Indexes Search Result: indexed - Apostles
Found: May11 @ lont@Mark:3:13-19 The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles

Found: July30 @ lont@Luke:6:12-16 The Twelve Apostles

Found: dict:easton Acts of the Apostles @ Acts of the Apostles

Found: dict:torrey Apostles, the @ Apostles, the

Found: @ Dick Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles.

Found: @ McGarvey Commentary on Acts of the Apostles

Found: @ White Acts of the Apostles

Found: @ Schaff NPNF1-11. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans

Found: @ Renan History of the Origins of Christianity. Book II. The Apostles.

Found: @ Apostles' Creed ( - Anonymous )

Found: lont@Acts:2 @ The Apostles Preach the Gospel

Found: 29 Jan NT @ Lydia, Dorcas and Phoebe, Co-workers With the Apostles

Found: 1 May NT @ Philip and James, Apostles

Found: 29 Jun 64 @ Peter and Paul, Apostles and Martyrs

Found: 28 Oct NT @ Simon and Jude, Apostles

Found: AAA @ Apostles' Creed

Found: POLITICAL MOVEMENTS @ Christian communism: is a form of religious communism based on the teachings of Jesus and the way of life of the Apostles and first Christians.

Found: THEOLOGY ROMAN-CATHOLIC @ The apostolic succession (i.e., of bishops and/or the Pope from the original Apostles);

Found: Acts:2 @ The Apostles Preach the Gospel

Found: 1Clement:5:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us set before our eyes the good Apostles.

Found: 1Clement:42:1 <1CLEMENT>@ The Apostles received the Gospel for us from the Lord Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ was sent forth from God.

Found: 1Clement:42:2 <1CLEMENT>@ So then Christ is from God, and the Apostles are from Christ. Both therefore came of the will of God in the appointed order.

Found: 1Clement:44:1 <1CLEMENT>@ And our Apostles knew through our Lord Jesus Christ that there would be strife over the name of the bishop's office.

Found: 1Clement:47:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Yet that making of parties brought less sin upon you; for ye were partisans of Apostles that were highly reputed, and of a man approved in their sight.

Found: 2Clement:14:2 <2CLEMENT>@ And I do not suppose ye are ignorant that the living Church is the body of Christ: for the scripture saith, God made man, male and female. The male is Christ and the female is the Church. And the Books and the Apostles plainly declare that the Church existeth not now for the first time, but hath been from the beginning: for she was spiritual, as our Jesus also was spiritual, but was manifested in the last days that He might save us.

Found: Diognetus:11:1 @ Mine are no strange discourses nor perverse questionings, but having been a disciple of Apostles I come forward as a teacher of the Gentiles, ministering worthily to them, as they present themselves disciples of the truth, the lessons which have been handed down.

Found: Diognetus:11:3 @ For which cause He sent forth the Word, that He might appear unto the world, Who being dishonored by the people, and preached by the Apostles, was believed in by the Gentiles.

Found: Hermas:1794:1 @ "Now then, Sir, explain to me concerning the mountains. Wherefore are their forms diverse the one from the other, and various?" "Listen," saith he. "These twelve mountains are twelve tribes that inhabit the whole world. To these (tribes) then the Son of God was preached by the Apostles."

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:11:2 @ Let nothing glitter in your eyes apart from Him, in whom I carry about my bonds, my spiritual pearls in which I would fain rise again through your prayer, whereof may it be my lot to be always a partaker, that I may be found in the company of those Christians of Ephesus who moreover were ever of one mind with the Apostles in the power of Jesus Christ.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:6:1 @ Seeing then that in the aforementioned persons I beheld your whole people in faith and embraced them, I advise you, be ye zealous to do all things in godly concord, the bishop presiding after the likeness of God and the presbyters after the likeness of the council of the Apostles, with the deacons also who are most dear to me, having been entrusted with the diaconate of Jesus Christ, who was with the Father before the worlds and appeared at the end of time.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:7:1 @ Therefore as the Lord did nothing without the Father, being united with Him, either by Himself or by the Apostles, so neither do ye anything without the bishop and the presbyters. And attempt not to think anything right for yourselves apart from others: but let there be one prayer in common, one supplication, one mind, one hope, in love and in joy unblamable, which is Jesus Christ, than whom there is nothing better.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:13:1 @ Do your diligence therefore that ye be confirmed in the ordinances of the Lord and of the Apostles, that ye may prosper in all things whatsoever ye do in flesh and spirit, by faith and by love, in the Son and Father and in the Spirit, in the beginning and in the end, with your revered bishop, and with the fitly wreathed spiritual circlet of your presbytery, and with the deacons who walk after God.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:13:2 @ Be obedient to the bishop and to one another, as Jesus Christ was to the Father according to the flesh, and as the Apostles were to Christ and to the Father, that there may be union both of flesh and of spirit.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:5:1 @ My brethren, my heart overfloweth altogether in love towards you; and rejoicing above measure I watch over your safety; yet not I, but Jesus Christ, wearing whose bonds I am the more afraid, because I am not yet perfected. But your prayer will make me perfect unto God, that I may attain unto the inheritance wherein I have found mercy, taking refuge in the Gospel as the flesh of Jesus and in the Apostles as the presbytery of the Church.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:9:1 @ The priests likewise were good, but better is the High-priest to whom is committed the holy of holies; for to Him alone are committed the hidden things of God; He Himself being the door of the Father, through which Abraham and Isaac and Jacob enter in, and the Prophets and the Apostles and the whole Church; all these things combine in the unity of God.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:4:3 @ I do not enjoin you, as Peter and Paul did. They were Apostles, I am a convict; they were free, but I am a slave to this very hour. Yet if I shall suffer, then am I a freed-man of Jesus Christ, and I shall rise free in Him. Now I am learning in my bonds to put away every desire.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:8:1 @ But shun divisions, as the beginning of evils. Do ye all follow your bishop, as Jesus Christ followed the Father, and the presbytery as the Apostles; and to the deacons pay respect, as to God's commandment. Let no man do aught of things pertaining to the Church apart from the bishop. Let that be held a valid eucharist which is under the bishop or one to whom he shall have committed it.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:19:2 @ Having by his endurance overcome the unrighteous ruler in the conflict and so received the crown of immortality, he rejoiceth in company with the Apostles and all righteous men, and glorifieth the Almighty God and Father, and blesseth our Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of our souls and helmsman of our bodies and shepherd of the universal Church which is throughout the world.

Found: Polycarp:6:3 @ Let us therefore so serve Him with fear and all reverence, as He himself gave commandment and the Apostles who preached the Gospel to us and the prophets who proclaimed beforehand the coming of our Lord; being zealous as touching that which is good, abstaining from offenses and from the false brethren and from them that bear the name of the Lord in hypocrisy, who lead foolish men astray.

Found: Polycarp:9:1 @ I exhort you all therefore to be obedient unto the word of righteousness and to practice all endurance, which also ye saw with your own eyes in the blessed Ignatius and Zosimus and Rufus, yea and in others also who came from among yourselves, as well as in Paul himself and the rest of the Apostles;

Found: dict:torrey Apostles, the @ Apostles, the

Found: May11 @ lont@Mark:3:13-19 The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles journal:May11

Found: July30 @ lont@Luke:6:12-16 The Twelve Apostles journal:July30

Found: dict:easton Acts of the Apostles @ Acts of the Apostles

Found: May11 @ Mark:3:13-19 The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles

Found: July30 @ Luke:6:12-16 The Twelve Apostles

Found: lont@Mark:3:13-19 @ The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles

Found: lont@Luke:6:12-16 @ The Twelve Apostles

Found: lont@Acts:5:12-42 @ Gamaliel Speaks for the Apostles

Found: lont@1Corinthians:4 @ Apostles of Christ

Found: lont@2Corinthians:11:1-15 @ Paul and the False Apostles

Found: lont@Galatians:2:1-10 @ Paul Accepted by the Apostles

Found: May11,105[Mark_3_13-19],lont@Mark:3:13-19,The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles

Found: July30,105[Luke_6_12-16],lont@Luke:6:12-16,The Twelve Apostles