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rotherham@Genesis:19:26 @ But his wife looked from behind him, and becamea pillar of salt.

rotherham@Genesis:28:18 @ So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone which he halt lint for his pillow, and put it for a pillar, and poured out oil upon the top thereof;

rotherham@Genesis:28:22 @ And, this stone which I have put for a pillar, shall be the house of God, And, of all which thou shalt give me, a tenth, will I tithe unto thee.

rotherham@Genesis:31:13 @ I, am the GOD of Beth-el, where thou didst anoint a pillar, where thou didst vow to me a vow, Now, rise, go forth out of this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.

rotherham@Genesis:31:45 @ So Jacob took a stone, and set it up as a pillar.

rotherham@Genesis:31:51 @ And Laban said to Jacob Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have set betwixt me, and thee:

rotherham@Genesis:31:52 @ A witness, be this heap, and, a witness, the pillar, That, I, am not to pass, unto thee, over this heap, And, thou, art not to pass, unto me, over this heap and this pillar for harm.

rotherham@Genesis:35:14 @ And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he had spoken with him, a pillar of stone, and he poured out thereon a drink-offering, and poured thereon oil.

rotherham@Genesis:35:20 @ And Jacob set up a pillar, over her grave, the same, is The Pillar of the Grave of Rachel until this day.

rotherham@Exodus:13:21 @ Now, Yahweh, was going before themby day, in a pillar of cloud to lead them the way, and by night, in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might journey day and night:

rotherham@Exodus:13:22 @ the pillar of cloud by day ceased not, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

rotherham@Exodus:14:19 @ And the messenger of God who was going on before the camp of Israel removed, and came on behind them, and the pillar of cloud removed from before them, and stood behind them;

rotherham@Exodus:14:24 @ And it came to pass in the morning watch, that Yahweh looked down into the camp of the Egyptians, through the pillar of fire and cloud, and confused the camp of the Egyptians;

rotherham@Exodus:23:24 @ Thou shalt not bow thyself down to their gods neither shalt thou be led to serve them, neither shalt thou do according to their works, but thou shalt, verily overthrow, them, and, completely break in pieces, their pillars.

rotherham@Exodus:24:4 @ Then wrote Moses all the words of Yahweh, and rose up early in the morning, and builded an altar, under the mountain, and twelve pillars, for the twelve tribes of Israel:

rotherham@Exodus:26:32 @ and thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold, with their hooks of gold, upon four sockets of silver,

rotherham@Exodus:26:37 @ And thou shalt make for the screen five pillars of acacia, and shalt overlay them with gold, and their hooks

rotherham@Exodus:27:10 @ and the pillars thereof twenty, with their sockets twenty, of bronze, and the hooks of the pillars and their cross-rods of silver.

rotherham@Exodus:27:11 @ And, so, for the north side in length, hangings a hundred cubits, and the pillars thereof twenty, and their sockets twenty. of bronze, and the hooks of the pillars and their cross-rods of silver.

rotherham@Exodus:27:12 @ And, the breadth of the court on the west side, hangings fifty cubits, their pillars ten, and their sockets ten.

rotherham@Exodus:27:14 @ and fifteen cubits the hangings for the side-piece, their pillars three, and their sockets three;

rotherham@Exodus:27:15 @ and, for the second side-piece, fifteen hangings, their pillars three, and their sockets three,

rotherham@Exodus:27:16 @ And for the gate of the court, a screen of twenty cubits, of blue, and purple and crimson and fine-twined linen, the work of an embroiderer, their pillars four, and their sockets four.

rotherham@Exodus:27:17 @ All the pillars of the court round about, to be joined with cross-rods of silver, and their hooks of silver, and their sockets of bronze,

rotherham@Exodus:33:9 @ And it came to pass that when Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud came down, and stood at the opening of the tent, and spake with Moses.

rotherham@Exodus:33:10 @ And when all the people beheld the pillar of cloud, standing at the opening of the tent, then all the people rose up and bowed themselves down, every man at the entrance of his tent.

rotherham@Exodus:34:13 @ For their altars, shall ye smash, And their pillars, shall ye shiver, And their sacred-stems, shall ye fell.

rotherham@Exodus:35:11 @ the habitation, its tent, and its covering, its clasps its boards, and its bars its pillars, and its sockets:

rotherham@Exodus:35:17 @ the hangings for the court, its pillars and its sockets, and the screen for the gate of the court:

rotherham@Exodus:36:36 @ And he made for it four pillars of acacia, and overlaid them with gold their hooks of gold, and cast for them, four sockets of silver.

rotherham@Exodus:36:38 @ and the five pillars thereof and their hooks, and he overlaid their capitals and their cross-rods, with gold, but, their five sockets, were of bronze.

rotherham@Exodus:38:10 @ their pillars, twenty, and their sockets twenty, of bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their connecting-rods, of silver:

rotherham@Exodus:38:11 @ and, on the north side, a hundred cubits, their pillars, twenty, and, their sockets twenty, of bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their connecting-rods, of silver.

rotherham@Exodus:38:12 @ And on the west side, hangings, fifty cubits, their pillars, ten, and, their sockets, ten, and, the hooks of the pillars and their connecting-rods, of silver.

rotherham@Exodus:38:14 @ hangings, fifteen cubits, for the side-piece, their pillars, three, and, their sockets three;

rotherham@Exodus:38:15 @ and, for the second sidepiece on this side and on that of the gate of the court, hangings, fifteen cubits, their pillars three, and their sockets, three.

rotherham@Exodus:38:17 @ And, the sockets for the pillars, were of bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their connecting-rods of silver, and the overlaying of their capitals, was silver, and, they themselves, were filleted with silver, even all the pillars of the court,

rotherham@Exodus:38:19 @ and, their pillars, were four, and, their sockets, four, of bronze, their hooks, of silver, and the overlaying of their capitals and their connecting-rods, of silver.

rotherham@Exodus:38:28 @ And with the thousand, seven hundred and seventy-five, made the hooks for the pillars, and overlaid their capitals and united them with connecting-rods.

rotherham@Exodus:39:33 @ And they brought in the habitation unto Moses, the tent, and all its furniture, its clasps, its boards, its bars, and its pillars and its sockets;

rotherham@Exodus:39:40 @ the hangings of the court its pillars and its sockets, and the screen for the gate of the court, its cords and its pins, and all the utensils for the service of the habitation for the tent of meeting;

rotherham@Exodus:40:18 @ Yea Moses reared the habitation, and placed its sockets, and fixed its boards, and fastened its bars, and reared its pillar

rotherham@Leviticus:26:1 @ Ye shall not make unto you idols, neither image nor pillar, shall ye set up for yourselves, nor sculptured stone, shall ye place in your land, to bow yourselves down thereunto,-For, I Yahweh, am your God.

rotherham@Leviticus:26:30 @ And I will destroy your high places And cut down your sun-pillars, And cast your caresses upon the calluses of your manufactured gods, Thus shall my soul abhor you.

rotherham@Numbers:3:36 @ And the oversight of the charge of the sons of Merari, wasthe boards of the habitation, and the bars thereof and the pillars thereof and the sockets thereof, and all the furniture thereof, as to all the laborious work thereof;

rotherham@Numbers:3:37 @ also the pillars of the court round about and their sockets, and their pins and their cords.

rotherham@Numbers:4:31 @ And, this, shall be their charge of the burdens, to the extent of all their labour in the ten of meeting, the boards of the habitation, and the bars thereof and he pillars thereof and the sockets thereof:

rotherham@Numbers:4:32 @ and the pillars of the court round about and their sockets anti their pins and their cords, to the extent of all their articles, to the extent of all their labour, and by names, shall ye put under their care the articles of their charge of burdens.

rotherham@Numbers:12:5 @ Then Yahweh came down in a pillar of cloud, and stood at the entrance of the tent, and called Aaron and Miriam, and they both went forth.

rotherham@Numbers:14:14 @ And will tell it unto the inhabitants of this land: They have heard, That, thou, Yahweh, art in the midst of this people, That eye to eye, is he seenthou, Yahweh, And thy cloud, is standing over them, And in a pillar of cloud, thou thyself, art going on before them by day, And in a pillar of fire, by night.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:7:5 @ Verily, thus, shall ye do unto them: Their altars, shall ye tear down, And their pillars, shall ye break in pieces, And their sacred stems, shall ye hew down, And their carved images, a shall ye burn up in the fire.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:12:3 @ And ye must tear down their altars And break in pieces their pillars, And, their sacred stems, must ye consume with fire, And the carved images of their gods, must ye fell to the ground, And destroy their name out of that place.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:22 @ neither shalt thou set thee up a pillar, which Yahweh thy God, doth hate.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:31:15 @ And Yahweh appeared in the tent, in a pillar of cloud, and the pillar of cloud stood, at the entrance of the tent.

rotherham@Judges:9:6 @ Then were gathered together all the owners of Shechem, and all the house of Millo, and they went and made Abimelech king, by the oak of the pillar, that was in Shechem.

rotherham@Judges:16:25 @ And it came to pass, when their heart was merry, that they said, Call for Samson, that he may make sport for us. So they called for Samson out of the prison, and he made sport before them, and they stationed him between the pillars.

rotherham@Judges:16:26 @ And Samson said unto the youth that held him by his hand, Place me where I may feel the pillars whereon the house resteth, that I may lean upon them.

rotherham@Judges:16:29 @ Then did Samson grasp the two middle pillars, whereon the house rested, and whereon it was upheld, and he braced himself against them, the one with his right hand, and the other with his left.

rotherham@Judges:20:40 @ then, the cloud, began to ascend out of the city, a pillar of smoke, and the Benjamites looked behind them, and lo! the whole city flamed up towards the heavens.

rotherham@1Samuel:2:8 @ Raiseth, from the dust, the poor, From the dunghill, uplifteth the needy, To give them a dwelling with nobles, And, a throne of glory, to make them inherit. For, to Yahweh, belong the pillars of the earth, And he setteth thereon the habitable world.

rotherham@1Samuel:14:5 @ The one crag, was a pillar on the north, over against Michmash, and, the other, on the south, over against Geba.

rotherham@2Samuel:18:18 @ But, Absolom, had taken, and raised up for himself, in his lifetime, the pillar that is in the kings vale, for he said, I have no son, to keep in remembrance my name, so he called the pillar after his own name, and it is called Absoloms monument unto this day.

rotherham@1Kings:6:31 @ And, the entrance of the shrine, made he with doors, of wild olive-wood, the pillars and posts being a fifth.

rotherham@1Kings:7:2 @ Yea he built the house of the forest of Lebanon, a hundred cubits, the length thereof, and, fifty cubits, the breadth thereof, and, thirty cubits, the height thereof, upon four rows of pillars of cedar, with beams of cedar, upon the pillars;

rotherham@1Kings:7:3 @ and it was covered with cedar above upon the joists, that were on forty-five pillars, fifteen in a row.

rotherham@1Kings:7:6 @ And, a porch of pillars, made he, fifty cubits, in length, and, thirty cubits, in breadth, and, a porch, was on the one front of them, and pillars and threshold, were on the other front of them.

rotherham@1Kings:7:15 @ And he cast two pillars of bronze, eighteen cubits, the height of each pillar, and, a line of twelve cubits, would surround the second pillar.

rotherham@1Kings:7:16 @ And, two capitals, made he, to set upon the tops of the pillars, of molten bronze, five cubits, was the height of the one capital, and, five cubits, the height of the other capital;

rotherham@1Kings:7:17 @ with a frame of checker work, wreaths of chain work, for the capitals which were upon the top of the pillars, seven for the one capital, and seven for the other capital.

rotherham@1Kings:7:18 @ So he made the pillars, and, two rows round about, upon the one frame of checker work, covering the capitals which were upon the top with pomegranates, thus also, did he for the other capital.

rotherham@1Kings:7:19 @ And, the capitals which were upon the top of the pillars, were of lily work, in span, four cubits.

rotherham@1Kings:7:20 @ And there were capitals upon the two pillars, above also, close by the belly, which was beside the checker work, and there were two hundred pomegranates, in rows round about, upon either capital.

rotherham@1Kings:7:21 @ So he reared the pillars for the porch of the temple, yea he reared the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin, and reared the left pillar, and called the name thereof, Boaz.

rotherham@1Kings:7:22 @ And, upon the top of the pillars, was lily work, which gave finish to the work of the pillars.

rotherham@1Kings:7:41 @ two pillars, and the bowls of the capitals which were upon the top of the two pillars, and the two frames of checker-work, covering the two bowls of the capitals, which were upon the top of the pillars;

rotherham@1Kings:7:42 @ and the four hundred pomegranates, for the two frames of checker-work, two rows of pomegranates to each frame, for covering the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the face of the pillars;

rotherham@1Kings:8:37 @ When there shall be, famine, in the land, when there shall be, pestilence, when there shall be, blasting, mildew locust, caterpillar, when their enemy shall besiege them in one of their own gates, whatsoever plague, whatsoever sickness;

rotherham@1Kings:14:23 @ And, they also, built for themselves high places and pillars, and Sacred Stems, upon every high hill, and under every green tree.

rotherham@2Kings:3:2 @ And he did the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, only, not like his father, nor like his mother, but he put away the pillars of Baal which, his father, had made;

rotherham@2Kings:10:26 @ and brought forth the idolatrous pillars that were in the house of Baal, and then burned it;

rotherham@2Kings:10:27 @ and they brake down the pillars of Baal, and brake down the house of Baal, and appointed it for a sewer-houseuntil this day.

rotherham@2Kings:11:14 @ and looked, and lo! the king, standing by the pillar, as the custom was, and the captains and the trumpeters, by the king, and, all the people of the land, rejoicing, and blowing with trumpets, so Athaliah rent her garments, and cried out Conspiracy! conspiracy!

rotherham@2Kings:17:10 @ And they set up for themselves pillars and Sacred Stems, upon every high hill, and under every green tree;

rotherham@2Kings:18:4 @ He, removed the high places, and brake in pieces the pillars, and cut down the Sacred Stem, and beat in pieces the serpent of bronze that, Moses, had made, because, until those days, had the sons of Israel been burning incense thereunto, so he called it Nehushtan.

rotherham@2Kings:23:3 @ And the king took his stand by the pillar, and solemnised a covenant before Yahwehto follow Yahweh, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes, with all

rotherham@2Kings:23:14 @ and he brake in pieces the pillars, and cut down the Sacred Stems, and filled their place with human bones:

rotherham@2Kings:25:13 @ And, the pillars of bronze that were in the house of Yahweh, and the stands, and the sea of bronze which was in the house of Yahweh, the Chaldeans brake in pieces, and they carried away the bronze of them to Babylon;

rotherham@2Kings:25:16 @ As for the two pillars the one sea and the stands which Solomon made for the house of Yahweh, without weight, was the bronze of all these things.

rotherham@2Kings:25:17 @ Eighteen cubits, was the height of each pillar, and, the capital thereupon was of bronze, and, the height of the capital, was three cubits, and, the lattice-work and pomegranates upon the capital round about, the whole, was of bronze; and, like these, had the second pillar, upon the lattice-work.

rotherham@1Chronicles:18:8 @ also, from Tibhath and from Cun, cities of Hadarezer, David took very much bronze, therewith, did Solomon make the sea of bronze, and the pillars, and the vessels of bronze.

rotherham@2Chronicles:3:15 @ And he made, for the front of the house, two pillars, thirty five cubits in length, and, the capital which was upon the top of each, was five cubits.

rotherham@2Chronicles:3:16 @ And he made wreathen chains in the shrine, and put them upon the top of the pillars, and he made one hundred pomegranates, and put them in the chains,

rotherham@2Chronicles:3:17 @ And he reared up the pillars in front of the temple, one, on the right, and, one, on the left, and called the name of that on the right hand, Jachin, and the name of that on the left, Boaz.

rotherham@2Chronicles:4:12 @ two pillars, and the bowls and the capitals on the top of the two pillars, and the two frames of checker work, to cover the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the top of the pillars;

rotherham@2Chronicles:4:13 @ and four hundred pomegranates, for the two frames,-two rows of pomegranates, for each frame, for covering the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the face of the pillars;

rotherham@2Chronicles:6:28 @ When there shall be, a famine, in the land, when there shall be, a pestilence, when there shall be, blasting or mildew, locust or caterpillar, when their enemy shall besiege them in the land at their own gates-whatsoever plague or whatsoever sickness;-

rotherham@2Chronicles:14:3 @ and took away the foreign altars, and the high places, and brake in pieces the pillars, and cut in twain the Sacred Stems;

rotherham@2Chronicles:23:13 @ and looked, and lo! the king, standing by his pillar at the entrance, and the captains and the trumpets by the king, and all the people of the land rejoicing, and blowing with trumpets, and the singers, with instruments of song, and such as led the offering of praise, then Athaliah rent her garments, and said, Conspiracy! conspiracy!

rotherham@2Chronicles:31:1 @ Now, when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went forth unto the cities of Judah, and brake in pieces the pillarsand cut down the Sacred Stemsand threw down the high places and the altars, out of all Judah and Benjaminand throughout Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had made an end, then all the sons of Israel returned every man to his own possession, unto their own cities.

rotherham@2Chronicles:34:4 @ And they threw down before him, the altars of the Baalim, and, the sun-pillars which were on high above them, he hewed down, and, the Sacred Stems and the carved images and the molten images, brake he in pieces and ground to dust, and tossed over the face of the graves, of them who had been sacrificing unto them.

rotherham@2Chronicles:34:7 @ And, when he had thrown down the altars and the Sacred Stems, and, the images, he had beaten to powder, and, the sun-pillars, he had hewn down throughout all the land of Israel, then returned he to Jerusalem.

rotherham@Nehemiah:9:12 @ And, in a pillar of cloud, didst thou lead them, by day, and in a pillar of fire, by night, to light up for them the way wherein they should go.

rotherham@Nehemiah:9:19 @ yet, thou, in thine abounding compassions, didst not forsake them in the desert, the pillar of cloud, departed not from over them by day, to lead them in the way, nor the pillar of fire by night, to light up for them the way wherein they should go.

rotherham@Esther:1:6 @ white stuff, cotton and blue, being held fast with cords of fine linen and purple, upon rods of silver, and pillars of white marble, the couches being of gold and silver, upon a pavement of alabaster and white marble, and pearl and black marble.

rotherham@Job:9:6 @ Who shaketh the earth, out of its place, and, the pillars thereof, shudder;

rotherham@Job:26:11 @ The pillars of the heavens, are shaken, and are terrified at his rebuke:

rotherham@Psalms:11:3 @ When the pillars are overthrown, What could, a righteous man, do?

rotherham@Psalms:75:3 @ Earth was melting away with all its inhabitants, I, have fixed the pillars thereof. Selah.

rotherham@Psalms:99:7 @ In the pillar of cloud, used he to speak unto them, They kept his testimonies, and the statute he gave them.

rotherham@Psalms:144:12 @ That, our sons, may be like plants well grown while yet young, Our daughters, like corner pillars, carved, in the construction of a palace:

rotherham@Proverbs:9:1 @ Wisdom, hath builded her house, hath hewn out her seven pillars;

rotherham@Songs:3:6 @ THEY Who is this, coming up out of the wilderness, like pillars of smoke, with perfume of myrrh, and frankincense, besides all the aromatic powder of the merchant?

rotherham@Songs:5:15 @ His legs, pillars of white marble, founded on sockets of gold, His form, like Lebanon, choice as cedars:

rotherham@Isaiah:17:8 @ And he shall not look unto the altars the work of his own hands, Nor to what his own fingers have made, shall his eye be turned, Whether Sacred Stems or Sun-pillars.

rotherham@Isaiah:19:10 @ Then shall her pillars be crushed, All who make wages, be bowed down in soul.

rotherham@Isaiah:19:19 @ In that day, shall there be An altar unto Yahweh, in the midst of the land of Egypt, And a pillar near the boundary thereof unto Yahweh;

rotherham@Isaiah:33:4 @ Then shall your spoil be gathered as the gathering of the caterpillar, As the swift running of locusts, is he about to run upon them.

rotherham@Jeremiah:1:18 @ I, thereforelo! I have set thee to-day as a fortified city, and as a pillar of iron and as walls of bronze, over all the land, against the kings of Judah, against her princes, against her priests and against the people of the land.

rotherham@Jeremiah:27:19 @ For Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts Concerning the pillars, and concerning the sea, and concerning the stands, and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this city

rotherham@Jeremiah:43:13 @ And he shall break in pieces the pillars of Beth-shemesh, which is in the land of Egypt, And the houses of the gods of Egypt, shall he burn with fire.

rotherham@Jeremiah:52:17 @ And the pillars of bronze that pertained to the house of Yahweh and the stands and the sea of bronze which was in the house of Yahweh, did the Chaldeans, break in pieces, and they carried away all the bronze of them to Babylon;

rotherham@Jeremiah:52:20 @ As for the two pillars the one sea, and the twelve oxen of bronze which were under the stands which King Solomon had made for the house of Yahweh, without weight was the bronze of all these things.

rotherham@Jeremiah:52:21 @ Now as for the pillars, eighteen cubits, was the height of each pillar, and, a line of twelve cubits, compassed it about, and the thickness thereof was four fingers breadthhollow;

rotherham@Jeremiah:52:22 @ and there was, a capital, upon it, of bronze, and the height of each capital, was five cubits, with lattice-work and pomegranates upon the capital round aboutthe whole was of bronze, and like these, were the second pillar and the pomegranates.

rotherham@Ezekiel:6:4 @ And your altars shall be laid waste, And your sun-pillars shall be broken in pieces, And I will cause your slain to fall before your manufactured gods;

rotherham@Ezekiel:6:6 @ In all your dwelling-places, the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places, shall be made desolate, To the end your altar may be laid waste and become desolate. And your manufactured gods be broken in pieces and cease, And your sun-pillars be cut down, And your handiworks be abolished.

rotherham@Ezekiel:26:11 @ With the hoofs of his horses, shall he tread down all thy streets, Thy people-with the sword, shall he slay, And thy pillars of strength to the earth, shall go down.

rotherham@Ezekiel:40:49 @ the length of the porch was twenty cubits and the breadth twelve cubits, and by ten steps they ascend into it,- and there were pillars against the projections, lion on this side, and one on that side.

rotherham@Ezekiel:42:6 @ For three stories, they were; and had not pillars like the pillars of the courts; for this cause, it differed from the lowest and from the middle, from the ground.

rotherham@Hosea:3:4 @ For, many days, shall the sons of Israel tarry, without king, and without ruler, and without sacrifice, and without pillar; and without ephod, or household gods.

rotherham@Micah:5:13 @ And I will cut off thine images and thy pillars out of thy midst, and thou shalt not bow thyself down, any more, to the work of thine own hands;

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