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updv@Genesis:2:22 @ and the rib, which Yahweh God had taken from the man, he made a woman, and brought her to the man.

updv@Genesis:2:23 @ And the man said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she will be called a woman, because she was taken out of a man.

updv@Genesis:3:19 @ in the sweat of your face you will eat bread, until you return to the ground; for out of it were you taken: for dust you are, and to dust you will return.

updv@Genesis:3:22 @ And Yahweh God said, Look, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, so that he doesn't put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever--

updv@Genesis:3:23 @ therefore Yahweh God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.

updv@Genesis:4:15 @ And Yahweh said to him, Therefore whoever slays Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold. And Yahweh appointed a sign for Cain, lest anyone finding him should strike him.

updv@Genesis:6:21 @ And you take to yourself of all food that is eaten, and gather it to you; and it will be for food for you, and for them.

updv@Genesis:7:2 @ Of every clean beast you will take to you seven and seven, the male and his female; and of the beasts that are not clean two, the male and his female:

updv@Genesis:12:15 @ And the princes of Pharaoh saw her, and praised her to Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

updv@Genesis:12:19 @ Why did you say, She's my sister, so that I took her to be my wife? Now therefore here is your wife, take her, and go your way.

updv@Genesis:13:9 @ Isn't the whole land before you? Separate yourself, I pray you, from me. If [you will take] the left hand, then I will go to the right. Or if [you take] the right hand, then I will go to the left.

updv@Genesis:14:14 @ And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he mobilized his trained men, born in his house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued as far as Daniel.

updv@Genesis:14:21 @ And the king of Sodom said to Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to yourself.

updv@Genesis:14:23 @ that I will not take a thread nor a sandal strap nor anything that is yours, lest you should say, I have made Abram rich:

updv@Genesis:14:24 @ except only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men that went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre. Let them take their portion.

updv@Genesis:15:9 @ And he said to him, Take me a heifer three years old, and a she-goat three years old, and a ram three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.

updv@Genesis:18:27 @ And Abraham answered and said, Seeing now that I have taken on myself to speak to the Lord, who am but dust and ashes:

updv@Genesis:18:31 @ And he said, Seeing now that I have taken on myself to speak to the Lord: perhaps there will be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for the twenty's sake.

updv@Genesis:19:15 @ And when the morning arose, the angels then hurried Lot, saying, Arise, take your wife, and your two daughters who are here, or else you will be consumed in the iniquity of the city.

updv@Genesis:20:3 @ But God came to Abimelech in a dream of the night, and said to him, Look, you are but a dead man, because of the woman whom you have taken. For she is a man's wife.

updv@Genesis:21:25 @ And Abraham reproved Abimelech because of the well of water, which Abimelech's slaves had violently taken away.

updv@Genesis:21:30 @ And he said, These seven ewe lambs you will take of my hand, that it may be a witness to me, that I have dug this well.

updv@Genesis:22:2 @ And he said, Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, even Isaac, and go into the land of Moriah. And offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I will tell you of.

updv@Genesis:23:13 @ And he spoke to Ephron in the audience of the people of the land, saying, But if you will, I pray you, hear me. I will give the price of the field. Take it of me, and I will bury my dead there.

updv@Genesis:24:3 @ And I will make you swear by Yahweh, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell.

updv@Genesis:24:4 @ But you will go to my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son Isaac.

updv@Genesis:24:7 @ Yahweh, the God of heaven, who took me from my father's house, and from the land of my nativity, and who spoke to me, and who swore to me, saying, To your seed I will give this land. He will send his angel before you, and you will take a wife for my son from there.

updv@Genesis:24:37 @ And my master made me swear, saying, You will not take a wife for my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell.

updv@Genesis:24:38 @ But you will go to my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son.

updv@Genesis:24:40 @ And he said to me, Yahweh, before whom I walk, will send his angel with you, and prosper your way. And you will take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father's house.

updv@Genesis:24:48 @ And I bowed my head, and worshiped Yahweh, and blessed Yahweh, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me in the right way to take my master's brother's daughter for his son.

updv@Genesis:24:51 @ Look, Rebekah is before you, take her, and go, and let her be your master's son's wife, as Yahweh has spoken.

updv@Genesis:27:3 @ Now therefore take, I pray you, your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field, and hunt venison for me.

updv@Genesis:27:35 @ And he said, Your brother came with guile, and has taken away your blessing.

updv@Genesis:27:36 @ And he said, Isn't he rightly named Jacob? For he has supplanted me these two times. He took away my birthright. And, look, now he has taken away my blessing. And he said, Have you not reserved a blessing for me?

updv@Genesis:27:46 @ And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth. If Jacob takes a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these, of the daughters of the land, what good will my life be to me?

updv@Genesis:28:1 @ And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said to him, You will not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.

updv@Genesis:28:2 @ Arise, go to Paddan-aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother's father. And take yourself a wife from there of the daughters of Laban your mother's brother.

updv@Genesis:28:6 @ Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Paddan-aram, to take him a wife from there. And that as he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, You will not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.

updv@Genesis:30:15 @ And she said to her, Is it a small matter that you have taken away my husband? And would you take away my son's mandrakes also? And Rachel said, Therefore he will lie with you tonight for your son's mandrakes.

updv@Genesis:30:23 @ And she became pregnant, and gave birth to a son: and said, God has taken away my reproach:

updv@Genesis:31:1 @ And he heard the words of Laban's sons, saying, Jacob has taken away all that was our father's; and of that which was our father's he has gotten all this glory.

updv@Genesis:31:9 @ Thus God has taken away the cattle of your(note:){+}(:note) father, and given them to me.

updv@Genesis:31:16 @ For all the riches which God has taken away from our father, that is ours and our son's: now then, whatever God has said to you, do.

updv@Genesis:31:31 @ And Jacob answered and said to Laban, Because I was afraid: for I said if I don't, you will take your daughters from me by force.

updv@Genesis:31:32 @ With whomever you find your gods, he will not live: before our brothers discern for yourself what is yours with me, and take it with you. For Jacob didn't know that Rachel had stolen them.

updv@Genesis:31:34 @ Now Rachel had taken the talismans, and put them in the camel's saddle, and sat on them. And Laban felt all about the tent, but didn't find them.

updv@Genesis:31:50 @ If you will afflict my daughters, and if you will take wives besides my daughters, no man is with us; see, God is witness between me and you.

updv@Genesis:33:11 @ Take, I pray you, my gift that is brought to you; because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough. And he urged him, and he took it.

updv@Genesis:33:12 @ And he said, Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go before you.

updv@Genesis:34:9 @ And make(note:){+}(:note) marriages with us; give your{+} daughters to us, and take our daughters to you{+}.

updv@Genesis:34:16 @ then we will give our daughters to you(note:){+}(:note), and we will take your{+} daughters to us, and we will dwell with you{+}, and we will become one people.

updv@Genesis:34:17 @ But if you(note:){+}(:note) will not listen to us, to be circumcised; then we will take our daughter, and we will be gone.

updv@Genesis:34:21 @ These men are peaceful with us; so let them dwell in the land, and trade in it; for, look, the land is large enough for them; let us take their daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our daughters.

updv@Genesis:37:21 @ And Reuben heard it, and delivered him out of their hand, and said, Let us not take his life.

updv@Genesis:38:23 @ And Judah said, Let her take it to her, or else we will be put to shame: look, I sent this young goat, and you haven't found her.

updv@Genesis:41:34 @ Let Pharaoh do [this], and let him appoint overseers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years.

updv@Genesis:42:33 @ And the man, the lord of the land, said to us, Hereby will I know that you(note:){+}(:note) are true men: leave one of your{+} brothers with me, and take [grain for] the famine of your{+} houses, and go your{+} way;

updv@Genesis:42:36 @ And Jacob their father said to them, You(note:){+}(:note) have bereaved me of my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and you{+} will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me.

updv@Genesis:43:11 @ And their father Israel said to them, If it is so now, do this: take of the choice fruits of the land in your(note:){+}(:note) vessels, and carry down to the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spicery and myrrh, nuts, and almonds;

updv@Genesis:43:12 @ and take double money in your(note:){+}(:note) hand; and the money that was returned in the mouth of your{+} sacks carry again in your{+} hand; perhaps it was an oversight:

updv@Genesis:43:13 @ take also your(note:){+}(:note) brother, and arise, go again to the man:

updv@Genesis:43:18 @ And the men were afraid, because they were brought to Joseph's house; and they said, Because of the money that was returned in our sacks at the first time, we are brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, and fall on us, and take us for slaves, and our donkeys.

updv@Genesis:44:4 @ [And] when they were gone out of the city, and were not yet far off, Joseph said to his steward, Get up, follow after the men; and when you overtake them, say to them, Why have you(note:){+}(:note) rewarded evil for good?

updv@Genesis:44:29 @ and if you(note:){+}(:note) take this one also from me, and harm befalls him, you{+} will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to Sheol.

updv@Genesis:45:18 @ and take your(note:){+}(:note) father and your{+} households, and come to me: and I will give you{+} the good of the land of Egypt, and you{+} will eat the fat of the land.

updv@Genesis:45:19 @ Now you are commanded, this you(note:){+}(:note) do: you{+} take wagons out of the land of Egypt for your{+} little ones, and for your{+} wives, and bring your{+} father, and come.

updv@Exodus:2:9 @ And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give you your wages. And the woman took the child, and nursed it.

updv@Exodus:3:5 @ And he said, Don't come any closer: take off your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.

updv@Exodus:4:4 @ And Yahweh said to Moses, Put forth your hand, and take it by the tail: (and he put forth his hand, and laid hold of it, and it became a rod in his hand:)

updv@Exodus:4:9 @ And it will come to pass, if they will not believe even these two signs, neither listen to your voice, that you will take of the water of the river, and pour it on the dry land: and the water which you take out of the river will become blood on the dry land.

updv@Exodus:4:17 @ And you will take in your hand this rod, with which you will do the signs.

updv@Exodus:5:4 @ And the king of Egypt said to them, Why do you(note:){+}(:note), Moses and Aaron, take the people away from their works? You{+} get to your{+} burdens.

updv@Exodus:6:7 @ and I will take you(note:){+}(:note) to be my people, and I will be your{+} God; and you{+} will know that I am Yahweh your{+} God, who brings you{+} out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

updv@Exodus:7:9 @ When Pharaoh will speak to you(note:){+}(:note), saying, Show a wonder for yourselves; then you will say to Aaron, Take your rod, and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it becomes a serpent.

updv@Exodus:7:15 @ Go to Pharaoh in the morning; see, he goes out to the water; and you will stand by the river's brink to meet him; and the rod which was turned to a serpent you will take in your hand.

updv@Exodus:7:19 @ And Yahweh said to Moses, Say to Aaron, Take your rod, and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, over their streams, and over their pools, and over all their ponds of water, that they may become blood; and there will be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.

updv@Exodus:8:8 @ Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Entreat Yahweh, that he take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may sacrifice to Yahweh.

updv@Exodus:9:8 @ And Yahweh said to Moses and to Aaron, Take to yourselves handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward heaven in the sight of Pharaoh.

updv@Exodus:10:17 @ Now therefore forgive, I pray you, my sin only this once, and entreat Yahweh your(note:){+}(:note) God, that he may take away from me this death only.

updv@Exodus:10:26 @ Our cattle also will go with us; there will not be a hoof left behind: for we must take of them to serve Yahweh our God; and we don't know with what we must serve Yahweh, until we come there.

updv@Exodus:10:28 @ And Pharaoh said to him, You get away from me, take heed to yourself, see my face no more; for in the day you see my face you will die.

updv@Exodus:12:3 @ You(note:){+}(:note) speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth [day] of this month they will take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household:

updv@Exodus:12:4 @ and if the household be too little for a lamb, then he and his neighbor next to his house will take one according to the number of the souls; according to every man's eating you(note:){+}(:note) will make your{+} count for the lamb.

updv@Exodus:12:5 @ Your(note:){+}(:note) lamb will be without blemish, a male a year old: you{+} will take it from the sheep, or from the goats:

updv@Exodus:12:7 @ And they will take of the blood, and put it on the two side-posts and on the lintel, on the houses in which they will eat it.

updv@Exodus:12:21 @ Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said to them, Draw out, and you(note:){+}(:note) take lambs according to your{+} families, and kill the Passover.

updv@Exodus:12:22 @ And you(note:){+}(:note) will take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two side-posts with the blood that is in the basin; and none of you{+} will go out of the door of his house until the morning.

updv@Exodus:12:32 @ Take both your(note:){+}(:note) flocks and your{+} herds, as you{+} have said, and be gone; and bless me also.

updv@Exodus:14:11 @ And they said to Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you dealt thus with us, to bring us forth out of Egypt?

updv@Exodus:15:9 @ The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; My desire will be satisfied on them; I will draw my sword, my hand will destroy them.

updv@Exodus:15:14 @ The peoples have heard, they tremble: Pangs have taken hold on the inhabitants of Philistia.

updv@Exodus:15:15 @ Then were the chiefs of Edom dismayed; The mighty men of Moab, trembling takes hold on them: All the inhabitants of Canaan are melted away.

updv@Exodus:16:16 @ This is the thing which Yahweh has commanded, Gather(note:){+}(:note) of it every man according to his eating; an omer a head, according to the number of your{+} persons, you{+} will take it, every man for those who are in his tent.

updv@Exodus:16:33 @ And Moses said to Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omerful of manna in it, and lay it up before Yahweh, to be kept throughout your(note:){+}(:note) generations.

updv@Exodus:17:5 @ And Yahweh said to Moses, Pass on before the people, and take with you of the elders of Israel; and your rod, with which you struck the river, take in your hand, and go.

updv@Exodus:19:12 @ And you will set bounds to the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that you(note:){+}(:note) don't go up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whoever touches the mount will be surely put to death:

updv@Exodus:20:7 @ You will not take the name of Yahweh your God in vain; for Yahweh will not hold him innocent that takes his name in vain.

updv@Exodus:21:10 @ If he takes him another [wife]; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, he will not diminish.

updv@Exodus:21:14 @ And if a man comes presumptuously on his fellow man, to slay him with guile; you will take him from my altar, that he may die.

updv@Exodus:22:26 @ If you at all take your fellow man's garment to pledge, you will restore it to him before the sun goes down:

updv@Exodus:23:1 @ You will not take up a false report: don't put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.

updv@Exodus:23:8 @ And you will take no bribe: for a bribe blinds those who have sight, and perverts the words of the righteous.

updv@Exodus:23:13 @ And in all things that I have said to you(note:){+}(:note) you{+} take heed: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of your mouth.

updv@Exodus:23:21 @ You(note:){+}(:note) take heed before him, and listen to his voice; don't provoke him; for he will not pardon your{+} transgression: for my name is in him.

updv@Exodus:23:25 @ And you(note:){+}(:note) will serve Yahweh your{+} God, and he will bless your bread, and your water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of you.

updv@Exodus:25:2 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, that they take for me an offering: of every man whose heart makes him willing you(note:){+}(:note) will take my offering.

updv@Exodus:25:3 @ And this is the offering which you(note:){+}(:note) will take of them: gold, and silver, and bronze,

updv@Exodus:25:15 @ The poles will be in the rings of the ark: they will not be taken from it.

updv@Exodus:27:3 @ And you will make its pots to take away its ashes, and its shovels, and its basins, and its flesh-hooks, and its firepans. As for all its vessels, you will make them of bronze.

updv@Exodus:28:5 @ And they will take the gold, and the blue, and the purple, and the scarlet, and the fine linen.

updv@Exodus:28:9 @ And you will take two onyx stones, and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel:

updv@Exodus:29:1 @ And this is the thing that you will do to them to hallow them, to serve me in the priest's office: take one young bull and two rams without blemish,

updv@Exodus:29:5 @ And you will take the garments, and put on Aaron the coat, and the robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird him with the skillfully woven band of the ephod;

updv@Exodus:29:7 @ Then you will take the anointing oil, and pour it on his head, and anoint him.

updv@Exodus:29:12 @ And you will take of the blood of the bull, and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger; and you will pour out all the blood at the base of the altar.

updv@Exodus:29:13 @ And you will take all the fat that covers the insides, and the caul on the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, and burn them on the altar.

updv@Exodus:29:15 @ You will also take the one ram; and Aaron and his sons will lay their hands on the head of the ram.

updv@Exodus:29:16 @ And you will slay the ram, and you will take its blood, and sprinkle it round about on the altar.

updv@Exodus:29:19 @ And you will take the other ram; and Aaron and his sons will lay their hands on the head of the ram.

updv@Exodus:29:20 @ Then you will kill the ram, and take of its blood, and put it on the tip of Aaron's and his sons' right ear, and on the thumb of their right hand, and on the great toe of their right foot, and sprinkle the blood on the altar round about.

updv@Exodus:29:21 @ And you will take of the blood that is on the altar, and of the anointing oil, and sprinkle it on Aaron, and on his garments, and on his sons, and on the garments of his sons with him: and he will be hallowed, and his garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with him.

updv@Exodus:29:22 @ Also you will take of the ram the fat, and the fat tail, and the fat that covers the insides, and the caul of the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, and the right thigh (for it is a ram of consecration),

updv@Exodus:29:25 @ And you will take them from their hands, and burn them on the altar on the burnt-offering, for a sweet savor before Yahweh: it is an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

updv@Exodus:29:26 @ And you will take the breast of Aaron's ram of consecration, and wave it for a wave-offering before Yahweh: and it will be your portion.

updv@Exodus:29:31 @ And you will take the ram of consecration, and boil its flesh in a holy place.

updv@Exodus:30:12 @ When you take the sum of the sons of Israel, according to those who are numbered of them, then they will give every man a ransom for himself to Yahweh, when you number them; that there will be no plague among them, because you number them.

updv@Exodus:30:16 @ And you will take the atonement money from the sons of Israel, and will appoint it for the service of the tent of meeting; that it may be a memorial for the sons of Israel before Yahweh, to make atonement for your(note:){+}(:note) souls.

updv@Exodus:30:23 @ You also take to you the chief spices: of flowing myrrh five hundred [shekels], and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty,

updv@Exodus:30:34 @ And Yahweh said to Moses, Take to you sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each there will be a like weight;

updv@Exodus:33:7 @ Now Moses used to take the tent and to pitch it outside the camp, far off from the camp; and he called it, The tent of meeting. And it came to pass, that everyone who sought Yahweh went out to the tent of meeting, which was outside the camp.

updv@Exodus:33:23 @ and I will take away my hand, and you will see my back; but my face will not be seen.

updv@Exodus:34:9 @ And he said, If now I have found favor in your sight, O Lord, let the Lord, I pray you, go in the midst of us; for it is a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for your inheritance.

updv@Exodus:34:16 @ And when you take of their daughters--who prostitute after their gods--to your sons, then their daughters will make your sons prostitute after their gods.

updv@Exodus:35:5 @ You(note:){+}(:note) take from among you{+} an offering to Yahweh; whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it, Yahweh's offering: gold, and silver, and bronze,

updv@Exodus:40:9 @ And you will take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, and all that is in it, and will hallow it, and all its furniture: and it will be holy.

updv@Exodus:40:36 @ And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the sons of Israel went onward, throughout all their journeys:

updv@Exodus:40:37 @ but if the cloud wasn't taken up, then they didn't journey until the day that it was taken up.

updv@Leviticus:1:16 @ and he will take away its crop with its filth, and cast it beside the altar on the east part, in the place of the ashes:

updv@Leviticus:2:2 @ and he will bring it to Aaron's sons the priests; and he will take thereout his handful of the fine flour of it, and of its oil, with all its frankincense; and the priest will burn [it as] its memorial on the altar, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor to Yahweh:

updv@Leviticus:2:9 @ And the priest will take up from the meal-offering its memorial, and will burn it on the altar, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor to Yahweh.

updv@Leviticus:3:4 @ and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the caul on the liver, with the kidneys, he will take away.

updv@Leviticus:3:9 @ And he will offer of the sacrifice of peace-offerings an offering made by fire to Yahweh; its fat, the entire fat tail, he will take away close by the backbone; and the fat that covers the insides, and all the fat that is on the insides,

updv@Leviticus:3:10 @ and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the caul on the liver, with the kidneys, he will take away.

updv@Leviticus:3:15 @ and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the caul on the liver, with the kidneys, he will take away.

updv@Leviticus:4:5 @ And the anointed priest will take of the blood of the bull, and bring it to the tent of meeting:

updv@Leviticus:4:8 @ And all the fat of the bull of the sin-offering he will take off from it; the fat that covers the insides, and all the fat that is on the insides,

updv@Leviticus:4:9 @ and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the caul on the liver, with the kidneys, he will take away,

updv@Leviticus:4:10 @ as it is taken off from the ox of the sacrifice of peace-offerings: and the priest will burn them on the altar of burnt-offering.

updv@Leviticus:4:19 @ And all its fat he will take off from it, and burn it on the altar.

updv@Leviticus:4:25 @ And the priest will take of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt-offering; and its blood he will pour out at the base of the altar of burnt-offering.

updv@Leviticus:4:30 @ And the priest will take of its blood with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt-offering; and all its blood he will pour out at the base of the altar.

updv@Leviticus:4:31 @ And all its fat he will take away, as the fat is taken away from off the sacrifice of peace-offerings; and the priest will burn it on the altar for a sweet savor to Yahweh; and the priest will make atonement for him, and he will be forgiven.

updv@Leviticus:4:34 @ And the priest will take of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt-offering; and all its blood he will pour out at the base of the altar:

updv@Leviticus:4:35 @ and all its fat he will take away, as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice of peace-offerings; and the priest will burn them on the altar, on the offerings of Yahweh made by fire; and the priest will make atonement for him as concerning his sin that he has sinned, and he will be forgiven.

updv@Leviticus:5:12 @ And he will bring it to the priest, and the priest will take his handful of it as its memorial, and burn it on the altar, on the offerings of Yahweh made by fire: it is a sin-offering.

updv@Leviticus:6:10 @ And the priest will put on his linen garment, and his linen breeches he will put on his flesh; and he will take up the ashes whereto the fire has consumed the burnt-offering on the altar, and he will put them beside the altar.

updv@Leviticus:6:15 @ And he will take up therefrom his handful, of the fine flour of the meal-offering, and of its oil, and all the frankincense which is on the meal-offering, and will burn it on the altar for a sweet savor, as its memorial, to Yahweh.

updv@Leviticus:7:4 @ and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the caul on the liver, with the kidneys, he will take away;

updv@Leviticus:7:34 @ For the wave-breast and the heave-thigh I have taken of the sons of Israel out of the sacrifices of their peace-offerings, and have given them to Aaron the priest and to his sons as [their] portion forever from the sons of Israel.

updv@Leviticus:8:2 @ Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and the bull of the sin-offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread;

updv@Leviticus:9:2 @ and he said to Aaron, Take yourself a calf of the herd for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering, without blemish, and offer them before Yahweh.

updv@Leviticus:9:3 @ And to the sons of Israel you will speak, saying, Take(note:){+}(:note) a he-goat for a sin-offering; and a calf and a lamb, both a year old, without blemish, for a burnt-offering;

updv@Leviticus:10:12 @ And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar and to Ithamar, his sons who were left, Take the meal-offering that remains of the offerings of Yahweh made by fire, and eat it without leaven beside the altar; for it is most holy;

updv@Leviticus:12:8 @ And if her means are not sufficient for a lamb, then she will take two turtledoves, or two young pigeons; the one for a burnt-offering, and the other for a sin-offering: and the priest will make atonement for her, and she will be clean.

updv@Leviticus:14:4 @ then will the priest command to take for him who is to be cleansed two living clean birds, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop:

updv@Leviticus:14:6 @ As for the living bird, he will take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and will dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water:

updv@Leviticus:14:10 @ And on the eighth day he will take two male lambs without blemish, and one ewe-lamb a year old without blemish, and three tenth parts [of an ephah] of fine flour for a meal-offering, mingled with oil, and one log of oil.

updv@Leviticus:14:12 @ And the priest will take one of the he-lambs, and offer him for a trespass-offering, and the log of oil, and wave them for a wave-offering before Yahweh:

updv@Leviticus:14:14 @ and the priest will take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest will put it on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot.

updv@Leviticus:14:15 @ And the priest will take of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand;

updv@Leviticus:14:21 @ And if he is poor, and can't get so much, then he will take one he-lamb for a trespass-offering to be waved, to make atonement for him, and one tenth part [of an ephah] of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering, and a log of oil;

updv@Leviticus:14:24 @ and the priest will take the lamb of the trespass-offering, and the log of oil, and the priest will wave them for a wave-offering before Yahweh.

updv@Leviticus:14:25 @ And he will kill the lamb of the trespass-offering; and the priest will take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and put it on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot.

updv@Leviticus:14:40 @ then the priest will command that they take out the stones in which the plague is, and cast them into an unclean place outside the city:

updv@Leviticus:14:42 @ and they will take other stones, and put them in the place of those stones; and he will take other mortar, and will plaster the house.

updv@Leviticus:14:43 @ And if the plague comes again, and breaks out in the house, after that he has taken out the stones, and after he has scraped the house, and after it is plastered;

updv@Leviticus:14:49 @ And he will take to cleanse the house two birds, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop:

updv@Leviticus:14:51 @ and he will take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times:

updv@Leviticus:15:14 @ And on the eighth day he will take to himself two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and come before Yahweh to the door of the tent of meeting, and give them to the priest:

updv@Leviticus:15:29 @ And on the eighth day she will take to herself two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and bring them to the priest, to the door of the tent of meeting.

updv@Leviticus:16:5 @ And he will take of the congregation of the sons of Israel two he-goats for a sin-offering, and one ram for a burnt-offering.

updv@Leviticus:16:7 @ And he will take the two goats, and set them before Yahweh at the door of the tent of meeting.

updv@Leviticus:16:12 @ and he will take a censer full of coals of fire from off the altar before Yahweh, and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it inside the veil:

updv@Leviticus:16:14 @ and he will take of the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy-seat on the east; and before the mercy-seat he will sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.

updv@Leviticus:16:18 @ And he will go out to the altar that is before Yahweh, and make atonement for it, and will take of the blood of the bull, and of the blood of the goat, and put it on the horns of the altar round about.

updv@Leviticus:17:13 @ And any man of the sons of Israel, or of the strangers who sojourn among them, who takes in hunting any beast or bird that may be eaten; he will pour out its blood, and cover it with dust.

updv@Leviticus:18:18 @ And you will not take a wife to her sister, to be a rival [to her], to have any sex with her, besides the other in her lifetime.

updv@Leviticus:19:18 @ You will not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people; but you will love your fellow man as yourself: I am Yahweh.

updv@Leviticus:21:7 @ They will not take a woman who is a prostitute, or profane; neither will they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy to his God.

updv@Leviticus:21:13 @ And he will take a wife in her virginity.

updv@Leviticus:21:14 @ A widow, or one divorced, or a profane woman, a prostitute, these he will not take: but a virgin of his own relatives he will take as wife.

updv@Leviticus:23:40 @ And you(note:){+}(:note) will take to yourselves on the first day the fruit of goodly trees, branches of palm-trees, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and you{+} will rejoice before Yahweh your{+} God seven days.

updv@Leviticus:24:5 @ And you will take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes of it: two tenth parts [of an ephah] will be in one cake.

updv@Leviticus:25:36 @ Take no interest of him or increase, but fear your God; that your brother may live with you.

updv@Leviticus:25:46 @ And you(note:){+}(:note) will make them an inheritance for your{+} sons after you{+}, to hold for a possession; of them you{+} will take your{+} slaves forever: but over your{+} brothers the sons of Israel you{+} will not rule, one over another, with rigor.

updv@Numbers:1:2 @ Take(note:){+}(:note) the sum of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, every male, by their polls;

updv@Numbers:1:49 @ Only the tribe of Levi you will not number, neither will you take the sum of them among the sons of Israel;

updv@Numbers:1:51 @ And when the tabernacle sets forward, the Levites will take it down; and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites will set it up: and the stranger who comes near will be put to death.

updv@Numbers:3:12 @ And I, look, I have taken the Levites from among the sons of Israel instead of all the firstborn that opens the womb among the sons of Israel; and the Levites will be mine:

updv@Numbers:3:40 @ And Yahweh said to Moses, Number all the firstborn males of the sons of Israel from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names.

updv@Numbers:3:41 @ And you will take the Levites for me (I am Yahweh) instead of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel; and the cattle of the Levites instead of all the firstborns among the cattle of the sons of Israel:

updv@Numbers:3:45 @ Take the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites instead of their cattle; and the Levites will be mine: I am Yahweh.

updv@Numbers:3:47 @ you will take five shekels apiece by the poll; after the shekel of the sanctuary you will take them (the shekel is twenty gerahs):

updv@Numbers:4:2 @ Take the sum of the sons of Kohath from among the sons of Levi, by their families, by their fathers' houses,

updv@Numbers:4:5 @ when the camp sets forward, Aaron will go in, and his sons, and they will take down the veil of the screen, and cover the ark of the testimony with it,

updv@Numbers:4:9 @ And they will take a cloth of blue, and cover the lampstand of the light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels of it, with which they minister to it:

updv@Numbers:4:12 @ and they will take all the vessels of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and will put them on the frame.

updv@Numbers:4:13 @ And they will take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth on it:

updv@Numbers:4:22 @ Take the sum of the sons of Gershon also, by their fathers' houses, by their families;

updv@Numbers:5:13 @ and a man has any sex with her, and it is hid from the eyes of her husband, and is kept close, and she is defiled, and there is no witness against her, and she is not taken in the act;

updv@Numbers:5:17 @ and the priest will take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle the priest will take, and put it into the water.

updv@Numbers:5:25 @ And the priest will take the meal-offering of jealousy out of the woman's hand, and will wave the meal-offering before Yahweh, and bring it to the altar:

updv@Numbers:5:26 @ and the priest will take a handful of the meal-offering, as its memorial, and burn it on the altar, and afterward will make the woman drink the water.

updv@Numbers:6:18 @ And the Nazirite will shave the head of his separation at the door of the tent of meeting, and will take the hair of the head of his separation, and put it on the fire which is under the sacrifice of peace-offerings.

updv@Numbers:6:19 @ And the priest will take the boiled shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and will put them on the hands of the Nazirite, after he has shaven [the head of] his separation;

updv@Numbers:7:5 @ Take it of them, that they may be [used] in doing the service of the tent of meeting; and you will give them to the Levites, to every man according to his service.

updv@Numbers:8:6 @ Take the Levites from among the sons of Israel, and cleanse them.

updv@Numbers:8:8 @ Then let them take a young bull, and its meal-offering, fine flour mingled with oil; and another young bull you will take for a sin-offering.

updv@Numbers:8:16 @ For they are wholly given to me from among the sons of Israel; instead of all that opens the womb, even the firstborn of all the sons of Israel, I have taken them to me.

updv@Numbers:8:18 @ And I have taken the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel.

updv@Numbers:9:17 @ And whenever the cloud was taken up from over the Tent, then after that the sons of Israel journeyed: and in the place where the cloud stayed, there the sons of Israel encamped.

updv@Numbers:9:21 @ And sometimes the cloud was from evening until morning; and when the cloud was taken up in the morning, they journeyed: or [if it continued] by day and by night, when the cloud was taken up, they journeyed.

updv@Numbers:9:22 @ Whether it was two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried on the tabernacle, staying on it, the sons of Israel remained encamped, and didn't journey; but when it was taken up, they journeyed.

updv@Numbers:10:5 @ And when you(note:){+}(:note) blow an alarm, the camps that lie on the east side will take their journey.

updv@Numbers:10:6 @ And when you(note:){+}(:note) blow an alarm the second time, the camps that lie on the south side will take their journey: they will blow an alarm for their journeys.

updv@Numbers:10:11 @ And it came to pass in the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, that the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle of the testimony.

updv@Numbers:10:17 @ And the tabernacle was taken down; and the sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari, who bore the tabernacle, set forward.

updv@Numbers:11:17 @ And I will come down and talk with you there: and I will take of the Spirit which is on you, and will put it on them; and they will bear the burden of the people with you, that you yourself don't bear it alone.

updv@Numbers:16:3 @ and they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, You(note:){+}(:note) take too much on yourselves, for everyone in the entire congregation is holy and Yahweh is among them: why then do you{+} lift up yourselves above the assembly of Yahweh?

updv@Numbers:16:6 @ Do this: you(note:){+}(:note) take censers, Korah, and all his company;

updv@Numbers:16:7 @ and put fire in them, and put incense on them before Yahweh tomorrow: and it will be that the man whom Yahweh chooses, he [will be] holy: you(note:){+}(:note) take too much on yourselves, you{+} sons of Levi.

updv@Numbers:16:15 @ And Moses was very angry, and said to Yahweh, Don't respect their offering: I haven't taken one donkey from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

updv@Numbers:16:17 @ and you(note:){+}(:note) take every man his censer, and put incense on them, and you{+} bring before Yahweh every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; you also, and Aaron, each his censer.

updv@Numbers:16:37 @ Speak to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, that he takes up the censers out of the burning, and you scatter the fire yonder; for they are holy,

updv@Numbers:16:46 @ And Moses said to Aaron, Take your censer, and put fire in it from off the altar, and lay incense on it, and carry it quickly to the congregation, and make atonement for them: for wrath has gone out from Yahweh; the plague has begun.

updv@Numbers:17:2 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, and take from them rods, one for each fathers' house, of all their princes according to their fathers' houses, twelve rods: you will write every man's name on his rod.

updv@Numbers:18:6 @ And I, look, I have taken your(note:){+}(:note) brothers the Levites from among the sons of Israel: to you{+} they are a gift, given to Yahweh, to do the service of the tent of meeting.

updv@Numbers:18:26 @ Moreover you will speak to the Levites, and say to them, When you(note:){+}(:note) take of the sons of Israel the tithe which I have given you{+} from them for your{+} inheritance, then you{+} will offer up a heave-offering of it for Yahweh, a tithe of the tithe.

updv@Numbers:19:4 @ and Eleazar the priest will take of her blood with his finger, and sprinkle her blood toward the front of the tent of meeting seven times.

updv@Numbers:19:6 @ and the priest will take cedar-wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer.

updv@Numbers:19:17 @ And for the unclean they will take of the ashes of the burning of the sin-offering; and running water will be put thereto in a vessel:

updv@Numbers:19:18 @ and a clean person will take hyssop, and dip it in the water, and sprinkle it on the tent, and on all the vessels, and on the persons who were there, and on him who touched the bone, or the slain, or the dead, or the grave:

updv@Numbers:20:8 @ Take the rod, and assemble the congregation, you, and Aaron your brother, and you(note:){+}(:note) speak to the rock before their eyes, that it give forth its water; and you will bring forth to them water out of the rock; so you will give the congregation and their cattle to drink.

updv@Numbers:20:25 @ Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up to mount Hor;

updv@Numbers:21:7 @ And the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, because we have spoken against Yahweh, and against you; pray to Yahweh, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

updv@Numbers:21:26 @ For Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, even to the Arnon.

updv@Numbers:23:12 @ And he answered and said, Must I not take heed to speak that which Yahweh puts in my mouth?

updv@Numbers:23:27 @ And Balak said to Balaam, Come now, I will take you to another place; perhaps it will please God that you may curse them for me from there.

updv@Numbers:25:4 @ And Yahweh said to Moses, Take all the chiefs of the people, and hang them up to Yahweh before the sun, that the fierce anger of Yahweh may turn away from Israel.

updv@Numbers:26:2 @ Take the sum of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, from twenty years old and upward, by their fathers' houses, all who are able to go forth to war in Israel.

updv@Numbers:26:4 @ [Take the sum of the people], from twenty years old and upward; as Yahweh commanded Moses and the sons of Israel, that came forth out of the land of Egypt.

updv@Numbers:27:4 @ Why should the name of our father be taken away from among his family, because he had no son? Give to us a possession among the brothers of our father.

updv@Numbers:27:18 @ And Yahweh said to Moses, Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him;

updv@Numbers:31:26 @ Take the sum of the prey that was taken, both of man and of beast, you, and Eleazar the priest, and the heads of the fathers' [houses] of the congregation;

updv@Numbers:31:29 @ take it of their half, and give it to Eleazar the priest, for Yahweh's heave-offering.

updv@Numbers:31:30 @ And of the sons of Israel's half, you will take one drawn out of every fifty, of man, of the oxen, of the donkeys, and of the flocks, [even] of all the cattle, and give them to the Levites, that keep the charge of the tabernacle of Yahweh.

updv@Numbers:31:49 @ and they said to Moses, Your slaves have taken the sum of the men of war who are under our charge, and there lacks not one man of us.

updv@Numbers:31:53 @ ([For] the men of war had taken booty, every man for himself.)

updv@Numbers:33:53 @ and you(note:){+}(:note) will take possession of the land, and dwell in it; for to you{+} I have given the land to possess it.

updv@Numbers:34:18 @ And you(note:){+}(:note) will take one prince of every tribe, to divide the land for inheritance.

updv@Numbers:35:8 @ And concerning the cities which you(note:){+}(:note) will give of the possession of the sons of Israel, from the many you{+} will take many; and from the few you{+} will take few: every one according to his inheritance which he inherits will give of his cities to the Levites.

updv@Numbers:35:31 @ Moreover you(note:){+}(:note) will take no ransom for the life of a murderer, who is guilty of death; but he will surely be put to death.

updv@Numbers:35:32 @ And you(note:){+}(:note) will take no ransom for someone to flee to his city of refuge, to come back to dwell in the land, until the death of the priest.

updv@Numbers:36:3 @ And if they are married to any of the sons of the [other] tribes of the sons of Israel, then their inheritance will be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers, and will be added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they will belong: so it will be taken away from the lot of our inheritance.

updv@Numbers:36:4 @ And when it will be the jubilee of the sons of Israel, then their inheritance will be added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they will belong: so their inheritance will be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers.

updv@Deuteronomy:1:7 @ turn(note:){+}(:note), and take your{+} journey, and go{+} to the hill-country of the Amorites, and to all its neighboring places, in the Arabah, in the hill-country, and in the lowland, and in the South, and by the seashore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.

updv@Deuteronomy:1:13 @ Take yourselves wise men, and understanding, and known, according to your(note:){+}(:note) tribes, and I will make them heads over you{+}.

updv@Deuteronomy:1:21 @ Look, Yahweh your God has set the land before you: go up, take possession, as Yahweh, the God of your fathers, has spoken to you; don't be afraid, neither be dismayed.

updv@Deuteronomy:1:40 @ But as for you(note:){+}(:note), you{+} turn, and take your{+} journey into the wilderness by the way to the Red Sea.

updv@Deuteronomy:2:4 @ And you command the people, saying, You(note:){+}(:note) are to pass through the border of your{+} brothers the sons of Esau, that dwell in Seir; and they will be afraid of you{+}: you{+} take good heed to yourselves therefore;

updv@Deuteronomy:2:24 @ You(note:){+}(:note) rise up, take your{+} journey, and pass over the valley of the Arnon: see, I have given into your hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land; begin to possess it, and contend with him in battle.

updv@Deuteronomy:2:35 @ only the cattle we took for a prey to ourselves, with the spoil of the cities which we had taken.

updv@Deuteronomy:3:4 @ And we took all his cities at that time; there was not a city which we did not take from them; threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

updv@Deuteronomy:4:15 @ Therefore take(note:){+}(:note) good heed to yourselves; for you{+} saw no manner of form on the day that Yahweh spoke to you{+} in Horeb out of the midst of the fire.

updv@Deuteronomy:4:20 @ But Yahweh has taken you(note:){+}(:note), and brought you{+} forth out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, to be to him a people of inheritance, as at this day.

updv@Deuteronomy:4:23 @ Take heed to yourselves, or else you(note:){+}(:note) will forget the covenant of Yahweh your{+} God, which he made with you{+}, and make a graven image in the form of anything which Yahweh your God has forbidden you.

updv@Deuteronomy:4:34 @ Or has any god assayed to go and take him a nation from the midst of [another] nation, by trials, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by an outstretched arm, and by great terrors, according to all that Yahweh your(note:){+}(:note) God did for you{+} in Egypt before your{+} eyes?

updv@Deuteronomy:5:11 @ You will not take the name of Yahweh your God in vain: for Yahweh will not hold him innocent that takes his name in vain.

updv@Deuteronomy:7:3 @ neither will you make marriages with them; your daughter you will not give to his son, nor his daughter will you take to your son.

updv@Deuteronomy:7:15 @ And Yahweh will take away from you all sickness; and none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which you know, he will put on you, but will lay them on all those who hate you.

updv@Deuteronomy:7:25 @ The graven images of their gods you(note:){+}(:note) will burn with fire: you will not covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it to you, or else you will be snared in it; for it is disgusting to Yahweh your God.

updv@Deuteronomy:10:11 @ And Yahweh said to me, Arise, take your journey before the people; and they will go in and possess the land, which I swore to their fathers to give to them.

updv@Deuteronomy:10:17 @ For Yahweh your(note:){+}(:note) God, he is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the great God, the mighty, and the awesome, who does not regard persons, nor takes reward.

updv@Deuteronomy:11:16 @ Take heed to yourselves, or else your(note:){+}(:note) heart will be deceived, and you{+} will turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;

updv@Deuteronomy:12:26 @ Only your holy things which you have, and your vows, you will take, and go to the place which Yahweh will choose:

updv@Deuteronomy:15:17 @ then you will take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he will be your slave forever. And also to your female slave you will do likewise.

updv@Deuteronomy:16:19 @ You will not wrest justice: you will not respect persons; neither will you take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous.

updv@Deuteronomy:19:6 @ or else if the avenger of blood pursues the manslayer, while his heart is hot, and overtakes him, because the way is long, and strikes him mortally; whereas he wasn't worthy of death, inasmuch as he did not hate him in time past.

updv@Deuteronomy:20:7 @ And what man is there that has betrothed a wife, and has not taken her? Let him go and return to his house, or else if he dies in the battle, another man will take her.

updv@Deuteronomy:20:14 @ but the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all its spoil, you will take for a prey to yourself; and you will eat the spoil of your enemies, which Yahweh your God has given you.

updv@Deuteronomy:20:19 @ When you will besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, you will not destroy its trees by wielding an ax against them; for you may eat of them, and you will not cut them down; for is the tree of the field man, that it should be besieged of you?

updv@Deuteronomy:21:3 @ and it will be, that the city which is nearest to the slain man, even the elders of that city will take a heifer of the herd, which has not been wrought with, and which has not drawn in the yoke;

updv@Deuteronomy:21:11 @ and see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you have a desire to her, and would take her to you as wife;

updv@Deuteronomy:22:6 @ If a bird's nest chance to be before you in the way, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, and the dam sitting on the young, or on the eggs, you will not take the dam with the young:

updv@Deuteronomy:22:7 @ you will surely let the dam go, but the young you may take to yourself; that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days.

updv@Deuteronomy:22:13 @ If any man takes a wife, and goes in to her, and hates her,

updv@Deuteronomy:22:15 @ then will the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity to the elders of the city in the gate;

updv@Deuteronomy:22:18 @ And the elders of that city will take the man and chastise him;

updv@Deuteronomy:22:30 @ A man will not take his father's wife, and will not uncover his father's skirt.

updv@Deuteronomy:24:1 @ When a man takes a wife, and marries her, then it will be, if she finds no favor in his eyes, because he has found some unseemly thing in her, that he will write her a bill of divorce, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.

updv@Deuteronomy:24:4 @ her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after she's defiled; for that is disgusting before Yahweh: and you will not cause the land to sin, which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance.

updv@Deuteronomy:24:5 @ When a man takes a new wife, he will not go out in the host, neither will he be charged with any business: he will be free at home one year, and will cheer his wife whom he has taken.

updv@Deuteronomy:24:6 @ No man will take the mill or the upper millstone to pledge; for he takes [a man's] life to pledge.

updv@Deuteronomy:24:8 @ Take heed in the plague of leprosy, that you observe diligently, and do according to all that the priests the Levites will teach you(note:){+}(:note): as I commanded them, so you{+} will observe to do.

updv@Deuteronomy:24:17 @ You will not wrest the justice [due] to the fatherless sojourner, nor take the widow's raiment to pledge;

updv@Deuteronomy:25:5 @ If brothers dwell together, and one of them dies, and has no son, the wife of the dead will not be married outside to a stranger: her husband's brother will go in to her, and take her to him as wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her.

updv@Deuteronomy:25:7 @ And if the man does not want to take his brother's wife, then his brother's wife will go up to the gate to the elders, and say, My husband's brother refuses to raise up to his brother a name in Israel; he will not perform the duty of a husband's brother to me.

updv@Deuteronomy:25:8 @ Then the elders of his city will call him, and speak to him: and if he stands, and says, I don't want to take her;

updv@Deuteronomy:25:11 @ When men strive together, a man and his brother, and the wife of the one draws near to deliver her husband out of the hand of him who strikes him, and puts forth her hand, and takes him by the genitals;

updv@Deuteronomy:26:2 @ that you will take of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you will bring in from your land that Yahweh your God gives you; and you will put it in a basket, and will go to the place which Yahweh your God will choose to make his name stay there.

updv@Deuteronomy:26:4 @ And the priest will take the basket out of your hand, and set it down before the altar of Yahweh your God.

updv@Deuteronomy:27:25 @ Cursed be he who takes a bribe to slay an innocent person. And all the people will say, Amen.

updv@Deuteronomy:28:2 @ and all these blessings will come upon you, and overtake you, if you will listen to the voice of Yahweh your God.

updv@Deuteronomy:28:15 @ But it will come to pass, if you will not listen to the voice of Yahweh your God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day, that all these curses will come upon you, and overtake you.

updv@Deuteronomy:28:31 @ Your ox will be slain before your eyes, and you will not eat of it: your donkey will be violently taken away from before your face, and will not be restored to you: your sheep will be given to your enemies, and you will have none to save you.

updv@Deuteronomy:28:45 @ And all these curses will come upon you, and will pursue you, and overtake you, until you are destroyed; because you didn't harken to the voice of Yahweh your God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded you:

updv@Deuteronomy:31:26 @ Take this book of the law, and put it by the side of the ark of the covenant of Yahweh your(note:){+}(:note) God, that it may be there for a witness against you.

updv@Deuteronomy:32:41 @ If I whet my glittering sword, And my hand takes hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to my adversaries, And will recompense those who hate me.

updv@Joshua:2:5 @ and it came to pass about the time of the shutting of the gate, when it was dark, that the men went out; where the men went I don't know: pursue after them quickly; for you(note:){+}(:note) will overtake them.

updv@Joshua:3:6 @ And Joshua spoke to the priests, saying, Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people. And they took up the ark of the covenant, and went before the people.

updv@Joshua:3:12 @ Now therefore take for yourselves twelve men out of the tribes of Israel, for every tribe a man.

updv@Joshua:4:2 @ Take for yourselves twelve men out of the people, out of every tribe one man,

updv@Joshua:4:3 @ and command(note:){+}(:note) them, saying, Take for yourselves from here out of the midst of the Jordan, out of the place where the priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones, and carry them over with you{+}, and lay them down in the lodging-place, where you{+} will lodge this night.

updv@Joshua:4:5 @ and Joshua said to them, Pass over before the ark of Yahweh your(note:){+}(:note) God into the midst of the Jordan, and take{+} up every man of you{+} a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel;

updv@Joshua:6:6 @ And Joshua the son of Nun called the priests, and said to them, Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of Yahweh.

updv@Joshua:6:18 @ But as for you(note:){+}(:note), only keep yourselves from the devoted thing, or else you{+} will covet and take of the devoted thing; so you{+} would make the camp of Israel accursed, and trouble it.

updv@Joshua:7:11 @ Israel has sinned; yes, they have even transgressed my covenant which I commanded them: yes, they have even taken of the devoted thing, and have also stolen, and dissembled also; and they have even put it among their own stuff.

updv@Joshua:7:13 @ Get up, sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow: for this is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, says, There is a devoted thing in the midst of you, O Israel; you can not stand before your enemies, until you(note:){+}(:note) take away the devoted thing from among you{+}.

updv@Joshua:7:14 @ In the morning therefore you(note:){+}(:note) will be brought near by your{+} tribes: and it will be, that the tribe which Yahweh takes will come near by families; and the family which Yahweh will take will come near by households; and the household which Yahweh will take will come near man by man.

updv@Joshua:7:15 @ And it will be, that he who is taken with the devoted thing will be burnt with fire, he and all that he has; because he has transgressed the covenant of Yahweh, and because he has wrought folly in Israel.

updv@Joshua:7:16 @ So Joshua rose up early in the morning, and brought Israel near by their tribes; and the tribe of Judah was taken:

updv@Joshua:7:17 @ and he brought near the family of Judah; and he took the family of the Zerahites: and he brought near the family of the Zerahites man by man; and Zabdi was taken:

updv@Joshua:7:18 @ and he brought near his household man by man; and Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was taken.

updv@Joshua:8:1 @ And Yahweh said to Joshua, Don't be afraid, neither be dismayed: take all the people of war with you, and arise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land;

updv@Joshua:8:2 @ And you will do to Ai and her king as you did to Jericho and her king: only its spoil, and its cattle, you(note:){+}(:note) will take for a prey to yourselves: set yourself an ambush for the city behind it.

updv@Joshua:8:7 @ and you(note:){+}(:note) will rise up from the ambush, and take possession of the city: for Yahweh your{+} God will deliver it into your{+} hand.

updv@Joshua:8:21 @ And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city ascended, then they turned again, and slew the men of Ai.

updv@Joshua:9:11 @ And our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, Take provision in your(note:){+}(:note) hand for the journey, and go to meet them, and say to them, We are your{+} slaves: and now make{+} a covenant with us.

updv@Joshua:10:1 @ Now it came to pass, when Adoni-zedek king of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and had completely destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai and her king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them;

updv@Joshua:15:16 @ And Caleb said, He who strikes Kiriath-sepher, and takes it, to him I will give Achsah my daughter as wife.

updv@Joshua:20:4 @ And he will flee to one of those cities, and will stand at the entrance of the gate of the city, and declare his cause in the ears of the elders of that city; and they will take him into the city to them, and give him a place, that he may dwell among them.

updv@Joshua:22:5 @ Only take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the slave of Yahweh commanded you(note:){+}(:note), to love Yahweh your{+} God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to stick to him, and to serve him with all your{+} heart and with all your{+} soul.

updv@Joshua:22:19 @ Nevertheless, if the land of your(note:){+}(:note) possession is unclean, then you{+} pass over to the land of the possession of Yahweh, in which Yahweh's tabernacle stays, and take possession among us: but don't rebel against Yahweh, nor rebel against us, in building yourselves an altar besides the altar of Yahweh our God.

updv@Joshua:23:11 @ Take good heed therefore to yourselves, that you(note:){+}(:note) love Yahweh your{+} God.

updv@Judges:1:12 @ And Caleb said, He who strikes Kiriath-sepher, and takes it, to him I will give Achsah my daughter as wife.

updv@Judges:4:6 @ And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedesh-naphtali, and said to him, Has not Yahweh, the God of Israel, commanded, [saying], Go and draw to mount Tabor, and take with you ten thousand men of the sons of Naphtali and of the sons of Zebulun?

updv@Judges:4:9 @ And she said, I will surely go with you: notwithstanding, the journey that you take will not be for your honor; for Yahweh will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.

updv@Judges:6:20 @ And the angel of God said to him, Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them on this rock, and pour out the broth. And he did so.

updv@Judges:6:25 @ And it came to pass the same night, that Yahweh said to him, Take your father's bull, even the second bull seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the Asherah that is by it;

updv@Judges:6:26 @ and build an altar to Yahweh your God on the top of this stronghold, in the orderly manner, and take the second bull, and offer a burnt-offering with the wood of the Asherah which you will cut down.

updv@Judges:7:24 @ And Gideon sent messengers throughout all the hill-country of Ephraim, saying, Come down against Midian, and take the waters before them, as far as Beth-barah, even the Jordan. So all the men of Ephraim were gathered together, and took the waters as far as Beth-barah, even the Jordan.

updv@Judges:9:15 @ And the bramble said to the trees, If in truth you(note:){+}(:note) anoint me king over you{+}, then come and take refuge in my shade; and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.

updv@Judges:11:15 @ and he said to him, Thus says Jephthah: Israel did not take away the land of Moab, nor the land of the sons of Ammon,

updv@Judges:11:36 @ And she said to him, My father, you have opened your mouth to Yahweh; do to me according to that which has proceeded out of your mouth, since Yahweh has taken vengeance for you on your enemies, even on the sons of Ammon.

updv@Judges:14:3 @ Then his father and his mother said to him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of your brothers, or among all my people, that you go to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said to his father, Get her for me; for she pleases me well.

updv@Judges:14:8 @ And after awhile he returned to take her; and he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion: and saw that there was a swarm of bees in the body of the lion, and honey.

updv@Judges:14:9 @ And he took it into his hands, and went on, eating as he went; and he came to his father and mother, and gave to them, and they ate: but he did not tell them that he had taken the honey out of the body of the lion.

updv@Judges:15:2 @ And her father said, I truly thought that you had completely hated her; therefore I gave her to your friend: isn't her younger sister fairer than she? Take her, I pray you, instead of her.

updv@Judges:15:6 @ Then the Philistines said, Who has done this? And they said, Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite, because he has taken his wife, and given her to his friend. And the Philistines came up, and burnt her and her father with fire.

updv@Judges:17:2 @ And he said to his mother, The eleven hundred [pieces] of silver that were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse, and also spoke it in my ears, look, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be my son of Yahweh.

updv@Judges:18:24 @ And he said, you(note:){+}(:note) have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and have gone away, and what more do I have? And how then do you{+} say to me, What ails you?

updv@Judges:19:18 @ And he said to him, We are passing from Beth-lehem-judah to the farther side of the hill-country of Ephraim; I am from there, and I went to Beth-lehem-judah: and I am going to the house of Yahweh; and there is no man who takes me into his house.

updv@Judges:19:30 @ And it was so, that all who saw [it] said, [Such a thing] has not happened nor been seen like that from the day the sons of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt to this day. And he commanded the men he sent saying, This is what you will say to every man of Israel, Has such [a thing] ever happened from the day the sons of Israel came up from Egypt until this day? Consider it, take counsel, and speak.

updv@Judges:20:10 @ And we will take ten men of a hundred throughout all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred of a thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, to fetch victuals for the people, that they may do, when they come to Geba of Benjamin, according to all the folly that they have wrought in Israel.

updv@Judges:21:22 @ And it will be, when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, that we will say to them, Grant them graciously to us, because we did not take for each man [of them] his wife in battle, neither did you(note:){+}(:note) give them to them, or else you{+} would now be guilty.

updv@Ruth:2:10 @ Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said to him, Why have I found favor in your sight, that you should take knowledge of me, seeing I am a foreigner?

updv@Ruth:2:12 @ Yahweh recompense your work, and a full reward be given you of Yahweh, the God of Israel, under whose wings you came to take refuge.

updv@Ruth:4:6 @ And the near kinsman said, I can't redeem it for myself, or else I will mar my own inheritance: you take my right of redemption for yourself; for I can't redeem it.

updv@1Samuel:2:16 @ And if the man said to him, They will surely burn the fat first, and then take as much as your soul desires; then he would say, No, but you will give it to me now: and if not, I will take it by force.

updv@1Samuel:4:11 @ And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain.

updv@1Samuel:4:17 @ And he who brought the news answered and said, Israel has fled before the Philistines, and there has also been a great slaughter among the people, and your two sons also, Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God is taken.

updv@1Samuel:4:19 @ And his daughter-in-law, Phinehas' wife, was pregnant, near to be delivered: and when she heard the news that the ark of God was taken, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and brought forth; for her pains came upon her.

updv@1Samuel:4:21 @ And she named the lad Ichabod, saying, The glory has departed from Israel; because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father-in-law and her husband.

updv@1Samuel:4:22 @ And she said, The glory has departed from Israel; for the ark of God was taken.

updv@1Samuel:5:1 @ Now the Philistines had taken the ark of God, and they brought it from Eben-ezer to Ashdod.

updv@1Samuel:6:7 @ Now therefore you(note:){+}(:note) take and prepare a new cart, and two milch kine, on which there has come no yoke; and tie the kine to the cart, and bring their calves home from them;

updv@1Samuel:6:8 @ and take the ark of Yahweh, and lay it on the cart; and put the jewels of gold, which you(note:){+}(:note) return to him for a trespass-offering, in a coffer by its side; and send it away, that it may go.

updv@1Samuel:7:14 @ And the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel were restored to Israel, from Ekron even to Gath; and their border Israel delivered out of the hand of the Philistines. And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites.

updv@1Samuel:8:11 @ And he said, This will be the manner of the king who will reign over you(note:){+}(:note): he will take your{+} sons, and appoint them to him, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and they will run before his chariots;

updv@1Samuel:8:13 @ And he will take your(note:){+}(:note) daughters to be perfumers, and to be cooks, and to be bakers.

updv@1Samuel:8:14 @ And he will take your(note:){+}(:note) fields, and your{+} vineyards, and your{+} oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his slaves.

updv@1Samuel:8:15 @ And he will take the tenth of your(note:){+}(:note) seed, and of your{+} vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his slaves.

updv@1Samuel:8:16 @ And he will take your(note:){+}(:note) male slaves, and your{+} female slaves, and your{+} goodliest young men, and your{+} donkeys, and put them to his work.

updv@1Samuel:8:17 @ He will take the tenth of your(note:){+}(:note) flocks: and you{+} will be his slaves.

updv@1Samuel:9:3 @ And the donkeys of Kish, Saul's father, were lost. And Kish said to Saul his son, Take now one of the attendants with you, and arise, go seek the donkeys.

updv@1Samuel:10:20 @ So Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel near, and the tribe of Benjamin was taken.

updv@1Samuel:10:21 @ And he brought the tribe of Benjamin near by their families; and the family of the Matrites was taken; and Saul the son of Kish was taken: but when they sought him, he could not be found.

updv@1Samuel:12:3 @ Here I am: witness against me before Yahweh, and before his anointed: whose ox have I taken? Or whose donkey have I taken? Or whom have I defrauded? Whom have I oppressed? Or of whose hand have I taken a ransom to blind my eyes with it? And I will restore it you(note:){+}(:note).

updv@1Samuel:12:4 @ And they said, You haven't defrauded us, nor oppressed us, neither have you taken anything of any man's hand.

updv@1Samuel:14:36 @ And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and take spoil among them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatever seems good to you. Then said the priest, Let us draw near here to God.

updv@1Samuel:14:41 @ Therefore Saul said to Yahweh, the God of Israel, Why haven't you answered your slave today? If the guilt is in me or in Jonathan my son, Yahweh, God of Israel, give Urim; but if it is in your people Israel, give Thummim. And Jonathan and Saul were taken [by lot]; but the people escaped.

updv@1Samuel:14:42 @ And Saul said, Cast [lots] between me and Jonathan my son. And Jonathan was taken.

updv@1Samuel:14:47 @ Now when Saul had taken the kingdom over Israel, he fought against all his enemies on every side, against Moab, and against the sons of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines: and wherever he turned himself, he saved.

updv@1Samuel:16:2 @ And Samuel said, How can I go? If Saul hears it, he will kill me. And Yahweh said, Take a heifer with you, and say, I have come to sacrifice to Yahweh.

updv@1Samuel:17:17 @ And Jesse said to David his son, Now take for your brothers an ephah of this parched grain, and these ten loaves, and carry [them] quickly to the camp to your brothers;

updv@1Samuel:17:18 @ and bring these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and see how your brothers fare, and take their pledge.

updv@1Samuel:17:26 @ And David spoke to the men that stood by him, saying, What will be done to the man that kills this Philistine, and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?

updv@1Samuel:17:46 @ This day Yahweh will deliver you into my hand; and I will strike you, and take your head from off you; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the heavens, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel,

updv@1Samuel:19:2 @ And Jonathan told David, saying, Saul my father seeks to slay you: now therefore, I pray you, take heed to yourself in the morning, and remain in a secret place, and hide yourself:

updv@1Samuel:19:14 @ And when Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, He is sick.

updv@1Samuel:19:20 @ And Saul sent messengers to take David: and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as head over them, the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied.

updv@1Samuel:20:21 @ And, look, I will send the lad, [saying], Go, find the arrows. If I say to the lad, Look, the arrows are on this side of you; take them, and come; for there is peace to you and no hurt, as Yahweh lives.

updv@1Samuel:21:6 @ So the priest gave him holy [bread]; for there was no bread there but the showbread, that was taken from before Yahweh, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.

updv@1Samuel:21:9 @ And the priest said, The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you slew in the valley of Elah, look, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod: if you will take that, take it; for there is no other but that here. And David said, There is none like that; give it to me.

updv@1Samuel:23:23 @ See therefore, and take knowledge of all the lurking-places where he hides himself, and come(note:){+}(:note) again to me of a certainty, and I will go with you{+}: and it will come to pass, if he is in the land, that I will search him out among all the thousands of Judah.

updv@1Samuel:23:26 @ And Saul went on this side of the mountain, and David and his men on that side of the mountain: and David hurried to get away for fear of Saul; for Saul and his men surrounded David and his men to take them.

updv@1Samuel:24:11 @ Moreover, my father, see, yes, see the skirt of your robe in my hand; for in that I cut off the skirt of your robe, and didn't kill you, know and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand, and I haven't sinned against you, though you hunt after my life to take it.

updv@1Samuel:25:11 @ Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and my flesh that I have killed for my shearers, and give it to men of whom I don't know from where they are?

updv@1Samuel:25:39 @ And when David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, Blessed be Yahweh, that has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and has kept back his slave from evil: and the evildoing of Nabal Yahweh has returned on his own head. And David sent and spoke concerning Abigail, to take her to him as wife.

updv@1Samuel:25:40 @ And when the slaves of David had come to Abigail to Carmel, they spoke to her, saying, David has sent us to you, to take you to him as wife.

updv@1Samuel:26:11 @ Yahweh forbid that I should put forth my hand against Yahweh's anointed: but now take, I pray you, the spear that is at his head, and the cruse of water, and let us go.

updv@1Samuel:29:10 @ Therefore, rise up early in the morning with the slaves of your lord that came with you, and go to the town that I gave you(note:){+}(:note). And don't take the complaint to heart, because you are good in my sight. And as soon as you{+} are up early in the morning, and have light, depart.

updv@1Samuel:30:2 @ and had taken captive the women who were in it, both small and great: they did not slay any, but carried them off, and went their way.

updv@1Samuel:30:3 @ And when David and his men came to the city, look, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captive.

updv@1Samuel:30:5 @ And David's two wives were taken captive, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite.

updv@1Samuel:30:8 @ And David inquired of Yahweh, saying, If I pursue after this troop, will I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue; for you will surely overtake [them], and without fail will recover [all].

updv@1Samuel:30:16 @ And when he had brought him down, look, they were spread abroad over all the ground, eating and drinking, and dancing, because of all the great spoil that they had taken out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Judah.

updv@1Samuel:30:18 @ And David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken; and David rescued his two wives.

updv@1Samuel:30:19 @ And there was nothing lacking to them, neither small nor great, neither sons nor daughters, neither spoil, nor anything that they had taken to them: David brought back all.

updv@2Samuel:1:9 @ And he said to me, Stand, I pray you, beside me, and slay me; for anguish has taken hold of me, because my life is yet whole in me.

updv@2Samuel:2:8 @ Now Abner the son of Ner, captain of Saul's host, had taken Ishbaal the son of Saul, and brought him over to Mahanaim;

updv@2Samuel:2:21 @ And Abner said to him, Turn yourself aside to your right hand or to your left, and lay yourself hold on one of the young men, and take yourself his armor. But Asahel would not turn aside from following him.

updv@2Samuel:4:11 @ How much more, when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house on his bed, shall I not now require his blood of your(note:){+}(:note) hand, and take you{+} away from the earth?

updv@2Samuel:5:6 @ And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to David, saying, Except you take away the blind and the lame, you will not come in here; thinking, David can't come in here.

updv@2Samuel:12:4 @ And there came a traveler to the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man who came to him, but took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it for the man who came to him.

updv@2Samuel:12:9 @ Why have you despised Yahweh, to do that which is evil in his eyes? You have struck Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and have taken his wife to be your wife, and have slain him with the sword of the sons of Ammon.

updv@2Samuel:12:10 @ Now therefore the sword will never depart from your house, because you have despised me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.

updv@2Samuel:12:11 @ Thus says Yahweh, Look, I will raise up evil against you out of your own house; and I will take your wives before your eyes, and give them to your fellow man, and he will lie with your wives in the sight of this sun.

updv@2Samuel:12:27 @ And Joab sent messengers to David, and said, I have fought against Rabbah; yes, I have taken the city of waters.

updv@2Samuel:12:28 @ Now therefore gather the rest of the people together, and encamp against the city, and take it; or else I will take the city, and it will be called after my name.

updv@2Samuel:13:20 @ And Absalom her brother said to her, Has Amnon your brother been with you? But now hold your peace, my sister: he is your brother; don't take this thing to heart. So Tamar remained desolate in her brother Absalom's house.

updv@2Samuel:13:33 @ Now therefore don't let my lord the king take the thing to his heart, to think that all the king's sons are dead; for Amnon only is dead.

updv@2Samuel:14:14 @ For we must surely die, and are as water split on the ground, which can't be gathered up again; neither does God take away life, but he devises means, that he who is banished not be an outcast from him.

updv@2Samuel:15:14 @ And David said to all his slaves who were with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for else none of us will escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, or else he will overtake us quickly, and bring down evil on us, and strike the city with the edge of the sword.

updv@2Samuel:15:20 @ Whereas you came but yesterday, should I this day make you go up and down with us, seeing I go where I may? Return, and take back your brothers with you; and may Yahweh show you mercy and truth.

updv@2Samuel:16:8 @ Yahweh has returned on you all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose stead you have reigned; and Yahweh has delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom your son; and, look, you are [taken] in your own mischief, because you are a man of blood.

updv@2Samuel:16:9 @ Then said Abishai the son of Zeruiah to the king, Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go over, I pray you, and take off his head.

updv@2Samuel:18:18 @ Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself the pillar, which is in the king's dale; for he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance: and he called the pillar after his own name; and it is called Absalom's monument, to this day.

updv@2Samuel:19:19 @ And he said to the king, Don't let my lord impute iniquity to me, neither remember that which your slave did perversely the day that my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, that the king should take it to his heart.

updv@2Samuel:19:30 @ And Mephibaal said to the king, yes, let him take all, since my lord the king has come in peace to his own house.

updv@2Samuel:20:6 @ And David said to Abishai, Now Sheba the son of Bichri will do us more harm than did Absalom: you take your lord's slaves, and pursue after him, in case he found himself fortified cities, and tears out our eye.

updv@2Samuel:22:3 @ God, my rock, in him I will take refuge; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge; My savior, you save me from violence.

updv@2Samuel:22:31 @ As for God, his way is perfect: The word of Yahweh is tried; He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.

updv@2Samuel:23:6 @ But the ungodly will be all of them as thorns to be thrust away, Because they can't be taken with the hand

updv@2Samuel:23:10 @ He arose, and struck the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand stuck to the sword; and Yahweh wrought a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to take spoil.

updv@2Samuel:24:22 @ And Araunah said to David, Let my lord the king take and offer up that which is good in his eyes: look, the oxen for the burnt-offering, and the threshing instruments and the yokes of the oxen for the wood:

updv@1Kings:1:33 @ And the king said to them, Take with you(note:){+}(:note) the slaves of your{+} lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride on my own mule, and bring him down to Gihon:

updv@1Kings:2:4 @ That Yahweh may establish his word which he spoke concerning me, saying, If your sons take heed to their way, to walk before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, there will not fail you (he said) a man on the throne of Israel.

updv@1Kings:2:31 @ And the king said to him, Do as he has said, and fall on him, and bury him; that you may take away the blood, which Joab shed without cause, from me and from my father's house.

updv@1Kings:7:8 @ And his house where he was to dwell, the other court inside the porch, was of like work. He also made a house for Pharaoh's daughter (whom Solomon had taken as wife), like this porch.

updv@1Kings:8:25 @ Now therefore, O Yahweh, the God of Israel, keep with your slave David my father that which you have promised him, saying, There will not fail from you a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your sons take heed to their way, to walk before me as you have walked before me.

updv@1Kings:9:16 @ Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up, and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and slain the Canaanites that dwelt in the city, and given it for a portion to his daughter, Solomon's wife.

updv@1Kings:11:31 @ And he said to Jeroboam, Take for yourself ten pieces; for this is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, says, Look, I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give ten tribes to you

updv@1Kings:11:34 @ Nevertheless I will not take the whole kingdom out of his hand; but I will make him prince all the days of his life, for David my slave's sake whom I chose, who kept my commandments and my statutes;

updv@1Kings:11:35 @ but I will take the kingdom out of his son's hand, and will give it to you, even ten tribes.

updv@1Kings:11:37 @ And I will take you, and you will reign according to all that your soul desires, and will be king over Israel.

updv@1Kings:14:3 @ And take with you ten loaves, and cakes, and a cruse of honey, and go to him: he will tell you what will become of the lad.

updv@1Kings:15:14 @ But the high places were not taken away: nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect with Yahweh all his days.

updv@1Kings:16:18 @ And it came to pass, when Zimri saw that the city was taken, that he went into the castle of the king's house, and burnt the king's house over him with fire, and died,

updv@1Kings:18:40 @ And Elijah said to them, Take the prophets of Baal; don't let one of them escape. And they took them; and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.

updv@1Kings:19:4 @ But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper-tree: and he requested for himself that he might die, and said, It is enough; now, O Yahweh, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.

updv@1Kings:19:10 @ And he said, I have been very jealous for Yahweh, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and slain your prophets with the sword: and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

updv@1Kings:19:14 @ And he said, I have been very jealous for Yahweh, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and slain your prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

updv@1Kings:20:6 @ but I will send my slaves to you tomorrow about this time, and they will search your house, and the houses of your slaves; and it will be, that whatever is pleasant in your eyes, they will put it in their hand, and take it away.

updv@1Kings:20:18 @ And he said, Whether they have come out for peace, take them alive, or whether they have come out for war, take them alive.

updv@1Kings:20:24 @ And do this thing: take the kings away, every man out of his place, and put captains in their place;

updv@1Kings:21:15 @ And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth was stoned, and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead.

updv@1Kings:21:16 @ And it came to pass, when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it.

updv@1Kings:21:18 @ Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who dwells in Samaria: look, he is in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone down to take possession of it.

updv@1Kings:21:19 @ And you will speak to him, saying, Thus says Yahweh, Have you killed and also taken possession? And you will speak to him, saying, Thus says Yahweh, In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth will dogs lick your blood, even yours.

updv@1Kings:22:3 @ And the king of Israel said to his slaves, Do you(note:){+}(:note) know that Ramoth-gilead is ours, and we are still, and do not take it out of the hand of the king of Syria?

updv@1Kings:22:26 @ And the king of Israel said, Take Micaiah, and carry him back to Amon the governor of the city, and to Joash the king's son;

updv@1Kings:22:43 @ And he walked in all the way of Asa his father; He didn't turn aside from it, doing that which was right in the eyes of Yahweh: nevertheless the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.

updv@2Kings:2:1 @ And it came to pass, when Yahweh was to take up Elijah by a whirlwind into heaven, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal.

updv@2Kings:2:3 @ And the sons of the prophets who were at Beth-el came forth to Elisha, and said to him, Do you know that Yahweh will take away your master from your head today? And he said, Yes, I know it; hold your(note:){+}(:note) peace.

updv@2Kings:2:5 @ And the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho came near to Elisha, and said to him, Do you know that Yahweh will take away your master from your head today? And he answered, Yes, I know it; hold your(note:){+}(:note) peace.

updv@2Kings:2:9 @ And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said to Elisha, Ask what I will do for you, before I am taken from you. And Elisha said, I pray you, let a double portion of your spirit be on me.

updv@2Kings:2:10 @ And he said, You have asked a hard thing: [nevertheless], if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be so to you; but if not, it will not be so.

updv@2Kings:2:16 @ And they said to him, Look now, there are with your slaves fifty strong men; let them go, we pray you, and seek your master, in case the Spirit of Yahweh has taken him up, and cast him on some mountain, or into some valley. And he said, You(note:){+}(:note) will not send.

updv@2Kings:4:1 @ Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets to Elisha, saying, Your slave my husband is dead; and you know that your slave did fear Yahweh: and the creditor has come to take to him my two children to be slaves.

updv@2Kings:4:20 @ And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees until noon, and then died.

updv@2Kings:4:29 @ Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up your loins, and take my staff in your hand, and go your way: if you meet any man, don't greet him; and if any greets you, don't answer him again: and lay my staff on the face of the child.

updv@2Kings:4:36 @ And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. So he called her. And when she came in to him, he said, Take up your son.

updv@2Kings:5:15 @ And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him; and he said, Look now, I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel: now therefore, I pray you, take a present of your slave.

updv@2Kings:5:16 @ But he said, As Yahweh lives, before whom I stand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take it; but he refused.

updv@2Kings:5:20 @ But Gehazi the attendant of Elisha the man of God, said, Look, my master has spared this Naaman the Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which he brought: as Yahweh lives, I will run after him, and take somewhat of him.

updv@2Kings:5:23 @ And Naaman said, Be pleased to take two talents. And he urged him, and bound two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of raiment, and laid them on two of his attendants; and they bore them before him.

updv@2Kings:6:2 @ Let us go, we pray you, to the Jordan, and take from there every man a beam, and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell. And he answered, Go(note:){+}(:note).

updv@2Kings:6:7 @ And he said, Take it up to you. So he put out his hand, and took it.

updv@2Kings:6:22 @ And he answered, You will not strike them: would you strike those whom you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow? Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink, and go to their master.

updv@2Kings:6:32 @ But Elisha was sitting in his house, and the elders were sitting with him; and [the king] sent a man from before him: but before the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, Do you(note:){+}(:note) see how this son of a murderer has sent to take away my head? Look, when the messenger comes, shut the door, and hold the door fast against him: isn't the sound of his master's feet behind him?

updv@2Kings:7:9 @ Then they said one to another, We are not doing right; this day is a day of good news, and we hold our peace: if we tarry until the morning light, punishment will overtake us; now therefore come, let us go and tell the king's household.

updv@2Kings:7:12 @ And the king arose in the night, and said to his slaves, I will now show you(note:){+}(:note) what the Syrians have done to us. They know that we are hungry; therefore they have gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, When they come out of the city, we will take them alive, and get into the city.

updv@2Kings:7:13 @ And one of his slaves answered and said, Let some take, I pray you, five of the horses that remain, which are left in it, look, they are as all the multitude of Israel who are consumed; and let us send and see.

updv@2Kings:8:8 @ And the king said to Hazael, Take a present in your hand, and go, meet the man of God, and inquire of Yahweh by him, saying, Will I recover of this sickness?

updv@2Kings:9:1 @ And Elisha the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets, and said to him, Gird up your loins, and take this vial of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth-gilead.

updv@2Kings:9:3 @ Then take the vial of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, Thus says Yahweh, I have anointed you king over Israel. Then open the door, and flee, and don't tarry.

updv@2Kings:9:17 @ Now the watchman was standing on the tower in Jezreel, and he spied the company of Jehu as he came, and said, I see a company. And Joram said, Take a horseman, and send to meet them, and let him say, Is it peace?

updv@2Kings:9:25 @ Then [Jehu] said to Bidkar his captain, Take up, and cast him in the portion of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite; for remember how that, when I and you rode together after Ahab his father, Yahweh laid this burden on him:

updv@2Kings:9:26 @ Surely I have seen yesterday the blood of Naboth, and the blood of his sons, says Yahweh; and I will requite you in this plot [of ground], says Yahweh. Now therefore take and cast him into the plot, according to the word of Yahweh.

updv@2Kings:10:6 @ Then he wrote a letter the second time to them, saying, If you(note:){+}(:note) are on my side, and if you{+} will listen to my voice, take{+} the heads of the men your{+} master's sons, and come to me to Jezreel by tomorrow this time. Now the king's sons, being seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, who brought them up.

updv@2Kings:10:14 @ And he said, Take them alive. And they took them alive, and slew them at the pit of the shearing-house, even two and forty men; neither did he leave any of them.

updv@2Kings:12:3 @ Nevertheless the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.

updv@2Kings:12:5 @ let the priests take it to them, every man from his acquaintance; and they will repair the breaches of the house, wherever any breach will be found.

updv@2Kings:12:7 @ Then King Jehoash called for Jehoiada the priest, and for the [other] priests, and said to them, Why aren't you(note:){+}(:note) repairing the breaches of the house? Now therefore take no [more] money from your{+} acquaintance, but deliver it for the breaches of the house.

updv@2Kings:12:8 @ And the priests consented that they should take no [more] money from the people, neither repair the breaches of the house.

updv@2Kings:13:15 @ And Elisha said to him, Take a bow and arrows; and he took to himself a bow and arrows.

updv@2Kings:13:18 @ And he said, Take the arrows; and he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, Strike on the ground; and he struck three times, and stopped.

updv@2Kings:13:25 @ And Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz took again out of the hand of Benhadad the son of Hazael the cities which he had taken out of the hand of Jehoahaz his father by war. Three times Joash struck him, and recovered the cities of Israel.

updv@2Kings:14:4 @ Nevertheless the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.

updv@2Kings:15:4 @ Nevertheless the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.

updv@2Kings:15:35 @ Nevertheless the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burned incense in the high places. He built the upper gate of the house of Yahweh.

updv@2Kings:18:10 @ And at the end of three years they took it: in the sixth year of Hezekiah, which was the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel, Samaria was taken.

updv@2Kings:18:22 @ But if you(note:){+}(:note) say to me, We trust in Yahweh our God; isn't that he, whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah has taken away, and has said to Judah and to Jerusalem, You{+} will worship before this altar in Jerusalem?

updv@2Kings:18:32 @ Until I come and take you(note:){+}(:note) away to a land like your{+} own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive-trees and of honey, that you{+} may live, and not die: and don't listen to Hezekiah, when he persuades you{+}, saying, Yahweh will deliver us.

updv@2Kings:19:30 @ And the remnant that has escaped of the house of Judah will again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.

updv@2Kings:20:7 @ And Isaiah said, Take a cake of figs. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered.

updv@2Kings:20:18 @ And of your sons who will issue from you, whom you will beget, they will take away; and they will be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.

updv@2Kings:24:7 @ And the king of Egypt didn't come again anymore out of his land; for the king of Babylon had taken, from the brook of Egypt to the river Euphrates, all that pertained to the king of Egypt.

updv@1Chronicles:7:21 @ and Zabad his son, and Shuthelah his son, and Ezer, and Elead, whom the men of Gath who were born in the land slew, because they came down to take away their cattle.

updv@1Chronicles:9:28 @ And certain of them had charge of the vessels of service; for by count these were brought in and by count these were taken out.

updv@1Chronicles:17:13 @ I will be his father, and he will be my son: and I will not take my loving-kindness away from him, as I took it from him who was before you;

updv@1Chronicles:21:11 @ So Gad came to David, and said to him, Thus says Yahweh, Take which you will:

updv@1Chronicles:21:12 @ either three years of famine; or three months to be consumed before your foes, while the sword of your enemies overtakes you; or three days the sword of Yahweh, even pestilence in the land, and the angel of Yahweh destroying throughout all the borders of Israel. Now therefore consider what answer I will return to him who sent me.

updv@1Chronicles:21:23 @ And Ornan said to David, Take it for yourself, and let my lord the king do that which is good in his eyes: look, I give [you] the oxen for burnt-offerings, and the threshing instruments for wood, and the wheat for the meal-offering; I give it all.

updv@1Chronicles:21:24 @ And King David said to Ornan, No; but I will truly buy it for the full price: for I will not take that which is yours for Yahweh, nor offer a burnt-offering without cost.

updv@1Chronicles:24:6 @ And Shemaiah the son of Nethanel the scribe, who was of the Levites, wrote them in the presence of the king, and the princes, and Zadok the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the heads of the fathers' [houses] of the priests and of the Levites; one fathers' house being taken for Eleazar, and one taken, one taken for Ithamar.

updv@1Chronicles:27:23 @ But David did not take the number of them from twenty years old and under, because Yahweh had said he would increase Israel like the stars of heaven.

updv@1Chronicles:28:10 @ Take heed now; for Yahweh has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary: be strong, and do it.

updv@2Chronicles:6:16 @ Now therefore, O Yahweh, the God of Israel, keep with your slave David my father that which you have promised him, saying, There will not fail you a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your sons take heed to their way, to walk in my law as you have walked before me.

updv@2Chronicles:15:8 @ And when Asa heard these words, and the prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and put away the detestable things out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities which he had taken from the hill-country of Ephraim; and he renewed the altar of Yahweh, that was before the porch of Yahweh.

updv@2Chronicles:15:17 @ But the high places were not taken away out of Israel: nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect all his days.

updv@2Chronicles:17:2 @ And he placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken.

updv@2Chronicles:18:25 @ And the king of Israel said, Take(note:){+}(:note) Micaiah, and carry him back to Amon the governor of the city, and to Joash the king's son;

updv@2Chronicles:19:7 @ Now therefore let the fear of Yahweh be on you(note:){+}(:note); take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with Yahweh our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of bribes.

updv@2Chronicles:20:21 @ And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who should sing to Yahweh, and give praise in holy array, as they went out before the army, and say, Give thanks to Yahweh; for his loving-kindness [endures] forever.

updv@2Chronicles:20:25 @ And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take the spoil of them, they found beasts of burden, in abundance, and riches, and clothing, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in taking the spoil, it was so much.

updv@2Chronicles:20:33 @ Nevertheless the high places were not taken away; neither as yet had the people set their hearts to the God of their fathers.

updv@2Chronicles:28:11 @ Now hear me therefore, and send back the captives, that you(note:){+}(:note) have taken captive of your{+} brothers; for the fierce wrath of Yahweh is on you{+}.

updv@2Chronicles:28:18 @ The Philistines also had invaded the cities of the lowland, and of the South of Judah, and had taken Beth-shemesh, and Aijalon, and Gederoth, and Soco with its towns, and Timnah with its towns, Gimzo also and its towns: and they dwelt there.

updv@2Chronicles:30:2 @ For the king had taken counsel, and his princes, and all the assembly in Jerusalem, to keep the Passover in the second month.

updv@2Chronicles:32:12 @ Has not the same Hezekiah taken away his high places and his altars, and commanded Judah and Jerusalem, saying, You(note:){+}(:note) will worship before one altar, and on it will you{+} burn incense?

updv@2Chronicles:32:18 @ And they cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall, to frighten them, and to trouble them; that they might take the city.

updv@2Chronicles:35:23 @ And the archers shot at King Josiah; and the king said to his slaves, Take me away; for I am critically wounded.

updv@Ezra:4:22 @ And take heed that you(note:){+}(:note) are not slack in this: why should damage grow to the hurt of the kings?

updv@Ezra:5:15 @ and he said to him, Take these vessels, go, put them in the temple that is in Jerusalem, and let the house of God be built in its place.

updv@Ezra:9:2 @ For they have taken of their daughters for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the peoples of the lands: yes, the hand of the princes and rulers has been chief in this trespass.

updv@Ezra:9:12 @ now therefore do not give your(note:){+}(:note) daughters to their sons, neither take their daughters to your{+} sons, nor seek their peace or their prosperity forever; that you{+} may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your{+} sons forever.

updv@Ezra:10:44 @ All these had taken foreign wives; and some of them had wives by whom they had sons.

updv@Nehemiah:6:7 @ And you have also appointed prophets to preach of you at Jerusalem, saying, There is a king in Judah: and now it will be reported to the king according to these words. So now, come and let us take counsel together.

updv@Nehemiah:6:18 @ For there were many in Judah sworn to him, because he was the son-in-law of Shecaniah the son of Arah; and his son Jehohanan had taken the daughter of Meshullam the son of Berechiah as wife.

updv@Nehemiah:10:30 @ and that we would not give our daughters to the peoples of the land, nor take their daughters for our sons;

updv@Nehemiah:10:37 @ and that we should bring the first fruits of our dough, and our heave-offerings, and the fruit of all manner of trees, the new wine and the oil, to the priests, to the chambers of the house of our God; and the tithes of our ground to the Levites; for they, the Levites, take the tithes in all the cities of our tillage.

updv@Nehemiah:10:38 @ And the priest the son of Aaron will be with the Levites, when the Levites take tithes: and the Levites will bring up the tithe of the tithes to the house of our God, to the chambers, into the treasure-house.

updv@Nehemiah:13:25 @ And I contended with them, and cursed them, and struck certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, [saying], You(note:){+}(:note) will not give your{+} daughters to their sons, nor take their daughters for your{+} sons, or for yourselves.

updv@Esther:2:8 @ So it came to pass, when the king's commandment and his decree was heard, and when many maidens were gathered together to Shushan the palace, to the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken into the king's house, to the custody of Hegai, keeper of the women.

updv@Esther:2:15 @ Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, came to go in to the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king's chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all those who looked on her.

updv@Esther:2:16 @ So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus into his royal house in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.

updv@Esther:3:13 @ And letters were sent by posts into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, even on the thirteenth [day] of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.

updv@Esther:4:4 @ And Esther's maidens and her chamberlains came and told it to her; and the queen was exceedingly grieved: and she sent raiment to clothe Mordecai, and to take his sackcloth from off him; but he did not receive it.

updv@Esther:6:10 @ Then the king said to Haman, Hurry, and take the apparel and the horse, as you have said, and do even so to Mordecai the Jew, that sits at the king's gate: let nothing fail of all that you have spoken.

updv@Esther:8:2 @ And the king took off his ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman.

updv@Esther:8:11 @ in which the king granted the Jews who were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them, [their] little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for a prey,

updv@Job:1:17 @ While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made three bands, and fell on the camels, and have taken them away, yes, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only have escaped alone to tell you.

updv@Job:1:21 @ and he said, Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked I will return there: Yahweh gave, and Yahweh has taken away; blessed be the name of Yahweh.

updv@Job:5:5 @ Whose harvest the hungry eats up, And takes it even out of the thorns; And the snare gapes for their substance.

updv@Job:5:13 @ He takes the wise in their own craftiness; And the counsel of the cunning is carried headlong.

updv@Job:7:21 @ And why don't you pardon my transgression, and take away my iniquity? For now I will lie down in the dust; And you will seek me diligently, but I will not be.

updv@Job:9:18 @ He will not allow me to take my breath, But fills me with bitterness.

updv@Job:9:34 @ [Then] he would take his rod away from me, And his terror would not make me afraid.

updv@Job:10:20 @ Are not my days few? stop. Turn away from me, that I may take comfort a little,

updv@Job:11:18 @ And you will be secure, because there is hope; Yes, you will search [about you], and will take your rest in safety.

updv@Job:12:20 @ He removes the speech of the trusty, And takes away the understanding of the elders.

updv@Job:12:24 @ He takes away understanding from the chiefs of the people of the earth, And causes them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way.

updv@Job:13:14 @ Why should I take my flesh in my teeth, And put my life in my hand?

updv@Job:16:12 @ I was at ease, and he broke me apart; Yes, he has taken me by the neck, and dashed me to pieces: He has also set me up for his mark.

updv@Job:18:9 @ A trap will take [him] by the heel, [And] a snare will lay hold on him.

updv@Job:19:9 @ He has stripped me of my glory, And taken the crown from my head.

updv@Job:20:19 @ For he has oppressed and forsaken the poor; He has violently taken away a house, and he will not build it up.

updv@Job:21:6 @ Even when I remember I am troubled, And horror takes hold on my flesh.

updv@Job:22:6 @ For you have taken pledges of your brother for nothing, And stripped the naked of their clothing.

updv@Job:23:10 @ But he knows the way that I take; When he has tried me, I will come forth as gold.

updv@Job:24:2 @ They move the landmarks; They violently take away flocks, and feed them.

updv@Job:24:3 @ They drive away the donkey of the fatherless; They take the widow's ox for a pledge.

updv@Job:24:9 @ They pluck the fatherless from the breast, And take a pledge of the poor;

updv@Job:24:24 @ They are exalted; yet a little while, and they are gone; Yes, they are brought low, they are taken out of the way as a [dried-up] flower, And are cut off as the tops of the ears of grain.

updv@Job:27:2 @ As God lives, who has taken away my right, And the Almighty, who has vexed my soul:

updv@Job:27:8 @ For what is the hope of the godless, though he gets himself gain, When God takes away his soul?

updv@Job:27:20 @ Terrors overtake him like waters; A tempest steals him away in the night.

updv@Job:28:2 @ Iron is taken out of the earth, And copper is molten out of the stone.

updv@Job:30:16 @ And now my soul is poured out inside me; Days of affliction have taken hold on me.

updv@Job:30:17 @ In the night season my bones are pierced in me, And the [pains] that gnaw me take no rest.

updv@Job:32:22 @ For I don't know to give flattering titles; [Else] would my Maker soon take me away.

updv@Job:34:5 @ For Job has said, I am righteous, And God has taken away my right:

updv@Job:34:20 @ In a moment they die, even at midnight; The people are shaken and pass away, And the mighty are taken away without a [human] hand.

updv@Job:34:25 @ Therefore he takes knowledge of their works; And he overturns them in the night, so that they are destroyed.

updv@Job:36:8 @ And if they are bound in fetters, And are taken in the cords of afflictions;

updv@Job:36:17 @ But you are full of the judgment of the wicked: Judgment and justice take hold [on you].

updv@Job:36:21 @ Take heed, do not regard iniquity: For this you have chosen rather than affliction.

updv@Job:38:13 @ That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, And the wicked be shaken out of it?

updv@Job:38:20 @ That you should take it to its bound, And that you should discern the paths to its house?

updv@Job:40:24 @ Will any take him before his eyes, Or pierce through his nose with a snare?

updv@Job:41:4 @ Will he make a covenant with you, That you should take him for a slave forever?

updv@Job:42:8 @ Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bullocks and seven rams, and go to my slave Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt-offering; and my slave Job will pray for you(note:){+}(:note); for him I will accept, that I do not deal with you{+} after your{+} folly; for you{+} have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my slave Job has.

updv@Psalms:2:2 @ The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against Yahweh, and against his anointed, [saying],

updv@Psalms:2:12 @ Embrace purity, or else he will be angry, and you(note:){+}(:note) will perish in the way, For his wrath will soon be kindled. Blessed are all those who take refuge in him.

updv@Psalms:5:11 @ But let all those who take refuge in you rejoice, Let them ever shout for joy, Because you defend them: Let them also that love your name be joyful in you.

updv@Psalms:7:1 @ Shiggaion of David, which he sang to Yahweh, concerning the words of Cush a Benjamite. O Yahweh my God, in you I take refuge: Save me from all those who pursue me, and deliver me,

updv@Psalms:7:5 @ Let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; Yes, let him tread my life down to the earth, And cause my glory to stay in the dust. Selah.

updv@Psalms:9:15 @ The nations are sunk down in the pit that they made: In the net which they hid is their own foot taken.

updv@Psalms:10:2 @ In the pride of the wicked the poor is hotly pursued; Let them be taken in the devices that they have conceived.

updv@Psalms:11:1 @ For the Chief Musician. [A Psalm] of David. In Yahweh I take refuge: How do you(note:){+}(:note) say to my soul, Flee to your{+} mountain, birds;

updv@Psalms:13:2 @ How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

updv@Psalms:15:3 @ He who does not slander with his tongue, Nor does evil to his friend, Nor takes up a reproach against his fellow man;

updv@Psalms:15:5 @ He who does not put out his money to interest, Nor takes reward against the innocent. He who does these things will never be moved.

updv@Psalms:16:1 @ Michtam of David. Preserve me, O God; for in you I take refuge.

updv@Psalms:16:4 @ Their sorrows will be multiplied that hurry for another [god]: Their drink-offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take their names on my lips.

updv@Psalms:17:7 @ Show your marvelous loving-kindness, O you who save by your right hand those who take refuge [in you] From those who rise up [against them].

updv@Psalms:18:2 @ Yahweh is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; My God, my rock, in whom I will take refuge; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.

updv@Psalms:18:30 @ As for God, his way is perfect: The word of Yahweh is tried; He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.

updv@Psalms:18:37 @ I will pursue my enemies, and overtake them; Neither will I turn again until they are consumed.

updv@Psalms:25:20 @ Oh keep my soul, and deliver me: Don't let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.

updv@Psalms:27:10 @ When my father and my mother forsake me, Then Yahweh will take me up.

updv@Psalms:27:14 @ Wait for Yahweh: Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for Yahweh.

updv@Psalms:31:1 @ For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. In you, O Yahweh, I take refuge; Let me never be put to shame: Deliver me in your righteousness.

updv@Psalms:31:13 @ For I have heard the defaming of many, Terror on every side: While they took counsel together against me, They devised to take away my life.

updv@Psalms:31:19 @ Oh how great is your goodness, Which you have laid up for those who fear you, Which you have wrought for those who take refuge in you, Before the sons of man!

updv@Psalms:31:24 @ Be strong, and let your(note:){+}(:note) heart take courage, All you{+} who hope in Yahweh.

updv@Psalms:34:8 @ Oh taste and see that Yahweh is good: Blessed is the [noble] man who takes refuge in him.

updv@Psalms:34:22 @ Yahweh redeems the soul of his slaves; And none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned.

updv@Psalms:35:2 @ Take hold of shield and buckler, And stand up for my help.

updv@Psalms:36:7 @ How precious is your loving-kindness, O God! And the sons of man take refuge under the shadow of your wings.

updv@Psalms:37:40 @ And Yahweh helps them, and rescues them; He rescues them from the wicked, and saves them, Because they have taken refuge in him.

updv@Psalms:39:1 @ For the Chief Musician, for Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. I said, I will take heed to my ways, That I don't sin with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, While the wicked is before me.

updv@Psalms:40:12 @ For innumerable evils have surrounded me; My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; They are more than the hairs of my head; And my heart has failed me.

updv@Psalms:44:10 @ You make us to turn back from the adversary; And those who hate us take spoil for themselves.

updv@Psalms:50:9 @ I will take no bull out of your house, Nor he-goats out of your folds.

updv@Psalms:50:16 @ But to the wicked God says, What have you to do to declare my statutes, And that you have taken my covenant in your mouth,

updv@Psalms:50:18 @ When you saw a thief, you consented with him, And have been a partaker with adulterers.

updv@Psalms:51:11 @ Don't cast me away from your presence; And don't take your holy Spirit from me.

updv@Psalms:52:5 @ God will likewise destroy you forever; He will take you up, and pluck you out of your tent, And root you out of the land of the living. Selah.

updv@Psalms:57:1 @ For the Chief Musician; [set to] Al-tash-heth. [A Psalm] of David. Michtam; when he fled from Saul, in the cave. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me; For my soul takes refuge in you: Yes, in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, Until [these] calamities have passed by.

updv@Psalms:58:9 @ Before your(note:){+}(:note) pots can feel the thorns, He will take them away with a whirlwind, the green and the burning alike.

updv@Psalms:59:12 @ [For] the sin of their mouth, [and] the words of their lips, Let them even be taken in their pride, And for cursing and lying which they speak.

updv@Psalms:61:4 @ I will dwell in your tabernacle forever: I will take refuge in the covert of your wings. Selah.

updv@Psalms:64:10 @ The righteous will be glad in Yahweh, and will take refuge in him; And all the upright in heart will glory.

updv@Psalms:69:4 @ Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head: Those who would cut me off, being my enemies wrongfully, are mighty: That which I did not take away I have to restore.

updv@Psalms:69:20 @ Reproach has broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: And I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; And for comforters, but I found none.

updv@Psalms:69:24 @ Pour out your indignation on them, And let the fierceness of your anger overtake them.

updv@Psalms:71:1 @ In you, O Yahweh, I take refuge: Let me never be put to shame.

updv@Psalms:71:10 @ For my enemies speak concerning me; And those who watch for my soul take counsel together,

updv@Psalms:71:11 @ Saying, God has forsaken him: Pursue and take him; for there is none to deliver.

updv@Psalms:83:3 @ They take crafty counsel against your people, And consult together against your hidden ones.

updv@Psalms:83:12 @ Who said, Let us take to ourselves in possession The habitations of God.

updv@Psalms:85:3 @ You have taken away all your wrath; You have turned [yourself] from the fierceness of your anger.

updv@Psalms:89:33 @ But my loving-kindness I will not completely take from him, Nor allow my faithfulness to fail.

updv@Psalms:91:4 @ He will cover you with his pinions, And under his wings you will take refuge: His truth is a shield and a buckler.

updv@Psalms:102:10 @ Because of your indignation and your wrath: For you have taken me up, and cast me away.

updv@Psalms:102:14 @ For your slaves take pleasure in her stones, And have pity on her dust.

updv@Psalms:102:24 @ I said, O my God, don't take me away in the midst of my days: Your years are throughout all generations.

updv@Psalms:104:29 @ You hide your face, they are troubled; You take away their breath, they die, And return to their dust.

updv@Psalms:109:8 @ Let his days be few; [And] let another take his office.

updv@Psalms:116:13 @ I will take the cup of salvation, And call on the name of Yahweh.

updv@Psalms:118:8 @ It is better to take refuge in Yahweh Than to put confidence in man.

updv@Psalms:118:9 @ It is better to take refuge in Yahweh Than to put confidence in princes.

updv@Psalms:119:22 @ Take away from me reproach and contempt; For I have kept your testimonies.

updv@Psalms:119:43 @ And don't take the word of truth completely out of my mouth; For I have hoped in your ordinances.

updv@Psalms:119:53 @ Hot indignation has taken hold on me, Because of the wicked that forsake your law.

updv@Psalms:119:111 @ Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever; For they are the rejoicing of my heart.

updv@Psalms:119:143 @ Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me; [Yet] your commandments are my delight.

updv@Psalms:127:2 @ It is vain for you(note:){+}(:note) to rise up early, To take rest late, To eat the bread of toil; Thus he gives to his beloved sleep.

updv@Psalms:137:9 @ Happy he will be, that takes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

updv@Psalms:139:9 @ If I take the wings of the morning, And stay in the uttermost parts of the sea;

updv@Psalms:141:8 @ For my eyes are to you, O Yahweh the Lord: In you I take refuge; don't leave my soul destitute.

updv@Psalms:144:2 @ My loving-kindness and my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer; My shield and he in whom I take refuge; Who subdues my people under me.

updv@Psalms:144:3 @ Yahweh, what is man, that you take knowledge of him? Or the son of common man, that you make account of him?

updv@Psalms:147:10 @ He does not delight in the strength of the horse: He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.

updv@Psalms:147:11 @ Yahweh takes pleasure in those who fear him, In those who hope in his loving-kindness.

updv@Psalms:149:4 @ For Yahweh takes pleasure in his people: He will beautify the meek with salvation.

updv@Proverbs:1:19 @ So are the ways of everyone who is greedy of gain; It takes away the life of its owners.

updv@Proverbs:3:26 @ For Yahweh will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being taken.

updv@Proverbs:4:13 @ Take fast hold of instruction; don't let her go: Keep her; for she is your life.

updv@Proverbs:4:16 @ For they don't sleep, except they do evil; And their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall.

updv@Proverbs:5:5 @ Her feet go down to death; Her steps take hold on Sheol;

updv@Proverbs:5:22 @ His own iniquities will take the wicked, And he will be held with the cords of his sin.

updv@Proverbs:6:2 @ You are snared with the words of your mouth, You are taken with the words of your mouth.

updv@Proverbs:6:25 @ Don't lust after her beauty in your heart; Neither let her take you with her eyelids.

updv@Proverbs:6:27 @ Can a man take fire in his bosom, And his clothes not be burned?

updv@Proverbs:7:18 @ Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning; Let us solace ourselves with loves.

updv@Proverbs:7:20 @ He has taken a bag of money with him; He will come home at the full moon.

updv@Proverbs:11:6 @ The righteousness of the upright will deliver them; But betrayers will be taken in their own iniquity.

updv@Proverbs:16:32 @ He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; And he who rules his spirit, than he who takes a city.

updv@Proverbs:20:16 @ Take his garment that is surety for a stranger; And hold him in pledge [who is surety] for foreigners.

updv@Proverbs:22:27 @ If you have not with which to pay, Why should he take away your bed from under you?

updv@Proverbs:25:4 @ Take away the dross from the silver, And there comes forth a vessel for the refiner:

updv@Proverbs:25:5 @ Take away the wicked [from] before the king, And his throne will be established in righteousness.

updv@Proverbs:26:17 @ He who passes by, [and] vexes himself with strife not belonging to him, Is [like] one who takes a dog by the ears.

updv@Proverbs:27:13 @ Take his garment that is surety for a stranger; And hold him in pledge [who is surety] for a foreign woman.

updv@Proverbs:29:7 @ The righteous takes knowledge of the cause of the poor; The wicked does not have understanding to know [it].

updv@Proverbs:30:5 @ Every word of God is tried: He is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

updv@Proverbs:30:23 @ For an odious woman when she is married; And a female slave when she takes the place of her mistress.

updv@Ecclesiastes:2:23 @ For all his days are [but] sorrows, and his travail is grief; yes, even in the night his heart takes no rest. This also is vanity.

updv@Ecclesiastes:3:14 @ I know that, whatever God does, it will be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it; and God has done it, that men should fear before him.

updv@Ecclesiastes:5:15 @ As he came forth from his mother's womb, naked he will go again as he came, and will take nothing for his labor, which he may carry away in his hand.

updv@Ecclesiastes:5:19 @ All among man also to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him power to eat of it, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor--this is the gift of God.

updv@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @ It is good that you should take hold of this; yes, also from that do not withdraw your hand: for he who fears God will come forth from them all.

updv@Ecclesiastes:7:21 @ Also don't take heed to all words that are spoken, lest you hear your slave curse you;

updv@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @ And I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, [and] whose hands are bindings: whoever pleases God will escape from her; but the sinner will be taken by her.

updv@Ecclesiastes:9:12 @ For man also doesn't know his time: as the fish that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare, even so are the sons of man snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly on them.

updv@Songs:2:15 @ Take for us the foxes, the little foxes, That spoil the vineyards; For our vineyards are in blossom.

updv@Songs:7:8 @ I said, I will climb up into the palm-tree, I will take hold of its branches: Let your breasts be as clusters of the vine, And the smell of your breath like apples,

updv@Isaiah:1:25 @ and I will turn my hand on you, and thoroughly purge away your dross, and will take away all your tin;

updv@Isaiah:3:1 @ For, look, the Lord, Yahweh of hosts, takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah support and means of support, the whole support of bread, and the whole support of water;

updv@Isaiah:3:6 @ When a man will take hold of his brother in the house of his father, [saying], You have clothing, be our ruler, and let this ruin be under your hand;

updv@Isaiah:3:18 @ In that day the Lord will take away the beauty of their anklets, and the cauls, and the crescents;

updv@Isaiah:4:1 @ And seven women will take hold of one man in that day, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach.

updv@Isaiah:5:5 @ And now I will tell you(note:){+}(:note) what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be eaten up; I will break down its wall, and it will be trodden down:

updv@Isaiah:5:23 @ that justify the wicked for a bribe, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

updv@Isaiah:6:6 @ Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having a live charcoal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:

updv@Isaiah:6:7 @ and he touched my mouth with it, and said, Look, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin forgiven.

updv@Isaiah:7:4 @ and say to him, Take heed, and be quiet; don't be afraid, neither let your heart be faint, because of these two tails of smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.

updv@Isaiah:8:1 @ And Yahweh said to me, Take for yourself a great tablet, and write on it with the pen of common man, For Maher-shalal-hash-baz;

updv@Isaiah:8:2 @ and I will take to me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.

updv@Isaiah:8:10 @ Take counsel together, and it will be brought to nothing; speak the word, and it will not stand: for God is with us.

updv@Isaiah:8:15 @ And many will stumble on it, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.

updv@Isaiah:10:6 @ I will send him against a profane nation, and against the people of my wrath I will give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

updv@Isaiah:10:29 @ they have gone over the pass; they have taken up their lodging at Geba; Ramah trembles; Gibeah of Saul has fled.

updv@Isaiah:13:8 @ and they will be dismayed; pangs and sorrows will take hold [of them]; they will be in pain as a woman in travail: they will look in amazement one at another; their faces [will be] faces of flame.

updv@Isaiah:13:15 @ Everyone who is found will be thrust through; and everyone who is taken will fall by the sword.

updv@Isaiah:14:2 @ And the peoples will take them, and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel will possess them in the land of Yahweh for male slaves and for female slaves: and they will take them captive whose captives they were; and they will rule over their oppressors.

updv@Isaiah:14:4 @ that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the oppressor ceased! The arrogance has ceased!

updv@Isaiah:14:32 @ What then will one answer the messengers of the nation? That Yahweh has founded Zion, and in her will the afflicted of his people take refuge.

updv@Isaiah:16:10 @ And gladness is taken away, and joy out of the fruitful field; and in the vineyards there will be no singing, neither joyful noise: no treader will tread out wine in the presses; I have made the [vintage] shout to cease.

updv@Isaiah:17:1 @ The burden of Damascus. Look, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap.

updv@Isaiah:18:5 @ For before the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he will cut off the sprigs with pruning-hooks, and the spreading branches he will take away [and] cut down.

updv@Isaiah:21:3 @ Therefore my loins are filled with anguish; pangs have taken hold on me, as the pangs of a woman in travail: I am pained so that I can't hear; I am dismayed so that I can't see.

updv@Isaiah:23:16 @ Take a harp, go about the city, you prostitute that has been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that you may be remembered.

updv@Isaiah:24:2 @ And it will be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the male slave, so with his master; as with the female slave, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.

updv@Isaiah:24:18 @ And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up out of the midst of the pit will be taken in the snare: for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth tremble.

updv@Isaiah:25:8 @ He has swallowed up death forever; and the Sovereign Yahweh will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the reproach of his people he will take away from off all the earth: for Yahweh has spoken it.

updv@Isaiah:27:5 @ Otherwise let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; [yes], let him make peace with me.

updv@Isaiah:27:6 @ In days to come Jacob will take root; Israel will blossom and bud; and they will fill the face of the world with fruit.

updv@Isaiah:28:13 @ Therefore will the word of Yahweh be to them precept on precept, precept on precept; line on line, line on line; here a little, there a little; that they may go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

updv@Isaiah:28:19 @ As often as it passes through, it will take you(note:){+}(:note); for morning by morning it will pass through, by day and by night: and it will be nothing but terror to understand the message.

updv@Isaiah:29:9 @ Tarry(note:){+}(:note) and wonder; take your{+} pleasure and be blind: they are drunk, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.

updv@Isaiah:30:1 @ Woe to the rebellious sons, says Yahweh, that take counsel, but not of me; and that make a league, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin,

updv@Isaiah:30:2 @ that set out to go down into Egypt, and haven't asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!

updv@Isaiah:30:14 @ And he will break it as a potter's vessel is broken, breaking it in pieces without sparing; so that there will not be found among its pieces a sherd with which to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern.

updv@Isaiah:33:20 @ Look at Zion, the city of our solemnities: your eyes will see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tent that will not be removed, the stakes of which will never be plucked up, neither will any of its cords be broken.

updv@Isaiah:36:7 @ But if you say to me, We trust in Yahweh our God: isn't that he, whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah has taken away, and has said to Judah and to Jerusalem, You(note:){+}(:note) will worship before this altar?

updv@Isaiah:36:17 @ until I come and take you(note:){+}(:note) away to a land like your{+} own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards.

updv@Isaiah:37:31 @ And the remnant that has escaped of the house of Judah will again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.

updv@Isaiah:39:7 @ And of your sons who will issue from you, whom you will beget, they will take away; and they will be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.

updv@Isaiah:40:14 @ With whom did he take counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed to him the way of understanding?

updv@Isaiah:40:15 @ Look, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are accounted as the small dust of the balance: Look, he takes up the isles as a very little thing.

updv@Isaiah:40:24 @ Yes, they have not been planted; yes, they have not been sown; yes, their stock has not taken root in the earth: moreover he blows on them, and they wither, and the whirlwind takes them away as stubble.

updv@Isaiah:41:9 @ you whom I have taken hold of from the ends of the earth, and called from its corners, and said to you, You are my slave, I have chosen you and not cast you away;

updv@Isaiah:44:14 @ He cuts down cedars, and takes the holm-tree and the oak, and strengthens for himself one among the trees of the forest: he plants a fir-tree, and the rain nourishes it.

updv@Isaiah:44:15 @ Then it will be for man to burn; and he takes of it, and warms himself; yes, he kindles it, and bakes bread: yes, he makes a god, and worships it; he makes it a graven image, and falls down to it.

updv@Isaiah:45:21 @ Declare(note:){+}(:note), and bring [it] forth; yes, let them take counsel together: who has shown this from ancient time? Who has declared it of old? Haven't I, Yahweh? And there is no other God besides me, a just God and a Savior; there is none besides me.

updv@Isaiah:47:2 @ Take the millstones, and grind meal; remove your veil, strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers.

updv@Isaiah:47:3 @ Your nakedness will be uncovered, yes, your shame will be seen: I will take vengeance, and will not spare man.

updv@Isaiah:49:24 @ Will the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be delivered?

updv@Isaiah:49:25 @ But thus says Yahweh, Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the prey of the terrible will be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your sons.

updv@Isaiah:51:18 @ There is none to guide her among all the sons whom she has brought forth; neither is there any who takes her by the hand among all the sons who she has brought up.

updv@Isaiah:51:22 @ Thus says your Sovereign Yahweh, and your God who pleads the cause of his people, Look, I have taken out of your hand the cup of staggering, even the bowl of the cup of my wrath; you will no more drink it again:

updv@Isaiah:52:5 @ Now therefore, what do I have here, says Yahweh, seeing that my people are taken away for nothing? Those who rule over them howl, says Yahweh, and my name is blasphemed continually all the day.

updv@Isaiah:53:8 @ By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and who considered his generation? For he was cut off out of the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people he was stricken to death.

updv@Isaiah:54:2 @ Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations; do not spare: lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.

updv@Isaiah:57:1 @ The righteous perishes, and no man lays it to heart; and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil [to come].

updv@Isaiah:57:13 @ When you cry, let those who you have gathered deliver you; but the wind will take them, a breath will carry them all away: but he who takes refuge in me will possess the land, and will inherit my holy mountain.

updv@Isaiah:57:14 @ And he will say, Cast(note:){+}(:note) up, cast{+} up, prepare the way, take up the stumbling-block out of the way of my people.

updv@Isaiah:58:3 @ Why have we fasted, [they say], and you don't see? [Why] have we afflicted our soul, and you take no knowledge? Look, in the day of your(note:){+}(:note) fast you{+} find [your{+} own] pleasure, and exact all your{+} labors.

updv@Isaiah:58:9 @ Then you will call, and Yahweh will answer; you will cry, and he will say, Here I am. If you take away from the midst of you the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking wickedly;

updv@Isaiah:59:9 @ Therefore justice is far from us, neither does righteousness overtake us: we look for light, but see darkness; for brightness, but we walk in obscurity.

updv@Isaiah:62:5 @ For as a young man takes possession of a virgin, so will your sons take possession of you; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so will your God rejoice over you.

updv@Isaiah:62:6 @ I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never hold their peace day nor night: you(note:){+}(:note) who are Yahweh's remembrancers, take{+} no rest,

updv@Isaiah:64:6 @ For we have all become as one who is unclean, and all our righteousnesses are as a polluted garment: and all of us fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.

updv@Isaiah:64:7 @ And there is none who calls on your name, who stirs up himself to take hold of you; for you have hid your face from us, and have consumed us by means of our iniquities.

updv@Isaiah:66:21 @ And of them I will also take for priests [and] for Levites, says Yahweh.

updv@Jeremiah:2:22 @ For though you wash yourself with lye, and take yourself much soap, yet your iniquity is marked before me, says the Sovereign Yahweh.

updv@Jeremiah:3:14 @ Return, O backsliding sons, says Yahweh; for I am a husband to you(note:){+}(:note): and I will take you{+} one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you{+} to Zion:

updv@Jeremiah:4:4 @ Circumcise yourselves to Yahweh, and take away the foreskins of your(note:){+}(:note) heart, you{+} men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem; or else my wrath will go forth like fire, and burn so that none can quench it, because of the evil of your{+} doings.

updv@Jeremiah:5:10 @ Go(note:){+}(:note) up on her walls, and destroy; but don't make a full end: take away her branches; for they are not Yahweh's.

updv@Jeremiah:6:11 @ Therefore I am full of the wrath of Yahweh; I am weary with holding in: pour it out on the children in the street, and on the assembly of young men together; for even the husband with the wife will be taken, the aged with him who is full of days.

updv@Jeremiah:6:24 @ We have heard its report; our hands wax feeble: anguish has taken hold of us, [and] pangs as of a woman in travail.

updv@Jeremiah:7:29 @ Cut off your hair, [O Jerusalem], and cast it away, and take up a lamentation on the bare heights; for Yahweh has rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath.

updv@Jeremiah:8:9 @ The wise men are put to shame, they are dismayed and taken: look, they have rejected the word of Yahweh; and what manner of wisdom is in them?

updv@Jeremiah:8:21 @ For the hurt of the daughter of my people I am hurt: I mourn; dismay has taken hold on me.

updv@Jeremiah:9:4 @ Take(note:){+}(:note) heed every one of his fellow man, and don't trust{+} in any brother; for every brother will completely supplant, and every fellow man will go about with slanders.

updv@Jeremiah:9:18 @ and let them hurry, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.

updv@Jeremiah:12:2 @ You have planted them, yes, they have taken root; they grow, yes, they bring forth fruit: you are near in their mouth, and far from their heart.

updv@Jeremiah:13:4 @ Take the belt that you have bought, which is on your loins, and arise, go to the Euphrates, and hide it there in a cleft of the rock.

updv@Jeremiah:13:6 @ And it came to pass after many days, that Yahweh said to me, Arise, go to the Euphrates, and take the belt from there, which I commanded you to hide there.

updv@Jeremiah:13:17 @ But if you(note:){+}(:note) will not hear it, my soul will weep in secret for [your{+}] pride; and my eye will weep intensely, and run down with tears, because Yahweh's flock is taken captive.

updv@Jeremiah:13:21 @ What will you say, when he will set over you as head those whom you have yourself taught to be best friends to you? Will not sorrows take hold of you, as of a woman in travail?

updv@Jeremiah:15:15 @ O Yahweh, you know; remember me, and visit me, and avenge me of my persecutors; don't take me away in your long-suffering: know that for your sake I have suffered reproach.

updv@Jeremiah:15:19 @ Therefore thus says Yahweh, If you return, then I will bring you again, that you may stand before me; and if you take forth the precious from the vile, you will be as my mouth: they will return to you, but you will not return to them.

updv@Jeremiah:16:2 @ You will not take for yourself a wife, neither will you have sons or daughters, in this place.

updv@Jeremiah:16:5 @ For thus says Yahweh, Don't enter into the house of mourning, neither go to lament, neither bemoan them; for I have taken away my peace from this people, says Yahweh, even loving-kindness and tender mercies.

updv@Jeremiah:17:21 @ Thus says Yahweh, Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem;

updv@Jeremiah:18:22 @ Let a cry be heard from their houses, when you will bring a troop suddenly on them; for they have dug a pit to take me, and hid snares for my feet.

updv@Jeremiah:19:1 @ This is what Yahweh said, Go, and buy a potter's earthen bottle, and [take] of the elders of the people, and of the elders of the priests;

updv@Jeremiah:20:5 @ Moreover I will give all the riches of this city, and all its gains, and all its precious things, yes, all the treasures of the kings of Judah I will give into the hand of their enemies; and they will make them a prey, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

updv@Jeremiah:20:10 @ For I have heard the defaming of many, terror on every side. Denounce, and we will denounce him, [say] all my friends among common man, those who watch for my fall; perhaps he will be persuaded, and we will prevail against him, and we will take our revenge on him.

updv@Jeremiah:25:9 @ look, I will send and take all the families of the north, says Yahweh, and [I will send] to Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my slave, and will bring them against this land, and against its inhabitants, and against all these nations round about; and I will completely destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and a hissing, and perpetual desolations.

updv@Jeremiah:25:10 @ Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the lamp.

updv@Jeremiah:25:15 @ For this is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, says, to me: take this cup of the wine of wrath at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send you, to drink it.

updv@Jeremiah:25:28 @ And it will be, if they refuse to take the cup at your hand to drink, then you will say to them, Thus says Yahweh of hosts: You(note:){+}(:note) will surely drink.

updv@Jeremiah:27:20 @ which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon did not take, when he carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, from Jerusalem to Babylon, and all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem;

updv@Jeremiah:29:6 @ Take(note:){+}(:note) wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your{+} sons, and give your{+} daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply{+} there, and don't be diminished.

updv@Jeremiah:29:22 @ and of them will be taken up a curse by all the captives of Judah who are in Babylon, saying, Yahweh make you like Zedekiah and like Ahab, whom the king of Babylon roasted in the fire;

updv@Jeremiah:32:3 @ For Zedekiah king of Judah had shut him up, saying, Why do you prophesy, and say, Thus says Yahweh, Look, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he will take it;

updv@Jeremiah:32:14 @ Thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel: Take these deeds, this deed of the purchase which is sealed, and this deed which is open, and put them in an earthen vessel; that they may continue many days.

updv@Jeremiah:32:24 @ Look, the mounds, they have come to the city to take it; and the city is given into the hand of the Chaldeans that fight against it, because of the sword, and of the famine, and of the pestilence; and what you have spoken has come to pass; and, look, you see it.

updv@Jeremiah:32:28 @ Therefore thus says Yahweh: Look, I will give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and he will take it:

updv@Jeremiah:33:26 @ then I will also cast away the seed of Jacob, and of David my slave, so that I will not take of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to return, and will have mercy on them.

updv@Jeremiah:34:3 @ and you will not escape out of his hand, but will surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and your eyes will look at the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he will speak with you mouth to mouth, and you will go to Babylon.

updv@Jeremiah:34:22 @ Look, I will command, says Yahweh, and cause them to return to this city; and they will fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire: and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation, without inhabitant.

updv@Jeremiah:36:2 @ Take a roll of a book, and write in it all the words that I have spoken to you against Israel, and against Judah, and against all the nations, from the day I spoke to you, from the days of Josiah, even to this day.

updv@Jeremiah:36:14 @ Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, to Baruch, saying, Take in your hand the roll in which you have read in the ears of the people, and come. So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came to them.

updv@Jeremiah:36:26 @ And the king commanded Jerahmeel the king's son, and Seraiah the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel, to take Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet; but Yahweh hid them.

updv@Jeremiah:36:28 @ Take again another roll for yourself, and write in it all the former words that were in the first roll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah has burned.

updv@Jeremiah:37:8 @ And the Chaldeans will come again, and fight against this city; and they will take it, and burn it with fire.

updv@Jeremiah:38:3 @ Thus says Yahweh, This city will surely be given into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon, and he will take it.

updv@Jeremiah:38:10 @ Then the king commanded Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, saying, Take from here thirty men with you, and take up Jeremiah the prophet out of the dungeon, before he dies.

updv@Jeremiah:38:23 @ And they will bring out all your wives and your sons to the Chaldeans; and you will not escape out of their hand, but will be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and you will cause this city to be burned with fire.

updv@Jeremiah:38:28 @ So Jeremiah remained in the court of the guard until the day that Jerusalem was taken. And it came to pass that Jerusalem was taken.

updv@Jeremiah:39:5 @ But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath; and he gave judgment on him.

updv@Jeremiah:39:12 @ Take him, and look well to him, and do him no harm; but do to him even as he will say to you.

updv@Jeremiah:40:1 @ The word which came to Jeremiah from Yahweh, after Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had let him go from Ramah, when he had taken him being bound in chains among all the captives of Jerusalem and Judah, who were carried away captive to Babylon.

updv@Jeremiah:40:10 @ As for me, look, I will dwell at Mizpah, to stand before the Chaldeans that will come to us: but you(note:){+}(:note), gather{+} wine and summer fruits and oil, and put them in your{+} vessels, and dwell in your{+} cities that you{+} have taken.

updv@Jeremiah:40:14 @ and said to him, Do you know that Baalis the king of the sons of Ammon has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to take your life? But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam did not believe them.

updv@Jeremiah:40:15 @ Then Johanan the son of Kareah spoke to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly, saying, Let me go, I pray you, and I will slay Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and no man will know it: why should he take your life, that all the Jews who are gathered to you should be scattered, and the remnant of Judah perish?

updv@Jeremiah:42:16 @ then it will come to pass, that the sword, which you(note:){+}(:note) fear, will overtake you{+} there in the land of Egypt; and the famine, of which you{+} are afraid, will stick [closely] after you{+} there in Egypt; and there you{+} will die.

updv@Jeremiah:43:9 @ Take great stones in your hand, and hide them in mortar in the brickwork, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah;

updv@Jeremiah:43:10 @ and say to them, Thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel: Look, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my slave, and I will set his throne on these stones that I have hid; and he will spread his royal pavilion over them.

updv@Jeremiah:44:12 @ And I will take the remnant of Judah, that have set their faces to go into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, and they will all be consumed; in the land of Egypt they will fall; they will be consumed by the sword and by the famine; they will die, from the least even to the greatest, by the sword and by the famine; and they will be an execration, [and] an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach.

updv@Jeremiah:46:11 @ Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt: in vain you use many medicines; there is no healing for you.

updv@Jeremiah:48:1 @ Of Moab. Thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel: Woe to Nebo! For it is laid waste; Kiriathaim is put to shame, it is taken; Misgab is put to shame and broken down.

updv@Jeremiah:48:7 @ For, because you have trusted in your works and in your treasures, you also will be taken: and Chemosh will go forth into captivity, his priests and his princes together.

updv@Jeremiah:48:33 @ And gladness and joy is taken away from the fruitful field and from the land of Moab; and I have caused wine to cease from the winepresses: none will tread with shouting; the shouting will be no shouting.

updv@Jeremiah:48:41 @ Kerioth is taken, and the strongholds are seized, and the heart of the mighty men of Moab at that day will be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.

updv@Jeremiah:48:44 @ He who flees from the fear will fall into the pit; and he who gets up out of the pit will be taken in the snare: for I will bring on Moab the year of their visitation, says Yahweh.

updv@Jeremiah:48:46 @ Woe to you, O Moab! The people of Chemosh is undone; for your sons are taken away captive, and your daughters into captivity.

updv@Jeremiah:49:20 @ Therefore hear(note:){+}(:note) the counsel of Yahweh, that he has taken against Edom; and his purposes, that he has purposed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely they will drag them away, [even] the little ones of the flock; surely he will make their habitation desolate over them.

updv@Jeremiah:49:24 @ Damascus is waxed feeble, she turns herself to flee, and trembling has seized on her: anguish and sorrows have taken hold of her, as of a woman in travail.

updv@Jeremiah:49:29 @ They will take their tents and their flocks; they will carry away for themselves their curtains, and all their vessels, and their camels; and they will cry to them, Terror on every side!

updv@Jeremiah:49:30 @ Flee(note:){+}(:note), wander far off, dwell in the depths, O you{+} inhabitants of Hazor, says Yahweh; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon has taken counsel against them, and has conceived a purpose against you{+}.

updv@Jeremiah:50:2 @ Declare(note:){+}(:note) among the nations and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and do not conceal: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is put to shame, Merodach is dismayed; her images are put to shame, her idols are dismayed.

updv@Jeremiah:50:9 @ For, look, I will stir up and cause to come up against Babylon a company of great nations from the north country; and they will set themselves in array against her; from there she will be taken: their arrows will be as a mighty man taking away children, they will not return in vain.

updv@Jeremiah:50:15 @ Shout against her round about: she has submitted herself; her bulwarks have fallen, her walls are thrown down; for it is the vengeance of Yahweh: take vengeance on her; as she has done, do to her.

updv@Jeremiah:50:24 @ I have laid a snare for you, and you are also taken, O Babylon, and you were not aware: you are found, and also caught, because you have striven against Yahweh.

updv@Jeremiah:50:43 @ The king of Babylon has heard the news of them, and his hands wax feeble: anguish has taken hold of him, [and] pangs as of a woman in travail.

updv@Jeremiah:50:45 @ Therefore hear(note:){+}(:note) the counsel of Yahweh, that he has taken against Babylon; and his purposes, that he has purposed against the land of the Chaldeans: Surely they will drag them away, [even] the little ones of the flock; surely he will make their habitation desolate over them.

updv@Jeremiah:51:8 @ Babylon has suddenly fallen and destroyed: wail for her; take balm for her pain, if perhaps she may be healed.

updv@Jeremiah:51:26 @ And they will not take of you a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but you will be desolate forever, says Yahweh.

updv@Jeremiah:51:31 @ One post will run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to show the king of Babylon that his city is taken on every quarter:

updv@Jeremiah:51:36 @ Therefore thus says Yahweh: Look, I will plead your cause, and take vengeance for you; and I will dry up her sea, and make her fountain dry.

updv@Jeremiah:51:41 @ How is Sheshach taken! And the praise of the whole earth seized! How has Babylon become a desolation among the nations!

updv@Jeremiah:51:56 @ for the destroyer has come upon her, even on Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, their bows are broken in pieces; for Yahweh is a God of recompenses, he will surely requite.

updv@Lamentations:2:6 @ And he has violently taken away his tabernacle, as if it were of a garden; he has destroyed his place of assembly: Yahweh has caused solemn assembly and Sabbath to be forgotten in Zion, And has despised in the indignation of his anger the king and the priest.

updv@Lamentations:4:20 @ The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of Yahweh, was taken in their pits; Of whom we said, Under his shadow we will live among the nations.

updv@Ezekiel:4:1 @ You also, Son of Man, take for yourself a tile, and lay it before you, and portray on it a city, even Jerusalem:

updv@Ezekiel:4:3 @ And you take to yourself an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between you and the city: and set your face toward it, and it will be besieged, and you will lay siege against it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel.

updv@Ezekiel:4:9 @ You take also to yourself wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make yourself bread of them; [according to] the number of the days that you will lie on your side, even three hundred and ninety days, you will eat of it.

updv@Ezekiel:5:1 @ And you, Son of Man, take yourself a sharp sword; [as] a barber's razor you will take it to yourself, and will cause it to pass on your head and on your beard: then take yourself balances to weigh, and divide the hair.

updv@Ezekiel:5:2 @ A third part you will burn in the fire in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled; and you will take a third part, and strike with the sword round about it; and a third part you will scatter to the wind, and I will draw out a sword after them.

updv@Ezekiel:5:3 @ And you will take of them a few in number, and bind them in your skirts.

updv@Ezekiel:5:4 @ And of these again you will take, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; therefrom will a fire come forth into all the house of Israel.

updv@Ezekiel:10:6 @ And it came to pass, when he commanded the man clothed in linen, saying, Take fire from between the whirling wheels, from between the cherubim, that he went in, and stood beside a wheel.

updv@Ezekiel:11:18 @ And they will come there, and they will take away all its detestable and disgusting things from there.

updv@Ezekiel:11:19 @ And I will give them another heart, and I will put a new spirit inside you(note:){+}(:note); and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh;

updv@Ezekiel:12:13 @ My net also I will spread on him, and he will be taken in my snare; and I will bring him to Babylon to the land of the Chaldeans; yet he will not see it, though he will die there.

updv@Ezekiel:14:3 @ Son of Man, these men have taken their idols into their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them?

updv@Ezekiel:14:4 @ Therefore speak to them, and say to them, Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Every man of the house of Israel that takes his idols into his heart, and puts the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to the prophet; I Yahweh will answer him in it according to the multitude of his idols;

updv@Ezekiel:14:5 @ that I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.

updv@Ezekiel:14:7 @ For every man of the house of Israel, or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel, who separates himself from me, and takes his idols into his heart, and puts the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to the prophet to inquire for himself of me; I Yahweh will answer him by myself:

updv@Ezekiel:15:3 @ Will wood be taken of it to make any work? Or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel on it?

updv@Ezekiel:16:20 @ Moreover you have taken your sons and your daughters, whom you have borne to me, and these you have sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your prostitutions a small matter,

updv@Ezekiel:16:32 @ A wife who commits adultery! Who takes strangers instead of her husband!

updv@Ezekiel:16:37 @ therefore look, I will gather all your lovers, with whom you have taken pleasure, and all those who you have loved, with all those who you have hated; I will even gather them against you on every side, and will uncover your nakedness to them, that they may see all your nakedness.

updv@Ezekiel:16:39 @ I will also give you into their hand, and they will throw down your vaulted place, and break down your lofty places; and they will strip you of your clothes, and take your fair jewels; and they will leave you naked and bare.

updv@Ezekiel:17:20 @ And I will spread my net on him, and he will be taken in my snare, and I will bring him to Babylon, and will enter into judgment with him there for his trespass that he has trespassed against me.

updv@Ezekiel:17:22 @ Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: I will also take of the lofty top of the cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the topmost of its young twigs a tender one, and I will plant it on a high and lofty mountain:

updv@Ezekiel:18:7 @ and has not wronged any, but has restored his pledge for debt, has taken nothing by robbery, has given his bread to the hungry, and has covered the naked with a garment;

updv@Ezekiel:18:8 @ he who has not given forth on interest, neither has taken any increase, that has withdrawn his hand from iniquity, has executed true justice between man and man,

updv@Ezekiel:18:12 @ has wronged the poor and needy, has taken by robbery, has not restored the pledge, and has lifted up his eyes to the idols, has done a disgusting thing,

updv@Ezekiel:18:13 @ has given forth on interest, and has taken increase; will he then live? He will not live: he has done all these disgusting things; he will surely die; his blood will be on him.

updv@Ezekiel:18:16 @ neither has wronged any, has not taken anything to pledge, neither has taken by robbery, but has given his bread to the hungry, and has covered the naked with a garment;

updv@Ezekiel:19:1 @ Moreover, take yourself up a lamentation for the princes of Israel,

updv@Ezekiel:19:4 @ The nations also heard of him; he was taken in their pit; and they brought him with hooks to the land of Egypt.

updv@Ezekiel:19:8 @ Then the nations set against him on every side from the provinces; and they spread their net over him; he was taken in their pit.

updv@Ezekiel:21:23 @ And it will be to them as a false reading in their sight, who have sworn oaths to them; but he brings iniquity to remembrance, that they may be taken.

updv@Ezekiel:21:24 @ Therefore thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Because you(note:){+}(:note) have made your{+} iniquity to be remembered, in that your{+} transgressions are uncovered, so that in all your{+} doings your{+} sins appear; because you{+} have come to remembrance, you{+} will be taken with the hand.

updv@Ezekiel:21:26 @ thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Remove the turban, and take off the crown; this [will be] no more the same; exalt that which is low, and abase that which is high.

updv@Ezekiel:21:27 @ I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: neither has this taken place, until he comes whose right it is; and I will give it [to him].

updv@Ezekiel:22:12 @ In you they have taken bribes to shed blood; you have taken interest and increase, and you have greedily gained of your fellow men by oppression, and have forgotten me, says the Sovereign Yahweh.

updv@Ezekiel:22:25 @ There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst of it, like a roaring lion ravening the prey: they have devoured souls; they take treasure and precious things; they have made her widows many in the midst of it.

updv@Ezekiel:23:25 @ And I will set my jealousy against you, and they will deal with you in fury; they will take away your nose and your ears; and your residue will fall by the sword: they will take your sons and your daughters; and your residue will be devoured by the fire.

updv@Ezekiel:23:26 @ They will also strip you of your clothes, and take away your fair jewels.

updv@Ezekiel:23:29 @ and they will deal with you in hatred, and will take away all your labor, and will leave you naked and bare; and the nakedness of your prostitution will be uncovered, both your lewdness and your prostitution.

updv@Ezekiel:24:5 @ Take the choice of the flock, and also pile the bones under it; make it boil well; yes, its bones were boiled in the midst of it.

updv@Ezekiel:24:6 @ Therefore thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Woe to the bloody city, to the cauldron whose rust is in it, and whose rust has not gone out of it! Take out of it piece after piece; No lot has fallen on it.

updv@Ezekiel:24:8 @ That it may cause wrath to come up to take vengeance, I have set her blood on the bare rock, that it should not be covered.

updv@Ezekiel:24:16 @ Son of Man, look, I take away from you the desire of your eyes with a stroke: yet you will neither mourn nor weep, neither will your tears run down.

updv@Ezekiel:24:25 @ And you, Son of Man, will it not be in the day when I take from them their strength, the joy of their glory, the desire of their eyes, and that on which they set their heart, their sons and their daughters,

updv@Ezekiel:25:15 @ Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with despite of soul to destroy with perpetual enmity;

updv@Ezekiel:26:17 @ And they will take up a lamentation over you, and say to you, How you are destroyed, that were inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, that was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, that caused their terror to be on all who dwelt there!

updv@Ezekiel:27:2 @ And you, Son of Man, take up a lamentation over Tyre;

updv@Ezekiel:27:5 @ They have made all your planks of fir-trees from Senir; they have taken a cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you.

updv@Ezekiel:27:32 @ And in their wailing they will take up a lamentation for you, and lament over you, [saying], Who is there like Tyre, like her that is brought to silence in the midst of the sea?

updv@Ezekiel:28:12 @ Son of Man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: You seal up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

updv@Ezekiel:29:19 @ Therefore thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Look, I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon; and he will carry off her multitude, and take her spoil, and take her prey; and it will be the wages for his army.

updv@Ezekiel:30:4 @ And a sword will come upon Egypt, and anguish will be in Ethiopia, when the slain will fall in Egypt; and they will take away her multitude, and her foundations will be broken down.

updv@Ezekiel:32:2 @ Son of Man, take up a lamentation over Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say to him, You were likened to a young lion of the nations: yet are you as a crocodile in the seas; and you broke forth with your rivers, and troubled the waters with your feet, and fouled their rivers.

updv@Ezekiel:33:2 @ Son of Man, speak to the sons of your people, and say to them, When I bring the sword on a land, and the people of the land take a man from among them, and set him for their watchman;

updv@Ezekiel:33:4 @ then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet, and does not take warning, if the sword comes, and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.

updv@Ezekiel:33:5 @ He heard the sound of the trumpet, and did not take warning; his blood will be on him; whereas if he had taken warning, he would have delivered his soul.

updv@Ezekiel:33:6 @ But if the watchman sees the sword come, and doesn't blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes, and takes any person from among them; he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.

updv@Ezekiel:33:15 @ if the wicked restores the pledge, gives again that which he had taken by robbery, walks in the statutes of life, committing no iniquity; he will surely live, he will not die.

updv@Ezekiel:36:3 @ therefore prophesy, and say, Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Because, even because they have made you(note:){+}(:note) desolate, and swallowed you{+} up on every side, that you{+} might be a possession to the residue of the nations, and you{+} are taken up in the lips of talkers, and the evil report of the people;

updv@Ezekiel:36:24 @ For I will take you(note:){+}(:note) from among the nations, and gather you{+} out of all the countries, and will bring you{+} into your{+} own land.

updv@Ezekiel:36:26 @ A new heart also I will give you(note:){+}(:note), and a new spirit I will put inside you{+}; and I will take away the stony heart out of your{+} flesh, and I will give you{+} a heart of flesh.

updv@Ezekiel:37:16 @ And you, Son of Man, take for yourself one stick, and write on it, For Judah, and for the sons of Israel his partners: then take another stick, and write on it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and [for] all the house of Israel his partners:

updv@Ezekiel:37:19 @ Say to them, Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Look, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his partners; and I will put them with it, [even] with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they will be one in my hand.

updv@Ezekiel:37:21 @ And say to them, Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Look, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations, where they have gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:

updv@Ezekiel:38:12 @ to take the spoil and to take the prey; to turn your hand against the waste places that are [now] inhabited, and against the people who are gathered out of the nations, who have gotten cattle and goods, who dwell in the middle of the earth.

updv@Ezekiel:38:13 @ Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all its young lions, will say to you, Have you come to take the spoil? Have you assembled your company to take the prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take great spoil?

updv@Ezekiel:39:10 @ so that they will take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests; for they will make fires of the weapons; and they will plunder those who plundered them, and rob those who robbed them, says the Sovereign Yahweh.

updv@Ezekiel:43:20 @ And you will take of its blood, and put it on the four horns of it, and on the four corners of the ledge, and on the border round about: thus you will cleanse it and make atonement for it.

updv@Ezekiel:43:21 @ You will also take the bull of the sin-offering, and it will be burnt in the appointed place of the house, outside the sanctuary.

updv@Ezekiel:44:22 @ Neither will they take for their wives a widow, nor her who is put away; but they will take virgins of the seed of the house of Israel, or a widow who is the widow of a priest.

updv@Ezekiel:45:9 @ Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: Let it suffice you(note:){+}(:note), O princes of Israel: remove violence and spoil, and execute justice and righteousness; take away your{+} exactions from my people, says the Sovereign Yahweh.

updv@Ezekiel:45:18 @ Thus says the Sovereign Yahweh: In the first [month], in the first [day] of the month, you will take a young bull without blemish; and you will cleanse the sanctuary.

updv@Ezekiel:45:19 @ And the priest will take of the blood of the sin-offering, and put it on the door-posts of the house, and on the four corners of the ledge of the altar, and on the posts of the gate of the inner court.

updv@Ezekiel:46:18 @ Moreover the prince will not take of the people's inheritance, to thrust them out of their possession; he will give inheritance to his sons out of his own possession, that my people are not scattered every man from his possession.

updv@Daniel:5:2 @ Belshazzar, while he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem; that the king and his lords, his wives and his concubines, might drink from them.

updv@Daniel:5:3 @ Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was at Jerusalem; and the king and his lords, his wives and his concubines, drank from them.

updv@Daniel:6:23 @ Then the king was exceedingly glad, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.

updv@Daniel:7:12 @ And as for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.

updv@Daniel:7:26 @ But the judgment will be set, and they will take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it to the end.

updv@Daniel:11:15 @ So the king of the north will come, and cast up a mound, and take a well-fortified city: and the forces of the south will not stand, neither his chosen people, neither will there be any strength to stand.

updv@Daniel:11:18 @ After this he will turn his face to the isles, and will take many: but a prince will cause the reproach offered by him to cease; moreover, he will cause his reproach to turn on him.

updv@Daniel:11:31 @ And forces will stand on his part, and they will profane the sanctuary, even the fortress, and will take away the continual [burnt-offering], and they will set up the detestable thing that makes desolate.

updv@Daniel:12:11 @ And from the time that the continual [burnt-offering] will be taken away, and the detestable thing that makes desolate [is] set up, there will be a thousand and two hundred and ninety days.

updv@Hosea:1:2 @ When Yahweh spoke at the first by Hosea, Yahweh said to Hosea, Go, take to yourself a wife of prostitution and children of prostitution; for the land commits great prostitution, [departing] from Yahweh.

updv@Hosea:2:7 @ And she will follow after her lovers, but she will not overtake them; and she will seek them, but will not find them: then will she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then it was better with me than now.

updv@Hosea:2:9 @ Therefore I will take back my grain in its time, and my new wine in its season, and will pluck away my wool and my flax which should have covered her nakedness.

updv@Hosea:2:17 @ For I will take away the names of the Baalim out of her mouth, and they will no more be mentioned by their name.

updv@Hosea:4:3 @ Therefore the land will mourn, and everyone who dwells in it will languish, with the beasts of the field and the birds of the heavens; yes, the fish of the sea also will be taken away.

updv@Hosea:4:11 @ Prostitution and wine and new wine take away the understanding.

updv@Hosea:10:9 @ O Israel, you have sinned from the days of Gibeah: there they stood; the battle against the sons of iniquity does not overtake them in Gibeah.

updv@Hosea:13:11 @ I have given you a king in my anger, and have taken him away in my wrath.

updv@Hosea:14:2 @ Take with you(note:){+}(:note) words, and return to Yahweh: say to him, Take away all iniquity, and accept that which is good: so we will render [as] bullocks [the offering of] our lips.

updv@Joel:3:5 @ Since you(note:){+}(:note) have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your{+} temples my goodly precious things,

updv@Amos:2:8 @ and they lay themselves down beside every altar on clothes taken in pledge; and in the house of their God they drink the wine of such as have been fined.

updv@Amos:3:4 @ Will a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he has taken nothing?

updv@Amos:3:5 @ Can a bird fall in a snare on the earth, where no trap is [set] for him? Will a snare spring up from the ground, and have taken nothing at all?

updv@Amos:4:2 @ The Sovereign Yahweh has sworn by his holiness, that, look, the days will come upon you(note:){+}(:note), that they will take you{+} away with hooks, and your{+} residue with fishhooks.

updv@Amos:5:1 @ Hear(note:){+}(:note) this word which I take up for a lamentation over you{+}, O house of Israel.

updv@Amos:5:11 @ Forasmuch therefore as you(note:){+}(:note) trample on the poor, and take exactions from him of wheat: you{+} have built houses of cut stone, but you{+} will not dwell in them; you{+} have planted pleasant vineyards, but you{+} will not drink their wine.

updv@Amos:5:12 @ For I know how manifold are your(note:){+}(:note) transgressions, and how mighty are your{+} sins--you{+} who afflict the just, who take a bribe, and who turn aside the needy in the gate [from their right].

updv@Amos:5:21 @ I hate, I despise your(note:){+}(:note) feasts, and I will take no delight in your{+} solemn assemblies.

updv@Amos:5:23 @ Take away from me the noise of your songs; for I will not hear the melody of your viols.

updv@Amos:6:10 @ And when a man's uncle will take him up, even he who burns him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and will say to him who is in the innermost parts of the house, Is there yet any with you? And he will say, No; then he will say, Hold your peace; for we may not make mention of the name of Yahweh.

updv@Amos:6:13 @ you(note:){+}(:note) who rejoice in a thing of nothing, who say, Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength?

updv@Amos:9:2 @ Though they dig into Sheol, from there will my hand take them; and though they climb up to heaven, from there I will bring them down.

updv@Amos:9:3 @ And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out from there; and though they are hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, from there I will command the serpent, and it will bite them.

updv@Amos:9:10 @ All the sinners of my people will die by the sword, who say, The evil will not overtake nor meet us.

updv@Amos:9:13 @ Look, the days come, says Yahweh, that the plowman will overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; and the mountains will drop sweet wine, and all the hills will melt.

updv@Jonah:1:12 @ And he said to them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so the sea will be calm to you(note:){+}(:note): for I know that for my sake this great tempest is on you{+}.

updv@Jonah:4:3 @ Therefore now, O Yahweh, take, I urge you, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.

updv@Micah:1:11 @ Pass by, O inhabitant of Shaphir, in nakedness and shame: the inhabitant of Zaanan has not come forth; the wailing of Beth-ezel will take from you(note:){+}(:note) its standing ground.

updv@Micah:2:2 @ And they covet fields, and seize them; and houses, and take them away: and they oppress a [noble] man and his house, even a man and his heritage.

updv@Micah:2:4 @ In that day they will take up a parable against you(note:){+}(:note), and lament with a doleful lamentation, [and] say, We are completely ruined: he exchanges the portion of my people: how he removes [it] from me! In order to make restitution, he divides our fields.

updv@Micah:2:9 @ The women of my people you(note:){+}(:note) cast out from their pleasant houses; from their young children you{+} take away my glory forever.

updv@Micah:4:9 @ Now why do you cry out aloud? Is there no king in you, has your counselor perished, that pangs have taken hold of you as of a woman in travail?

updv@Nahum:1:2 @ Yahweh is a jealous God and avenges; Yahweh avenges and is full of wrath; Yahweh takes vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserves [wrath] for his enemies.

updv@Nahum:1:7 @ Yahweh is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knows those who take refuge in him.

updv@Nahum:2:9 @ Take(note:){+}(:note) the spoil of silver, take{+} the spoil of gold; for there is no end of the store, the glory of all goodly furniture.

updv@Habakkuk:1:10 @ Yes, he scoffs at kings, and princes are a derision to him; he derides every stronghold; for he heaps up dust, and takes it.

updv@Habakkuk:1:15 @ He takes up all of them with the angle, he catches them in his net, and gathers them in his drag: therefore he rejoices and is glad.

updv@Habakkuk:2:6 @ Will not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him who increases that which is not his! How long? And that loads himself with pledges!

updv@Zephaniah:3:11 @ In that day you will not be put to shame for all your doings, in which you have transgressed against me; for then I will take away out of the midst of you your proudly exulting ones, and you will no more be haughty in my holy mountain.

updv@Zephaniah:3:12 @ But I will leave in the midst of you an afflicted and poor people, and they will take refuge in the name of Yahweh.

updv@Zephaniah:3:15 @ Yahweh has taken away your judgments, he has cast out your enemy: the King of Israel, even Yahweh, is in the midst of you; you will not fear evil anymore.

updv@Haggai:1:8 @ Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, says Yahweh.

updv@Haggai:2:23 @ In that day, says Yahweh of hosts, I will take you, O Zerubbabel, my slave, the son of Shealtiel, says Yahweh, and will make you as a signet; for I have chosen you, says Yahweh of hosts.

updv@Zechariah:1:6 @ But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my slaves the prophets, did they not overtake your(note:){+}(:note) fathers? And they turned and said, Like Yahweh of hosts thought to do to us, according to our ways, and according to our doings, so has he dealt with us.

updv@Zechariah:3:4 @ And he answered and spoke to those who stood before him, saying, Take the filthy garments from off him. And to him he said, Look, I have caused your iniquity to pass from you, and I will clothe you with rich apparel.

updv@Zechariah:6:10 @ Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah; and you come the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah, where they have come from Babylon;

updv@Zechariah:6:11 @ yes, take [of them] silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them on the head of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest;

updv@Zechariah:8:23 @ Thus says Yahweh of hosts: In those days [it will come to pass], that ten men will take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, they will take hold of the skirt of him who is a Jew, saying, We will go with you(note:){+}(:note), for we have heard that God is with you{+}.

updv@Zechariah:9:7 @ And I will take away his blood out of his mouth, and his detestable things from between his teeth; and he also will be a remnant for our God; and he will be as a chieftain in Judah, and Ekron as a Jebusite.

updv@Zechariah:11:15 @ And Yahweh said to me, Take to yourself yet again the instruments of a foolish shepherd.

updv@Zechariah:14:2 @ For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city will be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women raped; and half of the city will go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people will not be cut off from the city.

updv@Zechariah:14:21 @ Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to Yahweh of hosts; and all those who sacrifice will come and take of them, and boil in them: and in that day there will be no more a Canaanite in the house of Yahweh of hosts.

updv@Malachi:1:13 @ You(note:){+}(:note) also say, Look, what a weariness it is! And you{+} have snuffed at it, says Yahweh of hosts; and you{+} have brought that which was taken by violence, and the lame, and the sick; thus you{+} bring the offering: should I accept this at your{+} hand? says Yahweh.

updv@Malachi:2:3 @ Look, I will rebuke your(note:){+}(:note) seed, and will spread feces on your{+} faces, even the feces of your{+} feasts; and you{+} will be taken away with it.

updv@Malachi:2:15 @ And no one who does this has part of the Spirit remaining in him; neither is such a one seeking a godly seed. Therefore take heed(note:){+}(:note) to your{+} spirit; and do not betray the wife of your youth.

updv@Malachi:2:16 @ For he who hates, divorces, says Yahweh, the God of Israel, and he will cover his garment with violence, says Yahweh of hosts. Therefore take heed to your(note:){+}(:note) spirit, that you{+} do not betray [the wife of your youth].

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