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OT.filter - geneva sworne:

geneva@Exodus:17:16 @ Also he said, The Lord hath sworne, that he will haue warre with Amalek from generation to generation.

geneva@Leviticus:6:5 @ Or for whatsoeuer he hath sworne falsely, he shall both restore it in the whole summe, and shall adde the fift parte more thereto, and giue it vnto him to whome perteyneth, the same day that he offreth for trespasse.

geneva@Deuteronomy:28:9 @ The Lorde shal make thee an holy people vnto himself, as he hath sworne vnto thee, if thou shalt keepe the commandements of the Lord thy God, and walke in his wayes.

geneva@Deuteronomy:29:13 @ For to establish thee this day a people vnto him selfe, and that he may be vnto thee a God, as he hath said vnto thee, and as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers, Abraham, Izhak, and Iaakob.

geneva@Joshua:5:6 @ For the children of Israel walked fourtie yeres in the wildernes, till all the people of the men of warre that came out of Egypt were consumed, because they obeyed not the voyce of the Lord: vnto whome the Lord sware, that he would not shewe them the lande, which the Lorde had sworne vnto their fathers, that he would giue vs, euen a land that floweth with milke and hony.

geneva@Joshua:9:19 @ Then all the Princes said vnto all the Congregation, We haue sworne vnto them by the Lord God of Israel: nowe therefore we may not touch them.

geneva@Joshua:21:43 @ So the Lord gaue vnto Israel all ye land, which hee had sworne to giue vnto their fathers: and they possessed it, and dwelt therein.

geneva@Joshua:21:44 @ Also the Lorde gaue them rest rounde about according to all that hee had sworne vnto their fathers: and there stoode not a ma of all their enemies before them: for the Lorde deliuered all their enemies into their hand.

geneva@Judges:21:7 @ How shal we do for wiues to them that remaine, seeing we haue sworne by the Lorde, that we will not giue them of our daughters to wiues?

geneva@Judges:21:18 @ Howbeit we may not giue them wiues of our daughters: for the childre of Israel had sworne, saying, Cursed be he that giueth a wise to Beniamin.

geneva@2Samuel:21:2 @ Then ye King called the Gibeonites and said vnto them. (Now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but a remnant of the Amorites, vnto whom ye children of Israel had sworne: but Saul sought to slay them for his zeale toward the children of Israel and Iudah)

geneva@Nehemiah:6:18 @ For there were many in Iudah, that were sworne vnto him: for he was the sonne in lawe of Shechaniah, the sonne of Arah: and his sonne Iehonathan had the daughter of Meshullam, the sonne of Berechiah.

geneva@Psalms:24:4 @ Euen he that hath innocent handes, and a pure heart: which hath not lift vp his minde vnto vanitie, nor sworne deceitfully.

geneva@Psalms:89:35 @ I haue sworne once by mine holines, that I will not fayle Dauid, saying,

geneva@Psalms:132:11 @ The Lord hath sworne in trueth vnto Dauid, and he wil not shrinke from it, saying, Of the fruite of thy body will I set vpon thy throne.

geneva@Isaiah:14:24 @ The Lorde of hostes hath sworne, saying, Surely like as I haue purposed, so shall it come to passe, and as I haue consulted, it shall stand:

geneva@Isaiah:62:8 @ The Lorde hath sworne by his right hand and by his strong arme, Surely I wil no more giue thy corne to be meate for thine enemies, & surely the sonnes of the strangers shall not drinke thy wine, for the which thou hast laboured.

geneva@Jeremiah:51:14 @ The Lord of hostes hath sworne by him selfe, saying, Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillers, and they shall cry and shoute against thee.

geneva@Amos:8:7 @ The Lorde hath sworne by the excellencie of Iaakob, Surely I will neuer forget any of their workes.

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