diviners; but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not assigned the like unto thee.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:24:8 @ Take heed of the plague of leprosy, to observe diligently, and to do according to all that the priests, the Levites, may instruct you; as I have commanded them, so shall ye observe to do.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:28:1 @ And it shall come to pass, if thou wilt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee highest above all nations of the earth.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:28:13 @ And the Lord will constitute thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt only be uppermost, and thou shalt not be beneath; if thou wilt hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day to observe and to do;

lesserot@Deuteronomy:28:15 @ But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day: that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:28:58 @ If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law which are written in this book; to fear this glorious and fearful name, the Lord thy God:

lesserot@Deuteronomy:31:12 @ Assemble the people together, the men, and the women, and the children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates; in order that they may hear, and in order that they may learn how they are to fear the Lord your God, and observe to do all the words of this law;

lesserot@Deuteronomy:32:46 @ He said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify against you this day, so that ye may command them your children, to observe to do all the words of this law.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:33:9 @ Who said of his father and of his mother, I have not seen him; and who did not acknowledge his brothers, nor regarded his own children; for they observe thy word, and thy covenant they keep.

lesserot@Joshua:1:7 @ Only be thou strong and very courageous, to observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant hath commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left; in order that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

lesserot@Joshua:1:8 @ This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, in order that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then shalt thou have good success.

lesserot@Judges:13:14 @ Of any thing that cometh of the grape–vine she may not eat, and wine or strong drink she may not drink, and any thing unclean she may not eat: all that I commanded her must she observe.

lesserot@2Kings:17:37 @ And the statutes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment, which he hath written for you, shall ye observe to do for all time; and ye shall not fear other gods.

lesserot@2Kings:21:6 @ And he caused his son to pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much that is evil in the eyes of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.

lesserot@2Kings:21:8 @ And I will not cause any more the foot of Israel to move out of the land which I gave their fathers; only if they will observe to act in accordance with all that I have commanded them, and in accordance with all the law that my servant Moses commanded them.

lesserot@1Chronicles:22:12 @ Only may the Lord give thee intelligence and understanding, and give thee charge over Israel, so that thou mayest observe the law of the Lord thy God.

lesserot@1Chronicles:22:13 @ Then wilt thou prosper, if thou observe to practise the statutes and the ordinances which the Lord commanded Moses concerning Israel: be strong, and of good courage; be not afraid, nor be thou dismayed.

lesserot@1Chronicles:28:8 @ And now before the eyes of all Israel, the congregation of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God, observe and seek for all the commandments of the Lord your God: in order that ye may keep possession of this good land, and leave it for an inheritance unto your children after you forever.

lesserot@2Chronicles:5:11 @ And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place; for all the priests that were present had sanctified themselves, the divisions not having been observed; ––

lesserot@2Chronicles:33:6 @ And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of Ben–hinnom: he also observed times, and employed enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he did much that is evil in the eyes of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.

lesserot@Job:22:15 @ Wilt thou observe the path of ancient times which the men of injustice have trodden?

lesserot@Psalms:17:4 @ Among the deeds of men did I observe, by the word of thy lips, the paths of the dissolute.

lesserot@Psalms:37:37 @ Observe the perfect man, and behold the upright; for there is a future for the man of peace.

lesserot@Psalms:78:7 @ That they may place in God their hope, and not forget the doings of God, but observe his commandments;

lesserot@Psalms:105:45 @ So that they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Hallelujah.

lesserot@Psalms:106:3 @ Happy are those that observe justice, that execute righteousness at all times.

lesserot@Psalms:107:43 @ Whoever is wise, let him observe these things, and let understand the kindness of the Lord.

lesserot@Psalms:119:5 @ Oh that my ways were firmly directed to observe thy statutes!

lesserot@Psalms:119:8 @ Thy statutes will I observe: oh forsake me not too greatly.

lesserot@Psalms:119:17 @ GIMEL. Deal bountifully with thy servant: let me live, that I may observe thy word.

lesserot@Psalms:119:34 @ Give me understanding, that I may keep thy law, and I will observe it with all heart.

lesserot@Psalms:119:44 @ So shall I observe thy law continually for ever and ever.

lesserot@Psalms:119:55 @ I remembered in the night thy name, O Lord, and observed thy law.

lesserot@Psalms:119:57 @ CHETH. My portion is the Lord, have I said, that I might observe thy words.

lesserot@Psalms:119:60 @ I hastened, and delayed not to observe thy commandments.

lesserot@Psalms:119:67 @ Before I was afflicted I was in error; but now I observe thy saying.

lesserot@Psalms:119:88 @ According to thy kindness give me life, that I may observe the testimony of thy mouth.

lesserot@Psalms:119:101 @ From every evil path have I withholden my feet, in order that I might observe thy word.

lesserot@Psalms:119:106 @ I have sworn, and I will perform it, to observe thy righteous ordinances.

lesserot@Psalms:119:134 @ Deliver me from the oppression of man, and I will observe thy precepts.

lesserot@Psalms:119:136 @ Streams of water have run down my eyes; because they had not observed thy law.

lesserot@Psalms:119:146 @ I have called on thee, save me, and I will observe thy testimonies.

lesserot@Psalms:119:158 @ I beheld the treacherous, and felt disgust; because they observed not thy saying.

lesserot@Psalms:119:167 @ My soul hath observed thy testimonies, and I love them exceedingly.

lesserot@Psalms:119:168 @ I have observed thy precepts and thy testimonies; because all my ways are before thee.

lesserot@Psalms:132:12 @ If thy children will observe my covenant and this my testimony which I teach them: then also shall their children sit for evermore upon the throne to succeed thee."

lesserot@Proverbs:2:20 @ In order that thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and observe the paths of the righteous.

lesserot@Proverbs:4:4 @ And he instructed me, and said unto me, Let thy heart grasp firmly my words: observe my commandments and live.

lesserot@Proverbs:5:2 @ That thou mayest observe discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.

lesserot@Proverbs:7:1 @ My son, observe my sayings, and my commandments must thou treasure up with thee.

lesserot@Proverbs:7:2 @ Observe my commandments, and live: and my teaching as the apple of thy eyes.

lesserot@Proverbs:8:32 @ And now, O children, hearken unto me! for happy those that observe my ways.

lesserot@Proverbs:10:17 @ On the way unto life is he that observeth correction; but he that forsaketh reproof is in error.

lesserot@Proverbs:13:18 @ Poverty and disgrace will overtake him that rejecteth correction; but he that observeth admonition will be honored.

lesserot@Proverbs:15:5 @ A fool contemneth the correction of his father; but he that observeth admonition will become prudent.

lesserot@Proverbs:19:16 @ He that observeth the commandment guardeth his own soul: but he that disregardeth his ways shall die.

lesserot@Proverbs:28:4 @ They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as observe the law contend with them.

lesserot@Proverbs:29:18 @ Without a prophetic vision a people become unruly; but when it observeth the law, then will it be happy.

lesserot@Isaiah:42:20 @ Thou seest many things, but observest not; the ears are open, but he heareth not.

lesserot@Jeremiah:8:7 @ Yea, the stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle, and the swallow, atad the crane observe the time of their coming home; but my people know not the ordinance of the Lord.

lesserot@Jeremiah:33:24 @ Hast thou not observed what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the Lord hath made choice of, even these hath he rejected: and they have despised my people, that they should be no more a nation before them.

lesserot@Ezekiel:37:24 @ And my servant David shall be king over them; and one shepherd shall be for them all: and in my ordinances shall they walk, and my statutes shall they observe, and do them.

lesserot@Ezekiel:43:11 @ And if they be confounded because of all that they have done: then let them know the form of the house, and its arrangements, and its means of egress, and its entrances, and all its forms, and all its statutes, and all its forms, and all its laws, and write them down before their eyes; that they may observe the whole of its form, and all its statutes, and carry them out.

lesserot@Ezekiel:44:24 @ And in a controversy shall they stand up to judge, according to my ordinances shall they decide it: and my laws and my statutes at all my festivals shall they observe, and my sabbaths shall they sanctify.

lesserot@Daniel:8:27 @ And I Daniel grieved, and was sick several days; afterward I rose up, and did the king’s business; and I was depressed because of the appearance; but no one observed it.

lesserot@Micah:6:16 @ For there are observed the statutes of ‘Omri, and all the works of the house of Achab, and ye walk in their counsels: in order that I should give thee up unto desolation, and thy inhabitants to derision; and ye shall bear the reproach of my people.

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