Indexes Search Result: indexed - aged
Found: dict:easton Armageddon @ Armageddon

Found: mhcc@Isaiah:51:11 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@1Peter:1:6-9 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@Philippians:4:6-8 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@Psalms:138:7 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@John:14:1 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@John:14:27 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@2Corinthians:4:8-9 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@Hebrews:10:35-36 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@Philippians:1:6 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@Galatians:6:9 @ discouraged

Found: mhcc@Psalms:31:24 @ discouraged

Found: @ discouraged

Found: Nehemiah:4:4-11 @ DISCOURAGEMENT - A blight on Christianity is a discouraged, downcast, defeated Christian who is saying by his attitude and life that God is not powerful enough. What causes discouragement?

Found: dict:hitchcock Armageddon @ hill of fruits; mountain of Megiddo - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: @ PREMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that Christ will return "before the millennium" in order to resurrect the saints (the "first resurrection"), establish a military rule from Jerusalem over the rebellious nations (the battle of Armageddon), and usher in a thousand year period of material peace and prosperity; at the end of this period the nations (still in natural bodies) will rebel and make war against Christ and the resurrected saints (the battle of Gog and Magog), who will be saved by fire from heaven, followed by the second resurrection––now of unbelievers––and the final judgment

Found:,35.18229165870594(Armageddon)&z=7&om=0 @ Armageddon - Megiddo - kjv@Revelation:16:16 MAPS - PLACES

Found: OCTOBER29 PM @ David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.-mhcc@1Samuel:30:6 mhcc@John:6:68. mhcc@2Timothy:1:12 mhcc@Psalms:18:6 mhcc@Psalms:18:18-19 mhcc@Psalms:34:1-4 mhcc@Psalms:34:8.

Found: Barnabas:12:2 @ And He saith again in Moses, when war was waged against Israel by men of another nation, and that He might remind them when the war was waged against them that for their sins they were delivered unto death; the Spirit saith to the heart of Moses, that he should make a type of the cross and of Him that was to suffer, that unless, saith He, they shall set their hope on Him, war shall be waged against them for ever. Moses therefore pileth arms one upon another in the midst of the encounter, and standing on higher ground than any he stretched out his hands, and so Israel was again victorious. Then, whenever he lowered them, they were slain with the sword.

Found: Diognetus:5:17 @ War is waged against them as aliens by the Jews, and persecution is carried on against them by the Greeks, and yet those that hate them cannot tell the reason of their hostility.

Found: Hermas:2:2 @ While I was advising and discussing these matters in my heart, I see, before me a great white chair of snow-white wool; and there came an aged lady in glistening raiment, having a book in her hands, and she sat down alone, and she saluted me, "Good morrow, Hermas." Then I grieved and weeping, said, "Good morrow, lady."

Found: Hermas:15:3 @ But after I had risen up from prayer, I behold before me the aged lady, whom also I had seen last year, walking and reading a little book. And she saith to me, "Canst thou report these things to the elect of God?" I say unto her, "Lady, I cannot recollect so much; but give me the little book, that I may copy it." "Take it," saith she, "and be sure and return it to me."

Found: Hermas:48:1 @ Now, brethren, a revelation was made unto me in my sleep by a youth of exceeding fair form, who said to me, "Whom thinkest thou the aged woman, from whom thou receivedst the book, to be?" I say, "The Sibyl" "Thou art wrong," saith he, "she is not." "Who then is she?" I say. "The Church," saith he. I said unto him, "Wherefore then is she aged?" "Because," saith he, "she was created before all things; therefore is she aged; and for her sake the world was framed."

Found: Hermas:48:2 @ And afterwards I saw a vision in my house. The aged woman came, and asked me, if I had already given the book to the elders. I said that I had not given it. "Thou hast done well," she said, "for I have words to add. When then I shall have finished all the words, it shall be made known by thy means to all the elect.

Found: Hermas:19y:2 @ After fasting often, and entreating the Lord to declare unto me the revelation which He promised to show me by the mouth of the aged woman, that very night the aged woman was seen of me, and she said to me, "Seeing that thou art so importunate and eager to know all things, come into the country where thou abidest, and about the fifth hour I will appear, and will show thee what thou oughtest to see."

Found: Hermas:1018:3 @ Now she was seen of me, brethren, in my first vision of last year, as a very aged woman and seated on a chair.

Found: Hermas:1018:4 @ In the second vision her face was youthful, but her flesh and her hair were aged, and she spake to me standing; and she was more gladsome than before.

Found: Hermas:1018:5 @ But in the third vision she was altogether youthful and of exceeding great beauty, and her hair alone was aged; and she was gladsome exceedingly and seated on a couch. Touching these things I was very greatly anxious to learn this revelation.

Found: Hermas:1018:6 @ And I see the aged woman in a vision of the night, saying to me, "Every enquiry needs humility. Fast therefore, and thou shalt receive what thou askest from the Lord."

Found: Hermas:1018:9 @ I say unto him in reply, "Sir, this one thing alone I ask, concerning the three forms of the aged woman, that a complete revelation may be vouchsafed me." He saith to me in answer, How long are ye without understanding? It is your double-mindedness that maketh you of no understanding, and because your heart is not set towards the Lord."

Found: Hermas:1119:2 @ In the first vision wherefore did she appear to thee an aged woman and seated on a chair? Because your spirit was aged, and already decayed, and had no power by reason of your infirmities and acts of double-mindedness.

Found: Hermas:1119:3 @ For as aged people, having no longer hope of renewing their youth, expect nothing else but to fall asleep, so ye also, being weakened with the affairs of this world gave yourselves over to repining, and cast not your cares on the Lord; but your spirit was broken, and ye were aged by your sorrows."

Found: Hermas:1220:1 @ "But in the second vision thou sawest her standing, and with her countenance more youthful and more gladsome than before; but her flesh and her hair aged. Listen to this parable also," saith he.

Found: Hermas:138:10 @ Hear now what follow upon these; to minister to widows, to visit the orphans and the needy, to ransom the servants of God from their afflictions, to be hospitable (for in hospitality benevolence from time to time has a place), to resist no man, to be tranquil, to show yourself more submissive than all men, to reverence the aged, to practice righteousness, to observe brotherly feeling, to endure injury, to be long-suffering, to bear no grudge, to exhort those who are sick at soul, not to cast away those that have stumbled from the faith, but to convert them and to put courage Into them, to reprove sinners, not to oppress debtors and indigent persons, and whatsoever actions are like these.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:3:1 @ But thanks be to God; for He verily prevailed against all. For the right noble Germanicus encouraged their timorousness through the constancy which was in him; and he fought with the wild beasts in a signal way. For when the proconsul wished to prevail upon him and bade him have pity on his youth, he used violence and dragged the wild beast towards him, desiring the more speedily to obtain a release from their unrighteous and lawless life.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:17:1 @ But the jealous and envious Evil One, the adversary of the family of the righteous, having seen the greatness of his martyrdom and his blameless life from the beginning, and how he was crowned with the crown of immortality and had won a reward which none could gainsay, managed that not even his poor body should be taken away by us, although many desired to do this and to touch his holy flesh.

Found: @ 9/11 Tragedy - SERMONAUDIO

Found: @ Tragedy - SERMONAUDIO

Found: advantaged @ kjv@CONCORD:advantaged

Found: aged @ kjv@CONCORD:aged

Found: armageddon @ kjv@CONCORD:armageddon

Found: asswaged @ kjv@CONCORD:asswaged

Found: discouraged @ kjv@CONCORD:discouraged

Found: encouraged @ kjv@CONCORD:encouraged

Found: engaged @ kjv@CONCORD:engaged

Found: mortgaged @ kjv@CONCORD:mortgaged

Found: raged @ kjv@CONCORD:raged

Found: mhcc@Luke:9:25 @ For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Armageddon @ Armageddon

Found: mhcc@2Corinthians:8:1-15 @ Generosity Encouraged