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OT.filter - web touches:

web@Genesis:26:11 @ Abimelech commanded all the people, saying, "He who touches this man or his wife will surely be put to death."

web@Genesis:27:12 @ What if my father touches me? I will seem to him as a deceiver, and I would bring a curse on myself, and not a blessing."

web@Exodus:19:12 @ You shall set bounds to the people all around, saying, 'Be careful that you don't go up onto the mountain, or touch its border. Whoever touches the mountain shall be surely put to death.

web@Exodus:29:37 @ Seven days you shall make atonement for the altar, and sanctify it: and the altar shall be most holy; whatever touches the altar shall be holy.

web@Exodus:30:29 @ You shall sanctify them, that they may be most holy. Whatever touches them shall be holy.

web@Leviticus:5:2 @ "'Or if anyone touches any unclean thing, whether it is the carcass of an unclean animal, or the carcass of unclean livestock, or the carcass of unclean creeping things, and it is hidden from him, and he is unclean, then he shall be guilty.

web@Leviticus:5:3 @ "'Or if he touches the uncleanness of man, whatever his uncleanness is with which he is unclean, and it is hidden from him; when he knows of it, then he shall be guilty.

web@Leviticus:6:18 @ Every male among the children of Aaron shall eat of it, as their portion forever throughout your generations, from the offerings of Yahweh made by fire. Whoever touches them shall be holy.'"

web@Leviticus:7:19 @ "'The flesh that touches any unclean thing shall not be eaten. It shall be burned with fire. As for the flesh, everyone who is clean may eat it;

web@Leviticus:7:21 @ When anyone touches any unclean thing, the uncleanness of man, or an unclean animal, or any unclean abomination, and eats some of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which belong to Yahweh, that soul shall be cut off from his people.'"

web@Leviticus:11:24 @ "'By these you will become unclean: whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:26 @ "'Every animal which parts the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, nor chews the cud, is unclean to you. Everyone who touches them shall be unclean.

web@Leviticus:11:27 @ Whatever goes on its paws, among all animals that go on all fours, they are unclean to you. Whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:31 @ These are they which are unclean to you among all that creep. Whoever touches them when they are dead, shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:11:36 @ Nevertheless a spring or a cistern in which water is a gathered shall be clean: but that which touches their carcass shall be unclean.

web@Leviticus:11:39 @ "'If any animal, of which you may eat, dies; he who touches its carcass shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:5 @ Whoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:7 @ "'He who touches the body of him who has the discharge shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:10 @ Whoever touches anything that was under him shall be unclean until the evening. He who carries those things shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:11 @ "'Whoever he who has the discharge touches, without having rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:12 @ "'The earthen vessel, which he who has the discharge touches, shall be broken; and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.

web@Leviticus:15:19 @ "'If a woman has a discharge, and her discharge in her flesh is blood, she shall be in her impurity seven days: and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:21 @ Whoever touches her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:22 @ Whoever touches anything that she sits on shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:23 @ If it is on the bed, or on anything whereon she sits, when he touches it, he shall be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:15:27 @ Whoever touches these things shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

web@Leviticus:22:4 @ "'Whoever of the seed of Aaron is a leper or has an issue; he shall not eat of the holy things, until he is clean. Whoever touches anything that is unclean by the dead, or a man whose seed goes from him;

web@Leviticus:22:5 @ or whoever touches any creeping thing, whereby he may be made unclean, or a man of whom he may take uncleanness, whatever uncleanness he has;

web@Leviticus:22:6 @ the person that touches any such shall be unclean until the evening, and shall not eat of the holy things, unless he bathe his body in water.

web@Numbers:19:11 @ "He who touches the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days:

web@Numbers:19:13 @ Whoever touches a dead person, the body of a man who has died, and doesn't purify himself, defiles the tabernacle of Yahweh; and that soul shall be cut off from Israel: because the water for impurity was not sprinkled on him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is yet on him.

web@Numbers:19:16 @ "Whoever in the open field touches one who is slain with a sword, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.

web@Numbers:19:21 @ It shall be a perpetual statute to them: and he who sprinkles the water for impurity shall wash his clothes, and he who touches the water for impurity shall be unclean until evening.

web@Numbers:19:22 @ "Whatever the unclean person touches shall be unclean; and the soul that touches it shall be unclean until evening."

web@Judges:16:9 @ Now she had an ambush waiting in the inner room. She said to him, "The Philistines are on you, Samson!" He broke the cords, as a string of tow is broken when it touches the fire. So his strength was not known.

web@2Samuel:23:7 @But the man who touches them must be armed with iron and the staff of a spear. They shall be utterly burned with fire in their place."

web@Job:4:5 @But now it has come to you, and you faint. It touches you, and you are troubled.

web@Psalms:104:32 @ He looks at the earth, and it trembles. He touches the mountains, and they smoke.

web@Proverbs:6:29 @ So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife. Whoever touches her will not be unpunished.

web@Ezekiel:17:10 @ Yes, behold, being planted, shall it prosper? shall it not utterly wither, when the east wind touches it? it shall wither in the beds where it grew.

web@Amos:9:5 @ For the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, is he who touches the land and it melts, and all who dwell in it will mourn; and it will rise up wholly like the River, and will sink again, like the River of Egypt.

web@Haggai:2:12 @ 'If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and with his fold touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any food, will it become holy?'" The priests answered, "No."

web@Zechariah:2:8 @ For thus says Yahweh of Armies: 'For honor he has sent me to the nations which plundered you; for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye.

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